The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 26, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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luilinls lakenr
Imrinflr H
'Jmt Common Thief Is
5$ Accusation ox uewey
h Against Nazi
jj( (.Continued from page 1)
Blind members who were con
rjcted at Rlverhead, NY, ot neg
lect to fll with' the iUU records
ot'its official personnel.
; fi The detectives told Dewey that
Kahn's ear stopped at KrumsvIUe
tor gasoline, j Dewey said travel
ing bags bad been picked up. at
hree separate stops In New York
earlier In the, day by Kuhn and
his companions, identified by Dew
grj as Thomas Dixon,' New York:
ubUt0 Elmer! Hoboken, NJ, and
Gerhard Wilhelm , Kanse, New
Sork. the latter, one ot Knhn's
ttnd lieutenants,
ttiind Head Waives ' '
Extradition I ' ' '
4 Dewey, declaring conviction on
all- count could result in maxi
ma am prison terms totaling (
years, said Kuhn waived extradi
tion and was being returned here
Immediately by automobile.
R- kuhn's departure came two
ays after he was called before a
grand jury here but was excused
" upon refusal to waive Immunity.
'the grand Jury Investigation of
tie bund grew out of an Inquiry
mitigated by Mayor Laguardia
fad carried out by Investigation
Commissioner William Herlands.
i Dewey quoted Kuhn as saying
t'e;and his companions had been
, on their way to Chicago and Mil-
waakee, where Kuhn was sched
uled to speak tomorrow night and
Saturday. j .
v Dewey said the men's traveling
bags contained bund, uniforms,
among other things.
:!; Kuhn, a German World war vet
eran who claims to have helped
Adolf Hitlerin his abortive Mu
nich "Beer Cellar Putsch" of 1923.
went from Germany, to Mexico
soon after, and entered the United
States In 1927. .. -
C He worked! for Henry Ford as a
chemist In Detroit and was natur
alized In 193$.: , - ij
1 the same year he Joined "The
Friends of new Germany," , be-
came president the next j e a r
changed the j organization's name
to "jjthe German-American bund,
and moved his headquarters to
N.e York City.
The bund 'now is estimated to
hare between. 200,000 and . 100,
0.09: members : in . more than &
DQsts throughout the country.
Probably its 'most impressive, dis
play was its! Washington's birth
day rally in Madison Square Gardens-attended
by more than 20,
The bund publishes newspapers
1" New York, Philadelphia, Chi
cago and Los Angeles, a national
- young people's magazine, and
maintains a I score of summer
. csmps. .." . .. I
Delay in Pension ':
?Bill Vote Is Seen
Continued from page 1)
R 'p r e senutlve Hendricks (D
Fla. ) whose name the pension
bill: bears, accused Fish of an at
tempt to embarrass him and asked
the New Yorker if he hadn't ever
Introduced a measure at the re
quest of some organization. :'
; Outside the committee room,
Itendricks told newsmen the pass
age: wasn't as fanny as it seemed
that such language could be
found In the present United .States
law;. code. j . ' ' ' , :t
Hendricks appeared at the hear-
tng along with Chairman DougfaH
toaTp(D-NC) and Rep. Treadway
- (RtMass.), of the ways and means
committee, j.; .- .... . ,
. The rules committeemen asked
at lot ot questions of all three,
i Jlndricks, In reply to one, pre
dieted the bill would not pass but
asked for house consideration any
way. . . . . j :.-.- ; :
, t.'Yott canT get the old people
to believe they're not going to get
this until the house votes It down."
After such an unfavorable vote,
hV;; asserted, ''maybe we can fet
down to something reasonable."
.Donghtoa told the rules com
mittee ne was against tne oiu Jt
self. but had voted for bouse con
sideration of a widespread - de
mand. '. ' . .. , :- ;
'X -i . . , .
.. i
tPlan;lw Defeitise
(Continued, from page . 1)
pojsals . to Russia, but responsible
sources said they Included: '
i l.r A ' mutual , assistance . pact
which would become operative: in
the . eTenti of 1 direct aggression
upon the European territories of
any. fit the three signatorles--a
Russian-Japanese : conflict I would
be outside its scope. .
If t. Provision tor consultation In
ease ot direct aggression-against
territories guaranteed by them. .
frS y Consultations - among the
general staffs of the three govern
ments to insure efficient eollabor-
atioh shoald they be called Into
action. '-'--H
hln Rome, meanwhile, the Ital
ian government announced 19,400
soldiers would bo brounht ' home
from Spain. They were- the. last ot
the more, than 40,099 admitted
officially j to have been sent ; to
Spain to aid the nationalists win
the Spanish civil war.' - ' - v
- " 1. "
i '.t . .... .
"tcttaMj ' Still Showing I
Despite. Tfo'meh Protests
KlICrNTL VaT ' 2S.-PV-M 1 d
night theatre audiences will eo
tisue to see nedy Lamarr reca
ra -r.M ipjmit protests f women's
organizations, city officialdom de
. elded today. - t-:'-.t .'v-'.-i--:.;'
- Tha moving picture, mado sev
rral years ago In Europe, was baa
eel la. the United SUtea until re
cently. City officials clipped three
scenes from u nera, however.
IfaTT Direr Frank P. Miller, abore,'
graphic story of how he reached
trapped on the ocean floor is miles from snore, xne noise oi nis
heavy boots oa the deck of the saakea craft was a signal to the en
tombed crew that rescae was at hand. Miller was dowa oa the sab-
merged 7essel only 15 mlnntes,
the dlvtaf heu. - J
Roosevelt Signs
Naval Funds Bill
(Continued from page ?)
pleted action on a bill authorising
a $64,000,000 construction pro
gram at naval shore stations.
" This measure was sent to Pres
ident Roosevelt when the house
accepted senate amendments auth
orising purchase of two privately
owned graving docks at Hunters'
Point, in San Francisco bay, for
Other major items in the bill
included an $8,485,000 graring
drydock tor large vessels and a
$1,000,000 drydock for small ves
sels at the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,
navy yard; a $1,750,000 graying
drydock at the Mare Island, Cal.,
navy yard; a $2,000,000 drydock
at the Puget Sound navy yard;
$1,3(5,000 for new buildings at
the' Norfolk naval training station;
and $2,018,000 for new buildings
at the Parris island, SC.. marine
barracks. '
Noted Pianist Hit
By Heart Attack
NEW YORK. May 25.-Vlg
race Jan Paderewski. 78. the fa
mous pianist and former premier
of Poland, suffered a heart attack'
tonight which caused cancellation
of his scheduled concert appear
ance in Madison Square Garden.
In announcing the cancellation.
For Men -j Ladies - Boys ojr GirlaT
Boys' Tweedles Wash Pants,
Boys' Wash
teal or grey :
Boys' Cotton Pajamas, fast
colors,, fancy patterns-
Men's Boys' Wash Slacks,
maay styles. Sanforized
Mea's ' Dress
shipment, ; ij.
fast colors ..........
Treasare Island Sport Shirts,
8 to 18,-' ' SO
' "ewest and hot.... QV
' Treasare Island Sport coat
t. Boys Novelty Inner Outer
Pant colors ..
Boys Knit Polo
Shirts, plala colors
Boys ;white Halt
Sweat Shirts..
Mea!s;WhlteKalt Ar
Bweati Shlrts jytj
Boya pottos! Shan- ffOs
tansj Polo ShlHs ...
Boy Nnbby .Kmtt
PV "Shirts..--.
Boys$91erCi Shaa-
taaa Polo Shirts.. VV
. Boys' Flae Rayoa jrs fx
Stripe Polo SMrii.. VOW
Ladles A IIasy Sport Shirts
JUlem, Orrgoa 20 to tSM X. liberty
1: (VvV
carrylns hla dlTtnx salt, told a
the deck of the submarine Squalas.
connecting a downward cable from
concert officials described the at
tack as "slight,"
Paderewski became ill at tha
start of his current American tour
but recovered and traveled across
the country giving concerts with
much of his old-time finesse.
About 10,000 persons had en
tered the Garden when announce
ment ot bis Illness was made.
When announcement of his 111
neas was made, some persons In
the audience began crying and
praying. j
Boy Is Assessed
For Negro Attack
Goodrich, 17, waa fined $50
but given $40 ot it back by Justice
of the Peace Paul C. Fischer to
day following the youth's! convic
tion on an assault and battery
charge in connection with the
beating ot Eddie Smith, 13-year-old
negro. i
Don's father, Robert Goodrich,
42, was acquitted.
E. M. Flowers, guardian ot the
negro lad, had charged the Good
richs with the attack, asserting the
Incident developed from a quarrel
between Smith and a younger
Goodrich boy. "
The Portland branch of the
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People rec
ommended leniency. It declared
"vindictive Justice" was not
sought and no "hard feelings"
should prevail in the neighbor
hood. ' :
Boys' Gingham Clfln
Plaid iBBer-Oaters y4JV
Juniors Striped Polo Shirts
49 59 69 79c
Swim Trunks, silk celanese,
Swim Trunks, silk celanese,
90c M iJ39
Swim Trunks, silk celanese,
mea's ' '
ia39to I90
Swim Trvnks,, e "Of
gaberdine, mea's XL V U
Mea's Inner-Oaters, crash
hopsacTdng ...
Men's Celanese Silk Sport
Shirts, royal, v , Aft ;,
Sfreea; Macfcll- eVU :
Hen's Novelty Inner-Outers,
Ladles & Missy Slacks, all
colors. Sanforized '
Ladies A Missy Farmerettes, :
styles and styles .- '
Ladtes' Swim Salts Salem's
Missy Swim , Salts, a big
90cW fl.90-
Ladles Missy Sport Sweat-
f t ' . i ; ; :
p7 . to- ; ;
Dagwell Urges i; Stndenti
to Adopt Life Plan of
(Continued from page 1. .
class In democratic America ami
the lack ot liberties to students In
tho totalitarian states of Germany
and Italy. W are privileged to
live under a democratic govern
ment, and we should realize! that
privilege and make advantage of
it," she said. "Our schooling! here
has strengthened our faith in de
mocracy and made us realise our
WM & mm.
' -j , ....,''. t ; :
Donght EMTM DMAriCS of
For all men & yoang
'men, nationally known
& advertised quality.
; Famous brands. :
Manhattan, Wilson Bro&, Townley,
Spear, Varsity and other top
brands of furnishings. New spring
and summer goods included.
ETery Wanted Popular Style
and a Grand. Assortment or
Colors. Patterns 4 White la
AU Sizes. The; Greatest Shirt
Value In Many Years for Men,
Young If est and Youths.
68 rt-U
or 3
For $4
'it's all new, clean, fresh stock in.
original cartons & boxes and only
due to our fortunate purchase at a
liquidation price are these great
: skkwSVata ttslaaa asiala Mjwfrikla
Kcaa,uu ja.v?9 uiauc
MEN'S Fancy Dress Sox He
New' spring patterns and colors. Rein
. forced heel and toe, real quality. Reg
to ISevalne. -Pr.. . .
MEN'S SOX & Anklets 17c
Choice assortment and values to 35c tho
pair. Sale price only
Large white and fancy border. Reg. 10c
each. ' ;
All these same quality brands. Group of
" 30c to 75c Yalues at
Rich fabrics la Beaa-
Itifnl Colors and New
Patterns. Embroidered
Crests aad Plata VaT '
aes to f2JS0 Choice.
Gabardine Spt. Shirts j 1 .67
Green, Navy As Maroon colors. Reg. 2. SO.
McGregor A Manhattan In assortment.
Reg, tee to f 1.S8 at ' ,
,New Spring stocks Include beautiful col
ors ft patterns. All Reg. lie and 1 1
value. 4 - .
nap brims, latest o I o
weights. .:
Utesl stylo Reg. to I1S.06, HoUywood-.v3-button
drapes. :VV.C, 4' :..''.'TV'
-Oregon, Friday Morning, May
Tho Joseph Albert award, given
to the student Judged to have
made thajrreatest progress toward
an, ideal, wholesome influence, was
presented by Principal Fred Wolf
to Clare Marshall. The annual
American history , award, a $5
cheek from the Americaa Legion
auxiliary, went to Dean Bird; BUI
Fillmore was presented with the
award given to tho student mak
ing the outstanding record In the
science classes; and tho 8 .elnb
trophy, given - annually by tho
lettermen's elub to the student
Toted outstanding In scholastic,
athletic and leadership assiere
menL went to' Stuart Nelson, foot
ball captain, honorary society
president and student leader. '
Gooktas Geta ;.
History Award .
Introduced by Principal Wolf,
noiuic i
1 -
r f la Summer
- ' '
.'..v.... . .... .--j -. - I I . fit I ..'.,' 1 t..M I I i X I I I I I I
- I I . -
26, 1939
'frZafrtaTtmeritua J. C. Nelson
awarded -the-tun. thLJeaTthls
name, given annually to -the stu-J
dent who in tho opinion of the
social science department has been
tho' best . all-around student, to
Richard Gooklns. - .
Superintendent Silas Galser pre
sented diplomas to tho S21 gradu
ates, who marched aeross the
stage to receive " them." together
with Superintendent Gainer's con
gratulations. - .
Directed by Lena Belle. Tartar,
aad accompanied by Gladys Craw
ford, the school chorus sang three
abort numbers. Marjorie Broer,
accompanied by Kathleen Broer,
gave a Cute solo, the processional
aad recessional were played by
Glade FoUls, while Elisabeth Anne
Herrick played the prelude. '
Rev. George Swift gave Abe 4n
vocation, and Rev. C. W. Pogue
the benediction. .
' ..----'.' ' . ' ai " I I : I I I I I I ! : 'X. XI hi S I I I I
The Only
the Combined
Inc., A4
Clothing for men young
men, college men, and
graduation suits 1-Brooks
top grades from Portland
store also our own,
"Goodimate" and we in
clude "Pace-Setter" 2
pants suits. Nothing reserved.
Values $20 to $25.
Not all sizes in every pattern but all sizes
in lot, in a nice choice, while they last
All new styles in spring weights and heav
ier, year-round fabrics. A sensational value
at : - -
I Sizes
, . 35V
I KS To 42
. S J Only
BeautifuDy Tailored Suits for men and
young men, also collegiate and students,
each respectively in the correct model and
proper style. A wide choice of fabrics in
new spring patterns, light or dark, solid
colors, worsteds, dressy oxfords.
FfinndctJ Otmattc He
fiM lt
Ucn's; ?ctmg I
. sVs s
on tho '
.4. '
Famous Manhattan & other quality
V brandsGift boxes of pure' linen
, & pure ' sHk handzerchiefs AH
kinds, initialed and plala, 3 In a
. box at exactly half price. Also cord -
Sport Jackets,' Sport Shirts,' Pari :
' Silk Shirts and DeXuxe. Pa Jamas
i for BXen and .Young Men.
..r .H . " ' - :
fcjGA Changes
WASHINGTON, Kay $5-ff)-Proposals
to . amend the Inter
state commerce act presage no
possible harm to pacific north
west farmers and shippers. Sen
ator Wheeler - of Montana de
clared .today.; 4: ..
DnrlntT a debata on a measure
which would extend federal reg
ulation to' water carriers. Sena
tor McNary of Oregon propound
ed a, hypothetical case tc "1 ter
mtne Just what effect tho mea
sure would have oa -the rates
no wavallable to grain growers
and shippers using the Columbia
aad Snake rivers to move their
commodity to market.- - - - -
"It tho interstate commerce
commission ' is honest and -'does
A Sensationally Lou Figure
To the Public
We pass the tremendous
savings along to j you in
store-wide redactions. Shop
early while sizes are com
plete, -j
Complete Sizes 35's to 46's All Styles
AUonr owjs salts here Included with many ..higher priced that irert carried la the
Foind store where TsJnes np to S39JM were popalar. All two-Tronser Salts and
ai"T lo Awotely tops ta
Awti, lp uj imbW nod.1.
BUl lMmt rtopa U tbtglt ml doable
's AD V7dcl Flannel
;AI3 Floated Slicks in
This store is hero to stay We do not parchase sale goods.
This parchase wsiMuade because the Oothing and Furnishings
are ta war braadsaiso dao to oar recently havlas; parchased
this Brooks Salem store as m going business, wo had the Inside
preference, and seeared tho greatest bay we've ever seea.
an honest Job and we all think
they -arsuhoneat then.ther can-,
not be. any damage at-all," said
Wheeler, j' We have written into
the bill h - provision that they
shall take Into consideration the
advantages ot Inland water trans
portatlon.'f - -
McNary s , question was bssed
upon the premise that congress
woald authorize and build the
TJnuatilla dam on the Columbia
river, thus providing inland navi
gation between Lewiaton, Idaho,
and the month of the Columbia.
400 miles westward. i
$1.00 to $10
.. All Work Gas ran teed
Kasirk' Market - 47U N. Com'
3MnG 8tti?e
Woolens, Tailoring, Styling.
ta llv. .17.7. nd
bmnxU. !
Panfs I Jdl
this Gronp 4
State St.
i '
IS '
s 4; " ;
i& 1