PAQE SEVENTEEN . Vote Records ! Found Useful Registration Books Date ! Pack to 1913; Give Age Evidence Election registrations dating back to 19l3 clutter no the conn. ty clerk's selection room on the fourth flOOt of the Marlon eonnt courthouse jbut Clerk U. G. Boyer i not one pit ashamed. "I Bared; those records because I bettered people might find them useful,;' Boyer explained Tester day. - - : : ; . His belief came true. Day after day "we are kept con stantly busy .jchecklng- over' these old records for , people." Boyer said. Manv are annllcanta far n1i age pension who are baring diffi culty in establishing the fact they save reached the nensfon are. as fears. Others are relief workers or other needy persons who in or 4er to continue receirinr tii. ' ance, must! establish the fact of their. United States citizenship Rpfnrda Hirnrn Ta The COUDtT Clerk's reriatrstfnn lists, because they were sworn to by the registrants, are accepted as primary evidence of age and cit izenship for pension application and many other nurnoses. Thev re proving a source of last resort for many persons. Boyer began saying the records when he became election irir under County Clerk Kax Gehlhar la 1113. He continued the practice when he became eonntv rlrV n ISIS, although by law he la not re quires to preserve registration lists longer than one year. Only the 1911 registration lists chow the ages of women voters be cause the next year Marion coun ty women went on strike against having to divulge their ages and in 19 IS Boyer and other officials se cured a change In the registration laws Whereby cl'lzena reristerine were required only to swear that tney were or legal voting age. Mandigo Erecting Gravel Bankers i GRAND ISLAND Elwin Man digo has started the ronctrnr. tlon Of a (travel bunker nrensra- tory to. screening and washing gravei. tie expects to ha e it ready in about a month. A 411 calf club has been or ganized with Curtisa Douelas leader. Officers are W-nda Chandler, j president; Harold Colp, vice-president; Phyllis fan secretary. As Quebec City Saw British Queen and King on First Visit BeiryBaiTcling Starts, Lebanon Healthiest Boy and Girl to Be Selected Today , in 4H Clubs LEBANON Barreling straw berries la under way at' the Spen cer cannery with a large work ing force and more taken on as the work Increases; several truck loads have been sent in from Sdo. . An attractive entertainment wil be a miniature berry fair put on by Queen Anne grade pupils at the campus Friday af ternoon; a queen has been elect ed and the coronation, parades, games, and all recorded features of a real fair will entertain the public, beginning at 1:16. The fire department was call ed to quell a. small tire on the root of Bohle'a creamery Tues day afternoon. The damage was negligible. Mrs. Violet Gilson will present a class" ' of 10 piano pupils at the Methodist church , Saturday night. Fractures Jaw Bone . H. H. Gatts was admitted to the Lebanon general hospital Tuesday for treatment for a fractured Jaw bone caused by falling on a cement pavement. Chet Brock, employe of the City of Brownsville, fell from a light pole .Tuesday fracturing several vertebrae; he will be placed in a cast at the Lebanon hospital. Wednesday. The healthiest Linn county boy and girl to be chosen by Dr. A. A. Fisher at nis office Thurs day will be from 13 iu an elim ination made by Mrs. Jean Faeh. county health . nurse. Four-H clubs represented f are Grand Prairie by Gordon Cooley ' and . Betty Brinson; Happy Home De lores . Conser; Waterloo, Shirley Hodge; Spicer, Robert Cat and May Louise Klinger; RIvervlew, Morris Kelly and Hatel rie tag; Shelburn, Irene Churchill; Crabtree, David Allen and Jean nette 'Riley; Cascadia, Thcmas Hufford snd Marion Moore. Trick Horses Win Lebanon sportsmen, Charles Smith of McDonald's mill and George McDonald, each entered winners at the Halsey fair Sat urday. Blackie. Smith's horse winning first 'and Sparkle, sec ond. Both are trick horses. The last congregational din- Iner of the conference year will be held at the Methodist church ITnursaay nigni ana wm oe lowed by a business meeting. Mrs. Gladys Stewart has been elected teacher at Waterl this year; she . recently closed a 'school at Crawfordsville. Public parade In Quebec- city Canada, welcomes King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain with colorful parades, luncheons, banquets and pageantry and the camera shows you two of the scenes during the royal cou- As Unff and rode ta park pie's stay in Quebec city, first stop on their month's visit. The photos show the psxade tendered the king and queen with the parlia ment building la the background and a closeup of the royal couple. Sorority Houses Provided for 4H Marlon county girls attending the 4H club summer school" at Corvallis June S to 16 wiU bo housed in the Delta Upsilon, Sig ma Phi Sigma and Delta Zeta aorority houses. County Club Agent Wayne D. Harding an nounced, yesterday. Accomoda tions will not be available be fore June S . All girls from this county at the summer session will meet at the Delta Upsilon sorority s.t 7 p.m. June S for a get to gether. Boys who are musically inclined are also invited to at tend. Housing accomodations for boys from this county have not yet been assigned. AH club members going to the sessions are to take bedding. towels and other necessities. iris also are being advised to take sewing kits. - bathing caps. tennis shoes and gym suits. Community Clubs LIBERTY The fir at school community picnic In several years, held on the school grounds Wednesday afternoon drew a large number of ' school patrons. G. L. Graham, 'School principal, conducted games and races for the young folk. A kltball game between the school girls and boys was won by the girls. A picnic dinner was enjoyed In the dining hall. Finish Harvesting Gooseberry Crop NORTH HOWELL Frank Pickens and K. D. Coomler have finished picking gooseberries and delivered a satisfactory crop to local canneries. - Among strawberry growers who are busy harvesting a not so-good crop are Perle Pickens, C. E. Mcllwaln, A. B. Wiesner. Dwight Sehaap and Wayne Strachan. With a severe frost that ap parently destroyed the second picking, then a heat vara that eaused the fruit to wrinkle on oae side, coupled with bugs and dry weather, the strawberry .men have had on headache after another. Scouts' Mothers Hear Circus Report DALLAS The members of the Boy Scout Mothers' club were en tertained at the home of Mrs. J. A. Inglls Tuesday afternoon. A business meeting was held and a report given of the recent Boy Scout circus held at Sweet- land field In Salem in which troop 24 and the explorers patrol put on demonstrations in first aid work. Bandages were hemmed to be used in scout first aid work. A pleasant tea hour followed. The next meeting will bo held Monday afternoon, June 5, at the ; home of Mrs. Harry Plnkerton. Junior Highs Put Out 556 Students Salem's two Junior high schools graduated 551 Wednesday, Par- rish'a 182 being somewhat below normal in number but Leslie's 174 an average class. While Parrlsh's graduating ex ercises were of the unpretentious nature customary, Leslie indulged In a more extensive program. Jack Gibson, president of Leslie's ninth grade class, presented the class gifts, a szs donation toward a piano fund and electric clock for the auditorium. Orchestra selections, numbers by the ninth grade chorus, read ing of the class history by Mary Elizabeth Sisson, a class play and several musical selections were In cluded in Leslie's program. Prin cipal R. W. Tavenner presented i diplomas. HOSIERY BEAUTIFUL McCallum Hose Women choose these ex- j quisite Hose for good looks, wear, style. Try McCallums They're just Beautiful The ncwstyles different for the open toe shoes. Exclusively AimiBUCIM,IE-IMFJE & CD, State Sty- 20 Steps from High SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE STATESMAN COOKING SCHOOL Why Be Satisfied with Anything But the ita ixange or Refrig 0; ni 1111 1 I V When You Can Buy ELECTRIC RANGES and REFRIGERATORS AT NO FTRA COST! pjlkP fjBI 2ss I rvun mm mm mwmm ill We enthusiastically add our approval to that of 7,550 prac tical housewives who helped design this New Frigidaire Elec tric Range! Here's a woman's range to do a woman's work! j. i Frigidaire's full-size, ecooomical oven is thickly insulated for low cost operatioa and cool kitchens. Accurate temper pture controls assure' best resuln with pies, cakes, meats. Every cooking unit has 5 cocJung speeds to proride proper neat for erery cooking job . from last frying to slow aim. iner. A score of other features are combined to give you low Cost . . . High Speed ... Sure Results ...AU the advantages of modern electric cooking. - , f Come in. Let os cemoostrate this remarkable range . . . de signed for women, by women. Let us show you its astooish ing record of low cost operation. And let us tell you how easy it is to enjoy modern electric cooking for only a few cents a dayl ELECTRIC RANGE convErnEiT ieo c:i . no"3 c:xi oxm . Every Uait "Speed-HeaC Unit with 5 Cooking Speeds. Fal!-Size Economics! "Even-Heat" Oven IXohlc4aryennixer" , 1-Piece AH-Porcelain Cabinet 1-Piece Stsinless Porcelain Top Hi da-Speed Broiler Exdasive "Eveaiser Heat Distribvsoc 1-Kece AU-PocccIaia Ovea Iatedoc NoerTDt Sliding Shelves Cboater-Balaoced.ShelCType Ovea Door Front Opcniac Ovea Vent . Hydraolk Ovea Heat Control Silver Coocact Switches Araaoced Wldag Uceasil Storaft Drawers Thrifto-Matic Swisck " ' "Cook-Mattet' Control TlmeSlxaaT Cookin Top CoswSiflseac 8ft , ' Ea. 111 l ! l 5s-l''Sjtaa5sSL I I easy TIXIIS AWidQmtfMMttraLmjHmi 1 Home Appliance Specialists New 1939 Frigidaire "The Voilds Fiist" "mm mm" mmmmm " I ! ,. I . - , Osfy Frfsslre llss It! C3TS CSSSCt CSSTS 19 TS KSSS -fee it the Simpkst SLefrigeradRg MecfaaeJsaa EvcrBaik . . . sod wtarn parts areat tbere, they jnst taa't as enneat or weac Unseen; troobla free, cosspletely sealed ia a petma oeot hsfh of oiL Coaaes to yoo with 5-Year Protecooa Flaa backed by Geaenl Mococs. - Priced fcc3l24.7B np CzfyFrirol ' Cr!c!!i Trsys! : ''"'""fcilB' m. itmitmw9mmi AklW BfW fftrnmftrnf ft sEsstJ j Hrmtn-EdmrtBs4iitovtm?nx 1 Badcabeianiree.rwdof strsrbd. ; --r-w J Bmh StMnDtr. fmttt fnmut. Bam TIATS. MISS DARBARA SOLLER WILL USE ONLY THE FINEST FOODS AT THE STATESMAN COOKING SCHOOL TODAY WHILE SHE COOKS ON THE FRIGID AIRE ELECTRIC RANGE You. too, can now have the finest in food all the time for the FRIGID AIRE -COLD WALL" REFRIGERATOR- win keep yoor food in the best possible condition.' - SEE US FOR A SENSATIONAL DEMONSTRATION , OF THE NEW "COLD WALL" . 325 Court FZabne c3022 Exclusive Agents for 1