i i IT a m 'A - i - if. ; i ; II I! :!1 i Two Popular Salem Maids Reveal Wedding Dates ' A?t:R Supper ' 9 June has proven to be more than a popular month for brides this season and the most exciting news of the week was revealed last night at a beautifully appointed buffet sup per for which Mrs. George E. Allen and Mrs. L. L. Laws were hostesses at the former's home on North 17th street. During the evening a telegram was received announcing to the gnestsi the forthcoming marriage of Mia Prances Laws, of 1 T ; jort : City, daughter otPaftOn HOme tO ml lira T. T. T.awa Af Kalom tA ' Mr. Leon Sfargoslan of New York City. The wedding will be an event Church Around the Corner. . When Delorea and Norma Jean - mm. Hap IXPaaand Mrs. Clement earn down the italra car- HeQfy cornoyef hare bidden rying a basket ' of corsage, the members of the OT clM and a few guests were surprised to learn addltionai guests to a smartly ar that Miss paabeth; Clement rangcd iunfheon IniraJternoon at daughter of Dr. and, Mrs. L. 0.- tonLeft new horn en Leslie Clement, win become the bride of Btreet. 5 -' iT Mr. Bison T. Barnett of Astoria on Quests .w'fli be seated at small Batnrday, Jane; 17, at the hqjne ot.rUblei with; yellow. Toaes and lilies the bride s parents. -; - uf: providing ; the deeorative scheme. Both Miss Laws and Miss Clem- MlM Jeanne Pmttou and Miss Jo ent are Intimate friends and are - sepWne Cornoyef wfll assist ln jTaduatea of jWmamette.nnlTer, foraauy.. seVeral hours of cou nty and members of J Delta Phi , tract W1U follow the luncheon sorority. M Us Xaws Is now In the vOUJ. ' ? . . . where en poaltlon'to'-- gfaml will''' be " Mrs. New.Toj. Clt vd M . Lduate Charles Thomas of Portland. Mrs. of the Prince ; school , In '- Boston. T -J; k e d e r 1 c h of Vancouver, Miss Laws WweU known 1 - wsh Mrs: C. S. Hamilton. Mrs. leal circles in the "pitaU Mr. Joon 8cott, Mrs.vRobert Craig, Margoslan Is a graduate of Becker. Mra Rex Sanford, Mrs. Charles A. coUege. Worchester, Mass.. and Is Sprague. Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. now with the qanned Cold Chem- Clar8nce NoWe- Mrs. Edward leal corporation in New York City. Burke Mrg ctarle. McCargar and T Friends Bidden Mrs. George Rosaman. Iffss Clement is a popular mem- club members are Mrs. John L. Mr of the younger set of the cap- Rand Mr Uf a, Shipley. Mrs. 1U1 and Is a talented singer. Af- Xnomas B. iky. Mrs. Charles Roo ter she finished - Willamette s ertson M Frank Spencer, Mrg. continued her music at the JulUrd Rusaeu catlln, Mrs. Frank Sned School of Musi . The nast year she r Mrs. Seymour Jones, Mrs. has been teaching at the torla ReuBen P BoUet Mrs. George A, high School. Mr. Barnett attended Wnite, Mrs. Homer Goulet, sr., Washington State college and Is a Mrs. Jo8epn BeVeridge and Mrs. member of the Astoria high school prana- Benson, faculty..;.. ':, ! Daring the evening Mrs. Brace , n t . . Spaalding sang a group of nam- UllSineSS, r rofessional bers.' Guests were seated at small -m-.- f Ubles centere4 ,wlth bouquets of women OKCl pastel spring flowers. Other bou quets of spring blooms were ar ranged about the rooms.""" -! Bidden to hear the interesting Mi iwtn Hflaa Tff!llahat1i Plam. ent, Mrs. L. O. Clement, Miss Gret- hill Thlction I ITtaa Dortli. HK- v MVr ir.r,- t,,r. rC,V r"nLT- mim Ta- Cnth a DeLano, Miss Jane Rob- mson. Miss Marjorie Marcus, Miss Doris ; Unruh, Miss Lois Burton, Mlss'Jeanette jScott. Miss Caroyl Braden, Miss jHelen Boardman, Miss Jeryme Tjpston, Miss SylTia DuBoIs. Mrs. John Whltelaw.of Portland.Mrs,' MelTin Goode of Albany Mrs. pajid Lewls.Mrs. Norrls Clemen, Mrs. Henry Clem- ent, Mrs. Robert Wulf of Roches- - ter, Minn., Mrs. Marion, Moore Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr., Mrs. Brace Spauldlng of Dallas, Mrs. Chester Oppen. Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Richard Smarti Mrs. Reynolds Al- len, Mrs. Ronild Gemmell, Mrs. Reglnald Reynolds of Forest GroTe,, Mrs." L.1 L. Laws' and Mrs. George r;:.vr,Vr",; Junior-Senior Prom -Event of knight - " High school Seniors will be hon ored tonight at the junior-senior prom to be held In the school gym nasium with Bud Mercer and -his orchestra playing lor dancing. . Deep purple! will be the theme tor the dance and decorations. At 10:30- o'clock j the grand march will be held and announcement will be ' made of the senior girl to be named the "sweetheart" of 6alemhlgh school. . " , Fifteen girls were ' chosen for the sweetheart,' one from each' lome- room, and included the Isses Rachael Blame, Jerl rook's, , Gloria Cottew, Georgia Cook, ; Marylee Fry, Lila Murray, Marjorie- Tonseth, Jessie". Worth tngton,, Shlrleyj Crozler,. Marjorie Bpence, Gloria Drake, Jane Johns, Virginia Polk, j Enid Nelson and Barbara Gesner. The fire who received the high est Totes were! Miss Brooks. Miss Cottew, VMiss Fry,- Miss Murray and Miss Spence.iOne of the fire will be ehosen the sweetheart. - Mr. and Mrs." Braile Small, -Miss .8toanne Small and Mrs. Richard Cartwrlght will motor to Portland today to be the guests of Mr. and- Mrs.' Russell -Se wall and attend the birthday party of Mary . Bewail- who will celebrate her third birthday. : TRY THIS SPEEDY LUtlCIIEOtr r ( Heinz Chicken Noodle Sp ' Try Of Assetved Sandwich FCHngt Helnx Prepared Mustards : Spring Salad Flatter ' . I.. .. ruKa." ' . .. Let each person select favorite fillings lor a anowicn to accompany lusty, okHasziionea - f j muu auckes Noodle Sonpv I Rff SceTl& hft ' fr T t'S The regular dinner meeting of the . Salem Business and Profes sional Women's club was held " uvum i uua; . . UUMW A. prugraui tA . A lkT Ma. chairman of the club, introduced Mr- . Baldock. Oregon ttate highway engineer, who spoke on h!s trlJ to Soutn Ameic& last Wnter GueBt8 of tne club vere Mr. and Mr8. R H Baldock, Miss Lueiia Park. Miss Mable Parker. Mrs. Madeline Snyder, Mrs. Tess Payiief Mlsg Miipan Paimerton. all of Saieni( and Mis8 Mary Sheldon, former member of the Salem club, now from Lebanon, Miss Laura Brace, Miss Ellen Leckband, - Miss", Florence How- land. Miss Eleanor Bohle and Miss Bertha Schackman, all of Lebanon, who are soon going to organize a Business and Profes- sional Women's-club in Lebanon. ; Miss Lois - Steinke led the group- In-singing and 4MEs.i Dor othy Llnfoot and MriuLaMoine Clark gave reports on the state convention, which was held In Corvallls. - S J. . Auxiliary Group Names Delegates at Meeting The Veterans of Foreign W. ars auxiliary met at " the Episcopal parish hall Tuesday night. A me morial service was held for Mrs. Mary Woelke and Mrs. Beatrice Shadoin. The group elected delegates to the state encampment to be held at Pendleton. The delegates are Mrs. Onas Olson, state department chaplain, Mrs. Frank Hrubetz, jr., Mrs. Leon Hanson, president of the local auxiliary, Mrs. Ward Wolfe, Mrs. Russell Madd, Mrs. Cyril Nadon, Mrs. Corll Case, Mrs. Claude Crawford, Mrs. Christian Floer, Mrs. Harold Perkins and Mrs. Virgil Bolton. A doable wedding of interest here; was solemnized at the par sonage of Rev. Kunsman in Van couver, Washington on Saturday. Married were Miss Lorraine Peter son, granddaughter of Mr. - and Mrs. J. M. Shaw' to Mr. Claude Chaatala, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Chastain.. and his sister. Misa Mary Chastain' to Mr. William Redlnger of Salem. Mrs. Shaw and Mr. N. E. . Chastain, attended the couples. A wedding,, lancheon .was - served later at the Shaw home 1n Salem. - ' : Rye Bread from the. tray his , ; i tasty combination ; "7 S I4u Revoir Party Arranged Jot Mrs. Stewart -"- " - Mrs. Karl Helnleln and Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee will preside . at . lancheon today at the former's home on East Miller street for the pleasure of Mrs. Roy Stewart who Is leaving soon to make her home In Portland. " i Contract bridge will be in play t daring the afternoon and a hand- kerchief shower will hopor . Mrs. Stewart. Bouquets of spring flow era will be used about the guest fOOmS. " " I' v 'Covers will be placed for Mrs , Roy Stewart, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. Edwin Armstrong, Mrs. Rus : sell Bonesteele, Mrs. Ralph Camp ' bellr Mrs." Carl Charlton, Mrs. B. Thomson, t Mrs. WQlIam Stacey, Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, Mrs. Lloyd . Riches, Mrs. E. H Kennedy, Mrs. ' Karl Helnleln ' and ; Mrs. 'A. D. Woodmansee. - ' ,"J Kindergarten Pupils J In Program ? Mrs. Lilbarn, assisted by Mrs. Harriet Zosel, will present the pu pils from her musical kindergar ten In a program to be given to night at 7 : 3 0 In the YMC A, The program includes: MScrngs about the things in our garden" by the class, solos by Kay Lovell, Beverly Bissell, Billy lie , Kinney, Beth and. Ann Gilbert, ' Aloha Schaefer, Plum Brown, Le tt ore PhilUpl. Virginia Miller. Har land Brock, Jr., Eileen Salsbauck, Betty Lou Smith. Sondra Wilson. Norman Lee, David Rhoten and Janet Blum; readings by Anne Woodmansee, Janet Blum, San dra Wilson, Beverly Bissell, Har land Brock, jr., and Virginia Mil ler; Briar Rosebud game by Anne Woodmansee, Patsy Ann Ramsey er and Billy McKlnney; play. "Three Little Pigs," by David Rhoten, Beverly Bissell and Nor man Lee; piano solos - by Anne Woodmansee, Beth and Ann Gil bert, Billy McKlnney, Plum Brown, Lenore Phillip!, Eileen Susbauer, Janet Blum, Harland Brock, jr., Virginia Miller and a piano duet by. Virginia Miller and Aloha Schaefer. Selections by the rhythm band: Russian Folk Tuna Yandermera Jack-in-the-Box AifT Harold Brock, jr.. conducting Bella Grant Schacfftr Mrs. Zosel, conducting --v, Littl Wooden 8hoe Dance Protiwinsky Vir'inia Miller, conducting Clowns Ioll Arnold Lenore PhiUipi, conducting Pupils in kindergarten: Whit ney Benson, Beverley Bissell, Sharon Brown, Plum Brown, Har land Brock, jr., Janet Blum, Ann and Beth Gilbert, Norman Lee, Kay Lovell. Virginia Miller, Billy McKlnney, Lenore Phillip!, Patsy Ann Ramseyer, David Rhoten, Ei leen. Susbauer, Betty Lou Smith, Aloha Schaefer, Sandra Wilson, Anne. Woodmansee. - , Former pupils of the kindergar ten .will assist with piano solos during the intermission: Kf and, FlT Jentley -i :- Marjorie Beck little Tarntelle JCseUvghlan muj PSUiUS Wood Xymph Harp.. -He Irene JicLeod Bonnd the Campfire Cutbbert Harris Douglas Rogers and Harold Zosel, jr. ,. Pupils of Mrs. DsTid Eason, lira. Ken.' . netn Dalton and Bert Kirt Barker. WRC Plans to Attend ; Church Service Members of the Woman's Re lief Corps will attend the memo rial services on Sunday at the American Lutheran church togeth er. On Monday they plan to gath er at the armory at 1' o'clock to make bouquets for the graves of Grand Army members and those of the WRC. Those having flowers to donate are asked to call 5708 or bring them to the armory. Services at the cemetery on Tuesday are to begin at 10 o'clock and transportation will be 'pro vided from the armory at o'clock. At the noon hour, the ladies of the WRC will gather at the Argo hotel for lunchebn,"after which they will conduct water and air services on the-Marlon-Polk county bridge and win then enter the parade. The group will stop at the War Mothers' monument to place wreaths for the World war dead, the group then to continue to . the armory and hear the- Me morial day address. :i PLANNED AROUND V MAXINE BUREN J?tiL- miLi , 4 Vrfh I Jeanette must be wealthier than we thought. ... Even her second cousins write to berlM Mnnav nn vn. avan1 v . " slumbering than the fitted flash colored crepe with Its wide bands of Alecon lace, or the quaint style on the right of a polka dot sheer cotton. In this the waistband is shirred making the square bodice Tery full around and allowing for a narrower row of shirring next to tne upper edge. Shoulder straps, as in most of the new gowns, are wide. CLUB CALENDAR Friday, May 26 South Salem WCTU Leslie ME church, 2 p.m. Women's Bible class, First ME church, . Carrier . Room, Three Link club meet at Odd Fellows hall, 1 p.m work on quilt. to Saturday, May 27 Rembrandt Artist Guild, with Mrs. S. B. Laughlin. 1705 Court street, 7: SO p. m. - Mrs. Walker Honored r t i i Un Birthday . Mrs. W. G. Walker was honored on Wednesday when a group of friends entertained in honor of MiMBth.v.i.Mi... her bWhday at the Fairground ca- bin of the Royal Neighbors. The afternoon was spent inforfJ inallyi In the late afternoon re- freshments were served from a long table centered with a birth- day cake and bowls of. roses. . t auuav pfeseni-wcre ue nonor guest Gertrude Walker, Margaret Ackerman; Addle Craig, Edna 01- son, Amandad Woodburn, . Mary Ackerman. Carrie Bunn. OUve An- derson. Nellie i Pierce, Edith Dickie, Sarah Peterson; Mrs. K. Rogers, Golda; South, Mary Ellen South, C. Sibyl- Roberts, . JulU Gregory,1 Sara Woodburnv Irene Speed, Bertha Loveland, Hazel El- "ott. Larema -Fiala, Carmelita Weddle. Eloise Bewley. Genevieve Olson. Frances Hoyt, Edna Shep- ard, Lena Clark Blanch Van Os- doL . , . .- Birthdays Honored at Luncheon. . . ' t, Hno,rin5 th birUldyi ot Miss Marie. Gerber and Miss Idella Me- Adams, a luncheon was served at the Argo hotel -Thursday.. Those to attendance were: MlssLaVerne Kantner, Miss Freda Hnldgren. Miss Katie Reinhart, Miss LdUUn Nelson, Miss Jeanette Dlllard, Miss Maida Perkins, Miss Betty Beck, Miss Irene Bradford, -Mrs. Nora Bates, Mrs. Edythe Medley, Mm Jaul. Vallla U nr..j. Bellinger, Mrs. Zeda Lyle, Mrs. Battle Frafser, Mrs. Avis Whlte.4 HEINZ SOUP! - YC can biiild many a quick, satisfying meal around v.. Heins Chicken Noodle Soupl " If s tie Jkind grandma used to "' ' ladle forth from stoat old ' kettle!HiMmake it m small , betchea fxomtenderchicken ; and Heini own egg nowllesC And like aH 23 Heins Home- Style Soupe, it's : . ready to serve. ' Enjoy it soon 7- id often PI a-w TFomen't Editor- - - - try tftttcktn ... . , a Wisteria Club Dance Slated Tonight Members of the Wisteria club will be hosts for a gala dance tonight at Crystal Gardens with ffi' ?hl,t0 be 8erTe Gr Albln and his orchestra will play i"f.JSVYm0tlf will be featured in the decora- r The committee In charge in- eludes Mr. and Mrs. Max Alfred, Mr: and Un HarrT Due, Mr. fnd Mrs- Jnnlor Eckley, Mr. and M. Gilbert Wynkoop. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Post and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tung. New officers for the coming year of 019 club re Mr- M AUred president; Mr. Harry La- Duet vice-president; and Mr. Junior Eckley, secretary. Several informal parties are helng arranged to precede the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Berg r8 entertaining a group of out- of-town guests at their Center street home before the dance. ..,.. Godfrey's will be the scene of ar no-host dinner preceding tne affaiT- In the KroP M b !?d r8: Fl Bowers, Mr. and MI? L- Bradley, Mr. and S.Jg' l and JJ' rSSTMadSson 2 Ha vl. Sr"te Howard Picket? .nf 5.' t$l JgJ Kennett Srdock Mr nJ JJrsl mtr Vr fJJ J. JfS uv?raV YoSg ?nd Sr and Mrs. j; Deane Patterson. '. Mr. Edward McCaffrey will en- tertain at dinner at the home of his parents tonight for a group of hta high schcl friends preceding the Junior-Sentor-prom. Covers will be placed for 18 guests and' spring flowers will provide the decorative note. ; v 1? : Misa Panline Welch left em Frt- J day for the San Francisco fair and plans to be away from Salem for? two week. She will . visit rela- tlvea in Los Angeles before re- fniniln. hAma '.. " Mr. Homer Leisy Announces the Sale of His Drapery Department, in the Imperial Furniture Store, to : : Manufacturer of Salem : Venetian Blinds- "We wish to thank our hundreds of customers and friends throughout the Willamette valley, whom we have served during our 18 years in Salem. In retiring from . this business it is a pleasure to recommend Bemholdt and Lewis, the new owners. Knowing their .ability and business standards we are pleased to be able to leave the business with a firm you already know and whom we can recommend "to you with our I utmost " confidence. - ; ' .. - . J Mr. Fred Sullivan; formerly of Barker Bros., Los ' Angeles, and Frederick & Nelson of Seattle, will have : charge of the drapery department. Call on him as yon have, in the past, called upon us." c ?r v ". f . i ; . ; , ;vt' ::ztwl &m&mm& leisy, 5 Drapery Department EEBSWk EURIIiTUnE STORE 467 Court St . ; ::. -, Phone 4131 Pauline IMiller Recital Today Jessie P. - Bush will 'present Pauline Miller in piano recital at her residence studio . Friday eve ning at 8 o'clock Assisting win be Pat Maurer, vocal student of Lena fSelle ' Tartar, Glenna Walker and Jaequeline .'add. The affair la lavlutlonal. The program - follows: Minnet In G 'minor, ..... Bach Minuet in G major. ; . . .Bach The Wood Nymphs Harp. . .Rea Panline Miller Voice-The Lilac Tree ... .Gartlan Pat Maurer Fairy Footsteps .........Fairer The Elfin - Dance Grieg Tumble Weed Bliss Pauline Miller Voice-Trees j . .Rasbach The Second Minuet Besly Pat Maurer ... Polish Dancers .Krentslin The'. Butterfly . ..... , , .Merkel Thef Doll Dance. ...... .Poldinl .. . - paniine MUier .Two pianos'-- "A --, , --: Concerto -in r major. "yr. Haydn Glenna tWalket i and v - . JacquelMe Judd -- - -- . ... . . - Dunn-Ray Vows Said On Saturday Miss Florence Ray and Mr. Xenophan Dunn were married at a simple ceremony Saturday, May 20 at the First Baptist church at 2 o'clock with Rev. Irving Fox officiating. . Miss Minnie Miller played the wedding music and Mrs. Marvin Roth sang "O Prom ise Me." The church was decor ated with pink peonies and pink roses.. The bride wore a white silk or ganza dress and a wreath of Cecil Brunner roses in her hair. She car rsu m, I ried a colonial bouquet of Cecil S3? TonXi .? JISS.. "lv at" TSfMb?il! 0??.mfS?I was a gold locket' a gi" of the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davidson were the only attendants. A re ception was held at the home of the bride's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davidson, following the ceremony. Miss Oleson Honored by Zonta Members Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans en- Zonta, club Wednesday evening al a part ,n nono of Miss Mildred 01eson a member of club who u leaving B00n t0 make her home in Boston, Mass. Th evenlne was snent infor- mally, the guest of honor recelv- tag gifts from the club mem- bers. Refreshments were served at a table, attractive with a centerpiece of spring flowers. Covers were laid for Miss Ole- son, Mrs. D. A. Hodge, Mrs. Ora Mclntyre, Mrs. Phli Brownell, Mrs. W. G. Stacey, Mrs. C W. SUcey, Mrs. A. O. Hunt. Mrs. H. O. Winkler, Mrs. Winifred HerrIck' Mrs Margaret Rose- "an" ?T- Helen Pearce, Miss Mabi?, SaIaf,e,' MI" THele,nI B.oc,k" er. Miss Lillian McDonald, Miss Helen Barrett Miss Helen Yockey and Miss Hazel Cook. Tl -s v p TIftlini.' UM.OUy DOS Honor )aJ Advisor "isur Members of the Salem group of DeMolay gave a farewell party for dad advisor. Lawrence Fletcher, who is leaving soon to make his home in Portland. The f Presented him with a gift Prcsent we" Larry Bertram. Corydon Blodgett. Wally Reed, Edd,a Mnller' Wilred Hagedorn. e,8t Gef?w,?od' Bill Snell. William Mudd, George Alexander, Palmer Lee, Leonard Steinhock, Don Seeley. Warren Doollttle. Bob Lamkln, Bonner Phelps. Elmer Schellar, Ralph Schlesinger. Jim Hatfield, Mark Hatfield, Richard Boehringer. Coe Roberts, Bob Johnson, Jack Roach, LeRoy Bright, Dorral Binegar, Bruce VaaWyn garden, Claude Bowls and Ertest Peterson; dad advisor. e e. ; T1 Alpbjs Phi Alpha sorority maids, Mrs. William E. Kirk and Mrs. Clarence Noble vlll enjoy the weekend at the Purvlne cottage MVnalii ' .'.-wjwSftjt Broiled Steak Always Good For Dinner By MARTHA LOGAN : .When la doubt about the kind of 'meat to have for dinner- we can always be sure to please -with a broiled beef steak. Today, with the - modern gas and . electrio ranges, broiling Is a joy. But, for. those who have pot the advanUge of one of these labor savers, a heavy iron or aluminum trying pan will do Tery well If the steak isn't over one Inch thick.' - : The ; choicest cuts of steak Jor broiling are tenderloin, T-bone or porterhouse, because these are the most tender. But remember that quality is of paramount importance.- Branded quality beef , is like an . Insurance policy, and wise - Is the shopper - who looks tor , the grade or brand stamped on the edge of the steak ; U- Club, sirloin and strip rib steaks are also. Hue broiling steaks and if first grade . beet' is used, top round and chuck steaks are ten der enough to be, broiled.'"" v , There are two -general methods for broiling-which give good but some wfiat - different results. For this reason, one must choose the method that will produce a 'just Hght' steak. It is best to slash the ; tat tin prevent - the steak .'from curling up. For : rare steak with ' s welKbrowned " exterior and crispy brown fat, place the steak on the rack In a rery hot broil ing oven so that the top of the steak Is about I H Inches from the source of heat. Brown well on both sides, then reduce the heat and finish cooking. A 1-inch sir loin weighing about &H pounds will require about 35. minutes cooking, a 2-inch porterhouse weighing about 3 pounds will re quire about 30 minutes. For well-done or medium-done steaks, the constant temperature method gives excellent results and requires less watching. Place the meat on a rack In. a very hot broiling oven with the top of the meat about 3 Inches from the source of heat. Leave the oven door Blightly ajar so that the reg ulator does not turn off the heat. Mrs. Pratt to Preside At Dessert Bridge Mrs. Russell Pratt has bidden a srrouD of voune matrons tn r dessert luncheon this afternopn at her home on North Liberty street. Several hours of contract will follow the luncheon hour. A red and white color scheme will be used in the table appointments with red -and white roses arranged on the tables. Mrs. dward Roth will assist the hostess Informally. Guests w411 be Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mrs. Kenneth Murdock, Mrs. Wlllard Thompson, Mrs. James Monroe, Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Mrs. George Stephens, Mrs. John Bagley, Jr., Mrs. Merritt Truax, Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff, Mrs. Ken neth Fitzgerald of Portland, Mrs. Edward Roth, Mrs. Glenn Hoar, Mrs. Elbert Roberts, Mrs. B. M. Donaldson. Mrs. La Verne Toung, Mrs. Carl Emmons and Mrs. Hugh Adams. Bliss Maud Croohaw of Minnea polis waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Croshaw on Wednesday. This is the first time the cousins have met. Days! . All Odds-Ends! Go At Unheard of Low Prices! Shop because continuous heat la essen tial. Broil until the surface of the steak is well browned, turn and brown the other side. The cooking time will be about 45 minutes tor m, z-inch medium-done sirloin weighing 5tt pounds and 50 min utes if it is desired well done. A 2-inch porterhouse, club or rib teak should require, about the same time. yWhen the steak is broiled, sea son well, spread with butter to which has been added 1 table spoon lemon Juice, Worcestershire . sauce; or chopped parsley. Serve at once on a sizzling hot platter. Graham Cracker Crust With Rhubarb RHUBARB ICE BOX PIE ; 14 graham crackers 1 teaspoon flour H cup softened butter eup sugar Grated rind H lemon. Finely crush crackers, combines - with remaining ingredients. Prees mixture firmly against sides and .bottom of a well-buttered 9-lnch pie pan. Bake 10 minutes In a moderately hot oven (400 de grees) and cool.' .. 1 tablespoon plain gelatine k . cup cold water 3 cup diced rhubarb 1 cup boiling water 1 cup sugar - 2 eggs, separated 4 teaspoon salt V teaspoon vanilla cup sugar. - Whipped cream. - Soften gelatine In cold water. To rhubarb add'boiling water and 1 cup sugar. Cook until . tender, but not broken. Drain well, re serving 2 cups syrup. Reheat syrup In double boiler. Add salt to beat en egg yolks. Pour syrup over epg yolks, stirring to blend. Return to double boiler, stir and cook -2 min utes longer. Add softened gelatine stirring until dissolved. Add va nilla and chill. When mixture be gins to stiffen, fold in stiffly beat en egg whites to which has been added cup sugar. Place the drained rhubarb in the graham cracker crust and pour over the gelatine mixture. Chill for 2 or 3 hours. Top with whipped cream before serving. . Today's Menu Halibut cheeks, poached and served with onion sauce will be the main dish in a menu that in cludes: Apple, celery salad ' Poached halibut cheeks Buttered spinach Steamed potatoes Date, tapioca pudding Let halibut cheeks cook very slowly in simmering water, until thoroughly done. Let onions rook slowly in some water, add a little soy sauce and some celery if want ed, with a dash of sugar, let cock until beginning to thicken slight ly. Pour over drained halibut cheeks. DATE TAPIOCA PUDDING 4 cup butter cup brown sugar cup tapioca (quick cooking) teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup chopped dates 2 cups hot water Combine ingredients, nut in a buttered casserole, bake 50 to 0 minutes at 400 degrees. N6W aum . pmcoM ; -"- r