The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 26, 1939, Page 11, Image 11

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    A 44UM V
. -1
Koper Taies Over new 06
C. Roptr (left), former secretary eVeanxnercel is greeted by
- - uwmu. m uwwi, as ooper unTta to uu
rex Dew job as U. S. Minister to Caned. He will present his credentials
I directly to King George VL
Adjustment Made
In Phone Taxes
SCI O Tax matters relatives to
the Scio Mutual Telephone asso
ciation have been adjusted more
favorably following conference be
tween R. R. Borovlcka, president
of the association, and a repre
sentative of the utility commission
at Salem,' it is reported. It is un
derstood a reduction in company
taxes j was made when the board
of directors presented evidence
that the company is a wholly non
profit organization.
A pile-driver has been placed
on the site of the temporary
bridge across Thomas creek two
blocks east of the present bridge
preparatory to starting work on
the temporary structure. Traffic
will be diverted from Main street
during building of the new bridge
by the Lfnn county court. Work
on the new bridge, for which Con
tracting & Sales Co., Portland, got
the bid at $10,568, will start soon.
Vacation School
To Study Bible
MACLEAY School closed
here with a picnic, a display of
the work of the two 4H sewing
clubs and the 4H forestry club
and graduating exercises.
The graduation exercises in
eluded: Salutatory, Eunice Sel
nian; class history, Ruth Sel
nian; string trio, Viola, George
and Marvin Tooker; class will
Margery Brunton; vocal solo
Mrs. M. A. Wells; class prophecy
Jack Brunton, Arthur Arrold;
address, Prof. Otto of Aumsville;
trumpet solo, Dick Johnson;
valedictory, Eunice Ogilvie; pres
entation of diplomas, Wilbur
Miller, chairman of the board
Graduates were Eunice Sel
maa, Ruth Selman, Margery
Brunton, Eunice Ogilvie, .Jack
Brunton, Arthur Arnold.
Three From Salem
Will, Get Degrees
ville i-Evelyn and Harvey deVries,
daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs.
H.' D.j deVries of Salem, will.,cul
minate their fonr year college ca
reers when, they receive their di-!
ploraas during the commencement
exercises on June 4. They will
receive bachelor of arts degrees
in history.
Another Salem youth who will
receive his degree here June 4
Is Harold Beall, son of Mr. and
Mrs; Wi H. Beall, who will be
given a bachelor of science degree
in social science.' Beall has been
a member of Iota Omego Mu, an
important cos in the college ten
nis and secretary of the men's
tennis club.
Awards Announced
For Keizer School
KEIZER In the Marion toun
ty alcohol contest held during
the year Keizer won three Irani
ed certificates and Miss Bernice
Faley's pupils won a gold ttar.
having formerly won a certifi
cate. .
. The school also was awarded
a framed picture of Francis E
Willard and a book, "What
About Alcohol" by Bogen and
The school will participate in
the state alcoholic contest later,
A scholarship was awarded Cora
belle Weeks for achievement in
the health program.
Salem state highway is receiv
ing some of the much needed
repair work by the hot asphalt
and gravel crews.
Memorial Day
Plans Ready
Dallas Post Has Charge of
County-Wide Program
Next - Tuesday
DALLAS Plana are now com
plete for a county-wide Memorial
day service to be held at Dallas
on the courthouse lawn, accord
ing to Burton C. Bell, command
er of the Carl . B. Fenton post
of the American Legion. '
Rows of crosses bearing the
names of departed comrades and
of gold star mothers : will be
placed again on a plot in front
of the courthouse. .
The .memorial service will
start at 10 a. m. The complete
program follows : . - -; . -
Selection by Dallas city and
nigh school band directed ty N.
H- , Stoudenmeyer. - introductory
talk by Frank Willson, local
commander of the Veteraas of
Foreign Wars;, prayers and read
ing of obituaries of Bill ' White
and Austin Titus, departed com
rades, by Sidney E. Whitworth.
Chaplain of the Carl B. Fenton
post of the American Legion;
reading by Mrs. Roy , Alderson
representing the Ladies of the
GAR; vocal solo, "My Buddy."
by Hugh Amsberry of Independ
ence; reading, "In Flander's
Field," Ellis Lougheed: placing
of poppies at crosses by Boy
scouts and placing of wreath -t
crosses for gold star mothers by
members of the local 7 scion
auxiliary; Memorial day address
by Rev. Willard Elkins of Mon
mouth, past department chaplain
of the American Legion: "ocal
solo, "God Bless America," Miss
Mary Margaret Livesay with
band accompaniment.
Taps will be played by mem
bers of Company L, ONSG. Mem
bers of Company L will also
furnish a color guard and fir
ing squad.
Clarence Smith is chairman
or the Legion committee mak
ing arrangement for the Memo
rial day observance.
Social Hour Club
Closes Season
DALLAS Members of the So
cial Hour club held their last
meeting of the year when they
entertained their families at a
no-host dinner at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Goey Hiebenthal
on Tuesday night.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
August Risser, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Woodman, Mr. and Mrs.
James Leitch, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Kutch and children, Anne
Louise and Betty Jean, Mr. aid
Mrs. Herschel York and son,
Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Kliever and children, Margie and
LeRoy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
May, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Linert
and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Hie
Joint Picnic Held
' LINCOLN Lincoln -community
club joined the school for
the last day picnic held on the
H. J. Neiger farm near the Wil
lamette river Friday. . A good
crowd attended and enjoyed the
races and games which ' were
supervised by the teachers, Mrs.
Martha Burt.
To a JVownnn, Every Dny im "EXPOSITION" Day
"Wait a mmUT' utjt the typical
woman, faced by a camera. Why?
Becaus thai picture is a lasting "Ex
position" . . .she must look her best.
ty '
Tastes are "focused" on coffee
Remember this about coffee it m the lasting
Exposition" of the meal And tastes "take it"
i-rich or poor in flavor just as they find it in
the cup. How important then to serve Hills
Bros. Coffee! For 6i years its marvelous flavor
has satisfied the most sensitive tastes. The mil
lions of men and women who drink Hills Bros.
Coffee daily make this candid remark over and
over again 'Ttfow that's what I call goaicefeePl
nil i s' -d nbs co f f e e
mmumoatMKmnoHmum I ,
When Ws so gqsu
to K IjPW
Mmm si,siossssi,sass
Vl Vita Pork a Beans,
No. can.-
WesUg Im. Vaailla. 8-o. hot.
Peeta G ran. . Soap, med. siae-
; 17c
Pineapple Tidbits, 8-os. cans18c ,
Am. Beauty Dry Shrimps -221&
Highway Matches, carton. , 14v
Highway Ripe Olives, No. 1 can 11c
Swans Down Cake Flour, ls fkg. 22e
Qnaker Oats, muOl pkg. JSlOe-
KelloKK'a Pep 2 21c
French's Root Beer Extract, bot-..Oc
Nat. Bis. Shredded Wheat,
Sloan's Unswt. Grpfrt. Jnlce, 47-ox. can..17e
Sloan's Unswt. Grpfrt. Jnicr, No. 2 canSlSe
Del Monte Gold. Ban. Corn, No. 2 can 10c
Mill Race St. Beans, No. 2 cans 4 29c
Steinf eld's Saner krant. No. 2H f" c
Treasure Sardines (asst.),
1-lb. oval cans S25c
Penthouse Chili Con Came, No. 1 can 10c
Marasco Wild B-berry Preserves, 1-lb. jar.. 15c
Paradise Swt. Mixed Pickles, 28-oz. Jar...25c
Clabber Girl Bak. Powder, 10-ox. can .8c
Clabber Girl Bak. Powder, 82-ox. can Oc
Kellogg'a Corn Flakes, giant size lOc
Homestead Graham Crax, 24b. box 10c
CAM Maraschino Cherries, 5-oz. bot. 10c
Mazda Light Globes, 13 to 100-watt 15c
Annt Jemima Pancake Floor, lg. pkg. 22c
:e at its best
amri - ... ...
myJ- v
75 m Vt7
(LclMifitlifft ft i
If you lit sucssing tbout your food costs you may
be wasting real hard earned money. . . So, WH Y
GO ESS? Check up it your Stfcwiy and compare
ejl prices this very week I
Prices Effective 'FridayT May - l6tk,l through. Monday, May 29th
1 I
a mi em m m
SHI 4kmk
S 23c . 45c
Airway Coffee
Oar roaster-to-grocer distribution brings yon
fresh coffee at a saving
. 12c Ba":.. 35c
Nob Hill Coffee
A sdkkXIi, aromatic blend tfcat.nvltea .Mond
cnpfal and lt'a lay xpeaalTa . ' ;
Aspa-agns ' flfn) SYRUP . ((oW
Assorted Flavors ) lll) n
. a 1 a 1 a . . : 1
Pure Cane
Brown Derby Beer
ll-oz. bottles
3 27c
Plws Bottle Deposit
Kitchen Craft
24 -lb.
No. 10
Harvest Blossom
Pure Cane & Maple
S-lb. tin Qt, Jag
63c 33c
Highway Vinegar
SO-graia strength.
DROPS, LB. 10c
New shipment.
Lunch Box
Sandwich Spread
Too must try it to
know the . Qft
goodness. Qt.
Van Camps;
Pork & Beans
No.2 m Cr
cans m for 4I1JV
. Scot Tissue
2 rolls.. ISC
Scot Towels
Saves time and money.
H rolls..... 27C
Lux Toilet Soap
46 bars lie
1: 19C
Lifebuoy Soap, fl 1 sit
2 bare
Big 11.00 can CQa
for only...
IHinoih lb. ssVis BeeC
Mild, Tendered. Pre-Cooked
lb. 29
Fancy Colored
EioacttG ft. iis1
Tender Center Cnts
Assorted Lnnch Heats for that
picnic and holiday, pound
LaffGl 4 Ik 37
Swift's Silverleaf Brand
Beef Boil for braising
or boiling, lb.
Potato Salad,
Frye's Ham-Flavored, lb.
Cottage Cheese,
mixed or dry, pt..
Sliced Bacon, Cudahj's Eastern,
U-lb. cello, package. ,
Fresh Halibut (not chicken), piece, pound lJC Sliced to fry 16c
Pound Frankfurters, Quart Kraut both ...1.... -23
nt mi n I 1 . JC'S
PRODUCE SAVHIGS, Friday and Saturday
Lettuce.... Q heads CfQ '
Always the best at Safeway ; .
Green Onions J bunches
or saiaos
Beets-....:..:...1..3 bunches OC
Fancy, young, tender, locals. "
Cauliflower, each
Snow white heads
Seedless, 15-oz. cartons
2 for...: 15C
Radishes for ICC Celery,' stalk ... ......... J CS
Fancy solid, large bunches. - Utah green - -
New Peas ....5 s. 2gc Squash ............. ..C lbs. JJgC
The best from The Dalles New Zncchlnt
Spinach .... . 3 ICC : Ckciimbersi each
Tender,' meaty leaves. Outdoor trown ' -
. Playf air Dog Food, 1-lb. can 625e '
Friskies, 2-lb. package. ...3c
Hot Sance (Val Vita) 810e
Stokely's Catsnp, 12-os. hot.v10e
Ubbys Dev. Meat, U-S10e
Kitchen Brooms ;' go
Hersbey's Cocoa, 1-lb. ean.lSe
Instant Postnnt, 8-ex. can 88
Xaffee Hag, 1-lb. can , , .5c
Kitchen Boqnet, bot.l..S8c
Diamond' Toothpicks,
JOe atxe ,:...'..glS
Pearls of Wheat, lg. pkg, 23c
tin... :
Valuable Coupon on Spry, Rin
so and Lifebuoy Soap. We re
deem them.
Fisher's FLOUR
j t -" - : : r .
If It's Featured at The Statesman Cooking School
V It Can Be Had at Safeway
, .1-.
1.1 :'t
7 -'i
fp .
" $
j km
i ?j
1 .
- J
Vfr. :
t' 1
j -. .
' J
, I-
' :
ThM. Cavuet CUdnd
m7LfL 9IL
f . C K.'!it 9tL - . fOX
1 67C