The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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    KJ ci ten LJ osuusll
Picklat Bp the splinters, And
wondering whatever bu happened
to the- goldfish gulpers . . . M
sped Uie let-yard duh in nine
minutes and debt-tenths second,"
van the way we featured the. nine
and debt-tenths seconds century
turned in by, Lint leld's Fred War
ren in the Willamette-Ltnfield
dual meet here lut Friday. We
Intimated there was a strong wind
blowing-, bat had no Idea It was
holding Warren back to the slow
cat time ever recorded in the cen
tury . , Beautiful batch at yards
Bill Shinn put together to cop the
aute high school half mile cham
pionship for lSt Saturday at Eu
gene. The sturdy Salem high stu
dent body prexy didn't bother the
all-time mark (1:8C., set In 1912
by WIndnagle of Washington) but
he would hare been hammering at
the two-minute mark had the
track been dry and fast With an
other year of prep competition be
fore him, Bllly-the-Bullet will
probably give the twi-minute mark
a shading. If not the record.
He's getting stronger, has the
heart and intestinal fortitude, and
has the upper-story matter with
which to back up his brawn. . . .
Grabbing fourth in the state meet
climaxed a highly successful sea
son for Coach Vern Gllmore'a in
experienced cinder subjects. De
spite a green squad that was be
reft of capable sprinters, weight
men and pole vaulters, the Vlk
logs won their four dual meets
handily; took third In the Hay
ward relays, won the second-annual
; No-Name meet, won the
Greater Willamette Valley meet,
won the district seven champion
ship and placed fourth in the state
session. -
To Stuart "Boomer Butch
Nelson, the-stubby fallback who
enrolls at Oregon this fall, goes
big hunk of credit for keeping
Gilmore's gang In there . . . The
s Boomer picked up a few points
la the weights in each meet.
Which, combined with his con
st ant lmproTement . with the
spear, aided the Viking cause
mightily. When he started toss
ing the javelin last year Nelson
did Well to get it out 120 feet.
He kept hard at it, improving
with each meet, with the net re
sult a 170 feet 11 inch toss that
earned him third place In the
Bees to Be Divorced.
A separate basketball tourna
ment; for the Bees is practically
assured for next year, as a result
of a meeting of the Oregon State
Coaches association in Eugene
during the state track meet. The
association (with B school coaches
heartily in favor) adopted the re
port Of its committee, on which
Dwight Adams served as chair
man. ! which provides for a sep
arate B tourney to be played prior
to the state meet. The contem
plated plan, that is pretty defi
nitely scheduled for passage by
the delegate assembly next fall,
will bring the four B district
champions together in a double
elimination tourney with the win
ner going into the A tourney here.
... Under the committee's plan
the tourney would be increased by
three i more A teams, in order to
bring it up to the current 16-team
i level, j If Portland comes back in
two spots would go' there. If not,
additional teams from some of the
larger 'districts on the winner
and runner-up basis that brought
both University high from district
seven this year, would be allowed
The Bee tourney site was not
a part of the committee report,
but mentioned as likely sites
were Oregon, Oregon State, Lin
field or Monmouth Normal. . . .
There was no Intimation of a
possibility that the A tourney
might be shifted from Its tradi
tional setting here, as was ad
v Tocated daring the 1939 meet.
' Nor was there any talk of re
arranging the districts In seen.
way that Salem would be
forced to earn a spot in the
state meet, a yearly cry that Is
sooner or later bound to be
threshed out.
Demands More Dough,
Buddy Peterson, who defends
his Oregon middleweight belt
against Ray Morgan of Portland
here tomorrow night, demands
$10 Oat guarantee with a priv
ilege of 25 per cept of the gate
for a titular tiff with Leo "The
Lion" Turner providing he still
has the title after tomorrow night
and has convinced himself he s en
tirely over the effects of the flu
stuck that laid him low early
this spring. ... All of which has
put the promoters and Vets face
to face with a dilemma, For by
no mathematics can the boys fig
ure how they can pay Buddy that
kind of dough with half the house
selling for 'the customary two-bit
bottom. To guarantee Peterson a
hundred smackers, they figure
they'll hare to up general admis
sion' prices to four-bits, put the
lower dack in at 76 cents, ringside
at $1, issue no passes and make
no differentiation between male
- and female spectators. . . .' Peter
son u plenty piqued because most
of the local scrap clientele does
n't figure he has a chance with
Turner, and claims he'll park the
dusky cyclone in ringslders' laps
when. they meet again, providing
he's right. V . . One thing's cer
tain; -Buddy can't be blamed for
asking for a decent gate when he
goes in against Turner with the
belt at stake. . . . Believe it or not:
Truax, the lad who won the 10
yard dash and tied for second in
the 220 at the state meet Satur
day, was used in the line of Cor-
rallis high's football team last
fsll. The Spartans must hare had
- speed to burn . . . they did when
they played Salem, we're forced to
Sdd. .rr - r'.vv-;
While Loa Gehrig says be
will never play la the minor
leagues, he has been careful mot
to say. be will never play la the .
National league, which a num-
, bee of people Insist amount to
the same thing. . . . Yowng -Hal
MeAbee gave Spec Keeae's ret
eraa checkers the horse laugh'
p at Walla WaBa, setting
Whitman down la the anti-climax
game after the rets had
lost the two that counted. .
Salens high's yearbook. The
Clarioa, is this year .dedicated
to Harold Hank, who hasred
the state high school hoop
championship for Viking viBa.
Schoen's Cinch
No. 2 Position
Singer Hit Hi. Weight
to Aid in 12-6 Vin
, From Papermen 1
Hurlin' Hank Singer, behind1 a
12-hlt barrage- laid down by his
mates, hung consecutive Softball
victory number ten to his record
last night, a 12 to 6 pasting of the
Papermakers. That's par for the
spring -course, and it there is to he
any competition for Hurlin' Hank
and his Radiomates itH .have to
develop in the summer session.
Meantime, Schoens Doughboys
were putting at to 1 crust on
Waits' Meatmen, accomplished be
hind the four-hit flinging of Ken
ny Larson. That gives the Bakers
a two-over-par card for the spring
spasm, winning eight and losing
wo both of the latter being to
Square Deal. It allows Schoens to
finish second only to Square Deal.
- Hank's A Hitter
Hurlin' Hank or Hittin' Hank,
'Us all the same. For the hittin?
pitcher poked three blows in four
trips, each one of which account
ed for tallies, it was singles by
Rudy and Bernle Gentzkow. Can
Bey, Alley and Hank that potted
five tallies in the second, along
with a pair of boots and a fielder's
choice; it was singles by Hurlin
Hittin' Hank and Bill Gentxkow,
and a fielder's choice and an error
tbat accounted for a pair in the
fourth; and it was three walks
and singles by Causey, D'Arcy and
Hurlin' Hittin' Hank that scored
five In the fifth.
Walts' one tally came as Tom
my Drynan. first hitter of the
game, spanked one far over the
rightfielder's head for a home
run. Schoens scored once in each
of the second, fourth, fifth and
sixth innings, with Pilette. Cotte v
Koore, Fowler and Evans provid
ing the stick work.
Square Deal 12 n z
P Mill . 69 4
H. Singer and L. Singer,
D'Arcy; K. Lenaburg and Kelley
Schoens 4 g t.
Waits 1 4 i
K. Larson and B. Larson; Roth
ana juccarrery.
Home-Run Hitters
Blast A's Streak
Fourth and Fifth Inning
Clouts Bring Browns
6 to 3 Victory
-The Athletics' four-game win
ning streak was cracked t;day
by the home-run bats of Mel
Matzera and Harlond Clift whkh
gave the St. Louis Browns a 6
to 3 victory.
Mazzera's clout over the right
field wall in the fourth inning
shattered a 2-2 tie. With two
down in the fifth and one on,
Clift for the second time in as
many days blasted a roundtrip
per into the left field stands to
score the winning runs.
St. Louis ..6 13 1
Philadelphia j 1
Kennedy and Sullivan. Caster.
Pippen, potter and Brucker.
No. 10134
I- the Matter of the Estate of
MARY L. FCLKERSON, deceased.
that the undersigned has been
appointed Executor of the Estate
of Mary L. Fulkerson, deceased,
by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Marion County,
and has- qualified as such. Ail
persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required
to present the same with proper
vouchers as required by law
within six months from the date
of this notice to the undersigned
at the office of Page Page.
Attorneys, Ladd Bush Build
ing, in - Salem, Oregon.
The date of the first publica
tion of this notice is the 23rd
day of May. 1939 and the last
IS the ZSth day Of Jane. 193S
Executor, Estate Mary
Lfc jruueerson. iteMunt
AUK 9t PAGE .,,vV
Attorneys for said Estate
Ldd Bush Bank Buildlnr
Salem,' Oregon
My -30 J. S-13-20
Ho. 9K7
Marion Connty.
In the Matter of the EsUte of
Notice is hereby given that the
anaersigneu. Executrix of the Last
Will and Testament of Roswell a
Davis, deceased, has filed her
Final Account and Report tn the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Marion County, and that
Wednesday, the 14th day of June,
ItSt. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
A. M. of said day at the County
Court Room In the County Court
House tn the City of Salem. In said
County and State,- has been ap
pointed as tfts time and puce for
hearing any objection to said
Final Account and Report and the
final settlement of said estate. '
The date of the first publication
of this notice Is the 16th day of
May, 129. and the last is the 12th
day of June. 1121.
Executrix of the Last. Win
and Testament of Roswell C
Davis, Deceased..
PAGB and PAGE, 1 .
Attorneys for maid Estate,'
Salem, Oregon. M 16-23-26 J 6-12.
: I ' - v r ..- - , .-. . , . - 1. f
Team Matp)p Mfeparal 'MtMk
With The Stateamaa
porte page; lively, cosa
plete, entertaining coverage
zeacarea daily.-
Bearcats Gain
3rd Net Title
Tennis Aces Grab Three
of Four Conference
Net Divisions
Don Dillingham and - George
Gutekunst added Willamette's
third northwest conference tennis
title to the Methodist mast yester
day at McMinnville, dumping Lin
field 1-6, 6-3, 6-1 in the finals of
the doubles division of the tour
ney, v-v. -,-v i
That gave Coach Lestle Sparks'
netmen and net worn en three of
four possible conference r cham
pionships, and they were yester-
cay eyeing probable entrance in
the NCAA tourney, to be staged
at Pullman, Wash., May 25, 21.
Z7. ,
But first the local collegians
have a dual return date with Reed
college of Portland, set for 2
o'clock this afternoon on the -Wills
m e 1 1 e courts. And, today's
matches will feature I a single
siege between Northwest Colleg
iate unampion Bud Gllmore,
lanky Willamette sophomore who
has never been beaten on his home
courts, ana juaccooy, need ace
who holds the only victory scored
over Gilmore in northwest compe
tition this year.
Women Take Win
Saturday at McMinnville Wil
lamette s women's doubles team,
of Ruth Yocum and Barbara
Kurtz, won the conference cham
plonship, while Gilmore grabbed
the men a singles crown. Gilmore
won three matches in strairht
fets, defeating Whitman's number
one 6-2, 6-2, whipping the Col
lege of Idaho ace 6-1, 6-0 and
beating the Linfleld champ 9-7,
6-2. -
Coach Sparks said last night en
trance in the NCAA meet, for
which he has already made anoll
cation, depends ' upon whether or
not Willamette is properly affilia
ted witn the association,
Bunched Hits Win
17 TT
fOr riremen llllie
WOODBURN - The Woodburn
Firemen bunched their bingles
Sunday at Legion park to beat
Silverton 3 to 0 and gain a tie for
top position in the Willamette Val
ley league race.
Silverton's Bees outhit the lo
cals, s-7, but were unable to score.
woodburn scored one la the first.
with Halter singling, stealing sec-
wuu uu cumuir nome on n nit. 1
Two tallied in the seventh, with
I 5 a 1IU1 third
""1" unewnUer was saze at
B uroppeo inira strike, I
nn Kale aw lli n n 1 .a . m. I
imuit iuiuhb uuv me niaia 1
lijuig 10 score on uouTDonnala'
squeeze bunt. Bourbonnaia went tn I
th,1'? n Cody's single and scored
w peg 10 second in
mm auempi ivcatcn Cody. j
Both pitchers, Bourbonnairs for
woodhurn and Jell for Sllverton,
struck out four, but Jeli walked
mree to none for Bourbonnaia.
wooaourn 2 7
Sllverton . n
Bourbonnais and C. Reed: Jell
ana watuer. u
Bend Knocked off
ktnA T TS i UnT o1' championship today and
Otate LiOOD FerCll "ix broke a slump that threat
I a ened to send him back to Atlanta
(By the Associated Press) I
Toledo tonnled Bernt fmm tii.l
unbeaten ranks in the state base-1
oau league with a 12 to 10 rlctnrw I
yesterday while managing to keen!
ita own record unsullied.
A heavy thunder storm forced
postponement of Silverton's first
home game, against the Portland
tsaoes. it will be played Memorial
Rain also stopped the Albany
'.n KiJfv ftef J2
n-ngs, in which Albany led, 2 to 1. 1
Coast Conference Century Mark
Clyde Jeffrey f Stanford (second fi
none roasr conn mat
was a.T seconds. It was one of
sea of
Sontbern California (kehtad
it run
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday
Wild West Show Has Thrills
Ken Tyler, feafared ia Captain Bob Ward's Hollywood; Aces, takes a
I". . ' AUO AfX wm
Experience Desire
Of Gat Trackers
man team of cinder proteges head
nTorth tomorrow morning for the
wortn west conference track and
iieid meet at Walla Walla
Entering no weight men. nn
nign hurdler nor hiah iumner
Maple doesn't figure to command
mucn 01 a chunk of the total
scoring. He's going for the "ex
perience," and for that reason
seven of the nine he is taking are
The Willamette entries, accord
ing to Coach Maple, will be
ueorare oiaAtii rk v
mile and two-mile; Boh Grannia)
sbu; Ken Lilly and Norm Hogen
son, 440; Bud Robertson, Carl
Chapman and Rex Putnam.
a -
aasnes: jnittn wukiw 1a k.
dies, lavelln and hA nmn- ..4
a xlv nnrt . . a . '
Hogenson, Lilly, Chapman, Put-
nam and Robertson.
Sun Brings Yates
Back to His Form
HOYLAKE. Eng.. Mar ll-iB-
An old dollar putter and a little
Georgia sunshine lifted Defending
Champion Charlie Yates into the
second round of the British ama-
pott baste.
Today that Georgia-like sun
up Yates and on the
uim sreen tne old dollar putter
dId the ret tB result he pol-
lahed off Bruce Thomnson. local
blond bond salesman, s and 4.
Dick Chamoman. Greenwich.
Conn., socialite, and only other
of the five Americana entered to
see action today, joined the title
holder in the second round with
a display of fine golf that turned
hack John Cowley of Rotherham,
4 and 2.
in m j 1 rairor
Morning. May 23, 1939
"r paxnea aniomooiies, shooting from an
Mtrough their thrill repertoire
Oregon Gty Wins
Over Salem Scjuad
Oregon City's 20-man golf
team defeated the Salem Golf
club squad 26 to 24 Sunday at
Oregon City. A return match
will be played hers? in July. Bob
Tayior, No. 1 man for Salem,
round that sub-par golf earned
him no points, his 71 going for
naught against Scharback's phe
nomenal 69.
ine salem players reported!
that they were royally enter
tained by the Oregon City team,
and found the course in excel
lent condition. There was no
rain a urine tne match, finm.
Salem (S4)
Oregon City (3d)
rnyior o
Flamerr 44
Scharback t
Latourette 2
Nash 0
Patterson 2 ft
Stacey 2.
Barry I
McGahhey 0
Lynch H
Stewart 2
Pekar 2
Morris 0
Kitxmlller f
PotU 2
Waterman 1
Little 0
Wilson 1
Henry 2
Petre H
Joseph ...
Hlgglns 1
Johnson 2ft
jsauersreld 2
Bruner 2
Mulrey 2
Day 2
Curtis 0
Hagemana 14
rrocknow 2U
Baxter 0
Zlrbel 2
Nlcholi 2
Prlncehouse 0
Busick 2)4
Swafford 2
Tobin H
Garfield Trims Highland
To Tie for Junior Title
mi --. . . . . I
innunui mrniana 1 ta 1 ii
Friday. Garfield rained rtuT-
the 1n.iA ... -
Annuir. w mnaafli w 1
- --u-a are; uar-1
tieio ana uirniand nina wh. -.
three, losses; St. Joseph eight
wins, four losses: St. Vinnt
ior ana eignt: dear achnnl nn
wans, li losses.
A Homer
e Is the Statesmaa sports
swawt . aoase sports stei
drat ia an ways.
Vietorr Over Dodger, b
7th in Bows Hamlin
T .
Uets Inird LOSS
vtAmMATi, May Z2.WAV-The
rauipui ieas nu m the clutches
ftAmm . . d m. V I . .
""""J mM wuu uiwr evenmi
straight game by a 6 to 3 margin
over the Brooklyn Dodgers. I
Lefty Lee Grlssom blanked the
urooaiyns tor six lnnlnrs. but
. .. - - 1
Thompson finished up after the
Dodgers had scored two runs In
" :r .5 " uris-
som third win of the season.
lyuae Hamlin, who sUrted for
the Dodgers, suffered his third
straight BAthaoh- v.
way to Russ Evans in the eighth.
Brooklyn 3 S 0
Cincinnati 6 a 1
Hamlin, Evans and Todd: Oris-1
om, xnompson and Lombard!.
Giants Best Pirates
PITTSBURGH. May 28 -a-
The New York. Giants, using a
sharply revamped lineup, rallied
oenina Frince Hal Schumacher's
oesi pitching of the year to
mnn . ih. pint., a . a .
end their two-game losing run.
. uhc a iu Kri ri
uuwppointea at tne Giants' re-
cent record of winning only four
games in 12 starts before today,
biu lerry benched Catcher Ham
Dannlng, in favor of Ken O'Dea,
and put Johnny McCarthy on first
iu juace 01 i&eae iionura, in
order to get more "hustle" out of
New York
Schumacher and O'Dea! ToMn
m. -trown, uiemensen and Berres,
Bees Even Series
CtllCACJO. Mar 22. JP NeithAr
T-m, r.fn n ,. t " . ..
to. TrtZCj: ttrlAn throuh inter.
?ae?ii0? ,Bee' Winnln 6 to
managed todar to eren th ---t-.
cn m.ibucu 111c kkiuh as is
with the Chicago Cubs at one
Fette was taken out after allnw.
lug six hit. in five inningi.nd
frrickson finished the game,
rni T n
- 1 11 sa wan ve van ar
T,:,: 10L
h! VI- " L,"la wriwiates, with Salstrom. Sebern and
Bn7 r .
5SSL ! ! !
Fette. "iESrTJa ' r'
. xvusseu ana Maneuso,
Redhirds Vfctora
ST. LOUIS. Uar 22.-W-Mor.
ton r--.- o. w -IIJ 7 .
1 1 , . - .
iu.t uBuiaauuer, neia tne Phila
delphia Phillies to four hits, three
01 mem a on Dies toy Hershel Mar-
un, 10 turn in a 2 to 1 victor-
A -. Jl . .
ioaay ana maintain the Redhirds
slim lead over Cincinnati in the
national league race.
Philadelphia . ;l 7 4
St Louis ' 2
Holllngsworth and Millies. V.
Davis: Cooner. C. Darin and Owm
Rain: No Game
SILVERTON Sllverton 'a onen.
ing game with the Portland Babes
scneouied for Sunday afternoon
on McGlnnis field proved -an
wet." A heavy thunderstarm.
breaking just after 1 o'clock and
lasting until almost 2:20, forced
officials ta call off the opening
home game. The game wan re
scheduled for Memorial dar at
:v o ciock on McGlnnis field.
Olvmnie Onnta Set
iM-DrT m
SfTZ!. "T.n
.ww" - we vi me uu
mr 11a nnn a at u 1-
W L Pet
xas Angeles .....22 20 .CIS
aeauie ........ ,l 21 .St t
san FrancUco 22. .177
Hollywood .......22 12 .4e
san Diego 22 2S
Sacramento 22 27 - .492
uauaad ......... 20 2t ;40S
Portland' If 21 .220
Boadayw Resalts y-i', '-
At Seattle 7-0, Portland 1-2.
At Oakland 4-2. Loa Anreiaa
a-?. - . . - .
At Hollrwood t-4. Raa Vm-u
CISCO 2-t.. - t
At r bacramento. San Diero:
vwifuo-o, rain. i
' i ... w r. pm
New York ...... .21 V f .212
- i..i T .ate
Chicago ......... 1 12 -.
Cleveland ...... .12 12 .E0i
Washingota .....11 ' ig .
Philadelphia W.... 10 12.222
8t. Lonig ........U If -217
Detroit .......... It 3 22 .222
Louis ........17 T!.gKI
Cincinnati .12 :lo '.ait
Chicago. ,....,...15.; 14 .217
Bostpn . ..... 14 14 r .00
Pittsburgh 12: 15 ,4(4
New York .;... 12 lti.442
iwaianncs true
In Main Event
LaDue and Savach Battle
Wagner and Nichols
in Groan Epic
I Team Match- Monte LaDue
I and Daaay Savncb. . Rohk,
Wagner and Jackie Kichols.
er vs. Zlbby Zbysnco.
Matantics come in pairs in the
I main event of Promoter n4v
owen's cassia de rassle trT.
I sanza nere tonight, with a fiend-
I I.W W 1 . ...
rnnumu aligning with a
former collegiate grid great
against one of the smoothest
anie combinations yet fielded
P7 tne veteran matchmaker.
Boston boss of back-bending, will
side with Bobby Wagner, nimble
ausinan, in an eirort to tame the
toughie tandem of Mont. T.,n
and Danny Savach.
t -r u.,-
r renenman, and
Sach, the ex-Utah State grldder.
will combine two distinct types of
vulainy circuitous cleverness
and brute strength, in afl effort
10 pin ine puritan pair.
Two 30-minute number-' tha
urBl 01 wnicn 0Dens 4t : 30, will
Lupport 1116 tean match. Charlie
arr bI Kanan in against
Tgei.tZmULerJn an all-mene
?k ... R,ser ana.JtiDDy
, v. 8 awui. cieanie
i .
T ra
r attPFSftfl KntlOC
f1"" IJIlllH
nm w . -
lU IOV ir-NnnllC
" J1 UPa
Victory Ovpr on; XT:
Ends Interclass Sked
for High School
Chunky Clay Patterson nitt,,
his junior-sophomore brethren to
a 9 to 2 victory over the seniors,
I nM n,itv vi ....
7. "- ciuzens or
1 rim hsi rvnoaiA i .
at The Vklng
-nn. ' X lulS
Patterson, loose and easy in the
I fare of nothin ft..- v
Mr .7. .'t
hUbest" game ot he ae"U
senior lineup got to him for but
Dingles and one earned run.
vtf . .
nu junior-sophomore field
Ba"er Pacln the hickory attack.
?taed 4 flve-nit' rn attack
Uth. that roT. BIU Lacey.
starting slinger for the senior-.
from the hill. Bjarney Soland re
lieved, -hum--- ntt tii. mil.
I .1!nw7-; x.,V " I" "u
I in.ini Twl - - "T
I o. luo
I W.
Ball Wasn't Lost,
Twas Just a Hole
In a Single Shot
SILVERTON Bill' Sc hater
thought he had lost hi golf ball
when he made a hole-in-one.
Bill Schaefer is greenskeeper at
the local course. Friday afternoon
he and George Hubbs and C LL
Bonney were, having a round. Sha-
xer teed off the ICS yards to green
No. 2. The others followed suit.
But when they came to the green
no acnaier oau was in sight.
! 1 secure, 1 thought I saw it
bit the green," said Schafer look
ing abouu A careless, glance into
tne noie, and there was tbe balL
This is the first time that a nolo.
in-one has been made on the Sll
verton course on other than No. 7.
me no. i green is 10 years old.
Capitol YMCA Sockert
Gain Softball Pennants
Salem's 2 entries in the an
nual YMCA sports carnival, con
ducted in Portland Saturday,
placed second to . the Portland
Central Y, but brourht buna
two Softball titles and and sec
ond ;tn the cross-city relay. -
8alema junior high and grade
school Softball teams won cham
pionships, while the senior high
team won from Astoria but lost
to Portland Central.
w dg b s
coaiUje CAiin t-C geouge imzmixfia
Each SO lliaatea. -
Lower Tloor OOc, nalceay 40e Beserred Seats TSe No Tax)
Wm vll . Students t3r. Ladies 23e ' i ' '
Iietsi CUff lkand Lytle'. . Auspice," AnseHcaa Legio.
. Merh Oweas, Matchmaker. " I
i! -; '' -' " ' "' , -:'
piinger Takes
Golfing Crown
Bob Utter Downed one up
on 37th in Windup
of Gty Meet
Dr. Harold Ollnger became Sa
lem's city golf champion at the
close of a nio-and-tnek 27.bnia
battle with Bob Utter at the Sa
lem Golf club Sunday in the finals
of the fifth annual Active club
sponsored city tournament. The
championship trophy and flight
awarda will be presented at a
"Dutch stag" tonight at the rnl
club probably in the clubhouse
basement since the weather does
not appear conducive to an out
door picnic which was the orig
inal plan. - 1
Although some sparkling eolf
was in evidence at intervals s
throughout the match, the real
fireworks were reserved for the
36th and 27th holes. On the 28ih
Ollnger averted defeat by a tre
mendous brassie wallop to the
edge of the green after hia t
shot had hooked into the rough
and his second had struck a tree
and bounced back ' for virtually
"no gain.'r Utter had played con
servatively for a par, which Oling
er matched, j ..
Ollnger Sinks Putt i ,
On the extra hole dinger's sec-i
ond shot left him behind a trap
while Utter's was past the green
and to the left. OUnger pitched to
within four feet and sank his putt
for the birdie that settled the Is
sue, after Utter had missed a 12- L
footer. j
Both started -the morning round
a bit shakily. Utter , winning the I
first hole,- saving the lead with a 1
4 0-foot putt on the fourth after I
being in trouble and gaining an- v
other hole on the first nine. Oline- i
. er evened it up with birdies on
me 10th and 11th and they kept
on even terms through the remain-,
der of the morning round, quit-
ting all even.
Utter Gains Lead j
Again in the afternoon! Utter
gained a one-hole lead on the
first nine but they were even
again starting the 14th. OUnger
bagged birdies there and on tbe
15th to go 2 up, but Utter evened
it up again by winning the 16th
and 17th to set the stage for the
climax. Neither player was ever
more than 2 up. .
Finals in all flights except the
sixth have been played, Harold
Busick and John Heltrel delaying
their match because Busick played
in the Oregon City match Sunday.
Dr. Kinley Page defeated Hoselton
1 up in the eighth flight final.
Maple to Don Uni
okarie Team
Howard Maple will be in a
Spokane Indians uniform tonight
at Tacoma, where the Western
International league leaders are
piaying a three-game stand.
Hell be in readiness to step into
the bird cage should Spokane's
reserve catcher. Lake, need re
placement. !
The move came about dim tn
Injury to Ted Clawitter, the Spo
kane regular receiver. Spokane
was unable to- re-sign Billy
Feard, whom they last week re
leased, due to a 14-dav ralin
on released players that forhM-
re-slgning within that period.
in tne absence of Maple the
Willamette track team will be
meniored on ita Walla Walla
trip Wednesday by Lestle Sparks,
who would have attended the
Northwest coaches meeting there
anyway. Maple will be with Spo
kane, a week at the minimum.
Baiikers Tip Over
Saint Qui) 5 to 1
US Bank, scoring all la 'the
first frame; hopped Bt. Joseph's
5 to 1 hut night to throw the
Commercial, softbali circuit Into
a three-way tie between -the
Bankers, Kennedy's and St. Vin
cents. ReldVa home rn ... o
Joseph's only score.
Bed ft White whitewashed
West Salem I ta e K h. ai..
loop UH, j .
US Bank
. s
I 2
4 1
8L ; Joseph
. stoekweli and
... . .
and. Thomaa. : V
w. salem ......... a
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Mlckenham a n A ' Th,,i..,.
Orey and Converse. -
ir n. n rtcid
: Team Match:
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Doiible Openen
tPhiladelobta ...J2 It ;257