The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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Dridge Luncheon
Smart Event v
ct Monday
in, 1, , in in - -- L- - - -- - V--.' .
Urs. William If eGUcbrist, Jr..
presided at smartly arranged
buffet luncheon Monday afternoon
at her North Summer street borne
fa. compliment to a group. tf Sll
verton and Salem' matron. . ,
Tka unta tahla. u centered
with a bouquet of ted roses and -Temple l:t5 deaaert luncheon.
Cecil B runner roaei . pink peonies
- -
Tnesday, lfay.13
Ministers Wires, with Mrs.
IL & Gila.
VFW- auxiliary, meeting and
social hour. . ? .- .
Salem Panhelleaie luncheon, .
Art o hotel. IS o'clock, v : -
Women Press clah; with.
Mrs. Charles Bier, 7fl Union
street. 1:10 salad laneheon. ' , '
-. Eastern SUr social - titer- -noon
club meet ; at , Masonic
d . o
UAJUNE BUBEN rFwmwrt ffaVte-
I7oinen of Rotary Wony Club Feted t Urs. Truax Will
Elect Officers Beard Home Saturday BeHoSteSSfor
at Meeting
' The homo of Mr.
and Mrs. n - n-iaX."
Floyd Beard was tha aceao of a OriUgC? rdl IV
and other springr flowers -were -sued
about ; the rooms. Contract .
bridge was In play during the.
afternoon. Miss Josephine McGH
chriat assisted her mother . in
formally. .-'-"
Corers were placed for Mr-
j. C Currie, Mrs Henry Pritilaff,
Mrs. William L.McGlnnis, Mrs.
Xudolph E. Klelnsorge, Mr. Har
old R. Irian, Mrs. Peter A Loar,
Mrs. Clarence W. - Keene, - Mrs.
George W. Steelhammer. Mrs.
Gertrude Cameron, all of Silver
ton, Mrs. Caster Ross, Mrs. Homer
Goulet, sr., Mrs. Prince W. Byrd,
Mrs. Grorer C Bellinger,; Mrs.
William Cole, Mrs. Charles E.
Bates." Mr. Barton Myers and
Mrs. William McGUchrUC-
Carol Shields Honored
On Birthdar ;
; r -; . -- - -
Mrs.' Luke Shields entertained
delightful informal party.
' ' Wedneaday, May 24 .
; : Nebraska Ladles' auxiliary
with Mrs.- EL N. DeHut. 10
: South High atreet
; Ladles of GAR with Mr.'E.
B. Taylor, Route ; 1. Meet . at ,
. Armory 1:39 .for iransporta .
' tion. ;
: -Past' Koble Grands tf Re
bekah lodge . with' Mrs. .Basel
Price, 1210 North Front street.
Daughters of Union Veterans
birthday party, with Mrs. Sa- ,
rah Cutler., Maple arenue, S
' 'Neighbors of'.W oodcraf t
Thimble club, no-hoat luncheon ,
at noon with -Mrs, Edgar Craw
ford. 1517 North Winter street:
Woman's union of First Con
gregational church coTered dish
lnncheon at church, 12:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 25
dellabtfal affair Saturday nlaht
Mrs. Paul Jackson was elected when members of the Harmony . ; Mrs. Merritt W. Tmtx will en
to head the Women of Rotary for club entertained their husbands, tertain at a delightful luncheon
tha comlnc year at tha luncheon - p!nvhi mb ! nir with hon. i. .t... . a.
MOBwn or 0ln t9 Mr Roy Shaw, Mra. North llth atreet for the pleasure
at Godfreys. Other officers Grorer Newman, H. L. Taylor ot a gronp ot matrons. v ,
1H, Tice-preBiaeai, : uis.
Monroe. secreUry; Mrs.. Robert
A late supper! was serred with
Guests will be seated at small
tables and boutfueta of spring
L Elfstrom, treasurer; Mn. r JT il. " i wownu wm pronae tnv decora
Ralph Martin and . Mrs. Ernest " .i M tZXa ttT ttoW- sorerai hours of con-
Rnrt n mmhra of tha 97.- Sttw Mr and- Mrs. - DSTW tract bridra will ba in nlar dnr-
Mrs. Ralph Bailey Mrs. Glenn
Hoar; Mrs. Parker Wickwire, Mrs.
members of the M:."r: -fr:": tract bridge will be in play dur-
board of directors. J T2 ing the afternoon. yrr-
Mrs. Elrin F Smith, the re-' ZZ:r:m TT7 ' r ' Corers TriU be placed for Mrs.
tiring president, presided at the Sf? M . V? Mf vZ.J? JameS Monroe, Mrs.-Phil Rlngle,
meeting. The luncheon tawe was iT. hit. Mr 7ii
centered with an effective ar- t0 no,t Mr' Md
aaaaaaaa wa spjf a aasn) w
pastel, shades.
i Corers were laid for Mrs. Carle
Abrams, Mrs. T. J. Amspoker,
Mrs. George Arbuckle, Mrs. C. P.
Bishop, Mrs. T. L Bossier, Mrs.
Y.ri Rn tier ' Mr. Clarence Brrd.
Mrs. Vernon Douglas. Mrs. Dan- Poppies Made bv Men
The club will be entertained !?!nJ:.M,.V?5?
on June 7th at the. home ot Mrs.
Frank Fulton. The birthday an-
Toung, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs.
Clinton Standish; Mrs. John Fick
nirersary ot Mrs. H. L. Taylor 1" Berg,Mrfc RusseU
will be honored.
Town and Gown at Lausanne horst, Mrs. W. T. Jenks. Mrs. At Hospital
Pratt, Mra. Hugh Adama, Mrs.
George Stephens, Mrs. Paul Morse,
Mrs. E. J. Donnelly and Mrs. Mer
ritt Truax. . . '
' e' . e " ' ": 1 '
hall, S p.m. . Gardner ..Knapp, Mr; .Kaiph i ar . . Mra. Deryl Myers aad chOdren,
: tin. yrt. Jimct K. Hiiunn. sirs. xo vavwn wuh w ww davi.i. j
W. W. Moore, Mrs. Chester Nel- wear on Poppy Day next Friday aarBet W. Harra wd children,
son, Mrs. Theodore R. Paulus, in memory of the men who Vied Leland and Darld. are entrain-
mra. a- n. nwens, . .rucv M . " wu lng 'Wednesday for Sauna Han-
Rogers. Mrs. Brown E. Sisson, by the hands of disabled Teter- Hnrthey riUhrialt wS-
avi ra n.a-viia a --mii.n. bm rs . . ssims stvvwtiuiiA -Bw bbi smcswsi
Miss RiU Mae Hill. June bride- Lmttt Steed, Mrs. Nela Ton-' from" Mrs. Earl T. Anderson,
set, was the recipient of many ..4 ur.. Tocom. president of Capital unit Amerl-
gifis at a surprise miscellaneous .. j can Legion auxiliary.
Forming these flowers brings
t&SWS-SS-Mk- HiU Honored t
JX. .?"P!!?J!! Bridd Shower
tot lue inira duiuiuj ywi v k
daughter, - Carol. The afternoon
wne spent Informally and re-elect, wag the recipient of many BlB YOCom,
freshments were serred at a late at . nr9TiM9 miscellaneous 1 ""-T? - e e
hour. Mr. Walter Fuhrer assist- .fcMr-- mi.nmM i. hr bono .t I -
d the f Prtng fJowe the Louis Thompson home. The TVA V Awillnrv Entertains interest Into the life of the -ten,
prorlded the decors tire jote. .jternoon waa spent Informally UAy Auxiliary xtJliertainS u tne earned In this man!
, B1" Tfi..T and the gifts were presented to the Mothers 1 alpa place food on the
JS,,11 JBI Sd..M!J of honor in nn nmllla" "1""0 J k tables and fires in the stores
MUler, Nancy and Suianne FuM- refreshment Uble was een- American War Mothera were of their homea. The poppy work
er, Jimmy -1JT"lnlffi, tered by a Urge cake with a min-r h0nor guesU at a tea glren at the la reserred for men recelring
?y' Prank Crosier on UtUe or nongovernment compen-
h by pink canes to erysUlholdenv: Friday. aatlon aad men with dependent
IL !ta'i cvi!?. Pastel ptok and yellow atreamera ' Assisting about the rooms wero famUlea are giren preference.
fiwifp Un-iin .."were placed on tte Uble. Snap- Mra. Herman Larky. Mra. George The reterana-are the only raid
...r. uiit 4rM wd roses decorated the Lewis and Mrs. O. E. Palmateer. workers in tne poppy program
'HTVSL li rooms. Presiding at the tea Uble were of the auxiliary.
Tr iiAn HeitieL Mra! :'' 4 Inrlted to honor Miss Hill were Mrs. Frank Crosier, retiring com- Erery penny contributed for
brey, Mrs. John Heitsei, "r-Jr' lanji, .nd Ur. ottA Mhlbaff memorial bobbIm on Pokkt dn
Will lam H. Hammond. Mrs., mra. m. ws. rs nowm if- TT:",! Z.a7, Z i &Vrt M -ZtZZl .U
Theron Hoorer. Mrs. Raymond relL Mrs. Ed Brook. Mrs. Ralph "Jf
Guests were: Meadames A. A.
la . spent ' tor - child welfare and
rehabillUtlon work ot the Legion
Junior Thursday Club
At Olson Home
mA m ir.i r-H Mr. Pna- Dorr , Mrs.' Mabel Trarllo. Miss aoej a. wjciwooo, eraa a .muw, remnniug largely
and Mrs. Ward Darls. Mrs. Kus-, iwrr,mrs. aui J"B mi,av.lil vh fn MmmniiitT nr saiAm
aeU Pratt was an additional Mae Meyers. Mrs. F. M. HUi, mts. rTrii. ttTrt f L7SVir.,
'1 Homer McDonaugh. Mrs. Meyers j. go iVimSr SeoS Jr '
1 snri Mrs. Lonls Thomnson. ' Mary Ayers, Minnie Humphreys, the coming year.
' Amint unilonnn. nam I .Inn. Tirain wMrlnr . noun
Miss HI1L te daughter of Mr. Myt ArmlnU Humphrey, Mary E. everyone can help us be ready
and Mrs. P. M. Hill, will become amen, Jenne A. Martin, Sally - to respond to the calls for help
the bride of Mr,. Norris Walen of cook. Addle Mills, Effie M. Dun- whieh will come to us during
Silverton at an Informal church ia. n.h, cmart nnu nirr thn iiiaii Tha nnnnv whi.h
...M,:. WIir Olson and Miss wedding to be held the erenlngot dorn, Mae M. Ire, Lydla Hobbs,' honors the- war dead, also aids
RIU Mae Hill were joint host- June Srd at the Knight Memorial Mary e. Mann. Mary Addle Cur- those who did not die but lost
ewes iissTMisjirsisi w cnurcn. tls, Mary E. Mann, L. L Flathers. health and strength in the na
Olson; residence ftp members of ' -- , Qemond H.Rinehart. Sherman tlon's serrice."
Junif Jnnrf?7 eiUD- ."w-PFr. fnnn;nt, nraw Miller, Stuart Johns, Sherlee Cro- '. Volunteer workers. wUl be on
w reguiar easiness meeuns;. rn.iA- m,.iii'iii. ;ii..MM. ivm..
ley. Constance Shobar, Beth Mehl- 21, from early morning and un-
hoff, Gladys Tharalson, Julia til 7000 poppies are sold, under
the evening was spent informally tt m ft Monilav
pUying games with prises going on Aionaay
m oar wv. St Ma WA a wa an BM a r ann as
lert V?",cn- .rr r,r.nni7i t ataitk atsS Meen. Bernlce Brewster, Carol the direction of Mrs. J. H. Turn-
Wallace Park and Mrs. Robert.. .fioP"1".. th? ,ta r.rMi Thim M.rtm viAi.t hn.-iTnTArAr n.-nn .,1.
Smith. " '"-"7 ' peu 5tenroor xonrennon in T, .1 , , 1 TT " ' . a I
BT.!..- " .-..Vi-.m'. Ontario this week witb the-chan. M". Martha Gisler, Marie Han-V
Tr Zl: rj" tr. fro OntH vsi -A. sen. Grace Hartley, Margaret Lew
Members present were Mrs. EK lnK hostesses. The convention
Wood Raymond, i Mrs. Robert dates are from May 2S to 27.
Goodrich. : Mrs. Wallace lark. The Salem women will join
Park.! Mrs. Robert Smith. Miss tbe Portland Rose In Portland
Annabella Hooeerhvde snt th and take the special train, to
Is, O. E
. - paimateer. Mrs. Frank Dinner Party at Rhoten
and Mrs. Vera Ostrander. - c -
nome on aipnaay
Neighbors of Woodcraft spon
sored an evening of cards on Fit
Mr. and Mrs. Geoage Rhoten
entertained members of their club
. - - im'i- 11 r 1 mM a. 11 u n. 1 v nisav.
and Miss Rita Mae HIU. ;
Mr. and Mrs. James
are leaving this morning by mo
tor for ' San Francisco and the
bay region. On Wednesday they
will attend the wedding of Mr.
Young's nephew, Mr. David Gid
eon, to Miss Virginia Lyon 4t
the Grace Cathedral chapel in
Spragne, wife. of Oregon's gover- icai program was presented by tre(T
B. Young nor and.apast state PE0 prcsi-,eiinJe winchcomb. Irene Hensell, "1
. dent. ; and Mr. WilMd Jones. tt 4no
at their home on South Church
dent. ; and Mr Wilfrid Jones. L7Z7ItJ -TI venms; waa.jipeni iniorm
. rBLricia dcuil khu duuut hcumu n j t i
1 vlce-nresident. Jt ' " BU',"ilB ouuwer
11 be
cer luiapp, cnapier -u: Mrs. . wh-, nriia Kh. im rr. -
1 nu iian. 1,1- aTuesi. t couqueis or spring
national vice-presiaeni. nnfiinr nrspntfttlon of
Attendinv- from SaTpm will ha j ... n K'
;M; riPa5s, .S Mr. r.rdl " -a,m "5" lof-on' the occasion of her birth
giren in honor of Mrs. Earl Coo-
lov .rin tKn APtoalnn rf Yt as Ytt ti
Knano. chanter - G: Mrs., cv" " T-i- aay.jnrs. iveitn Brown was a spe-
George Rhoten, Mrs. Arden Reed,
chapter BC; Mrs. A. A. Slewert
San Francisco at 8:30 o'clock nd Mr- Le-tie Sparks, chapter
with a reception to follow. The AB . -
Yoengs will visit at the Golden -
Gate exposltionand will t s ac- MlSS Estlldillo to Marry
eompanied south by Mrs. Curtis j r
B. Cross who will visit with her in Uaillomia
son and
ford. Agnes Hayre. Nora Dennis ft"";V nd "r.ha
.T,tatia wirnThMAn.K t flowers wen arranged about the
. WUlBi
.Members are Mr. and Mrs. Ed
The National Association of "Ia E. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs.
Lettea Carriers auxiliary will en-"! Gardner Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
tertain members of tha National- Cooler, Mrs. E. A. Brown. Mr. and
Federation of Post Off ice Clerks - Mrs. M. Theodore Madsen, and
tlifnerln-Iaw' Mr "d Announcement is' being made Sg?t?'ffSS. St ':'M.9QfMM'
Edwin Cross. nt 11. fnhAAmt.. afternoon at the home of Mrs.
: '.. AaSSSWwi LU S. ! Garrett at 1125 North .Dr. aid Mr. Robert ,
The General Aid of the Presby
terian church will meet Wednes-
rianrhtar nt Mr m Un Vnhti
'2y. tte?on ,at tn J V EstudUlo of Salem., to Mr. Owen
2 o'clock. Hostesses are Mrs, .L hm-a. of tjm i.mIm ti.. w.
ta'' KMrt- a ? J-1! wUl be an event of July at
. J W. Harbison, and Mrs. .V. W. tbe Church of the Good Shep
Moore. ; . Berd ta Hollywood. ' ' .
Anrelii f ormerTr of RalT. th street on Thursday afternoon C Pauline FIndley) ot Rochester,
Angeies, iormeny oi baiem, , . M P.-.I.V w.. ..j v .
atn, e w siravviw msva wvia miuvs sii f wsusf; swvraa uv Wg a
and Mrs. Ada Brockman will as- have arrived in the capital for a
slst the hostess in making ar-i several weeks visit with Mrs.
The Woi
w- L . "" Mis EstudlUo has been teach-
Mr. d Mrs. A. C. Lrayraworth ing at San Jaan Caplatrano. She
and i daughter. Mrs. Margaret attended Willamette university.
Crewen, and Miss Carol Currie, Oregon School ot Education nt
Wuirs parents. Dr. and Mrs. M. C.
FIndley. Dr. Wulf has Inst com-
. s naioa ox we first Dieted the first nart of his threa
CongregaUonal church will meet year scholarship at the Mayo
isr m urBvn luutueun n cuucwmj Clinic
at the church parlors at
O'CIOCK. HOSteSSeS WlU MI. Mrs. Robert If. Halt i-A Mra
antil recently of Shanghai, spent Monmouth and the Universltr of F. Humphreys, Mls Emma King Merrill Ohllng are entertaining
the weekend at Stevenson, Wash. Southern California. Mr. Hanson aB1 Mr " c CftrT members of the Tuesday Drama
, , , ... . . tv s waa-n member of the varsity m. '' :, . i . class, with a one o'clock luncheon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M Gatkei. football team at the University of Mra. Oaade Stensloff today at the former's home on
and children enjoyed the week- Southern' California of which he 4,14 eMloren. Martha, Ivan and Richmond avenue. This will he
unei, leu monaay nignt zor a the last meeting of the year.
It-day trip to San Francisco and
will view the Golden Gate exposl- Mrs. A. K. Vaughn ha re-
' tamed from Portland where she
attended a plane reetUl of her
ad granddaughter Miss June Crate.
1 iddea who wa presented by Ellen Nel-
to the i son. Miss Craig reseated the re
former's home on Breyman street eiUl on Sunday at the home of
weanesaay night.-A late supper. Mrs. vaught.-.
follow several hours of contract. :: i..."a , -
- Mrs. Clare A.- Lee will enter-
- Mr. and Mrs, Kenneta W. Fltx- Uln members of chapter BC, PEO
gerald of Portland, formerly of tonight at . her r home On South
eaiem, spent taerweeaend tn ue ' uommercui street for. a 7:20
capIUl as the guests of 'Mr. and' o'clock dessert supper. A business
sars. Tom wood. and social evening will follow.
end at the beach house at Nelscott In a graduate.
--.-.1 t a, - T---" af
X ' I'W
( 1 :j
v -
I 1 - I
tion on Treasure Island.
Mrs. T. Harold
Mis EreU Jan have
members ot their dub
certainly has been naked te get nsarried often ewongli bat only
- rt ny ber psurentsi" -
Uot as thrilling proposals as we now make to add to your summer
wsrdrobe Joy. For town or travel, the light "weight flannel bolero
salt. 1-rt, is a lore from Its navy collar and buttons trimming n gold
en beio-s Jacket to the dancing hem ot Its pleated navy skirt. Equal
ly rportire is the lime green silk, the skirt aswUg from gorefe the
: ?ars:;an printed with moss green Jiggers ant doodads,.:. .
J 1 tlwwocUutneceacatTJerje Z
5 on die slopes the Himaiaras,bjghia
! r - I nortbemlnLa. :. u irA ; S
;5 ' - It is rhii Tcry tare Darjcrling, blend- h
" v" - U ' ed wfcS tnest Ccylocs, tLit gnresTttt .
! ' V, - Tea, Orxne Pekoe, fcs wperb tot ' ; y
2 ': '" r- "r 4 '. cand Imouice. ... - ' ?
; ! : TmTehxhcmastddkiMo,mitsat- .
- f r -.A I V irr tlick ta thst pa cta buy re- ; ; C
O A i gstdless of Tree Tea'a reasoiiabk price. "
their varentBt Mr. - and Mrs. C
Stolseaberg; for six weeks.
Merry llinglert Meet
At Woodbxirns s
" Mrs. Harold Woodbum' enter
Uined the Merry Mlnglera at her
homo Thursday. Election of of
ficers "was held and Mrs. Thelma
Scharf was elected president, Mrs.
Clulsman. vice - president, and
Amanda Woodbum, secretary.
During the' lunch hour corsages'
were presented to each-t the
members: by the hostess, in honor
of Mother's day. The rest ft'the
afternoon was. spent socially.
lAtaghans and pillows made by
r rations : members . ot the club
were displayed, i j i
- ,-: j ; , ,: 1, . . .. .
s Mr., and Mrs,- Charles W jner
left by motor Monday morning
for Pennsylvania where they will
visit with relatives and friends.
Enroute they will stop at Tulsa.
Oklahoma, Missouri and Wiscon
sin. They pUn to be gone several
months 'and this will be their
first visit east in Is years.
Mrs. Sidney Hoffman is nter
Uining members ot her sewing
club nt an Informal afalr to
hlght at her home. Refreshments
will be served at a late hour.
The HI-T boys wfQ esttertala
a" group of high school maids r.t
n, vlcnte today at the Silver
Creek Falls recreational area. A
danee will ' be - enjoyed ta the
Zonta Birthday.
BanqueiUill r f .
Be Thursday ,
Salem ' eluh ot ZonU InUr-
naUoaal wUl celebrate iU tenth
birthday anniversary with a sev
en o'clock dinner at the Quelle
Thursday night. Guest speaker
of the evening will be Miss Del
cina Brown, member ot the Port
land clah, whose topic will be
"World Fellowship.". Miss Lillian
McDonald, local president la in
charge of the program, with Miss
Helen Barrett acting as banquet
chairman, and Dr. Helen Pearee
as toastmaster. The Uble will
be decorated with flowers in
pastel shade. GuesU are expeo-,
ted . from the' Eugene and Port
land ZonU clubs, from the var
ious women's service organise-,
tion of this city, and each mem
ber of the Salem club is expected
to bring a guest.
The ZonU club announces as
its officers for the coming year:
President, Mrs. Nile Brown:
first rice president, Mrs. Phil
Brownell; 2nd rice president,
Mrs. W. G. Stacey; recording sec
reUry, Miss Helen Bocker; cor
responding secreUry, Miss Doris
. Riches; treasurer. Miss Mable
: These officers will be installed
at a I specUl ceremony early in
Mr. E. E. Gilbert is spending
the weekend In Portland ras the
guest of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mra. Ronald-,
Hsdkins. .
Salem Golf era Vill Be
Hosts to Oregon Gty
" Women of the Salem Golf club
will be hoaU to the Oregon City
women f golfers Friday morning
and will play them a match. All
of the Salem: women are in
vited to attend.! Lnncheon will be
served at the clubhouse at noon
and reservations may be made
by calling Mrs; Clarence ram 11
,'ton, (8(4. or Mra. Robert Taylor,
74E. : !
Wednesday afternoon the fern
' tnlne goiters will enjoy several
hour of golf . at the clubhouse
to be Joined later by their lus
bands and a no-host supper will
be served in the evening.
Recital by Miss sillier
Last of Season
Miss Dorothy Miller wa pre-
sented In reclUl on Monday after
nooa by Mrs. David Eaaon as the
last in the series of spring re
citals to be given at the Eason
Miss Miller's program Included:
Tkt Kiaf'a UoBliaf Jig.
sniu A rnajar.
Bar a
Than ss4 vsristMM
Csatrs Dsscs
I . !
Valsa Op. TO. Ks. t.
Uafeastraaat A-flat mj-
Schars (arlf-iaal)
Baaje Picker . J .
Dr. and Mrs. John Bamage are
being congratulated on the birth
ef a daughter born 8unday at
the Salem - General hospiui.
lV. -iw ' -a-SSa-Claaw aasSaaW a-aapW
Bsa "aWaaj-aaa ' ' -alS - maBa-w aSSSmBaW- sSamWs--MsBa-- .
Ta s better cake-aukec
than ever now Tm. ntlag
the new fsstsr-mlxlag
Crlsco.? my Mrs. a J.
! a graadmother
and a grand cook
. W'-'-va.
Now made by amazing new
(g process! Get luscious
cakes and pics folks rave about!
See the new Improved Crisco demoa
strated at this week's Cooking School
And then try cream Crisco yourself
When we questioned 753 Home Eco
nomics teachers in public schools in 439
different dries, 9 out of 10 answered
We use Crisco in oar cooking classes,
ILY I Get the new Crisco. Look at it!
That satin-smooth texture, that superb
crcnmtnpsB tells you, "Everything made
with new Crisco has a wonderful new
REW CXtSCO IS JVST KtGST for all kinds of
cooking. Why, you can't imagine a vege
table shortening that's creamier or mixes
easier. This new Crisco has been beaten
...whipped... and creamed to perfec
tion ... by Crisco's special new Gyro
Churn Process. This process took years
to develop and cost more than $1,000,000.
OT LIGHT LSKLT eaXES with fast-mixing
Crisco. It's easy. It's quick! Just whisk
new Crisco together with sugar and eggs
at the same time! Save yourself att slow.
hard creaming,
this new Crisco. It cuts In so finely ...
gives you pie crust that's shortened aU
through. And hear folks say, "Your pie
crust can't be beat for tenderness!'
TKS CraO-CUMD CatSCO is great for
frying, too. It brings out flavor every
thing tastes natural and delicious even
better than foods fried in Crisco ever
tasted before. You can enjoy crisp, ten
der fried foods, as digestible
as if baked!
with the familiar white label or
the new-design bine label.
"T f 1 , f .f f
fjfAZy ABOUT fti
m - vv m "i.
nj7n oce tor Tourscir
iU ill ! FriQidaire is the House-
1 wife's Choico 1 1 P
7 o b n :oiS;:?jjSbift
om fc -:r- -a- - - . v w, .',.. -ii i j - . ' ; . . , ist . .i n- it - -t j& --?-'.- a BBBB-aaaaaaaBB-- - , j
t9W...Uzd la Oa Haas All th
AcJvsittjtrSfjsi of Ubttertv Csxtric Cookktg . '
. Every Unit s-Speed. Hest" rVooc Opesung Oven Vent
- Unit wkh CooUnr Speeds HvdanlaC Ovea Heat Control
, AuUisa,EcosSaicsllWen. SlW Cootsct Swiohes .
. uoonie-uarr "iT-trmtzer' . - lAensu 5tont
i-tiec AU4iocccaui umner jtlj.j jiju .m k nrj r w'rrf
t-P&eos Siaialest rxsalaiaTof lamV-MM tktmm Ms
IIHvjpeed Eroiler . ri - riraf it sjn- mf sjijeass
' lluisiarenaIXcat mmtMkU . .
Distribatot : TVrLWsdc" Swkck
1 1 1-Fiece Au-ccelsia Oven "Coafcataster
- Iaseriot r "Tinw SlfBaT
t a ... a.- . j r r: .
iMoat-aur &uaag &aenres wstanagLi
Gcwnta-BsltaoSl Sheif-TVpe ; CooliaiTo
. OrcnDoor
CooaisafTef LampT ; K1
, Condiment Set
BoCt by Fririllr. to the spedsV ' racy ef lu tesBeratnre controls
ctdoes of 7aW woaiea.v.oractkal assures ideal bskiag aad roasting :
Lk fontself .tbis new dec- sesnlts.- And r new - -Sped snrEsce
. trie range is already proving a sen- - r
- istioa mm j w customers. , for every cckkg robfrctut-ftTing
Ifa a rang tmZt tor n weaaan's , so slow ssnm Added toatissre-
fobv ofierlas dosens of practical con- . sssraMerscordclo-yopersdscosc,
TtnisfKlexsatehasoosof Coase In. Seethb saastcrcsnge,d
- eirfttairtr er4 iff fltf TrvM,m,tem igiasal toe wossen ... by wosaea.
i censeverboiUio afnge,besTily YonH be thrilUd with tm liae-np of
insnlsced for low-cosc opendoo aad frstnret -snd antaxed at the ease with
to kee the kitchea cooL ?b acco- which voo can own one!
325 COURT;
b ;ph6ne:6022
1 TO::ORROT7 - THUR. . FRI. 2 P. II. r :