The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    , i . Ik" S4 AilM '
Front Strong
Russia With England and
. France Should Give
Dictators Pause
A triple entente of England,
Franc and , Russia -will mean
suicide to Germany or Italy if
they start war, Prof. R. I -an
Loveall of Willamette . univer-
slty told ' the chamber of ' com
merce luncheon gathering Mon
day in an addresi on latest de
velopments In the European pic
ture. -rr-:' . -
Loveall applauded the deci
sion of France and England to
unite : with Russia. ,
"I i don't want you to get
the idea I am a parlor pink or
anything of that sort; I'm not.
But I believe communism less
a menace than fascism", Dr
Loveall said.
He commented on weekend
development abroad as anything
but optimistic and held that It
aly will 1 be taken for a ride
through signing a military al
liance with Germany.
Two Dancer Spots
The chief danger spots today
are Danzig and the Polish cor
ridor. Dr. Loveau believes. In
Danzig, created a free city and
Poland's , outlet to the sea by
the treaty of Versailles, the
population, is 96 per cent Ger
man and the city has been Nazi
since 1933. Nearly a million and
half Germans are included in
the Polish boundaries, he point
ed .out. .
Germany's desire for a 15-mile-wide
highway across Po
land is unwelcome to other
countries, too.
Some kind of peaceful set
tlement of the German and Po
land situation is. to be -iesired.
rather than letting the prob
lems cause another European
war, the professor declared.
JThielssn Greets Dr Sender
Fred Thlelaen. right, manager of Salem chamber of commerce, greet
ing Dr. Harry Semler, credit dentist, who opened dental offices In
the Adofoh baUdluc here yesterday. "The Urn dental and not in!
staff tnat Dr. Semler will maintain here represents an Important
aaaiiion to saienrs montmy payrolls, Thlelsen pointed oat.
Salem Leader in
Work Placements
' The Oregon state employment
service reported finding Jobs for
3895 persons during April. This
was; six per cent less than during
March, but 37 per cent more than
in February.
Fifty-seven per cent of all
placements were in private indus
try and women got 12 per cent
of the jobs. Veterans were placed
in. nine per cent of the Jobs taken
by men.
Appointment of special veteran
.representatives in each of Ore
gon's 22 local offices was credited
by Acting Director L. C. Stoll for
the increase in veteran place
ments.; Salem, covering Marlon county,
accounted for 303, or 7.8 per cent,
of the state total placements.
Klamath Falls and Salem noted
the greatest activity during the
, month, officials said.
Plan Observance
Of Memorial Day
Patriotic Federation Sets
Parade and Programs
for May 30
Plans for Memorial day obser
vances here a week from today
were announced . yesterday by
Glenn Adams, president of the Pa
triotic Federation of Salem which
is in charge.
Col. Carle Abrams will be mar
shall of the day for the afternoon
parade, which will leave Marion
sQuare at 1:30 o'clock. The arm
ory program, with Prof. R. Frank
lin Thompson of Willamette uni
versity the speaker, will follow
immediately after the parade, or
about 2:15 o'clock. All patriotic
orders are urged to participate in
the parade.
Service on Bridge
The morning hours will include
the decoration of soldiers' graves.
with the customary ceremony at
the GAR circle in City View cem
etary, to be followed by the rites
at the Legion circle, also in City
View cemetery.
The water service, in tribute to
the sailor dead, will be held at 1
o'clock from the Marion-Polk
bridge, with the Women's Relief
Corps in charge.
Carnival Sets up
For six Day Run
Not so large as the regular one-
day-stand circuses but with many
acts of equal entertainment value,
Hildebrand's United Shows will
set up at the -Madison street
grounds today for a six-day show
lng in Salem. There will be both
afternoon and night perform
Some of the headliners include
the Hollywood Sky Rockets, aerl
allsts who perform at dizzy
heights without benefit of safety
nets; the group of acrobats and
balancers known . as the ' Hustri
troupe, and Captain Charles Sod
erberg, who dives from a 100-foot
platform into the water in a shal
low canvas pool.
There is also an interesting ar
ray of sideshows. The circus is
showing here under auspices of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Blaze at Jails
Dangers Rolls
Sheriff Believes Inmate I
Set Fire Quickly Pat
out Sunday ;
QueeiiChsUith Ylorlamn
' w--- -i-y-r
river Is included In the Itiner
Special programs will be
staged for the boys, including
an opportunity to see the an
nual American league-National
league all-star baseball ,. game,
at which the boys will sit on
the bench with Connie Mack,
veteran manager of the Phila
delphia Athletics.,
Demand for Berry
Pickers Is Heavy
Barrick and Ross
Go on YM Tour
Two Salem boys, Don Barrick
and Dan Ross, and George
Steelhammer of SUverton, -will
make the' fifth annual 9000
mile YMCA educational tour
that will leave Portland June
29 and return July 24, it was
announced here yesterday.
The tour, for which Edward
P. Stam of Crown-Willamette
and Dr. Harry S. Irvine, for
mer president of . the- Oregon
State Medical society, are co
chairman, is open to all boys
of high school age or over, re
gardless of whether they - are
YMCA members. The itinerary
planned calls for high-light in
spections of the most interest
ing cities and geographical won
ders in the United States and
Canada. The trip will be made
by train. A Great Lakes stea
mer trip up the . St. Lawrence
Highway Project :
Bidding June 6
Bids for highway projects ag
gregating ' an expenditure of ap
proximately $135,000 will be
considered at a meeting tf the
state highway- commission in
Portland June , R. H. Baldock,
state highway engineer, v an
nounced', Monday. C' .
Among the projects Is cleaning
and 'repainting- the structural
steel on the 14-span. bridge over
the ' Columbia river - between
Portland' and Vancouver, Wasb.
The bridge is 3533 feet in
length, -f.---.".:"--"?-. :
, Other projects ; . 1 v I v t
. Ollinr on . three secondary high
ways in Linn, , Polk and Yamhill
counties, involving 14.60 . miles
of oiling.,
Gets Award
H. ii. Tompkins, sales manager for
the Firestone Tire Rubber
company, who was recently pre
sented with watch and 20-year
sorrlce pin by B. J. cope,
ident of the company.
Urgent outside calls for straw
berry pickers continued to be re
ceived by the Salem office of the
state employment service yester
day as .the local picking season
aproached, Ralph M. Coleman,
district manager, reported. The of
fice still carried no-limit orders
for pickers for the Cornelius and
Gresham districts.
Coleman said a dozen pickers
were assigned yesterday to begin
work in the Sublimity berry fields
today and several other local calls
for small numbers of pickers were
The employment office sent out
304 pickers last week to the
Washington and Multnomah coun
ty fields. A total of 79 Jobs sup
plied were listed for the week,
with returns from employers of
the berry pickets yet to be re
ceived. At the end of the week
the office had names of 4499
workers seeking employment list
ed in its files.
.t -
Valuable county tax i records
narrowly escaped destruction at
the courthouse Sunday, afternoon
in a fire which Sheriff. JL. Oi Burk
said was evidently set -by prison
ers In the SaO. which U located in
the basement below the tax oi
flce. :-.i- '
The flames broke ont in venti
lating' holes la the Jail ceiling and
charred an. area two feet wide and
20 feet long before city firemen
pat them out None of the tax of
flee records was damaged.
j Prisoners Show Alarm
The fire alarm was given by
prisoners shouts and the smell of
smoke, which 'attracted the atten
tion of Deputy Sheriff B. G. Hon-
eycut. who was on duty in . the
sheriff's office. Water from a fire
hose In the courthouse basement
was turned on the blaze before
firemen arrived,: "-
Investigation r disclosed- that
newspapers, one dated May 10,
1931, had been staffed In the ven
tilator holes. Indicating to the
sheriff's satisfaction that the fire
was of incendiary origin.
None of the 11 prisoners in the
jail at the time had been singled
out yesterday as suspected of set
ting the blase, Chief Deputy Sher
iff Kenneth Randall said.
, Courthouse Insured
The courthouse Is heavily In
sured against fire under policies
divided among more than 20 com
panies. No estimate of the loss,
which was slight, was made by in
surance men who examined the
damage yesterday.
Had the fire reached the tax of
fice, it would have ruined tax rolls
of 1938 and earlier years that are
kept on hand for reference pur
poses. The 1939 tax roll, which
lists all current and delinquent
taxes owing the county, is kept in
a fireproof vault in the courthouse
basement at night and over weekends.
. vW :
After participating la the ceremony of laying the cornerstone for the
new Canadian supreme coart building at Ottawa, Qaeen Elizabeth
paused to chat with a workman who aided her. King George looked
oa and smiled. Premier MacKennie King la at right. The cornerstone
ceremony was marked by the qaecn's first public address.
Monroe to View
Scout Camp Site
Camp Pioneer? Camp Open
July 2 for 5 Weeks -of
James E. Monroe, scout execu
tive of Cascade area council. Boy
Sconts of America, will leave to
day en an inspection trip to Camp
Pioneer, - the scout -camp - above
Marion, Forks. Mr. Monroe will
he Joined by Ed ,Gllmore bf Eu
gene, from the forest service and
Ranger Charleton of Detroit
The scout camp will open July
1 and the first week will be given
over to troops camping and the
following four weeks will be camp
periods tor all scoots. .
Thursday Mr.. Monroe will go
to Albany to attend the Linn dis
trict meeting at which time the
district will be reorganised under
the leadership of Carl Coquet and
J. Deo McClaln. -
An executive board meeting of
the -Cascade area council will be
held at the chamber of commerce
Friday night at 8 o'clock. Pros
pective cub mothers of the First
Methodist church will meet Fri
day to work towards organization
of . a cab pack to be affiliated
with troop 13. Mrs. Paul Acton
is chairman of the meeting and
Dr. Robert UV Gatke Is chairman
of , the boys .work committee of
the Methodist church.. .. ,
51 Chain Letter. L
Circulates Here,
1024 Promised
Another chain - letter, a dol- '
lar version. U putting in its
appearance here. . I
The letter asks that four espies
be sent to "good sports only." -4
Instructions are to omit name
of tbe person at the top of the
list; and send . a dollar to that
person. When the senders name
reaches the top, the claim la
made that $1024 will be forth
coming. ," !'! ' ; ' '
One letter seen here has trav
eled across the country, with
the: four names attached from
Illinois, Massachusetts, I Montana
and! Portland. ;
The 1 Postal department has 1
ruled chain letters unmailable !
and when found such letters are ' '
subject to penalty.
i i
Postoffice Lawn
Job Is Underway
While a sprinkler system for.
the postoffice curbing has not
been authorized yet. Postmaster
H. R. Crawford yesterday re
ceived Instructions for installation
of a special hose connection with
the present sprinklers on the main
grounds for irrigation of the curb
area, v
The system on the main grounds
was completed late last week by
C 8. Whltcomb, who held the con-'
Chemawa Indians
To Stage Pageant
An entirely new pageant, "Thun
der Mountain," with words and
music specially written for the
Chemawa Indian celebration by
Fred Cardin, a graduate of Che
mawa school, will be presented
Thursday and Friday nights this
week as a feature of the celebra
The pageant will be notably ef
fective this year as it will be
played against a setting of trees
and scores of tepees in an outdoor
theatre. Lighting effects will
heighten the drama and the words
of the play will be carried over a
public address system.
The pageant "Thunder Moun
tain" portrays the life of an In
dian from birth to death. The
pageant will begin at 8 p.m. both
Selling of Liquor
Illegally Charged
Two charges of unlawfully
selling alcoholic liquor faced
Henry Becker, 50, of Woodburn
when he was brought before
Justice of the Peace Miller B.
Hayden here yesterday. One
complaint alleged an unlawful
sale of liquor April 23 and the
other the same on May 6.
Becker pleaded innocent on
both counts and was released
under a total of $7 SO in prop
erty bonds pending a hearing.
which is to be set later.
The complaints were institut
ed by state liquor agents. One
warrant had been out against !
Becker tor more than two weeks.
Rosser Plea Set
In Court Today
Arguments of attorneys in the
appealed case of Al E. Rosser,
under 12 years penitentiary sen
tence for arson, will be heard
by the state supreme court here
Rosser, ex-head of the AFL
teamsters of Oregon, was con
victed in the. Polk county circuit
court in connection with the fire
which destroyed the West Salem
Box company's plant. Three oth
er persons also are serving peni
tentiary terms for the part they
played in the fire.
; Rosser has been in Jail In
Portland most of the time since
his- conviction.
Mites per. ALt-Orv im -rwe
Trcmetidous odds fouet back the you buj...ctkillrlj driver to
; . mileage of every car in the Gil-more-'Vfesemite
Ron. There were
",1 ice-laden blizzards, twting moon-
tain roads, that riimhfd up over
6,000 feec AA. roles did oot
f Allow coasting or trick driving.
, And yet, with the sarnc Red Lion
-finish made a spectacular mileage
record.oflkialJyjjroving the tops
in mileage is yours with Red Lion!
Hupmobile used Lion Head'
Motor Oil in die Gilmore-Yo-
Semite Run. A JlJl. reports no
: -V t i
-m m m m m. m m w
S Cxtea Layers - tsuiatT
TIE1 lATtTTiOCX towfoW .!?&5!? VZZU
assa g ,
Tips to Yea H
Dccczaticn Day I
aissa . as
$ Trin
- w-sr
Fer Your Dccexati&a Day Trip
rotect your life and the lives of your
amily by equipping your car with a set
of new Firestone Champion Tires.
Compare this amazing tire with any
-i Tl r- ' "
oiner urc on tne maract in saiciy,
value, in price! Then you'll know
why car owners everywhere acclaim
it the sensation of 1939. And you'll
realize why motor car manufacturers
enthusiastically adopted it for their
1939 models. Only in the new
Firestone Champion Tire do yon
get these patented and exclusive
construction features:
y Safety-Lock Cord Body
is made by more tightly twisting
together the fibers in each cord
providing far greater strength
and greater strength means
greater safety.
Another xcIbsIto
Fixeston safety feature.
p Gam-Dipping, a new and
advanced Firestone process,
safety-locks the fibers; cords
and plies together, counteracts
internal friction and heat and
gives greater protection against blowouts.
Another exclostoe rireston safety feature.
V Two Extra Layers of Safety-Lock Cords Under the Tread provide
greater protection against punctures and more securely lock the Gear-Grip tread to the
Safety-Lock cord body.
Another xclusiT Firestone safety feature.
y Gear-Grip Tread has more than 3,000 sharp-edged angles which grip the road
with a sure-footed hold to prevent skidding. It is so deep, so tough, so long-wearing
that it is setting sensational new non-skid mileage records.
Another exclosiTe Firestone safety feature.
Safety-Proved on the Speedway for Your Protection on the
Highway Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires hold all the outstanding records for safety,
speed, mileage and endurance. In fact, for 19 consecutive years, Firestone Tires have
been oh all the winning cars in the annual 500-mile Indianapolis Race. .
Anotner exclusiTe Firestone safety feature.
y Price All of these extra advantages are yours at a price no more than you would pay
for an ordinary tire and Firestone Champion Tires are backed by the Firestone Lifetime
' Giuramee-o time or inileage limit.
Another exclusive rirestono cenomy feature. ;
Puh- t
v coot
1931 NotiORol Kece OMmpiM
More champion race drivers
elect and buy Firectone Tire
for their racing can than all
other make of ores combined.
Thcte men, whose lives depend
on'tire safety, ow tire
construction and they refute to
riik their lives or chances of
victory on any other make.
ffe DADY
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i ' About-'''1
I r Our
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MBOKPT'" fit t ! " : I
7i redone jc o n v o y
UJffh Quality- Low Cost
Here's extra qukliry, extra taiety sad loeg mlletae
at aa aaasnally. low price. Firestone Convov Itrcs
aav tbe Firestone patented constracttoa leatores
aad carry tbe Firestone LUetiae Gaaraatee, no tune
or amesge limit. " -
IUS-ll : - 914.1S
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1 " v Corol
r- 1 :A
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nnAIf P SPa4
. Sm FWawM TIn mmia fc tM FImMmm Fmamj mmi Sxfc&fcJaa : Umeu At Valce FlitWM with Mimr4 Owfa, Umrfrtt Sfmla ami
,,: . i h BMflAiti 1 NgwYfi WmUfr Fmh. Aim .WnJXfirrmur Exkib m ' - the Qlce Pfuwi Syfc y Ordkntrm. mmdtr the M0iea Alfr4
.She OeUea Omm JymnriiMl ExfMim mt Sm frmmttttm. - , . i Wrilwiili, Uwmimj atmlam mt HmlmwmMt H. B. C Um NaeWU
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