A IProf ItaBle S .Sfrtesntan Classified Ads Call 9101 ; ; Classified 'Advertising Single Insertion per Una .10e Three Insertions per line ZOe Six insertions per- line .e One month per line .$ 1.00 Minimum chars 8e Copy for this pax accepted onta ;84 -the evening before publica tion (or . classification Copy re -ceived ftr this time will be rua under the beading. Toe Lete t Classify- . The Statesman aaeomee no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished! In Its columns, ana In eases where this paper la al fsult will re- Crlnt that part of an advertisement i. which the typographical mists he occurs.; V . ' The Statesman reserves tne"rtght to reject questionable advertising : it further reserves the right to place alt edvertlslng under the proper classification. V A. "Blind Ad an ad containing a Statesman bos number for an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by .letter. The Btsteamsn Is not st liberty to divulge Informa tion ss to the Identity of an adver tiser estns e "Blind ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, eowa picked op free. Ph. collect fu ssiem Montzomenr tieno. vsa HORSES FOR sale Also It wka. eld mb Din. Haver LAOUia rarra. Brooks, Oregon. Auctions ArmTTOni SALE on , the Geo. M Sellers farm 'H mllee & W. of Dallas on Liberty roaa. xnuraaay, saay i -a n m sis rooms of cood furniture. tnliilvkSf ranee, dav. & chairs, t head of cattle, bogs. I 2 -horse disc. I power feed grinder. nana leea iimowi. mmI roller. 1 1-horse cultivator X double shovel cultivators. 1 IS-tooth cultivator, S single shovel hand culti vators, 1 sheep shearing machine. I 8" plow, I rolling cutters, 1 Urge shov el cultivator. S post hole diggers, 1 kni dras? saw. 1 hav fork A rake, 1 atumn millor. pable a blocks I 1 threaher seDarator. 1 model T Ford truck A dump bed. 1 binder, 1 3 -In. Mitchell virnn. x aets work harness, 1 disc plow,. 1 Ford engine tractor, 1 10 II Case tractor and disc. 1 mower and nk- 1 beam scale. 1 ores drill, black- amlth tools, hoes, rakes, forks and lot of miscellaneous aruciea lerma rash. Part Sellers, owner. F. N. A Glenn Woodry. Auctioneers. Ph. BUS, Salem. Wa conduct auctions anywnere. AUCTION-SALE Friday, 35S Union St, 1:30 p. m. sharp. Good used fur niture AY mint misc. household arti cles. The owners Mr. and Mrs. Pet kins are leaving Salem. No reserve, -kusst Wondrv of the Nash Furniture Co.. auctioneer. I pay cash or sell on com mission. Just phone -kuss. vi. AUCTION . ACCnON - AUCTION TWITRSDA Y . NIGHT. 7 :30. at the F. N Woodry Auction Market. Lots of good ' Furniture. Rugs. Piano, Sewing Machine. Radio. Miscellaneous articles. Terms Cash. F. N. A Glenn Woodry, auctioneers. Ph. 5110. Yes. we pay cash for used furniture or anything of value. AUCTION SALE Thursday. 1:30 p. m. Route , Box 41 go out State street to Pen 4 Corners, turn south about 1 miles watch on highway for signs sale consists of household furniture, 3 Imported genuine orients! rues, electric refrigerator, cab. radio. dav. A chair, rugs, A many other tloneer. See "Rubs' about Tour farm A city sales. Phone 9502 Res. 3488. I e wui j vi A'sraassi a ui unuio . pay cash or sell on commission. may js. i :3 p. m. n. Front,, Help Wanted 820 WEEKLY. Urow mushrooms Cellar, shed. We buy SOe lb World largest company. FREE ROOK- Mush rooms 20l8-2nd Seattle.' Wssh. VMWIMiaaMMMMWaMWIMaf I HAVE A place for t or' X people who now- have a small income out would like to supplement their presen earnings with s-part time position. It " will be necessary to have s car In fair ly good condition. Arranee for Inter view by addressln a letter to BOX 4 58, The Oregon Statesman. Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR housework. Ret Ph. 3723 Situations Wanted DRESSMAKING. Mra Adattt Tet 385. 1178 afarlon. Your work. solicited PAINT. PAPER, fcatso. Resa 8731 CLEANING BT day or hour, refer ences. 1748 Berry, Ida Mitchell. 4 L REFINED MIDDLE AGED IsdT wishes housework for elderly couple ot widower In Salem. Ref. 983 N. Fifth. PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, low iMWMWMwwwyvMwwMwww EXPERT SALESLADY wishes posi tion In specialty shop, uying and sell ing experience, :n n& ztn u, For Sale Miseellaneout LUMBER A BLDG, 12x18. sultahla for garage. 893 & Liberty. CLEANED BRICK, 318 M; t glass doors. Rear of 893 8. Ijerty St AUCTION SALE. Thura at 1:30 auction sale Friday at 1 :30. "Runs' Woodry of Nash Furn. Co, suction. reer sea Aocuona Maawaawaawaaa BEDDING PLANTS, also geran iums and delphlntuma Phone 8137. Jav Morria Florist. -. . FOR SALE Burroughs bookkeeping machine la excellent condition. Reason' - for setllna need larger sis machine Address Boa 450, Statesman. v. ADVERTISING Western Ad vertislns -Representatives . Fencer-Han Co- Ltd. gas Francisco. Los Angelea Seattle . Eastern Advertising , Representatives ' . Bryant. Griffith ' B run son. Ine. Chicago. New York. Detroit. - stojtbiMs Entered at fka PotCer al Salem Or turn, as gaaoad Class M after. PB- Hakrrf ever monttng evrespf Sfendey. - Baaiaese erlee ti wm ;oaasercM 'ffrect. - -a ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Man siihsermtlan Rstts Ib Adrtncsu Within Oregon Dally Snd 9 day 1 U. t cents : S HO. I aw . amou - 1 roar 8s.ee. , Clsewbere SO cents r VBTM aa4P XB1 89191 EObT I WTSjgar BSg ema ""vw. Per copy 8 cents. Newsstands s esnta By City vameri , y. . fTJS a year and aajacent eouatlee. For Sale Miscellaneous ALMOST NEW bat glove,' S781. REBUILT AND ruaraateed wash era All makes from fit up. Spea, May tag. Hogg Bros. adding machines, typewriters I casta regieters, scales, sates, rentals, re- I paira Roea Typewriter wun I uuu juuuuuuuuuuul Biaes Rep. riamsaen. mi b. RIVER SILT and top dirt. Ph. cSt I CASH TOR used furn. Ph. Ills. MARIGOLDS. - 10c per doa. th wesa. White's Green House. IMS N Summer. - , - , LATHS AND door. S33B & High. J W EST1NOHOUSE ELEC. raBCet $20. lS7e S. ComX CaU before noon or evening. ! W ATKINS PROD 680 N. 17. 7805 PIANO AND bench. Just like Osmer leering town. 17SS McCoy. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED COLORED fryers aa4 market poultry- Ph. 111F3. Lee'e Hat cnery. WANTED, USED furn. Ph. Sill. FURNACES. BLOWERS. oU bnrn era controls, cleaning and repairing HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 1583 Portland Road-i-TeL 151 Have your furnace cleaned now A save I WANTED. HOUSETRAILER8 See King. (19 Front. Bun trade A sell. WANTED. PARTNER In dude ranch. Must have small capital, box m Statesman. ! LADY WANTS transportation to Iowa by June 1st. References exchan ged. Ph. 3885. WILL CONTRACT some additional acreage sweet corn for canning. Blue Lake Producer Cooperative, w. saiem Wanted Furniture WANTED USED fnrnltnre.. Ph. 7445. i 1 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO-HOCR SERVICE nit HARRY BEMLER. DENTIST Corner State A Commercial Ph. 8311 For Rent Rooms 8I.RKP. RM. eloae to. Ph 4418. RMS FOR Isdlea 89 N. Cottage Ph. SI71 FINE SLEEP, rm, 838 N. Church ssakoaossasassnessnaenaoasaao SLEEP. RM. Priv. ent Ph. 6971 Saaaaassalssrf0iaSaaaaOaseaa LIGHT AIRT room. bath, garage. Near stste hospital. 3309 Center. DeLUXE R. reas. 441 Oak. P. 934 PLEASANT ROOM, close In. P. 8229 ROOM AND garage, 858 Breys. aWar1WaaasaasaaWsas WELL FURN. room, close to sUte house and city. Charles D. Roblln, Tit I Center. Tel. 5859. ' SLEEPING ROOMS. 835 Chemeketa Room and Board BEST RM.. bd.. 320 A 338. Close SUte house. 1237 Court. Ph. 5494. arVetBeMsaSSaeaVWeasWhserSaesaaesrseeAassAss" BOARDERS. PRIV. home. 325. 81 blka. from P. O. 481 N. Winter. APPRECIATE GOOD meals? Nice hornet See Ma Bowen. 401 N. liberty SHOWER. NEW mod. home, hot A optlonsL DRL RM.. twin beds. Running vra- ter For girls, 330 ea. rn. mi. For Rent Apartments COTTAGES, 32. wk and up. Shoen'e IcotUges. 12th A Pacific Hgw. bouid VACANCY. GLEXDORA spta June 1. TeL 8658 or. 4746. 2-ROOM APT. 488 N. Liberty. iaaaiaaMWMwaMaaawwaaaw 3 RM. FURN. Lizhts. water, heat 2210 Hazel Ave. Phone 8247. sawaaaWsWas,eS,' .3.4 S R. FURN.. 2005 N. CapItoL t R. FCRN. apU 430 N. Liberty. t RM. FTJRN.. 492 S. High. aaSasaVSaeaBSssnsesaSaseaeaaSajSa 3 RM. BASEMENT apt., nicely turn- priv. bath, 1118 Oak St. aaa9lsWSasBaMMIa1sAs BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED apt. Leslie Manor. 319 Leslie.; FURN. 3 RM. apU 2281 Hasel Ave Ph. 7884. aaaaaaaaaaaaiNajMNaaaaaajaaaaaaaa PATTON APTS. 333 Stata Furn ished. Adults only. Pbooe 8344. t ML NEWLY furn. Heat water refrlaV. gar. adults 991 N. Cottage St jwwaawaaaaajaaiMWWMMaaawaaawaa I ANP 3-RM furn "ape 848 ferre 1 TO 4 RM. apta ram ee anfara. 98 nd p. Ine, is 1 9 Boutn l Sin. (katkssajsiaeAjeigSajtxaaAaak SM. FURN. spu SS9 & Cottage. oajanaaafrassjaaaasaasase SEE FISHER acta kind sewly decora led and roomy. You0 h I deughted. Osk end s. comjnereiai. THE MOST homelike la Salem Hawthorne Court. ISO N. Cap! to. LGE. FUKN. trailer hse. 359 & Cot etsasSjsBas9a1l CLEAN S UM. furn. court apt with prL bath A laandry. gsroen piantea bus service. 111 use. laaeseSaeaBeaakaeejaaeejM FURN. APT, S large not, 321. 323 I Union St Ph. 7018. 4aMMMWwaaWMMMAaMMaK APT, S RMS, 28S S. ComX. t A X R. APTS. Furn. A onfora, S35 to 340. Royal Court, ph. sua. MawuwaMAaKMWMaaMaMMMMMar X A 3 R. 839 N. Liberty. Ph. 5789, sMBaSbjssaiskfaaSaaeaasaaekay SM. FTJRN.. bath. fcdu!t. Untos. eaMsaSsalSasaslssesjgs 1 ONE RM.. coxy, fur, ,11 water Maytag : $9 A 119. HlOJrry. esseSafeaeaawasasaaSBsesBaes -1 OR 4 RM. mvtm.. ita watttr. nr ... . skat 0 a TJti lCi r"r"?',,rTTrrTg FIRST FLOOR turn. 3 rm. apt. prl bath. refrlg elec. etore. X1S r. lata. TTJRNISHXCrx LIGHT, beat, water. criv. bath, gar.. Easy wean. 4ss state MODERN FURNISHED 8-rm. cot tage, Edgewster Court, elec. lecna. garage, 325. Pbone 8413. IS Ma UP. 335 Bellvue Street. W S R. FRN, refr.. adits. 43S N. Win S RM. FURN. Adults. 478.N. Caattol MOD. FURN. S mu first fl-, employ ed adulta 334 Division. Ph. 823a. ir.-.-.-j .VLnrnrqn.n.11 n. i.i-i.nririririri.nnnnnrir I FURNISHED APTS. will be vacant I June L Adulta only. PhwSSSS, Bernard!. I w -w.-;...,. I - CLOSE IN S rov furn, apt, 1st floor gar, tights, water. 1947 & Cora'1. aaaaaaeaeaaaaaaaiwwaMWaaiaS - S RM. MOD. apt, anfurnlshed. Fire- ataaaa sevaaaeewe AaasaS' -1 - SnaTSa- hVA I hoora. Prlv. entrance bath. 1833 State. Phone 4148. ' : v j eaaaaaaaaaaMaiMiaaaaaAa I s f uiuiianw arwiaAnia i catXna, It sad up. lit tMvlaloa. TACANCr. 8 ROOM. 819 N 14th. t RM. FURN. ant. Uchta. water, i alta, orl. bate, S9S N. 31st, Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH RE PA TM EXT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR IN CO MB Nn Hnr1nrsjr Nn f!nTnaters- Yonr fiiimatnre Onlv . , . . , .. RePAT wr ntv t r vrtnrK cost, . n r i nrvvnoi iirnvDmninv fVMfDiuv nrniroe Vrtrro MCtSTkO tB!. BEBHftMit. iTrvNTtAM atttier as we! .t. as REPDRE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. ltf So. Commercial St. . - rtrst Door South of Ladd A Rush Bank For Rent Apartments 1 R. FURN. apt- orlv. bath, flrsr floor. 1441 N. Commercial, i FURN, CLOSE in, 197 N. ComX esaseaaaaaataavabAaaakasesaeseeeassaaeees WILL SUBLET well-furn. apt dur ing summer. Ph. zoi after e p. m. NICE R. APT, ISI Center. J - j CLOSE IN flne mod. apt. Ph. 149 For Rent Hoases FURN. HSES. and apta, 735 N. Com. kasTiaSateaeaeaaeasassas 5-RM. FURN. or partly. Newly dee. close In. fit, nuts, bios yd. 960 Union VssestasjasaekeMasBaajaaaaae g-RM. FURNISHED. Tel. SSI. saaaassasaSasss1eMes9asa1e MOD, g RM. boa. 199S Center. 4074 I S. MOD. DUPLEX, nriv. bath, re frigerator, elee. washer, gar. Z7 'ee BRAND NEW 4 room cottage. 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, electric wa ter neater A oil circulator ruratsnea 322.60. Inquire 1135 Madison. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. H. P. GRANT. 839 Court St. Ph. ST44. R. FURN. HSE, garage, f 37. 1019 IN. Cottage, rn. su. t uKNumu. iza. uniurn . Electric range. I no. 1350 Lee. TeL 1997. 1 MODERN 8 ROOM house cosBfklvlely furnished includtiur waahinc machine and vacuum cleaner aas range, fur nish best ; nice shrubbery, bus service close to SUte buildings and schools. To see call at 1908 Center Street B ROOM HOUSE. 820. 884 Jefferson. easaaaeaaeseassaassaaaaeaasaawa GOOD S ROOM house. 8 ml country, $19 ma Cabin St. Inq. 3C8 N. 13th. 8jSassWsssakaVla4sas S RMS.. 315. 280 N. 15th. 4 R. HOUSE. 7 MILES south. Has llghU A water. Pbone 12F2. NEW FIVE room house, open np- atalra. Anromatlc oil circulator, sarage garden space. 327. Call et Box 275, Park Ave., north off Market St. eaasaessassaa0ssts 5.RM. MOD. home, fully furnished. 1715 N. 19th. STRICTLY MOD. house, Ph. 4581. esaeakasajsaasasewsaeaasaastaesaewaeMkae iV, ACRES. MOD. 8 room house, 4 miles from town. ia.uu. 4 room mod. furn. home, 40.00. Mod. home furn.. 335.00. 5 room home, 322.00. 7 room mod. home, 337.50, P. H. BELL Phone 8121 For Rent Farms SM. FARM at Liberty. R. 8, Ba. 760. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 311 State Street Inquire room 200. TeL 3713. - ONE OR two office rooms In bus- cnurcn. For SaleReal Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT i if YOU want! to sell exchange leaae. rent see Mr. Larson with Haw kins A Roberts. vwwwMwwaMMawaaawaaw BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS on payed street nt location. Price 3500. 25 down. $10 W. H. GRABK HOKST tl REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St Phone 8483 NEW 6-RM. housa. upststrs. 1 A r MOD. 8 RM. built 1 yr, priced to sell ; also 2 lots adjoining. Terms. Bos 439. Statesman. -in . . . n.ii n ri ii ii ii i ii ii ii iii . i - - " " SMALL. MOD. home. SI 50.00 down baL 320.00 ma Inq. ss 8. jztn. aMwawawawwaawaw SACRIFICE EAST front lot walk nil navine- oatd. N. S4tb St. S35S.0S. Also nice shady lots near Bush school cheap. Phone owner, isa. i READ THIS FOREIGN OWNED property 34S S 34th St. end 1178 Union, else vacant tot near hisrh school Ots tbiw and submit an offer. Call Mra Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, KEAbTOKS 344 Statav Street Phone 9281 .wwwom. IF IT ia a house you ere looking for. we have thorn from S1309 to $13, 909 and some ean he bought for as lit - tie as $150 down,. baL like rent Sea Larsen, HAWKINS A ROBERTS S RM HOUSE and 3 lots, reason able. Ph. 5494, . i i HSE, GOOD Iocs. Reasonable. 4SS1 X ACRE. GOOD room house, wonder- ful view, fruit and nuts. Priced fo oulck sale. 5 room brick house ia excellent iocs tlon. Two more rooms can be added upstairs. This si worth more than price asked. I have some good buys tar farms, acre - ages and city pmperty. CHAS. HUDKTNS. Phone 9494 S7S SUte Street TO CLOSE AN ESTATE- MUST SELL at sacrifice this flne farm. 489 acres: about 309 A. plow land. lot more easy cleared. baL fine pasture, oak fir, timber, live creea five sorinara. laree house, barn, electri ter acre. No better bur in this valley : - . & . mmm sen pavec . nn - w 89(1 VW IS VJ a7pV4ll 4.USTTIII, VUr SWW SaWV 19 BECHTEL. 341 SUte. Room 4. n agent . - . 1 ...M . TtOOlf fYTPTAnTt nhMI and I T-:;. . Zvv.- kT.L. .rl Chicken bouses.-acre of ground paved road, close to store and boa. aR cultivated, fruits, bar ties, etc WU1 trade for a house In town. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. - ' Pbone S121 MODERN S BEDROOM home, full basement, furnace 4k hardwood floors only 9330S with 3209 down. 3S down, sis per month, sere at IK acre tracts close to city, east. Modern furnished homes (choice of 3) ob stood terms. .:' J. S. KEAI Phone 8121 . . 419 Oregon Bide. I MCE IIOMKS FOR S R. , HOUSE. BATH. aaraaa k room xor ai Kved St.. aU for. 11309,(9399 down L 317.S9 her mo, ; ' Dandy Iroomsr 8 nice bedrooms, lot S3Z12- saeement rurnace. A gooa buy for sz75s.ee. &ee aown. JAi. XX. SEARSL REALTOR " 471 Court 8trest Phone 8441 DUPLEX HOUSE KICELT LOCATED tot sis 1 2 1.1 If S rooms each aide, rood condition of fered at a rorced saie pnee ox zits. Can Mr. Bartiett with CHILDS MTI 1 H, fiZALTunS 844 Stat Street Pboee 9241 Money to Loan .- , . , :r. borrow n?nu 8ALEMS OIJJEST Ue. No. S13I Ph. fl -Convenient Ground Floor Location. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used cara private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. t TO MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 121 Smith Commercial Street Phone Sill Ua Ne M-1S3 rn a iniNi l. im iwhMt Imm Abrsms Ellis- Ine. Masonle Rldg e4saaaaaaeaiatnjsasawa AUTO LOANS i Willamette Credit Co. lib FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. at-lil BENJ. FRANKLIN home Moot Domilar loan m Oregoa. A feature to this loan oeneiits a vary borrower. Ask about it- See F. G. DELANO. 39 N. Church A MONEY SERVICE YOU'D LIKE ! i !!.- WE MAKE leans of 8300 or leas en naraonal basia Libera credit re aulremanta Adjustable repayment nlanL Prftnnt ; frtendrv attention to inni, finaiuiai Mm ilti ner mo. re- oars 8100 In 20 mo. Larger loans la proportion, inquire tooay wudoui ob ligation. PgOPLE'S Finance Company 101 First KatX Bank BldC. Salem, Oregon Phone 4448 IS 213 SUte License M-9 All-Purpose CREDIT CARD GOOD FOR 930 TO f300 Immediately Without Red Taie GET ONE, use It at home or when traveling, for accident, picking up a rm m V. kao1n a v. m afuinnln- mnnr a prolonKed v,. to mt.t unexpected emerajency, or . airairaea wiiuuui funds. Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping as advertised therein AVAILABLE ONLY AT Personal Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bllgh Bldg. 518 SUte Street, Salem, Oregon Stats License Numbers S-122 M-1IS Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on fsrm end city property.'- Berors borrowtna inauirs et Hswklns A Roberts, aaaawaaaaaaaMaaaiwwwwaaa WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on rood Salem real es tate. Will pay 8 interest W. U. UKABENHliKaT A. CO. REALTORS 1134 8. Liberty Street Phone 8488 WANTED $2600 LOAN, private money, on 57 acre attractive isrm. close in. 354 N. Winter. Ph. 4897. Financial WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on sarina and Itivestmenta Insured esnno I Mutual Federal Savings A Losn Ass's Phone 4944 14J S. Liberty ot For Sale Real Estate I .o-aiase ' ST ArwnkT VaA A SaSWSsl A V 'J5Z"ZZT ..ZZZZ. j 2X95 Breyman. Krw a -rm. rottsare. real cozy, snap for at ESQ. S rm. hse.. part bsmt. moo loca., only $1650. 7 rm. hse., bsmt ur- mm. A. rarden. fruit szzuv. lerma M. B. 8TEGNER 319 Court Street F.grhangc Real Estate S LOTS, BLDG 8. Bs 441. Statesman. RX CHANGE rTT nOTTSE and laraa lot in 8. Se I Um and a 95 ft lot near Bush school. I will trade both for good home and ss- I sum S1000 or 31500, I r?all Mra. Kills with I rHIIJW A MILLER. REALTORS 1 144 State Street - - Phone 9281 I winwwwwtoi'iaMwwaww 1 TRADE CITY property for tana 1 hotnea OpportonKles In es changes. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. 35 ACRES. S MILES east flne soli. T R. house, large dairy barn,' P. H. A family orchard. S ! horsea i cows. S heifers. 4 calves A poultry with all farm tools, i To trade for apartment I house In Salem. See Mr. Galagher with JAS. D. SEARS, 478 Court Street 7V4 A, WEL-IMPROVED ; will trad for city property. 1 F. H. WEIR, Sit Oreg. "Bldg. Ph. 9411 For Sale Farms 95 ACRES. S MILES from Salem rood spring water to bouse A barn C P. Rodgers. Rt S, Box 197, EXCEPTIONALLY FINE DAIRY -. -,FARM;iV'v WELL LOCATED, an highly Im proved with a fine set of bldga. 1S4 acres with best of dark fertile bind, moat all ia cultivation and in ST sin clover. Year round creek to pasture I ""l ." TVii weu wiu saw syaism.a; o. Comforts ble house and tenant bouse a modern 194) cow capacity dairy barn. miia noose and many convenient env btda-a. located near Salem on two paved hlgbwaya This Is one of the beet setups for aatryina- fat the Willamette valley priced reasonable with libera term a For more Informs Hon, see CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street - Pbone 9281 GOOD RANCH BUTS S-ACRES. NICE S room house.' ga rage A woodshed, almost aew. Berries a- fruit. A candy comer on ss-a otuy 12450 3439 down. snap. - . - -. 20-acrea. 19 miles out ca rood mar ket road, iota of nice strawberries. Re overlook hia JAS. D. BEARS. REALTOR 474 Court Street - Pbone 48S Acresge... 4 RMS- BATH. lamia Nte uafla llsheeL - acre. Tou can own this for i 3e avL, sis mo. rrice fiwi. H acre otag. traets. etrswnernes a mberta. 813 dwa 819 mo. E. H. SIAMBAUOB Phone 9411, SIS Oreee Bids, a kla4coak rm gnlKF.ln KS vnnns enaa LITTLE MONET 1 7. " ,. 7.C ,TZZZ . a vl mZZZ. nlla A -Mil I . -- I ,11 1UT l OVV.WV, M.J mjiiwiii WW m For Sale Used Cars B- D D CARS D DEALS - D est : ".; -I TERMS USED CARS BUICK 38 DeLUXE SPECIAL TWO - DOOR mmuAM, very low mileage and pncea rignto o-day written guar antee. CIIKYSLER 1 37 DeLUXE TOURING SEDAN LTks new. hss, overartve, new tires. Car nee -oay written Guaraatee. -, :' OtlWROLETi II TOWN DeLUXE SEDAN New tires, only 18.800 aniles 1 10-dmv wruten guarantee, pormAc If TOURING DaLtTXE 8 IB n A V Completely overhauled and refin tabed. Hss radio, 9e-day Wilt tea FORD 38 TOWN SEDAN Fin lata and m.nol- i J new. epare tiro nevel useo. sv-oay written Guarantee. HUDSON TERRAPLANE 37 DeLUXE SEDAN Qunmetal fin ish. Has only 10,000 miles. 90-day vrrKien uuarantee. Real Values in Cheaper Cars 33 Dodge Coach . $295 31 Ford Coupe ........$145 30 Durant Sedan $95 29 Plymouth Sedan....$95 29 Ford Sedan $95 29 Nash Sedan $65 Notice: This firm win be closed May SS. 89 SO, this week-end to give our em ployes a mid-season holiday. STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON - PACKARD High -at ChemekeU Phone 1490. Open Evenings Acreage 40 ACRES, NEAR Salem. 9 X La- dina clover, can flood from all-year creek, some beaver dam, old house, fine new barn. 2 A. blackcaps, other berries. INVESTIGATE this II you want a payinc- farm. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court Street 8 A. 8 MILES FROM Salem on paved road. 2 small neat houses, dou ble xaraee. poultry house. 4 A. Ill berts and family orchard, 32500. Will accept lot in Salem ' and some cash terms on balance. See Mr. Collins HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC Suburban BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME IT'S GRAND to live in the country- see this modern home with fine view of Salem, valley A'mts. Price only 85400. Call Mra Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9281 Wanted Real Estate HAVE A CLIENT with X.8 A, miles east value 31500. Will pay up to 31000 cash difference on house in sa lem See Mr. Collins HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC Business Opportunities SACRIFICE NICE home. 7 am. apta Valuable location. Excellent Income. 24 on Invest., automatic heat Leav ing city. 14500 cash. Bps 441, Sutes- man. t ACRES WITH aas station A sev eral cabins, en old biahway south, in come now about S30 per mo. Will trade fot city property or acreage, see - Larsen. HAWKINS A ROBERTS SERVICE STATION and equipment for sal. 80S 8. lZtb. PROSPEROUS GENERAL store, lo cated on main Highway and busy cross roads Box 447, . ts teaman. " nravtm err a nnw in.t. -1 1 ,.t, . stock Invoiced. 173 8. Liberty. Ph. 7118 MAN OR lady with car to work, es tablish trade of Ore uon, selling cigars A grocery product vm-th. your Inves tigation, box 4at, statesman. EXCELLENT PAYING, aaraxe. low overhead. Phone 5422. Business Cards la this directory ran osi a aaoathiy basis oaly. Rate! ft per liar per saoath. Auto Brake Hike Panes. Ill ssttk Commercial. Bicyclers B1CTCLES." NEW end reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 14T SV Cantl, P. 4818 Chlmnef. SWecp TStlJCPHONB 4 45 A 8. E. Nerthaees Chirbprartorr OR. Ot L, SCOTT. PSC CMropraetaf SIS N. Riga, TeL Rea SITS. . Exra valine EXCAVATINO OF alt klnda Base ments dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for sale. Sateen Band and O ravel e Phone 949S. - , FlorisU v- Breltbsupra 44t Coort Phone SS94 Laandries TUB NEW 8ALEH LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRT 383 S. High Tel. S18S For Sale Used Cars SI MODEL A, Victoria. 4SS N. Lib. 1937 GMC PICKUP, perfect eondl Uon consider trade in. Phone 199F11 'If PLYMOUTH DeLUXE Fordar Bed., Ilka new, only 948. 3143 N. Com. ksaa-AsSMsaBsBst 28 BUICK WHOLE or parts. S4I N 21st Phone 1235. 1938 V-S VICTORIA. EXCELLENT cond. Charles Roblln, 737 Center, Ph 5859. ' , . 1927 CHEV. COACH. $35. TeL S394 For Sale Wood GRAEN 4IS N SI a nod SS7e 18 OLD FIR. SS and 35.54. 9438 DRY WOO IX call Dan Shasta 583 8sa9asnaa0aoaw BONE DRY oak. Snd growth and old nr. ash and maple. Summer prices Phone 410S. ,.- , - S CDS. IS IN. old fir. $9. Tel. 8700 SUMMER PRICES, old fir. 19 at only 84.75 per cord. Order for now et later del Phone 41k. oregoa Feel Co WOOD. GET It at SS9 N. Church For Quality wood pbooe-00ris. $3.00 wood, no splitting. Ph. 3891. 4 r aa CD. STR. gr., no dote, trul CU.w dry. 18 in., ble O. F. P. 8178 33.75 CD. 4 FT. fir. 3 cd. lota A-l 16 In. O. Fir. 35. Knota, 34.60. T. 812 OAK. IS IN. S5.75: old fir. 33: Snd growth, 34.50. TeL 794S. Lost and Found LOST BILLFOLD containing mon ey by student Bob Mealey reward. uaii 407Z, till no school , LOST 23 WOODSMAN six - Inch barrel. No. 284852 and camera with case F8 lense. Suitable reward, ne Ctueations asked. Robin Reed, phone 4035. LOST NR. SUte A 15 th. key with chain atUched. Leave at Statesman of fice, reward. Personal LONELY? -WORTHWHILE- sweet heart husband, wife for you. Bos 78 1 Anaelea. LEGAL NOTICE CHj of Salens Marion Coraty, Oregoa RATE LIBRARY GROUNDS IMPROVEMENT ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be re ceived In Room C Oregon State Capitol Bldg., Salem, Oregon, be tween the hours ot 1:00 P. M. and 2:00 P. M. o'clock on June 6. 1939, for the grading and seeding of the lawn, construction of walks and curbs. Installation of an auto matic underground sprinkler 8ys- tern, the moving of trees and the planting of additional tree and shrubs and all incidental work in connection with the improvement Of the grounds surrounding the new State Library Building, In the City of Salem, Marion County, State ot Oregon. These proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on said date and place. These Improvements will con sist of: i The furnishing of all labor and material required for the con structioa and completion of the grounds! surrounding the New Oregon State library and the con tiguous work involved therewith and Including general garden and transplanting work, clearing and grubbing involving the removal of old walks and curbs and the con struction of new sidewalks and curbs, trench and general excava tion work, the grading of the sub grade, hauling and distributing of fertilizers and top-soil, moving trees land tarnishing additional trees, shrubs and hedges, and all labor and materials incidental to the Installation ot a full auto matic, all. brass or copper under ground lawn-sprinkler system. grading the lawn and furnishing the seeds and the seeding of all lawn areas, erecting wire guard fences, weeding, watering and all Incidental work and materials in connection therewith. In case a bidder desires to bid on the work, he will be furnished plans and specifications only after he has filed with said State Board of Control, a satisfactory prequal- ificatlon statement, as required by Chapter 225, Oregon Laws, 1131. Questionnaires for this statement may be obtained from the office Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF ROG snd Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made u er. aid ressadet carpet ateaataa. stslng: fluff rag weaving. S. 13th 1 WIIbUT. TeL 84 41. OTTO W. SSWICK ER, Cat. 19IL CAPITOL BEDDINO CO. 49SS Natnropalhic Physician DR. W. a ROCKWELU Rsturepsth- tt' Physician. 1799 rslrgroundt Rd Tet 4383. Office Hours 11 a. m. te 8 :S m. FRBW SIX AM. a tXWiSUIaTA TKM4. Painting Paryrsmris LOW PRICES) "tree estimates. TBS A Printing FOR STATION ERT. earda namnhlets tMoarama books er any kind et artel- teg. can The Stateemaa Printing De partment, sis a commercial, tbm S1SL t.s .,-.-,"--,, - CARDS. BUrrTERS. personal ata ttenery. book metcbea Get my prices write er can 1349 center. Apt. S. Tranafer FOR LOCAL' or distant transfer, stor ase, burner elL ceU SlSL - lArmer Tranafer Ca. Trueaa te pertMad da Or INTERSTATE TRUCSCCCL Wash. oreg. pa, SSFSw ; , .- -i ' - T7en DriHirs R A. WEST. Rt, S. 448. p. usrs LEGAL NOTICE ot the State Board ot Control. Plans. Specifications, and ! other Contract Documents . will be on file for examination at the office of the Landscape Engineer, 108 Oregon State Highway Depart ment, Office Building, Salem. Ore gon, the office, ot the Oregon State Board of Control in the State Capitol at Salem,-Oregon, and the Builders Exchange, Portland, Ore gon. .'Copies . ot these documents may be obtained upon application to and the. deposit of Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per get with said State; Board ot CoatroL The' full amount of deposit for one set of documents w i 1 1 bs returned : to each actual bidder within a rea sonable time after receipt of bids Deposits for additional seU will b refunded upon the return in good condition of all such Tlans, Specifications, and other Contract Documents within S a days after the date of the opening- of bids, except that Ten., and 00100 1(10.00) Dollars of each deposit per set will be retained, to cover the cost ot production. ? ; No proposal will be considered unless it follows the form of pro posal furnished by said State Board of Control. - "No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hoar get for the opening thereof, or before award of contract, unless said award 1s delayed for a period exceeding 30 days." Bidder's proposal must be ac companied by a bidder's bond in an amount equal to 6 ot total amount of the base bid as a guar antee for the execution of the con tract and the furnishing ot the required bonds in case the con tract is awarded to be bidder. The State Board of Control further reserves the right to re- ect any or all proposals, to waive informalities, and .to accept such proposals as are to the best In teres ts of the State ot Oregon. : BT ORDER Or STATE OF OREGON acting by and through the State Board of Control Chas. A. Sprague, Governor, Earl Snell. Secretary ot SUte. Walter E. Pearson, State Treasurer. I Daniel J. Fry. Secretary. First Publication May IS. 1939. Second Publication! May 23, 39. , Third Publication Msy 30, 1939 May 16-23-30 NOTICE OF HEARING BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILI TIES COMMISSIONER OF OREGON In the matter of the Investiga-) tlon and suspension ot Supple-) sent No. S to North Pacific) Coast Freight Bureau Local.) Joint and Proportional Freight) Tariff No. 14-N. Supplement) No. 5, to P.U.C. Oregon No.) 467, issued by W. J. Bohon.) Agent. ) Under date ot April 8, 1939 the Commissioner' entered order in the above entitled matter sus pending Supplement i No. 6 to North Pacific Coast Freight Bu reau Local, Joint and Propor tional Freight Tariff No. 14-N Supplement No. 5, to P.U.C. Ore gon No. 467, issued by W. J Bohon, Agent, and deferring the use of the rates and minimum weights proposed therein, insofar as the same apply to the trans portation In tank cars of petro leum and petroleum products as described in said tariff, intra state, between points within Ore gon, for a period ot ninety (90) Gross Word Puzzle 12 13 'A ft 4 a OX 21 22 23 2e 24 5 31 34 as 3d HO HI HZ V4 do &3 SUlXXZOXTAi. I I relets af lS-Bsill 18 Narrattee IS What SsagblaT ef LsU was - tteaeadt . taWWae was the list ta stake s strict ief tsa araacsas af kslSMt 98 rh alset - -t-f Is was asaaaae Is fae an f tae as SS God ef Isve st Casi i at SS Ahrais' ss whet - s4sy rbe -Tope ef - 41 ' Whet Dates; arts 4T Ua4srwise ' . 99 One ef the Great takes ' S3 Katies ef Meits , , 83 Be Inaebtei as 33 Pslslsd - la ratify me 1 ir-Vewa Is lteva Is" StThltksMBgaBBW ltP&W1SsUtWA tasa ,: : ' - : -: Jr', dasn-s-ea Wsy-t. II .i Fhias aassa . - - SL9Ljataa4asBjgj VUXlCeild 8 Nlrat More a UBdsy What was the nnt atate r Feaeral CiillssHiat :, sstrr Srea'daBBBaaCB LEGAL NOTICE days from the date thereof until and unless otherwise ordered by the Commissioner. It appearing that under date ol April 8, 1939, the Interstate Ccmmerce Commission ' entered order in its Investigation and 1 Suspension Docket No. 4614, sua-, pending the operation! I ail schedules contained In the said' supplement snd deferring the use of the' rates and ! charges. regulations and practices: therein stated upon interstate! traffic ' until the tenth; day of! Novem ber, 1939, unless otherwise or dered by the Commission; and It -further appearing that the Interstate Commerce .Commission has assigned Its proceeding f r bearing on June 5. 1939, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.. at the Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon, before Examiner H. P, Boss: and It further appearing that the matters Involved in these pro ceedings are of a similar nature -. and that It 111 be la the interest of all parties thereto that the proceedings be consolidated for hearing; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the above entitled proceed ing Is assigned for hearing June S, 193V at 9:00 o'clock A.M., at the Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon. j Dated at i Salem, Oregon, this 19th day of May, 1939. ELLA BLILER, Secretary. My 18. NOTICE Of BOND SALE : ' Sealed bids will be re.elved by the undersigned until the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.I. un the 12 day of i June, 1939, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the district school board of School District No. 88, Marion County, Oregon, at the present school house in said dis trict, for an issue of School Building Bonds of said district in the amount of 818,000, to e sold to the highest bidder for cot less than par value and j ac crued Interest to date ot delivery, to be dated June 1, 1939,' .o be in denominations of 81 000 each, to mature serially In Instalments ot $2,000 per year on the first day of June in each of the years 1940 to 1948, both years inclu sive, and to bear interest t a rate to be specified by the idder of not to exceed 4 per an num payable semiannually, both principal and interest to be pay-, able at the office: ot the treasurer of Marlon County, Oregon or at the fiscal agency ot the state ot Oregon in the city and state of New York, at the option the purchaser. The cost . of furnishing the bond forms ; complete tor signa tures, and of proper interest coupons, is i to be paid by the bidder. Each bidder shall sub mit with or include In his bid a statement of the total net In terest cost to the disrlct under his bid. I Bids must be ! unconditional except as to qualification us to approval of validity by attorneys and must be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check in favor of the district of or upon a bank doing business in the state ot Oregon, in the sum of $1,000. The "board reserves 'the right to reject any and all bids. RUTH RULIFSQN, Clerk. School District No. 88, Marion County, Ore gon. ! Address: Route jt, Salem, Oregon. My 23-j30 J. 6. II 14 i n 20 2W 2t 21 2 33 r 36 3 HZ HI i3 4rf 'A 32 35 19 What b lbs ksmst cttv al Kersaar 91 Slsfe) ef the ears tasaUr 84 Girl tT Wba IS lertaiaiag as the ear tslesase 8V Was IrMi cyafaBer-r SS Larks at 13 Altoeaaiaiee 41 fatssa et velsr Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's pnzsle. i. Ilk lsalav lite IT j aV I rIrl aC? I "W I aV lrl L I ON ANTP luloms 1839.11 -i 1 a - . -t Bveaf ehaar eat 48 atssraHa aaass , L II Its si tae a : 4t Osaka tarrttsrlal alibton