"ijj Clubs ring7eek : ' tertalnlng is more or lest t .formal nature these spring - with luncheons end brides :s Incentives Cor many of tbs. , Round-Up Clab S. John L. Rand and ; Mrs, . . Whlttig entertained mem- ot the Round-Up club Tues sfternoon wlth -a smartly ar i luncheon at the Golden . - jant. Sereral 'hours of con trr followed at the Rand home c- suit street. eclal guests were Mrs. Wood Patterson. Mrs. Charles Wendt . Mrs. H. J. Horton all of Ba tnd risking In the capital the t a house guest at the Rand i. Other guests were Mrs. Ea I Burke, Mrs! W. 8. Levens Mrs. Charles Gray. - u embers are Mrs. Percy Kelly, i Max O. Buren, - Mrs. Joseph . art, j Mrs. Reuben P. Bois. . Frank Snedecor, Mrs. Charles 1L Robertson, sr., Mrs. Charles K. Ffulding, Mrs. Thomas B. Kay, : rs. John Griffith, ; Mrs. S. P. : . : nbalL Mrs. John Rand and Mrs. J. T. Whlttig. . . - Mrs. Joseph Honored .Mrs.' Robin Day, Mrs. Robert T;;lor, Mrs. waroia uunger ana : : :s. Al Petre were hostesses for a 1 - -heon and afternoon of con--. . . t at the ' former's suburban 1 Tuesday afternoon in com : iL-nent to members of their club. A thower was given in honor of. I.'rj." Robert foseph following the ! -cheon. - J':;t ':" " : ' Club members are Mrs. Robert Jcsepb.'Mrs. Harold dinger, Mrs. ... T, ! Waterman, Mrs. Robert ".. lor, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Ro bin Day, Mrs. H.. P. Gustafson, !!rs. Al Petre, Mrs.' George W. Rit t?msa and Mrs. Alden Adolph. '. Hostesses Entertain I !rs. Kenneth Perry, Mrs. Wol c.t Buren. Mrs. Kenneth Power sr.i Mrs. Wallace Carson hare bid den members of their club to a laTicneon ims aiternoon at me rtrry home on North Summer -5t jwing the luncheon hour. Spe- guests will be Mrs. John ihell and Mrs. James Sears. ! ambers are Mrs. Frank Chap V Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. rg Weller, Mrs. Rex Adolph. . Willard Marshall, Mrs. Ken- .x Perry, Mrs. Wolcott Buren Wallace Carson. Iv:3 Pearce to Present ; F pils in Recital I2u Dorothy Pearce wilHpre- 1 her piano pupils in recital to- r ' U at her studio. 2s7 North' ,. '.ztr street, at 8 o'clock. -- - " i -- .... ":. in .i f PMT h At PUT. BUk Xaifc i-j Brotkar and I Ivaa bbS KartbB Btraalaff -nm bbo nmj ,. ., , t TQt . Cackto-Caekla Era Snir'cy Smith - ,' Ptter .Ular . t m . . . ... uiui nur m teiar ha .. Bu 'T iT3 . ', .i . sr; " p"s r, owMag J MmLmIiIu i ivaa 8teaioU - Th PMa's Qooj Night sig..Bn.w. - w atvvia wsi s Baiaea Barbara Smita Tau f Sobs . - XaraattHa- MaeXachlaa Bobbia PtDdtrgraft ' WlaM irk. ' 8u U eiae a Sweet Briar..... . ,t t Martha Suvslofi r niu in o yirw-"'r...A-. Jaaa iMnidioa -j . ' tMouuut. . Mrk HmtfWnr- --M 1- i " - fcoetnraa I. Hli Zcaapi Sai.i Danra F.r.lm7.. - Margaret Morit. .V.'--W.neh,upt Jaaa Dooaldaoa Two Plaaoa Cbaat Sana ParoleaJTicbakkr Tha eWw-Worm Unftl-Mit - Mark Hatfield. Mia Pearca i lay lor feted at; !:over Last Night,-. Urs; Doiothy Middleton enter- talnel at her country home Ust fft ItlA nlMllin n Utaa St. tricis Taylor who will be married Ii June. A miscellaneous shower A5S2lZM.,?5?'l,, .yior. Mrs. Ruth Hermann, Miss .r.;y Kiggie, miss Iaamay Ben- rrv?. J&sS?. - UrzawfrBarr. Mtos Ruth "V,;!rS!t6L r-rr and Mrs, Dorothy Middle- , 1 ' I -i. Ml - - -v' - , tatlons will, hold its. last . r nnta after summer vara- on "la the f ire-Dlace roonTor iha'4 r en S Vrroun, to lleaill slon, -Mrs. Merrln Propp, . Mrs. or at the Senator Dress shop. . . tAm . . 'JCenneth Barker, Mrs. eUFlem TV After lunch one of the men . . "wiuwc r - lnt Mrs WaUer Martin, r the area will act as guide and t: Vsalem ConnHT r.i Wnnr..'.1 ' ' iSI ' iVt",;- plain the derelopment of 1 . " tr will be lhtrodnced ' xr i thYi"1?!: AU:"r :rta are requested.to be In and : ;resentatlves from all women's realizations are asked to be pres- -t. j v'1"' ' i. t Lhrary Thursday at 2 o'clock.- 'r "s , k r " " ""i V " The iruest.spekker.wUl'N Mr.fT '- 5 f.;i u.: -J .. tf mes Monroe Bot Rront : xri. " discuss, the work of the . , ' '. "t? ef the TSScadi arei?and MrCwome' ornIatfon in the)lk Among thc motoring to Port, l.toff Sfl St three uniting branches of the t oi? to NIle.e.r.emo.n.11 ' hbors: WOOdcraft tiWWJ?' - 1 Meetings a Shbor. of t Wbodcrtfi, ire aM whose irth"dates'Wu?f,fn' ! ' January to May. -r el Noak wlUope her home -r informal afternoon in honor OM of woodcraft ? next: ilensell, musician of-the ' ' ; .i V .; . , ,y . ames McriT .J Tkill en. nembers of ter club with 1 luncheon and several hours ' tract trldse this afternoon; Lcne on' North 18th street. : - i v i. Joseph Albert,1 Mrs. J. C ti, Mrs. George Rodger and rruce Spaulding ot Dallas re-: J last night from a stay ln .13. - ' - . . . - CLUB CALEIIDAfc , Wednesday.'alay lTf if a Congregational Women's Mis slonary society with Ulss Con stance Kantner, North Commer- ' clal streets I P-m. Sacred Heart academy card benefit St. Joseph's hall, 1 p.m. Carnation . Club with ' Mrs. Nellie O'Neill, 740 D street, 2 pjn. , . ...;.' -!:: -!-' V- West Central circle, 1st M eth odist chnrch with Mrs.' Ef fie ' Addison, MO North, Ch arch street, 2:30 p.m. -r,;c,. Salem Music Teacher's asso ciation, loach at ArKOi Impor tant business. Lucy Anna - Lee circle, ' 1st Methodist church with Mn. Carle Abrams, 1&47 Chemeketa street, 2: SO p.m. , Royal Neighbors Sewing club meet at Fairgrounds cabin, no- host luncheon. ' .' , . Thursday, " Hay IS Christian and Missionary Al- llance women's all-day fellow ship meeting with Mrs. C Woelk. 44S North -4th Street. ' lions auxiliary meet at God- : frey's, 1:1s luncheon SJ , A.AV lUlltUCVB. KCKT club with Mrs. Nellie- Knox,, 1495 N.. Commercial, 2 p.m. . , . . ,:. ; i .. j , Sigma Kappa alumnae with Mrs. Frank DeWitt, 710 E street, 8 p.m."' , , - SU Paul's auxiliary with Mrs. Claire Lee, 14 8 1 South Com mercial street, 2:30 p.m. HayesTllle 'Woman's club with Mrs. C. B. Taylor, annual spring luncheon, 12:80 p.m. Merry Mlnglers, with Mrs. Harold Woodburn, RL 7, 2 p.m. Chapter G, PEO, dessert luncheon with Mrs. Paul Jack son, Chemawa, 1:80 p.m., guest day. - -' FL club with Miss Frances Kyle, 965 N. lth, 8 p.m. Salem Council ot Woman's organizations meet at city li brary, 2 p.m. Friday, May 10 Council of Church Women at Presbyterian church, all day be ginning at 10 ajn. o&i uiooara auxuiary wun Mrs. Harry Ross, 233 North Hal Hibbard auxiliary with Kum-Join-U. class, 1st Chris- Uan church, 7:30 p.m. South circle, 1st Christian church, with Mrs. H. A. White, 7:45 South Liberty street Jurenlle Neighbors of Wood craft, Fraternal temple, 4 p.m. Past Matrons, OES, meet at Godfrey's, dinner, 7:30 p.m. Sigma Tau Mothers with Mrs. Homer McWain, Fairriew Are., 1:30 p.m. - Woman's Alliance ot Unitar ian church with Mrs. G. H. Llt tlefield, 224 Dirision, 2:30 p.m. Married People's class1 of First Baptist church with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schirman, Rt. 2, covered dish dinner. 0:45 p.m. ' , . '. TaMitii. Maw ; Ministers Wires, with Mrs. H. S. Gile. Varied Program Offered A . T 1 Al lADTaTY ... Sf nnnwm nr nnnini .iR,r nrn. r. , , - o- ' - null. Hctnlitrt M " 'Rlrha.ril . - : - . sirauss wui be puyed on the u,w wwl' OTB,:eri ox re corded music in the music oom of the Salem public library thj afternoon from 8 to 4. The- symphony - No. 8 - in B minor (unfinished) br Schubert will inmn1ta th linn nf mniln Tin CTwior . w uuiuwra -m iuuuwd. iry nome ofc-w ranar urawiora . ;.taSBc! r?r!!Il"J7r!iu'tr!i afternoon. A no-host KndVitB Gaas, Coadnctor - Ur:a (Tomorrow l Biekard Straaaa Kiettard Straaaa Bnlda Lukuika. Sosru. - TV - V.I IT1 O.V.V . KrnemUnt Sehootaaa-HaiBk, Sopraaa -, DedipatioB Ha, Moat Gloriana at AU . vi.lii8.M : Tit Behipa, Teaor Cradta Sobs. Br.k. BappbJe Od Haida Lthaka, Sopraao wita vaeraa jai phony So. SUB minor (CafiBiskcd) Schubert Allerro BMdersta Aadaata eoa meto . Boatan Brnphear Orekeatna Serca Eoatscvitikr, Coadactor . . , r - 'Matrons tO e IrUeStS M mm n m "' A group of Salem matrons are. 'V ". s."V hon nas recently mored to Port- t xr.. tr.t.vi. on. Bobby. wUI .Uy Jor.the Matthls is a sis- ter t "Mrs. Sehon. - In the group will be Mrs. Verne MatthisL Mra. Elvin Tbomaa. Mrs. Morse Stewart. Mrs. Herbert Mis- iwMWMSS i foreign W out society 01 cne .besiie me clurehv will hold Mta'y birthday siraMaSat a' cnurcB' i "Mrs. Mason, Bishop will- lead' the derotlonals -andMrs.4 W. N.rAsh will " hare charge of the birthday ceremonials. Host- esses for the afternoon nH Met-.1 .fterfiodtt 'Bre jMes-, Metxger, E. D. dames A. W, Roseman, D. A. a rvnm : . air..aa sirs, ourer -C-essp Vr" .v er? .iid sen. Billy, of Portland. vrt, alson were to Eugene last week ' ' - .u . . " . . . . nnd aa tha rnaata f Mr. ant Urt LTA Jlf S ivi. waad a'swjjil M . Hrnul r i..f'7l.,n.K "'w!!!tf0' -vrr irirj:-- - .ai?--?--- 2' J eantte rrowa..da jiUr of irri and Urs. pABrown, is leaving'today for a week's stay In 2411 FraScisco and the bay region." Do You Uecr but Do xNot -Understand : Conversation? . , i "K f If-So See or . CaO : 250 If. Cih Pbooe 690O Marriage Told to Friends at Party ; On Monday 'J: 1 Miss Gretchen Gamer and Mrs.' Richard Farra were hostesses for a. smartly arranged dessert supper . s Monday night honoring Miss Mar Ion Hennessy whose marriage to -Mr. Richard Mot was announced. j , The wedding was an event of Sep- ' tember 21, 1938, at the home of -Dr. and Mrs. R. H: Brown .of Washington. :; ' : i Mrs. Mote- is the "daughter of ) Mr. ' and Mrs. J. H. Hennessy of ; Portland formerly of Salem. 8he ! attended Oregon State college and ' . is .a member of Delta Delta -Delta. She hai resided in Salem for set" ; era! years. ' ' :-x' ' , Mr. Mote Is the son of Professor ; ana Mrs. Dan c. Mote or corral- " 1 Us. He is a graduate of Oregon- Bute xoUege and affiliated) with di with:!" ity. The 4 tills for; 1 i block- , j napkin, f Mt the w Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. The couple, will reside In Corrallia for the summer. The announcement was printed on each guests The decorations carried out blue, . yellow and green color scheme with bouquets of spring flowers used about the rooms. The erening was spent Informally. . f The guests were Mrs. Richard Mote, Mrs. Phillip Brandt, Jr., Mrs. Walter . Gamer, Mrs. . Glen .Powers, . Mrs. F. M. Chittenden, Mrs. L.V B. Darls, Miss Margaret Barr. Miss Mildred Muller, Miss ViTian Ashford, Miss Mary Rath Cashin all of Salem, Mrs. Mel Breese of Eugene, Mrs. J. H. Hen nessy of "Portland, Mrs. Dan C Mote ot Corrallis and the hostess es. Mrs. Richard Farra and Miss ' Gretchen Gamer. 1 Informal Party a j - Arranged TOr MrS. OCnmiQZ Mrs. Robert vHerrall, Mrs. Ver Eon Perry and Mrs. Harold Olln ger hare bidden a group of young matrons and maids to a smartly arranged luncheon Thursday aft- 5SBVnS,e,.St: ' i(,rr' .:, ... tables centered with arrangements ot pastel spring flowers and aim- nV hmmn.ft wtii h imnmi .knt .Z rAn. v.. will h in iinrinr th .ft-r-. vm ; Covers will be nlaced for Mrs Loring Schmidt, Mrs. Chandler Brown. Mrs. James Walton, Mrs. Clayton Foreman, Mrs. Robert Drager, Mrs. William H. Ham- be held in June, mond. Mrs. Garlen Simpson. Mrs." Those present were Mrs. E. J. Charles Claggett, Mrs. Robert DonnelL' Mrs. Harry Elgin, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Alden Adolph, Mrs. w. J. Entrees, Mrs. Richard Erick Reynolds . Allen. Mrs. Charles, gon, Mrs. George Fake, Mrs. S B. Heltsel. Mrs. Otto Schmidt. Miss ntifA u x v n..r vtt-. n Ji1 .'?fW.a Ba5W Mr..' Addison Lane, w aura. Anna ifriiTi rpr Mn. vh . . . n aua rem. jnrj. i aroia uunaer x . n buu ini . nuuri neri ftii aa sh , IfntWt frnnn M Ata mer8rouP Meet8 At CrawtnrA fTnme Tim Alnha Pht AlnTia Mnthora .1.1. . v. luncucuu wma cujujcu wiiusuBia 8C seated at small tables a i I : A A business meeting with elec- tlon Of Officers WSS held. Mrs. r.nir V.hn namait nml. dent. Mrs Brran Goodenonsh. 1 treasurer. After the'meeUng the'' "1..2? j ,v. j at .8: 30 o clock Saturday night at dens. .- i - ' Those present were Mrs. M. J. DeLapp. Mrs. -E. A. Taylor, Mrs. A. R. Thompson, Mrs. J. M. Lamb, Mrs. Myron Van Eaton, Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs. T. C. Mason, Mrs. Frxnk Crawford, Mrs.W. E. Kirk, Mrs. , George- Vehrs, Mrs. F. A. Kurts. Mrs. Robert Nelmerer. Mrs. L. J. Chapln and Mrs. Duane Gib-: son. -Womeri Will Picnic at - tia tn,i... i. fe.sIon.l.Woaen'. club will hare a no-host picnic on Sunday at the recreational area of the Boys' TMCA camp near Sllrer Creek falls. Miss Lois Steinke is in charge and will take reservations at 8384 from ex- the iuy. jlubtb are several iraus ior , waias. 1 nose going are asx- ed to meet at the corner by Miller's SrTSaaa a niin CnftrlaBi m ab In aw 1 ftfT : wnptv.JtM. PnalH-IHauser,- Mrs.iUwrence Lister, Mrs. Ethel Nlles. Mrs. C. c Gabriel. Mrs. M. C. Petteys and M. ?B. B Flack. A banquet wUl rs.'ii.is isxk.a oanquei wi D ned n the evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. a MaJsonMiss - BetfbrriL'"" " " -T, " Mr. and MrsKeneth Maesesa f -8helton, Washington, j wera weekend gueste of Mr. and Mrs. S5l LL . F5PFt- i C-:;r::iTr.in3iiFf:T :;::::::ff-N.7 Far H yaars va bar a I I -ccufiL.. traatad taomaada. 1 i ' yaaata fa tba ajlraaata 1 .- : ar aVacialxa av Kactal I j , aad Coiaa aad Stanachaik V - stents cotnpitalydoaaway J V .- wit wittaQt ' a hoapital V, , aaarattem Ka coBTiaiiaiat. , i k leaa af tima from yoor wark. Cat) a writ for F&XK Bootitt oar. .. Cr.CaJ.Dir.: cu::ic . 9ttvldum ami wmfn i ' RX Cor. C Baniaida aad Oraad Ak -, . TaUpkaa EAat MIS Partlaad. Oraa) o o UAXINE BUREN ' - . .. -V l f "He's the type of driver who pats That points to a lack of Terre and mi l( i ;rkjf, ly young women can't forego. And right they are and prore it, the blonde in an evening frock of brilliant ruby red. Basque bodice and puffed sleeves are of grosgrain. the skirt's romantic fullness of chiffon. Ice blue crepe makes lines with Infantile bodice and sleeves all finely pleated the bet ter to show off her shoulders, my dear. Copyright, 1939, Esquire Features, Inc. Etokta Clnb Members Feted Tuesday . Mrs; Mason Bishop opened her nome to membr" of Etokta cluD Tuesday afternoon. A dessert luncheon was served and assist- inr hostesses were Mrs. Edwin Thomas, Mrs. Stuart Johnson and Mrs. George Sehon. ' Mr. W. C. Stacer Trave an inter- estlng talk on the "Raising ot Foxes and Minks." A business meeting was held and a picnic will . Mn. rurneHL usb. bbibb auioiuiiib titvk. -,-. u u.ir. u m. n. m. mvaw, Clifton Ross,.. Mrs. A. L. Skewis, Mrs. H. O. Taylor, Mrs. Ray Clark, Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mri George Sehon, Mrs. Edwin Thomas and Mrs. Stuart Johnson. - SAVia IMaI llioan Wofl tn Mr. Mawson Mr. and Mrs. Alden Adolph have returned from Olympia, Wash., . rlnlnri,a alatpr MU. XTpI 01 MM. AdOiptt S SiSter, MISS where they attended the wedding Green daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Green Of Cresswell. to Mr. TT . ... 4-k1MM.t fJ 2ly.mfJ:, M"' Adolpn was the . . . matron of honor. ... 7. v, v f 18 wi J 8v T. t" lllJl: f4 S.le wl Oregon olt". ""I. ..w?. ow wun, " m,ELr: -..--Vr.J:!!1.- f T' Mr. aiwMw aiKuueit nuuiuiiua State college. ' ..Mrs. C'lVGabrielson and her son, Mr. Carl Gabrielson, are en- training . Friday night" for Des Moines, Iowa, where they will ris-, it with relatives for sereral weeks. JTS.1 L.t0.rU"d T with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Bishop before leaving tor the ea8t- - I I T - Choose the Northern 8,000 Miles !..... t "-4 - ' .. : JUUm Mdoiatckiiaar coachca to Km York, ! tliaaea So Saa Frsndace, i' ffl ' fegtoa, a C, Nw OtUmm, Los Angeles, er aW f Gbsrsl soperer lrMltfas,t i t - . For yea cast -.- t ;- t I 0 i Never Wore baa a. a. saade. Ask for all the UATtru rr rwjik. s n vvw s s-isTii sa. r tri f35 f MCewhiVfeiy 3 ' i t i ! I , ' r p ' -4 '"' . 'MaaaBBBMSBafc.BaasSSjBBsaaBS . j .jr- i. a,,-aBv-. bbj l 1 i I a roar mcsj agent, or -s ts x.-, m'(B o o Worne Editor- " v 5 - .' U 1 glares in the glore compartment I M imarination Qualities these lore- the brunette a knockout in sum , . Reception Given to Honor Nurse. Following a special service! giren for the Salem graduate nurses at the First Baptist church honoring the birthday of Florence Nightengale, when Rer, Irring Fox spoke, a reception was held at the parsonage. Nes were honor guests, A centerpiece ot columbine. delphinium, and iris centered the table, yellow tapers were also used in the decoratire scheme. A lamb fashioned of coconut by Mrs. Fox was a feature of the decoration, corsages were pre sented to the honored guests. The committee in charge ot ""l" U" Marion Curry, Mrs. Floyd Mc- Clellan, Mr. P. D. Van Ausdel, Mrs. Albert Ramsey er, Mrs. Rus sell Millett, Mrs. Homer Blum Cates Those who poured were Mrs. Floyd White and Mrs. C. H. Mc- Cullouch, Assisting - exwA. Mm. winAa were Mrs. Dewey . Davis and Mrs. Glen Newland. Assist ing in the dining room were Mrs. Frederick Broer,- Mrs. Ron ald Clark, Mrs. Lowell Moran and Mrs- Weldon Albright, Theatre Movement Is lUCailC iUUVClUCUl XS t) fr-9r) pJ C1DS organized Mrs. Chester Oppen, who neaa8 the dramatic department wni..t4. v- been selected to head an en- terprise, the organization ot a ChUdren's Little Theater here and one which Is said to hare Deen successfully developed in mn Darta of the country. The Blan h of 8ronp9 fr0m each xraae acnooi section, for th PnrPose of study of all phases of me theater. Mr. N. C. Douglas, who la in charge of the dramatic depart- ment of the American publlsh- mg company, is the organiser, The first meeting has been set tor Jane 15. ' The East Central circle of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. LaMoine Clark at 753 Mar- "treet today at 2;30 o'cloct. Pacific going East or 0nr $90 throuah St. Lsa WasV travel ia Standard er Te j ; : -:. ' - a?- AT Cberat a tmetwdar heea i insffeatiag eVaib. Yellow A CT" - S I SS ITtn J . M - tWitcd - . , . J .0(2) Gil ILL Cottons Are Desirable' For gashing ? v . . It seems there's a cotton erase going on and. it's really a good style for those of us who wear our cioines rainer nara ana uxe to sare our silks for best. Washing one's dress erery day or so euts down the cleaning budget consld- erably. s. There are a good many new names - among - the ; new cottons, aamea we're almost forgotten but which are appearing among, the new fabrics, like eamhric. madras. poplin, lawn, batiste and denim, They're returning to popularity, but in a new streamlined form, tor now we see them processed to be non-wilting, and without the need for starch. Modern processing of cottons takes care of shrinkage as well as creasing. Another Innovation in water repellent, which means that processing fabrics is making them they are not spo table from water yet washabillty Is not affected. cur each of sieved avocado and Bake In moderate oren (375 de ' Gingham la now appearing In drained, sieved, eooked gooseber- grees) 30 minutes. Top with smart spogts wear. Stripes, "plaids r,e, or another ; similarly i tart whipped cream. and checks are used for daytime wear. Tomi nnd skirts . and matching Jackets in smart ging- hams. Sheer lingerie blouses and dresses are even more popular this summer and the eotton cam- leoles that go under them give added daintiness. With fresh eotton nnderthings for a crisp foundation and cotton purses, gloves, and hats to com- plete that dainty, Just-stepped- out-ot-the-bandbox look, the sim- piesi couon wararooe wui oe an incentive to keep -cheerful, cool, and collected while the warm wea- ther lasts. Gome into the HAPPY Leu iot wore fun you. For intriguing, delicious foods can be "coaxed" together in hours less time than you ever imagined There ate all sorts of little time-savers and wife-savers on your paatryshelves, in the spicccan in your cabinet, in craps that you've always thrown away. And these efficiencies are so simple, practical and easy! That's why we've planned cir cocking schcol to slww them to you. We know youl enjoy evesy mtasste of the ejooking school, and we urge you not to miss a erte tecoad. Cose as ocrgaest. 1 The I FREE I r-.i - , r 1 : i - w 1 .... .11. , "ii ,iv"v mi . :. w -: A: sO:1L AL It J 0 I' A r W r:4r "s:f fi'"lf vy ,',,t ' - . ff - J - T " I - I as - !- - L - . . . WW 5 . . . t i- - , sT I SV 1 ssf s. .r . : '-i..'.'..4 4';--.l ?IJ.;- r-L-'-'?Zj T.-, -;-,7 If t L--i 4.f ti. t. ,'! rlVv-' ; . a- -if .nnntLPliitff - m ( f '" f ' ' 1 ' Llixed7ithz: Others : - ' - Because r- gooseberries are In market a7 short time only, their versatility has been underrated, for the flaTor of gooseberries ts really delightful when combined with other things. - ' . The strawberry-gooseberry lam which appeared in The SUtesman last week opens tne way lor a tu- cussion of other combination of flavors with this same berry- One of the winter's delights in one Salem family is the occasional appearance of gooseberry jam on ice cream, a dessert that Is "unus- ual only because nobody tninxs 01 It. : Strawberries and gooseberries might combine as a sauce, or for shortcake. In either case, cook the gooseberries with a little water first, then cool and combine with sliced strawberries. An attractively cool looking mousse tor spring and summer service is a delicate pastel green in color, made so from the nat- ural color of an unusual fruit com- binatlon of tart gooseberries and sierea avocaao. use .mree-iourms weeien wiia xour ffw" "l f1"?" v. oienaea iruu mixxure ana iew grams 01 sail wo vue uu eups 01 wnippwg cream tVour?nff a ?efrir?to 'l8"BlaPfu,rB SJl iSl and gJJ- "-SoSt .tirrtnf for three 5.". 2Sln J" -m "r.u,.. " T" ' TC "make a Pas- trSStaUoSiiSS , n--Hn and n flavored JSSJttJy 7 , GOOSEBERRY HORNS 2 V cups flour 2 egg yolks - where you KITCHEN work and more fun V mazNCT taid . t "is coaxing ai cat of puHig him by If you've been talriog hoiun to bake the morn ing biscuits and fry the dinner rhirlrn, and wind up feeliBg as though every kitchen ia the world ought to be at the bottom of the South Atlantic we have a most pleasant surprise in store for Oregon Statesman's 71 c a ay . al. i uu 1 : Broiled ham steaks will be tk meat for today's dinner. Asparagus-egg salad Broiled ham stesks Bananas Cornbread muffins -Angel food gingerbread This interesting recipe is new to the - writer, but sounds set fucinatin it'a beinsr osssed em immediately for trial, r - AXGEL FOOD GINGERBREAD U cup shortening - cup sugar 1 egg,, well beaten K cup molassegv . H . cup fresh hot coffee 1 cups Hour t " teaspoon cloves H teaspoon baking powder teaspoon soda . . T "4 teaspoon salt r 4 teaspoon ginger 1-3 teaspoon cinnamon 1-3 . teaspoon nutmeg - Cream shortening with sugar. Add egg and molasses. Mix. Add coffee; sift', flour, me -sure and sift with baking, powder, soda, salt and spices, and add te first mixture. Beat until smooth. pour into wen-oiled baking pan. r 4 teaspoon salt 1 cup butter 8 tablespoons cold water witn tep -d4 t0 flour - Chin for two hours. Divide parts then divide each of these into seven parts, 1 i 1 i .1 I making 28 pieces in all. Roll int round balls, then roll each flat Spread with fresh gooseberry Jam. 'old over and pinch the edges bend slightly to form into horn. ana oaxe xo minutes in a av uw gree oven. While still hot covet . with powered sugar icing and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Aesop 4,000 yeari igo, across the room instead the taiL" r j j ii jina less it . ' t ' - ' " 1 " . - , ' ' , I ,' . 'i, . .... ' i : ' .y . K '' ' ' ' i i.n. - i. : . . . V sjwuaus V 'l :. ( 'I----;', j 'v? :''" i J. . . "', !!.. .