The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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    "BMMM,,'"iM,M"M,ieB"1"""1 mwwr- -c L - r.m-.:.t . - - -
driving aaiety
Experienced Test Drivers
- List Ways, to -Prevent ;
Traffic Mishaps
With the advent of the tour
lag season and "the prospect that
more motorists will take to the
road this year than in 'many
years past, Charles A. Chayne,
fcuick chief engineer, listed the
folio wing .safe' driving sugges
' tlona compiled as a result of a
Questionnaire submitted1 te- six
veteran Batch test drivers:
: Never tars your head when
talking 'with occupants of the
csr. '
Do not tale hands from wheel
for gestures.
Keep your mind -on driving.
? : Watch the crossroads. . '
' " Regulate car speed according
to road and tratue r conditions.
Obey : speed laws.
Slow up before entering turns,
Hake use of your car rear
vision . mirror and keep It in
roper position.
Do not pass cars on grade or
blind tarns, and stay on your
own side of tbe road.
If a tire goes flat while driv
ing, avoid using brakes until
car Is traveling at moderate
rate of speed. - .
Do not attempt to make des
tination when tired or sleepy.
It is bad practice to read
street addresses while driving a
- ear.. -. - .-- ; ,
Do not drive on the wrong
lde of the road to prevent what
you may think will be .41 accl-
' lent, ..
Keep windshield clean.
Do not rely too much oa yotr
brakes .when making stops.
1 Learn by - trial - what your car
will do when skidding.
Keep . radio volume low
Enough to hear railroad signals,
sat balance or fire sirens and
sther car horns.
Do not depend solely on rear
t lew mirror when driving in re-1
terse. Look baekv v I I
w I
See that your brakes, UghtS I
and steering gear are In proper I
- - - .1 A - -
ability or the ability of others.
' Lantis Purchases
Old Snyder Place
who purchased the old
Lantis. !
Snyder I
place, more recently . owned by
the Hillmans, is razing the old
knaa Sn4. saaaMl . . tlaAw 1 A
uUdlng; d ecSn. a" modern
oae-story sir-room house. !
Miss Jennie Muscott. Portland.
has been uendinr a few days
with her sister. Mrs. Luther J.
Chspin. , Miss Muscott, who has
vlslted several expositions, has
Init rtnrtift1 from San Francisco
where she spent several days
jTisiung tne worms rsir. sne
praises the fair highly and says
that Oregon's exhibit Is by fa.
the best of all
Attend World's Fair
MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs.
K. N. Keener are attendinr the
world's fair at San Francisco,
and will visit their daughter.
Mrs. Minnie Kerns and their
grandson in Oakland.
uWjJ0 i 1 ,rt
If leads in cccc! loads in hill-clinibmo..
and it also leads in sales!
- I ... uu Ha-' wtilrh snell value, which means . -
in more mj uhu wi -
handsome Chevrolet: the ace per- hfch quality
; - uiuovaw v saA iJ ; sIasm tw
i . w-wv v mw m mm mm m n mm m mm u mm
a iAsv.tiriri
first car of the Isndl
It's first In gofer,
th. "x SnTS
years, toppial sui
public demand!
tL ii eh
W mM
Selected as the of flclal courtesy car
merce convention and tourist bureau, tbe smart Plymouth sedan
above Is seem getting Its final touch of "makeup" from Priacilla
Tottea (left) and Pauline Prior. With Hollywood emblems oar the
grille, hub caps and windshield,
the country offering Hollywood
eeganizaUoaa, . . y - .
Offset Fund loss
The net Increase In gasoline
ier 7 on
Income from this source for the
first three months, will be nutti
flSS ASA f MHmatl tAv
mt,hA rand f nndn. R H. Ral-
doekv ,ute hlghwsy engineer, re-
The increase In gasoline-for the
first three months of 13. after
deducting refunds and adminis
trative costs, was f lZS.OSO. If this
ratio of increase . continues
throughout the year the gasoline
tax Income will be tSOO.OOO
greater than estimated by the
highway commission.
Officials said the increase so far
-n .1
Pr eent OTer
H was pointed out, however,
that the tax might decrease la
Iter In th eyear due to unsatls-
Iter in the year due to unsatls-
I Entertain Mothers
i Tnnvrp Th hi.h rhi
Home EcooonUc, cU with their
teacher. Miss Gertrude Roenlke,
I entertained Thursday .afternoon
I at their work room in ,Ahe high
I school, with a Mothers' day
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Riches
and two children are enjoying a
10-day trip to Treasure island
I Farmers are busy finishing
planting corn and Deans.
Gas Tax Receipts
m .
mm mm wwrv mvmw www. mmw
rnpui. ia KMEm --. svaja. mLm suaw
of course, for
It's first In
... i4nm
CLir csn u iv"
UUIt fSm uiiu uw .mm , aMw. awn . tm
to you for all the fun jougetoutof it!
- Get the most for rot
mmv rhln?a bur a new Chevrolet!
Get the most for tout money
. m,- ....... - ., . f.,
for Hollywood's Chamber of Com
this Plymouth scout car win tour
as a convention lure to national
,.-;-4. ' .
OCE Students to
Elect on Tuesday
MONMOUTH The following
havo been, nominated for student
body officers of Oregon College
of Education for the coming
year . :C;.A:
Tor president: Errin Meade,
Banks; Edward Miller, EU Hel
ens; Harvey WUlUms, Parkdale.
For vice president: Dexter
McCarty, Boring; Stephen
schmidt, jcugene.
Tor . secretary-treasurer: Jean
Appleberry, Tigard; .Virglala
Craven, Monmouth; Juanlta Har
rington, Columbia City; Lenora
Jensen. Monmouth; 'Dorothy
smith, isimira. . r
Elections will . be Tuesday.
Pies Bring Funds
For Scholarships
DETROIT The Detroit grade
school held Its annual pie so
cial aad program Wednesday
night, with a fair sised crowd
In attendance. A play, "Elmer"
by the upper grades and directed
by Willow Evans, kept everyone
laughing. The primary grades
presented a skit with Catherin
Fryer the reader and directed
by Joan Stayner. -r . ,
Roy Newport, local merchant
acted as auctioneer for the pies.
The school made I2C.10 to be
used to help send, girls to 1H
summer school at Corvallis. El-
berta Llbby. Msrauerite Jrcksnn
j and
Louise Phillips are the
girls eligible for the trip.
, , i
hverery etejfle part
-ftaa Mr miA irvm rfitt
sssw eaw, swvv
acceleration flat in
to iS
with orfWiftmvf ,
Royal Couple to
71 1 grw" : i ' "
It'a Stock llachine 7ithl
; Unusual ; : Euipment,
' ; . Unique Purpose ?
Word has been received by the
Salem Automobile company, local
Chrysler dealers, that when their
majesties, King George , vl and
Queen Elisabeth, - visit Canada.
part of their traveling will be done
In a specially-built Chrysler Royal
recently completed at the Wind
sor. Ont, plant of . th Chrysler
corporation. All sorts of features
contributing ; to eomfort, beauty
and safety hare been installed In
a special convertible body, mount
ed en the Royal IS S Jnch " wheel-
base chassis usually equipped with
seven-passenger closed bodies. - r
The rear compartment is en
tirely enclosed : la shatterproof
glass so that the royal "visitors
may see and -be seen aad at the
same time enjoy the utmost pro
tection. Ia inclement weather the
top may be raised quickly.
. Beau Dtff erens
'The seat design is unusual in
that the auxUlary seats face the
rear instead of the front, etiquette
forbidding that anyone ' save the
chauffeur should ride with his
back to royalty. The rear com
partment is upholstered in dark
Mao broadcloth and a special blue
carpet covers the floor. The -mov
able armrest lu the center has a
large hand mirror on either side.
Two blue hassocks and two broad
cloth laprobes of the same color
are carried. A dictaphone and
clock are other convenient acces
sories. -
The British : royal ' Insignia Is
carried oa the panel of each rear
door tad also is mounted. Illu
minated, abere the center of the
windshield. When the king aad
queen occupy the car the' royal
standard also will be displayed.
The ear is driven by a regula
tion Royal englae with special
aluminum head that gives 191
horsepower. Walts sidewall tires
with - Goodyear puncture ? proof
tubes are used. As an added safe
ty feature, fog lights supplement
the regulatloa headlamps.
The ear was purchased by the
Canadiaa government and all de-
tails of Its design and equipment
were approved ia Ottawa. i
Moore President i
Of State ARYE
Blair and Miss Etta Millet, leal
telephone operators oa vacations
returned yesterday from a motor
trip . to Port Orford. They
brought back rhododendrons sad
axalea In bloom, from the coast
sections, and report all the ser
port towns busy with tourist
Arthur Moore, Monmouth, was
elected president of the Aged
Retirement and Touth Employ
ment, Inc., at a convention held
In Corvallis Saturday, to serve
for a f .month term. . Other of
ficers named were: G. H. Ward,
Tillamook, vice president; Mae
Fitch, Corvallis, secretary; Doris
Jutner, Corvallis, treasurer;
George Harrimaa, Salem, J. A.
Reiber, Falls City, and Mrs. C.
O. Thomas, Vernonia, were nam
ed board of trustees.
cusxzn ;
pc?ECTn i
J" J-
. fiia w3 f"
- -; i
PHONE 31t3
Champion Heats Champion
-. : t ? . . x
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;-- v v, -a. ..
:' : '
. . . ".. T
. - Xwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmm i
Ralph GnldabJL already the aatloa's
vftth his sew Stadebaker Cbamploa foUowiag bis astowadtag
tory la the recent AagwsU UasterS tourney, to which be asea a
1 sparine 27 strokes to beat America's greatest golfers, tecladiaa
Sasa flaead. Laws littie. Gene
the victory extra sure bo shot
also reeeatly porchased a new
Tire Progress Is
Factor inj Safely
Three Years Eitrineerina.
Extengire Uoa( Tests !
Giren new Model . -
One of the least; conspicuous
developments of tho motor ear
which has made possible the
modern automobile's saiaiiag
performance has beea tirs manu
facture, asserts Walter Zosel,
manager of . the Goodrich Silrer
town store at 198 south Commer
cial street.
Quick stops, non-skid qualities
and blowout protection. eoupled
with longer wear are the out
standing achievements in the tire
field, all reflected Is the Good
rich Safety Sllrertown tire with
the life-saver tread, he declared.
Zosel pointed out that three
years of painstaking engineer
ing and more than a million
NO. 6 .
AA A (c1?
' , -; I ' .
"I ' . - , , ' ' ' '
open and western golf champion,
garaaea aad Bfflle Barke. Te aaafce
the final alae boles la S3. Guldshl
1939 srndebaker Presideat. . .
miles of siactlag road tests pre
ceded the Introduction of this
aew produet.
"In the v pacific . northwest
where Urn mosatala roads, vet
highways aad long dlstaaeas pat
emphasis oa these tiro qualities;
the 5 Goodrich Safety SUvtrtows
has won overwhelming - accep-
.ae:-declared. :.;
i?arallel Parking
Is Now in Vogue
Schlador saw oaa of her first
expressed wishes when she took
over the city reigns realised this
week when the parallel parking
lines were painted on Silvertons
dty center streets and cars, long
parking by heading in, changed
the method. Considerable more
room was thus gained for pass
ing motorists but the parkiag
problem has become more diffi
cult, merchants stats.
KainBoiv Analysis
Permitf Control of Alloy
Proportions Before It
Ijtxret Fornaces
, Becsuse every metaf has a
"rainbOF" of its own. Ford Mo
tor - company i metallurgists are
able to , control the composition
of aQoy iron .before it Is poured
out-of the furaaces ia the Luge
30-acre - Ford ; foundry s at Dear
born." Mich.
This w advanced - method - of
analysis, which Is the Industrial
equivalent of making certain the
cake. Is good before it is baked.
Is superior to the chemical analy
sis it supersedes in several Im
portant respects. . The foremost
of these Is in time. It requires
only eight minutes to snalyze
simultaneously s 1 z : different
samples for six elements, a total
of xs determinations "made in a
fraction of the time needed for
chemical : analysis. The method
permits control of metal In the
making Instead simply of provid
ing a means for examining the
f wished product. The value of
this factor, la a foundry that
pours several hundred tons of
metal a day, is obvious.
. Used by Sdeatbrts v .
The method is the same In
principle as that which , enabled
astronomers to discover helium
on. the . sua that Is, . speetro-
graphic analysis. This Is based
on the fact that when light from
any one of the f z elements
which makevup the earth Is sent
through a prism. It forms a
ralabow made up of . distinc
tive spectral llaes. These lines
vary la Intensity la proportion to
the amount of the different ele
ments la the sample being ana
lysed. ... - -
Ia the Ford plant a tiny Astr
lag 1-S inch In diameter aad
shout an " Inch long Is poured.
and speeded from the cupola to
the laboratory la ., a pneumatic
tube.' The sample Is placed la
a spark gap, and , rol s
applied. The light eaters the
spectrograph and Is broken up
into spectral lines by a prism
The pattern of the lines Is pho
tographed, and the density of
the lines representing chromium,
copper, manganese, molybdenum,
nicaei anff silicon then is meas
ured by a highly sensitive in
strument called the mierophoto-
Howell teachers, Mrs. Myrtle
Clark and. Mrs. Nell Hilflker.
have been rehired for next school
yesr. .. v-m-
V7itHn the Irotding orea oi Salem (ZS to 33 mSss) Is
grown about 70 of Orsgon'a crrmucd hop crop coa
sistiag of approximcrtelT 75X03 bodes, or 1SXS3XC3
pounds. The annual cost of production of thssa hops'
wSl enrsrago ctpproxjmatelr 18c par pound or d toted of
The cost oi production of hops is distrxbutsxi ots fofiowss
V T ForLaborj!
For Materials
For Misxrellcmoous10 par cent
During the growing season this oxea empbyes. in
addition to the regular crew oi moa xoointcdned fho
year around, approximately , 2SC3 additional man and
'women and during harrost sorao 35X03 to 43X33 addi
tional workers are raruirsdV :-Y v ;
It also must be taken into consideration that the tno
tsiiods and ouscellaneous articles purchassd by tho
hop growers xndude such items as woo&'lumber. hn
plsments and repairs el exrurpment which adds to the
labor of other ccanmodiriea, ,
Wind SgIsati vjcdtfJk
pickina. erviaa aad -
acSno hens ee the T. A. Livesley
MaEanroM ssna aera at aeav
Automobile bhovt
On Wheels Is Due
. - - I
Ford Company's Complete ;
Line to Be Exhibited in
Salem Blonday t j
"A full-fledged automobile show i
on wheels." was the msnner in (
which W. L. Phillips, local Ford J
dealer, described the Ford quality !
group caravan that will arrive at
his dealership Mondsy, May IS, at i
noon. !
"The complete line of Ford T-t
passenger cars. Mercurys, Lincoln-
Zephyrs, and Ford V- commercial
and truck units, will be shown In
addition to a cut-away chassis and f
parts display boards.- said W. L. i
Phillips. This exhibit, he con- i
tinned, "brought to Salem through I
the cooperation of Valley Motors
Co provides an excellent oppor- ;
tunlty for the many people who
have expressed keen interest In s
these cars to Inspect-and ride In , 1
them." -- -,. v -
Movie Is Included
The cars ran has been arranged i
to give the public a first-hand pie- '
ture of Ford products and meth-
ods. A motion picture illustrating
Ford operations will be shown at i
the Ford dealership and factory
trained experts will be on hand to :
explain the complete exhibit. -
W. L. Phillips, of Valley Motor
Co., emphasised that provisions:
are being made to accommodate
everyone in attendance to take a;
ride la oae or more of the differ-
ent units of the Ford quality
group. - X
This exhibit," uld Phillips, is
oae well worth a visit by everyone i
Interested In modern pssseager ;
ear aad track transportation. Ev
ery effort has beea expended to;
auks the display complete, unus-;
aal aad In teres tins. X arge every- i
oae to take advaatage of this op-:
portanlty and cordially Invite you
to Join ns Monday."
Fanners9 Banquet j
Set Tuesday Eve !
Masters of Oregon State college !
will be the speaker at the Inde- j
pendence chamber of com-ieree ;
annual farmers' banquet at-.
Campbell's hall Tuesday evening,
May 16.
Invitations have been sent
out to some 100 farmers to at-j
tend the meeting- 'which is spon-!
sored each year by the chamber.:
The agriculture committee tni
charge of ' the arrangements for :
the meeting lacludes O. D. Kel-!
ley.- Dr. C. D. Long, Kenneth!
Williams and John E. Black.
4 t