1 X r 1 Zhm CSGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Ccadijr ttorcias, Kay' 'i - 7 u ILccssJune, 1 - ji aires Finalle Division Titlista - Finally Lose, 12-6; but Turn .Tables, 12 to 5 i '(Continued from Page 7) tame singlet - to go' -with his sightcap bom ran, while Pitch er Anton doubled once and tingled twice. ' - J ' Fisticuffs Flare - Coach "Spec" Keene's "gas house" gang were in trouble most of the day. Umpire Hal ver son i had particularly bad day with the Bearcats, and ran Horse" . Lonergan out - of the game In 'the second lnn'ug of the nightcap for protesting too vig orously - a third called strike. ' " Riralry b e t w e e n ' the two teams, spurred by ' Willamette'? frequent arguments with the um pire and a blistering hot day, also climaxed In action. Johnny Kolb bested Lake, Pacific third sacker, three to nothing, in fisti cuffs , following a play at the hot corner. 'Already short-handed tn the catching department due to an injury to Hal Moe, Coach Keene was forced to- call Outfielder Durb Southard behind the plate for nine : Innings today when - Jimmy ' Robertson lueenmbed to the intense : heat. The plucky sophomore backstop worked the last eight Innings of the night cap. howeTcr. Scores: " Willamette ,.C T t pacific II II -White, Nannenkamp, McAbee ad Robertson; Dieriekx and Anderson. , Willamette ........II II ?aclflc ...... It X ts Anton and Robertson; GUlman and ; Anderson. , Reiss. Cleveland Indians Massacre Chicago CHICAGO.! Kay 1 J.-jp-CleYe-Isad's Indians, though onthlt, to day defeated the White Sox, I to V, and erened the series at one game apiece, i Clereland ........... I '7 1 Chclago 2 10 1 Hudlln and Hemsley; Smith, Brown ), and Tresh. - Detroit 3 I St. Louis 6 t Kennedy and Tibbetta: Newaon and Sulliran. New York : at Phladelphla and Boston at Washington, postponed. . rain. .. Sweltering VO Gridders Trounce All-Star 27-3 EUGENE. May lS.-tfV-Unseas-onable football weather and a fair -to mlddlln all-star eleren held the probable 1939 University of Ore gon varsity 1 grldders to a 213 score here this afternoon. It was the football finale for Tex Oil rer's Webfoots and was played In eight-minute quarter before 2. 900 fans. ., DEFENDING CHAW r"w x'By Sofas l y t&si- ;-'. r - - . - 0 : - f OUrfPiftlSrtiP rs OPT . to pui m tx camai fojftJAwor Stcttcr Signs up ! With Silverton SILVERTON SUrerton's basr ball Tlsitors Sunday will be apt to see: Lea Stetter, Woodburn high student. In play with the Slirerton B team. Stetter has been signed and It Is likely he will play short. Paul Wahl of . Salem, pitcher, has also been signed for the Sli rerton Willamette Valley league team. . . t Two Slirerton high school boys signed with, the local Red Sox in clude Don -Strickland and John Bennett. Strickland Is a utility player' and Bennett a left hand pitcher.. . University Golf Team ' ' . i Qutcltuse ' Collegians ' : c or'y a l.is.; iiay 'i i:-vP) Birdle-shootereot the University of Oreton'tl strong golf team took a 2 1 V4 to' I H victory over Ore gon State college today, winning four of five singles and two of three doubles. Seattle GdnsTis" - Coast Leadership Sods . Slam Falling Angela 9 to 2; Beavers Drop - Dig Lead, Lose . . "" i x -. " LOS ' ANGKLES, May - lS.'HAV Seattle slammed its way into a tie with Lost Angeles for the leader ship of the Pacific coast league today, clinching the carrent aeries with a crushing 9-2 victory behind the: four-hit hurling of fKewple Dick- Barrett, , . . Once seven: games "in "front' af ter a spectacular 19-game winning streak, the falling .Angela-wilted before the diminutive Barrett's pitching, . while the . Suds ' ham mered out 1C "blows off Joe "Berry and: Relief Pitcher Art JIaaglnL 8eattle ,,.,....,.... H 0 Los Angeles 2 4 2 , Barrett and Campbell; ' Berry, Manginl (S) and R. CoUlas.-. Seals Keep Pace SAN FRANCISCO, May 13 -()-The San Francisco Seals scored even runs on alt hits and two err ors la the eighth inning to defeat Portland. 12 to 10. in a Pacific Coast league baseball game today. There were two outs in the eighth when Bill RadoalU, Port land hurler, blew up. After the Seals scored four ran,' Newsome replaced Radonits 6a the mound. A mbplay by Harry Rosenberg, Portland outfielder, of an easy fly which would have retired the aide, enabled the Seals to score two runs aad take the lead. They add ed two more runt later. The Ducks gave Ad Liska a big lead early la the contest, corlmg f our runs ea as many bits ta the second lanlng. aad three more tallies la the third. Portland .If 14 T Saa Fraadaeo .......13 22 I Hollywood Saa Diego S t Corvallis Winner In District Track CORVALLIS. Hay 12-0)-Cor- Tallis high school romped over Its nearest opponent for a SOVx-polnt victory in a district track meet at Bell field today. Albany was sec ond with 29, Sweet Home third with 23. Others were Dallas 17, Indepen dence ll, Eddyrille 8, Toledo 6, Lebanon S, Taft S, Halsey 3. Har rlsburg 2, Shedd one, Newport one. Sacramento Crew: :te?6SC;ilx CORVALLIS: Or?., May, 12.-JPf-k . long-wlntted boatload of Sacramento Junior, college crew men won by four'' lengths going away. from the Oregon -State -varsity on the WJUIatnette ' river to- dsy.x -' ' " 1 - Sacramento took an early; lead and gradually increased it throughout te race. The Oregon State - lightweight crew finished four lengths . behind the . varsity. I! i ss- -i'j I I ,rt,i,.,wlu..'M ' vi ' 1 1 nTS the Pattern-no mistaking that you'll find plenty of admiring Ranees following wherever yoo travel in this stunning1 Buick. 1 ''' But what we were shooting lor was i something more titan attention and I mister, look how we hit the buuVeye! You try out the driver's teat-it t3. You take hold of the wheel it seema molded to your hand. So you ease down on the gas and pronto, you've got rhythm f You finger- ; tipthe wheel presto! there's control! . Yoo - wing down the straightaway, cniise around curves swocp ep thef Julh' Your ear is almost a partof you. your sptia is its aetUn! So, you happily discover, here's where you belong! r; - It isn't the big and powerful wallop in that big Dynaflash straight-eight alone, ; NOW ITS "LOOK AT ALL FOUR" It may mrprite you to kaow,Bukk is one of the four largeit-srlUag can this year. The othei three are b the "lowtit-price field." Fact ii, 1 out of 4 people who boy Buirki for the nt time,' trade in-on of the "Wfrt-pticcd three. Poctn't that tay "Better, buy Buick to your - V ? z . ;V : r It isn't only the level comfort of soft :4 coiled BuiGoil SpVmging."-It Isn't aim- 1 ply the visibility of those extra 412 square inches. i, - It's titia fett of this great car youll go for, the way you feel at home! . Now such a car is worth plenty. But tlus; Buick actuallycosts lesf than a i year ago less than you think- than ' 'limit sixtt. t '- - Surely, that leaves nothing else to settle ,1 except when you can get deliyjtty.'Why ( not see your Buick dealer and get the . 'answer?. .'J . . ; -.V.i-r,7 "V'v 66 JJJJ UlSUJs: J. -JLlULJrLtajOo r - QJX axospiAs cr mzzjjx atoroas vatui : - ' ' Oakland I T Sacramento t li S Salvesen, Hermann (I) aad RaW moodl: Schmidt and OgrodowskL Oakland ...... .....t T S Sacramento .S 12 2 Salreson. Hermann and Bal- moadi; Schmidt and OgrodowskL Leagu Baseball Coast League Before Night Game) W It Los Angeles 25 17 Seattle ., 24 IS. San Francisco 24 18 Hollywood 2 J 20 San Diego 19 22 Oakland II 21 Sacramento ......17 22 Portland IS 24 American League New York . . Boston . . . . Chicago . . . Cleveland .. St. Louis .. Washington Detroit Philadelphia W ....10 ...13 10 ... 9 .... 8 .... 8 ... t L S S 8 10 11 10 14 13 National League W L St. Louis 11 8 Cincinnati 11 9 Boston ....11 9 Chicago .........11 10 Brooklyn '..10 10 Philadelphia 9 11 New York 9 12 Pittsburgh ....... 8 11 I-- 4- ', . : 'I i if ii Pet .595 .171 .571 .524 .403 .432 .426 .400 Pet .722 .007 .019 .500 .450 .444 .364 .278 Pet .579 .550 .550 .524 .500 .450 .429 .421 Capitol Sculpture Ready in 8 Weeks : The two monumental sculptures flanking the entrance to the new capitel will be completed In about eight weeks, sculptors working on the Job said yesterday. They have jet to put flntshlag.tonches to the Urge figures on the north expos ures and to fat the intaglio de signs that are to face the capitoL i The six sculptors employed at the task , have been engaged next to work out . art features in store for the Mellon museum of art be ing constructed in Washington DC. 1' Elliott Sets Dozen 21 ; '7 At Rooks Beat Froth ! CORVALLIS, May 12P)-The Oregon State 'College Rooks, than k s to Uttler bespectacled Glenn EUiott, Myrtle Creek, wal loped the University of Oregon Frosh -7 to a 4a th first of a four game series today. Elliott struck out 21; men, hit a si a g I e and scored..? . , . I' newAllXom Utility HoM i ' ' ' ' ' , ' .-. ' ' " ,A ? --;v " . .y v.-. ... s ''.::..:.: .,, Summer's approach forecasts many swell scenes as Ihls, for the statiow wagoa Is closely aasorlated, with tbe Idea of vacation tune and pleasant leisure hovn. Actually, however, the ear Jtself gets Ittueresc. as a rale, for Its aO-arowad utility keeps is oa the move. This new Chevrolet, for iastaace, has comfortable ccommodatioa for eight passengers, and apace for a large quantity of laggage or other pacJaage-oarry-ing. It is popular not only with woeeaidesiea' families -aad large estates, but with taverns, hotels aad raaejbes. ..." - i - -, $ I . . . . Curt Comments "By CUBT1S - FiaaU hi apiw-oilmatflyTbalt. of the flights la the Attire clnb's fifth aaaaal golf towna aaent had beew played by Satvr day adgbC aad a suuaher of oth ers will he played today. al tboagh the championship fiaals nast watt maul aext Saaday, hoth Boh Utter asad Or. Harold OlhEger, fce flmaltota, betag at Xelao today, for. the interstate snatch. Jack Nash won la the first flight, defeating Don Beadrle 3 id 1 despite the letter's hrilliaat comeback oa the second nine. Nash had found it necessary ta go MoAeil At Marion Square While the nation generally will observe Mother's day today, the occasion has especial significance for the Fraternal Order of Eagles, for this organisation claims to hare originated the idea of a sa lute to motherhood as far back as February 7, 1904. Eagles through out the country will hold special observance of the day. Ia keeping with this Spirit Willamette Aerie 2081 of Salem has arranged a spe cial program at Marlon saaar at 3 o'clock this afternoon. G. W. (Jerry) Mason, of Port land, will deliver the principal ad dress and a program of appropri ate musical selections, will he ren dered. Sam Eshelman, A. L. Alrin and Lestoa Howell comprise the committee on arrangements. ' The first Eagles lodge ebserr anca of. Mother's day was held at Indianapolis, Ind., in 1904, and that service is commemorated ta a bronze tablet in the lobby; of the old opera house there. Duck Netmen Losers EUGENE, Ore., May 13.n(ff)- puuing out. from, deieats in the first and second stnglesand -the first doubles, the University of Washington tennis team whipped the University of Oregon sauad today, 4-3. . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 9993 la the County Court of the State of Oregoa for the County of Marion IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF MARGARET K. WEDDLE, Deceased. , Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hare filed their final account as administrators de bonis noa with -Will annexed, : of i the estate of Margaret E. WeddleV de ceased, In the . County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, and that said Court has duly set the time tor hearing objections thereto and the final settlement thereof tor ThursdayJune 15, 1939,' at the hour of ten o'clock: (10:00) A.M. of said day in the Court Room of said Court In Salem, Marlon Conn ty. Oregon. ; Dated this 14 th day of May. 1939. WILLIAM F: WEDDLE. VIRGIL A. WEDDLE. Administrators de bonis non, with Will annexed, of the Estate of Margaret E. Wed die, deceased. ' ' KETES V PAGE, -Attorneys for Administrators, -301-9 U. S. National Bank Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. M 14-21-28 J 4-11 NOT JUST PILLS The stocks of the modern Prescription , Pharmacy are far more varied than you per haps realize.': In addition .to the old familiar staples, there are hundreds of new items which we, most have readily available when they are called for in' your' Physician pre scription. " Then there are the . vitamins, minerals and other nutrition al aids which we carry in stock today. v . . Thus, the filling- of prescrip tions has become increasing ly a SPECIALIZED business, caHinj for the services of skilled pharmacists, support ed by an ample, inventory of new, fresh, potent materials. XI holes to gala the finals, de feating Mas Flanery a week ago. . Marathoa honors went to Gallagher sal A. Gwatafsoa who, sa'the tenth flight final, played 233 holes, Gallagher won it aad was oae under war for the fire extra Finals played la ether flights resulted as follows: ,.' Third Cerer defeated Mason. Sereath Young defeated Starr. 11th Scales defeated Harper. ISUi Kaet defeated Kerwia. -14th- Saaders defeated Frits, lith Hoffman defeated Me Uaghlla. 19th W.. Bertalsoa defeated Acker. 31st Andersoa defeated Cams- belL Z2nd John Bertelsoa defeated Klnxer. 33rd R. Kitchea defeated By- era. The statehowse teazn in Hs match with Kelso today win hare oae ceasolatloa none of its members will have to shoot agabwt Bad Ward, formerly the Olymple team Mo. 1 man, who la faroved to win the na tional amateur. Bod moved to Saokaae recently aad has beew w Mag war look sOly on the coarse where the amateur will be played. Plan New Road For TB Hospital Plans for altering the entrance to the state tuberculosis hospital to lmprore both safety or trarel and beauty of the landacanlnr were submitted to the count? court for approral by W. P. Ena mel, hospital florist and landscape garaener, yesterday. Emmel's plan calls for cutting back the present sharp curre in the hospital road where It enters the main road. A concrete light post, ornate in design, also would be erected. 7inxzette learns -Fight for Second JUajor Interest Today Is on r Three Tied for Iliinner-Tjp Spot t - ': Wfllamette Valley League . , - . W. L. Pet Slirerton .......... 4 0 1.000 Caaby . .' .s. t 1 .760 Sherwood ...... S 1 .750 Woodburn . S 1 .750 Lose Elder . 2 2 .600 St. Paul 1 3, .260 WUlamette ........ 4 .000 Bearercreek 0 4 .000 State Highwaymen Back Federal Aim Improving Present Roads, not Constructing More Held Oregon's Need Tas state highway commission. through R. H. Baldock. sUte high way engineer, Saturday sent a let ter to Oregon's delegation la con gress endorsing the proposal of Thomas H. McDonald, chief of the federal vorsaa of public roads, that the federal gorernment Join ta improTlng proseat free tratfie taeUiUee las tend of constructing a system of super highways amor tized through the collectioa of toils.- 1 w.- Preeidant Rooaerelt originally aaggested the super highway sys tem. Baldock said the two outstand ing traffic problems ia Oregon at the present time were modernisa tion of the Pacific highway, the upper Columbia rirer highway and construction of highway ar- terials into and through cities. McDonald's Plant Praised "We consider McDonald's sug gestion the greatest forward atoYement since the federal high way act was passed la 1917." Bal- dock's letter read. ! The highway commission urged that improvement of the present traffic facilities bo started as soon as possible. They said such a program would not only meet the traffic demands In Oregon but would provide em ployment for thousands of men now out ot work. : "Lost" Medfordite Fled Kids9 Racket May 13-P)-Wil- a lot of MEDFORD, Ham Ray, C3. caused excitement in the Hewer 4 Apple gate district when ha decided to go Tisited a friend. .Ray was located today at the home - of a bachelor friend, un aware of the search for him which started last i Tuesday. Hrt friend,' Ira Hurst, told searchers CANBT . Fifth-round games Sunday in the Willamette Valley league are expected to make little change ia standings ot leading teams. The games offering best competition will find the three teams tied tor second place at tempting to hold their spots. Of these Woodburn has the toughest assignment in acting as host to Lone Elder. Clanni of Lone Elder and Bonrbonnais of Woodburn will be the determining factors In ' this game. In league competition these two hurlers hare turned in sparking performances. Frank Kendall, who will go on the hill for Willamette, throws at his home town boys in the tilt at Canby. r At St. Paul Becker will proba bly go to the mound for the locals while Voss ef Sherwood attempts to garner another win with his fast one.:'t":-:--:-:'" Bearercreek, though they hare a fiery little eiuo, bare iittie chance of knocking over the well balanced team ot the paee-oetting Silrertoa "Bees. Sunday's games are: Willamette at Canby, Sherwood at St. Paul, Bearercreek at Sli rerton, aad Lone Elder at Wood Exuperintendent Asks ScHoiyl Post W. IL Smitli Application Filed; Mrs. Booth Is Other Applicant Formal applications ef Mrs. Ag nes Booth and W. M. Smith were added yesterday to the list of those seeking the position ot coun ty school superintendent, left va cant by the death ot Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson last Monday. Both Smith, .who was county superintendent tor 12 years, ap to 1920, and Mrs. Booth, principal of Salem Heights school appeared in person before the eonnty court, the appointing authority. H. F. Durham, principal ef Par rlsh junior high school, and Edna Allen, mayor of Jefferson, already had submitted their applications. Court members indicated they would take op the .latter this week. Tbe fact that varioua docu ments and reporta are lying in the county school office awaiting the signature of the superintendent-to-be may speed the court in mak ing the appointment. "Bill is ap to my place and says he is going to stay 10 days to get away from the racket made by school children." wjm O 12 noon to 9 p.m. FORD V-8 h Wl crcury V-8 - CONVERTIBLE SEDANS ' CONVERTIBLE COUPES t, .; .-. ...... . Summer Colors " Soft Tops Leather Trim , -: . K J ; Wings for This .World NEW NAME, NEW CAR, NEW VALUE. SPORT CONVERTIBLES . ; s ;:- sedans , . tudors ; - COUPE SEDANS . s LESCOLN-ZEPHYR V-12 IV Aaaerteas Mart Copied Car CONVERTIBLE SEDAN CONVERTIBLE COUPE COUPES : 4-DOOR SEDANS ; SEDAN COUPES ' i Choice of Laxarioaa Cystous Iateriors A - Trucks Commercial Cars Choice of SO StS 93 H.P. V-8 Eoaioeo "! Wheelbases 101H 112w 12T 134" 15r 191 A SIZE FOR EXERT NEED A BODY. FOB EVERT REQUIREMENT New Cab Over Eadae New One Tc N ' EDUCATIONAL S Free Talking Bloriea DAILY , IS "Harrest of the Years'! A Trip Throagh the World's Largest Indastrial Plant , UAKIXQ OF SAFETY CLASS Eeerythlam FREE "Priaaj'the Kiddles! INSFIXT TCS CDTWUAY CHASSIS Saowisj All Marias Parts of Ute V-8 - ; . PACTOSY nSPRCSENTATtTE - triLL EXPLAIN IN DETAIL ' OwaUty trttboat ConfnrotnUe Ton Are Invited to Drive Any of These Special Display Llodels or Test Any Track or Coznxnercial Unix ca Ybcr Job I: 4 XT 583 N. ; Commercial Ct, Ticne 5451 Ccr. Libert jA State Ph. 3118 liberty at Center Salem