The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1939, Page 7, Image 7

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    Sport; Sparks
. , By RON GEMMELL ;:"
M II '.-l" I I -I l"KJ - HI '.' ' X
. - ! - . - - - . -f ' -4
mmmmiiglit: w
Only 3
, i .
. Oregon's middleweight boxing belt is destined to change
hands, stomachs, trophy chests; or .wherever the heck it is
that guys with titular hardware keep or wear the shiny stuff.
That is purely (99 and 99100 per cent purely) the opinion
of the maestro of this corner, and you can take it straight,
with a chaser, or toss it over yottr shoulder like a good luck
-horseshoe. We ain't paHicular.r friv: &r&i:;:tyj.
. ..Buddy Peterson; the Indep Idol. U the earrent
possessor of the belU Baddy won it by busting
an alleged fighter named Jack Hibbard. Althouah IVikinsr VSrtnrw f!nmM hv
:::;'l Runner-up Spots
Despite scoring but three first
places. Coach Vera GUmore's
Vikings totaled 40 points - to
easily annex their: fourth con
Turner, I secutive district ; : 7 track i and
field championship j here yester
day on Olineer oval, in meet
that saw four new records writ
ten into the books and another
. T .
ware, by Mistah Turner of the fast feet ac.6 faster
hands,, it was in a non-titular, kings-x bout
- Wednesday night Peterson defended his title,
successfully but not sweetly, against Tommy Dan
forth of Portland. : Before the Danforth-Peterson
set-to -got under way, a dark cloud by the name
of : Turner was ' introduced as the first-line chal
lenger of - the winner. Leo 'The ; Lion
none other.- i v'?.r---Y"
.' Sooner or' later,' and probably -within the "next
month, Peterson is going to hare to defend his
middleweight V tiara; against Turner. The i Salem
boxing commission, which created the belt, will see equaled.
to that. When it comes to pass, like the potatoes,
please. Turner will be the "new tltlisL :
; Buddy Is a fine lad, and a fair boxer: he makes V elean-ent i
appearance In the ring;: he can hit with that left hook of his: he has
plenty of iron in his souIrBut there It ends. While Peterson has to
get set to throw even his' favorite, the left hook. Turner can throw
any old puncn irom any direction at any time. And. oh how fast!
While Buddy, uses a plodding foot ! movement, that he definitely
telegraphs. Turner slips In and out like a shuttle, never giving a
mm ox wnere ne a going to be in the next split second.
The Salem clndermen, - pre
dicted by Coach Gilmore to "score
38 points, picked a; seven
thirds, three seconds and a pair
of fourths to completely outdis
tance the field. MUwaukie, edg
ing out West Linn for third place
in the relay, also edged out Its
neighbor for .second place in the
meet. The scoring: '-;-.f
Salem 40, MUwaukie 33.
V 'i ?Te.n Danforth, ajrun-of-tbe-mlll fighter, tied Peterson up. Buddy West ' Lin"' 22? Chemawa 21
juv iBu.i ii.auu8u .lo.eep.irom getting an anottea up in i Gresham 15, Woodburn 11. Hill
opponent's arms. When, he movea in to hit Buddy seldom gets lnj Military academy tM, Molalla 6,
, , 4 uiufu mu uue.iwias oeior me.ciinca u oa. Turner, the dusty I sandy 4, Oregon City 3.
aynamiter, never geu ued unless: It's in his bathrobe. He's tool. Both year-old hurdle marks
.swift with those dukes and dogs. :. were erased as Woodburn's Kyan
. Yes. Peterson's a. swell kid. We like him. But, we are afraid romped over the 20 0-yffrd low
hell be the ex-Oregon middleweight champion after he Is called upon sticks in :24. and ' Gresham's
lo aeiena nis championship against Turner.
, J . ; Plan Frisco Edwards Day.
Local lads, are planning a gala, reception for Frisco Edwards
7 . when he Jilts Portland; a week from Tuesday. Frisco, wholl be making
j bis first appearance, as an; unmpire in the northern part of the Pacific I of ; shattering" two ' records,- as
ct Coast loop, will be working: the Portland-Sacramento series. - ' I Lee Nelson rpole vaulted 11 feet
A buuh of the. boys are reserving a section along the first base 11 uiches, - to add a fuu -eight
Kosderka skimmed the high ones
In : 16.4. Both former - records.
of :25.3 and : 16., were set last
year by Lattanzi of - MUwaukie.
Woodburn Breaks Two '
To i Woodburn went the honor
.line In the -Beaver, park, and plan to giv Frisco Uhe kind of a re
ceptlon that he is in the 'habit- of - receiving around Salem dty.
Jess Tryon,' in an impromptu fash ion, has been named chairman of
a committee to work on the "Frisco Edwards day" celebration, while
CTUf Parker,Mack',McLinrJIm'my Nicholson, and a few of the
rest of Frisco's friends are assisting. -
- : Besides the reception, which Is certain to have Its quota of boos
ana pop bottles, Frisco is presented with a wrist watch and a
pair of the biggest "cheaters" on. the market. The boys are tossing
together a pot to gain the proceeds with which to procure the tlme-
. piece for Frisco. ,
All of Frisco's friends, and enemies (?) are invited to the re
ception. Just get in touch with some of the before-mentioned gents.
wholl reveal the plans in their entirety. '
; Hauk Hunting MA Degree,
. Harold Hauk, a student of athletics as well as a coach which
successful mentors have to be is going out after one of those mas
ter's degrees that are becoming Increasingly more necessary In the
field of physical education.
Back to USC, where he acquired 12 hours of credit towards the
. coveted degree three years ago, will go Hauk soon after school is out
here. He needs 18 more hours of graduate work, in addition to the
12 he has now, and can get 12 of 'em in this summer. That will
leave him but six to acquire, plus one of those headache thesis, and
he'll be a full-fledged master of physical education.
' Jerry Gastineau's Braves completed five double plays In the
Chemawa-Silverton WVI loop tilt Friday, which may easily be a
high school record. The all-time league record for one team is six,
while the all-time game record Is nine, of which Detroit completed
. five and Washington four, in a IS 25 game.. The latter record was tied
In the National league June 3, when Chicago completed five and
Cincinnati four.
Remember Burl Bufkln, who set the Coast conference afire with
his half backing at the University of Washington a few years ago, .and
who transferred to West Point for two weeks, and who came back to
Washington only to find himself ineligible? Well, 'tis pretty authen
tically yoaeiea over tne grapevine tnat Oregon has his younger
brother,; said to be something of a whix in his own right, already in
school. The football Bufklns are from Texas, where "Tex" Oliver has
a firm proselyting toehold, so it isn't surprising if the younger Bufkln
has matriculated to the Eugene campus. -
"Gloomy Gus" Hits Close.
, Vera Gilmore Is still a bit conservative in his estimates of the
; Viking track team's abilities. He was four, points too conservative in
hi prognostication of the outcome of , yesterday's district seven meet.
. but that Isn't the thing that's so phenomenal.
- . That Gilmore actually, predicted a win for his scantclads is the'
; little Item that is unbelievable. Prior to yesterday's meet Gilmore set
down his predictions In black and white (pretty legibly, too), sealed
I 'em up and gave, 'em. to yours truly.
He predicteda win for the .Vikings, by a score of 38. points, to
i 2f for MUwaukie,. and 23 for West Linn. The meet turned out: Salem
i 40, MUwaukie 23 and West Linn 22. His ratings, however, were
made under the -assumption that Columbia-Prep would enter. The
Portland preppers didn't, which might well have thrown his pre
dictions off a bit.
Going down the line on Gilmore's predictions, we find: He I tie for 4th.
inches to the ll-foot-3-inch-mark
set' by Salem's Carl Chapman in
137. Davis of West Linn turned
In the : fourth ' record,- b r o a d
Jumping 21 feet 3 inches to
add three-fourths of an Inch' 'to
the 21-foot 2 -inch mark set
by Burdette of Sandy in 13(.
Salem's Bill Shlnn turned " In
the prettiest - race of the- day.
hegotiating the 880 in 2:02.6 to
equal the record'-set by Che-
mawa's . Spotted Eagle: In 1934
Shlnn went out in front on the
first turn and stayed . there all
the way. Milwaukie's Peake, who
defeated Shinn in a dual meet
earlier this year, made , a des
perate stretch bid that failed by
10 yards.
Taking firsts in the discus and
shot and a fourth in the javelin
gave West) Linn's Karbonski
high-point honors with 11 points
He was trailed by Davis of West
Linn, who totaled 8ft points
with his first in the broad jump,
second in the 10 0-yard dash and
membership of the third-place
relay team; by Stuart "Butch
Nelson, who tossed the javelin
161 feet for first place and add
ed a third In the shot for a
seven-point total; and by Che-
mawa's Lodge, who tallied i
points by virtue of his first in
the mile, fourth in the broad
Jump and ''"membership in the
second-place - relay- team.
Complete Results
100-yard dash, Bo of MU
waukie in :10.4; Davis, West
Linn, 2nd; BaUey, Salem, 3rd;
Backbone, Chemawa, 4th.
220-yard dash Backbone f
Chemawa in : 23.4; Jones, Ore
gon City, 2nd; Waller, Salem,
3rd; Basil, Chemawa,' 4th.
440 Saluskin of Chemawa in
:54.2; Lekberg, Sandy, 2nd;
Chapman, Salem, 3rd; Macy, Sa
lem, 4th. --.
880 Shlnn of Salem m
3:02.6, equaling the; meet record
set by Spotted Eagle of Chemawa
in 1934; Peake, MUwaukie, 2nd
Spring, Hill Military. 3rd;
mell, Gresham, 4th. :
Mile Lodge of Chemawa ; in
4:38.8; Mulkey, Salem, 2nd;
Ballieu, West Linn 3rd; Seely
and Smith, both of Woodburn,
Sports Newt
re National .coverage by As
.. ; aociated Press daily ta
. The Btatesmaa iserti
.Kleolamiia. v;?;;,'. .:':,'
, vN'S A Homer - v; ::r-.
-n m '
-1L JJL l
Is the' Statesm'aa sports.
page; home sports ews
;V comes first fas all ways.;,
Salem, Oregon, Sunday 'Morning, May 14,s 1939
WSC Cojagars
Oregon State Second and
Oregon Third, , Coast
t Northern Division
. PULLMAN, Wash., May 13-&)
iThe Washington State Cougars
plied up 10 points to win their
seventh consecutive northern di
vision Coast conference track and
field championship today.
They made a clean, sweep of
the six flat running events, plac
ing first In every race. ' - -;
Oregon State followed with 14;
University of Oregon,' third,- 37;
University of Idaho, fourth, If ;
Unltersity of Montana; fifth,' 14.
and University ' of Washington
sixth, 12. r
! Varoff . Seta Meet Record
: Dixie ' Garner, 'WSC 'mile ace.
and George Varoff," Oregon pole
vault star, both: set new northern
division meet records and the ath
letes worked out in a hot sun, but
neither approached the . "best
mark", records of northern divi
sion athletes, which includes dual
meets and Olympic tryout perfor
mances. . . ; . . . w '.
I -: In. the pole vault. George Var-
oif naa tne aay ana tne recoras
to himself. He broke his own meet
record of 13 feet 11 Inches set
last year with a vault of 14 feet
1 Inch, but failed to touch his
best mark performance of 14
feet 4 inches set In 1937.
. The Cougars won eight of the
15 first places.
Vander Meer Is
Back in Stride
Johnny vander Meer pitched back
to his last season's form here to
day and won his first victory of
the season as the Cincinnati Reds
beat the pace-setting St. Louis
Cards, 2 to 1.
St Louis 1 4 1
Cincinnati .... 2 C
Wetland, McGee (7), and Owen;
Vander Meer and Lambardl.
BOSTON, May 13-(AV-The
Brooklyn Dodgers came apart at
the seams today as the Boston
Bees took the second straight vic
tory of their series 8 to 3.
Brooklyn ....8 8
Boston . . . ......... . 13
Fitzsimmons, Hamlin (8).
Frankhouse (9) and Phelps; Mac
Fay den and Lopes.
predicted bis team would gather five points , in the 440, and they
; got three; he figured three in the sso and tney I Bin sninn) got live;
.he said three In the. mile and was right; In the high sticks he pre
dicted two and It was three; he predicted three points in the low
hurdles and it was two; he asked for three in the high jump and he
got five; he predicted three In the broad Jump and it was two; he!
figured on two in the shot and got, three; he believed Butch Nelson
would gather five in the javelin, and he did; and he asked for five
from his relay team and got them, i
' We're forced to admit the guy Is afar better pro gnostics tor than
Molalla Is Set
For Pentathlons
MOLALLA, Arrangements have
been completed and entries receiv
ed by Mike Deller, director for the
first Molalla. pentathlon track and
field meet, to be held Monday,
May 15. ; v'--':-t-v"'v:
Eight teams have entered, Che
mawa, Sandy, Independence, West
Unn, Woodburn, Seappoose, Can
by and Molalla. The entry list Is
shorter than was expected. .
Coach .Howard . Maple of Wil
lamette university will act as of
ficial referee, and Coach Wayne
Harn of Linf ield as official starter.
i : The pentathlon will, consist of 5
track and field events. Each of
the 24 contestants must start and
finish . the 100 yard dash, mile
run,' broad - jump, high jump and
shot put. Points will be counted
tn direct proportion to the position
in which each contestant finishes
200-yard low hurdles Ryan
of Woodburn In : 24.6, breaking
the meet record of :25.3, set by
Lattanzi of MUwaukie In 193: ;
Kosderka, Gersham, 2nd; Mur
phy, Salem, 3rd; -Phelps, Hill
Military. 4th.
120-yard high hurdles Kos
derka of Gresham in :18.4,
breaking the meet record-
:16.9, set by Lattanzi of MUwau
kie In 1938; Mason, Salem, Znd;
Phelps, HU1 Military 3rd; Rigs,
Gresham, 4th. : i
Broad Jump Davis - of ; West
Unn with a leap of 21 feet 3
Inches, breaking the meet record
of 21 feet 2 inches, set by
Burdette of Sandy in 1936: Hos
kin. MUwaukie, . 2nd;. - Bailey,
Salem, 3rd; Lodge, ' Chemawa:
4th. - . r
High Jump Ecklund of MU
waukie, jumping 5 . feet 8
Inches: Burton. - S a 1 e m . 2nd:
R I c k a r d s Salem,; 3rd; Orr,
each event. This type of meet
elves ' the all round track athlete I Sandy, 4th. -
a chance to be the winner. Pole vault Nelson" of Wood
it Medals wUl be awarded to the burn, vaulting 11 feet 11 inches
first three men In the meet and a to break the meet record of 11
trophy to the school having the I feet 3 . Inches set by Carl I Chap-
lowest aggregate score.
Sultan and Sirttana pf Swat
T.V. VinfH. Uitaw tne BBKTU mnm
iirthVCabe Vth-ef her woman oftbaa leaa. the Amcncan--?
" ttto.'wUc wtlceaed the Ebe expert advice.
man of Salem In 19371 Blame,;
Molalla, 2nd: Landram HU1 -1 il
lUry. and Fossatti, MUwaukie.
tie for 3rd. V
Discus-Karbonskl of - W e s t
Una with a toss of ; 124 feet
10 4 -' Inches; Kalberg, Molalla;
2nd; Bettis, Gresham, 3rd; Cros
by."8 MUwaukie. ,4th.'
8 h o t Karbonski of - West
Linn - with' put of 47 feet 1
Inches ; Crosby,' MUwaukie; 2nd ;
Nelson, Salemr sro; , Tnompson
Salem. 4thri;' lCJ- -"-,v- "
I Javelin Nelson of Salem with
I-throw of 111 - feetr CaUister;
Gresham," "2nd; WUUams. HU1
Military, 3rd; Karbonski, West
Linn. 4th. , ...
pUt Final TUts
- CALDWELL.' Idaho, "May 13
-4P)-CoUege of Idaho and Whi
man coiieca tisui tne ; unai
double header, of their "North
west conference naseoaii series
; here ;- today, Idaho winning the
first, 4 8 to , but. dropping? the
" second -14 ' to.T I. Whitman won
! nine of . the " 1 2 ; games played
here and at Walla waiu. wash
i to win. the eastern division title
and fain the ritht to meet WUl-
amette university- of Salem, ore.
in: the championship playoff. .
Chicago I 12 -
Pittsburgh -.v.:.:..... 18
Lee and Hartnett;'K 1 In g er
Brown (8), Swift (9), and Berres
Mueller (9). .
Philadelphia at New York post
poned, .rain. .
SUverton's Pesky
Is Not Yet Ruled
Ineligible to Sox
SILVZRTON Johnny Pesky,
Silrerton's popular little Infield
player, who signed with the Rled
mont league, has not yet been de
clared ineligible to play with the
Red Box this summer, according
to W. L. McGinnis, manager. Bill
Evens has said that Pesky could
play this summer with the Red
Sox team. Ernie Johnson, scout.
wants Pesky to report to Little
Rock. The out-come, Mr. McGinnis
said at SUverton Saturday, is as
yet unknown. In the meantime
Pesky . Is playing with the Red
Sox and SUverton fans are happy.
Sylvester, who wUl be remem
bered from last year, is expected
to arrive at SUverton next week
and win be with the Red Sox on
May 31.
i. .. " Ay ft-.
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ML Angel Softball
Teains Start Well
Jackie Nkhols, the Bostoa smoothy, whor tanglee with Danny . Mo
Shaln, world's-light heavyweight nMeUnVchampi, ta noa-Utnlar
main event at the armory next Tuesday night.
....... , ...(. -r . .-
Nichols to Meet
McShain, Kings-ex
Jackie to Get Chance at
Belt Later if He's
Good Enough
Danny . McShain . won't risk his
world's light heavyweight title
against Jackie Nichols in the main
event of Tuesday night's rasslin
show at the armory, but he guar
antees Nichols a crack at the belt
at a later date providing the
Boston grappler earns, it . .
-Why should I give every guy
who '? comes along a chance at
something It took me years of
effort to acaulreT was his belli
gerent reply to Nichols demand
for a chance at the belt.
The McShain - Nichols main
event will he supported by a 48-
mlnute preliminary ; in which
Charley Carr, newcoming cleanie,
meets Bulldog Jackson, and an
opener that pits George Wagner
against Kid Klser.
Vflririgs; Baseball
Oregon Sweeps Series ; off
Huskies, 7-3 j Beavers' ;:
Rally BeaU Idaho
SEATTLE.,' M f y 13H)-The
University of Oregon clinched its
argument-' over baseball, superior
ity by defeating the University of
Washington', 7-3 i:. here-teday to
sweep :- the northern - division, '. Pa
cific coast conference series. -'
. The victory kept .Oregon in a
tie for the division leadership, with
Oregon State, which defeated Ida
ho, 7-8, at Moscow; today. Both
Oregon, and Oregon.. State .won
from the iame''opponents'yesteiv
day;:- ::..': '
- Oregon hitters banged two
Washington pitchers" for 11 safe
blows; today .while Creighton was
holding the lnjury?ridden Huskies
to, five." Three Washington, errors
made Oregon's victory easier.
Oregon ...7 11 3
Washington ..:j....3 5 3
; Creighton and Walden; John
son; Wittman and Gasparovich. .
MT. ANGEL Both home teams
made a good showing In the dou
ble header that opened the league
softball schedule . here Friday
nigh t, the Sodality outscorlng
Needy T to 1 and the Knights de
feating Woodburn to 1.
In the first game Welton made
a home run forhe Sodality.
Mackle, Sodality pitcher, struck
out 1 and walked 3, while Hostet
ler for Needy struck out 3 and
walked f.
In the second contest Wood-
burn collected only one run al
though they had six hits to the
KC's 4. Kaser walked three men
and struck out one.-The Knights
pitcher, A. May, walked one and
struck out 4.
Beavers Have Battle -
i MOSCOW, Idaho, May 13.-(ff-
The Oregon State Beavers took
their ." second ' straight baseball
game from, the University of Ida
ho Vandals today In a ninth in
ning rally, that gave them a 7 to 8
victory after going into the final
frame tied. -
' The Vandals led from the fifth
Inning until the ninth,' when
Simms opened with a triple, went
home. on a fielder's choice and
successive singles by Wright and
Schwab sent over the winning i m
Lewis of Oregon State and Splc
ussa of Idaho both clouted home
runs but neither connected when
men were on bases.
OSC ......................... ....7 3
Idaho 8 7 1
McKlney. Takaml and Boilers;
Stoddard and Price.
Med ford Track Squad
1 Southtcest State Titlitt
MEDFORD, May 13.-flVMed-
ford high school track and field
squad scored 84.S points here Sat
urday to win the third annual
southwestern Oregon meet. Med
ford qualified 14 men to enter the
state meet at Eugene.
i Klamath Falls was second with
23.5 points and CoquUle third.
WU Loses One,
Division TitlisU Finally!
Lose, 12-6; but Tarn 1
Tables, 12 to 5
est. Grove, May 1 3. -(Special )-
Willamette's . slugging Bearcats,
1939 Pacific . Northwest confer-'
ence western division . champs,
ran into a game that had been
& long time -coming, nere today. -:
and bowed to Pacific university, 1
12 to 5.
Having got that out of their .!
systems, the Bearcats returned
to. normal form and copped the j
nightcap, 12 to 6, behind the
fine hurling of big. BUI Anton. 'J
Defeat . in the initial tut. al- i
though it did not affect Willam-
ette's divisional title, did i ! p a.:
winning streak that had. ex.
tended through 11 games in a ;
row. Bearcat pitching, fielding ;
and hitting collapsed at the same 1
time, and that was the story.
Badgers Get 10 Blows v i
Pacific slugged , Bob White, 1
Larry Nunhenkamp and Hal Mc- j
Abee tor 16, base hits. Willam
ette's usual heavy hitters reached y,
'.'Freak: Dierlckx for only izven !
safeties and contributed alne
Errors to' the wild tilt. . ; j!
Wluamette . was . In the. ball t
geme only . once, when they !
scored five times In the . fifth 1
inning bn three" successive in- 1
field -errors, a walk and singles j
by Lonergan and Kolb, bringing i
the count to? 5-7. . but . Pacific
came right back with three runs :
in its half to cinch It.
The second game was all- -
WUamette, with the Bearcat j
giving their usual batting per
formance. Including' four home
runs, a triple and a double in
their 18 -hit attack against two
Badger hurlers. .
Second Game Different
First Inning homers by Loner
gan and Shlnn gave the Bear
cats two runs and they added a
third as Gentzkow led off the
second frame with' another cir- .
cult clout. Pacific trailed only
3-4 In the - sixth Inning when
the Bearcats : clinched it with
another pair; ' 1
Gent t k o w opened with a
single, Pierce tripled and Kolb
also singled. Pacific cut the lead
to 7-5 in the seventh, but in
the eighth. Pierce doubled, Kolb
Uslngled : and Catherwood drove
both runners home with the de
ciding runs.
The Bearcats added three
more lnj the eighth on singles by
Gentskow and Pierce and Kolb's
home run. . .
Pierce, with a triple, double
and single, led the Bearcats in
the nightcap. Gentskow and
Kolb each hit homers and two
singles. Lonergan got two - f irst
(Turn to Page 8, Col. 1) i
Foxes Await Molalla
SILVERTON SUverton high
wlU entertain Molalla on McGinnis
field at SUverton Tuesday after
noon for a? league ' high school
game. SUverton wUl go to DaUas
Friday afternoon. i
The Viking baseball club starts
on the windup of Its 1J.83 sched
ule thU week, playtag, Corvallis
there Monday, Eugene there Wed
nesday and Oregon City on Sweet
land field here Thursday. Final
game of the season is scheduled
tor Monday, May 32, against Che
mawa. Coach Hauk announced yester
day that Thursday's game had
hMn shifted from dinger to
Sweetland so as not to conflict
with the annual Junior class tract:
meet scheduled there. :
Y Volleyballers
In Coast Tournpy
Salem's TMCA volleybaU club,
rnnner-un In the northwest tour
ney, will enter the coast tourney
at San Francisco this week, which
win be held in the San Francisco
armory.'- M f ; t
Aecomnanvtna- the playing squad
wlU be Do. L. E. Barrlck, coach.
and. Fred Smith, physical director,
The sauad includes "Sauee" Kitch
en. Lorens v SchnueUe, Keith
Rrownr Elmore HUL BUI Stratton,
NUe Hulbounir John Bone, Herb
Burch, Ike Elsiminger, Ted Glrod,
Wayne Schrunk, Lloyd Gregg and
WUbur 'Curry.
w m is,
7: r:;,i' -2:, rA
i -.- -i 7 . v-' " ssTV v - -
Daimy McShain
:-V;. - it VS. ' T ;
'; Jackie Nichols
i v- , I How i'
r;v sasssssssasssssssssss
tpll urn
45 Uante
- -f f ' ..,.:- - - i.
SO BIfarates "
Lower Floor &Oe, Baleoay 40e,' Besrrred Seats 75e (No Tax)
-.. .. - StBdenta 23c, Ladles ZSe" ' -: r'5 " ' "
Tickets: CUff Parker's and Lytle's Auspices American Lesion
. ti, ; Ilerb Owens, Matchmaker
with tho now (SoodricEi
Hill cnacoiag 0 stronger tnbeT
saofs Hflt reducea blow-out
danger to a new minimum and
protects you qgaJual sudden fiabi
wilJt yoar cor roll ea.
. ; I
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