The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON: STATESSlANf Salenv-l)regon; Sunday Morning:, May 14, 1939
Local News Brie
Hospitals, Chamber Topic-r-Rev.
L L Friesen of the Deaconess hos
pital, discussing "Problems ot the
Hospital," . and Rev. Robert . A.
Hutchinson of .the. First Christian
ehurch, dlscasslnc J7'The Em
ployes' Hospital Service. Security
Plan,'! will be the speakers at the
Salem chamber ot. commerce
luncheon Monday noon, in recog
nition of national Hospital day
which : wa- observed- last Friday: !
New members of the chamber an
nounced in - this , week's . bulletin
are Dr. Joe Burton. McKlUop In
surance , agency, Dr. Harold I M;
O linger, Lyle J. Pago and Donald
A. Young.' t ' .. '-
t J-.!- ' ..-.-" .ol,- t- A ;
Tree 1 roses blooming, at .Singer
' rardens. Select TarietieS . how. 4
miles north n;"Wallace road..
' Polke "Boolr.Tbieo-City. po-
lfo-vMtrdiv booked R J. nte-
Cartv on a drunk charge,' Dan
Qnlnllvan of Pendleton- tor ' al
legedly operating : a motor" ve-
hicle without an operator's li-
: cense, and :, Charles Barnes of
Springfield Ore., for. allowing
an unlicensed operator to drive
his ear.---:' ;-;r" "
To my friends and former stu
dents I wish, to announce the
opening ot : Stuffy McDaniel's
swing school I for piano, 155 S.
Liberty. Wed. only. , i
Editorial Inscribed, Records
The county court yesterday ex
pressed Its formal tribute to the
late Mary L. Fulkerson, county
school superintendent who died
last Monday, by ordering a copy
of The Oregon Statesman's edl
torial, written In her - memory
Tuesday, inscribed on' the: court
Journals. .- j
Sherwin-Williams paint at 'great
ly reduced, prices during ;R. L.
Elf strom company's expansion
sale. ; . y ; .
Indians Free of Tax- Indians
with treaty . rights are relieved
Coming Events
r May 15 to 81 -Annnal as
sembly and WFMS aUsafcma
convention of the Church of the
Kazarene, at First Nasarene
ehnrch. v; : KW-
t May ' IS -Marion county Re-:-
publican club inoetlng
May 18-20 State eoaf erence .
of social service workers at tho
' chamber of eoaasnerce. f ;"ytw:a3i
V May lt-20 8 I e m district
Epworth lea'gne convention,'
Leslie Methodist ' church,
' May f 25-27-CIieiMwIn.
dlaa school celebration. -?- V
May Z3-C7 Cbemawa Indian
pageant. .-;.i'yf.-?: .Mkgt&tf
May 268 ale m Missouri ,
" club meets, 8 'p. ; m '
North Commercial street." -rr
; June 1 Marlon ; county Jer-"
sey ' cattle club spring show,
i; fairgrounds, "f ; 'tl - T:Vt
; June 9 Choir of the West hi
concert at ' American Lntheran
church, 8 pan. :' ':-' ,;'v':
- Aug. 9-l American Legion,
.department of Oregon,; conven
- Uon. ' ' v "
Attendant to Queen -Miss Fla-
via Downs, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. C. A. Downs of Salem, was
attendant of honor at the corona
tion of the May queen at Pomona
college. Miss Downs, a senior at
Pomona, has been head of musical
activities on the campus this year.
Reroof-repalnt Ma this 178 S. Cm I.
Moores Return Mr. and Mrs.
Marion E. "Gus" Moore returned
home yesterday from a vacation
trip into the San- Francisco bay
area, where they attended the
fair. "Gus", boys work secre
tary at the YMCA, was back at
worg, yesterday.
Judge Assigned Albany Chief
Justice Henry L. Bean ot the state
supreme court Saturday assigned
Circuit Judge R. Frank Peters,
from payment of any of the pre-1 Washington county, to go to Al
scribed-privilege taxes or tees in
fishing operations under an
amendment approved at the 1939
legislative session! Attorney Gen
eral Van .Winkle ruled Saturday.
The opinion was requested by M.
T. Hoy, master fish warden. ;
'- "-"'' . f - i
Legion Honors Vets Capital
post No. 9, American Legion,
will observe veterans' night at
; Fraternal temple at 8 o'clock
Monday night. The post is in-
"viting all ex-service .men-, to at
tend whether . or not they are
affiliated with other organiza
tions. A Joint session will be
held with the auxiliary. .
For beautiful close-In s c en i c
residence tracts in Kingwood
Heights and Cascade Terraces,
approved - for FHA loans, call
owner, 8418.
Repair Permits Given The
city building inspector's j office
yesterday issued permits to ' -rry
Wright, to alter a garage at
2384 Adams, $100; J. A. Brown-1
son, to reroof a dwelling at 127a
North Church, $157; and Ross
: Powel, to reroof a dwelling at
; 1995 Maple, $1Z5.
New Contest Ends The
Marlon county 4H newswrlting
contest will close Monday, Wayne
D. Harding, county club agent,
: advised yesterday. All entries
must be in Harding's office on
that - day. The contestants are
Judged by their scrapbooks.
Nash Furniture Co. sells for less.
: Be convinced. Large stock.
Lob G 1 r o d Parent It was
learned here yesterday that Mr.
and Mrs. Lon Glrod of Portland,
formerly of Salem, are the par
ents of a son. t
bany next week to try a number
ot cases in which Judge Lewell
lng is disqualified. - : .
The Quelle closed temporarily for
remodeling (May 15 to 27). -
No Kiwanis Luncheon There
will be no Kiwanis club luncheon
Tuesday noon , the club uniting
with the Lions club Thursday to
hear Ralph Blanchard of New
York' City, representative of Com
munity Chests and Councils, Inc.
' First Swimming Accident
City first aid officers : reported
the season's first swimming ac
cident yesterday. They were
called to 1020 Trade! to treat
Lenora Dunn, 8, tor ; seriously
cut feet, sustained while swim
ming in Mill creek.
Dch. Boy pnt Ma this. 17 88. Com
Beer License Okehed The
county court has,, approved ap
plication of F. D. Smith for a
beer license at his place of busi
ness one-half mile north ot Sa
lem on the Pacific highway.
ARVE Meet Mondays-Aged Re
tirement and Youth .Employment
club No. 1 will meet with Mrs.
Clara Waller, 1660 Waller street,
Monday-at 7:30 p.m. All interest
ed in the club are Invited.
l.utx Florist. 1ZVC N. Lib. 9591.
Two Fire Calls City; firemen
yesterday extinguished1 a flue
fire at 1425 North 17th and a
car fire at 445 Court. .
Reports on Butter
Alarms Governor
n . rAM.iAdu v - tam
R. Piatt, Portland, and Bernlce Alleged Misgradingg
H. Hoffman, . Corvallls, have
made application at Portland for
a marriage license. , .
State Shipments Will Be
Stadied, Saysj
Governor Sprague Saturday ad
dressed a letter to R. B. Carett,
secretary-treasurer; of the Oregon
Creamery Manufacturers I associa
tion, in which he said he Was deep
, Roberts '
Louis E. Roberts, route seven
Silam naiMil lw at Mnntnnilth
v. 1 1. mt tho r of it. finr-1 ly concerned by reports that a ml
Tived by wife. MiJIarguerita nority group of the United States
Roberts; ion. Richard Loula Rob- "JHJ ?L raring and
mrtmr dinrhur. Ethel Rnth Rob-1 bltrarily reduced the raUng and
OT Pick .Up
Grand Jury Meet Monday;
Judge IleBIahan Has
- K Bust Calendar I
' Court acUvlties will - pick up
again this week but-the depart
ment one trial. schedule has been
revised to permit Judge Mc
Mahan ' to handle eertaln ' cases
la - Linn county; ; He . will . open
trial court at 1:30 p: m. Monday
and "continue through -Thursday.
Friday' he will be at Albany and
. . .In jTAn4tt ,f tint wAclr
", Roy E.: Carlisle v went before
Jddge McMahan yesterday morn
ing, -'w a i v e d indictment' and
pleaded 'guilty to a charge of
uttering' a forged $10.40 check.
He made '.restitution and was Tr
leased under a continuance un
til September; 23. ' U '
The grand Jury.w hie h re
cessed- Wednesday, is due .o re
turn - to work - Monday - morning.
It is believed near the close of
its probe ot "the - county, treas
urer's office. ; V
Qrcoit Court
Frances Jakel vs. Gale Jakel;
complaint for divorce, custody of
a' son, $10 : a month support
money : and $75 attorney - fee;
cruel and inhuman' treatment al
leged; married September 21,
1936, at Albany. ? r ; -
Thelma Walker ; vs. Weldon
Walker; decree - granting, plain
tiff divorce, returning her for
mer name, Thelma "Clarke, and
allowing her $80 in attorney
fees. . - - -. . .'. - ;
: Credit Service company Vs.
John B. SUufter et al; return
showing attachment of approxi
mately. 15,000 feet . of lumber.
placed in charge ot Wilson mills.
Truck Insurance Exchange vs.
Truck -Insurance Exchange of Los
Angeles; plaintiff's undertaking
on appeal tiled. -
Federal Land . Bank of Spo
kane vs. I - W. Montgomery ; et
al;; defense motion to strike
complaint tor lack of proper
venucation. '. , s I -:
Jean Weller and Bessie V.
Hayes vs.. Guy O. Smith; defense
motion to strike parts of com
plaint. :-.- I
Hope Bassett vs. Raymond ; H.
Bassett; order for county treas
urer to -pay. to - plaintiff all
moneys ' paid in by defendant in
pursuance of previous order.
Probate Court
Henry W. Riedesel estate; pe
tition of Fred A. Riedesel, one
of executors, for closing of es
tate and exonerating estate ; of
Charlotte Riedesel, co-executor,
of further liability; no property
ever came into living executor's
hands, he reports.
Mary F. Gregolre estate; 14th
semi-annual account of Ladd ft
Bush Trust company, adminis
trator; $2509.86 received and
$2270.16 paid out.
Margaret E. Weddle estate;
hearing June 15 on final account
of William F. and Virgil A.
Weddle, administrators;
$4852.57 received and $2133.78
paid out; $2718.79 balance to be
distributed as follows: $906.25
each to William F. and Virgil A.
weaaie sons; $226.57 each to
Melvin A. Epley, Masel IS..
schestak, Gladys M. Epley and
Gladys C. Ramp, grandchildren.
Anna Maria Sfeffes estate;
closing order, Philip Steffes, executor.
R. R. Ryan estate; estate
closed f olowlng report of John
A. weitxei, attorney for admin
Ml.a -
iBu.wr, mi au property was
held by entirety and probate
proceeding was unnecessary.
Marriage Licenses -
Herman Joseph Classen, . 29,
bricklayer, Stayton, and Mary
Madeline Miller, 22, teacher,
Raymond F. Roach, 24, 'sales-
an, 1735 North' Canitol street
ana Ruth K. Rob bins, 24.
Btenograpner, 875 Marlon, both
oi saiem.
Municipal Court
Walter Goughnour, driving
utrougn a rea light; fined $2.50
Cohn Fianitiiie Store in Enlarged, Quarters
' .. ...... ... ........ . ... .
. - i . 7 - O " . . . .
RIrs, Roubal Holds
Comity PJA Post
Annual Bleeting Re-Elects
President big Gains
r in Membership ; "
Above, the new. enlarged quarters of Conn Brothers furniture store
at Cbemeketa and. Liberty. . . Conn Brothers are the successors to
Nelson Brothers Furniture company. Below, Abe Conn, manager of
the store. ',;
the . Rose Maiden,' sung try Mrs.
Ton Anderson . and MrSv u , w.
Adams. . - V ' '- " "
; Tea was served", by the home
economics department: of the high
school. - " !
dependent children. Former!
known as the state relief commit
teei this body by legislative enact
ment will be known as the state
public welfare commission. The
name change also applies to coun
ty relief committees.
bal of , Silverton . was re-elected
president of the Marlon; County
Parent-Teacher association at, Its
annual meeting Saturday at Sn
verton. Mrs. Goldle Smith, Aums
vllle, was chosen; Tice president
and Mrs. Florence lotos, van
Ridge; secretary-treaanrer.?-t; i
Renorts 'showed that Marlon
eountv has the largest increase In
membership of any association an
the state. Four new units ' added
thia- spring Include Oak . Ridge,
Swetle. Turner and Looney Butte.
The ' group voted ' to hold its
summer meeting in .the form, of
a picnic at Silyer Creek SUte
park; to meet at.Scotts Mills in
autumn ; Aumsville in January and
Salem In May, le. '
Installation ot , officers was
held during . the ' afternoon with
Mrs. Lett Bergsvik. district vice
nresident. installing officer.' Mrs.
T. R. Hobart and Mrs. Roubal gave
reports on the state contention
which they attended in April at
Klamath Falls. A musical program
consisted of numbers by the school
orchestra and chorus, directed by
Flovd Ellefson. and a selection.
Know a Rosebud Shining" from
Continue Contract
Of Retail
No Oiangea Made; Local
Union 992 Expresses - v
; Full SaUsfaction .
All . contracts of ' the Retail i
Clerks International Protective
union. Local 192, have been auto- .
maticany continued without:
ehanse tor another year beginning
Jane r 1,' W. A. Chambers, . local '
business ' agent, announced here 1
yesterday; The 1938 contracts .
provided, for their continuance this
year unless either employes or em-
ployers asked ' for changes in
terms by May 2. . . - i
The local's territory covers all :
of Marion and Polk counties and.
parts ot Linn, Benton and Yam
hill. Including Corvallls, Albany, ;
Willamina . and Sheridan In the
outer counties. Chambers estimat
ed SO stores in retail lines such as
groceries, shoes, clothing and dry
goods, were under contract with
the union. . . , j ,
;. "We are very pleased with the
satisfaction with which our agree
ments have met," Chambers said.
"Both sides are working together
agreeably. ''- "
commission and Is expected In the
near ' future to appoint the real
estate commissioner, whose posi
tion was created by the last legis
lature. '
The man who will administer
the new realty department will be
a republican and probably a Port
land resident, the governor Inti
Cabell To Resign
Impending change in highway
tommisslon personnel Is due to
the desire of Henry F. Cabell,
chairman, to be freed from his
state duties. The governor has not
decided definitely whom he will
appoint in Cabell's place.
Before June 1 the governor
must go through the formality of I
reaonointlng the body which ad
ministers relief, old age assist-
tiol commission and the highway ance, blind assistance and aid to I
Job Appointments
Three Major Officers in
State Commissions to
Be Named Soon
Three major appointments are
now under consideration by Gov
ernor , Charles A. Sprague, it was
indicated In the executive; depart
ment at the eapitol yesterday.
The governor is studying qua-
ifications and preferences of sev
eral possible appointees each for
positions on the state liquor con-
erts; parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Roberts; brother, Edward E. Rob
erts: sisters, Mrs. Nellie Sim, Miss
Patricia E. Roberts; niece. Miss
Geraldlne Loose, all of Salem.
Funeral services will be held from
the Clough - Barriek v chapel on
Monday. May 1 6. at . 1 : 3 0 , p. m.
Interment IOOF cemetery, Adju
tant 'AUen officiating. :
Graduate Nurses
Honored Tonight
A unique service, honorins? all
the graduate nurses of Salem,- will
oe given at . the First . Ranti
" ' ! - n Frederickson ' - - -T
Nancy Elizabeth ' Frederickson,
late resident of Willamina, Ore.,
passed away in McMinnviUe May
IS. Wife of James William Fred
erickson, mother ot Charles and
Cheater Frederickson. K Services
grading of Oregon butter I without
seeing the product. I t
"I feel that the state Is more or
less the tail of the federal kite
when it comes to grades and
"t"".:: church tonight in keeping with
wfthrfed-erll de JJgK "rec
agrtculture,. .Governor' pragu. TiSSSl
6 TV. 1,1-1. ,T t M ...
Carett, In a letter to Governor CZZXTJ. 2 KPS
Snrirn. said the situation was so I . -v
.rn. ,. It ... tnni hi.k th.lnlDJ l O ClOCk. - :r , t.
aisiufiew auiens. ai uuiiu
70 In number, will attend the serv
ices in a body, and will be guests
to a reception In their honor at
the parsonage following the serv
growth of the -Oregon -butter in
dustry a score, of years or more.
He added that at a recent hear
ing by the - state agricultural de
partment in Salem, one large co-
AMMtlvi ' rMmrv' admitted ' m
win Tut liftld Tnesdav. Mav 18. at 1 1 A aaa
the chapel of the Sherlday funeral I ye&r on account ot the new arbl Wftilr
trarV grading system. s c w vvvfv itvin
Governor S p r a g n e . Informed
Carett that he would go Into the
matter further, both to ascertain
tlte nature and : effect of grade
changes and to determine the best
course of action. ' 1 ' ,
home, Sheridan, Ore. Interment In
I OOF cemetery, saiem.
. - t --
Farm Union Auxiliary
Eaton . .J
i Krnest V. Eaton, at a t Port
land hospital May 18, at ' the
age of 41. Survived by the wid
ow, Edna A. Eaton; , daughter,
Cleo Mae, both of Salem: father,
VniMt - v.ton. ' and sten-mother.
Mrs. Ernest ' Eaton of Vernal, I Sponsors Qnb Dinner
vian; . oroiners, jonya u
SUnley of Salem, and sisters,
Mrs. Mary Carroll of Santa Mon
ica, Calif., and Mrs. Reba Mc
Claln ot 'Craig, "Colo. Mr. pto
was a guard at the state peni
tentiary and a veteran; el the
World war. Funeral . services
will be held from the W Iker
Uowell : funeral home Monday,
Hay 18, at 1 p. m. Concluding
services at the Legion Circle City
View cemetery with Capitol post
No. f , American Legion, in
charge. -, , " ' . -
Via State Offic
i The Salem 'office of the state
employment service: sent IS mea
and one woman to work last week
It reported yesterday. Of this
number 20 were placed in steady
private employment, six on loca
CENTRAL HOWELL A elub I and four on out-of-county public
dinner at the Waldo Hills dub-1 projects - and seven unregistered
house Tuesday night Is the main
feature of the final meeting of
the ' Farmers' union auxiliary.
Mrs. Clyde DeSart and Mrs-'R.
H. Bye-are on the game eo
mittee.' - .tf- l-
persons , Including one transient
were, given casual assignments.
The office's list of applicants
for work dropped from 4844 to
4589 during the week-as house-
cleaning of records continued.
' i ... -'- Mnxoll vsh-
Mrs. Caroline Muxoll, 9, late 1
resident of Mt. Angel, passed
away In this city May IS. An
nouncements later by the walk
er. V Howell funeral i home, .
! when an X-Ray ot the spine will
1 show yon ' the cause ' of your trouble,
!and Chiropractic win remove the cause.
Ton can not get rid ot the effect with
out first getting rid ot the" cause, and
to locate the cause correctly yon must
have an X-Ray. -
YOU. . . . "
408 V. 8. Nst'L Rank Cldg.
fKi- iii at Office Oa or Before May 20.' 1939.
It Will Kn title Tow to mm Appotntaaewt for st FTee Spinal X-Bay
- i
1939 60-1 WCH
lAfg invite you to stop fn and see how eosJy yo m
VV solve tour Qracfoatioii gift problem 1 . Select stw
wotch wnkh expresses oB thai U In yourUwt osyoor sosi
or davghter srodvotei. A fine wotch, a HcsaltkM watck
Sfyted wtii yevth oppecd, priced from $37 JO -pward
Complete .
. Selections .
Also of
From .
ZMn etuaa fink with
.w?nf.-cooct faucet,
finUh cabinet V '?
aoor. na ext, coiv
cealed Wngee, -Coiealed
tUiirJes. gteel paUf
J(3 Month
fins Cmnying
-.. Cftrf
SUte at
10l. STATU
1 1 Vrl Ft PT
Ph. 11CS
1 - .- .