lift' ! r i ::'V" ?n -Vunu .Vi e Oregon frtiANiplonsm, &attn& tSr :"( CI Pet Pa radels $2fi00j000 Fire Ravages Chicago Grain Elevators s i Huge S uccessl 350 Participate; Premier - Avcard to "Old .Woman i in Shoe" Group r ? - ' ALfcANY At ill meetlna- 'this aoon Kot U Albany r junior chamber of commerce Hollla Hall was ; elected president; Charles Royee,' vice president: Allyn Stellmacner. treasorer; : Kd Earp, secretary aid Eldoa. Cleat and William -Thurber. directors. The executive hoard will be compos ed of . the. newly elected officers. and Bob Ferguson,' retiring prest- aent, Ralph Senders, and' Shirley A delegation from the local chamber, -. will : go to ;A Eugene Monday night to attend ! the meeting to be held for the pur pose of organizing a state as sociation of Junior chambers. ALBANY Mrs. Minnie Mer rill Woods wUl head the Albany chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution as regent ' for ; the coming year. -; Other officers elected this week are Miss Zella Burkhart, vice regent; Miss Lil- ia Mccoy. recordlnr secretary: Miss Marybelle Barrett, corres ponding secreUry; Urs. W. P. Canning, registrar; Mrs. Cho-les Rohrbough, treasnrer; Mrs. Hel en Whlteman, chaplain, and Mrs. Mark , Weatherf ord, chairman. hoard of management. ALBANY Dale,- nine-year-old son of Dare ' Schrock Ma la ' the Corvallls hospital as the" -result of serious injuries received in a tractor, accident He : Jim fractured pelvis - bone, two 'frac tures' of - the backbone and two ribs torn loos from the spine He wlU be confined to the hos pital at least three months. ui ivr.vr iur An ml ! Mh I xj m.xm ua an oiaer oromer SILYERTON HILLS -Not I lege Friday released the hews eBi unying, were bart. lit; Wesley Jones. 2nd; He Fnhr. eizht months: were even Handing room was left that Ito Bauman of ML Angel e on tneiarm oi a. r. Patty Pellett, 3rd., Goats: Cha - honored Wednesday night at Friday night when parents and bad been selected by the Judges iMn lnilDnum Mill wvii. i . , I friar A. ..Ih at Ilia Minmnn. ai tfca wlnnar Of th orfttOrT 1 and were COming dOWU hill OU tricia Edison. Rabbits; DaIeHiTf,V.. . ZaVZ an Ity hall, not only to watch 18 contest, held May 7. He will be n old road, when the machine Whltaon., A rial VarhaoV U.raln I . ..... . . hnn mnA rlrl mmIti their I r.reaentnri with tha cold medal I jaCkKniied. Deck, Boy with cat: Nonnan I ent, ach was nrewnted ith a I eighth grade diplomas but also for oratory" at .the 'commence- Vernon t"!' Funrue, Leonard Coover," Jimmle I corsage lo see electric lights turned on i men t exercises, June . Price. Girl , with eat: Donna I 'n.'inn .tt.t.4 ti.. i.n I for the first time in the com- Speaking on "Propaganda,; and Swanson, Jackie Johnson. Mar-1 rv k nn.. .w.utv Trin-. I munity. " Free Speech," Bauman discussed garet Brown. , ..... i I lt. ,hnreh. Mr. t. Bohart Dr. F. P. Pound of Salem was the recent censorship and ptopa- Rrlcri-ll Whialcm SILYERTON SUverton'a eighth - pet - parade .nnder the sponsorship of the American' Le gion and auxiliary was held Sat nrday morning .with 350 boys and - girls and pets marching through SllYerton's streets lined with local folk and visitors from nearby towns. -: - i It was recalled that the first pet parade was . - held in 1 1 J S, at the instigation of Dr. A. J. McCannel, then ., commander of 'the Legion post. Dr.. McCannel, who with Mrs. McCannel and their daughter Janet, planned to leave Saturday for Michigan, re mained at Sllverton long enough to view the parade. F. M. Powell was this year's pet parade chairman.-: :; ' -H "Vj:: Pets ranged all the way from a tiny bee to an almost full grown cow. Dogs predominated. Grand prize went to a : group of youngsters who had arranged a replica of the old woman in a shoe. Receiving the prize were ' Peggy Kramer, Diane Cameron, ; Dqugtas Cameron, Don ' Thom son, Dick Thomson, George Kra mer. Bill Kramer. Bob Kramer. Koy Wik. Carol McCleary and I which began with u exploeloa la a south aide Chicago grain elevator spread to lOTOttmiM Phyllis- Wit.. :: -. . - i I caased mm early estimated damage of S2.0OO.0OO. Klghteem peraeau were lajared or bused mmA eight Prise to the ' one having mis- I others missing, feared dead, la the worst conflagration Chicago had bad since the May. 189. 000 stock yards blase This aerial riew shows th flames just after they had spread from uae nrst el evator to the baildtng at the left. HollisHuUHcad Of " JraiioiV" CC D Alt Elect Officers Also, T7ith Minnie M. ' new Regent ' cellaneous animtls went, to Rich ard Bodden;' youngest boy with a pet,' Raymond Beck; ' young est girl, M a r y Longenec'ier; sheep. Sonny Keen; emallest pet, Verda. Bailer: largest .pet Wea- ley .Jones; special prises. Patsy Worberg, Thelma Beck,- Rlchaid Dickerson and Patsy Heath." -Prizes Numerous Other prices Included: . : Calves: Lawrence Scott Oldest Youngest Electric Lights, IVo Bauman Persons Honored SSlT rSZ, Oratory tontest xbriusi uui u:uwu SILLVERTON Mrs. IL J. Ho-Madsen. 7, and Miss Melva Ma-1 Both boys jumped but the younger lad -falling beneath It. Decorated baby burrr w 1 1 h I is PTA president. baby: Jerry Dean Lake; Minnie I During the program - hour the speaker. Berget, Patricia and Kathleen I numbers were given . byl those I Auwwn fttls Pforia Rice. Boy's costume: ' Jerry Lar- I representing the "Seven! Ages xUl Ul t U 111 Jl OllC Event Is May 25 cciised Slayer to Court Silverton Delays H Celebration Year, Gateway Fiesta to Be Held in 1940 and Will Be. Real Affair SILYERTON "To celebrate , ' or not to celebrate" was the I noted question at a Tuesday night meeting of Sllverton er-, ganlzations. I, The groups met first last seek. I to discdss - a celebration which . they felt Sllverton should havea to keep in line witn otner vauey Vwns. .... . ; Tuesday night's decision was . to postpone celebration ' until . 1940 when a big one wUl be: planned. The celebration groupv has named itself "Gateway FK esta." The gateway refers to Silver Creek Falls state park., Dinner Slated Tuesday SILYERTON The Sllrerton Townsend club will . serve ; a chicken and strawberry short cake dinner at the Knights of I""", 'fr . ""V"w.rr, . " K. VT:r.:T; I P. . The dinner is open to the man's veins cave him strength for sanity bearing, and the w i"""6 .. ... . j . . . . . . t . . i t uru I V jury ionna nun sane, aiarpny cxpuuaea us lasuaa; y hjbi i SILYERTON Mrs. rauwr ow wan go on irau.- ar ickihu . . -. AURORA The school year is randa exploitation nreralent In Spain concerning the dispatches To Get Attention sent to foreign newspapers.; Bauman Is the first day scnoi- RICKREALL This town will ar to win the prize In the . last naTe a barber asaln. at least eight year. The other three scon- part time. H. A. "Buck" Hazle. tesUnts were Richard Hopkins, tarter, wiU at tne shop momas x ersenweuer ana ? An- Bere two nights each week. mony croxmeyer. isrozmeyer was i Tuesday and Friday. selected ior second piace tor nu Mr. and Mrs. John Winn have purchased the Kirk Simpson son, Gary Tokstad, Billy White. I of Man." These included piano Girl's costumes: JoAnn Cooper, I solo by Judy Ellefson, the pre Dorothy Jordan, Fay Holliday. I school child; violin solo by Decorated float: - 1st. families I Ruth David, accomoanied by from South Water -street; 2nd, I Elaine Clower, represented the josepnme wiMimont; 3rd. primary ;scbool days; Jean Mc- almost over. The eighth grade ..nlVch on "Social JMtice Daughters Of YFW. Decorated I Clanathan. a.elarinet aolo. us LnWin. will Sa h.M TBDeecl1 Sn OCI JU"ce. doll bugry: Barbara Joan Lien-1 enmnanieii hv iren Morln i. .o.wi nmMiinn. Thnra. Judges were J. R. Murphy. I residential property hero and hard. Jacqueline Jean Rue. Ber-1 EVank. tha lunior .ih school: Lt. ..t.t u.. !!-ni.M.'t Wn I Portland attorney; John Cat-son, I will take possession at the close eny Anderson. Decorated tri- Caroline Wagner; vocal solo, ac- decided where the school picnic S."?, tiorney , and ; T n o m a s I of school. Winn Is an oil sales- lycie; wnreii urown. joyce ma-1 comnanied hr Louise Aubrer. I will ha t. I fiwui i m a-1 man. vickson, Ronald Kales. Decorated I the senior hih school :i Mrs. The eizhth sraders that went lem chamber of commerce. ; uicjQie: vernon woiiara. - All I Stanley Ness, reading, the young to the Canby Mayxfestival Tnes- naaBon. jerry ucuonaia. . i mother; Mrs. W.; P. . Scartn, i day were Jack Lietl. Jerry Ved uin with dog: carol Long. I Mrs. J. J. . Lewis and Miss I rir Phviiu naniAloon TAonn Winners Listed ' For Track Events JEFFERSON - The annual track meet held at the", school- house resulted at follows: Gunny ' saek race. Bobby Bruce; I, Mlckle Thurston; . , Monte Weddle. Potato race, lov er grade boys, 1, Norman Cole! 3, Junior Wlckersham; J, .Ver non Harris. Lower grade girls. 1, Lorlne Wells; 2. Mildred Put nam; 1, Potty Main. Upper grade girls. 1. Alice Weeks; 1, Marcella DaUey; S, Lola Thomp son. 25-yard dash, lower grade girls. 1. Mary 'Thompson; i. Mildred Putnam: 3. Barbara White. Upper grade girls, 1, Gene Mary Redmond; I. Mlckle Thurs ton; S, ' Lola Simth. - Upper grade boys. 1. Bobby Bruce: 2. Monu Weddle; t. Dale Fish. S0- yard dash, boys, 1, Don Smith; 2, Bobby Brace; S, Monte Wed dle. Girls, 1. Gene Mary . Red mond; 2. Mlckle Thurston; ;!, Lois Smith. Following the track meet, musical program was presented in the" afternoon. Pupils of the Looney Butte school with their teacher were present for the pro gram. Carl; 'Specht was the Inspiration ofi-i party at her home Tuesday rhen Pythian sisters called to con-; gratslate her on her recovery from her recent major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Moser " left Wednesday tor California. En route they will visit with , MACLEAY The eighth grade thel? eon. Gilbert, at North Band. graduation exercises will be held 4k awara j. jnn.on, sn . tha Mfcnnlhntiaa Mnndtt ulrht. I the JamCg JOhhSODI,. Will. DO. s a-saw avuwiifVHw wiven ' - . 8th Is Monday Night The -salutation will bo - given by Eunice- Selman: history. Rata SelmenY will. Margery Bruntoa; prophecy. Jack Bruntoa and Ar thur Arnold, and valedictory, Eunice OgUvie. T. C. Otto of Aumsville will give the address and Wilbur Miller, chairman of the board of directors, will present the di plomas. Musical numbers will be by Mrs. M. A. Wells, Dick Johnson. Arthur Arnold and graduated ' from the University of Oregon June 4. He Is j major in physical education. ! - Folks From China Viat at Rosedale ROSEDALE Rev. and Mrs.' Kenneth Wesche. and seven chil- Vlola, George and Marvin Too- . .Tintiln' Chl?' kar , I Miss Louise Taylor, sister of Mrs. Wesche, of Chicago, are visiting at the Cammack home. ' They came over on the Empress of Canada landing in Vancouver, BC, May I. The school will close with a I picnic Monday. Graduation . ex-, ercises were held Thursday night Special Services Arranged Sunday HUBBARD Special Mothers' day services wUl bo held at El liott - Prairie ' Congregational church Sunday morning at 10 1 for Shirley Hamilton and Jean o'clock. Jim Van Winkle will I Ann Strayer. Rev. Walter Cork sinr "Mother Machree," accom-1 gave the address and Lesta panied by Kathryn Hawk. I Bates, Irene Hurst, the Hager Rev. J. 8. Van Winkle will -e dorn boys, Reva English and assisted br the Hubbard Sunday I Bonnie Duke, the 4H Cooking school in a special service hon-lclub. Joyce Conboy and Lowell oring the mothers on Sunday Williams furnished music. morning at 11:15 o'clock at the! Paul Berndt. president of the Hubbard Congregational church, board, presented the diplomas. of a pioneer home, the .'grand mother. ; Virginia Tuggie, Bonny Leonard. I Elaine Clower, the mature Boy with dog: Richard Geer. I mother; Mrs. Gourlie, sketch iommy rreston, wiuard -lu7l-son. Miscellaneoos fowls: Kath ryn Johnson Lewis and Harold Tbomis, : Bonnie Donnell. Chick ens: Tom Meafue, Allen . Terp, Richard and Edgar Norton. . Comic stunt: : Patty DeClark, Lee Ann Hutton, ; Richard' Mor ton. Best dressed pet: John Todd, Lorraine Ludrickson. Ha zel Smith. Pigeons, Vernon Kirk. Neville, Johansen, H. Anderson. First Clinic Held By Health Unit GRAND -'. ISLAND? Tafefiljl county's ew health unit held Ju first clinic Wednesday morning at the local schoolhouse. . Forty five people. Including children of pre-school age. school children and adults were given smallpox vaccination. ' Dr. L. g. Goerke, new health doctor, assisted by Mrs. Ruth Hinegardner, senior nurse of the staff, administered the vaccine. i The Mothers' Circle club held its last regular meeting fori this season Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy E. WUl with Mrs. Louis Will assisting hostess. The club honored Mrs. Dorothy Cole, member with gift shower. The Grand Island and Union- vale communities held a joint mnaimil nmrram TnAav nlvtit voted to form a fire squad whose served as the first president of J May 12, at 8 o'clock at the j at tne rjnlonvale Evangelical men win ce wugui jubi wuere i io nuaeoi uuuj in mo nigu i rresoyierian cnurcn. ciass i church in observance of national' equipment una nyaranis are io- i scnooi ouuaing wnicn is now re- is uonaid xeeters. inck Wagner, i mni. v tii nrnm-.n. a. a. tA . 1 . I. A .1 - . ml M.V. 1 . 1 A . L . M.I J vM41li.n . I ml . v . I wso uisuiuua vi Aire iikui- i icucu iu as luo via uuuuiub. ing and prevention. ; ' The nnlon also voted to' soon sor Frances Mehl for the queen 1 ftlission Unit Meets Fire Company Is Planned at Mill v SILYERTON S liver Fails Timber company will have Its own fire squad according to mo tion : carried at the Friday night meeting of the IEU. The group Peavey President Of Student Body SILYERTON Election of stu dent body officers at the high school Friday afternoon resulted as f o 11 o w 8 : President; Jack Peavey: vice-president. Clarence M&llbye; secretary, Allen Thost rud; treasurer, Mareiel Kaufman. These will be the first officers to serve in the new high school building. Paul Spencer was the last president to serre In the old building. It. was recalled t Kelly, Leland Stoner, Mary Lou DuRette, Walter Koenig, MarJ- orie Walters, Richard Bland. Florence Marsh, BiUy Nagl, Hel en Ehlen, Lowell Sayre and Eu gene Swan. The grade school boys' soft- ball team played Buttevillo Mon day defeating them 11 to 6. The game with White school has been postponed. The students won 37 points at the Marion county track meet last Friday. A large group of Aurora grade school pupils presented a varied program at the Butteville PTA meeting early this week. One Day's Business... Mehama Program Is Friday Night MEHAMA Graduation ' pro- -In Building Permits For Capitol Lumber! Mr L.- Ah I I r r IW . tor m wai a m - e, 1m n - b:r e- mi m . as n w j Sllverton Friday that Harry Car-I gram for the Mehama' eighth son, how a Salem druggist, I grade class will be Friday night, Excerpt front Pago 1 f Oregon Statesmaa of May Bth. for the Silverton-ML Angel part In the Portland Rose festival.: " Al Noren and Bill Olsen were 1 chosen as delegates . to attend the district board meeting at Portland in "June. O. J. .Wolf, from IEU head quarters, reported that the union was not working for any revi sion of the Wagner act. He also reported that a largo number of new locals had been formed. Violet Tietze, Lawrence Kirsch and Ruby Bass. Howard George, Stayton, vlll give the address. The program will include also: Stayton girls' trio; duet. Margaret and Helen in charge of Mrs. Charles A. Fer- 1 guson and Rev. V. A. Ballantyne, Jr. Lark Club Holds Hughes, Jefferson; guitar num- I Meet at Falls bers. Taller Lrda and son. Jef- leel al rau bers, Talley Lyda and son, Jef ferson; solo. Ruby Marcum, Jef ferson; music by five boys. The eighth grade teacher is Mrs. Lois Clark. Neil Warrick Is Shower Is Given Mrs. Haldeman Lay ton reviewed the chapter in the study book. At the tea hour, Miss 8 Laura Kins and Mrs. Beulah Davis as- ZENA An affair of Wednes lted Mrs. Jones. daywas a.ahowerr.g i v.e n ;by MrsT Milton : Stephens rand Mrs. N. R. - Holland at - the-- homo i of Mrs. Holland In honor of Mrs. George Haldeman: At Jones Home JEFFERSON The Evangeli cal Woman's Missionary society was held at the home of Mrs. J. T. Jones Wednesday P after noon with Srs. A. P. Layton presiding. Tributes to mother were given by everyone present. Miss Laura Kins read an article from Mrs. J. J. Armold, mis- I Students' Prexv sionary in Africa. , Rev. . P. I MONMOUTH Student body officers elected Wednesday at Monmouth ' high school are: Neil Warrick president; Ger trude Scholl, vice president; Ed- mmm DAaim a " -; saavaisaol , -llaM jT naourt ins ijh, SAara. traaanrar. jane Ham., rauune seipp ana I Mr- n. E. Derbr vas hostess iuiao uuuiBur ww uwe i to the xhimblo club Wednesday at a snower nononng. airs. 1 .ftarnonn TTao itanrhtar. Un RICKREALL The members of Lark elub of Falls City were entertained Tuesday afternoon ut the home 'of Mrs. Mary Adams. A brief business session was: pre sided over by the president. Mrs. Willis Frink. Reon Sanders of Chicago Is here for a few days' visit with nis parents, nr. ana Mrs. . v. Sanders. , His ' father, who ; fell from a scaffold four weeks ago, is in a Salem hospital .where he will - h a v e to be for ; several months. He, is taking X-ray work in one of the Chicago hospitals and left for his .home there Wed nesday . night .. Luncheon was served by Mrs. oeorge oauey, a receni oriae; i Arthur Lacey, whoso home bum- ars j.ii - r . -R. A. Looney Mrs. HoUand and the home of Mrs. Grace I ed recenUy . was given a mis- Bd"C rOYC Votes , y Mra. Stephens tohe- honor S",.!! cellaneous-shower of household TnesdaY. Srhool Issne ' rueiL Mrs. c- niiaemta t ua i . w-a.. u, avarwraasaae, . rriciefl. tiia cinB Dians to i leei i !' daughter Kayr Mrs. Leo Pietsch. 1 uetcneii, Mrs. Kaipn . kelson, i wlth Mrfc F Mnrdock mi her Mrs. Herman Cresswell, Mrs. oarnei vnnsman, awm I home In Albany next meeting. Church Stephens, Mra. uoen M"aiii aarjon Haines, Miss Wilma Crawford, cole, Mrs. Dale Turnldge, Lo-1 affttP, T. Thm Mrs. Ralph -.Sonn. f. Mrs. Lois 1 rena uieman, r erneuruce, ueia i " r- MIDDLE GROVE Voting on the bond issue for a new school will be held Tuesday, May; 1C, from 1 to 7 p. m. Crawford. Mrs. Howard Goodfel-1 Hwlc, Esther Helt and : Dene I Qf Qub Program .. r- tri.-.! . a I Martin. I , . o low, jars. - vjcuiaw nu u daughters. Evelyn 3 and " Doris, Mrs. Ben Swlnford, Mrs. R. Looney. Mrs. CecU Martin, Mrs. Fred Robertson - and son, John, Mrs. Gilbert Fones. Mrs. Ben Enjoy Wiener Roast RIVERDALE The 4H cook- JEFFERSON At the meeUng of the Past Noble Grand elub Tuesday afternoon a Mothers day program wag presented. Mrs. lng and woodwork clubs of Halls IL. L. Shields gave a short his tory of : Mothers', day. : Interesting features Included: original play, written by McConnell. Miss Mabel Ander-1 rerrr. met at Rlverdalo nark ; on, Mrs. Ralph Shepard, . Mrs. I Wednesday , lor game and. en Edgar Crawford, Mrs. Charles I tertalnment and a wiener roast. GUbert, Jr., and son. Donna I Tnt two clubs have beennnder I Mrs. TV O. Kester, "The Shadow Jean Sohn, . Mrs. Walter Hunt, I tb supervlsloa ef Mrs. ArosUo I of Angels Wings,' Toy Mrs. T.. O. Mrs. Roy - Martin and Mrs. i Kowton and Arthur Macklln. 1 Kester. Mrs. H. B. Thurston and Charles Turnbow.' - i ' i I All elub members and :. their I Mrs. H. S. Coin; a Ubleas. families attended ' with Mr. and I "Mother and Child." by lire. Rr!d Given Shower ! r I s I Mrs. Harry Carpenter as guests I Kelthel Smith and : daughter. Mo.eV VIT f V.!lfa. 'VaaTI lv eWBwT.ii..: v. .V l - e1o Bogulaskl (Lor in e wailing), a : recent bride, now ; of : Oregon city, was complimented recently with a shower given at the home or Mrs. Frank Windsor by Mrs. W. W. Henry and Mrs. Windsor, paring the afternoon each guest embroidered her nam on a iHt MoeV which -were glvon to Mrs. Bogulaskl- A large group was present. - ' ' - " - coming to enters . STAYTON Troop , Boy BcouU of Stayton, ara making preparations to attend the Scout Circus la Salem, Saturday, at Sweetland field-. NOTICE! The Quelle Cafe FROM SUNDAY NlfcHT, MAY 14 TO SATURDAY, MAY 27 ' - ' Tfttf Management . . Rosds OpcrJ -. C!ns-Avdvwl . Cctfis: Cc.p!i:tcf : VIq'iq Rbody s Dr.; Skiffdii llccltli Rosdri -1. DROTtOSu i HOT SPHillGS Detroit, Ore. i Star Route There's A Reason!! tenniEpGi? LGodb : ttEao - " '" - -.!. -,f ! . .... Ffloflcl 11 I I a:0,t jd iec;0tt. fa j .-- , ......... : , . . . !.V'"fc' - . 25-Year . : .0 f . : F.HaA. Loan; Al Only 5 Interest : NO DOWN PAYMENT ' If you" own or can get a lot we arrange all financial . details aUVthat is necessary is to let, us know you would like to twn your own borne ' and pay; for it in '. small monthly amounts, probably. less than you are . r v now payinsr lor rent. Mr. John IL Towle; former . Associate Director - Federal Honslng Adminfatratioa, Is at the Capitol Lamber . Company " and will help yow seenre yoar : loaa, prrpare all papers and " other" details free s of charge. . There la absolutely no charge 4. for oar many complete, add!, tloaal aervlces smch as archi tect, loaa ' secmring r aad Mr. Towles $15J4 Month 02c:a $1843 llcnth 1: finpj ; r 23Path. :i2SA2Uc 3; X2SA2 Mcatlr- 12119 Month .$279 Month Other ' Amount c Corresponding Payments BUILD NOW ! Bsil!n Is on the Upawinar--Prlces . .Will NatnraDy Follow. .. CAPITOL : AROllTKCTUIUL SERVICE FREE FJLA. SUPEItVlSION CONSTRUCTION INSPECTED LU C0, line, L 1020 North Commercial Phone 9293 X7