PAG-. 1 OUUTEEN : x Salem Bflarket Captations i ; I .l-c'i,; ; ' aTHriTS ; ':;( ; . ' (Sayiae Frlces) (Taa priM below aappliee" by a loeal gTewer and Indicative ef the daily ejaraet prices pa4 jrearera by Salem bayera hot are aot gueraatee. by Tee: Bute anaa.j ' - Baeaaaa, lb. etalk. rlaa-a Grapefruit, Tdil aiaka Keralar , , . Leueaa, erate Oriafea, erate ass EQBTAKLUl (Baylag Frtcea) ,, local, dot beeta. do. CabUca. lb. .OS .0Va 1.40 . 4.00 S.00 ' 4.S0 ta S.iO .80 .40 .os Carrot. Califs cr. eo-.2 50 ta S.SQ . Cauliflower. Calif, 1.24 ; toral . Calory, Utah. craU ,.- -.. 9 SS Calif crate, - 1.3a LeUaea, Calif. 3.S0 ta J.SO - Onieae, boiltaf, 10 Iba. Ke. I .1 SO Iba. 12 -' Orcoa eoioae. in. , . .39 Kadiehea, doa. JO Pepper, grata, Calif. -' JSO Paraley , .. . ... ' Polatoee, local f -L. Now I 1.M SO lb, bags -35 Kcw potatoea, Calif cwt.. - - 3 50 Rhobarb. outdoor .10 to .0 Taraipa, dos. , .40 : aruxa lee pal. by la-epe-aent Packinc pUM to trover) Walaata PraaoaotUa. faaey, IS bm diaat. 10c; aaaail Se: orchard raa, S.t ltc. Walaat aaeet. 31 to SOe lb. rilberte Barceieoae. large, 13 ', faa y llfte: bable. 1 lei orchard raa II (Co-op Pricea to -rawer) Walaata Price raage, depandlag apoa way auta raa ia 14 different gradea 11 Mi 12a. Dachilly J cent higher. v. jy. - ' t HOPS - - - (Bay-as rrteaa) Claatera, aeauaaL 1917. Ih 1 to .08 Claatera, 1S8, lb. . 30 to , .15 - Tnrxtaa. top Jit WOOI. AID MOHAIK (Biyla. Pricea) Woo), aediaav lb. Ooarao, lb. LaBba. lb. Mohair, lb. Jti ll J EOOt AXD P0XTLT1T f (Bdi Pricea at -Jtdraa 'i) Largo' oxtraa i , , . ... ,v .IT Mediaai eatraa , . in. .Jl: Largo staadarda J Fellata . . , .i Colored frya ' , , , , " , , ,. - 4 Colored aMdia-w lb. , , , ,, ,.. - JO White Legbaraa, heary , , .. J3 w White Ugborav '' Did twoatora Heavy heaa, lb. UTZSTOCX ISarlag arloe for Ka. 1 aaioa ' repeaiaa .0 40 Umbo, 19SP, tope Laaiba .. Ewaa .i . tfoga, top , .I 130-150 lbs. 310 800 lbs. Bows - Beef caws Balls ap to 4 8.S0 6.50 to 7.50 3.00 to 3.50 7.35 6.75 to 7.UU 6.50 to 6.75 6.35 to 5.75 5.50 to 0.00 5.50 to 35 5.50. to 7.00 7.50 4.00 to 5.50 .11 Heifers Top veal I, Dairy type cow a Dmaaad aaL lb. MAJUOK C-U-AJC-JIT Bayiag Wot Batterf at. A grade I3 ' , Legbora beaa, ever M Iba .11 Laghora beaa. aader 3 Iba, ,, - JO Legbora broilers, 1H lb. ep .10 Roaatan, d Iba. and ovcr .14 fryers. iH 14 Iba. '. . .13 - Colored boas, over 5 lbs. .13 Trrm, otot 4 Iba. - . .10 Stocks and : Bonds May 13 STOCK AVEJLiGHBS Ceaipilod by The Aseociated Press . 80 15 15 60 Iados Raila TJtil Stoeka Net Che. , Uacb Uaeb Unrh Uneh Batarday 64.6 . 18.1 : 36.3 45.8 Prevloaa day 64.8 18.1 86.2 45.8 Month aco 68.3 17.5 85.2 44.7 Tear are 58.5 15 0 80 9 40.6 1939 hirh 77.0 : 33.8 40.0 53.4 1939 low 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 809 AVTBAGES Ket Chg. Batarday Previoaa 30 RaiTa D .1 . 53.5 day 65.6 Month ago 55.4 Year ago 56.S 1939 high 64.0 1939 low 53.4 10 Indue ' Uacb 9.1 . : 9.l" v 97.9 , : 97.1 100.7 97.0 20 Util Cnch . 95.0 95.0 92.8 91.4 . 95.7 1.9 10 Forgo ,Cnch 60 6 - 60 0 59.1 63.4 64.0 58.2 Grade B raw 4 per cat milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price 910. , C-op Grade A' batterf at price 22c; B trade 2c learn. ' - (Milk baaed - oa aeml oaUly batterf at average.) - ; Dixtribator price, 2XX A gTade batterfat Deliv ered S2c; B grade 20c. - A grade print, 20 He; B r grade 23c; quart era 27 c. Old noatare. lb. fla. 2 bens 5a less. . I BOO PXICKI Largo extraa arg auaaaraa Madiaai eatraa i Madia standards , .. Cadergr-def PaiMU. -. J7 JS J5 J3 .13 JO eRAlS. HAT sad SEXOS Wheat, ba. ' No. 1 reeleaned. .75 Oats, rrer toa ': , , 28.00 n alio Peed barter, toa Clever aal, toa g-OP 32.00 to 34.00 13 to 18.00 Oat aad Veteb bay. toa 12.00 ta 18.00 Alfalfa, toa t to io.uv Egg aaaah. Ko. 1 grade. SO lb. bag 1.60 Oainr food. 80 lb. bag 1.80 Hen scratch food . 1.70 Cracked com ,,.. 1.70 -r-t .;. ; 1.50 Gardeners' . IVlart '' FOBTLAJrD. CtSm May 13. (AP) (US1A1 Predaco pnc eaaagea: -ddUi Or-. Kawtowaa. aed to Ige, as fey. L50 1.60: fey 1 351 J5; Waah. Deileioet, ex icy 1.7 .-!.;: icy i.o-i.oo; Wiaesap, ex fey, 1.401.50 ; fey, 125 1:85; comb, n ley aad loots. l-8Ji lb.; Roam, aa fey. 1.65-1.75. Artiebokoa Calif 1.75-3.00. ' . r Avoeadoe Calif., 1.10-1.40. '-' Aaparagna Oro Waah, groan. 11 IV, 5o. 1, 60-65c; Ho. 2, 40-45; 80 lb 1.60 1.60; aaelsis. -lW-l.40. Besas Califs 1.25 hamper. Celery-pCa-L, Utah, 1.601.80; white, rO-3.75. Cabbage Califs crsUs, 3.25-2.35. Carrota Local. Backed, 3.25-3.85; Calif SO lb. sks. 1.85-3.00; crates, 40 SOe doe. - ,..,..-., . Caalif lower Calif, D8 No. 1, a rata, 1.75; local 1112s, 1.60-1.65. Celery Cslif, Utah, UO-1.75; whlta, 3.50-3.65. Citras Pro it Grapefrait, Texas atarsa, aoodleaa. 8.00 IJO; Aril, plak, 8.50-8.75; fey, 3.00 3.10; cholea, 1.65-1.75; let toco era tea. 1.75 3.00; PUv. 8.35-8 AO. Leatoaa Fancy. . all alias, .4.50-5.25; choice 50s bras. L'ntea Una. oartaa. 30 35c Oraages California aavela, large. 8.35 4.00; cholea, all ai-ca, 3.35-3.50; mod. SOO-S.35. Caeaaibera Hotboase, dos, 3.25 3.35; boa 8-6 doi. Lettace Dry pack, Orego-, Waah, 8-4 doa, 1.40-1.50; 6 dos. 1.35-1.50; low aa 1.00; Calif, iced, 4-5 dos, top, 3.25-2.50; poorer 1.75-3.00. Meabroome Cultivated. 1 lb, SO 3 5a. Oaioas Ore. yellows, SO-lb. sacks, 08 5s. 1 large. 1-10 1.25; I tneh and ap. 1.80-1.40; Ha. 2 50 1b. aaeka 50 60c; Texaa white was, 08 Mo. 1. SO-lb. aacka. 1.50-1.75; Calif, rods, 1.85-1.90. Peas The Dallas, 4 ft -5c - Peppers Plorida, 18-20e lb. PeUtoes Ors. Ueschntea Bossets, Mo. 1. 100 lbs. 1.15 1.25; 25 Ib.'sk, 85-87V,e; CfS No. 2, 50 lb. Ska. 40 60s; Klamath Baaaeta, U3 No. 1. 100 lb aks. 1.15-1.30; local Long ; Whites. Ko. 1. 100 lb. ska. 1.15-1.20; new crop, California White Rose. 50 lb. aks, CS Ko. 1, 80-90e; 100 lb. ska, 1.35. Rhabarb Ore, apple box, 80-40c; loose 75e-1.00. Bouaah Calif. Znecbini. 1. SO 1.60. Strawberries Oregon, 24-baaket era tea 83.50-8.75 ; California, 12-baaket eratee, florin. 81.25-1.35: ooorer ananoted: Wat- aoavillo uaqnoted track aalea, florin. 1.10. Spinach Or d0-50e; orange bos. Tomato Max, 2.50 3.00 ; Ore. hot hnnu l.VSOe. Bunched; Vegetables: 'Local per doa.. bunebea; -onioa 17 -20c, radishes 20 25e. leek 25 80c: parsley 20 25e, moitard greens 20-80e Calif.; turnips 45-60e. eratea 35.22.50. beeta 45 60c Root Vexetables : Rutabacaa 1.25-1.50, par aack. Inge 50 60e. beeta 1.25-1.50 lugs. 85-40C Honersdiih 15 lb. Stock Market "Drifts Along No Particular Direction Is ' Shown in Trends of Pait Week . NEW YORK, May . tJP)r 1U14 rallying inclinations were dlsDlaTed by some stock market departments today : bat tke list gener-Jiy edged out ot tne ween without pointing in any yartie nlar direction, . v Derelopments At" bom and abroad .were without any: great stimulating properties. Fractional a d v a ne e s were plentiful . at the close, as were minor declines, and . numerous issues were upenanged. Many stocks tailed to appear on the dragging ticker tape. ; : Average of Week Up JS :,. Dealings ' again were among the smallest for nearly t j , transfers for the short session totaling 169,140 shares against 176,750 a week ago. The Associ ated Press average of CO stocks finished - the day unchanged at 45.8, but for the week was up .3 of a . point. ' Prospects that soft coal would start moving next week, after six weeks' tie-up in this industry, provided a little cheer. - A handful of farm implement and mail order shares attracted a little interest following the senate's . vote on - a record ap propriation - for agriculture . and the favorkMe profits 'showing ft Montgomery Ward In the quar ter ended April 8 0 r Solving Finished; Rain Is Need Now -. - r ; -.' HjAK POINT Farmers ? will about finish their field work this week. Corn has been sowed for ensilage. ... Sudan grass for sum mer pasture is being sowed now and a few farmers are sowing clover seed In with the Sudan grass for a crop of hay next year." Hugh Rogers finished sowing about SB acres of alsike clover yesterday. Nearly all spring sowed grain is up and looks good in most fields although terribly fn . sed of a good soaking rain. Some fields have come up spotted due to lack of enough moisture to germinate the seed. Fall grain is badly in need of rain, al though It looks good consider ing the dry spring. Vetch and oats and also the clover crop look good. First Berries Are . Sold at Dayton DAYTON The first report shows locally grown, ripe straw berries of the season sold to Shippy A Filer, Dayton grocery, Thursday morning at $2.40 a crate. They were of the Oregon variety. Plowing field corn for the .first time this season was begun in this locality the first ot this week. Despite the lack of nor mal moisture all crops excepting spring-sown ' late grain is thriv- .lng, farmers "report. "CUPID RIDES A BUS" By POLAN BANKS CHAPTER XVI Ginger said nothing, but walked outside, and clambered into the bus,1 while he stayed behind to pay the dinner check. Her heart was heavy within her. As she entered the bus, however, she noticed that the Igni tion key was still in the lock on the dashboard. Inspiration came to her. i She looked: hurriedly into her purses It still contained some four teen dollars. Luckily for her, Tony had Insisted on her keeping her money until they needed It, on the last lap. The tap which was Just to beg-in. Staring at that money which would finance the bus's appetite to Miami, Ginger taw what she most d f :'--..i-1" -. .f.-;:;r..Ji- . , - There was no time to leave a note, er make explanation; no time to weigh her inspiration. She must act. ; and quickly. : 'r'' "n':' "" " " i Ginger hopped Into the driver's teat, mentally blessing Tony for his carelessly forgetful habit of leaving the bos parked with the Key in tne switch;' time and -again -he had scolded him for it. the past few days. He had answered that no one would dare steal such a conspicuous object ' no one would, maybe but the one he least expected i t H .- , i Even. - a ' she switches on , the motor; and started the engine,' she saw Tony appear behind the screen doors of the roadside tavern.TAs the motor suddenly rumbled In the night air. and she shoved in the clutch. . she heard kirn give a startled err. Mid saw him burst out on the porch. Ginger tould not help grinning as the double-decker started off with a jerk. She pushed the accelerator to the floor, and the bus lurched thrdugh the moonlit night, headed south, tar the Florida border. l-rs.' Tony ' Taylor was running away from her husband. - .The memory tt that night behind the wheel of -e venerable bus was one that was to linger long In Gin gerw mamorv. With CUuuuwva, the cat, oa the seat beside her for com pany, aha drove ot throagh , the inooniit night, hour after hour, tense ad Intent oa tM.nerrer-en-ing rib bon of road that the headlights un rolled before her. Fighting fatigue, fighting monotony, fighting drowsU nea.nrti-g through the long. lone ly stretch of Georgia to the Florida border, slowing down through Jack sonvil!., stopping at St A-gutine, to consult road-maps, and to get milk for Casanova, and coffee for herself to keep ' awake. Then the wheel az-in, and down the ocean highway alorj the East Coast of Florida. Daytona reach, New Smyrna, Vers Beach. Through sleeping towns, past villas aad stucco palaces and ' trnr camps. r Tre moon had vanished, but the Weill was still black, when she saw ts r:J light waving ahead ef ber ia tit read. he slowed down auto matically, wondering what was wror?, and laughed aloud as her aKit picked up the man by the roadside who was swinging the red lamp. He wore a yachting uniform, and his yacht cap was tilted as rak ishly as ever. How In the world Mr. Briggs had gotten so far ahead ef the bus. Ginger never knew. But here he undeniably was, and she was glad to see him. "Ah the Admiral's barge!" The nautical hitchhiker boarded the bus as matter-of-factly as If he had never left it, He touched his cap to Ginger, aa he fell into his usual seat, when the bus jerked forward again. Unsteadily Mr. Briggs felt around under the seat for a non-existent jug, and through his pockets for a non-existent flask. "You dont hap pen to have a libation around. Skipper?- Ginger: smiled through her fa tigue. . '. Even though. Mr. Briggs was drunk as usual, it was nice to have him aboard. He was company. at least, j - - - - . . "Here's a bottle of fresh milk yon can have," she offered, holding nn a spare bottle she had purchased at her last stop for Casanova's break Cast. -Take it itU do you good. nr. Briggs." v The hitchhiking yachtsman shud dered, and turned pale. - -aitlkr Ugbl Do you want to make me shickl" He rose unstead ily. "Tne very thought of that vile liquid turnah my ghtomach!" "where are , yon going de manded Ginger. . . -r. "Unahtaira- ca t-vt -.14 U. Briggs, with great dignity. "Leave a call for me, for eight bells, hkipper,- , , , . Swaying, ee made his way with a rolling gait back to the little iron stair that led to the upper deck, and with great difficulty climbed it as Ginger, giggling, watched his prog- rea wrougn me rear-vuuon mirror. The lomberinc bus stfll lurched and bumped, although she had slowed down a tittle, so Mr. Briggs could ascend safely. Near the top, he stock a aadly wagging head over the Irafl.. ; . . r- -c "S'a shtormy crossing observed a-r. -triggs. "lxurd help aD shailors on a night like this 1- t ; - Ginger Uugbed, as he disap peared, said she heard him fall with a thud, to the deck above. : t Casanova left hoT side, aad tepped mp ee the eeat eppoaite the gold-Udi bowL Between closed eye lids tht eat took op again his eeaset less vigil of aie tropical Ash. Gert rude, who had been dreaming that she had nuurried a beautiful lyretaH, and was about to eat him for her weddinr breakfast, awakened tm. easily. It was too dark for her to see beyond the walls of her bowl, but her guilty conscience aa well as intuition sensed the feline stare. Gertrude, who had come to hate Casanova, had often repeated te herself what she had often heard the lion-tamer remark to her mys teriously vanished . mistress t that the eat did not care for seafood. Gertrode had her doubts. In stinctively backing-water from the unseen gaxe, she painfully bumped into the strange transparent object in the middle of the bowl, and swore through her gills. It was shortly before eight o'clock In the morning that. Ginger and the. double-decker approached West Palm Beach. She was tired -and white-faced with strain and sleep lessness, but happy nevertheless. At this rate, she would arrive In Miami in ample time for a Late breakfast and a f reshening-up before she pre sented herself at the Club Carib bean. Once her Job was cinched, she would motor back in the afternoon to Palm Beach, and Interview Tony's father; explain the situation, perhapa leave the bus there, for Tony to pick up. She was thinking In this strain, when she suddenly noticed the big open touring ear driving beside her. It was hard not to notice the car, or the four men in it, for it was cutting in on her, forcing her Into the side of the road. One of the men waved her ever, authoritatively, and Gin ger applied the brakes, because there was nothing else she could do, to avoid a " smash-up. " As ' they stopped just' In front of her, and three of the men jumped out and approached her, she knew a moment ef near-panic. These men were either reporters or local police. If the latter, perhaps Tony had sent the alarm ahead to stop: her In the stolen bus. For, aftevadl, she had stolen rt:,.'.,-- ? iJt.jfi-t :; r A ' Even as she mechanically opened the door, t-dnking these thoughts, two of them jumped in. Their faces were hard and smileless. She was ' suddenly sorry she had opened the door. - - "Who are your she dennded, defiantly. - "Are yon Ginger Drake 7" in quired the first. . t She nodded.' The man looked about, tpxtckly. -Where la Tony TaylorT" - In -that Instant she knew Hhey war- not police. "None ef your fc-siness!" said' she. "What do yea mean, stepping , me like this? If you're reporters "We're not reporters,, said he, briefly. "Hop out ef there. Miss Drake youVe coming with m." -in do nothing ef the oortl" "Either yon come pesceably. or wrll carry yon," 5 U told her. "Which is it gonna bet - "What Is this a Iddnappingt1 she wanted to know. Her heart was doing double-time, bat with fury, rather than fear, for she thought : she knew whs wss behind this new est outrage. It could be none other than the remorseless Bonny Bocfc aby, determined to keep her from leaching the Club Caribbean by noon. Bags welled within her. "If Bonny thinks he's going to get away , withO--" - "i-:vi (To be continued) VOTVAXr. Or. Hay lti CAP) Dairy arodaea pxieaat Batter r Extraa S; aundrs 22 H ; priae firsta ilhkl tirsU SOH; katterfat it-t. Errs Lai re aatraa IS large etaasV araa 17: aae-lsaa extras, llj aBoAiaat sUadaras IS. . .-.v - Cbaaaa Triplets ISst loaf 18s. . ' . - " P0BTLKXV tra Vay IS. (IP) Waeat Opoa High Low , Cktsa May ',.,., 78- .78 - , : 7S . Jaly ; 71 71H " 71H 71 Cask Grala : Oats. Ho. S-SS lb. waJta. 35.78. Barley. Ka. 2-45 lb. BW, 85.00. Vera, wo. s-jcx aaip, 7.ou. a. i uax, 1.78. Cash Waeat Kit Soft Waits 78; wsst ora waits 78: waster rod 72U. Bard rod win tar ordinary 73; 11 per eeat 72 V; it par esas 79 V ; ia ana l par eeat ). Bard waite-Baart ardlaary ( ; IS par eeat )i 18 per eeat 7Si: Id per eeat t ). TedaT'a Car BeeelDta: Wfeaat 111; near i-; eara ears ; aay l; lead d. .. . PORTLAND. Ore.. Kay IS. (AP) Ooaatry Beats SolUng prxs te retail a: Coaatrv-killed hoaa. boat bntehora. aader 140 Iba. 9M-10e -ealara 18-12 He lb: light aad thaa 10-1 le: hearr. SK-10e anrlnv U.k. 1B.1Q. Ik. -" . w-.. w . j .. Iambi, l-15e Jb.; awes, 6-7e lb: eatter eews, s-ioa w; eaaaer eows S-Ss lb; kalis L4re Poaltry Burtaa arteoat Laahora broilers, 12 H -18a to.; colored springs. 3 lbs. sad aver. 17s Ik. : Leghorn haas. asar 8 lbs.; 13 -14c; ander 3 lbs. 13 e ia.; eoierea a ana sa a lbs, ISa lb.: aver S Iba.. ISa tb.j No. 3 grade. e lb. loaa. .-araeya Bailing pricea: Dreaeed nana. 11.11. IU .. ... IV I I m. , wwa. .w v. uui IDE yncn. Baas 17-18e lb.; tarns. 15-16 lb. Potatoea Yakima Genu, t I eaatal: local 1.00: Deaehatea Gen a 1.25-1.40 cen tal; klaautb Falla Na. 1 Geaia 15-1.55; muu awaeu, .o3-.aa crate. Kw PoUtoei CaliL Wkitas. 1.1S.1.9S. SO Ik. skek. A.l... l"V.. i. . . K . ,A .-1 . Texaa Beraindaa, 8.00-2.15 par 50 lb'. erato; aets. ie lb. wool wiuamatto valley. 1889 ellp. Boajiaal atediaai 85e lb; coarse aad kraida 25a Ikt six ssoatba flaaca. 23a lb: aaatara Orecoa 18-21e. -lay Balling price ta retailers: Alfalfa. Ka. U 16.00 toa: oat Tetch. 13.00 toa: eloTsr, 11.00 toa; timothy, eaitera Ore- g is.ou; aa vauey, i.oo tea, Port- Hopa 1938 Crasters. 30-SSa Ih; Tar- glea, 33a lb. Moaair Menlaal, 1989 cup. 85a lb. Caseara Bark Bnrtna arica. lsaa oaaL da lb. agar Berry aad fralL 100a. S.10: kale 4.25; beet S.05. Domestic Floor Belling pries, city da- C II . . 49s. 8.70 6.85: kakers' hard wheat set. 3.95-5.85; kakers' blueatem, 4.55-4.90; bleaded wheat floor 4.65-5.00; aoft wkeat flear 4.10-4.15: araham 49s, 4.50; whole wkeat 49a. 4.98 kkL Quotations at Portland Portland Grain Portland Produce a. S-Bg So iSrai Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Mar 18. (API nana ih... n ia r vw. a w.v.. . W toUl 80, for work, salable 8485, total 4650 ; eompared Week ago, aiarkst arouad 35 higher. Price raage: - Barrawa aad giita, sd-ca, choice 140-160 lh , f a ga-ca, -scv-zxu iaa-: i .su-.oo lbs las. 7.00A T.85 7.25S 1.80 7.50 7.80 7.25 7.80 7.00 7410 8.75 S 7J5 e.85i S.60j 7J5 8.50 a 8.00 S.250 5.75 6.35$ 8.50 S.00d 5.&0 7.00 8.00 do gd-eh da gd-ek 300-320 ea cd-ea aao-jso da gd-ch 350-390 Tba da gd-ek 390-850 lbs ,. . - da saadiaai 140-160 lba racking aewa. gd. 875 850 - Iba, .. .., .... .,- , ,,. " do good 850-425 Iba : da good 425-550 lbs da mod 276-550 lha ..... . , Pigs ((dr. a star ), good choice, 70-140 lbs... CatUe: Beeeipta. salable 13. total 38. Tor week, aalable 2395, total 8160. Calves 5, receipts for week salable 430, total 630. Price raage: - ' Steers, good 900-1100 lbs8 9.003. 9.50 da mediaai 750-1100 lba 7.75 S 9.00 da com (pi) 750-1100 lbs Heifers, goad 750-900 Iba. da modi am 650-900 lba da com (pin) 650-900 Iba Caws, goed, all wts da med, all wta .... , de eom (pla) all wu da low cot-cut, all wts Balls (ylgs. cxcld). good (beef), all wts da mediam. all wta. - da cat-cam (pla). all wts V osiers, choice, all . wta do good, all wta , , ,. da aaodiam ' do caU-em (pla)- all wta 1.50(8 8 00 Sheep i' Beeeipta none, for week salable 8015. total 4815. Price raage: Spring lambs, gd ch3 S.35 da mediam food de common Lambs (ahora) gd-ck , . de aaodiam aad good , - da eommoa (plaia) ,, .. gwes (sksda) gd te ck ,. de eommoa (plaia) aed e.73 7.75 S.35 9.35 7.50(3 43.50 6.00 (a 7.50 6.33 & S.3S 4.25 3.23Q 7.25 S.36 8.35 4.23 CalToe. mad. 350-400 lbs de eom (pla) 350-400 lbs 6.259 S.78 svsoa S.&0 4.500 5.50 7.50 8.00 7.00Q 7.60 6.60 7.00 8.60 S.60 3.000 6.50 9.50 8.00 0 9.00 7.00 8.00 7.50 SOD 6.75 T.25 6.00 6.76 8.50 3.35 1.50 3.50 Wool in Boston BOSTOX, May 13. (AP) (U8DA) Dome tics wools coaUaaed te receive a fairly active demand today ia Boston. Boat ef Itae business, . however, wss ea wools tkait have not yet arrived ia Boa tea. - Good Preach ' combing length fine territory wooJa to ka shipped direct from prodacing areas to eaitera Beers were qaoted mostly 65 te 67 eeats, acearcd bssis, deUveied. - Bright fleeces la aaised lata ef balk three-eighths and eaa qiuvr ter bleeds, offered from prodacing areai, were selliag maatly at 39 te 39 eeats, la the grease, delivered to aaera. Ocea aioaally a choice lot of light ahrinhing wool breoght SO eeata, delivered. Breeders Seek Tariff Again on Fur From Foxes LIBERTY -Competing pelts shipped into the United States from Canada, and Norway was the main Issue for discussion at the monthly meeting of the Ore gon Fox Breeders' -association Crop Damage ' Boosts Price Reports of : More Heat, Lack-of Rain Raiac -TtTieat CosU , CHICAGO, May 18.-(ff)-Re-ports of more crop deterioration in the domestic southwest and indications ot warm.r weather and . rery little rain during the coining week V oo 1 d. wheat prices 1 cents a bushel today. The close was 1 to 1 up. - New crop contracts, July end September, rose to 75 and 74 respectlTely, and f: Vs e e t within season , highs scored. Thursday. May-- wheat, after opening off, soared to 1 f4 , up 1 orer the prerious close. Other markets shared in the advance. Kansas City closed 15 1 up, Minneapolis ltt-1 up snd Winnipeg to a cent high er. Wheat here closed up. May 7s-4, July 74, September 74-. Rain tell In many parts of the southwest, but more traders were inclined to belieye soaking .' pour was needed to change Che tenor of fecent reports. : Reports of crop expert in the field- strengthened this belief. B. W. Snow, after a tour of ten Kansas counties, wired his opinion that the Kansas crop would, not exceed 100,000.000 bushels. The May 1 gorernment report estimated the state's pro dnction: 'at lH.OOO.OOO bushels. Rickey School Out .. RICKEY School closed here Tuesday with a picnic at Basel Green park with more than 100 In attendance. Both Mrs. llasel Hobboke and Miss Gertrude Scharf hare been reelected to teach here next year. held In the grange hall here Thursday night. William Matice of Crown 'llla was the speaker. At present furs grown in the United States hare to compete in the open market with the import ed pelts and the association is working for the tariff formerly imposed on such imports be re established to aid the home in dustry. General topics pertinent to fur raising were gtren attention. Thirty persons attended. Closing Quotations . NEW YORK, May A! Chem ft Dye . 1(1 Allied Stores.; 7 American Can .,81 Am For Power. . H Am Power ft Lt. , Am Bad Std Sen 12 Am Smelt ft Ret 41 Am Tel ft Tel. .1-1 Am Tobacco . . UhL Am Water Wks. Anaconda ..... 24 Armour 111 .... Atelson ....... it hi Barnsdall ..... 14 Bait ft Ohio.... -5 Bendix Ariatlon 2X Bethlehem Steel Sf Boeing Alr-....-22H Borge Warner. . . tS Budd Mfg 4 Callahan Z-L . , Canadian Pacific - 4H Celaneso ...... 17 Certain-Teed 7 Ches ft Ohio... 12 Chrysler . . ..'. 7 Com! Solrent . . 10 S.-(rP)Todsj's closing prices: i Com with ft Sou. 10 Natl Power ft Lt 7' Consol Editon . 31 Northern Pacific 8" Consol Oil. . . . . 7 Packard Motors. S Corn Products . 57 J C Penney .... 81 Curtiss Wright V - Phillips Petrol , 35U Douglas Aircraft IS Press Steel Car. 8 Elec Power ft Lt 7 Pub Serrice NJ. 35 General Electric 34 Pullman ....... 26 General Foods. ; 44. Safeway Stores w" 3.8 General Motors i 42 Sears' Roebuck . 72 Goodyear Tire 2f Sou Cal Edison . 2 Great Northern. 20 Southern Pacific 13 Hudson Motors ; ' S Standard Brands t Illinois Central . 12 SUnd OH Calif. 25 Insp Copper .. . 10 Stand Oil NJ .. 40 Int Hanrester . . SI Studebaker .... 4 Int Nickel Can . 48 Sup Oil .... . . 2 Int Paper ft P Pt 30 Timk R1I1 Bear. 40 Johns Manrille .71 Trans-America . 5 Kennecott 31. Union Carbide . 74 - Libbey O Ford ..43 United Aircraft . 3 7 Ltg ft Myers B. 104 US Rubber .... 38 Loew's ....... 43 US Steel 46 Monty Ward . . . 48 Walworth ..... 5 National -Biscuit 36 Western Union. 18 National Cash ; . 10 White Motors . . 9 Natl Dairy Prod 14 Wool worth .... 43 Pea Weevil now Problem in Polk DALLAS For the first time dusting for ; the control of pea weeiil In Austrian winter field peasbaa become a problem of Importance . In Polk . county, states W. C. Leth, "Polk. county agent,-';-yA&S-;i':'::W' '' . Leth indicated that pea weer ilsjure now becoming active and hare - started moving Into pea fields, both garden and tlejd va rieties. , - To prerent the weevils laying eggs upon the pods the pea fields should be dusted with75 100 of one per cent Rotenone dust at the time they come Into bloom. 'Power dusters are avail able for doing this work. Ti m .lil tlmlna nf iho nrnna. m .. . .... e " application of this dust will be made available to those growers who request it, states Leth. There are only a tew days dur ing which the. dust should be applied to effect the -best control.'- .' . . "MONEY In A Hurry Personal Loans For All Needs There is no red tape.- no embarrassing investigation,, no delay, when you come to ua for a personal loan and we make lt so easy for yon to pay it back in convenient amounts. state: finance co. A Rome-Owned Institution (Child a ft Miller's Office) 344 State St., Salem. Ore. Phone 0201 Lie No, 8-219 M-2l POLLY AND HER PALS A Bade Awakening: By CLIFF STERRETT v I vup.' pvwan ms ) 1 1 s l-sk 1 1 1 Y rw very nrst A ( -Tviiprrv 7v ( has bin uvin-bm I f when od mdli A SZZt TlFJJYEl?iM J i YEARS' ) V.VOOCX rERAT A ( ST BECOME ) f OHTTHAx' ) VTH' rE-HCX3 MICKEY MOUSE A Round Trip By WALT DISNEY TOPPING FDR THE NK3HT NEAR THE OWES OF THE CAMP GROUND. niLKxi AJsOTVECANQ AWAKE NEXT MORNING TO FIND THEY ARE ON A FREIGHT TRAIN HEADED FOR HOME! s, issXZjSimm: T I I eoTOM ere5f, I Er-S Z&ZSZl IDU1' IIUXLU-J trss5 - ,.-.--4 nrrr?:-'- r. ovrss, j u m 1 1) a u jkj LITTLE ANNIE BOONEY Greater Love Has no Pair By BRANDON WALSH A-1 tf ALL we must ocaisineo wkucr m BC8T P"DI. ANMIX -.ICAMTHMKCMOTHeeS IM TIIS WOPLO "THAT COULD T GlVAECfTSnWTMA M kVbJT in HAOMcrrcECN a V euotrrsA sxlpisn old aaam x I KtMrMarianti WOULD MAVet METVCR I GCI4TLfUMOU "toldtme oaLOca- i was AMD : . MV WI6HTO . iaal AlMMh5W. T JR-MO ITS MTHXWASTVe;Ca-3FrX)tJMau HOU9( -.WOT "THAT I HAETT SOME CTVei F4t T LAIe-S AMOGCVITLEAAKXl aslTHC lANO UMCXER ROOF -BUT MO Ug PKg.1 Klta A A wji r i i VXJ-er- a job-. , v ts i r m .m j w -j - n-2J- GEE. ZE330-.K1M M3U 1AAAQK1C AAE AN MW HAflMQ MR AN" MRS. VWUrTJ Our Fours wowr rr ee awtu. 7 l KIM CO TO SCHOOa. AWTrS TTMS. AW OU KM4 WAVe A f3WU. COLLAR ANfAKUCWUCiaeBVlWYlAR TOOTS AND CASPER Eyes of Terror! Py JIMMY MUBPUY AimrR ALL.. KIORVA.l nOMT : BLAMP -' , CASPER FOR K1EARLV PIR1N-v"t10U FOR k A a -aoa-aa m Saki -a Sh aV Saa-a l MBb rU-t Ml I9IU WLIA UUUO-k FOR SWEET POTATOES A-4D BAKlN-r "IHeri. Oar. rVa. Tmf Ni a-jc iinriri Last VETEK NORKA THOU-rHT THS BA-jFOL OF -tRASS iEED T VEW-f IN I HQ ITCHEN WAS A BREAKFAST TDOD AND -HE SERVED rr to mb WTTH CRJ-AM AMD SU-aArV MAYBC THIf ITCHY FL1N WE ifOT IS t -iRASS AROWiN-r vi r "SEED T UFT IN THB 1 I KITCHEN WAS A II laJiint? rC . r 1 N. .l oe4vw eaa w m flajo BH r x a ,4 -5 II M-7il 1 r l -mmmt. m ... i T. J t j a -ex apv Ma II I zr" wai var,LI w 11 "II THIMBLE THEATBEtrrIa2 Popeyt I AM .WLLLIr4GTON VflMPOSKVSXl HaTTCCPO I ITHE BEAUTICI AM AMD I MUST STU tV SCUil-vER BSFORC HAVE- I . w - " 1 1 4i-;xtj .----, a .-'. l a ORCHIDS.) V r i -, k r. ... . i A Beautician Knows His ScaCions! . - 1 (wct,tsmH-fjt 3T. MAFJ-tYUCU rnrWl VABE ITS . MY OLD SCHOOL . to CHUM OARUNlr, A-S? 22. COME IN IS3 1 M AVETM-T SEEM 11 &? . you tRV-tasVjJjQ'V Do Sou v N0TIC6 THE tOOV ' OF TERROR IN MARAVS EYES fVSvWE MIGHT tATHM V41TM 0 kSI. mm ARE YCO WlLLJWGl I wstrjxti ioms i -i -arto "rr. . EEGOMf 1 IVES VSGETARIAM CXET VCTAC4JES' 1 AiS 'W