The (RZGO!? STATESMAN,, Saka, Oregon. Smxdaj Monday IZsj 1 V 193 PAGE .THIRTEEN .BrtTson ; New Club; v. . Head : , ;Vrs. - J. A. Brownsbn tu elect d to tlx presidency of tat Sa- - u s emu yesterday at - the. .tBiar meeting tot the group, and Mrs. Glenn A. ; Par son tu chosen vice-president.' Others elected were- Mrs. K. I. Brunk, recording secretary;, Mrs. Arden A. Reed, correspondixg secretary; -Mrs. -Mart Yon Ssch en,, treasurer ; Mrs. Floyd . White,' .financial secretary; Mrs, C, F. Breithaupt. . p a r 1 1 a mentariani Mrs. V. E. Neweomb, director; Mrs. Mary Bayne, trustee. Mis " Eula McCnlly is retiring presW '. ami, i -;. ::- '. Toe ; program was siren in celebration of Mothers day, and - included "Mother, My Dear" aad , "Jeahnie .With the Light Brown , .Hair" sane by Josephine Albert Spaulding, mezso - soprano, with, Miss Alice Crary . Brown at the . . piano, and a group of elections played on - the harp by Laura Lee Thomas, daughter, of Mr. and Mm. Ed win . . E. , Thomas. Prof. W. C. Jones u tn" speaker - gave, t tribute o mothers. Mrs. Arden Reed told - of the oriels of Mothers' day The tea . committee included. -Mrs. . Ronald Glover, who was assisted by Mrs. George Lewis, , Mrs. Lester r eertnlne; MUs Cert rude Savage, Mrs. a C Geer. ' and. Mrs. Mary Bayne. t ; y :" Baskets ot hawthorne, sweet peas and peonies decorated the' . rooms while ' the center pieca on . the tea table . was , of poppies : nangea ty orchid tapers. 7illing Vorkcrs Meet With Mrs. Vood .L Mrs. Karl ' Wood entertained th Willing Workers class of the First Christian church at her hone on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. D. J. Tripp presided, Mrs. Mable Robinson led devotions, Mrs. J. Vinton Scott talked on Australia; Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Albert Cox, Mrs. B. Irerson, Mrs. T. E. Roberts, Mrs. Iri the aVall ey: Sorid Realm:; Modern Mother Goose . Dance Review -i uiuw r ' -GBRTAIS Miss Ariethen Mar-- JEFFERSOK Mrs. J. O. Fon- ji.-Z. Tif!? -Hi -gret. McDongall.. daughter ! tains and Miss Marjorle Fontaine SSSSSi -IT!?. Z i.2?Pr Nettle MeDougall of Ger- were hostesses to Jefferson seated , at the, Capitol theatre on TaU, was married to WUUam Woman's club Wednesday afttr- t 1 ,,nu Barrett SUler, son of Mrs. Myrtle noon. During the business meet- i-"m.IJ .?S si,ller of PortUnd, at the Park- ing the following officers were -uir 2T? V. rose Congregational community elected and will be Installed at SgeT ih? bo'oV? ChaaVters! f S!; 3 ti, rice prl- The second of a series of talk, upon emerging. will recite ths "rltirk-T:..!; i. Opal Ruggles. Mrs.,W. M. Jud- on art will be glyen oyer 1CSLM verses in modern manner. . The to- asslsurt secreUirAreasurer " OthersTrMrTK MU, Marine FonuLi' SriwfMrTS Dibble on ttex'sTSSi JSfrSlrt? JKhi T!?! MM5tt:: wBt -""M? :i&i!?!!?!Si2 ff..k:.!f?. length veil, held iff place by eeed Wiley gare report, of the Ma- Cornelia McLain, Mrs.. D. J. dent art with several Center stu- " addition .to the "Modem Tripp, Mrs. Curtis Cole, Mrs. E. dents. The following series wUl Motter " . '"Dr. - Rhythm's N. DeHat. Mrs. E. W. Cooley, present other instructors at the Cure,?- a -dAclnc comedy fn one Vim 1. n vvrw Un R I V, . . , ' - t nd.ft.ivArtiwitMMt a will wr'-jiv -A TrV 1. wuo wu wcuss tmwii il" r,"" "t "J. J .ri' maid of honor and wore yellow lae nuai n;r i i tBeIr ;wk.- including J. 'T,' - T organsa. Miss Frances and Miss Mr- Font!" gare library re- 5h- W.a5B . the mufai paintlng nnd the weat-l.iW1 ' HaVrtett McalL sit port, saying that 50 books had Mrs. Will May. Mrs. Dorothy Dowell, Mrs. Fannie R. Mulkey, MvtMM,. r Ua Awa 1w A Mwm V T DaA AH eXniDllIOn OI Mrs. Lloyd M. HilL Mrs. Fay' Jl?fte'tf to nOWJ?n,7ew.1?. th? Bv MlSS Pro HamBhrT. Vrt Mark Ti Kllta. wih i m i - - i . t; r A S 1 J wL . f;..,0- the mural painting and the weaV-AJr pr2f1 ' 1 -classes. , . V 4 v;. .V-1 ly Me- . oi . .....-'i2i--v - " - uthoprash. wedding Uateis Told pearls.' She carried "a bouquet of non county federation at Sa- miles of the valley, , roses and 1cm. Mrs. Wiley gave reports of pink, sweetpeas., ' ' : a recent rislt to the Stayton Ruth Johnston of SeatUe was Woman's club and of the work ax ute . cnuaren s r arm Home. v. w. r . - - th hrid. war hrMMmtiriw own aouaiea to toe library. They wore peach and blue net 'Mrs-,c1J' Thurston was proi over taffeta, f . -. . , ; . gram leader, choosing for Ler meme, "Arounq me world la Robert E- Quinn was best man. Oa.h -M . (LI . K.iiTioth Pm,rt r rnrv.iiu ow"' acnwf oia songs 01 7:r" v-Z:ZrrV ZiTS::i 7rious countries. Mrs. Gilbert Mrs. Earl Chapel. Mrs. Nellie Wliumette. it includes a number, Mrs. .Jaek Kinney entertained Arthur Ererett of Portland were ooner 'sans T Guest wei Mta M. Harrison. Mrs. n. 1 Harden, of historical plates of famous tor. her slater. Miss Dorothy Pro. ushers. Haydea 'Holmes, accom- ru nltl 2lV ..irr Mrs. N. V. Lowery, Mrs. Walter sUge productions, ballet and dance bride-elect of Mr. Robert Laws, panled by Miss Eleanor East, Lo0neT 1 Herndon, Mn, -J. Viaton Scott. cnes. The WlUametU players with , an informal svening ot sang "0 Promise Me" and "Be- . Mrs. L. E. Dagenhardt, Mrs. will soon giro their second "Blue games. v a ; cause," - - Clara Parrish, Mrs. A. J. Fltat, room"" Performaneer at the Center. The-marrtase date of June 3 e A reception was held in the ; MONMOUTH The freshmen ; was revealed wnen small bai. cnurcn pariors unmeoiaieiy aner and sophomore g t r 1 s ot Mon A new instructor at the Center .loons with the date attached, the ceremony land Mr. and Mrs. month high school complimented is Arthur Wasser, who will eon- were distributed.- Stealer left later i for San Fran- Miss Marjorie Nish with a kit duct a theater arts workshop. OneV Those - bidden to honor -tliss Cisco where they win-attend the chen vhower Wednesday night at ot his special activities will be to Pro were Mr.-Robert Laws, Rerj exposition. For going n way Mrs. the home ot Amy Tilton. Guests develop a puppet theater. He Is snd Mrs. Don Huckabee, Mr. Slssler wore a dress of nary blue Included: Miss Nish, Miss Edith widely known for his puppetry, and Mrs. Pat Crosaland, Miss - and .white . with navy, hide co..t, Clark. 'Virginia Burbank, Dolores and has until recentlv been with Shirley Laws, Mr. Dick French . shoes and accessories. On their Bracken. Ruby Ebbert. Frances - Mrs. Viola Harrelson enter- the Federal theatre In Portland, "d the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Jack return they will reside in Port- Carmichael. Betty Lou Elliott, talned the Woman's Missionary He graduated from the University Kinney. t-a land. . ; Marilyn Berry, Edna Bowman, society of the Mrst Baptist of Washington, and has had ape- . . e j . .. : ! ' :. 3etty Jane Nelson. Sheila Me- church Friday. Mrs. D. F. Davie cu study at Reed eollero with ,. r DALLAS Members of the Si Caleb.: Arlen Davis. Kathleen Mrs. Snsia Lloyd, Mrs. Grace Conklin and Mrs. E. M. Rullfson. - Airs. Harrelson Hostess To Church Society presided at the business session,. Uoyd Reynolds. Included in his tirT i..?i!7i n Llnk luh wr8 ntertained a Warrick. Barbara Hastings, EdLa Mrs. Vta Tiva ir ii tha ). r vT tional Association ot Letter Car- the ham, of i Mrs rhiriH in.. d.).m.. ..m. hT ri.e.r" was entertained Thursday cann. sr ; Thursday with MUs Houk, Carolyn GenUe..' Dorothy this) who was married at the home of her parents Saturday at a high directed the program. Mrs. Ellxa- children's classes. They will take !! 7i. if C "ota Relmer; Miss Violet LarT Reynolds, Gloria Tompkins. Pa- Mrs. Fred Toose. Jr.. led the de- -i.IU,. win h. ...r.i nnnt "oaai uinstvn eiTTTDntvu.. Ua... m n.ui.i. rj.. -ntina Un Timu rmtu . . . - 'f. ners im ri4fc4iiiiiw a. w.v. A.vw..w iH ivnuiv. (uuu. M.t - " llul LS 011x1115 laB summer I Or The musk, art and Uteratnr' noon ceremony. The couple' will make their home In Portland. (Cour- beth Fillmore sang and was ac- the nlace of the ehilden's nlav oro- of Roumania was the subject of - tesy Oregon Journal). a paper prepared by Mrs. Charles , Pray of Portland, ' and read be- -; fore .the Fldac i. croup' of the ' American Legion' auxiliary Tues day afternoon , at the home of Mrs. Clyde Kaiser. Mrs. Leif f Bergsvik 'read: biographical sketch of Carol II.- PUna Were made for r a Fldac tea which Cf wui oe neia june s. utners pres- ent were Mrs. Walter. Spauldlnf Music week Is past, but the Mrs. John E. Cooter' Mrs. B. F. world is richer tor the intimate Ileuperman, Mrs. Frank. Waters, glimpses Ot good music provide Mrs. Merle .Travis and Mrs.. PTer the air. and. locally in re Frank Marshall. ; k j elUls, under the i leadership f "'! C- .r.' k Mr,, witter Denton for the llth Book and Thimble -crab met at time me noma 01 Mrs. a. H. Hotte Is f Si mwm. m - . . King wood TTinrsday -, with Mrs. Charles Schwartt in charge of Mother day procram.'' During tea hour hostess was as sisted by Mrs. Charles Adams and Mrs. Ray Lacey. Others nresent Each . year the movement to set' aside one week : when 'music la uppermost la importance, has ' gained Impetus until we In America,' for these short seven days, approach the European spirit in sheer joy found in join- McCarthy. Mrs. Conrad Fox,. Mrs. Albert isaack. Mrs. Fred W. Ru bin;; Misses Beverly and -Glenda Fox.; - - ' -'. : e. : ' v 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Saunders, Miss Jewell Strickfaden and Mr. Edwin Slick wUI leave today for can ! rrancisco where they will Salem's music week was suc cessful,- recitals and programs were well attended, paving the way for next year's even iore enthusiastic plans for this na tional festival. Climaxing the week's pro grams was the one given by youngsters ot the elementary !E!nih,tBe,Xt.tW07e!s i"" grades at the high school on iu auu wiser puinip Pridav nfrht. I?i;Thw3;i,WJ,!f lU !tn T" S5 have bees invented cisccs they will Tisirat the home gweet enogh to describe chll- nM wld ,Lwrene dren's voices or, the expression Si-M7- P011" Is nnnt r of , earnest Uttle faces as aongs r,?iZ a!: ' maa Tien T1S" 'pour from, their lips. Wd in Salem. ' Th m.t t estiva CLUB .CALENDAR Monday, May IS Neighbors ot Woodcraft, dis trict meeting In Albany. , Tuesday, May 16 Salem Writers club with Prof, and Mrs. M. E. Peck, 1552 Court, 7:30 p.m. Else Ebsen drama class meet at public library 2.30 p.m. Etokta elub with Mrs. Mason Bishop, .1:15 p.m. Mother and daughter ban quet, Englewood United Breth ren church, 6:30 p.m. Missouri club with Mrs. Effie Gage. 586 North Liberty street, 2 p.m. East division. First Presby terian church with Mrs. Rob ert Elfstrom, 1656 Center street, 2:S0 p. - m. Wednesday, May 17 Congregational Women's Mis sionary society with Miss Con stance Kantner, North Commer cial street, 2 p.m. Sacred Heart academy card benefit St. Joseph's hall, 8 p.m. Thursday, May 18 Christian and Missionary Al liance women's all-day fellow ship meeting with Mrs. C The present exhibition ot all companied by Mr. Theo Roth. ductlon class whlch WM la prog. rr- f : " " ress all winter. iuiu. oi ner von in liuuu. At the tea hour Mrs. Harrel son was assisted by Mrs. Jackson Purvlne. Mrs. L. A. Dunn. Mrs. C. L. Parmenter, Mrs. Katherlne Parsons. Others present were Mrs. S. L Smith, Mrs. Leon Lambert, Mrs. George O'Neil, Mrs. Elmer Conn, Mrs. Milton Blackman. After the Bon- and. -Miss Virginia Petersen Uence Thompson, Margery Walk- ousuess meeiing reiresnmenis hostesses.', ., : . , , er. Amy Tilton, lUa Schwelzer, were served by the hostess, assist- a .short business meeting was and Mrs. day Eggelston, ed by Mrs. Francis Fahey. Those held with the vice president, Miss Nish, instructor In do present were Mrs. F. E. Barnick. . Mrs. Pete Vothr presiding. Births mestic arts at the high school Mrs. Frank Devlin, Mrs. Harmon .day, gifts were presented. Mrs! the past year, has resigned her LJJZ ,.2 5-..:.MXh CBoye. . Charle. ; Cochrane nnd Mr Wt position, and will time the wide variety of classes and methods of teaching. Obvi ous It Is that students at the Cen ter are being turned in different patterns. There is competency ma. lied June to Samuel D. Tabor of Oakland, Calif. "a';-. MONMOUTH The lf inal meet ing of the - Wednesday bridge ROy Follis. Mrs. Henry Crawford, H." Vinton." ' The remainder ot Mrs. Roy -Tung; Mrs.- Ray Critten-. the- evening '.was .spent inform- den, Mrs. George ' White; Mrs. ally. Claude' Glenn, "Mrs: S: Lawson, - Present were ' Mrs. Paul Boll- Utt'Tmn'RAitmiii (In 1an1Xffli iir.aa Mm Walt.r Rlnf. Mrs IT Mra. Winn IM-vm r W IhTOUgnOUl, ana especially in " Mri Arthur W.loh Vri H! T M Loban. Mn " Anna KMtlrr. McCullah, Mrs. Ira Herbert. Mrs: adult painting, tremendous differ- Trtck, Mrs.' Chester Nichols, Mrs. Mrs." Ralph Howe, Mrs, Albert club tor this season was held Charles Broncn&to. Mr. Arthur ences in Individual approaches In winum if r.' nn. nii. Rnrelhach, Mrs. H.nn Vrienn. this week at the home of Mrs. Stowell, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. Painting. The next exhibitions at rock. Mrs: Floyd Volkel. "Mrs. Dud- Mrs.- T. L. Parsons, Mrs. Charles Homer Dodds. featured by a Mattie Clark, Mrs. J. B. Wilt, the Center will include the second le Tayia,. Hrs. Francis. Fahey. " Cochrane, Mrs. C. ' B. -Teats, Mrs. 01e o'clock luncheon. Mrs. How Mrs. T. H. Clare, Mrs. I o. ""1 'now of rt n Salem pub- Mrs Milton Blachman. John Shattuck, Mrs. W. H. Vln- rd Morlan presented each mem Prescott, Mrs. Leap in Douris, Mc schools. This year, instead of ess ton, Mrs. C. tf. Olmstead, Mrs. with a corsage of Cecil Mrs. Henry Cross, Dr. and Mrs. U paintings, the show, being ar- Elmer Schulson, M?s. Pete Voth Bruner rosebuds. Irving Fox. ranged by Mrs. Ida Andrews and A guest speaker will be heard and the hostesses, the Misses The fou" hostesses were Mrs. Val Clear, will show special units by- members ot the Woman's Mis- Zaneta i Reiner, Violet Larson "' Mr' B" F Bntler Mrs- The monthly meeting of the of work from each school.' From siouary society of the First Evan- and Virginia Petersen. ' Courter nd Mrs. W. P- Salem Ministers' Wives has been - McKinley will be exhibited unus- gelical church on Tuesday at the Van Den Bosch. High scores postponed from this coming nal dolls, made in classes on South church. Mrs. Roscoe Plowman of DALLAS The Faculty Wives' for the entire year ot playing Tuesday to May 23 when it will American studies. From Highland Jack's Creek, Ky., will talk about club was entertained at the wenVi Mr" F J" H111; Mrg' D' be held at the home of Mrs; will come two very large maps, her missionary work among the home ot Mrs. Donald Gabbert R.. Dewey, Mrs. David Itlddell H. S. Gile with Mrs. Arno Wen made by students, Snd from Gar- mountaineers. Mrs. 0. N. Thomp- on Thursday afternoon. Arrange- nd Mrs. Dodds. iger assisting. Mr. Isaac Wat- field will be shown a group or son will lead devotions and a sue- ments oi spring nowers were kins of the Art Center will talk fish paintings made in special cial musical program has been ar- sed about the rooms, An bPnnMkntU. . . . . . . . . . . . . Um Urn.. T m, n.a .uuwwua i nuucia stuay. me otner exnioiuon viu ranged. An io nei-gious Ltlte. consist of a large process show, in wit foil tho art f mnulM will ba f. ABnes uoua of the Kpla- graphically presented. copi cnurcn vw meet oa Hon- Irene Heath of Palm Snrinss. Si v0'601?. the home of committees ot Art Center Calif., a cousin of Mrs. Stand- eVj .Rrd J1015" association will sUrt meeting soon ish. 23d street. Mrs. Thomas Dry k. .,v .f th. r.n.r Woelk, 445 North :4th street, nan, Mrs Donald MeCarger, Mrs. The ImporUnt educational activl- Mrs. D. Kaykendall of Eugene w V . a. a m Pa an ClmiwlAiia Slat J msTsaa Wf i Lions auxuiary meet at uod- aw ties committee is this year headed is the houseguest or her daugh Mrs. Almos LeFprs presided at a business meeting, Mrs. Bur- Mr. and Mrs. Clinton gtandtsh ton C. Bell gave the lesson on have as their house guest. Miss nome decoration. atra. uwijai auiidi was com plimented with a miscellaneous shower. Present were Mrs. Butler. Mrs. van Den Bosch. Mrs. Cour ier. Mrs. Dewey, Mrs. Morlan, Mrs. James Gentle. Mrs. Hill, Mrs. J. B. Lorence, Mrs. Paul Riley, Mrs. Riddell. Mrs. Af E. Tetherow and' Mrs. Dodds. a KEIZER Mr. and Mrs. Har- These music festivals are only public repetitions ,of work dcae. in the schools ot today. Con- If May'.Thlfrlen U '."L1 sser. with their rhythm bands, or blooms at this time with ei.mentarv uhooi orchestras and - Mr. and Mrs. Myron Van Eaton will open their garden to the trey's. 1:15 luncheon Friday, May 19 . ; Council of Church .Women at 'Presbyterian chnrch. all day be ginning at 10 a.m. Hal Hlbbard auxiliary with Mrs. Harry Ross, 233 North 24 th street, 2 p.m. A special meeting of the club Tey Hansen and daughter, Irene. will be held at the home of re bouse guests of Mrs. Dem- Mrs. Fairfax Parrish on Thurs- ma Bunnell in Reiser and her da afternoon. brother, O. B. Putnam and fam- i- tiy in Salem. PARKERS VILLE The Par. The Hansens nold their clean- by Mrs. Otto K. Paulus. Mrs. Clif- ter, Mrs. A. A. TJnderhilL Mr. ad Mrs. Frank DeWltt 0B .M c ' e"! - Will entertain with a famtv worK wnica w mc'uue assisung MEHAMA Mrs. Carl Reld was kersvUU Birthday rfuh met with ing establishment in Hollywood ner today at their hem oa E lB developing nrancn ari ceniers hogt.,, to a group of women at a Mrs. Panl Da me wood to honor recently, and will leave Monday atreet. Mr. aad Mrs. James fSIi i.J!vJf arprlse shower for Mrs. Chris her anniversary. Those attend- for Tacoma, where they are hav- Rlchardson of Portland w4H be . P'00?864 McDonald at her home last Wed- ing were Mrs. Bill Davidson, tog boat built for deep sea oui-oi-town guests. i . '.. .r. ,r . nesday afternoon. The afternodn Mrs. C. M. VanZoyen. MUs Ser- "sning at Astoria. wiu oe ania uiia wwi. i.fnrmallw-. TknM area- Ba Manninc. Mrs. Vrpii Minnlnr KEIZER Mrs. W. D. Mra, H. H. f Saa terns, wiu o neia um Wss spent informaUy. Those pres- na Manning. Mrs. Fred Manning, Clear wiu spenaseverai nays mt wer Mrs. Chris McDonald, Mrs. Arthur Patterson. Mrs. Jo- Wll- majiy- perenntals lienMeTtre- week, but may it not be anoUer Tanclsco wUI arrive in the . pi- i P" Mrs. Jennie Moe and Ruthr Mrs. sephine Holland, Mrs, Barbara uams of Boseburg. formerly Opal snd I shruba T In proSIlS Th5 t0A' lllh, 0t lon. w before e know the tal the first eSth. week te be Carle Abrams is chairman of HorMe McCley and ehildren, Dutton, Miss Edna Manning, Nelson of Reiser, ha. been a garden is located on rald avs! erUo? .7h. thei.r ?inZ to, "Jtl." tnrU1 of good mu,Ie' pUred ud lae 1lrt so-tn-Uw and onss and grounds, Mrs. David M M McCarley, Mrs. Jim Blum Mrs. George Harrison. Mrs. R. house guest for the. past week 'aftSmS5' "Jnani" ' ' sunj by friend, we know. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Hill of entertainment, Egth Mr,r,RU8,eii Wilson, Harrison, Mrs. Arthur Impoco- at tM home of her sister. Mrs. 1H miles south Salem ' "r JZ Kmm.r . M a. t. Perry, for several weeks. Mrs. Ida Andrews of library, Mr. jonn zolkoske and baby, Mrs. .yinandBtrsDamewood. W. O. Walling. ,' -, , i 1 , Gretchen Kreamer did an ex- Mrs. Maaoa Bishop wUI ewtcr- i Sidney StevensV of membership, wilaon Mra. Tex Klmaev . . .. . L cellent job as music supervisor tain members of th. Rtakta .l.h Mra. WflUm. T. vajm m Mr. Bah Banrdman is chairman ot n"I'n -1- r. Bruce. Mrs. Edith PhlllppI, Mrs. W. Scroggln. Mrs. Ed Taylor, Mrs. T. toy. of the Sred Heart "I'l10?-' ?r; ttJZ&'EESS; fiJ ?!!.co.n.n LT! ' ? G VJTSLS: r woitkieu Mr rW Phnippi and for a social .vnin at " . , - A wiiu nuu tuncneon as vms nan jsomoay azxetv nwruewi oi iviuwimnn. . ..BUC BTe?ing t i-9 i- one great unit. Directors from i.ik . ovino.k. iui.tin. i.. noon at v nM. M w. w n'Trr.ngVt?d .Thomas. Ur. . street. invited.. i:..:, ii-a wana.7 S1"" "n" M .-'.-.' J . JaTL. -riT. -S-I . -TTi. Mrs.GUes Wsgner. Mrs. Mabel Ti LVmGr.-ceGVlbel. of Pordwl .." JcphVVau' oneadi; 11 Pon. Mrs. Arch Kimey. Mr. "e . " todsy of their son-in-law and 'elock. Included will be in- ' "uu' 1 The grand oDcra studv dans. Mhter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ttrnmenttl nd vocal solos, Mttd i ZImmrmn' f-.-7?-.?nr opJr MuaI nr;.. mr -nomas .nnKM . . thm vn., .1nh Branch and children. Mrs. Chas. uuuuuciea or nooert itawson. . r." - . : n.. uM w.nv n.v. mA n.r. nice. Mrs. vern uoooeu. mrs. - Glenn Rogers and baby, Mrs. B. The Else Ebsen drama class Klrsch. Mrs. E. H. Ericason ana i. . wwth re- men Gueftroy. Janet Waldron. 'JSf".6! '.ModJ ning from Madalene Suko, Martha Fox, Tonasket, Wash, En ronte they nar Eaton. Sadie Grant and visited relatives at Yakima. Day .. . . Suggestions for Mother's CORSAGES CUT FLOWERS 1 ; - POTTED PLANTS " ; . BEDDING PLANTS ; LUTZ FLORIST 1276 N. Liberty Ptu OSOa Margaret Jones. Outstanding features of the will meet Tuesday at t o'clock JrJi.i 11 ilV " h. .Si at 1310 South Liberty street. The . Walter Bpasdd. Mr- uivKi.u. . -w .n .Pnr T-knni..ti tor inn nan rni.r. imiu win WMW&ruto . -l'IJSSSS be the guest, today 7f Mr. d themselves mighty seriously in their white shirts and sleeked black hair, the rhythm band In caps and capes with two serious cymbal players beating perfect WWl UiUC VVnV7s . A SAW Big Bad Mouse," and the older youngsters in part singing. The band leader who so creditably pinch-hit for Gordon FInlay had never seen the all-city elemen tary band until Friday morning,, yet he led them with dignity. So goodbye again to music r - " lwua vi mr. - . ; ; . .. v. im.. ..j will be staled at this time. Mr- C1T C. Miller of Portland.! meet m the "replace room ot cm.arcu. see -w m m un punuc iiurary x ucbusj aiier- v. - Mrs.' Homer H. Smith, ar- and Mr. d Mrs. John J. Elliott oon at 2:3 o'clock. Mrs. W. E. W. T. Hughes, M. Ira Klrsch Mrs. Margaret LeFnrg were ta'hTe their house guest, Mrs! Kirk will give a review of "I and children. Mrs. Arthur Iders r . B' .7 r k - . . ...... . . tt7.-.j r. . .... Kw v.- ant the hostesa. Mra. Carl Reld s-vruana j riasy .10 attend a aserriiieia 01 mm nwu . j - - --- , . Dalles, mother of Mra. Elllttt. - tnenne uorneii. f"1""- i1 m,Ti'rrrr 1 5?T: 015,C0O to 03SC0O ; TWl u in liMi www ' -ri this newspaper throniheot the year, est the DectotwiJ what Medical Science It sfremnllthhwi teward the health, ef the udrHdaal and tM'eessanwssdty.;;:UK- Teu know, ef esro tl fee m prsctfctag phyaktoa. It Uaa that saeny years W spent sa study, stspsrstleei sad practice. .' f ; i The. avsratt tisae coauuased by a Docter tn -1 study, sfcpsrstissi and suintedncUM prscacs :'llssssi it totals trash s4 rsjslvs years. These JljlfiailUMIHw nnmiD(Biion;siE IPoMttiiiinoB Dtn sr. Mmmm-r, Starts MONDAY YOO'Ll nriD AS uocn AS .... - - r Bringing You Ontstxtnding Furniture Savings in llny NaUonal 3Iakcg AH types of the finest hoasehold ftxrnishincs out be pardused at price redactions that are unbelievable. We invite your inspection and truly feel that, we can offer more f ornishinz value pre dollar than has erer been , offered before. 1 T."', " . ' .:!'- !.-,.'.. ... rs, .!... ; '--, "-. :"!'.," : -'!. 'V ' ' .. ' .... . . , . -A Such Nationally Advertised - ;s Products A$ ". ." . ..' j"'.;" " . OXLnmX"Iaverports A Chairs - Sni- . IIOXS" Baringa A Mattresses BTJFFK v " IKT Fine FWrsdtsnw ,- -OLTMPIC" awd - "ROTJOT OAJE Baages t . H. F. JOHXS and TOEirrcCCinnt Fnrnitre - AKMSTBOXO ' . and COXGOLIX21 Liaoleum Ttodncts lUO " : "- ... ELOW Itaca, , t Z.',"::.?l 1 T Ad Other Fasaowa Fwrnltare Ks ashionette STOCK REDUCING I STARTS MONDAY 1 Business das been growing! We've bought more heavily than ever before and the weather has ad- : , vanced onr sammer season naore than a month. Now we find or stock room crowded and we asast - snake room. WE GIVE YOU ONLY QUALITY MERCHANDISE IN THE NEWEST BIODES OF THE SEASON Here Are Just a Few Outstanding Bargains Dresses One group of sensational values with many to choose from. Were $8.95 to $29.75 - 493 moo iusm - 200 Fashloa Models. " Formerly C3.W to tD.CS. 'IMS and SHIPS' The finest la sum mer wear at prices that are startling, i Were seCins; $19.75 to $39.75 "Ti'j DMEPisnaMiL i?(imiTri3jm r i n m innnrr 4167 COURT ST. PHONE 4131 423 COURT ST.