The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1939, Page 11, Image 11

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'Union Pacific9
. Is;.at
Barbara Staxrwyck, ?.IcCrea
t Starred C in .. Epic7; of
rT Barbara Stanwyck, - In A role
'.completely;; different from any
she : has ! previously attempted.
nd Joel KeCreav: aa a. character
strongly . reminiscent of; the one
;he portrayed last t season -. In
i"Welli FargbVVAreewrtarred in
the . romantie leads, of UnKn
Fadfi Cecil v DeMUle's
grand-scale i Interpretation of the
: building of America's firat trans
continental railroad now .playing
at the Elalnore ' theatre.
: Although 'f the " popular - Miss
Stanwyck - has played roles as
;- Varied as middle : western farm
woman, New; r England - Jactory
wench and Park Avenue debu
tsnte, hes Mollle Monahan - In
;" Union Pacific, - marks - some
thing totally new In the . taa
wrck repertoire. She la a dar
ing, warm-hearted, fiery girl rf
the west, the daughter of UP s
first engineer, the postmistress
of "end of track" "and litUe sis
ter of the husky railroad bulld-
; ers. . . . :
: Mollle's romantic . interest in
'."Union Pacifle is one Jeff
Butler (played by the handsome
McCrea), a brave and reckless
trouble-shooter whom the Wash
ington governments has assigned
to help keep order along the
rig ot-ol-way. : The two meet ; at
"end -yet .; -- track," the audy,
brawling, settlement that mores
ever westward with the railroad.
1 i Although..' Indian attacks, "cor
rupt officials and hostile nature
tan all be dealt with, MoUie and
Jeff . meet a - real difficulty in
Dick : Allen' ( Robert Preston) .
a smooth i young western adven
turer who has : teamed . up with a
crowd of sharpers to sabotage
' the. iallroadv'-'l-''---'5;-'vH:-:s:-5-
: j When, , the ; Irresponsible Dick
goes, so far as to help -; oh -a
i ray train, upon "which the "UP",
vitally depends, the good-hearted
M ollie marries him to save him
from ' the law.-v r,-':v:
1U Callbard
. Today Double bill. Chester
. Morris; Ralph Bellamy and
. . Ann-DTorak -In r'Blind Al-
ley" and Jessie Matthews
"Climbing High. . - -
nrHM TWinhlo Mil "Ml.
chael Whalen and Dolores
Costelld In ''Outside These
Walls,fcand Charles SUrrett
and The ' Sons of the Pie-
neers In "North of the Yur
Saturday Tyrone ower.AU
Icel Faye and.'Al Jolsoniin
i ' "los ot : w.a art si t
- Square.! ' A l., - ' -
Today "Union Pacific
. Barbara Stanwyck and Joel
McCrea. S !
Thursday Double bill, Bob ,
Burns and Gladys George la
; "I'm From Missouri," and
. "Rookie Cop," with Tim
Holt j
Today rDouble - bill. Martha
Rare and Bob Hope in
; "N e t r Say Die," and .
t with Ray Rogers and Lone
: Ranger, r !; !-,-f .
I Wednesday) oubl e btlL
Don r las Corrlcan In "The
Flying Irishman" with Paul
: Keljy and "They Made Me
. A Criminal," with John Car
- field and Ann Sheridan.
Saturday Double bill, "Ton
Can't Get Away With Mur-
der" with Humphrey Bo-
gart and "The Eagle and the
Hawk." with Fredrle March
and Cary - Grant and The
Lone Ranger. :
Today Double bill, Leo Car-
' rlllo and Bobby Breen in
; "Fiaherman'B Wharf" and
James Gleason la "The HTg
gins Family."
. , - STATE
Today Doubla bUl, Paul Ro-
f beson, Wallace Ford, Henry
- Wilcoxon and Princess Kou-
ka in "Dark Sands." and
"Barefoot Boy." with Jack
ie Moran, Marcla Mae Jonea
and Ralph Morgan.
Tuesday The strangest film
9 i- erer made. "Forbidden Ad-
1 venture," and authentic pic-
lures of China's' undeclared
; : war, "China Resists lava-.
' elon. ,
Friday Claudette Colbert,
Fred MacMurray and Rob-
art Toung In "The Bride
V Comes Home." and Martha
Raye, Bob Hope and Burns
and Allen in "C o 1 1 e g e
Swing.", k .
Formerly 4 Pianist with
- Pop? McElroy : ,
SiTinrj Ssliool
;:fcrv Piano :;
Beglnneror advanced stu-.
dents taught. Modem' popu
lar music In a few weeks.
, Guaranteed.- ': -tv J .
Salen Stcdio Open Wed,
Oaly 155 South Liberty
For Complete Informatlosj
Call Boots Grant 7818 "
' t
. . .
J. J
' i
. - - .
LoTe-Boaklac bnOdfjaaj a great railroad, fighting Indians and contending
-- occapy the anus of Barbara Stanwyck and Joel McCrea, the co-stars and romantic leads or "Laloa ra
; eiflc. story of the first transcontinental railway, playing today at the Klainore theatre, r " -' ..
"Never Sdy Die" !
ls;Capitol Show
Rlartha Ray e and Bob Hope
Togetner Again; : Andy l
I Derine Featured : '
Playing : together- for the
fourth time in little more than
year,.; Bob Hope ' and . Martha
Raye return to the screen in
frivolous film 1 farce,-' ''Never
Say: Die," which is now: playing
ai u uapuoi - tneatre, von is
cast as a nfrvous wreck of a l.11
Uonalre ; . who "enjoys p oof
health;", 'Martha ,- as a girl who
is--escapiifg--from- two suitors
finds a husband where she least
expects one. r ; .
When Hope and Miss - Raye
meet at an Alpine spa, they
realize -- immediately how much
they -hare in common. For while
Hope is being menaced by I
much-married widow. Gale Sci
dergaard. who is crazy about his
money,. Martha is being forced
by , her. father , to marry, a Rus
sian .prince, Alan Mowbray, even
though her heart belongs to the
boy back home, Andy Define.
Tne Hope-Ka ye wedding trip
. In keeping with . the general
mad mood of the picture. De-
vlne, . arriving , unexpectedly to
claim" Miss Raye as ; his . bride.
does the next' best thing and
oins the couple on their Alpine
honeymoon! Three on a honey
moon la fun under any condi
tions, but with Hope, Raye and
Derine as the chief participants,
the riot can only be imagined!
The climax comes with the ar
rival of Martha's father. Miss
Sondergaard and Mowbray, all
determined to impose their v. Ills
on the young couple.. After, un
tangling the romantic ; mtxup.
Hope- tights a - burlesque pistol
duel with Mowbray, who main
tains his honor and Is" wounded.'
ed.r--r . -- - -
SILVERTON The k Silvertoa
grange home economics' club ' is
announcing a quilt, antique and
flower show to be ' held. Friday,
May is. la the afternoon and
night at the MWA .halL Peter
Muda of radio fame is scheduled
as afternoon- speaker. . . -
Mrs. -: Luther Hattebergis
chairman. . .; . j , . . .. .
Eastern Star
Takes Recess '
MILL CITY Marilyn chapter,
OES, met Monday night for the
last meeting until September. A
dinner was served and initiation
was held after which' a beauti
ful degree was given' in honor
of. the past worthy matrons and
patrons. -..v.-. - s
Those introduced and honored
were Mrs. Tom Alley, Mrs. Mil
dred - Allan, Mrs. Robert Schroe
der Mrs.. A. D. Scott. Mrs. Vir-
laa Hoenig, Miss Daisy Headrle-
eoav Mrs. Nina Sparr, Mrs. J. C
Kenaell, Tom Allen and A. D.
JEFFERSON Monday nlcht
members of the school 'faculty
held : a meeting at the homt of
Mr. and' Mrs. uiibert Looaey.
Following the business meeting.
Chinese : checkers - were enjered
The group presented Mr. and
Mrs. George BaUey with a gift
Miss GetcheU -. assisted Mrs. Loo-
i Today - Monday t, ; .
. , Taesday y ,
Contln-as Performance
I ".' I'-Today ' - a to 11 P. t-
i locm.ui
? twt-irw asai '
2nd Ace nit
iLi Ludle Gleason '
Added News stad Cartoon '
The Arms That Built an Empire
" 1 -
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4 -
One ma n's mate Is another man's
opens today at the Capitol theatre
Andy De vine topping the cast.
press,'' and Lone Ranger. - : n
Paul Bobesoa' and Henry Wilcoxon
, Sandan featured at the stats theatre today, on the same program
is "Barefoot Boy," wlta Jackie
Sweet Potatoes I
To Be Crown Here
SCOTTS MILLS Several peo
ple from Scotts Mills ordered
sweet potato plants; also some
tomato plants from Texas. The
success of their venture will be
watched with interest. 1
Strawberry growers in the
Crooked Finger district are put
ting the finishing ' touches on
their fields before harvest be
gins. - Indications are that the
crop will . be up to the .- usual
standard.- , ttM.-v&.
Calif ornians Visit "Vv f fe
West Stayton Folk ; f I
this weekend at . the ,Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Forrette home were
Rev. Theodore Wolf . of Alma.
Calif., Frank and Romen Wolf
of Jefferson.v .. .
Mrs. Harry Stewart has re
eeived word that her brother.
Curtis Martin of Bellfouataln.
well from a spring board while
sawing trees at a logging camp
near. Creswell aid broke his leg.
Ha was taken, to .aEngene'.hoa-
pital. ' . :. ar'j: -.
Starts Taesday )
lUiUUIUUil I ttl
f la 1 J
with the hostile forces of natnre I
poison In "Serer Say. Dte," .wok
with Bob Hope, Martha Kaye ana
Also featured is -irrontier rony jsz
v e tc;? f U'i 'r::: r t
pictured in a scene from "Dark
aioraa and uaipn aiorgaa. -
Conunencement Is
ment waa held at the West Stay
ton school Thursday night. Rex
Putnam, state superintendent of
public instruction, gave the ad
dress. ,
:The . program: Processional,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert ! IT las p;
"Cradle Song," primary grades:
class ; history. Alice Diokman:
class will. Helen Bartoes; "Ama
ryllis.", girls' chorus: class pro
phecy. Keith Wilkinson; - vale
dictory, Theodore 'Lacy; piano
solo, Alice - Dlckmsn; address.
Rex Putnam; presentation of
diplomas, J. L. TJoss, cbalrman
of the school board: recessional.
The class roll: Theodore
cy, Keith iWUklnson, George
Swales, Robert Stubr, Loyd Fox,
Alice Dickman. j Marie reks.
Helea : Bartoss.- . .
-PupHa receiving perfect at
tendance certificates ' were: llar-
vin" Harper, Verner Bartoss,
Shirley Baker, RomaleV Nelson.
Frances Bartoss, ' Jean - Hudson.
Grover Nelson; Imogene Lynch.
An an uay-picnic4 will be htld
at the schoolhouse Tuesday.
: Mrs. - Helen P. ' Phllippl honor
ed ' her third grade - pupils ,with
an all day picnic at the Staytoa
park on May II aad the 4H Sun
shine elab and good health , hab
its elnb held a picnic at : Dar-
jey's grove May 19. .
Marion Corrimnnity Qnb
To; Meet Tncsday Riyit i
' MARION The 'regular ; meet
ing of the. community-el.ub vriU
be held Tuesday, night." A pro
gram - is -being' arranged by Har-
ley Libby and others. This is
the last meeting of the. season. 4
Lousenger and family ' left ' for
their old home in South . Dakota
i Monday. 3 "Qraadpa Rich, whs
lived there years ago,-' aecompa-
1 aied them, jrreaaie expecu
return la September. .
.... . 0
Ralph Bellamy
Star at Grand
Chester Morria Featured
Alao in Strong Pby,
A- thrnlingly dVamatit tatorr of
a ; psychiatrist rho matched ? bis
I wits against a murder'a blating
gna. s ColUmbia'a -Bllad AUey
y esterday iopeaed "at the Grand
theatre to -prove a, Ttrtual bomb
I shell of klghlr charged realism.
i Oa the sams bill: is Jesse Mat
thews in ?Cllnibing vHigh.!; Of
Blind Alley- swingg , into
tense action from... its. initial
scenes when the ' summer '' Lom
of a professor of psychology : t
inraded , by an escaped prisoner
whose record of killings is for
midable. With his seisure of the
estate all members of the honse-
i hold and several guests are sub
jected to a reign of terror. One
of the compeling features -' of
lis Columbia ' picture- is : the
re relation - of what .makes the
criminal. Although his lite is
in j danger, the professor asks
Questions. The killer answers.
and In this verbal battle the
dark story of a criminal Is bared.
Flawless performances : are
turned in by Ralph Bellamy
land Chester Morris. The former,
'always, to .be . relied upon for
portrayals of a . warm, human
quality exceeds preV16us efforts
in delineating - the character : of
the -prof essor,
At the Hollywood
strong iast. v Laveiy new
"' Music Add to Appeal of "
fisherman's Wharf
Bobby Breen's latest . photo
play, "Fisherman's Wharf."
showing now' at the Hollywood
theatre, is enhanced with . a pic
turesque background, a thorough
story and a supporting cast of
seven of Hollywood's most cap
able performers. Added to this
is .; the music of Victor Toung
and Frank Churchill.
The locale of the story Is col
ortul Fisherman's Wharf of San.
Francisco and the storybook city
Itself that part of .the metropo
lis that isn't on tljft. map; the
things of the city hat guide
books only hint at! The San
Francisco of cable cars that
whisk yon up sunny terraced
streets on a bell-ringing excur
sion over the hills. The pale blue
boats of Fishermanfe Wharf and
the nets that are mended on
Sundays and the owl-eyed tea
bass that come from the nets.
. . The story Itself is a rare one
I for these days! It is a simple
I taie or a boy and nis latner and
ineir great companionsnip,
f companionship that even an Jn
yretLj wumu caiui u
break. It Is a tale not whlmslc
humor, of fine-threaded pathos
and of simple xoitv The - set
tings, for the most part, are out
of; doors, with the picturesque
San Francisco ' Bay,' the ' famous
Golden Gate bridge and. the-open
sea as backgrounds.: . ;
. ' i -
'Penny for Luck'
Grows to $6 as
Gypsy Does Job
local real estate agent, was
relieved of $0 by a Gypsy
woman Tuesday. The woman
entered his office on Main
street and , he tounediately
picked p hie -half open wal
let from desk. A penny
dropped to the floor and the
Gypsy ' begged for the penny
"for luck." He told her to
take the penny and get out.
As she stooped to. retrieve the
copper s dime fell to the floor.
She begged then for the dime.
"All' right, take it and get
bat! he roared.
Bat fate was with: the Gyp
sy. Haber dropped an im
portant paper ..from .the purse
and while stooping to pick It
wp, the Gypsy said: TU pat
(he penny beck and keep: the
dime.- . ' ,, ' ... . .
A Bttle later, coantiag his
cash, he found .So, ia; bills '
missing. . Two $5. bills ' were
still la the. purse. - ",'
, ; ' ' ' . 1 r! j
Depleted Supplies
Hold Barley Tirm
ij- t." 'i'l'i-
PORTLAND, ' M a J lt.-CP
Light markets held barley Quo
tations in the northwest steady
to i nrm In the past week,' the
U. S. departmem of arrtculturs
said. Supplies tf malting', qual
ity aanncnen baney were vir
tually depleted and total
celpts of k all types here since
last NJuly :! - reached, only 4S1
cars against 7 sz a year ago.
Corn was firmer while oats
were, steady and unchanged srlth
eastern Oregon aad Washington
shippers supplying most of the
coast- terminal', needs for oats.
:poui :?;tafy-:v?t
Bobby Breen Star
Lo vey Star ini'
Here U a new iportralt of Jessie Matthews, star e,"Cllmblng Hlgb,
starring Michael Bedgrave and playtng at uc lirua theatre today.
On the, same IsCl iSChester Morris and Ralph Bellamrin 'Blind
4Jley.-;'r,Vvs - v;",ii ,r cVy'"-;:-
" t -
la his latest starring pictarev "Fisherman's - Wharf," Bobby Breen
plays the adopted son of Leo Carrlllo. bis companion in the above
scene. The film Is playing-at the Hollywood theatre this weekend
aad oa the same bul is James
Jaunt8 to Coast
Baccalaureate Is Slated
May 21 for Seniors
." of Anmsrillo
AUMSVILB The senior class
enjoyed a picnic Wednesday at
the coast, this being one of the
traditional senior sveats. :
The schedule of school-end ac-
Uritiss hers also Includes: 7
Wednesday. May 17,' Junior
entertainment for seniors, skat
ing party and tour of state In
stitutions in Salem.
Sunday. May 21, baccalaureate
at 8 p. m., high school gym, with
Rev. D. P. Huckabee or west
Salem the speaker and Invocation
by T. C. Mountain. .
Thursday, May 28, Aumrrille
high' school commencement, t
p. m., at gym. wiia ut. a. b.
Jensen, Oregon College of Edu
cation at Monmouth, speaker.
Agnes 8noddy, class valedicto
rian. Waniil
On Estimate Sheet
DALLAS There- la consider
able ' misunderstanding " on the
oart -of farmers as tb the re-
auirements of the 1 III agricul
tural , eonserva UOa pTSiria,
autea W. C Leth, Pelk county-
agent and seofeury of tke Pork
county AAA. "l . f,
It Is aosolutely necessary for
every farmer planning : ts eom-
ply under the program to hare
a farm estimate sheet filled sat
and "this should be -done - before
June' 1 In order that 1 fall in
spection can ' be mads on - each
farm. :Only those farms on which
the estimate ' sheets have bet
made : out 'will - receive tall - sign
up inspections according to pres
ent plans, warns W.-C. Leth. J
1aennss " s,",w
Sl s ar n t T
Climbing HifK vv
Uleasoa la "The Higglns family."
Eighth Graders
Receive Diplomas
Adams of Silrcrton Gives
r - Address for Exercise "
oi 5 Rii 'Umts
.UNION - HILL Eighth grade
graduatioa exercises tor five' -of
the - surrounding school - districts
waa held at the grange hall hers
Wednesday; alght, , ;
.The graduates: . . . -
; Silver t Falls school, t Frances
Zelbert; .' 1.-
Unioa Hill school. Irma Ham-
Uton.- Arthur - Phillips. Mary
Rosenbalm and Ernest Carlson,
Victor Point John Perkins. . ;
.Vallty View. Vernon MeClure.
Wayne Lbsler and Carol Cowan.
. MeAlpin, Howard - Mader and
Robert,. Fisher. . :
The program: Invocation, Rev.
Trailer, -; Stay ton; Introduction
of graduates; song. Union Hfll
school; address, Supt. H. W.
Adams of the Sllverton school;
presentation of diplomas. V. D.
Scott; song, graduates; benedic
tion, ev. Trailer.
WK8T 8TATTON The. com
munity club haa postponed' its
meeting to Friday night. 'May
It. ; The May day exercises will
se nsid : then. '
: 2 TO n p. jl , - :fe:flS?-, K
. s- - .aaT. . naa n s mss -gassf
barefoot Boy9 Is
At State Theatre
lively Adventure Picture
of Strictly -American ,
Flavor Presented' ' ,
Glorifying the American' boy '
is"- the business of Monogram's
"Barefoot Boy," now at i the
Stats : theatre. - 1
The.-picture concerns Billy
Whi taker, -a country boy. whs
haa .agang and a girl and a
flair? for adventure. The kids
spend ; their time in the happy,
normal pursuits of childhood
wishing, swimming, hunting, and
investigating the neighborhood
haunted house. Into their hap- .
py lives comes Kenneth Hale,
spoiled city son of . John Hale,
Just released from prison. v.
r Billy's father puts him on his
honor to watch out for Kennvth, .
and show him the meaning of
good sportsmanship. But "en
neth. who has called his father .
a "JaUbird" and7 refused to be-
lleYb his protestations of inno
cence, refuses also to accept
kindness and fair treatment
from Billy, and proceeds to
steal his girl and prove himself
a nuisance. ,
Finally Billy must prove his
courage against Kenneth's chal
lenge of cowardice, so the two .
of them, one midnight. . enter
the haunted house. When eerie
noises - issue from the ghostly
rendexvous, the rest of the gang.
decide to . Investigate, and the
kids find . that' their ."haunted"
house is a gangsters' hideout. ' '
..A thrilling - climax ensues aa
the gangsters discover the kids
Just when they have found the
missing bonds,, and are. about to
clear John Hale. - . , . - ; -
Woman's Qiib at
of Season
MILL CITY -- The Mill' City .
Woman's club met at the home
of Mrs. D. . B. Hill with Mrs.
Frank Taylor and Mrs. Hill as ,
hostesses. The program was in
honor of music week. Mrs. A1-
bert Milsap. gave an Interesting
paper on "The History of Musi
cal Instruments." A story of an
opera with phonograph music
was giren by Mrs. D. B. HilL
Miss Breamer of the musical li
brary of Salem gave a talk about
the opera. "Aida.",;
This was the last meeting of
the club until falL .A cooking
school will be sponsored by the
club, the date to -be announced-'
Continaons Today
2 to 11 P. M.
. Itai liaiinf fcaat Piulai
1 .M-lrtii
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Walt Disney Cartoon
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