npGOT , 'npnnno LJ By RON ;'AJ : OKMMXLL Peering from behind our 'per sonl eight '- ball, & iyellow-ad-whit polka 'dot ivory we i can aee but one, - or possibly : 'two, district seven track meet . marks lc danger today. .. . ; ; . - Leaning out, with our' chin south by southwest, we can see - where It is possible that Che mawa'a "Loper" Lodge may peai a second -or two off . the mile record, .and 'tis just possible he may also glTe the hall mile mark a shading if he runs that two lap race. OI course, It la .unani mously understood that he : will hare to run the race before he gets credit for any record-shattering; performances. - To see that little lajun i la actio yoa'd swear be d (ail ' apart, like a piece of cropped peaaet brittle, before getting areand the first ton. If be looks like a track wan, we look like Moan Lisa ami Vera GUmore it king : of ' tue op timists. - . He belles his - looks, however, (or he can run; In fact, there Is little Incentive for him to go after the district mile mark, e- J cause he already holds - It. . He I set the all-time -mark, last .ear, kicking over 'the four-lap killer in, 4:37.3. ,". A. week ago . today he ran a 4:38jmlein the WVi meet-i at Woodburn, that could "have i well been down, arouiil 4:35 had he put all of 'his at tention to running - instead C gawking around to see what; the rest of the world was up to; If someone shoves him hard enough, and right now 1 can't think who tt will be, he can break his own district ille aware: today. Someone will have to press him, though, or Le'l be spending valuable seconds talking to the neighbors, .paa- -lag the time of day with spec tators - or counting his laps - before they're hatched. - Lodge has but recently taken up the haif-mUe, which he be- lieves he can negotiate In close ,to two flat. If he: can a new district record, for that all-time mark was set by an- other Chemawan. Knotted I In 1134. But here' ata hVIi nave to be pushed to do It, which I Is likely to happen aa both Sa lem's Bill Shlnn and Milwau kie'i Peake are also going after that record. No other track event records appear to be in danger today, but it is probable that West Linn's Karbonski will eraek the discus mark and that Wood sura's Nelson will better the pole ; vault record. - Karbonski tossed the platter better than 144 faet last wV wlttl I fc district mark Is but 180 feet I 8 Inches. Nelson pole vaulted I 1Z feat last vrk- whtla thm Aim- I trict mark, is 11 feet 8 inches, held : by Salem's Carl Chapman. Prep Track Gains, Like hiccups, - high school school track hereabouts seems to be en ' the upgrade. Not long ago the iport was nothing more than lomethlng to tinker h. the smaller prep schools. While I ow, and it. is especially notice- I able this spring, both action and Interest have intensified. ood bunt haa a new-track, and conse tuently one of the best track teams is the school's history. jCokch Sid Johnson Is no donbt In great measure responsible tor the adranea th .ini mnn-r h.. I made at Woodburn the hut three -- -y-- years, and should be congratu lated. Over at MolalU Mike Deller has an ap-and-coming baach of ! elnder4arners, moat of whom are bat sophomores and jaalora, and who therefore -will hare plenty of opportunity to develop farther la the next year or two. Vera Gilmore, whose V 1 k 1 a g jaators and sophomores were beaten by - the kfolallas Wednesday la a three-way meet that included Woodbara, says Molalla wffl be strongly heard from bt next year's district meet. College track should benefit from the way the sport is plek- J team yesterday trounced the Darn ing up Its e a r s in the prep I storming Seattle college combina- achools. Willamette, and most of the rest of the Northwest eon- ferenc schools, can certainly beat Stack. Seattle, 8-0, 6-2; Gate use some of the talent that i is kunst, Willamette, beat Bader, 8e hound to develop. Track . ln the attle, 6-3, 8-2; Dillingham, Wil Willamette valley, or Pacific lamette, beat McDonald, Seattle, northwest, can never hope to g-2, 6-1: Murphy, Seattle, beat , comoete with track In southern Clemes, Willamette, 8-1, 7-9, 8-4; California, - however, as track- Sanvain, Seattle, beat Downs, Wil sters, like swimmers, most train lamette. 7-8, 6-2. the year around. Only by use f . Doubles Gilmore and Gallaher, field i houses, which are too ex- Willamette, beat Stack and Bader, pensive for most colleges, ean Seattle. 6-4, 6-1; Gutekunst and the northwesterners get out of Dillingham. Willamette, beat Sau the rweather" . for year-around rtn and McDonald. Seattle. 6-3. work. Aden Aids Win. When Spokane climbed back Into i the Western : Internationa) league lead Wednesday " night with a 7 -to - 5 victorv over - the Wenatchee thiefs, i it was two former Salem Senators who fig- uredJ in the tin a 1 outcome, Dwight Aden singled off Bill Bevena In the" ninth, and Levi McCormack's home run : scored Aden with the winning run. f Two Salem high baeballers are already, lost to the pros pective local Legion junior team. Ed "Ko-Ko Tada. the good-Mtared little catcher outfielder of the Vikings, and , Hob Bailey, , sprinter oa the Vlktag track team, . who plays aa . e a t f 1 e 1 d posltloa and pttrhes a bit, are both playing with Woodhura. They have worked oat i with .the WoodV baras for the laa -three San days. f Salem high's crack tennis team wnien eit yesteruay on an - tended sweep through the south- era and central part of the atate.. announcea n vw jr Meaiora on ,.iboj. - ha a fact? ' - Anent Owner Tom Tawkeys prediction, tr at his Boston Bad Sax. on which ht til treat a mere 22.880.600 since it::. wouli develop Into the greatest team fx baseball within the next -five crtix seasons: Ilaant 1 llonairs Tawke he-rd ht the ffnsMrt mmions. Ut have been pourias tats the Yankee chain srsten -ren f isttr that Tan? - heTa into the Red Sor farmer f PeepUe the latr-e a eaackv I watfl 10 ay nge despite fcar-H tax been tnrnlsx t jfl If rni o in District 7 to Select Entries State Meet Goal of 11 Schools ; - Preliminary Trials 10 a.m. With a fast track forecast by Viking Coach -Vera Gilmore and. air weather by the boss of baro metric pressure,: district 1 , track nil : rlAM marks "will t 1 ,rH put to wUhsund the onslaught of the 11 schools from Marion. otmpet ker,on 1 Preliminaries will be held at and relay. F.'-ials begin at 1:30 this afternoon, with the meet scheduled to finish at 1:05. I Ka Icon's. Outlook Spotty "There are no. favorites," said Coach Gilmore iu announcing his entries iMt night. While more refused to commit himself . I siaiem is . generally considered to I nave., an excellent ctance of suc cessfully defending the district I title,., but with , little hope of placing many. entries in the state meet. Howard Maple, Willamette varsity coacn, win .ne in starter, ana iommj urynan, tr a r t iib c o a c h , will be clerk of the turmr. . The 8 a i e m entries, as an- nounced by Gilmore: Bailey and Kinomiya, 100; Waller and Nino- mlya, 220; Chapman and Macy, 440; Shiirn and Selberg, 880; Mulkev and Wilson, mile: ' aker I and Lucas, pole vault; Rickards land Burton, high jump; Bailey and Thompson, discus and shot; Nelson and Waller. Javelin; Ma- n .ni M,t,i,,. vnriA.. t. aa TOtaaYTwnlte and Bailey, relay. Chi Sox Rescued From Tight Spot CHICAGO, May lz.-(fl)-The bases were filled with Cleveland Indians when . Clint Brown, star emergency pitcher, came to the rescue of the Chicago White Sox Two p"lo"u me' th the wjwuer, iMi. .. orowa re.uuea onij lour pitcu- i es, three curved strikes' sand wiched around one ball..' to fan Ben Chmpmani The Cleveland left ! fielder, who watched the third strike break by. was so Infuriated that his protest demonstration led to his banishment from the field by Umpire Steve Basil. Brown then took Ken Keltner', bouncer Cleveland . ...... ....3 16 1 Chicago 4 12 2 Allen, Dobson (8), and Pytlak; Rlgaey, Brown (), and Tresh. oi. uuvio, may or tne oesx pucnea games or tne still young season. Rookie Jack . , .- j vu Knmir ne.ia tne Detroit xiaera to i ivu iiatica tuut; ruu luyyeu uu peiTOrmance Of a riving in U only run to give the St. Louis Browns a 1 to 0 victory Detroit ...0 2 6 St Lonii 1 7 1 Benton and York; Kramer and Glenn.; (Only games scheduled). Seattle Netsters Lose to Bearcats Tuning np for next Saturday's i Pacific northwest conference tour- nament, the Willamette tennis I tion by a 8 to 2 count. I Singles Gilmore, Willamette, 6-2. , - r. y: . Beavers Win as Idalioans Bobble MOSCOW, Idaho, May 12-PH I The University of Idaho booted (away its place as a top rung con-j tender for the northern division ' I Pacific coast conference baseball I title today along with a 3 to ,X de- cision for the Oregon State col- I lere Beavers. OSC ....806 000 000 8,10 fZl lldaho ...160 006 6012 . 5t 5 Shaw and Sollers; Gregory and Price. 7hitiiian Sweeps Two More, Idalio CALDWELL. Idaho. May .12. -jP-With - the - College of - Idaho eontrthntlnn eight errors in a I tnrla lnntee Is Its first rame. I whitman eoUere ef Walla Walla, I 1 nyaah- today woa - It - second I J double header In twe days, 14 I T 14 0 u. Whitman won the second, iTanw ; tn ai ,inninga. des4te : bavtag ae auSeewata : track v ea - which 1 tr ; rrzctlcc Xtus LesUes hell the, rarrL!iers te-ai lf8 victory tm J the c-fy Taaaor atsn reiaya. i . . Ax3 rjeatlag of jaaior, li;i.tTSiX-''tt .hwetlmst ' oueone wee hsmding Tommy Dryaaa. a beaqaet for the Cae r Job he des-wtth track at Par rich. Tie b&s the kUa later- . stetl thrr astk at it. a3 J the eesala-is cvldeneed- by the) nmhei- mnrm te -x. ; Education College Wolves Ttarn Tables Sports Neus ' National cererage by An orJated Press dally fas The, Statesman sports coli Meqtj. nniI TWlTtin illl-iC tliUL llliU till Shove T Across Beating Cincy 8 to 7 by Heavy Batwork CINCINNATI, May 13-(ff)-The St. Louis - Cards strengthened Gil-(their National . league lead with home runs today, defeating Cin- einnati, 8 to 7, in an attack led by Johnny Mixe "and Pepper Martin who between them accounted for seven tallies. The game, while boosting the Cards' lead, otherwise complicated tinner-bracket atandlnm. aendine? the Reds Into a three-way tie with Brooklyn and Boston next below Cards, with the Idle Chicago Cubs droDoinr to fifth. st. Inl. " - : lit II r t Cincinnati"!.:.:: .7- 12 Cooper, Bowman (5), C. Davis (6), and Owen;-Derringer, R. Da vis (), Maktenis (8), Thompson (7), and Lombard!, Herahberger (8). ' - ;. pvXnHl. 12Ti F.V. 11 kits, including one home rnn, oo lng three home runs today, to beat the New York Giants 10 to 8. Philadelphia 1 6 11 0 New York .. I II 1 Henry, Johnson (6). Muleahy (7). and Millies; Vanderberg. Coffman (8), Salvo (8, Lynn (8), and Danning. Brooklyn 8 12 t Boston 7 16 1 HamUn, Hutchinson (1) Pof fenbergeT (4), Casey (7), and Phelps; Poaedel and Lopes. (Only games scheduled). Helscr to Pitch Sflverton Sunday SILVKRTON Roy Helser will pitch for the Bed Sox at Toledo iS n'a UZZ State league game and 'Jell will pitch for the Willamette league team against Bearer Creek: on Mc- Ginnls field. Silverton fan ex pect to see Silverton pile np her fifth rnnuvnHn wtn at hnm f nr geason. Tnla aiBO be the team's last home gim9 this half. Next home i ... , . i"" wul 99 Tnn A will a "rod ' latter jf ln cnTirtan'i haaehaU cat- dmr for it will be the only Sun- day during the summer with no baseball on the Silverton field. The baseball team goes to St. Paul and the Red Sox plays at Hills Creek. "We must have slipped np some way," Tommy Thompson, publici ty manager, said when he discov ered the blank Sunday. "Maybe we can still remedy it.' Orange Netmen Lose CORVALLIS, Ore.. May 12 (Jfy-The University of Washing ton tennis team beat Oregon State, 4 matches to 8, today It was the second defeat for OSC in five northern division, I Pacific Coast conference meets Stiatton "StarsT on His Big Day LL ! i Kiier EmCrlaTpny as he tosseswont thethrstbaB for the ChicajomiU Cox-CLicrro Cuts keneCt gas plyd te his behiU, 4-Coach IZsatf Krmitmi ef the rrx. A atar x'cher. IJsxlayln: career was tzeical Tyended when Is lt a Jr? darmra JamtingTaeent. -action ; to recelvtBT aa c e preeeeus ex Its? and T-iCiir-Ctrxttoa war . . TlsL. ones lis tesnssate now aa aota salesman s IP RON GEM.MELL Editor Salem, Ongon, Saturday Morula?, May 13, 1939 Cavaretia Gets Sympathy VtM r-araivefttn. Chleaco Cabs nakle when he alld safely into the New York Giants la New mm he receives the sympathies of shortstop. Cavarretta's coasolatlon was that the Cabs won, 4 to Z. Ducks not Caught By Huskies' Rally Two Runs in Ninth Are Insufficient, Webfeet Win by 4 to 2 SB ATTLE, May 12.-rV-Wash- ington'a baseball team broke a 26-lnnlng scoring drought with a ninth inning rally today, hat couldn't overtake the Oregon nine. which tripped the Hankies, 4 to 2, in the northern division, coast conference game. Waahlnrton cots its two scores In the ninth and had tlelhg runi on base, but the last Husky bats man popped ont to second. Tall, lefthander Boh Hardy pitched his fifth straight victory for Oregon, tanning six men. Warren Sierer hurled capable ball for Washington, bat had un certain support. He was responsi ble for only two of the four runs. By its victory, Oregon retained a share of the division baseball lead. The teams play again tomor row. Oregon 4 t 2 Washington 2 7 6 Hardy and Walden; Sierer and Gasparovlch, Jorgenson (8). Eugene BoseboU Team Seek District 7 Title K U G if N E . May 12.-flV-A fourth consecutive southern di vision, district 7 baseball cham pionship tumbled into Eugene high school's lap yesterday when it beat Junction City, 6-5. Kugene will meet the winner of a series between Corvallis, Albany,' Sweet Home and Leba non for the district title. 2 i ' 4 Zloary Crxitea uegams is y.mymr ahnr green a suitosnotae txxr 1 tt Wrack IB IT S- y s " x 4 1 outfielder who snffered a broken second base daring a game with York, is shown la bis hospital bed a teammate, IMck Barteu, Cabs' Eugeneans Check Viking Net Team 3-3 Tie With Unirersity I High Gained; Axemen Defeated 4 to 2 Salem high's barnstorming ten nis team came close to defeat Thursday when University high I of Eugene tied ft at 8-2, but yes terday bounced back to trim En- gene high 4-8 tor their 16th vic tory of the season. University high scores: a tc re. r-.-A Tt "k ft....- DIJ Bin, w, tr:1' ' " ' ' "- Doubles Buck and Gard, U, beat Carroll and Hoynihan, 8, 6-2, s-; cnamnera ana uiixy, s. ae- feated Smith and Lombard. U, 6-4, 6-4. Eugene high scores: ' Singles Moynihan, S. beat Howard. E, 6-0, 6-3; Coffee. E. h.t Tfv sl t.t. a-4? rarroii. s. beat F. Howard. E, 6-4, 8-6; Zlm- ches and also set a district rec merman. E, beat Chambers, 8, 8-6, fr n U discus with 121 feet. 1 . m inch. Another new record was tvi. ... ki w ., S, beat Zimmerman and Coffee, E, s-s, a-, e-s; vnamoers ana uei- m a m a . - .. . ky, S, beat F. Howard and Howard, E, 6-1. 6-1. Woodbuni's Bees Face Prariemen WWUUUKS IBS wooueura uees wiu meet auiou rrwrw ou me WOOUDUm niaa auiooi uia - mona nunaay aiiernoen at 'vllams and Harms. p.m. in a mtd-wuiamette vaiiey league game. Elliott Prairie holds ea afsnaa na atWM-avwa aw " aw w Bees who are. seeking revenge. Tne mine noya are uea tor iirsi place in the league with two wins while the Bees have one loss. . ! The aanussion to wese games Is free. COAST LEAGUE (Before Night Games). W. L. Pet. Los Anxeles ZZ- 25 -16 " Seattle 23 San Francisco 23 , Hollywood 21 San Diego ., 18 Oakland 16 18 18 20 21 23 23 .51 sei iz .432 .426 Sacramento .17 .16 Fort land ' - KATIOXAL LEAGUE i - . .i W. LJ CI St Louis . ' ,. .;,; 11 ?'- 7 ffll Zll CinclnnaU . , ' , 16 .1 Brooklyn Boston. Chicago Philadelphia New York FIttsburgh - AMERICAN LEAGUE ? w.-f l:- New York IS S .722 Boston - 16 I ..667 Chicago , i 16 t 7 450 Cleveland .; t , 16 U474 Washington 8 16 .444 Detroit t 8 S 18 11 .18 .38t St. Louis Philadelphia .4ZI .278 Testf , - w I -Spokane ...... i ..13 7 ' Wenatchee ... .11 t Vaacbuver ....16 - 8 Taeoma . . . .aV.". . !' 8 Taklma 8 ; X1T Belllngham 14 ,; Fridays results: - i.- ,.? 'Pet je&Zt) .262 Taeoma 11, Taklma 0. t : Vancouver 8. BeUiaghau t Spokaar It,-Wenatchee 1. Baseball- i -I a a - i v - -r- 19 io I 8o h , ti rr - : Meet I v.'.-. - .-'-..-liS 'A Horn Is the Statesman sports , page; . home sports news first In nil ways. . . PAGE SEVEN IniliansGmyete 5 Double Killings Chemawans Forced to Do Unusual Infield Feats to Beat Silverton CHEMAWA The Braves prob ably set a hew high school double play record here today, complet lng five double-killings to enable them to edge out Silverton 12 to 10. ln a WVI league game, The game was a slugging matcn with Silverton almost catching Coach Gastlneau's local preppers, who at one time held a 8-3 lead. Hemmingsen, Silverton-relief pit cher, tripled ' with three mates aboard in the eighth. Five triples were registered by the Braves, with .Hall. VanPelt, Norton, .'Half moon and Slickpoo getting one each. Three of the double plays were turned ln by the second-to-short to-first combination of VanPelt io-Wllllams-to-Hall, one was ne gotiated by the short-to-second- to-first combine and one by Wil liams to Hall. Chemawa . 12 11 g Silverton ; 16 12 4 Bucapoo. uacxoone ana bup- ft I J 1 . . Jorgerson, Hemmingsen and WOODBURN E 1 d o n Cone's Buldogs climbed to ton of the WVI league Friday by beating tne Molalla Indians 11-f . The Woodbums climbed to a 11 to 2 lead ln the sixth, but. the Mol- allans unfurled a six-run inning ln the seventh. Reed. Bulldog catcher, led the stlckwork with trips. two doubles and a single in foar Woodburn ........11 14- 8 Molalla .....8 t 4 Hanauska. Halter and Reed: Jell and RorsbTaugh. Champ Weight Man Beats Own Record EUGENE, Ore., May lt-yfy- l -n.i nill.u - VI vw I "'I"" . captured ita 6th consecutive dls- I trirt Na A .kannlHiiktii I The axemen scored 46 nolnts and naliaed men for seven events m the atate meet. Cottaga Grove J was second with 28 points and I fir places; University high En- gene), third, 27 points and six Places; Roseburg fourth with 28 I ni, . . ... Elliott put the shot 63 feet. 2 established by Robertson. Eugene. i .B u-i- vault at It tmmt pow Tault " 11 feet I - Sophomores Beta Seniors in High School League The lOBhonAMt nt Ralm til vti fi-yS2 JSUJ-" olay yes- i SoohomorM a 1 i gaiors ........ 8 4 i n,. and Mnrhammr- U7M. I r I si-t. rr - Talk About lnaea INDEPENDENCE The Garden I cinb met Monday nixht at the Bom ef Mrg. j. c. Donaldson with Mrs. Eley Fluke and Mrs. William Swanson, sr., as co-hostesses. Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell from the Salem Heights club spoke on "Iris." She displayed many beautiful varie ties. Mrs. Homer McWaln from Salem Heights waa also a visitor. Mrs. Hugh Rogers i played to numbers on the vita harp. Mrs. W. F. Campbell, newly elected president. Introduced the new officers for the ensuing year leiMrs. F. C. Hennegan. vice ores!- 1 dent; Mrs. Clarence Charboneau, secretary; and Mrs. Elmer Addl- I son. treasurer. SOX TO MELCXDS celrlag announcements of 1 the birth of a son, Bruce Roger. walrnt X nnnnfa Anrll It m I Kniannal hnanital at - 1nrt1ail I ' Z -- lo Mr. and Mrs. ois Melund T. T. lam, ST Sl . O. Okaa. SU 2k. Herbal remedies for ailments of stomach. liver, kidney, skin. ! blood, glands, at trrtnary sys !tem of men 4k Women. 22 years .la service. Natsropatklc Pkytl-i 'ciana. Ask 1 your Neighbors jabout CHAN LAM. si 388 H Court SL, Corner liber ty, oxues open Tnescay sat' arday only. 16 A. II. to IP. IL.) 6 te 1 P. U, CeaaniUtion. bleed , are sh mine tests ars trae. otcharrs." I ; t .aia I raaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaMaaaaaaaaaamHji Win on Track By 66 to 65 ' -.,-.. Hair-Breadth Victory Is . Reversal of Bearcats9 Earlier Win 68-63 MONMOUTH The OCE clndet Wolves played turn-about with the Willamettes here Friday, taking a 66 to 46 dual truck victory by dint of a win in the relay. It was almost an exact reversal of the turn of events In a similar meet in Salem, which Willamette woa 68 63 when the third man of the Wolves relay team fell. Willamette was leading by four points with the five-point relay yet to be run. Jensen, running the second lap for the Wolves, es tablished a 20-yard lead that Wil lamette couldn't quite make up. Bryant, .crack 'distance man of the local . collegians, set a new track record ln the mile of 4:44. Monmouth's Davles gave Willam ette's Robertson a close shave In the century, and Willamette's Putnam pressed Davles to the tape In the 220. Results: 110-yard high hurdles Won by Hogenson. ' W; . Johnson, OCE second: McKeel,- W, third. Time :17 flat. ShotWon by Emigh. OCE; Mason, OCE, second; Miller, OCE. third. Distance 38'. 10.". Pole vault Won by Putnam W; Hogah, OCE, second: Chap man, W, third. Height 11'6". Mile Won by Bryant. OCE; Ewing, W. second; Olseth, W. third. Time 4:44. 440 Won by Lilly. W; Hogen son. W, second; O'Connell, OCE. third. Time 8:8.6. 100-yard dash Won by Robert son, w; Davles, OCE, second: Putnam, W, third. Time :10.1. 886 Won by Jensen. OCE: Grannie. W; Abbott, W. Time 2:07. 220-yard dash Wen by Davles. OCE; Putnam, W, second; Chap man, w, third. Time :28.6. Discus Won by Mason. OCE: Emigh. OCE. second: McGlyn. W. turn. Distance 1288 . Broad Jump Won by McGlrn. W; Hogenson. W. second; Mc Keel. w. third. Distance ll'S" Two mile Woa by Bryant. OCE; Olseth. W, second; Moses, w, third. Tims 10:53. Javelin Woa by Weakley. W: Miller. OCE. second; Jaross, OCE. third, instance 167-16 . 220-yard low hurdles Won bv Weakley. W; Davles. OCE, aeo- oaa; jonnsoa. OCE, third. :Z7.8. Relay Won by OCE's team of Dickson. Jensen, Coleman and O'ConnelL Time 8:40. Conn Given Nod Over S. Krieger N13W YORK. May Conn, PltUburgh. used a stabbing, hooking left band and vicious right cross to earn a clean-cut decision over Solly Krieger. Brooklyn. NBA middleweight champion. In the 1 --round main event at Madison Square Garden tonight. Conn weighed 170 and Krieger 166. It was the third meeting between the pair, with each holding a verdict. Consequently they started warily, and it wasn't until the third round that there was any real, action, in that frame Conn shot a left hook which momen tarily halted the forever stalking Krieger. From that point on the rounds became an almost monotonous series of repetitions. Krieger would dash from his corner, leap into the air and throw a right or left in a vain attempt to tag Conn's chin, but the elusive Pltts burgher would dance away, pep pering Krieger's face with straight lefts or left hooks, with a sharp right cross trailing along behind. Flight Finals Are Set This Weekend Finals in a number of flights In the Active club's annual city golf tournament Will be played today and Sunday' although the championship - flight final, be tween Bob Utter and DrC Harold dinger, will not be played until - - Carl Cowrie the winner is the third ft. having defeated Mason 1 up, and Bob Kitchen is the winner In the 23rd flight, winning over Byers In the final. s ', Iloles LToies Ali 47 ALL DAT; LCD U"YOV ARE on WtJ Bowling LADIES LEAGUE. . . 1: ' ounXLa can " . V " ST. Thaainoa 1ST S - US S53 Mi4aa4 .14S 114 1S3 403 Vaora 10S 113 144WS6I lniu in J4 883 Toeoai , 11T ; Ui lSO-8 57T S47 SSS. UBS nana nxnnutn " ' 1 Brr . 10T 'U4 US S4S Hibmrawr ill 1X2 ISO 474 T. Albrirk 10S 131 IIS S4T S. KHehea 1SS 110SS Seta. 17S IS liS SIS StS CSS 18S1 M aim's run Haadica .. IS . IS - IS 4S Snfer 168 IBS ltT 4TT Walt 113 191 US SSS rr 1 im iss ses AewU 147 145 1 41 ' SSS , S5X 1683 Kiurs romrTADf lttvch I' ChapW 175 140 153 46 S Andersoa , .. .', ,-,;.1tft 144 134 90S Brranaa i 145 .100873 Miller 187 146 - 158-436 560 875 846 1B75 OOLDEH rHKASAlfT ! i l&S , IS 152458 Kitchaa Barea .. .185 140 154429 .117 150 133 390 Daniels Mash . 154 147 144445 .1888 145 11S 403 Braa 701 718 - 691 3125 cimai. nxoDisa oo. ' PaaUa 124 165 144 433 Jali.a 118 137 149 414 Warrea 162 ' 148 138438 PatBaat . 138 136 133 806 Bsrairs 135 104 137376 677 675 S8S 3047 Panish Remains Peer, of Crciiit 17-1 Slaughlcr of FFAs Stretches Win Total to 12, Losses 0 . , ' ! INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL ' W. L. Pet. Panish L... 12 6 1.600 Greens . 8 4 .667 Leslie 8 4 .867 Reds . 7 S .888 Farmers 6 i .648 Ante : 8 8 .258 Craftsmen . 2 8 .188 Wooden . 1 11 .033 Farrlsh's monotonous domina tion el the city intramural setthall circuit continued unchallenged, this week as the north end Juniors yesterday walloped the Future Farmers bv a 17 to 1 aeore. Tha' Tim9iizia siraignt win was paced oy, j onnny uouert s lour - lor - rive slugging, that included a homo rnn, two doubles snd a single, i Parrlsh . 17 16 s 2 Farmers . 1 7 i 7 Cutler, Baren snd Rowland, Strawsbaugh: Rutherford and Whelon. - Beds Hove Up. The: Reds moved up te fourth spot with a 6 to 4 victory from the Auto Shop, while the Greene and Leslie clung-to a tie for second place by defeating, respectively, the Woodworkers 16-4 and the Future Craftsmen 7 to 4. Reds L. 6 I ft Anto : . . 4 61 Tocum and Hauser; Straw 'and Boley. Greens 16 It ; 3 Wooders .. 4-6 1 Ling and Murhammer: McKay. Tricker and Launlger. Leslie .T It I 1 CrafUman 4 4 8 . Lappia and Haag; Miller and Hagen. es Hold Meet Today PULLMAN. Wash May 12-CF) -With new record possibilities seen in at least six events, athletes of six northwest colleges and Unlyer sities were gathered here today -for the northern division. Pacific coast conference track and field meet tomorrow. The universities of Idaho, Mon tana, Oregon and Washington and Washington State and Oregon State colleges are the competitors. -They will have more than 106 men entered In the 18 events, which will start at 2 p.m.! Prelimlnsriei in 'the 100 and 226 yard dashet : and the two hurdle events will be held in the morning. 1 The events in which this year's competition indicates new meet records may he set are the mile, two-mile and half-mile runs, the pole vault, high jump snd Javelin toes. .. mm DAYS ALL DAT w tlAT : - - rt nnvr i u aixmvuMeg (EoD(DnnCD T7ELC0llir