The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 13, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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    The CnLGOII GTATZCIIAN, Eilx Oregon, Extcrday LXarsIzj, Kay 13, 1853
Jre Guests at 16
. . A large number of Sal am v ' -
nnl)im im motorinc tO EuaWBe f o 4s fr1lffl Ic "
a Corraiiia this weekend to be "Vac w
the guesta of .their aons7 and I7crcc ir
dan inter at the Unirersity of tC?d i CI , ,
riMMn : anil nnroii State eolleco T : ..
for the mothers' weekend; ttm- UinnCT
tlTltleS. . . !.. . . m. . TJtil alnmnn VAM
,mtn will be Mrs. Robert hostesses or a delightful-affair
Ihhu Mra Paul Van Scoy. Mrs. Thursday night when they enter
" W t liiiSJ. Mrs. Dm' Me- tained tha junior and .enior girl.
Xilat i MrV Arch Jerman and of the sorority at dinner at,tha
ton. who win be weekend guests l" -
I. l?.r- i7nh. Th.ti orr- Guests were seated at a long
m swsas
f(BU(BW. oo lvilII0SU(I3 o 01"
Plans for Convention
Arc Blade
- Tnesday, May 1 1
, East dlrislon. First Presbyw
terlan church with Mrs. Rob
ert Elfstrom, 1151 C e n t e r
street, 2:S0 p. m.
Thursday, May 18 .
Christian and Missionary Al
. llance women's all-day fellow- "
ship meeting "with Mrs.' C
Woelk, 445 North 24th street.
Lions auxiliary meet at God
frey's, 1:15 luncheon. f
Girl Reserye&tb .
Give, Tea on z
Tho Leslie Girl Beserree at
arranfin a lovely - tea in com
ivIltMAiie a I r k a I wiAfhaM jam
Sunday afternoon at the TNCA ementary
on State street from 1 to lathe city was one ot.tbe colorful
o'clock. An Informal . program Interesting ana a a I erents
will be glrea by the girls, . ateh set this week In Salem as
Miss '" Delores DeWeese 'and " toBOrtnt tB' celebration-or
National music wee.
Last night's' program gfren by
Mrs. Ethel Burns, Newberg, de
partment president of the Daugh
ters of Union Veterans of the
CItA War waa ta Salem this week
for a meeting - with bee . ehiet-of-ataff,
Mabel A. Needham and the
committee from" the" local tent,:
headed by Madeline I R. Nash.
Plans were outlined for the three
day conrentlon to . be held hero
Juno 11-14,11, and ontertalnmeat
for the delegates formulated.
. Mrs. Jennio Miller was hostess
to tho group and serred laU r-
, XreshmenU to ' Mrs.1 Barns, , Mrs.
Needham, : Mrs. Nash and Men
dames Mary , Sntress. Elizabeth
Skewis, Alleo Horning, Margaret
Rlngle, May Bach and Laareao
Stow. ' ;
Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Larry-s.H. JPritehett of Tacoma
will be Interested to learn- that
they are the parents of a son'
born Thursday, May 11, In Ta
coma. Mr. Prltchett Is a former
Salem man.
Mrs. Horst House Guest ,
At Lacfammid Home
- " Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lachmund
hare as . their house gnest for
sereral days Mrs. Paul R. G.'
Horst of Paris. Mrs. Horst has:
been rialtlng in the states : and
California this winter and is now
en route home. f
This afternoon Mrs. Lachmund
Is entertaining a small group of
friends at tea for the pleasure
of Mrs. Horst. Sereral other af
fairs are also- helng arranged in
compliment to the visitor.
mvvm- m - "in-rVJL thi ntrA with in attractive. . . Miss Arrllla Simmons wUl greet
ViKJrrSZi-Z ' iZV. i v a arrangement of iris and - flox Toppy Luncheon Attracts the guests at the doof. Miss Bar. ' Today's programs lnclnde a spe-
ovun wuiui, , ... . ... .., i. . . - - - hin Knt mi) U a Ri
Helen Langllle. SaUy MeLeuan. '"-; ' .Tj..; " ' Many Guests
V.ilda Jerman and .Ha r r 1 . 1 1 color fT '
Crawford. They ! wui oe Ruesia "..- 7.
at tho Theta banquet tomgnt.
bara Kent and Misa Barbara Mc- clal music week, and Mother's day
Loughlln, advisor, will receive program, during the meeting of
aX..UMW rA. nm.; "t ."f?1?? Zl?f.. Jsaiem.woman s unaw .
centerpiece. ..,,ri.,B7k J. T. S "WBmf At i 1b JW1 Uriry
..i..t ui.. c luuuv annual Poppy lnncneon was neid rtownin nt uiu jn .7. Tl
Jf MiVareT HauvSi;, DoVI JJ I OrnZ SidS the , M ; rfntluderr"-
. fraternity will be Mrs. John Car- - rm2rTu " ,ohnon are uttBrtuS SLB
lln.; whowin be the guest of fi nour were aldln EepresentaUves from Oio M4rUui v0oilld Mi , , Tsmt :JSSmR
her son Vernon, Mrs. II. v Bpnt informally. Howin rganisaUonis, were.
Pound." who will ba with her Honor auesU were Miss June tnaced: American War Moth mu-. Catherine Thompson and w bm -"fS
?VMrS- -r BriXMisJMAA.-;
whd will be the guest of her son.!Verna. vspor. Miss- Eleanor teaf.- an Mrs. Sarah-Peterson, Tho Escalera club, young bhsW v JtpJav mpim -
;Whu b a Boaatam xuag ;
Mrs. A. A. Slewert will be. on 5 Alumna . nrt ' were - ilia. Miss Euta McCttlly. Mrs. J. A. Wednesdav nlrht. The ankiMt ' Uwaw rnbu. '
the University of Cgo campus pori Unrnh. Miss Melba Riop- Brownson; Salem Mights Woman's was "How to Take Pictures." : ' -Nm!1 jlL iZSSiJLii-''
with her son. Allan,-at the Delta llf MIat jopbine Ackita, Miss club. Mrs. H. M. Show, Mrs. C. E. Miss Lucille Slefner spoke to muHam??L
Tan Delta house. Mrs. James Kay Rings, Miss Dorothy Uppa, Fornls; Zonta club, Mrs. Dora the members of tho charm-elass lawwaea lihhtt '
Nicholson and Mrsr George At- m1m 0wej,dolyn Hunt, Miss Mar- Stacey; Sons of Union Veterans on "Care of j Skin and Makeup" H.1 Ke LSSlLS"Tibkwtt
buekle will be the guests .thev-4 gam Hauser, Miss Marian 3rets, auxiliary, Mrs. Nettie Schramm, Tuesday night.' Mias Hazel Cook svti. l tb Urtg It lx
sons, games ana ycvi. "" MIss Bertha Babeock. Mrs. Verne Mrs. Mae Ivler Eagle auxmary. u leaaer or tne claes - Jiipp.
wno ,wm im " " -Vern vo-spor , miss' Eleanor :" . xno jsscatera ciuo, young ousw
" Jack. and; Miss, Dorothea fa.; Sherman! Mis. Eleanor Johnson, local president DA V . auxiliary, - ness - girls of : the -TWCA, at
'lofr wW be the guest of her Eleanor Perry and Miss Mrs. Pern. Crosier, Mrs, Vern Os- tended a lecture "of theadult'
, iftrinvwr j-rvwft.w. Kaa.aa.. . IlT OTwUT ' , uuiwr.v wuom nuuaul uuu, BUQCIUOa C1US III DllOlOCraPliy II
Ph! Delta. Theta fraternity.
r.l. if . Tii ji f Ma uu r . 0 w If-. Ti.- Sh an Mr JAAB ft UOn4U JIOW
jmiiii jua. . avwvvaa iicwia, jura, Hn, o. x. abuicuiau, wra xii - - v. HSY eTeptOB
Gordon Skinner, Mrs. Otto land; Salem Women's Council, :piflrin ""Pnnila Will Plav Whtre U Mr Bwi
Paulus, Mrs. Hugh - Church and Mrs. Bertha Ray, Mrs. Howard iupilS Will xlay U-mM TiMt
Mrs. Andy Halvoraen. Hunaacker; Lions auxiliary. Mrs In Portland 4 -r-
. - j Harry Scott, Mrs. C. S. Putnam; . ''I'n'if in' T '
Weekend Broadcasts Spanish War Veterans auxiliary, Priie-wtaning students of Fran- UeMoIay Uoys Invite
. . j Vnyinrol . jars, aaane fueisua, jars. iukdui tea ju K'uie meium. in me J.VSS " . . t
iwi'irtlL ! Of Interest Green; Women of Rotary. Mrs. sUte coMest of the National Fed- J Guest to Dance.
B. Smith, Mrs. George Ar- erated Music clubs, will play in
Tea Given by Girls
Of Scout Troop ,
mothers at a tea given the first of
the . week at the Oliver ,Huaton
The DeMolay boys and guests
Vevta ' tiMo-iioma wtU tartly Vi a. a. ai if . Jl 1 lit.. J n.n
JStr, T"! MiSl MrsTv. ThocS MrrHoTac'e Peeu" eJed' fSJSJH'
fMa. WNewmln .ff ??Uler; Women's , Relief cc. le Jean XUlre Swift. Carolyn 5STby
f. T.-.rntir Ponrinr were . . "T. .un i."B" airs, uora rraii, ars. aaaoei lom-, cra7, uenewTe winwov, ose- -.-.i -hairman and Leo;
t r . MTnV r rk Bd Mn tute m ureenneia vmage, uew- wood. mary Gaiser and Alice Rose.
' i 'liMLZ'- tta to bard th MSu-. : jienten present were: Mrs. This afternoon at Meier and
J1" 'I.vl t,": day evening hour. Clyde Kaiser. Mrs. Nota Hender- Prank auditorium they will play
7.y-y-toTll"r-' The programs are aa follows: son. Mrs. Avis White, Mrs. Merle winning numbers on a general 'h m, .nH mVgi
olutton. and Mrs. saran m. a. ea . tjh r-i Mn.i. , , .Ci.j . - i Wyngarden. Mr. and Mrs. tien
M ?,DorothT Rto011 ball: Mosart's Don Giovanni In Lief Bergsvik. Mrs. Don Madison. 5:30 o'clock they will broadcast fr97t?Zil"Z
. avia a w
general chairman" and Leonard
Stelnbock pubuclty chairman.
Members and guests at the
dance were Mr. and Mrs. J. Van
tabloid form
-. . . n . . . . n . Tr r? v
, un.i..i WPA -iwpn bv -w. Mrs. naroia rerxms, jars. ram u xvxl.a.
I tS, tS MlT Ihlflev Ani KEX' 10n m RCA Mic Marshall, Mrs. Onas Olson. Mrs. Duets, ensemble and solo
Corbett, .Mrs. SUnley ber. which will be Included
Bailey claronetlst, Florence Lew-
, Js violinist and Jean Driggs piano.
Others on the program were Lu
C. L. Blodgett, the Misses Betty
Hastings, Jean Perry, Marjory
Bergsvik. Shirley Sallday, Janice
i. Wooley, Pat Hlggins, Ellxabeth
0lllB, Anne Herrick. M a x 1 n e Holt,
BeethoTea Chloe Anderson, Alleen Lester,
Edith Davis, Jeanne Claudon,
a. trHua lTMAa
nLJle??T H0Wrd Mrs. A. M.' Johnson and Mr aV CoBtr. rCil CrmenvVhrsr Ma" EUen
a wuson. two piano auc bom, HoMaarr eiMr water. Margery Mack, Ruth
Un Mllrirori Wfitt unr tn ThOiPinoo . MatUiowa oti... a.i. o.. Tn.. tin.
symphony. Hans Steinberg, con- . . .. m it-c.roi7. Br.dy, g.b.t1,t. w.n.iow v.Zi'C tT. ,7. "
. . ,vviuFmv j.eoaaiaea hmimtdb usua xnairujra iuuiivvki
Chapter, Charlotte Cohen, Sharon
-Burnett, i Doris Berwica. 4 Jean
" Fowler, Jean Newman, Lauralno
'Murdoch and Patricia De Sart.
Feminine Golfers Play
On Friday .
Frank Black, conductor; James vmr vin j u "rnmbnii Un Hunjary
Melton, tenor; sketch with Jane Frank Jirak, Mrs. Paul Ficke. Mint Twopilu" nmbl
-ti- TV,.At,. nl if unn. J ' ... Mrs. Jfiarl T. Anaresen. Mrs. O. IS. Iut Jean Clmira Swift. Jeaa ridlr
v.-,,:..r:r.-, KOIN, ll-a.m.-lZ m. Columbia Palmateer. Mra. A. A. Kruecer. Autaaaa MacDowaU
i inriw -M n ri i .uum . x iv - i i . a ' - -
- , wjmpaouj orcnesi
' 7.,. w.r.- Mlaaea Doro- ..Ji?rioT' cnucior. Un Wilson
- tLtiJL, 4- p.m. xmbu summer
hw Rnlifaon. Helen Brown. Doris . " c.-iv
Jean CuUer. Ann Huston, Jean 7,Z " "-a. songs accompanied by Miss Marl- e.- " ated, Marilyn Kantock
Driggs. Shirley Anne BaUey. Jane Kn,v V nm .-i cnllii.w iyn wylt- Tne PP' on w" v, : PmU fc, Robertson. ,
"ri"' v t -f.i- . Trl KOIN. - p.m. Ford Sunday -un b- norothv Beraavik and Minna .. ..Paarawakl . . o.-ivu
maioB, . usu . v.., eveninr hour: Harold F. Koch. i"r, I . 71 Two nianoa Jean Claira Swift. mvmiu ovwwa.,
n-,nfwu.; wne Meei' P" . . . iriilu Dorval Blnegar. Warren Doo-
. by Mrs. William Taw. ortantai. -.Cui uttle., Eddie MuUer. Zeral Brown.
onrceou Approximately 4000 poppiea P-"--';r-,John,n,, pM. George jj William
Glorion. Thinra of Taea Ara 8poken wer U8ea oecorauona rc Mudd. Coe Roberts, Cordyn
r rr-cr -Hay4n the banquet room, these on the ,f. xv , Blodgett, Bruce Van Wyngarden,
cL o-XnTTiunTIZo uble eontrasting with white MlSS MatthlS ilODOred jjrnest Greenwood, Loren Hicks.
' v Ckorni and orchestra
clotts. At Tnfnrmnl Partw Ralph Schleslnger, Jack Roach,
Tka Tea 0oBunan4aMta in Vara from The Origin Of the poppy was M A"""" MT Ally Bob Ea Bishop, Carl
MeGuffej'a Seeon. Koader exolalned bv Mrs. J. H. TurnbnU. ' ' MTnd Rill Haredorn - Oacar
u norma ,ir . . jaiaa fiana Aiaiiuis. wno will De- " . . " r . ' '
A sunny day welcomed
Drink to Ma Only With Taino Ije...
iam uia ncuaa
. . while Mrs. Earl T. Andresen paid eomo thorWe of'Mr Howard Prison, Palmer Lee, Elmer
Air trihnt- ta th nnnnT na-tha ma- 1.. . . ""A . 0t Mf' Howrd R,h-lnr. Jim Ha t f I al d . Boh
UOU . - uaoraa ana orenastn YVVJ vni ui.u, vnuuicu uw nrtT lut nlrht )im Uh I T.
i l..a Ik. m K. r " J t.T)irt TVinaljl WHM. miff
luncheon served at the club house aadutioa; , in School Pajavrwia plans of the sale to be conducted
following the . WwM 601 Td.r AppU May 21 and 27.
, Sleeves was high in class C and no BioMonTl uiii aw
prises were iwirara iMotui n m. jaary a aaama gt . .
and B due to tournament play. 0 Saiaaaa Foator xerogram triven Dy
' . raArna ainl avhatatva av
Playing Friday were Mrs. nen- GrMtlBf t0 B ri, (Xh, B,M-Duikl)
neth Potts. Mrs. Harry Wledmei, 1 ... gtra.a
Tlaa Helen Wiedmer. Mrs. LAoan . . tnorna ana ore aettra
Capitol Tent
lory entertained at her - home. oWn LamslnB J C.
Bridge was in play followed by re- ' '
f reshments and a gift was given to
the honor guest.
Honoring Miss Mat this were Mrs. Otto Mehlboff waa elect
Miss Marguerite Smith, Miss Mary ad commander of 'the local aux
Agnes Meagher. Miss Phyllis illary to the DAV at a meeting
Un. Clarence HamUton, Hation: ; A Paai. f Ufa Lonff.Uow Capital tent hive or Maccabees Gardner, Mrs. Leonard Robert- on Monday. Mrs. R. Ripley and
Miss Doris Drager. Mrs. Donald t.. om efiT"Jrrvin... Son, Tl t A' Terrenc Kin nd Bo Eton wiu Jlc"
McCarrar Mrs. Donald Young, in a Monaaterr Garden K.uibJ ternal temple on Thursday night Miss Jp Taylor. - , presidents; Mrs. Hiram Dobson,
MrZ h7p. GujUfson. Mrs. R. 1. B-rr c,Urk 'or a program and social evening. . . chaplain; Mrs. Stewart Johns.
ScLaughlln. Mrs. Kate Bell. Miss Our Oe Sip"?.TArS.. J to PortUnd Thurs- treasurer, and Mrs. Frank Crc-
Margaret Bell, Mrs. Harold Olln- choni,, aience and Jcvans aance scnooi gave songs flay to v 1 e w the Laurelhurst sier, state executive committee
aer. Mrs. H. H. Olinger. Mrs. B. M. KGW, -7 p.m. The Circle: Law- and dances; George Thompson, ac- Garden ' club f 1 o w e r. show at woman. A committee in charge
rence Tlbbett, baritone.
Mrs. P. F. Thomas played a group
TVtnaManrt Mm Frank Patter
son. Mrs. Milton Parker, Mrs.
T feu? S1mmoHnkSmE. n! Mothers Guests of
Giuingham, Mrsr Rex a d o 1 p h, Agenda Members
Mrs. Robin Day, Mrs. Robert Tay- 0 . ,
lor, Mrs. Joseph Adolph. Mrs. Con- Members of the Agenda club
rad Paulus. Mrs. ' Roy Simmons, entertained their mothers Th s-
Mrs. H. K. Stockwell, Mrs. Claude day for dessert luncheon at the or violin numbers.
Johns, Miss Dorothy Hammond, tome of ; Mrs.' Frank -Hrubeti. Cards and Chinese checkers
Mrs. Max Flannery, Mrs. Sephus The tables were decorated with were in play the remainder of the
Starr, Mrs. Fred Bernard!, Mrs. roses and columbine. evening-. -The next meeting la
Robert Joseph, Mrs. A. T. King. Mothers present were Mrs. scheduled for next Thursday night
Mrs. Edward Roth. Mrs. Crelgbton Christian iFloer, Mrs. G. W. Hi- at Fraternal temple.
Jones, Mrs. Al Petre, Mrs. Glenn rons, Mrs. John Thomas, Mrs. .
' Stevens and Mrs. E. V. Fortmiller. J. w. Rockenfeller, Mrs. Eric CU-- p- r
.. . 'f - nntier r w n vi.. onower viiven ior
wwava 9 , a na va fcjai ut Ul SJ
R. B. Cross, Mrs. B. J. C. Pat- Afisfl T.arsen
ton, MrsJ Frank Snow. Mrs. 4U1SS 1arsen
' FrS?k' shedeck- A surprise pre-nuptial shower
Club members -present were and tea. comnlimentin: Miaa Viv-
: The7 Salem1 alumnae , aroup of Mrs. K. A. Beyers, Mrs. Gilbert lan Larsen, was given - by Miss
Zela Tau Alpha s sorority enter- C. : Hamman, Mrs. Barley Cross,- Myrtle Peters, , and Mrs. Nancy
tained several members of the. Mrs. Myron Butler, Mrs. N. L. Heitner; Mrs.-Joseph James, Mrs.
Corvallla alumnae ktouo at the Hirons. Mrs. Glenn Shedeck. Mrs. ; Ren hen Bandar, and Mm Rnthrn
West Salem home ot Mrs. Joseph Don l Patton and Mrs. Frank Turney at McBride , hall at . Che-
companled by Margaret Thompson uejer an.d Frank were Mrs. of decorating the armory for
sang, Beulah Graham and Ruth Margaret Roaecrans, Mrs. Max Decoration day will Include Mrs.
Versteg gave readings, Patricia page, Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs. Hazel Boening, Mra. Connie Sho-
Roblnson and Beverly Rowland Charles Olson and Mrs. William bar, Mrs. Beth Griffin and Mrs.
played piano duets and Elmo In- l. Phillips. Otto Mehlhoff.
nocenu played several piano soios.
Ruthyn Thomas, accompanied by
Sorority Group Feted
At Morrissey Home
Morrlssey. Wednesday afternoon. Hru bets, Jr.
After a 1 short : business meeting - . , t'--. , .
tea was served. 8 - Line Partv to "Sonata
Guests were Mrs. 3. Devers, '"nc rff1 ? OOnaia
miss Linun Haut, Mrs. a. On Thursday
UnrliM Um - R Vtirm ai d - , , . ' ..
mawai r ' :v l : . H r' S- 5
Tho reception room was decor-.
ated with cut flowers. Little Hel
en Campbell and Mary Ann Grun
lose greeted the guests at tho.
door. ; , '. ; - .
Singing a song especially writ-
vBirthday Party Given
For Mrs. Rhodes" 1"
Hughes. Mrs. R. Kearna ai.d
Mrs. Gladys Kelty. Salem- alum- Mrs. V Kenneth , Dalton . was
nae members are: Mrs. u. u. hostess at a line party to the ten for. the occasion, a group ot
Shucking. Mrs. J. Morrissey, "Moonlight SonaU" on Thursday small girls brought the gifts to the
Mrs. R T. Plnson, Mrs. K King, afternoon for a group of her pu- bride-elect.-Mrs. Heitner read ver
Mrs. Bruce CrandalL Miss Doris ' pils and 'additional guests. ses composed for tho honor guest.
Riches,: Miss Ann - Rose , Mrs: v . Present , were Phyllis . Deacon. . Misses MareeUa Heitner, Doro
Marjorie Whiteley. Mrs. B. Oaf- Betty, , Jean - Merton, , Carden thy Kriebel, Gladys Foster, and
fey, Mra. Ralph' Jackson,- Mrs. - Young. Betty; and Joanne Twedt Esther -Walking Eagle assisted
J. - DeJong, Mrs. k! Uga Goplemd Richard Unruh, BUly . Paulus, about ..the rooms.
and Mrs. Ernest . Miller. Cora Davis. Tommy Adolphaon, j , - ...
- trie ana Harvey v cariaon, Jo-7 Leslie Girls Leafftlp
V anne Blaxall, Irene McCeod, Pat- Jc oiris L!lSac
sy Sears,- Robert Deacon,; Fran- Honors Mothers :
& tZSlV A Tho Girls' league of the Leslie
H MrilGeorge Rhode, was sur- K
prUed ton r Tuesday- night by Jim and Bill Barlow, Dudley and r 5I?Sl da t iStaSoSt -U
Tlil 1! TSrS-i0"" FUimurlce- Sool VuSitorium Torli J
'?.ifr0ui!-!? .-?i,Sa?5"? Ted;Baum, ." mothers and daughters " attend-
- Tho 'auditorium was.': festive
with baskets - of y o 1 1 o w ; and
tkMWlla!' a'aJaai fl n 1 rn a "
St w W r n - Mrs. Homer L. Gonlet is enter- tea ubl was centered with yel-
berLMUa ViaThelton Mta mrtl'f appointed . low and purplo Ws; Presiding
Hv.. Su T 'p wrt Ihis afternoon at her subur- at ?tt serving Uble r werv'-tho
fihalton Sn Tm.'ltoBne-0 om compliment -to. a1 two , president. of ,thoc leaguo,
ih,.r,'..H.!wri'' TOnP PWends.' .'This Is the' sec-vMIss IHlsabeth Sissonmnd: Miss
StrTiota 'rf ahS' MakharT Goulet has arranged. ;r S The program u arranged
tiK-tJ-Su ? A 1 n c h o n will be Misa - Marianne 1 Lou ; imder s tho
5 pVtJv aorvod. to bof ollowed by! aeverat supervision ot t M 1 s a Madeline
R.f tadrPiiA? RehiVm. oorg of eard" SP11 flowers win Hanna, dean of glrla. s
R.i swmdeu, Mrs. Bess sneuon, l, i .viw t. -
. " 7 V" a'j -- v. - STne aTiesU wiU be Mrs. Russell
Mr " W 1 A Chlrilck uLnZ Prtt Mrs. Edward Roth. Mrr
w.. hr;d .rri Z, Robrt Joseph. - Mra. Kimball
Zlll M.Btl m w! J P' Mrs. W. XT LldbeckVMrs.
lltl UrSSed ill Mr iffi CreIrttoa- B. Jones, .M. Eugene
a ?hmtMVrS rSr. 11. Tapker- Mrt' Howard Adams and
iiiti1? Mrs. Homer Goulet. -'
Spring flowers. were used to dee- TIT-J fnl-t Will
orata the rooms. : Carda , and Aur8 VxOUiei .YV 111 DC.
gamesccupied guesU during thoiHostesS TodaV
Informal nntnr ' "! r : ' . A
and Mrs. Charles Chittlck. Charles
arl Margaret Jean, Mr. and Mrs.
Frd . Jorgenson . and - Shirley of
Talbot and Lyle .Rush.' : p
' nnanninnnnnnBnnWnnnnnnnnWannnSnnnaOnann
Additional Society
Oak Tree ;ShoR
Mw. . b. Schorklns; f;!
Potted Plants for Mother's Day
' Geraniums ? Azaleas '
'Fuchsias Roses
; -T Suggestions u?-
jy for
sOothers Day
? v CUT FLOWERS . . t
1278 N. Liberty - Ph. 9503
r 1 1 v
Shows You the
Way To New 7
4-95 5.95 g.95
Krf 0 1Tcy new, startlingly new, these lovely;
I TJ I V?1 .1 1 i . a ...
m uuuaiui a am it it iibe navr nrpn rmran rnit
year by Jantzen. There is the gorgeous "Velva
Xure", soft, light and velvety. "Sadn-Knit"
-: is a radiant new texture, rich and lustrous.
' For Vibrant color and gaiety see antzcns
- exclusive "Knit-in Prints". They are a perfect
reveladon in richness and beauty. A delight
to wear a delight to a ' delight to
behold. All contain Lastex yarn for'the correct
' amount of rwrwwrav ttrttrh i ttra-'ffrvlrl mnA
r i soias tne oody ta youtbful lines-
1 noidi
u ; r
- i
All the ' brilliantly colored VrEBFOOT ;SWW "
SUITS are here! Select yours today. v it may be
- 'gone later.' See the new tulip shades! AD pure .
. . ww
( 1
. X-.-lMannnnnBiSaMMMM
-f: All
f.... . $&T an
Have her fitted with footwear that
really gives comfort as well as
smart style! Shop Miller's for the
hind of footwear Mother wants . . .
White, blue, black, tan or
Everything from -Van Raalte
fabrics to Perrin " fine kids,
: suedes, etc., are here for
Mother's Day sifts! Choose a
, pair and have them fitted
Handbags 2.98 tolO.
Whether It matches or contrasts her costume,-Mother
will thrill to the tuna of a handcome purse of fine- qual
. will thrill to the tune of a handsome parse of fine qual
her favorite style ... In any color to please.
25c and 50c
A bouttoniere for her coat or salt . . . Pert nosegays
that look real . . . flowers for all occasion wear! See
the large displays at Miner's.
Surprise her with a chiffon scarf in brilliant color
tng! Plain or prints . . . for travel, a stripe tainel
25c to 1.00
Shop Miller's for the greatest assortment of '
hankies in town! Every price range, but w-T-suggest
the 2Se to $1.00 for Mother's day.
Boxed and gift wrapped ready to present
BLOUSES 1 00 to 5 95
Lace or silk, acetate or cotton ... a com
plete range of blouses in all the new smart
shades for summer. Buy. Mother a blouse
subject to exchange for correct sise later.
Here's what Mother wants in Cosmetics!
DAMES, or TARDLET'S . . . Ton can't miss
on these! Powders, creams, perfumes, toilet
water, 4oaps, bath salts,- tc. Also' compacts,
manicure seta, costumo Jewelry, cosmetic
bags, mirrors, etc Shop onr Cosmetic Sections.
DRESSES 2.95 up
Shop the dresses today . . . SILKS, LINENS,
RAYONS. COTTONS ... a new dress or two
for Mother's trip to the Fair! Hundreds from
which to choose ... new fashiona for summer!
Annual ....
2nd Floor
"BETTY ROSE" and Other-Equally Famous Brands
Black -Navy- Pastels - Dressy -Sports vTrayel!!:
4!n- m. TODAY
V;J v;'V i
I ':r : yTTs - '"I-"
. .1 ,li; Mtt I
Last Day
of Annual Sale of
Today Is the last dUy of this 'once,
year Beileharmeer sale ! It's your
only: opportunity, to purchase these
5 terquah'ty, new stoddno;s at a sav
ing of 20! ; -
u Gift Wrapped'
1. ,
... -.,, ., . .., . - . ; . . . .r: , r v' - -
'If I i
1 1
1 I Hit