The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 13, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tfc 02ZG0N GTATTCIIAN, Calcn, ; Oregon, Saturday Hgtxz, Uzj.IZ,- 1S33
i i
.... r
Eighth Grade
am Held
Musical Tribute I Paid to
Mary Fulkcrson, Late
School Officer
uazcl qrs&n The pro
(ram - for tlx eighth' trade class
' -was-", attended - by .a '.capacity
crowd.' - The district needs a
, community ball ai the news of
the . splendid programs presented
is brine numbers from other dis
tricts, so manr cannot be let ted.
, Rex . Putnam, "state: . supertax
tendent of public, lnitrucuon.
spoke on -The Privilege of relng
, an American . Boy . or Girl, and
Kenneth Bayne, board chairman,
. presented;, the diplomas to Dona
- Combs. Julia Hackenbery; : Myr-
;. tie -Kiehl, . Milo Kleiver, OrvaJ
Kleiver,' .Massa- Kyono, Rodney
Miles, 'L Irene Wacken, Marian
Wampler. . Bill -W Woelke, John
Wolf, Neal Wolf .and. Tom Yo-
. As a tribute to the. late Mrs.
Mary L. . Fulkerson, the harmoni
tea " band,'- ..Violin' . and ' piano
played "Going Horned - -i:
Other program numbers were:
Piano solo . nd marc h. Mrs.
Ralph Gilbert," who -'- also accom-
. panied the French doll folk
dance given by eight small
girls; . p 1 a y , "The Voting Ma
chine" by eighth grade and Ben
ry Toshika; 'introduction 1 of
class by Tom . Yoshlkal; history.
- Rodney Miles;: patriotic sons
and liar salute. : i
The seventh and eighth grades
wlll. be entertained at a garden-
party at ; the Louis Wampld
v School closed Thursday.- The
annual picnic, will be Saturday,
ay 13, at the Hatel Green
rk, - with picnic dinner t at
2:30, announces Mrs. - Ralph
o r d e n , chairman.. Families
ring serrice. All new families
re especially Invited. ? n -
Banquet Is Given
DONALDL Donald J. commnn
lty church was ' the scene of . i
mother and : daughter
Tuesday night. The dinner was
sponsored by the Donald Queen
Esther society i and siren in
honor of Mother's day. ,'
Miss Edith Pelto, president" of
the girls' croup, gave the words
of welcome, and -Mrs. Carl. Bell
amy responded for the jiothe-s.
' The crowd ef 90 women and fir Is
enjoyed a talk by Mrs. t Alice
Chappell, president of the Port
. land district Women's Home Mis
sionary society, on . ''History's
Great Women." She was - -ro-
. Mrs. John B. Ulrlch - j
Salem, - Queen i Esther-, adviser,
Music v was 4 furnished by Miss
Ethel Pelto and the pastor, Carl
B. Mason. '. , . . . 3 :
Tobias WUI Give V
Sermon to Class ' 7-
...... V-J,-
SCIO The Rev. Kenneth To
bias of, Corvallls w 1 1 1 he the
speakerjjor ' baccalaureate t pr
ices . Sunday - night. May 21, ; -if
the Baptist church in Scio. Tex
Putnam, ' state superintendent i of
schools, will deliver the com
mencement, address at the gymr
nasium May zt. - - ;
Mill City high school defeated
- Scio on the. lcx:al diamond 15-8
Tuesday. .. . -. -;r.-T. i .-
Members- of, the Willing Work
ers' class of the Scio - Christian
. church will picnic at Wilson park
on ..Thomas ' creek i Friday 'after
noon. ' Teachers are Mrs." Carl
Warren and Mrs. Early Phillips.
Plan Layette Shower ' 4
HUBBARD A layette shower
will be given In honor of Mrs.
Ray (Allison Van Winkle) Cro
nen, daughter of Rev. ind Mrs.
J. 8. V a n Winkle, Thursday,
May 18, at the home of Mrs.
Paul Burket at Elliott Prairie.
if U-
- TTtlt Dbr.ey;CsrCa Dave ApcCca ti Easd
inciEY i:cuc nATcnin today At? 1 p. it
4 Honey Halting Machine Seized in
This Is the snysteriovu "money making BBdu&ino wbJcb,' accosting to
toix southern California residents
SO, was taken into custody by
tloa fa the home df a Soeemead
derice. Promises of f 10 retora
Union ISfews
1l tlBERTT-i-The Liberty . arm
ers Union local will meet ' Tues
day, May if, at 8 p. m.' A' speak
er from the labor relations toard
is : expected. - The refreshment
committee requests families at
tending bring a pie.
The Marion county Farmers'
union junior educational : elimi
nation . contest will be held . at
the Liberty hall Saturday , night.
May 20. at 8 o'clock. : All jun
iors and. anyone interested are
Invited to attend. Those attend
ing are asked to bring cake or
cookies for the refreshment
hour; -
ZENA An interesting round
table discussion was a feature
of the May ; meeting: of .the
Spring Valley Farmers' union at
the.Zena schoolhouse Wednesday
night.' Guests were present from
the Bethel local of . Marion coun
ty. Fred Muller and Ralph She
pard " were nominated as dele
gates to -the state convention to
be held in Monmouth MayC2-2t:
CLEAR LAKE The Kelxer lo
cal' of ..'the Farmers'.-, union met
at Clear Lake Wednesday; night
with a full house in attendance
Col: C "A. .Robertson gave an
interescing i anidje. instructive - ad
dress on "Deinocracy and T the
Dicutors.'.' ;. . Simpson-, Hamrick;
sr.,-v presented ? the- cooperative
hospital. -progress- and signed : up
several union j -members. , &
.t W. - R'Massey and Oline Can,
noy were' voted' as new menv
bers. W. P. Collard was elected
a . delegate to represent the . un
ion at the state convention on
cooperative marketing. Alice Bar
nett, secretary, of the county- un
ion, secured' a large number '"of
signatures to the primary peti
tion. - - . - . ' . "
Dedication Set
For new School
; SCIO--The new. . high" school
building here, ' completed. May '
was "formally accepted by the
school . board of district No. 95,
Scio, on "thatf date.
A program and dedication of
the building, will be held at thJ
gymnasium at 8 p. m. May 16,
at which the PWA. - partial fi
nanciers of the structure, the
architect and the Linn county
school superintendent are to be
4 . , J CtADING
' I,
t "".
' i :
out of at least S.0.CC3 in recent weesA; Kaimonda uaratacno,
depnty sheriffs as be was abowt to
resideat whom be bad allegedly
were made for ererj dollar iaTestedw
LeonHart Closes
' GERVAlSMr "and Mrs. F.
W. Leonhart have bought from
the heirs rVt August Schneider
property, on Thirds street and are
improving :lt; The Charles Bru
no family vis ..moving from the
Schneider property to the Orpha
McLaughlin house being vacated
by the Leonharta. "
Samuel E. Brown, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam ' H. Brown, Is re
ported gaining slowly In a Port
land hospital where he has
been for some time receiving
treatment. ' -
Rev. and Mrs. John W. rood
were hosts at their' home Wed
nesday night . for the . monthly
business meeting and social
night of the Fldells" cUss of the
Presbyterian Sunday school. The
class voted to hold a father nd
son banquet on the night of the
next meeting, June . 14; . ,
School Gmtest
Ruling Is Given
WILLAMINAWord -has been
received ' here - that" the supreme
court has" handed: down a deci
sion in . the .- bitterly:, contest 1
school : case, - proving j legality of
the union ; high school district
No.; 7 here: 7 . YX,'ST
rl lxf two, previous . trials before
the. circuit' court1 ,the "'case hid
been 'decided; in faVor of Wnla
"ml'na against the Sheridan school
board: The case: was appealed to
the : supreme court and the de
cision was ' unanimous in favor
of Willamlna. " ?:
Work on the high school build
ing was started December SO bit
was held - up - pending the -court
ruling. Work will' begin immedi
ately and the building , rushed
to completion. - ' r. . . ,
800 Poppies Are
Ready for - Sale
STAYTON Poppy day will bo
observed here May 27 when it
wUl be attempted, to sell 800 ot
the red blossoms made at ' the
United States Veterans' hospital
in Portland. "
Materials have, been supplied
by the auxiliary and the work
ers paid at regular Intervals
from auxiliary funds.
The disabled veterans are the
only paid workers in the auxil
iary's poppy program. The wom
en -who sell . the flowers volun
teer their work and air contri
butions will go to the welfare
work of the .American Legion
and - auxiliary.
Pastors to Preach
" DAYTON Special v Mothers'
day sermon ' by , the;- pastors- of
the five Dayton churches will be
delivered at their respective pul
pits here Sunday at 11 o'clock
in observance of Mothers', day.
the TJnionvale church .with - sev
eral' special r musical T; numbers
and reading will " be a - feature
of the Sunday school hour.
- "..y-- tsVs tttferfes fwsr mi Cirtta's :t
tV( J f - "'ttt rt lw
' '' riri'sTD .nix ; ; i LU3rT v-T.
' 7 t I - -P -' I V ' '(' l . r"'7- -jt
... ; ... . -. I
TODAY-- - j : SZZZXr.r.l X)g.TCS JtANGIT!
Los Angeles
Los Anie police, was weed to
demonstrate, the Weird, eontrap-
solicited to "iaTest. f500 ta tbo
UN photo. - ' .
HAYESVILLE Thtf 1 a s t
meeting of the HayesviUe com
munity club will be held Friday
night, one week , earlier , than
the , regular meeting. Officers
will be elected and 4H scholar
ships awarded. " The local Boy
Scout troop wUl teU of . heir
work and demonstrate. The Ap
ple family will give a varied
program. O. Foster, of Salem,
will give a talk on "Mothers'
Day." Families -are asked to
each furnish a pie.
ation . exercises ; and community
club meeting will be held Mon
day kt 8 p. m. at the school
house instead ot Friday night
as first planned.'
ROSEDAL" I The community
club elected new officers as' fol
lows: President, - Francis Mor
gan; vice-president, Mrs. Mar
garet Hamilton; secretary, Vet
leda Trick. It was decided by an
overwhelming ' vote, to hold the
meetings of the -club; next -year
on Friday nights instead' of Sat
urday night, . si. ; s v. vCu -: - '
- .
. . - , - j - . -
Locker Plant Is
Opened This Week
-WOODBURN The. new meat
market , and frosen locker plant
recently installed in the Cochran
building in the space occupied
by Dr. F. C. Sutton, officially
opened for' business Wednesday
morning. Otto . Jones,' ' who has
been a butcher on Yamhill street
in Portland for the past 10 years,
operates the .meat shop. The new
lockers are located in the back
end of the . shop and - are now
available tor 'use, under the man
agement of Elmer Mattson, own
er. The lockers will be open from
7 a. m. to 6? 30 p. m. dally
except. Sundays.
Mothers' Program
Given by Guild
HUBBARD The community
guild of the Congregational
church was entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cook
Wednesday afternoon, A short
program of musical selections in
harmony with Mothers' day was
given. The Mothers' day idea
was carried out in the business
and social meeting. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Miller
Wednesday, May 24.
A 6-pound baby girl was born
to Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Foster of
Hubbard May 0. This is the
first child.
Honor Miss LaChapelle
ST. LOUIS Miss I. Hazel . La-
JChapelle was- the - inspiration tor
a miscellsneons shower .'given in
her honor in the; St. Louis hall
Sunday afternoon with Mrs.': Al
ice Graham and' Mrs. Louise La
Chapello hostesses. Fifty women
Tennis . Tourney .
'Plans Announced
, t ; t .
Aetire Club Is Sponsoring
; Event : for. Sihrerton'
s Area Flayers : i
- v
EILVERTON--W t t'l y t: Wil
liams was speaker lit the Active
club " banquet held at 1 Toner's
.Tuesdar-'niht. ; The'" club ' com"
pleted -plans rfor the - city ; tennis
tournament to bo held under lu
sponsorship, i Entrants are re
strictedv to the Silverton school
district. Registration - dates are
May 10 to May 28. - i . -1
Drawings tor the tournament
will bo 'made June. .l. Tourna
uent playing will be from June
I to 11 with finals played, Jane
-17-18. Entrance tees will ibe;.i.'--. ,-:,.-"-: v. .:.
Tournament divisions include:
Senior men, 1 19 years and over,
singles and : doubles; : intermedi
ate boys, 14 to 18 years,' singles
and "doubles; Junior boys, 1 ?; to
18 ; - senior girls, ; IS years sad
olderr'Jnnlor girls, singles. v ;
ii' v - s - . . -.- .-. r . -FiddXeri
to ' Compete . i "
' .SILVERTON An- old" fiddlers'
contest wUl be a feature of the
annual r American Legion. picnic
announced for - Hasel Green ' for
June 2 5. Only - tiddlers who are
ojer i yearr 'of see and play
by ear are eligible. They should
register with Al-Lerf aid or with
C. J. Towe, ;who is . chairman
of, the- committee. . The winner
will: represent Delbert Reeves
post at the county wide contest.
BiL VERTON Mr." and Mrs.
Robert Adams are announcing'
me oirin ot .a. 7-pound daughter
at the t Silverton hospital . this
week;. The child is . the great
granddaughter . of Mrs. B. Storlle
and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Adams.
. SILVERTON Mrs. Joe Bron
pon. of Scotts Mills was treated
in the Silverton hospital late
Tuesday night, following an acci
dent in which she and her hus
band were toth involved. ?trs.
Bronson sustained a severe gash
and bruises in the face. Mr.
Bronson was . also slightly in
jured. Jason lee Plans
Mothers' Service
A special Mother's day service
will be held at the Jason Lee
church, North WinUr and Jef
ferson streets, Sunday morning at
the-, 11 o'clock service. The choir,
under the direction of Prof. Her
man Clark, will sing music ap
propriate to the occasion. Floyd
Banmgartner will sing a bass solo,
"Mother O'MIne." . Rev. Lynn A.
Wood, minister of the church; will
preach on "A Golden Rule for
Mother's Day.
A special offering tor the re
lief of suffering mothers and chil
dren IS China will be taken. This
offering is under the direction of
the ; FederkI,. Council : of..the
Churches of Christ in America. All
Who rlsh to -contribute to this
cause and are not able to attend
the service can mall their contri
butions to Frank Barnes, treasur
er, 848 Norway street.
Qubbers to Show
Results of Work
TURNER Exhibits from the
wealth. Sewing,, cooking and
handicraft clubs will be ou dis
play in the Turner school tor
Achievement day the e 1 o s 1 u g
weekN of schooL At that time
those who place 'high in each
club will be awarded a scholar
ship to the 4H summer school
at Corvallls. Mrs. Carmelita
Weddle will Jude the exhibits.
An Achievement program will
feature numbers by . the club
members, including a play show
ing the effect of good and bad
habits, "The Stranger Come to
Health Land," by the third grade
members of the Happy Hour
Health club: two other plays by
the fourth and fifth grades, and
the sixth, seventh and eighth
grade members ot the Tidy
Tumblers to Health , club.
a ccttats a ncruu
- .-, "I
: UNION HILL Cardi will : be
played at the Union Hill grange
social nixht. Saturday. - Fran
Rosenbalm, Mary Rosenheim,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Seeley Snd Mr.
sad Mrs. Phillip' Fischer are in
charge,- rf-
UNION . HILLThe social
Wght tor . the umen.' Hill grange
will be Saturday night, May 1.
In charge -are . Fran Rosenbaim
Mary - Hosenbalm,' -Mr. . and Mrs,
Leo Seeley and Mr. and . Mrs.
Phillip Fischer.',
LIBERTY The -"grange borne
economics club met at the grange
h a 11 c Thursday ' afternoon and
gave ' the . hall spring ; bouse-
cleaning.; An mil-day meeting of
the club will be held Thursdvy,
May 18, to ullr for Mrs. C .-H.Taylor
- at her v home. Covered
dish luncheon ;, will . be senred.
; " -WEST SALEM Orange . met
Thursday night. All officers were,
present The new locker has been.
placed t in - , the h a 11 and the
cnarter. framed, for hanging: jred
KUhn was elected alternate , o
attend . stats grange Corvallls
in June. Committee, on petitions
reports that the grange has
signed sir times its quota on the
primary law. bill.
A social night . will he held
May 25. Only one monthly meet
ing : will be held in - June, July,
August snd September. .
Homo economics, chairman
gave , a report on sash . materlaL
A , program was presented by
Mrs. Lelghton Dashlell, 4H tlub
1 leader, of the. cooking and sew
ing : division. ' la . West - Salem. A
short talk by Josiah Wills, conn-
f ty school superintendent, con
cluded, the. progrsm. .-
- MACLEAY M r s . R. Morton
and Mrs.' Frank' Bowers will en
tertain the HE club at the ball
Tuesday afternoon.
MACLEAY More than 50
were In attendance at- the birth
day . party; given in honor ot
J. F. C. - Tekenburg by the Ma
deay young grangers auxiliary
at' the. grange hall Wednesday
night. -.
At the lunch hour s beauti
fully decorated birthday cake
was presented to Mr. Tekenburg.
who was the first man to Join
the Macleay grange after it was
organized in 1800.
National Music
Week Observed
LYONS National musle week
was observed here Tuesday -night
with - a - short program held r in
the .. Rebekah hall, directed v by
Mrs. Alex Bodeker, assisted by
Mrs? .Wilson Stevens. -
.The orosram lncTuded vocal
solos . by Carleta TWagner, - Eve
lyn' CUpf ell, CleU Marie Crab
tree and Ruth Moe: song by Fox
L Valley .school; piano, duet. Mrs.
Hugh Gavette and Mrs. Douglas
Gavette; t guitar - and ' vocal solo;
EldonTietze and Wilbur Blum;
piano, solos, Lois Stevens ' snd
Leland Manning; vocal duet,
Elaine and : Evelyn Clipfell; - gui
tar duet, Marie Forrest and Bill
Berry; guitar music, . Eldon
Tietxe, Wilbur Blum snd Mrs.
Floyd Bassett.' . ,.
. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bassett re
ceived word ot the , birth: .of., a
daughter, MarJ or ie Ann, to their
daughter and aon-ln-law, .Mr.
and Mrs. Joss Fox - of Mldrale,
Idaho. -. ;.: .
Finlays Will See
New York Fair
TALBOT Mr. and Mrs. -Eugene
Flnlay are en route to New
York to attend to business af
fairs and to enjoy the World's
Fair. They will drive a new
car home. - Finlay Is an exten
sive fox and mink breeder.
rUneta Gilmour, Grace Ed
wards and Hasel Tnrnidgo rep
resented the SIdney-Talbot ; Jun
ior Farmers' union with' two
songs on the KOAC - Farmers
union broadcast Wednesday
Lsarn Ihs tsrrlfylno
truth obwiif the) laipuls
t twkt hvman llfsl
-1:1 -.'; .-ijzj-i - - i. '. ;
' J ' - M
t ,iV! v-:4" T.1
WW WW -WW w-
Is Tliis Afternoon
Queen Carol I Will Rule at
Program f -Ball Gamo
Winds; np4Dav .-V,
HUBBARD May" flay will be
pbserved here Friday MayJ 18 .
with' the mala feature the oneret-
'Hanserand be giv
en at 1:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Fry
The" order of the program will
be: , music, procession, crowning
of, queen Carol, 1, arrival of birds,
flowers': drill,, butterflies appear
ance Hans and - Oretel , dance,
aa n d m e n. ( gingerbread' - frolic.
witches dance,, guardian fairies
drill dawn fairies dance, .winding
cf May, pole, recess. . . .
: Main .characters will be: Queen
Carol I, Princesses Doris Lore, Vi
ola Tyson, Edith Young. Mary A!
lice Hammond,' Florence Camp
bell and, Blanche Munson: flower
girls, Doris Ann Friend, Kathleen
Morrison. . sarry - bob tracer and
Robin Berkey; crown- bearer,- fio
bert , Beal; train, bearers, Patsy
west and Tbelms Loop; Hansel
Earr Gum;: Gretel.. Betty Kaufi-
A championship-baseball game,
Hubbard vs. ML Angel, is ached
uled for 8:48 o'cloek..
Members' Mothers
: SILVERTON PythUn : Sisters
axe making plana for a Mother's
roy , observance to be held st
the May 18, meetlngr. A commit
tee on music and' entertainment
of the mothers is Mrs. Albert
Grinde, ; Mrs. Al Downs, ; Mrx,
Helen M. Wrightman. . ach
member xrfll bring a mother."
Refreshments will be served
under the direction of Mrs.
Charles Bartman, Mrs. E. J.
Kaufman, Mildred Loe, Henrietta
Loe, Mrs. f red Mehl, Mrs. Elisa
beth Nlcol and Mrs. Elsie NeL in.
At -this time past chief's pins
will be presented. The Sisters
have also prepared - a shower,!
oath towels, wash clothes and
tea towels to be sent to the
Pythian borne. - ,
Hiilibard May r
TOMOIL - Tbo Lord of the Desert Seeks His Revenge 4
' ' ta the White Hell of the Sahara Dessert -
-r 1
x -.
i i- -.
i . . t
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4. k A A 1
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I . -i - f a WY WAY? I Xcfr rTlil
, -:: ..:-. - -' 8EB . ' 'A M A ' - l"l'- v
I ; -v the great salt -.-V:VrT"rV;vi:
r- is wmmmmm :
r . II 1 1 "-,.- I THEIR- SALT SUP- I RiM ' t- - -; .-: -i -1 W I
x i'rfJCOlviUiUUUiJ,'
ti' i - -- m: snows :
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' K': .W:f?vr:o TeaaU s3 T2m 8wta-pat t U,.
1 1 1 1 TT VTe i I i'wwk.y "- :iiT4rAiVm' Vr -1 : -
ions May ;
Be Acted on Soon
Three Members :. Council i
- at jeiierson Kesign
Due to Spending
JEFFERSON The city', toun-1 ,
cil win hold a : recessed . meeting t
Mondaynight, at which time tl- f"
cal action will be taken p'rob-1-.
ably on resignation of three of 1
the; six coundlmen. 'The resign- !
ing trio Is W, L. Cobb, a J.
Thurston and Mrs; Nettie Reeves, i .
The . city ? marshal,' A. Wikin,
and fire marshal, H. b; 1 Thurs-' -ton,
also handed 'in their'" reslg-1
naUons.' . r:: .'-.'
Action on the . resignations r
was held up pending a decision !
from the city attorney. ' . jt
T Dcadloc"- on Spending , '
. 'A division in the council due v
largely to, question of spending' jr
money, has caused s ' desilock-1
in matters along this line, - the !
coancilmen now resigning being ,
opposed to spending money .that- '
is not in sight. The vote of "
Mayor H. C. Epley, breaking ties
in these matters, baa gone to i
the side willing to lay out. funds, j
- The most feeling has been evi-,
dent over the project to fix up
the old Jefferson hotel, with an i ,
application before WPA new for
that work. . - r ..- ,
rX Starts Taesday 1 '
EADyEFj if j