Tfc OHZGON GTATES1AN, Cxkv Orejca, Salcrfay Maris-, U27 13, PAG2 LlqitiesDay Drive Shows i ; Fineyjeyr- - Mother's day again, and the world la unison turns on the cheers lor mother, goes rather sentimental for a air, then lapses back; Into routine lite, taking the dearest of relatiTea as a matter ot tact tor another year. -. ; . v-;.;o V- Shell appreciate a nice sift, bat more taan the present It self the will appreciate the sentl-, ment ' that's back ; of i It, and a " day spent with .her family -will mean . more than tall ; the : roses at the florists. . Eating out is probably as nice s present as the family can give on Mother's dar, for no matter bow much help Is 1 a e l u d e d among , the guests on a- holiday the mother of the family (If it's . her - house) takes responsibility for 'cleaning the i house in an ticipating of coming: guests, and u puiung away atterwarus. - , Pining out. downtown or on the hlgnway, ii real treat to most housewlTes who see hQme dining room all too often. Per- haps one of the best forms of .entertainment tor this day will v".' Tv. ,..t ..JV . ly drt or the Polk county ' hUls, or ; out Jefferson way, or toward the east past the atate hospital grounds and back by ibti!ifew tore,fy highway buildings. . v Howmr, gifts are In order for the day, and if your mother Uk.s r.,H.f f nlint' nntAnnr A Ka. Icet ot rootel pansles makes an attractire looking gift. A whole box of auk stockings will giro , most ' any woman . a thrill. There might be Tariety of eolor. for eTery occasion. , i If your mother! Is a lo-er of pretty little things . gadgets. IcUs or what hare you, she'll . like a dainty' Dresden figure, -a glass tsso or perhaps a piece of list surer. Perfume Is feminine enough and soak 15 minutes. Drain and to please any woman. Cologne combine with remaining ingredl ' is the same. Lingerie, books, ents. Store In covered ar In re Jewelry and other frivolous Ifts frlgerator. Serve with hot or cold i will please her vanity and be roast lamb, or Drolled lamb something for her. Tery own. chops.. Among the gifts for Mothers' ! day let's suggest some gadget ! that will make her daily -duties Cotton, Rayon Increase a greater pleasure. If roasting , . meat is a frequent task in the In Popularity family kitchen, give a meat ther- - mometer for Mothers' day, s a .A discussion was printed re convenience that will make the cently on the importance of ra-SrSetV!- thlB 10 prepare on and other synthetic silk. Perhaps she'd ; a new n tne Qnestion of its replac- toaster, electric pad, a hot plate inff wool and cotton production, mentlng her daughter, Mrs. Al for summer, or a new scatter Although the production of this bert Nosack of Oerrals, Mrs: Ber rug for the front hau. material has Increased with sur- -n,ce Summers entertained in- prising rapidity In. the past 20 formally at the North .Howell t m i . 7n, US cotton specialists be- trange hau Thursday afternoon. Jam TODS Cake for Hew that it will not continue AssiaUng the hostess were Mrs. C M . to Increase. They belieTe that it Robert Beer, Mrs. Chester Jef- Speedy OWeet u approaching the limit of ex-erB 4113 Miss Dorothy Sum- ; 0, -- I" AV pension into fields which it Is me": t : Strawberry Jam, or any other suited Others present were Mrs. Aug- rtther; tbfck preserre left, per- while ' rayon production has nt Woelke, Mrs. Earl Reed, Mrs. haps , from last year's supply, increased cotton as a material M A Dunn, Mrs. W. H. Sterens, wUl;inake a Quick topping for -for dresses, underwear and slml- Mr Mary Wlss of The Dalles, a quick cake. Here's the method: is, L. uses has also Increased in Mrs. Martha Vinton, Mrs. Thomas SPICED JAM NUT GLAZE j ' the past few years. In Germany BnmP- Mrs.-W". M. Oddle, Mrs. K. ' P CvP confectioner's sugar rayon has been substituted - for D- Coomler, Mrs. H. C. Espe, Mrs. rX tablespoons strawberry Jam cotton under goTernment decree. Wayne Strachan, Mrs. George r teaspoons scream . ; ' . , - Schlrman, Mrs. A. B. Wiesner, r H teaspoonsalt 5 4 Mrs. Percy Dunn, Mrs. Ernest , teaspoon' grated orange f U, cup chopped ' Brazil nuts ! Cinnamon . ; f Combine sugar.1 Jam. Cream. Salt and orange rind, and blend well. Spread thinly oyer top of eake layers as soon as they are uviu nwiu wtcu. epriuue erenly with chopped, nuts and dust with cinnamon. Cool n riaca ana store witnoui re storing from pans. Summer Squash 'Buttered Or Fried, Good ' : George Rector, world ' famous writer in foods and owner ot the famous "Rector's" jays to cook tne smau Italian marrow or Zuecini with the skins on, the larger ones are to be sliced. Sea- son only with butter. ! Some people like to dip sum- C b i 1 6 r "r they're cut In longjlngers. Fry- tag In deep fat .glres a good i Summer squash (and that in- eludes" Zuecini)-. is .sometimes creamed after being cut in dice and steamed. - , btiviaui recipes . win nsuauy pass for summer squash ones f too,-so if- you're -family .Is es- .-. peclally; fond of fried eggplant iney-u p r o d a d I y Uke fried , zuccul, . .- t ' ; " ' J Reedy l9 -mm- mm.m C25 Giemelteta Today's Menu . r J Today's " meal will 4 Include an omelet with mushroom and plmlento sauce.- - -- TODAY . Banana salad -. ... - ' y ,.I .... Cherry -dressing .', Mushroom, plmlento omelet -, Buttered 'spinach - Fresh strawberries SODAY 1. Carrot, raisin mould Broiled top round of beef 1 - New potatoes - Zucclnl 1 . Sour cream cake . Caramel Icing ' JIOXDAT ,. Wilted beet greens --- Bacon dressing Paprika Teal . steaks Baked potatoes-' Buttered new onions , Pineapple whip Chocolate brownies Kb" 1 . C " T 1 1 Spring LaniO tKmDineS Ttifl, CKA 5 V " oaucv .Z" L" " to ( accompaniments and . sauce. thta W"- BUTTERED ONIONS SUPREME ; ekin and wash medium-slxed onions. Bpll, uncoTered, in large quantity of salted water. Drain as soon as onion are tender. Add salt, pepper and butter to taste. Pour Into serTlng dish, " i SPRING LAMB SAUCE 1 .v, . - 1 tablespoon currants , cup chopped sweet pickles Hcup drained, crushed pine- 1 apple 1 large plmlento, diced . 1 teaspoon grated orange rted 1 tablespoon Tine gar from -4 yicKies - li tablespoon pineapple juice Coyer curranu with hot water Coa Combinations Found Endless : Vrnltn nA vrotah1on oAmKlnoi to i make an endless, list ot cocktails to serve before family or company meals. Here are a tew ideas: ATOcado, grapefruit Grapefruit and nlint Cranberry, banana and (rape- ! fruit Strawberries and pineapple ' Melon balls and ginger ale -Grapes, pineapple and banana with honey Pineapple and ginger Grapefruit, and pomegranate Grapefruit and cranberry Orange and honey -.sea Cj...' Mat Turn fawoernes xiiaxe jam For Wintertime "inicrume With gooseberries appearing In market toity, let's aU hate gooseberry Jam, STRAWBERRY GOOSEBERRY JAM - - " 1 pound strawberries 5 .'. 1 pounds gooseberries t pounas sugar Slice strawberries i and eorer with , sugar, let stand . an honr and add the gooseberries. Cook vnui it jeiia when a UtUe is placed ;ln a' toucer. SeaL"' TODAY ONLY to Go " : J. i JiM'li..?,.";V.;t Olier.Tire Sizes in Proportion: : ;Term8(if Desired - ;: . -y. Gooseberries in, .L.. Markets now, Make jam ' Gooseberries tay hello to Sa lem housewires today with their appearance in the markets this week. They're displayed along side Tery good looking straw berries that will mix nicely with 'them to make Jam. " AToeados are still In market and : mix with either traits or Tegetables to make salad.' - , ; Rhubarb Is getting to be red der. Abundant at most markets and grown in many local back yard gardens. , ,.. . ; Citrus fruits are good, with grapefruit, ' oranges and lemons making up Hhe'lisL ' Bananas are offered at special Prices. ' The Tegeuble Ust offered at local te f0 more-pre- tentious, , . Asparagus of course is the best bet on new vegeUbles. Peas, are not local, bat are yery good and found at all markets. Beets are this Spring S Crop T " v- . . . - ... Cucumbers and tomatoes will Join forceg t0 makeL saUda. To- matoeg gre appearing with thin bright red ikins. Cucumben are g00d - Radishes . are found In both red and whjte Tarietles. Green onions are mild. ; - Spinach and lettuce complete the list of greens found eyery- where. Caullflower is g o o d t me- times, other displays show It in less desirable form. Celery is crisp and green. Zucclnl, those cucumber like squashes are found at most shops and open the summer squash season. In the Valley Social Realm NORTH, HOWELL CompU- Redding, Mrs. Sylrla Banghman. Mrs. Ronald Sterens, Mrs. Bob Fleming, Mrs. George Mcllwaln, Mrs. - Rot Dunn. Mrs. Hen r NamntAn. Miu W.llen Vlntnn Un Frank Nosack, Mrs. P. Schlecter. Miss Emma Bllsshke, Mrs. Anton Pfau Mrs. C. E. .Waltman, Miss Emily Reed, Miss Betty Hampton, Mrs. : Ferle . Pickens, Mrs. C. E. Mcllwaln, Mrs. Donald Cutsforth. WOODBURN The Presbyte rian Ladies' Aid society met in the church Wednesday afternoon with Miss Martha Black presid ing. Mrs. J. J. Hall was in charge ot the program and pre sented the high school girls' health class who put on a play, "Grandmas' Strings," and Miss Vera Jean Huber gare a piano selection on the piano.. Hostesses were Mrs. Vernon Frentz, Mrs. Harris Nelson and Mrs. William Pelts. Hostesses for the June meet ing will be Mrs. Henry Layman, Mrs. Clarence Wampole and Mrs. George Clark. e DALLAS Mrs. Wayne Schrlrer entertained the members of her pinochle elub with- a smartly P- pointed dessert luncheon at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Prises were presented Mrs. 8yd- ney Hanson and Mrs. William Domaschofsky. TIME J ' j , ' - . r. ., snouimiiG 3- mm : Phone 3412 00 1IAXINE .BUREN , . -JlUte -imuej Were you expecting me today? f J I vy Airi; 1 ii.m 3 I f II A - 1 1 L J If you suffer from occasional amnesia, carry this picture with you on your next shopping expedition. The coat, for instance, wm taxe you lots of places and always with becoming grace. Wide smocking, In- stead ot a belt, makes the skirt waits when you walk and blouses the bodice prettily. Three buttons at the wlstline close it in front, "Deep purple" matches the frock on the right to the song, and with equal rhythm in Its soft bodice draping and front skirt fullness. Copyright, 1939, Esquire Features, Inc. ' OREGON 00 TFmi' or- . -v j-'u- - try (Jtttchtn - ! . Pre forgotten where I was going J j J I ) rJxgjW 'In the SB of the Atdmreh Vi-i. rMM... r.i Ml. m were w md lor Mho uUc MMwrnent' The 5 Woman s Foreign Mis- pjjtt, Mrs. Julia Gregory. phl Tn t UpBllon VM one of B0Ctyu 2 Mr- Edna Shepherd. Mrs. Jennie flr8t women?s honwirlei on the Methodist '"w mT Martin, Mrs. HatU Kennen, Mr. eampus t0 gelect ne me , rt7 th rriei room i Blanch :SwarV MrifJle , Miss Buchanan, a member of 5 pw! Schramm, -Mrs. Serena Anderson, rj 0meg4 BOrority, ta the d,nga. Effle Dunlap and her group hadMrg Luella Engstrom. Mrs. Flor- ter o Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Buch- fsr0.7'wrtto WW wt daughterSt included: Ret. O. H. QnWfT. Mary Aekerman. Mrs. Jennie P. B. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, is 17ti0?!,5M 'ttHMl5nM-& PI Beta Phi soro" solos; Carrol Bead, Irene Blias, . , tha Ray, Mrs. Hattle Cameron and iiy. . . . Helen Dean,1 Tocaltrlo, accorn-, Mra. Bertha toTeUnd. L canled by OUto ClemesL stndy , v w e. , . : . ley. During tbe afternoon Mr j. a. muis read, a : letter from Eugenia 8aTage the missionary i Mrs. Dunlap assisted by! Mrs. . ' Dr. , and Mrs. Burton Myers en- of Beta Sig: ia Phi tonight at R. - CGloTer, Miss - Margaret tertalned. Informally at a smartly . the New Heathman hoteL Mrs. Schrelber, Mrs. B. H. Smith appointed dinner last night at Scales is the delegate from area .Mrs.;. H. . Rothrock, Mrs. . C. T. : their home on North 14th street. No. 1.' Mrs.. Thomas J.'Drynan Wnsonr- Mlss Elsie Miller and t The affair Ta arranged. in com- of; Salem,- and state chairman, Mrs. J. ; M. .Hartley, serred tea. plrment to Major and Mrs. Thom- will preside and election of offi Mrfc James -MUllgan and Mrs., as Ererett. May who are learlng, cers' will be held. v Marie yVon Eschen poured. .Mrs. the first of July to reside In San . u- . GloTer, Mrs. - Wilson and- Mrs. Francisco ..where Major -May will ' Mrs. George Blame left yes Lee &ad charge of decorations." be stationed at the presidio-. Ber- terdayfor Beattle where she will i ... . . eral hours of. contract , followed ;.Tisit her husband, who has been In honor of Miss Patricia Tay-: the dinner hour and spring flow- In the Teterans' hospital fjr lor, whose marriage to Mr. Har- lan Judd la to be an erent or early 'June; Mrs. .Ray Ward and Mrs. Clyde Robinson entertained at the former's Pulton Park Place' home. Motoring from Salem tor the erent Thursday night were Mesdames Robert Erlxson and Charles Hedrlck. and the Misses Verle Smith, Ruth Beals, and the honor guest, Miss Taylor. . The Berean Bible class of the CalTary Baptist church ' held a no-host dinner on Thursday with- the teacher, Mr. F. C. Stannard, rirlne a talk on the lives of Peter and PauL The home de- partment work committee re- ported on this special work done by the class for the shut-ins of me cnurcn. The Services being held hon- oring graduate nurses at the First Baptist church on Sunday will be at 7:30 o'clock. A re- ceptlon will follow. Annual tuples oz ice dtstessun Usay Edition , To Any Point in Qregon, 5c Each State Officer K :j : . T7 Li Zt Tki-DMrt- Woman's Reuet uorpe neia m u. .tundto, Jm Woman's Keuer uorps neia w n riir 'Partv Is Given L'lnner trarty is yivcn. s jror . layg era prorided the deeoratiTe note. - . ..; , - .. . . ' -' '' Mrs. Ika Hofman ot Dallas en tertalned at the home of Mrs. Arthur Smith at a miscellaneous ahower for Mrs. Kenneth Smith. Spring flowers were used about, the rooms. Guests included, Mrs. Lee Hltt, Mrs. John Thelss. Mrs. Tom Heeckathorn. Mrs. Wayne Schryrer, Mrs. Elmer Ray, '. Mrs. Victor Enckv Mrs. Tom Jones, Mrs. Claude Ramsdell, Mrs. Claude Sheldon, Mrs. Gerald Keefer and Mrs. Arthur Smith all of Dallas, Mrs. NeUie Knox, Mrs. Ray Clark and Miss Marine Clark of Salem.; . At the Salem General hospital auxiliary tea Friday afternoon at the hospital Airs. t. a. juivestey, Mrg b. O. Schucklng, Mrs. Frank Spears. Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. Lowell Kern and Mrs. Paul Hen- drlcks presided at the tea urns, Mrs. C. A. Sprague and Miss Lll- Han McDonald received, the guests. . .. i. . t , STATESMAN VilAff mi AUUILESSED . ; . I1AILED r ; To PoinU Outside Oregon, 10c Each - .Derfw orwy ' mttIc. honow t tt. TO" rr--.Tk.TfT" nh.. ni - "WSiri gsSSS?Jf were pledged. 1 picked for their Mrs. George Scales, president : ot the local chapter, Beta Sigma r Phi, national education; sorority, ; will . bel In Portland f- today to -attend . a state council meeting ' some time. -- - - flit- Snlicr Longer? WHSH OTKEEI TAIL! m at Chisns rem4ie. Amtilnt 8UO CE8S for 5000 years ia CHINA. K Matter witk what ailment yoa mra AFFLICTED diodr. analtla. kurt, luaf, Uvar, ktfaar. atumaeh. cm, eonatipatioa, aleara. iiabetit, rheamatitB. fall aad bladder, farar. akiaa. Itnsala eoav plaint Charlie Chan Chinese Herb Co. 8. B. roas. S yeare Sractlca la China, ffiea hoara 9 to S Jm. azeept Sua ay aad Wadnaa j.. i 4. in .m .' ' isv (i f