.r -fcaiHIltP lrt4.T Tt.OEGON STATESMAN,. Ealca, jDrescn, Prfiay I!msI& llay U, PAG2 SIX Vo FoW Siray 17; No Fear Shell AtetT , . v . From rim Stateaman. March St. lttl , y , Sheldon F. Sackett - - Editor . and Manager. . - THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO.A Charles A. Sprague, Proa. Sheldon F. Sackett, Secy. . r ' Uember af tha AaMcUtcd. Frew i The Aaaectateo Preee te eelutely entitled U ti u tor publlnu ftto f all Nti dlapa tehee credit to It w not atherwtae credited la V':: The Qtholic Centenui4 ' J v V I to foe CircnEiffaott -By g. J. HCNUK1CS3 PnbKc to Xearn A . cripple tmu : M- to kelp .cripple: Forty Plu movement . getting resalta: worthy: 1 Cornea to thia deak a. letter, dated oa Tuesday, . It will ap pear la full below, with , names cban red: ,: "I'm -wrtttasr t h 1 letter la aaking you to do a laTor "or a friend of mine.- Tou most Ukaly w 01 remember me. I'm a 'crip ple la a wheel chair. I haven't walked for J about - If - years. I - H 1 the first settlers in the Oregon Country were nearly all Kw ybaolwaeiTraa Citholic; French Canadians whacame with Lewis and Uarlc uvins (at j place aot tar rrom . ... . i . urn in n -J Salem.) You came to see ay tjr company, most of them taking for wives native women ar.d:being encouraged to cultivate the soil and make homes. tins abandoning theirnrevious lives as trappers and hunters. 3 Cam the Methodist missionaries tmderf Jasoft; Leei in 1&34, and the American' Board missionaries with Dr. Whit man and Rev. Spalding in 1836. The arrival and ministrations off on account of the fact tnat no waa single. But his work was rfect, . ... . - "He alio worked as Junior clerk for awhile, but had to aiTe it up to a married man. - times. '. . . My 11 of them); or later with the Nor'westersTor the Hudson's I frtends nama is . Mr.. Emith. JliL.-Z (That la a ambatttaU nama.) To see I . hare kaowa M r. Smith for over IS years. i He's fa cripple i has one leg- off to his : hips. Ho wears a wooden, les, and, the other foot, all the toes fare oft "So yon see he has to hare a i - -t . mt.. ft. ' .av l - o these devout religious' leaders caused the minds of the then 0( tbe Be drlTet predominant Cathoue people among our first tillers of the sou own car. ' and tenders of domestie animals to revert back in their minds i,M - g BM a ooi odn td the memories of their youth and to long for the ways of ap- cation: ha went dear - throirn proach to divinefavor' ,with which they were larr-So i? KJfifci?? i- ttey asked for priests, and had faith i that their J petitions lese. He's aa extra food typ would be granted, tojmake dnae pW r f Ao and perhaps more deserving, the Catholic settlers of the Wfl- ; rHe 'haa had . xperienco in lamette valley in 1836 joined their aWln;erng a log XS'Uf&WJL building which was to serve: as a:Catbouc church; the first t aa; Ume eierk,, but got laid". . church of that denomination in all of North .America facing the Pacific north of the Mexican (California) line. The struc ture was raised on a spot near the site of the present St Paul. Marion county, Oregon ; near the first cemetery in that sec- v.v, w p w c 1 r.rsr w. ,.Mr SmlUl ca -ood present pavea mgnway on tne ngnt nana as tne traveler go-i erencea for being trustworthy. ing north leaves the limits of that city. Likely, the exact spot Sjat ? i? M?d on which' was that first Catholic church will be found to have he can go to nigh school,' so been a few, rods west of south from that ancient cemetery, "SuideVedS wuwtig when the belated search for the exact spot shall have been re- work, because he can drire -a warded with successa search that would have been simple J cr. fhnotjmany short years ago. - -! . " ' - . and you wfli find him Tery finally, tne Hudson s isay company in ixndon naving i steady. He has also written ser- been petitioned for the rjaassTe of two rjriests in their west l eral books, but has ne?er had bound express and the plea eranted. Bev. Francis Norbertl tbm,lB.bi6d-. - ' Kanchet and Rev. Modeste Demers in May, 1838. joined that! eoleman at the employment ot- nisionc pngaae at montreai. ratner jttancnet.naa oeen as- tice. He also saw Mr. pauiui. 5 signed to tiie Oregon mission as vicar-general Father Demersl d ot the state Tocationai edu- - ); sgicHntnm,.;. w, rA.4ait Mt,mnliol imimov I cation for disabled people; but - . r r-i:ii . m : uJL I th7 hayen t helped him any so .b x u. v yviviuc in outy ui j.uur uajs w pcisuus wwe far. He has run all oyer look tized; at fort Okahai?an they met with similar success, and I ing for work. the same at Fort Walla Walla -and so on across a vast tretch I ; of country, their arrival at Fort Vancouver beinr in the na- LJ1T- JSltk.Bf ffit!!!! tureofa triumphal entry. The beginnings of the work, of ne?hrtpini Jand? Hewanti tnose missionaries were made here a hundred years ago, sol to work for a liTing and is win the Catholic chnrrh of thp ParifiV Northwest has been annro-l ing to do any thing ho la able rttiatolv rTphrofino- If. Mntonnll irlfli mt 1omrTttrtiAn i to do In order to make a Ilrlng, A Vancouver on Wednesday scenes of a hundred years ago! mtke cood and It (NmI Uke were reenacted. At St. rani, Ureiron. where was tne mother I nowadays tou hare to hare cLurch of all this vast region, and where, in the new ceme-lPJi uomewero in order to get lMsla Job. . - VZ ' rriu.r j V i. "r VT r V rr: t "One never knows what -dls- cr on auursuay uie. unai anu appropriately most iraprssivr i ability Is till he or she has ex rites of all were celebrated. ' Iperienced It himself or herself. . I- It: is hifirhlv nrooer that the Catholic centennial of that! " church in this great field should have had such observations; .m.0-IJtlrlVl J t sd impressive as to ring down the aws. . . it Mrf fJXFlL "n&i , The great and now reunited Methodist 'church might what we are put on earth for, with credit take a lesson from this centennial and in doing so to gire a helping hand to ethers firmlv TfisnlvA tn wiVa mnn. of Wr, fiTstnrv fTiti. render they, are la need of help. proper; tributeto Salem and its environs where Protestant Christianity and American civilization on the coast had their . beginnings ; not in a spirit of jealousy but in a spirit of emu lation, following a creditable example. That church did some thing in this field with its 1934 centennial celebration; but the Catholics have outdone them witi theirs, of 1939. B Salem, highest spot of history in all the region of North America draining-into the Pacific, will have its centennial Now I am not going to teU Mr. Smith that I hare written to you till I hear, from yom. v A V: 711. yon are - interested I can haTe Mr. Smith to go see you If you wlU teU me where he could see you. Tou see, I do not want to build up his hope of Job and then hare him , dia- a . W a a a TMm f. .f..j tofiA v.. at,. mvAtu I appoinwo. ne nas aaa enoaxn v.i ja.k. Aiuo naa ouxi tcu iu iov ujf uic iucixiwuioi. uuj- i disappointments lately. sion under Jason iee: tne iirat residence Tor whites ma mis-1 "Pie&M writ. t mm ri aion headauartera and home, still atandinsr on the soot where xn. I win be anxious to know 4rivas erected, at present 960 Broadway. Editor's Note: The Statesman today asked JL J. Hendricks. dltor-emerltua. to draw upon his largo fund of historical learn tng for editorial comment oa the Catholic centenary this week roelng celebrated. The above editorial Is his valuable response. U if you can help any. - . "Please excuse my writing, have gone to school only-'ft months in an my life, and my hands are crippled." -. - The letter is written in feminine hand, and so signed. The Bits man recalls her, and may say that ahe Is a member of a prominent, reputable and ..Visit Hospitals Today , f Salem is coming more and more to be a medical center, I most deserrtnr pioneer , Oregon izd this fact is reflected in the growth of the local hospitals family, whose name, if published. nrrt thA fmnrovprmmt nf fli-lr farllif TJtft mnro thari I would be so recognised by all dicade ago, Salem was rather poorly equipped in this matter, N)w there are two standardized hospitals, equipped for near lyall types of cases. .i,vv v-t.'.V - L 'Patronage of these institutions has increased along with who know the s history of this region. ? - The letter la published with the hope that it may result In 'Mr. Smith" finding ' omploy- tl.Hr faciUties: the Salem Deaconess hospital, for iiaUnce. en;oc. "". IJI 1 Al ittwk :.... 1 -.AAA . .. . . I " W BUM U1WIV ILW31IU aysragea less man iww pauenis pnor ro lasx year i I and paying work, w is crowding the 3000 mark. I - K However, patrpnage is nbt necessarily an evidence of fi 'J ,nfJu riu rA.,-.:-. I a Idea. The idea li for the . ov erheai and investment, the charges of most hospitals would ni cover all costs even if all bills were collected, and hos pitals, like physicians, lose tremendous amounts through un- : pi id bills and the handlinar of charity cases. t Hospitals in general have not fared especially well dur-number of The Rourian, ofti inj the depressioiL Many have been .forced to close their iciai pnbiication of the great so- dcors. It is important therefore that the people of Salem rec-f eir l" iM toif. with braize the public service which hospitals perform and to lend ,5f ln 3ingthe7 tl:.m the support that is essential. Toward a better appreci- Taneement ot internauonai nnl a'on of this fact,' National Hospital day has become an an derstanding. goodwill, and peace n: al event Both Salem hosnitals are holdincr onen hous tn-1 through a world -fellowship of ti ns .will find it instructive as well as interesting to visit the he rpitab. today." - ' - : cripples ot Oregon to make tLo beginnings ; of a great society a great society of cripples to help crlpplea. , i . 1 1 That ' Idea cornea ' partly from tho leading editorial in the May That S V .editorial t e 1 Is of. the m m repaYim xa, :! MUkmua'a Snaaa T:18 Wi.i. - , - - , y T:4S Tte O'Dar. - " :0fr Manimf afiitatiM. S:15 Han wt. S:4 Siva, -. t:00 Pacta'. CaO. . - e:lBagaia MtearU. ..; , Uiu a4 timw. '- ;'v . :4t Trtomalr OmIv ' 10:10-Marwiag XtAtaUams. 10 : a ATT la 11:0 VacMaa. ll:0O Traa Star? Dreaaaa. , - . llUaVato rara! I k 12:1a Kawa. ll:SO HUIaillT Baraaaaa. , l:S Maatoaf Satata. 1 :MK lataraatiar Acta. 1:16 Papa lar llama, 1: Haalta. Talk.. I:4i HawaiUa ParaaUaa. i S:00 Navr Talk. . . '.; Silt. Baaia Caaipaa. S O Kattoaaa UaapiUl Par. ' S:0 Taaialaa IWaas. S:SO Yacal Taflatiaa. . a:4S Pmlto Lawla. Je. H This la Baala. :00 Popalar Var&ty. w i :4S IKaaar Haw MaMlaa. 0:45 Taanjafa Haaaliaaa. 1 :0 Waltitiaia. T:0 laa Raafar. StOO-rMava. :1S BwiastiBM. ! S:0 Oraiaai raaaratad Xoaia ClaU. S:& mad? Jtafal'a Oirkastra. f :00 2Tawpavar af taa Air. t:la Hi t Ua Oar. t:SO Haaaaek laaaaiala. 1: Pail Harria' Otehaatra. 10:10 B44jr Kaiara' Otcaaatra. 11:00 Taa Smiraa. 11:15 Jlai.W.l.'a OiaUatra. llite Hlriaaay Kaaia' Ortaaatrs. 11:18 ' Jaat Bafara MalaislU. t :0 Haaiaiafcara' Bau: 10:04 Waaaaar faracaat. If: 18 Stary Haw far Aaalta. 10:55 School a taa air. 11:10 Maite af tka Mae tart. 11:00 Nawm. i 12:14 rana Boar. ! 1:1S Variety. i 2:00 Clos Waaaaa. 2:45 Oaar4 Yoar Baaltk " 1:15 Facta sad Affaira. 2:45 Moaitor Viava tba Sava. , 4:00 SympBoaJa Half Hoar. 4:80 Btonea for B071 aal GirU. 5:00 Oa taa Caapaaaa. J45 Veapara-, .-; Sil& Kawa. . !' ' 6J30 Farm Hoot, j - . T:S InterTiava. , 8:15 Baaiaaaa Hoar. 0:00 OSC Hamad Tabla. :30 Fallaciaa A boat Wood. :45 School af Zdneatioa. ,! KEX-TKIDAT Xa. :80 Maaieal Clock. 7 :00 Fanuly Altar. Hoar. 7:30 FinaaciaJ Barriea. 7:45 Charlia Harakatt. 8:00 Dr. Brock 8:80 Farat and Hoaaa 9:15 Arriealtara Today :10 Patty J aaa. 0:45 Swiactlaia. i' 10:00 Harriartoa'a Ifaate. 10:10 Vaw. 10:45 Hocaa IaaUtata. lliOO Carroat KTaata. 11:80 Hary Baad. 11:30 8oil Doctor. 12:15 Orcaa. 12:25 Market Scporta. 12:80 Nawa. 12:45 Dept. Afriealtara. 1:00 Quiet Hoar. 1:40- Fiaaacial aad Grala. 1 :45 Sinrer. 2 :0O OarbatOBa Qala. 2:15 Trio.- -2:25 Newa 2:80 8ea Pietaraa. 2:45 Box Score Zstra. 8:00 Orchaatra. V 8:80 ABO of NBC. 8:45 Plaia Trio. 4:00 Don't rorcai. 4:80 NBC Jaakoraa. S:00 Plaatatioa Party. 5:10 Mariaa Miliar. , 5 :45 Cowboy Bajneler. 8:80 Vocal-Tariatiea. . 8:45 State of taa Matiaa. . 7:00 Orchaatra 8:00 Newa. 8:15 Orchaatra. 8:80 Baa hall. 10 :10 Orchaatra. 11:00 Newa. 11:15 PoUea Reports. 11:18 Orgaaiat. ' KOW TBXDAT 428 Xc 7 :00 Vieaaaaa Kaaoaikla. T:15--TraU Blasara. T:45 Kava. 8:85 Orgaaiat. 8:15 Taa O'BoUla. 8:80 Btara ad Today. 8:58 Tiata Bifaal :( Mafic Hoar. 8:80 Daaceroaa Beada. 8:45 Dr. Kate. 10:00 Batty aad Boa. 10:15 eriataVa Da(htar. 10:80 VaMaat Lady. 10:45 Betty Crocker. . 11:00 Mary MarUa. 11:15 Ma Perkiaa. 11:80 'Pepper Yonag't Tan U:4S Galdiag Ufki, 11:00 Backiuti WUa. 11:15 BU1U OaUaa. 12:80 Vie aad Sad. 11:45 Oirl Alaae. 1:00 Midatreaaa. " 1 :15 iioaaeaaat Haaaak. 1 :20 Hollywood Flaakee. 2 :0O Phi Beta Kappa. 2:161 Lore a Myatery. 2 98O Woeaaa'a Magaxiaa. 8 :00 Orchaatra. i!y. Torty Ploa Clnb. which is making great headway la some parts of America. Its big idea la tor men of 40 and over to get jobs -no. aot for themselves; for other men of 40- and- over. : Oh, yes. ar d for women of St and over. Bnt tho explanation will have to go over. J)rf.. . (Contlnaed tomorrow.) 7T? W M -tHJ ' u3. 'FORBIDDEN ADTENTUItE'l p . C ft a Good Cheer for Medium Minds ,. , - r The suggestion" that civilized man is committing" "men t: l suicide by over-developing his brain was made at a re cent meeting of the American Psychiatric association. ' The Icgest-civilized races, notably the Jewish, have the highest ir idence of neurotic disease while, thf negroes.have the low ; The jitterbug craze- yes, and goldfish swallowing a: ong the collegians may be evidences that the human men U Ity is "slipping, according to Dr, Paul Schilier of New Yirk. .1 - - - - 1 Wliat is true of society as a whole is also true of the in- idusl Both nervous breakdown, which is fractional, and inity, largely a matter of diseased brain tissue, occur more in ently among the keenex-minded .members within the i:p.; , .' - v . : ik -A -iiSQ ;:l.?t v r d if Jchnny ccines home with too many C marks, only a : L 3 zzd no As cn his report card, the hint that he is not r".lzst Izzizr cf his chss need be no.causa for despond '7 in ths tzrziiy cirds. The plodding minds, it seems, are r2 durab!3. ' ir fx c: STARTS TON ITE DrummohdY. cntha trcd cf, a killer who striUos and mmm a an, Jan, aV a 3 1a, X.U3 2SD EI3 KIT Carles Ctirrctt la pcilers cf the RasaS t US Orgaaiat. 8 JO ewa. -8:45 OrekaatTa. I.-ee Paatoaaa t 4:80 atara a( Taday. 5 :00 Walt Tiaia. v 5:88 Any Baad. ' 8:00 Orchaatra. - . , . ; S:45 Ttaniy Pidloe. T.-OO DWtriet Atteemey.- T Ul Oaaipioaa - ' ' 8:80 fl aad MaraiarTaalght 8:88 Paatfc Valley Day a. 0:80 Orcaa. 8 J 1 Oite-eitra. 4 l.aa Kawa riaikia. 18:18 aporta erapUa. . 180 Orckeatrm. - 2MCT rrrniT . m a. 8:15 Marketa.. ' 0:20 Klaek 1 :00 Happaavai la Hatty a aad. t:ll Klaek. ' '.4 - 7:45 Rawa. ' . . . 8:00 Motedy Baoarliafa. 8:15 Maacy aaaaa. 8:80 -HaWa Treat. 0:45 Oar Oal SaaJay. . . . 900 Ooldborga. 0:15 Lit Oaa BaBoaailfal. 8:45 Yeare Siaoaraly. 18:00 Bia aXater. 18:15 Baal Ufa aUewiea. 10: 10 Maaieal Baaket. 11:00 Tkla aaa. That. 1U45 Kewa. 12:00 cuty gaUy. 12:15 Myrt aaa. Marca. v 12:18 Hilltop Haaaa. t 12:45 Stepaaetker. 1 tOO ' Bcattergooa Baiaoa. Ills Dr. Saaaa. 1:80 Slagia Beam. 1:45 Moa Bokiad Stan. 0:08 Fletekae- Wiley. . 8:1 Holla Afata . 8:88 Bpeod, la. t:4S Orckaatra. 4:00 Firat Kifhtar. 4 -JO Howie Wia4 4:45 Let's Watta, 8:00 Playkeaaa. 8 :00 GraaA . Caavtral -aUatioo. 0:80 Believe It ar mat. , 7:00-Amoa ady T:1S fatna aad Akaer. -7:10 Bum aad AUoa. 8:001 Waal a DiTorca. 8:15 Orckaatra. 8:80 Keara aad Reriawa. 8:45 Orckaatra. 9:0 Maaie Room. 8:80 Bterllaa Toaaa. 10:00 Star FfaaL 10:15 Nigkteap Tans. 11:00 Artie Shaw. 1 :SO Orckaatra. ' 11:45 Black CkapeL v Ago Hay 12, 191t The resignation of C. A. Dunn aa divlaion engineer for tho state highway commission - has boon announced by Herbert Nnnn, state highway engineer. Ben Levy, manarer and found er of the Mldcet Meat, mirvt haa left for California where ho win bo connected with whol sal meat bMlnesg. , 20 Year o Ago May 12, 1029 News haa broken that Reid, Murdoch and Co i one of tho largest packers and jobbers of iooaatnifs in America, u negotia ting to purchaoo plant ot King iww rroaucu uo. Call Board KUBIHOBJB r r o Today "Union P a c 1 f 1 e- with Joel Macrea and Bar-. bara SUnwvck. ' o CAPITOL 0 Today Double bin "Bulldor o Drummond's Secret Police" o with John Howard and Hoa- uer -Angel and C h a r 1 0 a Starrett in '"Spoilers of tho Mango." - HOLLYWOOD rofli y Double bllL Tom o Kelly.- ABB Oniia. Kdrar Kennedy aad 8panky Mae- o TarUnd in "Pock's Bad Boy witn taa circus" and Jack Oakie in "Annabel Takea a Tour. 5 y. - ' 8TATB-: Today Double bill. Pat O'Brien. Maraaret Liadaav and Jlmmlo ridlor la "Oaiw o don of tho Moon" aad Prla. euia Lane and Wayne Hor rla la "Brother Rat.- : 0 GBAJfD i Today Double bnt, BoU ty Furaess and James Craig la "North of Shanghai, ana arucm caoot aad Rita Hayworth la "Homicide Bureau." - . v -. : - . Saturday Double bm. Chea ter if orris, Ralph BeUamr and Aaa Dvorak In "Blind AUoy aad Jessie Mathews ' in ClIm'lng High." . a 71 I -H23 HAT TO v TQxrmzuv (Tka Tea) SawW aM aad ak 7iut lairrr iu.t itst I . And Second Feature iP3 aad arrfaa-Vi, taa.' H-a. J ft tat, liMaa Wawat; Addcd - Kewa, XUckey Haaaa Csutooaa, "Boat BuUder, and Chap. ot "Tbe Loavo IUngeT . fill Two Biz Features f ... . awe a . -T-w iJa.Uatal 7 iVr wltsi.-v. v : James Glcasoa LacZar Cleasoa , Addod Km and Cartoon ' f "Hov: to XJof9 One of: Social vcrkers' Corif crencc Meetings ': Open tor All , 1- . Boca ate attendanct t ; Beat of tho aoaaloaa of - taa aodal workers conference hero Ifay It to 2f wOl ho' confined to mem bers t of ; tao . conference, tho Marion couaty mental hygiene committee has arranged a pro gram or the public -thf final alght, Baturuay, when : Dr. J. HudaoTk BalUrd, Portland Pres byterian minister, wlU teU those present !How too Worry .3ffle ienUy."? This gathering will; bo at the chamber -of commereo at S o'clock. May. 29. . : HlgbllghU of tho section of tho .workers' conference being arranged by the Oregoa Mental Hygiene society will bo ah ad dress Thursday. My II, at the chamber of commerce by' Alex ander Hero, : San rrandsco, di rector of lnduatiial relations ot the Crowa Zenerbaca company, on "Social ; Work r aa Seen by dutry.,. -- -r- j, Btaa- IctaTen Lasted Other lectures on taomea'al hraiena aactiom wlU bo: . Thursday, i "Community IUla-' Uoasbipt " Ethel Mealoy. llN. dk retor, of education! maternal an child health, state board; nnK tions ot -various Professions as Related -to Psychiatryi Elnot E. Thomson, - RN, director" of 'public health aurslaav -UO , medical school; "Law and - tho Child.? Judge Donald B. Long, Multno mah county ' court . of ; domestic relations; "Six. Long. Tears," El mer R. Goudy, state public wel- fare commuaion. .Friday, conference oa social work aad public health nursing. Allan East, supervisor ehlld guid ance of UO medical school; luncheon panel on "Who U Normal? Am I? Are Tout' Then Who?' led by Robert Lang, ex ecntlvo secretary Oregon Mental Hygiene society, ; with six psy chiatrists participating; public health -nurses' - institute, mental diseases discussed by Dr. Ger hard B. Haugen and speech de fects by Margaret Rlnge. Saturday, conference luncheon with talk by Dr. H. E. Chamber lain, consulting psychiatrist, Cali fornia state department of pub lic woiiare. Last Day - 2 Features . Bruce Cabot in; : Homicide Bureau' Worth V Sliantfiar Betty Furneoa CheiTIB , tEllO Jessie MaUiews 'CTmMns 1114 Topic at Rotary Doubled la Six Years, Is Statement of Sturdy! ; I Waat to do with taa lowly tla eaa after It has aorvod Its pur pooe aa a food container has not boon - a aab ject among tho lm- menso roaearcS efforts illrectod at spreading its usofBlnoaa. Carlton I. Sturdy, educational represen tative eC.tho Amoricaa Can com pany. -aald following aa addroaa before tho Salem Rotary club yea- iorday aooa. .. - f . . "Juat throw tt oat aad lot it nut,? Sturdy aald la response to a reporter's queatloa. "It's aot good, for anything more anyway." ... Sturdy said that aa .far aa ha knew there had been no "other soluttoa developed to- meet tho problem of. city garbage disposal seTvicoa, a problem which Salem's city counefl ponders every tow Doubles, six Tears :."Tha" tla can manafacturlag 'tn dustry. haa doubled la'tho teat six years- and now Is second only to the automotive industry ia tha conauaptloa of atl,'Stardy told tha club men. and It really iara't a tin can at all bnt a conialner.of purest steel hearing a microscopic coating of pure, tla and "enaamel- od" oa the tnslde with a vegetable - gum or shellac , ' ' 'f - Sturdy declared progress was being made la combatting tho old prejudice against koeplag food la opened tla cans. Ha suggested that cans m , which - food was to , bo loft be covered with 1I paper and made airtight with a rubber band. "Food will keep aa loag in aa opea tla can as tn nay other con tainer and .probably longer," Stur dy malntalnod. - i ""' : ( , ' ; " -.:? Boyer Pnrclixises OldPickle Plant AURORA -A. W. Boyor of tha Portland Pickle company' has pur chased the batldlng aad grounds formerly known aa .the Stafford pfckle 'factory,' from Mrs. Agnes Tergea. aad is eontraetlar pickles aad will soon open tha plant' s ' St. a taarraoootkllafltyl Oononbianco fl - For the sweetest girl you 1 ".- conld ever know ? Mothers Day, May 14th UJIEIIS aw.-., . From, am at m ta - vaitui, - lace cloth. Dav aaaslc sets. raeat towels, ' tabla tvaaers, mm napklna. . lJily to ' lien 25c a oa m at rnsulara finest neeafat: " work. Made la China. : ea. Ccsca 7oi7cli Special aale of f(J highest qnaU. Vjjtg ty.Bec.SL2w jfW -extra - heavy, r Others as Bovelty eal- .. Low aa 4388V- lOe riaV 80x80 I tf mmU No better I fJO be had. ' BSSe. yd. o 9' JY HANDBAGS, av. - taa eoloes, waahable. Reg. 80e . 8peclal, yfj .Punk i 59 rr-a . v wiftdowarp UNGKBXJE, tBk. or cotton Slips, Gowns, Dance Sets, Newest colors. Ref. SS. SUxhUy Irrejnilar. jsiocm SOIiBEMinffiSSWIaE TO: If. UBJECRTT uumie;3 m I SALEM'S TrSATfiS C7TEJ .EifflliV C7iaT3 C!D 'EJi ss l?arovsli4B rhotrtcrttd ctmgats nd thawtiejttJ tSrCU eorasi 6e asnpirt tr0afjrs ferslnj cn iron nei b tha Fodlf btillt on.stovt lnoili cmd 'twdJats covretaal Hi w nil i. 1 l D ) :: 10 i IS i 11; 57ALT DISNCT (aAI C0US1T GUSH DAVE APOLLON AKD BAID KTOS FLASIIX3 r