11 Schools , igm : ftJ)tf T :3imCM 'Meet batardmy -- ' j J ' - ' ' ' -v ' - . 1 1 Berry City Golf j Team to Engage ; h Silverton Sunday TPOODBURN The Woodbarn Men's Golf dab will play a home-ind-home match with Sllrertoa Sunday starting- at t a, in. on tne Woodburn coarse. At luncheon tne Woodbarn team will, be host', to the Sllrerton team. There will be 14 men on eacn team. - - - Sunday,. May 21, the Woodbarn club will bold Its Inter-club match on the local coarse when the -odd numbers win play-the eren nam bers. Woodbarn will play SUrer ton In a return there Jane 4 -, : Catholics Victors In Softball Tilts St. Vincent's defeated Tied ' Whits S to. 1 and St- Joseph's romped orer the Foresters 21 to , S In Commercial league Softball games Thursday night at Dltngei St. Vincent's .2 .1 2 Red White Weiser and Meyer; Mlckenham ' and Ferguson. ' St. Joseph's , , 21 12 Foresters ..... t t ' ! Darby, ShasterowlU and Thorn as; Rowan and Carsley. District 7 to Compete Here . ? x .... Schools Seek to .Enter State Meet; Salem f : Prospects Unsure 1 Possibility that 15 schools will be represented In the annual dis trict seren track aad field "cham pionships on Ollnger oral Satur day loomed yesterday when Meet Director Vent Gilmore announced receipt of entries from 11 schools. ' Hubbard, Sandy, Gresfcam, Hill, Chemawa, west- Linn, Milwaukie. Oregon" City; " Molalla, Woodbarn and Salem hare all signified In tention of entering the meet, while It r Is almost ' certain Canty and the Columbia Preps will have rep resentation. Should Estacada and Park Rose send participants; the meet will be swelled to IS schools. Preliminaries will begin at 10 o'clock Saturday -morning, in the meet in which -the firsts and sec onds In each erent qualify for the state high school meet at Eugene, with finals scheduled tor 1 p. m, Gilmore Radiates Gloom ' While some strength In every event may enable the Vikings to successfully defend their district THIS MARKET NOW 100 CNIOX STORE 347 State M$ EES . Phone 6713 SIP S ports News National coverage by A eclated Tirse dally In The Statesman sports colnmaa. wa sr sT Wti .;.' ew . a,.. RON GEMMELL ?ftor i4 Homer u Is the Statesman sports . page; home sports news - conies first la all waysv Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, May 12, 1939 PAGE SEVENTEEN Independence Hi Wins Track Meet title. Coach Gilmore aires only few. members of his team outside chances to qualify for ' the state session, t Stuart . MButch" Nelson looms as almost a cinch tor a jarelia spot, haying tossed - the spear ianaer man anyone eise u n jvif the district so far this year. Out-1 uaiuis seconu, iuuuunu Van Sweeps PtMMMDliea lwo Idaho Tilts .a a ..- In Third Strai side chances are siren to Caryl Hason, . In either or both - hurdle races, Mulkey in the mile, Shlnn in the half mile. Chapman in the 4 4 , Richards la the high Jump. CALDWELL, Idaho, May 11.- 151 UTfcftfnaft .nil... a nrll waiiav defeated - the i Coiiegs ot Seal . Batten Explode 12 Idaho; baseball team II to 10 and I ijji.' a 'i-i. . n,-.!, 1J ts - f hers today as ' Idaho 1,t,5 Angels Check "i!!:".:' I'' I : Seattle'. Threat MONMOUTH Independence JtTJ.VSi Tnird in Polk County Competition Bailey In the broad lump and the hlgh won the annual. Polk conn- gfj' f? ??!j,..Ld -San Francisco whipped Portland relay aunrteu ; y tr hUh school t-Mk and field v J rn dirislon for the third stralahtltoe here to- Salem either holds or la ed- meet here Wednesday with CSH """"" reace. 10.4 blMtln two 9ltenerg for II hits. Brooks Holders' triple with the bolder , of ai of that l s Bii.(tm I noints: Dallas was second with district marks, baring set two of 58: Monmouth made 4; Airlie them last year. Big Art Miller S; Valietx 3. last year set tha shotpat record,! Bordston ot Dallas hung up of 48 feet 8 inches, and the VI-1 new county record in the 440 king relay team of Allen Toole, t rard dash In 54.44. prerlous Leonard Williams. Rex Putnam record 55 flat: A trio of lade- and Bill' Smith set a new mark I oendence stars, J. Hartman, Of 1:34.3. Softball Tourney a I ni n m Mated Saturday night, 8-4.1 and strengthened Its coast league--lead" to two . full game; -.r ' . .-! Seattle 4 . t - 1 Los Angeles 8 It' " t Walker. Van. Fleet . and Campbell; BonettL Berry ( ) and Sueme, ' ' Oakland BEANS Small sai Nary bs. 19c frrrtWi I Hake, y I ; I Uiffl ToUet Eoao I Rinao SmaU 2 for 17c each '21c Giant each 57c t3 3-lb. can 1 -lb. can sotbs 53c 21c 6-lb. can $1.05 VEGETABLES & FHUITG The Hog of Good Lettuce Low Price U. G. INSPECTED MEATO HOT SPECIALS REGULAR PRICES bases loaded with Seals in the sec ond inning was the most damaging blow of the contest. Dick Kewsome gare way to Brewer in the sixth when Kan ALU AIM x roe annual sortball Francisco scored four ran, while MUler and Rogers garnered nine I tournament ot Linn county schools I Lou Koupal. the Seals' starter, re- list slarka Set np I first places wnue uaitas iowiwm mueviwv ua veamu ueiaiurea in the fifth when Portland tv. .t ..v. A. .vLk nr. iwrnnecaer. agjBiivBi mwiuji iwruni m. a m.m. neinmned over two runs and had A aa7 jtaaia.aa,Bj aaaena ao. a. vs. re saas, . . i . . I , - . the bors will b shootln Satnr- NichoU and Abel were top. point county naa oeenamaea into two i meB. on bases. Larry Guay. right aay: : i lasers ior jyauaa. wmh, M,taa wen, ua muu untfed rookie, kept Portland in .m-j jMu .sMni .11 J.: Hartman won tne ixw-yara j j.iu : umiuuua tat m au but - tne serentn ." . . . . i. nn i nmM inm nan wMr with in, iut i flat, by Arlee of Chemawa. 1S34, 'VVl.I JZX toVlaied FriiaVT 11 . , T-rt iaah -L Ruwrif ijn w 1 - w. . r . . I w w w - ' w i m .a A MAfMM i i nrw ,irn,i in in wwkm ran i w , . a . a a flat i Rpnrcro Tlai Ralom In I mrow jor a iwu v v yutuni i - . 1 . " imawsw IV l v uai, oy ueorge uaris, saiem, n UIIU. inn ..i, I nine. "A" comnosed of sehoniB of i x . i nuni nwu wn i i nwiiin, smcr uv . I - - . jt.. . . j vj 1 BIT nr mom rnnmm nt aolinnla 1 u r im. , ' ' I soofc put,, uwtui uu imvu J"f I - - i um, A-uupmi. uuij l; ana Hu-jwa rn xvecora :oz nac,i tntntinr 20 -uotnts. Rogers won I er rrom tnree to tire rooms, ana l dnrint. by Sandmayer, Colambla Prep, the 220-vard dash. . I "C those of one or! two rooms.! " i.o. 1 rt.n..i ki.k Howerer the two utter mar en-1 rrta ivfirrra m 1 ijds UVTUBWl St lWIM AUM.I, I ...... .. ' , .1 WW A f 880 Record 2:02.f, by Spot-lnoint man with 10 nolnts an- Mr 1 nigner league out are not Snapping out of a losing streak. I BIttnor.Monerlef (!) and Dan- ted Eagle, Chemawa, In 1934. nexed hr winnlnc the 440-yard I 10 piay in more man uie Los Angeles defeated Seattle to- per: Tobin. Olsen (8) and Starr.i mne necora 07 Loage, 1 dash and half-mile run. The tea- I v Chemawa, in 1938. - ; I tore race of the afternoon was! So Iar returns hare been" re- 1 2 0-yard high hurdles ( 3 9- the relay when J. Hartman and ceiw rrom two league teams. inch) Record :1.9, by LattaniLI Dornhecker raced shoulder to n B1 scnoot represent- shoulder for the last eigntn 01 1 i"s u the mUe. Dornhecker breasted I Jsneaa representing tne Unbeaten Team es Defeat Escap Square Deal Finally Wins 4 to 3 Over Waits, Prcscr yiug Record.: Both Square Deal and Schoem came close to defeat lsst night, but since; close doesn't constitu tionally count in the spring soft ball loop the Dealers beat Waits 4 to 3 And Sch ocas eased, out 20-30 5 to 4. If wss the seventh straight ktory for the radlosters, to no defeats, and the. sixth win for the bakers as against a lone defeats The Dealers got all theirs in one f rime, the fourth, on b'ngles by Pitcher ..Hank Singer and. Stub D'Arcy, and three con seen tire Walts errors. George Scales belted a home run In the first frame to 1 7 Sacramento . . 2 Bithorn and Cosroy; Sherrill, Smith (8) and OgrodowskL 4 San Diego .7 i 8. 7 gire Walts their first tally, and , hits by 3telnbock and GarbarlnoJ i Bnckman's sacrifice and a walk- scored two In the seventh. ' Bob Weller's homer, with mat,, Kelley and Meyer, who had siif- : pled, aboard, tallied three for , Scboens .la. the third, and they: picked up the wining two runs to! the final heat on hits by Larson,' Fowler and Brant. Tirenty-Tblr-i ty scored once la the third. On I Drynan's doable and an error, and' thrice In the sixth .on singles by, Ksy. Comstock, Hsys and Segah,' Keldatx' doablevsnd an error. 1 Scheens .. S t ;t. JOrSS'.- .... 4 8 .'0 K. Larson and Cot tew; Smltheri snd Hays.'. - ' Square Deal 4 i ''4 WslU-;- 3 C :li H. Singer and L. Singer; Roth' ' and McCaffcry. - LUX rvgalar S for 18c, lg. 22c, LUX Toilet -Boap 4 for 25c RISSO, Larg -ie C"t B7c UFEBUOT" : Health Soap aforlSe f"n AAt-vr"CTSU if k I SHOSWtNMa n-IK can. JSSe l-Ib. ema ate C. L EPPLEY CO. 1000 state St. Phone 6867 , , -Free Dellrery Milwaukie, 1938 220-yard low hurdles Record :25.3, by LattansL Milwaukie, 1938. the tape by six Inches. 100-yard dash. Miller, I; Dor western part. ,s-?r" 8 toct Seeks 1 Preakness Wreath by Miller, Salem, 193S. Discus Record 130 feet 5 inches, by Stone, West Linn, 1937 Jarelln Record 17 C feet 4 Inches, by Stein, Gresham, 1938 man, I; Boydston, li, ana ttog- ers, I, tied for second. Tims 17.4. ! Mile run, Nlchol, D; Green, V; Bowman, D. Time 6.2. Pole vault, Hartman, I; Jones, j High Jump Record 5 feet I: Lowe. D. HeUht 9 feet 1 inch. 11 59 inches,, by Ackerson, MU- Shot put, MUler, I; Wiere, D; waukie, 1934. Kelley, I. Distance 41 feet 1 inch. Pole rault Record 11 feet 31 440-yard dash, Boydston, T: Inches, by Chapman, Salem, 1937. 1 Elliott, M : Ruddell, I. Time Broaa jump Record 21 feet 54.4. t Inches, by Burdette, Sandy, Discus. Miller, I; Wiebe, D; 193 6. Fisher, D. Distance 109 feet. Relay Record 1:34.3, Salem, BALTIMORE, May U.-(P)-Only five horses appeared ready today to oppose the ragged Johnstown's bid to cap his Ken tucky derby triumph' with a vic tory in the historic ' Preakness stakes at Plmlico Saturday. When the names of the Preak- l 1 6XNP8C : i 1938. Save on High Quality Meat DEEF OOH POT ROAST CHOICE - BEEF ROAST tt at - 'gS"SBBSr SsskssssV aUbBBsi MW aT m u u lb. 3 lb. a s lb. aao Choice Pork Picked From 100 Head of Gor. laspected Porkers, Loin PORK COOPS lb. 15c Lean. : " J l : : v. : - .; . . Lean POM STEM lb.l5c . 'Picnic Style. , - . - ' PORK ROAST Ib.lZc , 5 '' - y;'yf '-;:-Mestty-Basy..8 ge -r POBB'-EM I 1 Its. 30s gone to ... cess starters are dronned into High Jump, Abel, D; Rogers, j the entry box tomorrow morn ing, these probably will be the three-year-olds designated to op pose William Woodward's colt I: Klierer, D. Height 5 feet 5 inches. 220-yard dash. Rogers. I: Dornhecker, D; Kerp, D. Time in the 850,000 added Maryland 25.7. Half-mile - run, Boydston, D: Peoples, I; Elliott, M, and Rud dell, I. Time 2:14.2. 220-yard low hurdles, J. Hart man, I; Boydston, Df Wall, D. Time 26. Jarelln, J. Hartman. I: O. Hartman, I; Wiebe, D. Distance 146 feet 6 inches. . Broad Jump, Miller, I; Kerp, D; Lowe, D. Distance 16 feet 9 inches. Half mile relay, Abel, Boyd ston, Kerp and Dornhecker, D, first; Rogers, Miller, G. Hart man and J. Hartman, I, second. Time 1.4. Starter, J. Alfred Cox. Timers, Robinson, Davles, Adams. classic: Whittle; stable's Gilded Knight. W.' L. Brann's Challedon. Saratoga stable's Volitant. King ranch's Ciencia. Alfred G. VanderbUt's Impound. Leagu Baseball Viking Net Men On State Circle Coast League Before Night Games) - W L Los Angeles 24 16 Seattle 23 17 San Francisco .... 22 18 San Diego '19 19 Hollywood ...... 19 20 Sacramento 17 22 Portland 16 22 Oakland 16 21 . "A SAFE PLACE TO 01X1" Sa3 Center Ph. 3188 Why get In a stew about transportation? Join. George for Used Cars! Fresh, Snow WhiteThe' Best Pure Ground Beef... .2 lbs. 25c $850 DiiMJ DM IhS 1937 LaSalle Touring Sedan . Color, cavalier blue metallic f 100 Philoo radio, heater,, dual eqnipment. Here Is a bargain. - s .'(... SEE PAGE 19) American League Coach Wes Roeder left Tester-1 W L day with his Viking tennis team. New York . .' 15 6 that has eight consecutive victo- Boston 10 6 ries, for a six-match tour of the Chicago 12 7 state. The local preppers, nnde- Cleveland 9. 9 teated in high school compete Washington ..... I IS tion, will not return here until Detroit....." S 12 next Wednesday. SL Louts 7 11 Yesterday they played Unlver- Philadelphia .... f i 13 slty high at Eugene, today they " -i' play Eugene high there, Saturday National Leagne it's Roseburr. Medford Bandar. ' W L Klamath Falls Monday and Bend St. Louis .10 Tuesday. On the trip are Bud Cinclnnstl IS Moynihaa. BiU Carroll, Dick Brooklyn IS Chambers and Bob Lafky. FoUow- Boston 9 ing their return here Moynihan, Chicago 10 Carroll and Chambers will enter New York ....... t the state hirh school tourney at Pittsburgh ...... 8 Reed college May 17-19. GAME SLATED SUNDAY AUMSVILLE The town base ball team of the Cascade league will plsy here Sunday afternoon with Sublimity. Each team so far this season has won one and lost one. Philadelphia 10 11 16 IS Pet .609 .575 .550 .500 .487 .436 .421 .417 Pet .722 .667 .632 .600 .444 .400 .369 .278 Pet I .688 .656 .656 .600 Joo .480 .444 .421 WESTERN INTERNATIONAL Yakima 3, Tacoma 1. Vancouver 7, Bellthgham 6. Spokane 1, Wenatchee 0. r csBssBSBBssasassa t I Ml lib gO 135 N. Commercial. Phones 5197-7023 PRICES FRIDAY, SATURDAY, THROUGH MONDAY The Original Yellow Front Drug : - Give Your Feet 25c Tooth lAmshes 60e Drene Shampoo -49e a Break! ' (With This Adv.) - 50e Feenamini -J. : 43e Use the reliable Corn Rem- - ' ACS , 50c Tick Nose Drops S9c edy Schaefer best for 50clpana : : 39c ! resmlta. .. . , , . SPECIAL - - 75c Anadn Tablets . 59c 252 MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 60c Sal HepaUca 49c -K.n.K.ru- , Acs ; sSaV - -ASSOTTT - - - - ' ' " -'-' 50cLysorDisinfectant-43e , POCKET COMDS - : 'JSSff, ';' 75eiU7As?lr2. rr - ICE CREAM . . 50cPab!sa - 43c & for 5- ;' , ' I? 75cDe2ri-Maltoa;.e3c - CWlth This Adr.) Rea fa cream DeLms "-" : 75cCarUrti Pi SCc i ciriSlors - ccoal GWTSOR pn ' cnccoLATEs MOTHER - Sole Agents Penslar Remedies in Marion County CIGAR STORE Formerly - Holman & Wagner -; 356 STATE ST. CIGARS - DRINKS The Best in Eato .For Mother's Day . Box Candies . . 5C2to05.C0 '." Ia Beautiful Boxes. ;i:C3iicken Bones " 1 - New, fresh, Crunchy , HOODS ' The lotion thai relieves! " . Taks the pain put ot year Pol son Oak. bat don't take the skin oft ;--!.. Use UookTs Poison Oak -0JlCO - . ' OsJy at Schaefer's -" r. T. ba.1 & O. Cau.S.fiw Herbal remedies tor ailments! of stomach. Urer, kidney. akla.J blood.- elands. A - nrinary ays-1 .tern of ssea women. 12 years lln service. Nsturopathlc Physl ( clans. Ask your, Neighbors aboat CHAM LAau v ty cniNEss nsDicnn: ca 'm Court Et. Corner Liber- jty. Office open Tuesday m Sat urday only, la A. M. to 1 P. If.. I " m i 8 to 7 P. U. Consultation, blood I ( Aressara a arlne teats are -free 101 botnn Commercial Order of $2.00 Delivered Free K Onions 3 lbs. 10c Texas Variety, Sweet q i Tender ;.v,.:-..-; bunchei Arizona.. Seedless doz. am Solid Heads New Crop. Fresh, Green heads New Crop bunches S)(S PANCAKE FLOUR Picket No. 10 bas; 25c Golden Marshmallow s yrup lb. tin 45c cilcid Dressi ng Packed in Quart Blaaon Jars Bi Value Qt. jars 19 c S U Gfffi j Fine :.. i Graaolated ao lbs. 49c Snowdrift Shortening 3. 49c Bonneville Flour All Family . Purpose - 49 98 c FIG- BA;RS Fresh Bake 2 lbs. 17c 40-Gr. Strenxth 5c sVl EAT DE PARTM E NT MARKET SAVmGS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Steer Beef ShoVt' Ribs lb. 15c Veal .'Mihufie5 Steat 4U DltitivEIGRtES PORU E SLICED lACKSQPlES tAG'OM' for15s .-gferjiPc lb. 25g l a 1 Ci::!:is Fa ZZs T.U tZz PL I ill af chanre. -' -n it.