i pact: Tm:rn:::rf ii I x f. 1 ! i I - J X A X ' Vi. . ..' s. : l , ; i "Why do yo suppose It is that always the people who have bo child- v" . ." tea now exactly bow to raise themT" Isn't It the truth? This youthful mother does Terr veil in her own way and rinds that a simply tailored silk frock stands the strain without complaint and makes a smart appearance when nests ar- rire. A dark creen dot on a brlrht creen croand. It sips all down ., the front and has three sett of skirt" pleats to balance three rows of tackinc on the bodice. A dressier print, right, wltn radiating pleats for bodice fullness. Is topped with a fitted simple coat. Copyright, 1939, Esquire Features, Inc. . - In the Valley Social Realm Hostesses Honor :&ul- QittA- '&vZ&;t Bride-Elect at LC - ntUCi -.ty &ttcAtn Bridge Party v ' - .' ' -! -- ' - ' ' --' " ' ...... In compluaent to Miss Jsryme : ITpston who will - become, the., bride of Mr. - Wheeler English on Jane 1. Hiss Cynthia DeLano and Miss Mary White entertained ' at a smartly appointed ' party ; last sight at the former's iomf . on North Church, street. Contract - bridge was la play during the trenlag and a lau supper serred by the hostesses. : Assisting ' informally . .were - Mrs. DaTid Lewis, Miss Oraee'Uolmaa and Miss Mareella Vesper. Bouquets of 'Iris, panalea and Cecil Brunner roses , were " at-, tractlrely i arranged about the, rooms. A bathroom shower hoa- - ored .the bride-to-be. i Honoring :Mii C Cptton wera Miss., Caroyl Braden, "Miss Lola RISKS. Miss Betty' Savage. Mtss Melra Belle V Savage. Misa iUar garet Savage; Miss ' Marcelle Do. MytCMss Grace jnixabeth Hol-v man. Jiiaa Marcelia -Vesper Miss Mazine Buren, Misa XJenerieve Morgan." Mrs.- Joseph ErHarrey, Jr, Mrs. Harold Buslck. MrsDaa ' Scareiber, Mrs. - George v Scales, Mrs.- JohaiCttnnMrfc;mnJc Shater, Mrs. David Lewis, Mrs. Joseph relton, ' Mrs. Rob or t" Needham. . Mrs. Harry H. Weln-' stein, Mrs. BJdgley . MiUer. Mrs. Louis Farnsworth, Mrs. Arthur' G. Upston, Mrs.' GUbert White, Mrs. F. G. DeLano, aad ' the hostesses Miss Cynthia DeLano and Miss Mary White. . , - ' I ' 1 -. - -i - . :' . '. '" -T- Banquet at Marion Given by Nurses The nurses of Salem district of the Oregon Nurses'-association i held their annual formal ban quet at the Marlon .hotel on Wednesday night. . The speaker of the evening f was Prof. It Franklin Thompson, who talked oa world affairs. Music was fur nished by Delbert Henderson, cornetist, r and Miss Ruth Van Busklrk. pianist Miss" Gail I ud- ley was toastmlstress. Miss Bes sie Hammer, . chairman of the committee in charge.. Tables ! were decorated with ' large bouquets of . iris, spyrea. and other spring flowers. Fa vors carried out the spring color "scheme., j -- Members present were Mrs. Ruth Fletcher, Mrs. Ruby Libby, ' Miss Edris. Msgulre. Miss Bessie : Hammer, Miss Ruth Cabaday. Miss Ottllie . C Montsr Mt Jeannette Hawks, Miss Lorena Lebold. Mrs. - Neva Toaag. Miss Catherine Lelack. Miss Fae .Edg ington, Mrs. Arline Moran; Miss Grace Taylor, Mlsa JNatalie pan dier. Miss Gall Dudley, Miss Sar ah J. Chamberlain, Miss Sue D. Rush. Miss Frances Kleper, Mrs. Elisabeth Gilbert. Mtu miuuth TamerMlss O..B. WhiUker. Miss Eula Kltts, Miss Frances Duerst. Miss Nell Coppock. Miss Ruth S. Barber, Miss Mae "nxa. Miss Ida Jo Eaton, tliss Esther Bartalamay, Miss Agnes Jhts. Miss Dorothe-Daris Miss Vivian Greene. Miss Selma Hilmer, iliss Mary L. w. Regier, Sister Anna" H. Duerksen, Miss Jo Cushlng, Miss La Verne Olson, Miss -tana Johnson, Miss Helen Atkins, Miss Lucy Davison, Miss Elma Mul lins. Miss L. Grace Holmes, Miss Lurline Greene. Mrs. Llla :. 3ter son. Miss: Florence Sabbe, Hiss Elizabeth Kyi, Miss Martha Janz, Miss Ruth Rue, Miss Leila L. Courtney. Miss Mary Daniel, -Itss Buna Bibee, Miss Frances 711a vac. Miss Marna Moberg. Miss Lucille Watt, Miss Carrie Gilbert son, Miss Edna Gardner, Miss Elea nore Gill, Miss Evelyn Shelley, Miss Ruble Herbert, Miss Beth Coo ney Miss Katheryn B. Scott, Miss Bernlce Lee, MJss Lillian MoDonald, Mrs. JuaaiU Cassel ' lius. 1 . , . i Special guests of the district were Mrs. . Linnie Laird, execu tive secretary of the O r e g on state nurses' association and od- uor or the Oregon Nurse, MU-S Linda . Eikman, vice president, and Miss : Winifred McFarlane, treasurer, of the state association. U from i Portland. Dr. Mary Purvine, Dr. Marian F o 1 1 1 s and Dr. Gussle Nlles were, additional guests from Salem. ", I i The Royal Neighbors of Ameri ca met at the : Fraternal temple Monday night. After the. business meeting a group of members sang songs honoring mothers. Refresh ments were served in the dining hall at tables decorated .with spring flowers and each member was presented with a corsage. The program was in charge of Ireno Speed. Zola Peterson and Joseph ine Kearns. - , .- The home of Mrs. Ard A. Reed on Center street was the scene of a lovely., tea Taesday afternoon when members of chapter BC, PEO entertained in compliment to their mothers and pecial guests. , ,. SprinsiPariW M " ' W W" ' '-i . -ifi-:. ire uiveiy There's aothlng formal about spring parties for the younger .or near-younger set these flays, for' activity s the keynote ef all fes tivities when weather's alee aad vonings art warm. " Several good -'games to play where there's plenty of space are: peaktjt urn Peanuts are dipped la Easter egg dyes of various bright colors. and scattered . hero ' and '.there along the path where a hike is to take place. Each hiker tries to 4 find as many peanuts' as possible. because he receives I points for red one. 19 for yellow; 11 for blue, 29 foe purple. . or however jrai.Jwlsav ta-;ieorevTha person who accumulates the highest num ber of points- la .peanuts is gtvenr . a: large sack of peanuts at the. cat bt tha hike. T-i TlZV'f rv HORSE; RACES -Trt - Mark off a rectangular plot of level-ground Into six lanes about, two feet wide. These lanes are. divided Into SO sections across, and. these positions .are numbered from oae to 20. Six men on kiddie ears are the usual participants In the race, and they are lined up on the starting line. Someone rolls dice te see hew they are to pro gress. Dice should be of differ at colors, for example, one red and MT. ANGEL The wedding of Miss Hldegarde Landeis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lan deis and Ambrose Nehl," son 6f F. H. Nehl. was solem i r3d at St. Mary's - church Saturday morning at 8 o'clock with Father Alculn performing the ceremony and celebrating the nuptial high mass. r -The bride was charming In a fitted model of white satin with long train, lace bodice and long sleeves. : Her long tulle veil was: lace-edged- and fashioned with a halo of seed pearls. She car ried; a fchower bouquet of pale pink' roses white Sweetpeas and lilies of the valley. - Miss Pauline Nehl was brides maid. Frank Jell acted as best mis. The bridal party had break fast at the home of the groom's father. The wedding dinner Woman's Club Holds """I Last Meeting ;: The West Salem Women's club met Wednesday in the city hall. The regular routine of business was followed with Mrs. Fred Gib son presiding. New officers inducted into of fices were: President, Mrs. Glenn Tupper; vice president, Mrs. Don Huckabee; secretary, Mrs. Oliver Sargeant; treasurer, Mrs. Leighton A. Dashiell; parliamentarian, Mrs. James M. Fisher; historian and publicity, Mrs. J. R. Bedford. The program in charge of Mrs. Sargeant included the following contributors: Ruth Bedford, Mr. and Mrs. Don Huckabee. The tea table was centered by a bowl of red roses guarded by tall green tapers. Mrs. Fred Gibson and Mrs. J. M. Fisher poured. Mrs. Ida McClendon, Mrs. Tupper. Mrs. Sargeant, Mrs. Charles Unruh and : Mrs. : J. A. Gosser assisted in the serving. The Eterl class of the First Baptist church had Its regular monthly business and social meet ing Friday night in the church parlors. Several numbers were given by the Willamette univer sity girls' trio. Stunts and various other entertainment completed the program. A late supper was served the group by the commit tee in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Engdahl, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swaa son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lucas and Mr. and lint.. Galen Mlshler. was served in the dining hall of St. Marv's school at 1X:X9 Covers :were placed for 85 guesta. ' Serving were Mrs. A. M. Heidt. Mrs. Phil Stumpf, Miss Irene Nehl and Miss Eleanor Stumpf. Mr. and Mrs. Nehl left 'the same day on a ' abort wedding trip. For traveling the bride . were a fuchsia ensemble, '.with navy accessories." . , MONMOUTH A wedding of interest here was that of Miss Wanda Lee Ross, daaghtt. oI Mr. and "Mrs. H. D.- Ross of .Vancouver, - to' Herbert Fred W ar k , sou of Mr. and Mrs. e Fred Wark. Vancouver,, May 4 at St. Paul's English Lutheran church in Vancouver." Rev. Paul L. Knnzman read the service- be fore a small group of relatives and close friends of the families. The Jtride was ,4ovely ia. a white lace princess gown with shirred bodice and tarried a nosegay of pink rosebuds, sweet peas and lilies of the valley. Mias Jeanne 1 Anderson, Vancou ver, was .her only -attendant. Mr, William Lane acted as best man ' for Mr. Wark. .The young couple left at onre on a honeymoon trip to. Canada by automobile. They will live in Vancouver. . Mrs. Wark formerly livtd in Monmouth . for many 'years and attended School. Mr.. Wark was graduated from Vancouver high school and attended Washington btate college. j.. . . . SILVERTON The Maccabee group Is planning a party to honor Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sleten (Grace . Canoy) and Miss Cella Hannan, bride-elect of Ralph Sears, for May 17. The affair will be In the nature of a dance. Arranging the party will be Mrs. Bert Swanson, Mrs. J. O. Tay lor, Mrs. Margaret Wittrein. Mr, Taylor and Ray Davis. MONMOUTH Miss Leto Wol verton, a Portland teacher, was complimented Saturday after noon when Mrs. O. A. Wolver; ton, Monmouth: and Mrs. Glenn Briedwell, Silrerton, arranged a tea at the Wolverton home. large number o: guests greeted Miss Wolverton, whose marriage to Clarence Daniels, Portland, will be an event of early sum- mer. .. STATE ST. GROCERY 1230 State St. Phone 9127 Free Delivery LAUGEI CUTS DOWN STOOCtNO SAVES fLAsnon acauuut 2 ,i fl9c Large 22c fUFEDtJOV . for jr roa to. raotiCTS HEALTH 1 GIANT LAJtCZ ktO. S K7r 01k a SPA UNO , VlV iilV WHIt 17e mm SOAP Acrm LATHJl AND kAlrf 6 for 203- 4 1 ... . . - a Sv At STAVSSO h aiO ILkCAN it IX CAM .1 L sayl 939 graduates Aad ao wonder! EUjja has been the tradition AjBcricaa graduation gift for , generatjona, Ana dns year oor newest y Elgin offer snore smartness, snore vahw than ever. One glance, and yea's! want , as give one to ywm gradnate. ' . . SMpertictilarfytlttlSewel . , Dgia "AsMricaa BeantyN ( saodeli, at only S29.7S. Other , fine FlginitroiB 8160 opf each - thoronghtj Asscrican in work nunship, and a saort appro- . priatt gift Joe Young Asaenca. ISJmmt, - The Store That Cells s QmmZtr llerchandise tor Least " SI Down $1 7eek : CREDIT JEWELERS c 443 State - Between nigh liberty The red dice win de termine -which, horse la te progress sad the greea th' number i of apaeea ha la to move. For example, aumher A oa tha red dice and member S oa the green means that herse number moves S apaeea, Give a prise to the wianiag rider.. Or if yarn wish, make it a- mule race and give tha prise t- the one coming In last. - .; ..; . HABX AXD SOUKD v Two people are chosen te bo hares and others are hounds. The hares are given large -paper bags of torn paper and they may go together or separately. The hares are given 10 minutes in which to hide themselves and scatter little pieces of paper to Indicate the pathsv taken. The hounds t h ea start to trail them, and of course, the paths are. made as complicated as possible. Give a candy rabbit to ' the hound who first locates tho hares. Spinsihilakes: f SpringLIeals ? ."v LookGood icuav it- it ..5. ' Cabbage aaA'Toaauta srlU ' tiU tomatoes to make salad for to Stuffed tomatoes , Baked red' snapper.. .... Buttered new; potatoes c Creamed peas" J Gooseberry pie " . . , i. ... Teal Even Better e-..e. i-f. Sweet Combination Has iMatfses';.' y"- ' -f-A "mixture, of maple sugar; and cinnamon has many uses. For-instance, roll hot doaghnutu la it while they are still hot, and you get an unusual treat. Spread it on bread to make cinnamon-maple toast: - Or add a : little butter,, enough light cream, to moisten, and you have a de- licioug icing for cup cakes , or layer eakes. . . aplaack, that ' ueea of .an greens, takes ea a new spring garb when combined with poach ed eggs aad grated . cheese. It makes ay mala dish that will catch the eyo of the most dis cerning artist, and will suit the fancy of any ardent epicure. SPISACH BISQ WITH . sninicn vfinu 8 cups chopped . cooked spinach Cookies Good Salt, pepper, ratter . Cooked., battered , lima beans . . Amerlcaa . cheese, grated Poached eggs r-v 4 Toast rounds . 1 cup salad dressing . 2 tablespoons'- lemoa . Juice , ': Thoroughly ! drain the hot .chopped spinach. ..season It well -with salt, pepper and melted but ter, aad pack - it firmly into a .buttered I H -inch ring mold. Ca mold It on a round chop .late, and tUl the center with hot but tered Uma beans. .Cover the spin ach ring with rrated American cheese. Peanut Flavor Make. , i Peanut butter has been a favor ite flavor for cookies for soma time and oatmeal also, but here's a recipe that combines the two fla vorsr v. ; v ' ,' ' , ' QATMEAL PE.XUT-COOKIES t cup brown sugar cup ahortening . -1 1 egg (beaten) H teaspoon vanilla' v , -1 cop Gour , ' r teaspoon soda teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt Surround the ring with poach- 1H cups oatmeal, uncooked ed eggs oa toast rounds, and serve them with the following HoUaadaiso sauce: Place the cup salted peanuts (chopped) Blend sugar and shortening to- Whea J raaL appears ? t second day, it's even more popular tha a when served hot the. 'first day. e There's no better meat cold thai x this dellcaU one,'aUcee well and; reheats, too. . ; ..r."-.V'-'-'"-'eV ii. To make hot veal sandwiches, place a slice of. cooked real on buttered bread. Broil three inch es from the flame until well . browned. Serve with a tart pickle ' reliah. . XJ VEAL CROQUETTES . " ' 1 cup ground veal ( , - "' , "s cup cooked peaa ,' -1 ' cup thick white sauce , ": ' Season. phUL Shape Into cro- ' - queues or patUes.: Roll in Sift ed crumbs. Fry until , brown. Serve with tome to cheese sauce. ;f VEAL PIK . - ' 1 cup diced veal i 1 tablespoon minced pimento or olives- - 1 cup medium white sauce or-' cream of 'mushroom soup .Pour creamed veal Into caase . role. Cover . with small diamond shapes of baking powder-biscuit - dough. Bake in a hot oven (428 degrees) 20 minutes. ' uiA Amain fa m. aonhie haner' aether.' Add egg aad vanilla. Sift over hot water. Let stand IS together the flour, soda, baking peanuts. 8hape Into small balls minutes without boiCng. Add the . powder and salt, and add to the and bake la a moderately hot oven lemoa Juice aad mix well. first mixture. Fold in oatmeal and (818 degrees) for 10-12 minutes. it crra of the f ormer W ,.. is. ob TT" 77 O ,- . 77 Ts II - IIIIX ILames KeaaY-ww j-: -I Continues .SALE TO THE PUBLIC ear mmmm The opening of Uiis genuine sale the sale all Salem was waiting f or I ormd our store packed and jammed to tne utmost, inousanas of ladies of Salem and Ticinity who attended this sale were more than enthnsiaslic. and delighted with the splendid bargains we are offering . . . the large assortment of ladies' dresses to select irom . . the astonishingly low prices on really good looking and fine tailored ladies garments. .: ' f j For those of you who were unable to make proper selections due to inadequate facilities and those who have not had the opportunity i vnnrnelrai of this outstanding sale, we invite you again. Come early be prepared to see the most unusual values ever offered in Salem. . Greater Bargains Better Selections More Astonishing Values Than Ever Before !! NOW THE PUBLIC GETS THE BENEFIT AS THE ENTIRE STOCK WILL BE CLOSED OUT TO THE BARE WALLSEGARTJIjOF COST OR LOSS LADIES' & MISSES' dkussjus. tUAio, oruai SEMBLES, SUITS, plus Lingerie, Hosiery, Sweaters, Blouses, Millinery, etc. Tnis store nas oeen ciosea lor sevcru w nw now contents and commitments are de-valued and marked down in plain figures so low as will force immediate liquidation. Every item a real sensa tion ta quality value. FORMALS For Graduation Beautiful Silks, Chif-I to mm. Taffetas and I Laces la delicate pas tels aad white. For merly p to S8.05. Now only DISH ssns? 1. aaaa - 426 State St. Entire Stock NO OBJECT WITHOUT RESERVE PRICE NOW-As one of Salems smartest apparel shops forced to liquidate for benefit of creditors and NOW COSIES THE SALE THAT WOMEN OF SALEM HAVE BEEN WATTING FOR. So come early for first choice before sizes are sold out. Prices win give you the most exciting style selec tions and quality values that Salem has ever seen. Sport Jackets and Sport Coats The season's sensation is colorful style for occasional wear. Values to 15.96. Now ; ' r .07 ladies Sport Coats 71.97 All-Wool Toppers Grand assortment- every wardrobe ahould hare one or more. They're worn all sprint;, summer and fall . - Talaesto f 10,00 mi LADIES DRESS COATS Styles for spring aad sa miner, la variety of' colors. ; Beautiful fab rics. Talnes to Sl&AO at 7;77 HUNDREDS OP DRESSES IX THESE FEATURE GROUPS FOR DAYTIME, ETEXTKG, STREET, BUSI NESS AXD SPORTS WEAR. I OXE PIECE, JACKET TYPES, REDIXGOTES, ENSOIDLES, TAILOIHE8, FAST PRIXTS, MIXTURES, BATOXS, SILKS. XEW PASTELS. HIGH SHADES, JiOYELTT , PATTERNS. WHITE, COMBIXATIOXS. See Propor. tioaate Re dactions oa Entire Stock. - "f -'' Values ' . Ss AU 8isef . ,yVle " f?f to $3.03 ' All Sires ! J I rfr TalaesV i to S7.95 XX : vaiaes X y J . ;- " 11 Slaee SPORT SKIRTS The extra skirt that gives , oae another change or several. They're here la the wanted fabrics and colors. Values to $3.05 - .A Small Deposit WIU Hold Any Garmrni for Ton ALL BETTER DRESSES - NONE RESERVED Select from Lot 3 Values to $7.95 for only $&87. Rich quality materials in correct styles for every occasion.:.- v . .t SEE PROPORTIONATE RKDl'CTIOXS i CUr-OSXTIBK STOCK- LADIES. PURSES, all prevailing c 1 t s aad styfcsv Values te rJf S2.00, Kow.: 3 FaadnatfaiKly styled aad colorfnl Hats In flaw straws. Were bosbt te SlIL 11.07 TAILORED '. BLOUSES Fine quality, all aw col ors. While they last, val- LiDlIff W HITK PURSES deal for svav i they last SWEATERS Latest wanted sport styles for ladles, co-eds. Regalnr jto $15.-:.- An Choice ', ..(J i HOSIERY A fnnsona make la beer and chiffon, fan fash ioned, aura silk la wanted col ors. Regular Ttc Pair ' : 47c SLIPS A wide choice la ac commodate your requirements. Regular value to; -e S1.0Q. Choice!: W W MAXT O T B E R INTIMATE LI ERIK XECESSITIES TOO NUMEROUS TO MSXTIOX FOR LACS OF SPACE SEE IT ALL TOMORROW. A nationally famous brand of clear, sheer, pare aQk Hose. Fall fashioned stretch top, non-run. - ? - rtf Regular 91.00, at, pair-.I. V ODD LOT OF PAXTIE8 Fine qnal : ity tailored aad laceHiinuucd. Reg. lar values Slt. , r QJq . . . . . - mm im.hm 4a lit nrMMf Quote llere Only a Perl of tKe Merclumdise . . Your Inspection Fields' Ready-to-Wear was closed and forfeiled sub-tenancy to the present - xTm, - . rvi.,nL nus-: u jn uJIj natidatoTwho holds an original 10-year lease. Therefore, durirtf; this sale, , t To! IntUed Wuhont qbUgt&on. , See It AU Marked in kindred lines of poods may be replenished, but all of which must be closed I Plain F igures, Alongside Regular Togs ; . - . - , out quickly as It is intended to reopen this store with complete new lines. ; , Sole to the Public Ooen Friday. 9 a.m. -- : . -nARR -imtfffliz PTTJDIL!I(S PEDJ0 FElHIiDAir, Q A. T.3.' 3 c a r 1 1 n 1 1 m 1 1 1 t 9