Injuries Minor Car Bragged, Women Only Braised; Students of Lebanon Win Again LEBANON At Mrs. Borde Young and lira. JU Peterson, employed in nptows stores, were drivins; to the Peteraon noma after C . o'clock Friday inixht, they tailed to sea an approach- ins train until they were o . the tracr. Mrs. Young, the driver, became confused, and killed her engine Just as the train i -uck the :i back of the car, dragging It IS feet and : demolishing wheels and other) parts. Mrs. Young war injured whea Mrs. Peterson was thrown' against her shoulder. Both are getting along all right suffering mostly front shock and bruises. Byron Scott, caretaker of Clear Lake resort,' owned by the Santiam Fish and Game associ ation, made a trip': through .this week haTing to walk some J 'ilea through deep snow He reports the roof of the storehouse .red in' by snow, which was heavy last winter, --'fir- 'Elmer WUgerald, an cf fleer of the association, states that a meeting will be called soon - to decide on matters pertaining to opening tne resort. Winner. Placed Banner. , 01 ; victory again vava over Lebanon high school as en ,. trans placed In the Elks Linn county Americanization contest "-by Miss, Kee Buchanan of the Lebanon faculty, came in with tae aonors of the contest. - Frances Hildebrand. kick art ' .v 'Jls'Kre&dcnt'Upensd'IJ&Fairf " ' ' - 1 ' President Eoosevelt, Mayor La GuarCa and Mr, Roosevelt Touring the New York world's fair site after of ; flcially opening the mammoth exhibition, President I Roosevelt la shown smiling fiappfly in the car with bis wife and Mayor la Guardia of New York Ctty Eight' of the nine candidates aeiinFlw1'"- --1 berry alr hare !SL!Stt,T2 Md their name, sent to Hiram 7 .vl .:7:ti ...V 1 Groves of the ueen committee &M'lT --niM their respective schools. The Sw rVh only school not .ending a nam. -1.7- " vrr' " I to data is scio. Wlehs, Alban; high school sen- At th. horn. : of Mrs, A. J. lot, " . 7 Wilson, at the April meeting. All entrants In the contest at Mr- Thomar. DUiard was elected Albany last Thursdav mad m. 1 presiaem wi nm uc un; cellent presentations.- . FBI Mam to Speak Mrs. Earle Mkhelson. vice pres ident and Mrs. Oren Morris, see- William Shepherd of the ea: Te?r7-te?ure- This being the last meeting of the season plans were made for outdoor summer meetings. tertainment committee for the berry fair announces J. D. 2 wen son! of Portland office of fed eral bureau. oft investigation as a speaker at the fair. His speech on methods and operations of his ! bureau will probably lion rnaay morning. Jack Bellinger, making a trip through Washington and Oregon spoke before the journalism de partment of the - University of Washington Priday coming "on I a'a club held Its last meeting to Portland he met Horlnoucbk I of the year Friday afternoon at Japanese ambassador to the US, j the hall. President Skow presid- w ho stopped on his return from I tng. San Francisco and to whom I Interesting reports were given j Heights Woman's Glib Ends Season SALEM HEIGHTS The Worn- Jack bore a f letter ;of lntr. iue- tion. . i He was a" guest Thursday U a reception tendered the ambas sador and his party by the Portland chamber at commerce. by the delegate to the county federation, and of the scnoors part in the music festival. Officers and standing commit tees reported many things ac complished during the year and After soeakinr at the rnr I a tldv sum still in the treasury ' achoor Friday night. Jack will It was voted to do commercial ' leave for 1 Eugene ,tq lead the qnilting this summer and to ur . Wesleyan Foun4atkmi4rroup- ol xhase. a, kitchen range .With -Mrs, T-th University "oK Oregoa-on1 a J. Jougla? ad Mr A A lay trip over Saturday and Sunday, lor 'as committee. i-"- - s Ilarrlase Bevealed H A -potted plant .to the out-go-Misa Georgia Anderson, daugh- ing president and pansy plants ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. An- to the sewing - chairman, were derson, and Wilbur Parrish, son given by the club, of Mrs. Myrtle Parrish of Leba- Installed new officers- were non surprised their friends Mrs. C. E. Forbis, president; - Thursday by annoancinr their Mra.4-C. A. Graham, vice presi- marriare which tooL d lace II .t 1 dent; Mrs. W. Bowman, secre- 19, 1SS. tary; Mrs. A. Edmondson, treas- Both are graduates of Leba-1 nrer and Mrs. D. Dotson, parlia- aon hirh school. Mr. Parrish la I mentarun A. no-host luncheon was en- Joyed. employed by ! the Spencer Paek Ing company. Mrs. 1 Parrish has -teen usher at the 5 uhn th satre - At the Radio Garden club I (jOOU LltlZenSlliP mMtlnv mt Mri Phil f ni'.ln,i I X SFi?. t&gPSR Theme of Eighth elected delegates to the state federated garden club onven tion at Forest Grove May lfl7. Committee on arranrements for a float at the berry fair In cludes Mrs. ? Freda Shemanek. chairman, Mrs. C. JI. Llndeman, Mrs. Phil Lannlng and Mrs. Grade Graduation George Alexander. HAZEL GREEN The theme for the eighth grade class pro gram Tuesday, May 9, at 8 p.m. is. "Good Citizenship," Men will be shown, in songs, play and an address by Rex Putnam, sup- Further plans were made for I erintendent of public instruction. the regional garden show to be Mrs. Ralph Gilbert wm piay i held in Auenst. I piano solo and the march. Hen Mrs. Walter Young closed her I ry Yoshlkai. president of, the second-year as teacher of the student body, will preside and Reed school aonth of Lebanon I introduce the speaaer. Friday with a community nic-1 Miss America, Marian Wamp- nii ; dinner. she han hpn rev. I ler and Peace, Irene waeken elects tMcher for neit vear ! will lead the choruses in patrl Mrs. Clara Nelson of Kent, I otic songs. . A play, 'The' Vot Wash.. has - come for an lndefl- Ing Machine- will be given by nit tav vit h Mr, nan '.innr. the class and Henry .Yoshiki'; a alrlhood friends - . I the class history Rodney Miles; . ' ; - Inir Arrive Koon , a French doll folk dance by J. G. Long, transferred from Barbara Kobow, Patricia Zaara, Camas, Wash., as superintendent Gladys Zielinskl, Darlene Scharff, f th ninhiii Aenrtwnnt at Myrtle Phillips, Alice Perrie: a, the Crown-Wiliamette naoer mUt. Stella Kasper, Lorraine Lowry; m' arriv. ith- tu famii nrt I violin solos. Andrew . Zabara, week and will move Into Elmer Kenneth Bayne. chairman, of Fitzgerald's new house on Grove the school board will present the street. - "'diplomas. Polk Declamation Events Concluded Winners in Four Dirisioni Announced; Contests at IUckreall, Dallas ! DALLAS On Thursday night. divisions 2 and 4 of th. Polk county grade school declamatory contest 4 were held at the Eola school. The winner, as given oat by County Superintendent Josiah Wlila were: i Division 2 (3rd and 4th grades). Vera Brim of Dallas, Virginia Lewis of Eola and Pat sy Leverman of Pedee, all tied for first place. Diviaioa 4 (7th and. Sth grades), Betty Lou Morris , of Dallas, first; Ceciie Leverman of Pedee, second; Robert Gude- rian of West Salem, third. Judges,' Polk county teachers, included Mrs. Pauline Jeldy of Rickreall, Mrs. Blanche Litwil- ler of Rickreall and Mrs. Lois Alsip of' Mountain View. On Wednesday night ( division 1 (first and second grades), and division S (fifth and . aixth grades), were held at the Dai las junior high school. .. ln dmston- 1, the Jsrlnners were Lorraine Ray. Valley Junc tion, urst; Konaid ina, , Dai- las, second; Virginia i Lynch, Bethel, third. ! Division 3: Helen McFetridge. Dallas, first; Jack" Romig, Beth el. second, and David DeLapp, Eola, third. Judges were Mrs. Walter Duff, jr., Mrs. Fannie Domaschofsky and Mrs. Resalie Miekey. Runaway Horses ; Jar Car Owner : PCRRYDALE Mn. Percy Zvsawalt had an mmnsmal acd dent . Wednesday mornJac while drivia froaa McCoy to Petrydale. She saw team of horses rtaainc away,' dnggias Ed Vaaderhoef down tbo road. Mrs. Zamwalt stooped the car and the team turned around and made for the car, osm bono going oat either aide and doinsr considerable dam age to the car. Mrs. Zsoav wait was naatck ohakesi . w Md frightesMd sad Mr. Va derhoof was badly braised an from hla draggtBg. Student Groups MT. ANGEL Students of ML Angel normal were picnickers Wednesday. This year the all school picnic, an old tradition, drew the girls to delightful spots along Silver Creek and - Abiqua river. College and normal students drove to Silver Creek Falls for the dev. - - Academy pupils also started early on trie k . for Sprauer's grove, a popular grove along the Abiqna, Faculty members accom panied the, various, groups. Scholarship 1 and : GroytK Reported Vomcn'f Qnb ; Qosei Iu Year's Program; Mrs. 1 Haggles Elected LIBERTY The Liberty Worn- I en's club climaxed its year's ac tivity with an all-day gathering. Thursday at the home of Mrs. James Cogswell. Annual election of next year', officers and ' re ports of : committee work were held. - ' " Heading the club for the next year will be: President, Mrs; Charles Ruggles; vice president, Mrs. Henry Johnson; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Menriu Seeger. One of tip reports of interest waa that of Mrs. C. W. SUeey, who, as chairman of the scholar' ship loan committee reported the dab. fund has grown-to about $15 'in the few years since it was started, " In addition to the club's annual contribution when It reaches f 100. Mrs. . Henry Johnson, TIrs Charles Krauger, Mrs. W. R. Dallas, Mrs. Buggies and Mrs. V. JL Ballantyne, . delegates to th. recent Marion county Feder ation of Women's clubs, report ed on that session. It was stated that all the clubs were asked to double their contributions to the Children'. Farm home in Corvai- 11s In order to build an isolation ward for the hospital. The build Ing is to-be a project of the county organisation. In order to raise funds sev eral of th. ' member, undertook an Idea of atartlng out with a dim. each and v by i process of urmerous turnovers during the summer, seeing how mueh would bo accumuUted by autumn. A resolution to double mem bership dues was voted down. : A picnic luncheon was enjoyed in th. grov. of fir tree, on the Cogswell grounds by about SS who attended. JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colgan , and daughter Barbara of Jefferson attended th. funeral service, la Portland forMlXTglhrsda,Ward-1 Colganf TCt&l eTnfentVas rnidhi In the Spanish U American - war circle at th. Riveniew cemetery. Mr. -Colgan was a Spanish Amar- lcan war veteran. For th. past ry ; Colgan of Salem. 10 years" h.-had -maffa'Tila aoirV-r lni Portland. -Surviving 4 are U widow - Rena .. Colgan and A daughter, Mrs. Helen I'lsh.r Of Portland and one .brother,; ar Events of Mnsie Week Announced SILVERTON Music week wil open at SUverton Suaday morn ing, th. various churches hav ing arranged for special music, Announcement of th. . week's dedication will also be mad. by th. various pastors from the pmlplta, I Th. first i official program being announced Is the school concert to be given Tuesday noon. The public is invited. Tuesday night "The .Rose Maiden" will be given at the Eugene Field auditorium. Wed nesday the PTA mother-daugh ter banquet will be held at Trinity church; Thursday eve ning the American Legion Jun ior band will give its concert At the auditorium and May 14, the aanual community Mothers' day program . will f. ; neia. ? ' -s ZJ VY "V j- ' c . M a t 3 on vwu omj arm mm Sam anu s IF itVactioo ytni're after, just ' get back cf the wheel of an Oldsmo- - tale fast-stepping 90. H. P. Olds - Sixty! From the first eager response i to the throttle to the last easy swing into a paridng place, youll find tlirills aplenty! Acceleration that leaves' other cars at the post on the get away. Power that pulls the steepest hills without a sign of efiEbrt. Life and action on the open road that put rjew rt in cfvirig. Treat your- telf to a grand taring tonic. Get into an Olds ive 'er the gun and gol Patifie Hign way, Just North of Underpass School-end Events Planned, Hubbard HUBBAS D-rThe arrange-' meats for . commencement week are . practically completed. The baccalaureate sermon will be de livered Sunday, May 21, by the Rev. J. S.. Vanwinkle ot the Congregational church. ; The commencement exercises will be held Friday night, Mi y 26, with Charles P. Walker of Portland speaker. The graduating claBsr Fred Scheller, valedictorian Donald Yates, salutatorian, Edith Toung, Blanch Munson, Wallace Brown. Doris Love, Carol Moornaw, El ton Vredenberg, Florence Camp bell, Jim VanWInkle, Norman Stauffer, Dnane Hatcher, Eu gene Barnes, Wayne Hoovenden, Mary Alice Hammond, Viola Ty son. Pat, O'Brien, Holland Ste venson. ; j Your Phy sician '....Our Partner t Your Physician is a senior partner in our business the - business of gettin?; you well and keeping you welL To this end, we : cotabine our skill, experience and resources. , - ' ' , Your physician knows that when : you bring his prescription-here to be filled, it will receive the careful attention of skilled, reg j istered pharmacists; it will be compounded from fresh, -potent : drugs exactly in accordance with i the instructions of the Physi cian. There are no substitutions or alterations-Hur prices are a!-- ways fair.-Ask your Physician about this pharmacy ' . ' 1- '- f i . Cdy Bicg StciG; Ccr.lrbfrtyaCtstt : Ph. 3118 Motorist Injured Near Detroit DETROIT Dr. A. J. MeCaa nel was called out at 2 o'clock Friday morning to care; for three persons who : had been injured when their, auto .was f rced over the bank by a car three miles below Detroit. The- people. Al Overton and P e a b y - Brad of Portland and Helen Griffin of Albany were en route to eastern Oregon. The accident occurred about midnight and the three were trapped in their car and were not discov ered until about 1:30. They are being eared for at the CCC camp untU friends- from 'Port land can come, after them. The woman suffered chest injuries while the two - men ; were but slightly Injured. Horse Loses Skin In Blow by Track SCOTTS MILLS A piece f skin about S by 10 Inches was peeled : from a valuable horse owned by Kenneth Whiddea ot Crooked Finger w h e n j It was struck a glancUr blow1 - by. a truck. The ; Incident - occurred Wednesday. a . , -I , ' M. Dunnlgaa, : Injured whUe working for the Standard j logging company at Cochran,' expects to return to work In a : fejw days, as - his Injuries, are not serious. . 1 ' ' iiikiiw ,r -. -c - Loes Arc Parents . - .r SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Howard Loe (Opal Bee) are an nouncing th. birth of their first child. .. girl, born at 'the SU verton hospital Thursday Just before midnight. The daughter's birth tell on the mother, an " - WARDS - vnnsrn a.m. to p.m. TUESDAY, MAY 3 MILES NORTH FROM COURTHOUSE ON U.S. HIGHWAY 99 NEXT TO FROSTY OLSON'S GREENHOUSE 9th i 9 a.m. j p.m. . Carry (y j Complete j V . Traitor, ?St From 1 to -J U1- ?T . ' tsy '0a Words Faoalor ' ' V . J ffews. Dfacs. Narrows fmtHr Thmm m Teoajl foMs Sosos. Mowers, 4ay f IamaasMsssnssBaawasaManaasMaasJBi I - I - uuui k fwnai .a.. 1 ..--.-V.- 1(0)0: D ts a fta 5D On Robber as Shown $445.00 TEAM-TRAC does everything a team could do, and more does it faster and at lower cost! Plows, discs, mows, cultivates all with low-cost attached tools or pulls any 2-horse equipment! Ton save on first cost, on equipment, and on operating cost! New front-wheel drive pulls- instead of pushes, delivers more power on the drawbar! Rugged 8 h." p. air-cooled engine cant freeze or overheat. Automotive type transmission has 2 forward speeds, reverse, and power turn. Exclusive 4-wheel steering far easier to handle does, closer work! See Wards Team-Trae today. Get full facts on new low-cost power faming. ; - - t b-p. Steel Frost Wheels, Robber Wbeela Qc?c&oiilf acfcrnanf Makes If a rXne, mower! Slaao Is view always! Con venient control raises and tower, mower. Hand lever start, and stop, it! Ask for tr booklet on Warda Team-Trae and complete attachment.! Jl powaxfal. ruczed, fast power : sa zront or operator, in sua vu 2-GMm3 CUtfrssteir ' Ideal Qlsdcsa PI tor ' an - row . -crops! , Convenient - foot atoerma; roar wheels. Includes trail 1ns; ranc not showa1:. 5 Clows a atralcnt, deep rur row. Oonvanient foot tfl .Coulter, wheel weight, and ': bitch' tadoded. . I )il(!l)':v-rirTn(i:))i;iRMiA 1S5 If. LHIE2TY C ALE II S1C4 3 il niversary, r