The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1939, Page 2, Image 2

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    Ihs 0?GON STATESMAN, Calcia, Oren, Cday Ilcrxdr.-, ,llay 7, 1SC3
; i-
mjiic mu to
View Hospital
; Salem Deaconess to Open
j i:: Friday, May 12 for
! r " : ' - .
H National Hospital day la the
most Important single event by
which a hospital may educate tat
public and this year National Hos
pital day will b observed moay.
May 12. The Deaconess hospital
trae of the standard and modern
hospitals of the city. ;wlll hold
open honee from I to i p. m., and
I; to :30 p. m . oa Friday-with
(be public cordially Invited to at
tend, C,"""
jp Tha Deaeoneaa' hospital I was
founded 22 years ago with - ca
pacity or i2 beds and has crown
tf a capacity of 118 beds. Inlfll
there were 9 it patients and In
I kail Jill natienta. The hoanltal
n tains 40 private rooms ana so
ards, II bassinettes and X
the staff with orderlies and t
1 attendants, r. t . vveaei is super-
tfttendent of the hosplUl and- Miss
Mary L. W. Kegier is supennien-
rnt of nurses.
The surgery, which la complete
pa modern iy equippeo, is suua-
d on the third uoar wun us
st possible daylight. New and
odern equipment to be fbund In
the surgery Is an anaesthetic ma
ts Ine. Held - Benna-Kinetomejer.
tad a surg-o-ray light which Is
automatic On the staff la a ree
ntered anaesthetist. Miss F, M.
OgeUby. Spacious cupboards , for
the doctor's instruments, one at
tine end of the room with supply
Shelves containing solutions to be
toed In surgery, in another cor-
: " ' Surgery la Modem r
" U; Next to the auncery is the eter-
Cliing room used for sterilizing
Instruments : and trays with " hot
and cold water stenie tanxa in
constant use. There -la also a ater-,
laser used for floor and operat
ing supplies. The . minor surgery
rtom for' eyes, nose and throat
fljork la across tbeiiall with a new
section, machine for throat work
list recently added to the equip
trjent. It Is called the Emerson
ejectrlc portable auction . and
Spray. Other rooms near the sur
gery are the supply rooms and
doctors dressing room. .
ft The x-ray room Is equipped
with a' new Westinghouse fluoro
scopic machine, one of the latest
odels. In this room is also
und the fracture and cast
uipment. The emergency p-
ating room Is complete with
two electric-dlthermy, - port-electro
surgical units, to assist In
Surgical operations. -Other mo
dern equipment found in the
(capital i a new Sweetland heat-
f and east dryer, one new oxy
gen tent and one other for egu
l4r use, and a res uscltator in the
delivery room.
ijj Nurses' Dining Rooss Open
Hi Each floor la eeuinoed with, a
iftchen room where the patients
f (f od la prepared, utility 1 room.1
Uboratory room and J chart room.
JU new dinlnr room unit has been
faded to the basement floor for
the nurses and hospital ataff.
Tjhe food will be served cafeteria
tyie with a new serving room
containing a heating unit, coffee
ffu and refrigerator. -The din
ing room has Individual tables
H;ith smooth tops and chairs each
stating four or six. This room
M newly decorated - and - la used
Br.i lecture room and banquet
oa for the doctors and nurses.
The laundry annex to the hos
pital has . been enlarged with
hew steam pressor and washing
machine. The main kitchen where
til the food is prepared la clean.
large and nicely equipped on the
tk semen t floor. i :
?;The. hospital staff will serve
Srfesbmenta in the dining room
i Friday with nurses delegated
t conduct the visitors through
the hospital. It la hoped that the
Individual is made to realize the
Important and the -great public
'Mr rice the hospital la to the
community and city or town ' l
which It is located. ,
4 Cents Subsidy
To Shell Walnuts
, ' W 1 O TIT XT -KWOVr " . a , - " .
Isbsidy of 4 cents s pound will be
paid to walnut growers to convert
six million pounds - of unshelled
nuts Into shelled walnuU for sale
la regular markets.. Shelled nuts
bring a amaller return. , .
i.The west coast Industry oper
ates under a market agreement
limiting the quantity of unshelled
uts which may be sold Interstate
aad requires the balance- to be de
livered to a coalrol .board for
sale. The subsidy from the AAA
wpuld attempt, to dispose of nuts
et exported. : V; - -
'Build the FJia. Insured Way'
:r''7lVlllllb'no .Now Available :
For New Homo Construction
Other Amounts
V at Corresponding Payment
1 - -- '
j FTLA Supervision; Construe
slon Inspected '
! LTit:r Co. :
j 1C23 N. Coal. - Ph. 9293
Pendergasi Aide's Body Found
This was the scene Just before the body of Jkaward 1. Hchsteklca-, (ar
row) business aide of Boss Torn Peudcrgast of Kansas City, waa
iakea from the Missouri river, four days after he left a suicide note
In his automobile, Schaeider was potential key witmess for the
govenuneat la Its case against Feadergast oa iacome tax evasion
charges. AP Telemat.
Eiigiiieer Beck Is
Ousted by Ickes
' (Continued from page 1)
proper and calls for a severe
reprimand; In the future you Will
confine yourself strictly to your
duties, which do not include
giving out statements or pub
licity of any sort."
Beck's own answer, a lengthy
document, replied, in parj:
"Re-examination of article
should convince you I neither
represented myself as acting ad
ministrator of Bonneville nor
spoke tor Bonneville. Mr. Ross
and myself fostered, nursed and.
by request, were official advisors
to the PUDs involred before
Bonneville existed and U s my
purpose to continue to do so in
such a capacity as long aa the
public power people of the north
west -want me to, regardless of
whether I am Inside ot outside
A second Ickes telegram said:
'"The issue is clearly one of
Insubordination in the first in
stance to which you have now
added defiance and threats .
In ibe circumstances you leave
me no alternative but to effect
your separation. This I have
done 4
Announcement of Beck's dis
missal followed by two daya the
appointment of Frank A. Banks
as acting administrator of Bon
neville. Beck has been under nre
from the southwest Washington
utility - districts upon Issues In-
oiviug procedure in connection
with the acquisition of privately
ovned power facilities.
Cay Musicians -
Seek US Finals
Canby union high school must
clans directed by Miss Faye
Sparks of Salem won the- class C
sweepstakes at the -recent state
music tournament in Forest Grove
and will compete In the national
regional finals at Portland May
12 to IS. Last year at Seattle the
Canby entrants won top honors.
Canby' s girls trio, girls' glee
club and mixed chorus won -"su
perior" rating at Forest Grove;
the boys' glee club may also enter
the : Portland finals since it re
ceived an -"excellent" rating and
co-competitor was rated "super
lor." Esther Arneson of ;Canb
waa the only girl soloist in class
C to receive a "superior" rating.
'The 'groups will sing Monday
night at the opening Music week
program ' at the high school in
Canby. ..
Tillamook County
1 i fish Are Periled
tlnued drought in ' Tillamook
county la beginning to threaten
fish life, Charles Roadarmei, su
perintendent of the state trout
hatchery at Hebo. said today.
; With the aid of state police,
he seined S0.000 young trout
and salmon from Mossy creek
and aald that If the dryness con
tinued other streams which are
getting low would be seined.
At Oaly 5 Interest
Mr. John R, Towles, fortner
Associate Director FederaT
Hoosiag Admlalstratloa, Is
at tbe Capitol Lamber Com
pany aad will help yon se
cure your loan, prepare all
papers aad other details free
of charge. There la absolute
ly ao charge lor .oar mairy -complete,
additional scrrlcca
- such aa architect, loan seem1
tag aad Mr. Towles' setvlcea.
1T1111U DllMUCSS
Advocated to US
(Continued from page 1)
should look behind the smoke
screen of foreign affairs, delib
erately raised, and bend our ef
forts toward focusing attention
upon America's problems and
their possible solution.
'American womanhood must
not become Little Bed Biding
Hood for International war mon
gers. If there is any . wolf threat
ening ua today, it la not on some
.far distant shore . . rather It
is the wolf pack of unemploy
ment . . high taxes. Increased
debt and . decreased income .
right here on our doorstep.
Pepper said he favored a re
turn to international law, with
all neutrality legislation "wiped
off the books."
Salem Pistoleers
Win Team Title
(Continued from page 1)
awarded the Robbina rapid fire
trophy. . ,
Lieutenant Elton O. Nelson,
Corvallls, waa judged the best
pistoleer of the 282nd Infantry re
serve regiment.
Members of the winning five-
man Salem team were Lieutenant
K e i d e t h Dalton, - Lieutenant
Charles O. Robertson. Captain
Norman Raymond and Cadets Don
i u maxe and naroid . r. Beau
The matches will continue Sun
day and will feature a Camp Perry
pistol tryout. a police match and
a .45 caliber 'national pistol
Negro Pays life
in Electric Seat
HTJNTSVILLE. Texas. May 7-
(tiunaaywjpwBennle Randadl
negro rapist of a 77-year-old
white woman, waa electrocuted
in the state prison early today.
The negro, who maintained his
innocence to the last, was strap
ped into the chair at 12:02 and
was pronounced dead at 12:10 v- - : -
... .r. r,-ip.,'J,M HstntiaiatCT
1T fAvlfl'r riTSI ll'lll
1 wm
a Yeats la UtT
m9ZJ. aetatov P
5 esseatlsls foe
fc a. NoUow--
!-lwaal valaes-tares
a.Sce this senea-,
mw kind of re11"
csatoc atoafsaw
Coal Solution
Plea of FDR
Differences Do not Seeni
Ixuiiperabley Aaaerta r:
Wire to Leatlciri
(Continued from page. 1)
progress and once more stressed
the need of an "immediate set
tlement He said he would meet
Individually . with the operator
and union, groups beginning at
11. aja. tomorrow and that
another Joint meeting would
start at J p.m. '
The coaxereea, however, im
format reply to President Boose
Telt, beld oat hops of th agree
ment. -- -i-
It waa the first time the presi
dent publicly had taken a hand
in the situation, although one
of the conferees aald today Mr.
Roosevelt had been in telegraph
ic communication with the nego
tiators previously to f determine
what progress was being made.
Approximately 40,000 minora
in zf, states were idle aa the
negotiators sought anew : to . end
their differences, , und while r It
waa estimated that soft coal sup
plies In the nation totalled from
21.000,000 to 21,000.000 tons
a month's supply If equitably dis
tributed reports of scarcity la
many communities Increased.
Skilled Workers
Are Held Scarce
scarcity of skilled workers exists
in Portland and few young men
are seeking apprenticeships In
many trades, Frederick G. Lea-
sure, -director of vocational edu
cation in Portland schools, told
125 delegates to the Willamette
Valley Vocational association
Despite a belief there Is no
chance for youth, the security of
this generation lies. in the multi
tude of ' opportunities. Dr. U. G
Bubach, of Oregon State college,
: William B. Showalter. Chema
wa, was elected president. Amo
DeBarnardis, Portland, vice-pre
sident, and W. L. Allen, Chemawa,
Marion County Schools
Get Spring Allotments
Warrants for spring appor
tionments from the county s-hool
and elementary funds have been
Issued to Marion county school
districts, the county superinten
dent s office announced yester
day. The distribution from the
county fund . totaled I46.C11.2C
and -from the state elementary
fund, 147,070.45.
ftfiaa Edith Tandy
Has Operation .
AIRLIE Silas Edith Tandy
waa taken to the hospital Thurs
day night where n appendec
tomy waa" performed by Dr
Searing that aame night.
Leland Cooper cracked the
left collar bone recently while
playing baaebaU.
Women Chorus Contest
Won "by McMinnviflers
CORVALLI8, Ore.. May C .
Oregon Business and Professional
Women's dubs Interrupted their
annual convention here today for
a chorus contest, won by McMlnn
ville s team.
Hood River finished second In
the warbling,; with Klamath Falls
third. . -v
I r
. A
"' H
sum-- .
... w-. : ..
. .: ::::-::. :
Robert M- BmguacT, Jr (above).
23-year-old couege staaeat, was
charged with murder by County
Attorney Richard Barleaa after
the bodies of two Phoenix,
Aria., automobile sal
found trussed aad shot to death
ta desert wash aear Pboemix.
Bsvgaaer was identified
pictures as the prospective: aato
saeblle buyer who disappeared
d d 1 1 1 0 0
the Nets
big bell, audible la every square
Inch of Texas vast domain, might
soon toll the death ot each traffic
victim. I
It would be set up oa the state
capltoli grounds and struck j once
tor each life lost on the highways.
Those beyond Its normal range
could hear it by tuning in a state
wide radio hookup which would
broadcast the sound. A reminder
and a warning to all. j
(AV-Keaka college's May qu
ascended her throne with a
braised aoso today. I
Her majesty waa Moade
Florence Pojoda of Rochester,
NY, struck by a ball duriag a
baseball game only two hoars
before she was aamed qaeesu
This la the story of the air-con
dltloned owl.
It sits all day In fron of a ven
tilator fan.
Students at Bloomburg. State
Teachers college who found it.
have tried to chase It away but
each time It returns to enjoy the
breeze, the wise old owl.
SHAWNEE, Okhk, May 9HJf)
-Monday mornings a Shawnee
reataaraat feature a Mhaaa
over breakfast. It laclades:
"Tomato juke with hot
"Whole wheat toast,
Two aspirins.
NEWTON. N. C. May .-(H)-A
young convict, captured four days
after his escape from a prison
camp here, told officers:
"It waa my vacation time and I
Just had to take a few days oft."
Icket' Son Groom
LISBON, O.. May l.-(ff)--Rob-ert
H. Ickes,' son of Secretary of
the Interior Harold L. Ickes, and
m mre aF mi 1 z. 2 m
liotocs,to bring endless pleasumaiwiarvJngj Into your
hoaae at small cost. Yea ssust see thent to appreciate
how they will add new beauty, atfliry aad coaveoieaca
to your kitcheat And ceateasbet you caa own theas for
- aoly a few dimes a day! ,
Pacific Highway
Workers Advance
Advisorr Councili to Be
Formed in Gties on
' Route of 99E
" Appointment ot advisory coun
cils in the various cities along
the Pacific highway will be the
next step Jn completing the or
ganisation of the Oregon Pacific
Highway association in northern
Oregon, it waa announced here
Saturday. by-Carl. Rynearson, as
sociation manager.
The executive board of the as
sociation .met. following . the din
ner Held .here Friday.
We are well pleased with the
attendance at our first meeting
In this section of the state, Ry
nearson added " in commenting on
the meeting here. - r 7
'Onee people In northern Ore
gon realize that . the great por
tion of ' tourists ester Oregon
from 'California,' and that the
condition of the Pacific highway
In southern Oregon and the lack
of adequate advertising -of the
resources of this section Is cost
ing northern Oregon millions of
douara, we believe this associa
tion will have the financial and
moral support not, only of the
county courts, hut of the people
1 wnoie." .
In Triumph Area
Two sections of road tn the
Triumph school district were or
dered viewed and aurveyed by
the county court at Its Mar Road
meeting on Friday. The two roads.
one ,SVi miles and the other! a
mile long, are to be improved by
WPA crews. -:'
The court dismissed four road
proceedings because of incomplete
petitions, as follows: Petition of
R. O. Amort and others tor road I
la gllvertoa hills; L. O. Hadley 1
and others, for road in Silverton
hills; Frank D. Gerrard and oth
ers, for short road near Hubbard;
William! G. Rush and others, road
in clorerleaf Farms- north of Sa
lem. Seaplane Flyer Rescues
Trio in Lake Michigan
seaplane pilot rescued three
youtns youtns alter - tney were
hurled into Lake Michigan when
their sloop capslsed in the har
bor here today. Henry C. Mul-
berger, of Elm Grove. Wis., flyini
overhead when the boat orer-1
turned In a aqualL came down
nearby and taxied up to the boat.
to which the youths were clinging.
Captain J. Bergman, 93,
Coast Resident, Called
EUGENE, May Mffv-Captaln i
John Bergman, one of the most
widely known coast residents and
is pioneer of the early eighties in
Florence, died at his home there
i early Saturday morning. He waa
nearly 91 years of age.;
Upsetting Stove Fatal
For Oregon City Man
OREGON CITY. Ore., May -
(AVUpsetting a stove as he tried
to prepare his dinner, William At-
kln, 77, a .bachelor, was fatally
burned before neighbors could
rescue him. - They - put out the
flames and Saved his house.
Miss Mercille Charlotte Levtne
were - married here tonight In
surprise ceremony. '
-n over t
hs exPfL cm h today.
-5oeeo tv Thee
See these 1939 chaaiploasl A pair of Iricchea
comeaaioas. saade by Frlgidalre aad Geaeeal
pnojiE. 6J022
I Wagner Purchases
; Cigar; Business
L. M Wagner has purchased
the Interest of Tom Holman
the Holmait and Wagner cigar
store and 1 restaurant at 35 C
SUte street . and Is now in full
charge. Holmaa will devote hie
full time- to the Oregon Food
and Beverage ! association. ; -
Warmer started the business
15 years ago. Holman later pur
chasing an Interest,
Blind Man Loses
Saingsior Eyt3s
- TACOMA. May C - (ff) - Joe
Brown, sightless Oregon Indian,
lived frugally for the paat year,
saving money so he might receive
treatment to restore his eyesight.
, Today he waited dejectedly at
headquarters while police looked
tor-another Indian they termed
"a man without a hearU" t
The blind man and a fellow
trlbeaman f rom the Klamath In
dian reservation arrived here yes
terday In aearch of an eye doc
tor. Unfamiliar with the town,
they became acquainted with an
other Indian ' who directed them
to.a hoteL ' I
When S. K. Brown, had his
blind friend established comfort
ahty he went out to Interview eye
specialists. While he was gone the
third Indian returned to the blind
man's i hotel room and told Joe
Brown ne had been tent by a Ta
eoma physician to examtne his
sighUeae eyes. J . 'ovr
"During tbe 'investigation 4B
wag removed from the blind man's
pockets, Detective Captain Cliff
Osborne said. "The thief substi
tuted :: scraps of paper in Joe
Brown's pocket In order to conceal
the theft from the sightless man.
Slayer Geta Chair
L-Adrlan H. .Miller. S 1-year-old
Racine, Wis., atudent la a- tech
nical. school : here, was sentenced
today to die In the state prison
electric chair August It for the
alaylng ot 11-year-old Alice May
GIrton. last October. .
TION. Yet Sisong
: y: '
REMEMBER THIS! A denteJ" 'plaii 'must ' not
'. only look ivetti hutr WEAR WELLtlt must
SERVE YOD as well as harmonize with your naU
: ural feature's. That is why so many patients have
pleasure and contentment in plates made from a
recently-perfected plastic ... plates uhich have
the properties of permanent natural tone, per
manent natural form, and accurate reproduction!
- The: d Plates ilrc So Lif o-lilio
xriliDl Tliby Dcfyllotcclicn! .
. Cell Tomorrow Without an Appointment
-Other. Oftkes la Eugene, Portland, Tacoma, Spokane and
. i . l.AH Tieadiaa: Faelile Coast Otlea ' -
Fear7Medf ordite . 3
Drovns in River
Xtian BLTJirr. Calif.. May 9(JP
-Discovery of a pile lot woman's
clothing and a scrap book oa the
Squaw Hill bridge over tne sac
mnontn rt-rnr emoied . aberlff'a
deputies today to drag the river
Ip a fruiuess searcn tor a woman 1
body, h.-f 1 .
i Kherlff James Frobme saM the
scrap book, and apparently tbe
clothing, belonged to Mamie Bur
nett of Medford. Ore. Froome un
derstood ahe left Medford Thurs
day, accompanied by two otner
young women, supposedly en
rants to Sacramento and San
Francisco. f , -' t li :
1 The sheriff aald. he would have
no. comment until he had obtained
more information concerning the
case. , r I' ill '
The river at r the point whete
th eiothinr was found. Is deen
and almost a quarter-mile wide.
Medford Resident
Is Called Suicide
MEDFORD, May -(ff)-Geor8e
Henselraan, ,42, widely known
Medford insurance agent and civic
worker, ended his own life by
shooting himself in the head, in
a Klamath Falls hotel Saturday
night. Coroner Frank Perl aald
he had been notified by Coroner
George Adler of Klamath county,
eating he was despondent over
Henselman left two notea indl
financial matters. Coroner Perl
aald. , . i - - I.
Henselman Is survived by his
widow and four children, the old
est a freshman at Harvard uni
21st Person Is Dead
In Portlands Traffic
-Portland's traffic fatalities for
the year mounted to 21 tonight
when an unidentified pedestrian,
about 60 years of age, was killed
at Northeast Union avenue and
Hancock street.
Ma .
"Si - X
' t r?
-'-" ' ' " j '