The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1939, Page 16, Image 16

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    . , -:j
ikiia r31ea Is'; 1 kl
UmatiUa Girl It Named
; Queen of Celebration
for Blay 25-27 ' 1
CHEMAWA - Royal Princess
Anna. lilies. Umatilla Indian girl.
' will preside tfver the annual stu
dent pageant and tribal , eelebra-
tion here Mayi5-27, it was de
cided by election Saturday. Prin-
- cess Anna, a senior, will be at-
tended by a court of fonr that in
cludes Gladys roster, Lilly Ben
. ' ny, Viola Firstshot and Dorothy
: HalL . V , j .'
More than i 204 students win
take part in the pageant, which
' wfll hm Held the first two days of
the celebration. The third day.
Saturday, will be siren orer to
Indian dances and tribal contests,
with. the participants In toll re-
The chief purpose of the cele
bration is to encourage the Indian
youth to hare a greater under
standing of and appreciation for
the Indian culture, art and heri
taae. and with this in mind the
entire three-day program Is de
moted to exhibits of tarlous kinds
and entertainment by these peo-
pies. - i " - 1 ': '
Indian Baby Show Set '
i One at the blc features will
be the Indian baby show, for
which prises will be given.
, Efforts are being made to sur
pass the previous extensive exhi
bits ot Indian baskets, bead work,
regalia and other crafts of the
different tribes. t ?
Tribal dances, with Indians In
full regalia, will be featured and
to add seat to this, prises will be
awarded for the different dances
' and the Indian groups competing,
i lsitors will pitch tents in the
newly, built campground at Che
ma wa, creating a real Indian Til
lage atmosphere.
, . . ,: ; ' ' ;,'"
Oratory Contests,
Mt. Angel Today
Speaking, Musical Event
at 2 p.m., College
i Gymnasium
' ' 1 MT. A N G E lr Announcement
was made Friday that Raymond
Vmnlnt ot Portland was selected
as the winner in the high school
elocution contest and will be ac
corded the bonor of delivering his
recitation at the college, oratory
' contest and muslcale Sun da?
afternoon. May 7. Lawrence Dres
cher of Monitor, the runner-up,
will also speak.
Tht nroeram " of music and
, speaking will be free to the pub
lie and will be held in the college
' gymnasium, beginning at Z p. m.
The college glee cm d, aireciea
by. Prater DunsUn Johnson, will
make Its first appearance in is
year. The college orchestra, under
the batod of Alexander Scharbach,
will play a number of classical se
lections, t
Other numbers will be a piano
. solo by Norbert Medved. prep
freshman from Idaho, 'and vocal
solos by James Nolan from Hills-
. i . horn. , ' - i '- " . :
i Rev. Eugene Medred, rector of
ML Angel college and seminary,
m rive a abort address.
i The four orators competing for
the gold medal are ivo uauman.
UL Ancel: Anthony Broxmeyer,
niiemook; Thomas Ferachweller, 1
Gervals; and Richard Hopkins,
Butte, Mont. ;
Turner Students
Attend Play Day
O TURNER Practically all of
Turner grade school ..children
attended the I play day county
MMt at Leslie field - Friday.
The WCTU will meet Wednes
day afternoon, May 10, with
Mrs. John Girardln.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gunning
: drove to McMinnrllle '. -iday
where they - were guests of a
niece, Lois Gunning, sophomore
. la Llnfield college.
The PTA will have election cf
officers at Its last meeting of
the year, Monday night. May S.
" la the iehool auditorium.
Mothers' Tea Is
Planned, Bit. Angel
" - MT. ANGEL Mothers ; of stu
dents ot Mt. Angel normal will be i
honored by , their daughters at a
tea to be held at the school on
May IX. Margnerits Donnerberg,
., Portland.. student . body president.
and Maxlne Morgan. Sllverton, are
In charge ot the general arrange
xaents.. Genevieve Crane, Portland, and
Bath Thompson, -Sllverton, offi
cers ot the school's dramatic club,
Alpha Omega, are planning an in
formal 'program for the guests.
College and normal students will
. receive their mothers from 2 to 4
ta the college, homeroom r-
' - . m !.'". 4 St AAi
'.Gail CTATZ3IIAII, Zslzzz, Orc LzzZiJ Jen:, -i-jj
Woman Confesses Poison Deaths
- i.. ra.m.ku MilwanV. Wis housewife.
UTS. AHJUI Mmu oiuuii ' " . .
confessed, according to District Attorney D. Bteff es, to poisonlnx
her sten-eon, James Bumvan, 10, -ana ner mkobu -, .--V3!MTZr-JrL
h. iM r her third mate. Michael
o-m... tm mmA hi. t.veaMld danxhter. Tberesa, Mrs. Buluvan
: is shown with District Attorney Steffea. . -
nlTersary of Mr.i and Mrs. Roy
Hatfield. The service was spok
en by Rev. 8. A. Ellis.
Mrs. Hatfield is the slab sec
retary. T. C MounUin ot
Aumtrllle addressed the club on
"Labor Displaced by Machin
we vw -r '
ethel School
4XL Achierement Day, Also
Community Club Meet
Combined Event '
BETHEL Eichth rrade rrad-
uation, ; 4H achievement day and
community eiub ; meeting too
nj-m an Thnradav nlcht at the
sehooL The fine exhibits of the
4H j clubs drew much attention.
There was capacity attendance.
Mrai E. E. Matten, Mrs. A. . L.
Schlz and Mrs. O. B. Chanman
Judged the - needlework, home-
making and eooniog. J w tw
rutbers Judged the forestry and
home wood worging exnioiu. ,
Cast A. Nichols presided at
the community club meeting. , It
waal yoted to give x small cash
prize to each 4H club member
who exhibited. Plans were made
fn, i th. animal im rrttam iaasc
1. - R Carrnthera was annointed
tne commuted in
cntirmaa of
eharre. ,'- '1
On behalf ! ot the uetnei i or
eaa rlnh lira. J.. P. BncuTeneh.
president, presented to Bethel
school an v American xiac on a
ataf r. a framed nictnre of Fran
eea E. Wlllard and a Bible. The
audience responded ." by singing
the Star spangled fanner. Kaipn
A. iWllaoa. rhaJrman at tha board
of directors, accepted the gifts
for the school.
. a. r. Snrancer. nresident. ore-
sen ted on behalf of Bethel lo
cal of the Farmers' union, a
half atlinlarahin to 4H Summer
school to the four mgnest rana
lnc club members within the
membership of y Bethel local.
These wero , Coralee Nichols,
Freda Bncnrenchv Wanda. ' Froe
Uch, Wemn Froelkh.-
Six Given Uipiomas
A profusion, of flowers provld
a colorful decorations. The
eighth grade" graduates were
Clurua Mageman, uiuan nam
rick, Coralee Nlcholsn Ann"and
rharlaa I rianalraT and HlttfT
Pfenning Program numbers were
songs by school, voraiee mcnojs
at the piano; early nisxory z
Bethel written by Mrs. E. E.
Matten, read by Clurns Hage-
man; i demonstrauoii ot biscuit
making, Dorothea Froelich and
Lorraine Kirscner; snort tain,
Wayne D. Harding, county u
clnb agent. ' 1
Mrs. carmeute wed die of the
county 4H club office, formerly
for manv veara teacher of Bethel
school, spoke .briefly . and pre
sented awards won by m cmn
members. Mrs. Ruth Keicher,
teacher, presented, . appreciation
tifts to the indges.
Ra S. Hewitt. ' Salem attor
ney, made the graduation ad
dress on ui i anniect. "survival
Values." Diplomat were present
ed by the chairman of the school
board, who also presided and an
nounced the nroaram numbers.
The entertainment closed with
a song by Lillian : Hamrick, ac
companied by Freda Bucurench;
and a song by the small pupils.
Surprise Birthday
Shower Is Given
1 . MEHAMA Mrs. Charles
Crook and Mrs. Otis Marks were
hostesses to ' a rrouo of women
from this community who met to
honor Mrs. Vera Goodell with
a surprise ninnaay . snower at
the home : of Mrs., Crook Thurs
day afternoon. , . s ' v ."
Present were Mesdamea ' vern
Goodell, Arthur Landers, Lnla
Berlnger. Boy Fhluppl, 8. 1.
Burdlck, Tern Smith, Giles Wag
ner, Mabel 'Bouche,- Pat MeCar
ley. - Frank D a k e , Ira - Klrsch,
Jennie! Moe, Elisabeth Hughes,
W. T. Hughes, Wlllard "ohnson,
EmU Wlnxer, Ed Titxe, Ercill
Wilson!. Rex Kimsey. Tex Klm-
sey, Carl Reid, Chris . McDonald,
Louise Erlckson, Ray Branch,
Edith iPhillppi, Maude Zimmer
man and Miss. Lorene Landers
and Berniee Black, - all of Me-
hama, and Mrs. Henry JKruse.
Mrs. Mae McCarley and Mrs.
Lois Cornsf orth all e of Lyons.
Tops at Arm Breaks
LIBERT Y- Leland Spriggs
teems to hold some sort of cham
pionship In the arm breaking line
for he broke an arm again Mon
day night in a wrestling, tussle.
This makes the fifth time he has
had an arm broken and the second
time- this school year.
Verlyn Schnldt broke an arm
In a ' bicycle ",iplll recently. .
Elects Of ficers
Mnsleal Program Features ;
Bleeting; SclioolWfaiS;m
at Forest Grove ;
Woman's clnb met at the Come
of Mrs. Leroy Dike with Mrs.
Will Bertram assisting as host
ess. Mrs." v Robert Schroeder
gave an Interesting - paper on
"The Purpose of Good Music"
a mmlfil nrorram included:
Piano solo, Grace Golden; girls'
trio, Joyce Ogden, Marjorie
Schroeder, Virginia Mason ;
string trio, Mrs. Robert Schroed
er, Mrs. - Don Schythe and "Miss
Phyllis Sparr; - piano solo, Mrs.
Schroeder, and' rocal solo, Beth
Faust. ; : -'."-;;".
Election of officers was held,
resulting In: Mrs. Frank Smith,
president; lira. Gwyn Gatei, lit
: for Your
rrririvafi nrrt Af f TaAwnni57Tra
J ; Cali orSee , ' " ,
7. W. Rosebraugh Co
Day Phone
Night Phones
6014 - 0825
vice president; Mrs.' Maxlne Bill,
2nd vice ' president ; Mrs. Bertha
Baltimore, treasurer; Mrs. Pearl '
Holthonse, secretary. ,
Mnsldans Win ! i
The Mill City high school on.
siciana under the directorship of
Mrs. Don - Schythe, - won three-
ribbons at the musical contest
held In Forest Grove Saturday..
The boys' Quartet received first
prize and will sing in the north
west contest in , Portland, May
12. The girls, chorus won sec
ond honors and the girls' trio1;
third place. i I
youi:g g.o. p.
. 7:30
Marion Hotel
Speaker r
- ! ' I-'- - ; '
Be There
Ilrn Jacob Plonb " V T
llostessto Qnb
AIRLIE Mrs. Jacob Ploub
was - hostess - to-the Busy: Bee
.uiltlng elub at her ' home this
week at an all day meeting.
Members gathering were: lira.
Victor Berens,' Mrs. Blmr Tan
dy, Mrs. Wade Williams, Mrs.
Earl Hoover, Mrs. George Plonb,
Mrs. Glen Tadley, .Mrs. Ann
Hadley and 'Mrs. Box Womer.
.HaHHHaaHSMHasaaaaMMHHBM ,' h- . .
Gradoatica May 11
To Be Joint Event
dale eighth grade graduation ex--ercises
wUl be held : May .11 at
g o'clock. Several surrourdlng
strfets will participate. The
young married people's class ot
the Turner Methodist - church
enjoyed a social hour at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.: Fred
Dlerks Wednesday night. :
llatliddi Ilcncred '.t
TUrJaAt the Townsend
t!ab tere Wednesday the elub
, ccleSrttcI the 20th wsddlng an-
: rlv-
Sse the ssaaxing Haiidefroater ; Shelves , , Iarilstrh Poors . , ;
w. : .tttosU thefusiandnni. 'and the many other features
, . . sance out of dcrOtting...nw. which aaake the Notge Mata
H aimpler, nmch aw coaveaientl then today's omtttaadiag
See die Norre Rollator , . . leCrlgeraec buyl (
oatwsading te&igerstion saech- -
atiism of all time! A duplicate
pwnor which tan the etraiva
lent of 43 yean wirhont appre.
dabUweari t
,..le See ike aew Ice-O-Bar -dtat ,
- Hips oat one cube or a down
. v . like asgJc...the CJsderesled
; Ice Compartment m . . Mobile '
I 1
Tkt nor Speed
Plate ATI tjSsWVf-
YtloSS e e 00"
tact heat is so
" . assBBBBsEnasnB. mmmkm0
-- ----- --' 'sbssGbSBBQ ' - -
.aMasas"1-" ' ' 1
'EE" MdDlKKIS alt
"mm YOU BUY!
Now.; ; electncfr comes Into its own V with the Nocse Electro
Speed Range . . . cooking time is speeded Bp miraculously . . yon get
all the adSrantages of cleaner; faster, safer cooking much more do
lidous meats. Come in and see the maiiybrand new features that make f
the Norge Hectro-Speed Power Range years ahead . . the best range :
buy on the market today! - . "'.J
cfriittle dozn cn U tig bill 9
nca turn ictaia tk
f-juzs wisa iccx rxno
The gender, ytt : faster and
mots thorough washins;
action of the new Sten
Seal get dothes cleaner
... make them look better
and last longer.
Gleaming, sanitary white
- Jtrooger tubs ... Norctlsia
finished egitaxoc that acta
:: toge;..oixA,tto'
buSt ttansmission l1
. wringerl . . . GWee yo
' taore for your money than
m in &
r -
i ; 275 NOaini LIBERTt
Come . . . See
' A ir, - "la
Goynrb Ilcvest Shprnnn of
; Tomorrow!
t -