PAGE FIFTEEN TMeires9 :a -World1 of iMerest iiii' itlhie SefeT6dav?! 1 1 - Salesmen Wanted Room and Board Money to Loan Money to Loan For Sale Real Estate For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars TLe OXYGON STATESIIAN, ( SaUza, Orezcs, Sunday llonus Uzy 7, W A M T E D AMBITIOUS hostler J Sell Rawleleh. product a. Nadd every 1 Heme. Easily sold. Pleasant wore I Should auk food earn In re at start 1 and increase rapidly. Bale way up I tii m roar, wo teach you asm. Raw- lelrVa, Dept. ORE-1 27-69, Mkland : . TOUNO MAN with anno 1e ebtT-. . My who la wen acquainted hi Sale area. Thla la a fin opportunity fori in ngni person, L. B. Harris, mi Marlon, - - For Sale Miscellaneona REBUILT AND guaranteed wash era. All nukes from lit up. Spec? May tag. 935. Roc Bros. ADDING MACHINES. troewrtterv cafi resist era. rales. , rentals, re-, pair. Rosa Type writer Ex.. 45 court Bikes A Rep. R marten. 142 8. wwmmmmmwwmmmjmmmmwmwwmmm RIVER SILT, ton dirt. Ph 72X1. wiwimiwwmwwiwwwaaiw ;i DRUM SET ai xytpphone. Ph. 74 NEW I H. ELECTRIC rn t49.Se. Good Housekeeping Inc. 45 Court Street FILMS DEVELOPED. prints anl hand . colored enlargement. 25e. Coin. Oregon Pirtura Co, box 43)1. Portland APRONS FOR Mother a day At the APRON SHOP. 71 N HIKn. - 1-RM, HOUSE, furn. Would make good garage. Ph. S229. BEE THE larr Uaed Department at Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court 8treet i Davenport and chair. Studio coaches. Day beds. Ocraalonal chairs. Dining tables. Dressers, cheats. Ranges wood, gas sad electric. Circulators. Ice boxes. Singer sewing machines. China: closet. I Bedroom suite, .beds, springs and! mattress Good unrurht piano. Sneclal new print, linoleum 29. Limited number of floor lamps. 93c Buy Upstalra and Save. Upetntra Fur niture Store 439 Court Street . - BEAUTIFUL BUSH ft Lane Cecil ia a piano. Also player. 979. Ph. 7294. "wflLMS DEVELOPED 2 prints each good negative, 26c Coin onlv. Port- land Film Co, bos 4212. Portland. Ore. SPE. BED. plants thla wk, 10c dos White's Greenhouse, 19S9 K. Summer RED C ANN AS ready-for planting. 91-00 dosen. 3235 N. Church. TRAILER HOUSE, sale, trade. Rt 9. Box 293. Weather. Roberta Sta. MEXICAN DANCING pupa. Cheap II taken at once. Ph. 0349. 14J1.H ConYL ; NIGHT CRAWLERS. 00c hundred. TeL 6252. ' ; RIVER SILT and top dirt Ph. 98S. SaweaarfSasawaSwWSwaaaeaasSeweaeawarfaaae- FILMS DEVELOPED. prints and 2 enlargements, 25c. Coin only. Qual ity Picture Co, box 3573. Portland. DAVENPORT ft CHAIR, occaa chair, occaa. table, end table, bed a mattress, table lamp floor lamp. 2 rugs, breakfast set si most new. 8S5 E St. Ph. 7760. WHY BUY a used refrigerator whe we can deliver to you a brand new bic saaaaaa93aaattrfajasaat2asaa fH cu. fU Zenith-, for only 8119.50. 959. down and $3.51 per month with I your light bill. .-,- .- , KAl tK at HUHH cu. . 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co ALMOST NEW Universal gas and I wood comb, range, a bargain at Ti.e. Opal wood range, fine condition. 3 Z7J9. Wedgewood gsa range, full automatic 87 S. 50. Recondition Hl electric ranges 6 13.00. and tin. Hotpoint electric 4 years old 959.99. 2-3 burner ell stover cheap. Ice boxes from 32.69 to 37.69. TEATER AND RUSH CO. 255 N. XJberty Next To Power Co. j GOOD 8ERVICB station air com pressor fn Arl shape, cheap. Casper ft Cuuer, 2049-N. CapltoL r Wanted Fnrnitnre : WANTED USED. furn. Ph. 7446, Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED COLORED 'fryers snl market poultry. Ph. 123F2. Lee's. Hat ehery. :., !-., ' r " : .- - WANTED USED elec. refrlBerator for cash. Must be In good ' condition Thone 3731. .. SHOE REPAIRING, reasonable. Good work. 990 S. Commercial. CARE OF child. 455 N. Cottage. WANTED BEAUTY shop with good following. Box 429. Statesman . For Rent Rooms - : -' e ' ' SI.KKP.R9i.. eluae la Ph 4498 RMS. FOR ladlea. 496 N. Cottaa Ph 667S, - r INK BLaKr.' rm, ass w. unurcn CLEAN. FURN. hskpg. R, 92.8 wk. up. Else, washsr. 799 N. Commer cial, i - - ., ' ' ' - SLEEP. KM. Prtv. L 89T7 RM, BETA ST. ft dinner. Ph. 28S9. TJiRGB RM, near stste bldg. 9529 WELL-FURN. ROOM In new house. Close In. Worth Inspection. 72T Cen ter. IfO- t' ... ; A .. . :f Room and Board HOME COOKING. 191 S. ChurcK APPRECIATE GOOD meals? NV- hornet See Ma Bowen.494 N. Lfhertv aaaMMkaaaaaaftAAMaaiMaMiaaMa SHOWER, NEW tnoo, nnme. nor e cold water In room. Etc food, noarn optional. 464 Marion. BOARD. ROOM. 1484 Ferry, 4816 9JMenanwJsa9BjwsatM FIRST FLOOR, nlestr furn. ream prl. ent, pri. lavatorr, Ala room with twln'beda. Board. 368 N, 22th. j cGrtwnCtiit ADVERTISING ' Wectera AdYgrtlsiag RepreaestkUve Fencer Ha U C Ltd. - tea rraaclscex, 'Los Angeles. Seattle . Eaxtein AdvcrtUlns . - RepreeeBUtlrea '- Bryant Orient h A Brunn. In. . - Chicago. New York. Detroit - Boatow. At tenia - -'" Eslere. ef Ike ' roetef fr ftmmm, mm lataaa dim MM aftteV. PS- Kssetf irvery sninf-esNft Jfoada. f ff pNSfs9 iC 8X8 4 VB86iS vvm-nwfvssjs SUBSCRIPTION RATES: MaU Subscription Rsiss ta Advatwe; Within Oregon :t ?4uf iffi: Ifo. 94 Cents : 2 Ma 91-99 : 4 Ma, 92.64 . ryssr 96.99. Elsewhere 90cente p Vr 84.44 for 1 year m advance Kr wy V cent! Newsstands t centa By City Carrier: 44 cents month : m mmmr hi advance ta - Maxloa BEST RM- bd I J IIS. Close sta kom 1227 Court. Ph. 5494. BOARDERS. PRIV. home, 925. Mka.'XroB P. a 491 N. Winter. BD, RM. Good beds. 922 N, Church. For Rent -Apartments S ItM. TORN, apt, tSOt Court. Close In FINK MOO. apartment. TeL 8499 FURN. t R2C apt. JIM Haaal As Pa, r-ATTON APTS. ; 222 State. Furn wheel Adulta only. Phoao 4244. I RM NKWI.T turn Real, wate rrfrtg-. Xr. adulta 991 N Coftase St 1 AND 2-RM turn apt.. 648 Pen- I. apta. . lilt and up 4mi South llth. .NEWLY UKCnRATKI) t rm. over auffed turn. Murphy he 70 N. Hlah SM. FURN. apt. tS) S Cottage. 8EE FISHER apta Mndernlsed aewlv deenrated and roooiv. Tmi'II delighted. Oak and S. OomtnerrUL THE MOST homelike ht Salem HjkWthome Court 10o0 N. Capitol. LGE. FUKN. trailer bae. ISO 8. Cot MODERN FURNISHED S-room cot taae. Kdsewater Court elec ret, aja race. 2S. Phone MIS. FINE FCRN1SHED S rm. apt. else, refrlg, Uuadry. Its rags, h. w host lovely anroens. $30. Phono 2412. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED one- room and kitchenette- near stste bouse. $16.00. Call eveninga or Bundaya. ww- nle Tettyjohn. FURN. APT, ill N. Church. . t ROOM FURNISHED apt RefrlsT- c ration. private bath. 3M Center tsu MsMeBe4naeBa9BSaTe NEW APTS furn -aood location reas. rent Ph. 6X24. 1799 center. 2. RMS., tarn. Heat, light water. garage, 925. 255 capttoL SMU FURN. apt Adults. 990 Union. I APT. FOR rent 296 8. ComT. APARTMENTS. 26S DIVISION. FURN. ROOMY 2 bedrm. sot. down: I water, very cloee m. 669 N. Front, up stairs, evenings. 4 R. FURN. apt, downstairs; ad ulta. 379 E. Lincoln. Ph. 138S. APTS, 9 UP. 855 BeUvue Street FURN. APT, pri. bath. 162 N. 12th. MOD. 2 RMS, 219 N. 14th. FURN. COZY 2 rms. ft bath. Lge. closet. Reasonable. 920 Mill. Ph. 2027 S RM. BASEMENT apt,, nicely futnj- Py. bath, uii tax. LOVELY NEW 1 rm. furn. Pnllman kitchen. 1 or 2 ladies. 8. Summer. TWO CHOICE apta. Furnished or unfurnished. Roberts STRATTON APTS, 2 rma. avaUable May 15. Th. 3842. 3 RMS.. LTS.. wster. ft garage. Elec "5;. ffl 5,,w IiT'pV .lnK f d.u?t' ' Ph'- "" i V rT ..V. it-i t , . y jviu. aivit kih 'eiv -vinvu. 2 R. 912-60. 8 R. t!- LAW. Q. 7 1111 For Rent Houses FURN. AND onfurn. braises." ft. V, GRANT. 629 Court St Ph. 6744. FURX HSE& and apt. 729 N. Com. .9 R. HOUSE, newly decorated, 927.- 50. On Capitol St. inq. ize ttz. 4 R. AND BATH. furn. Third bouse west of Pen 4 Corners. MOD." FURN. he, gar, 950 N. 15th ssssaaaaaasjaesaeasaaaaaaaaaaaassjata 6 RM. MODERN stucco bouse w: furnace ft flrepUce. 1265 N. 21st St I ISO. Ladd ft Bush Trust CO. SMALL FURN. house, firepl, water, I very cloee In. 922. Inq, 469 N. Fron upstalra, evenings. ' C-RM.1 F7JRN. bouse, enrage. Near new high school. Phone 7184. TWO 2-ROOM bouses on highway south. Oakhill Are, 1 mils from city. .NEARLY NEW 6 ma." hse. WulH 835.00 MODERN FURNISHED home I on Fatrmount Hill. Immediate possession. I 9J7.E0 Another modern home, has 9 bedrooms. $22.90 6 room home, bsmt, furnace a rare. - 220.90 Comfortable home, 4 rooms. SV H. BGLLr-KGAblUK 429 Oregon Bids. 2010 S. CHURCH 6 R. 230. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS Phone 4109 6 RM. FURN. hse. Inq. 924 N. 16th. I 2 R. HOUSE WITH bath. Available seaassssjesassaes S RM. HOUSE. 915. 462 Hoyt. St. Ina. W. E. Hadley. N. Second St, SH- verton. i'- waaaaiajMeaiiaaaiiaaaawe FOR RENT- - ROOM HOUSE with 6 bedrooms See It at-1889 Center St.. 920 per month. Can Mr. Barttett With CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9361. 7 R MODERN FURNISHED house. t apta, 3 ft rooms, 925.00 for both. J.. JACKSON. 141 state u MOD. BUNGALOW- 4 R 3 bed rma. fireplace, furnace, sta. tubs, hermit., garage. 927: not far out See LOUIS BECHTEL, 941 State. Room 4. - FURNISHED APT, 2 , R., 918. House. 6 R- 825 : nnfur. house. -a K 820; 6 R, 818. See LOUIS BECHTEL. 341 SUte. Room. 4. for rentals. I MaaMMwwMwwyyMMMWwwaaa i CLOSE TN 9 R. Fine location. 979 N Cottace. Inq. 676 D" St. a w wrm Txrvmtr hi fnrn.. or uafumlshed. lots of flowers, unkf garden,- 941.89. Ph. 4639. 9 RM. MODERN hse, aleen. yorrh. newly renovated, dose to capitol. 925. . Modem T rm. house, hot water heat flreplace, 433.60. wch ..if """.U7 mihSt- .,m. . mavwo ... i es as 311. Lts, wau met. Inq. 229 N. llth. NEW, "ATTRACTIVE, all mod. suh rtmm home eeallr and beautituUv furnished. 936. Bua service. rtvawmn rkalti uu. 1221 Edxewater Street . - Phone 2418 FURN. HOUSE. 630 8. 16th. Ba49F-sjBSXS9 OR SELL new small house, acreage. 999 Mahrt Are Pen 4 Corners. vr-ov -aw d T jita hit. mod.. I -1 in? Beautiful Vd. 9257 Ph. 7119. For Rent nrrtCE ROOMS. 381 8tat4 Street Inquire-room 209., xei. sua. For Sale Real Estate urw HIVE THE PROSPECT' ra vmi want' ta IL exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen with Haw- kin ft Robsrt - We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO ITT TOUR INCOME No Endorsers No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOTJR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS JHflW LOAN IS MADB. . General Finance itt Sa Coaunarelai St. First Door South ol Ladd A Bush Baas For Sale Real Estate BUILUINU LOTS GOOD LOTS on raved atreet excel lent location. Price 500,-$; down, fl per month. ... -...- - W. KU GRABENHOKST St CVJ. .. REALTORS 1 24 8. Liberty 8t , Phone f4ft NEW" 6-RM. bousa. upstairs, 1 A, I clone in, Dua. water ayHem. cjmj terms. By owner. Phone 2744. BEAUTIFUL LOT. 92a. fruit ft nut tnea. Price $300. Ph.II4. MUST BE SOLD . 8 ROOM MODERN auburbaJI home. Make an offer. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 778 Edgewater Street Phone SISS 8 ALE OR trade, 2 fine lota, email bids a. Inq. Z66 XHvlalon. BUILDING LOTS for S7S and SlOa Also largo lot with small bousa. HEaay terms or bargain for caah. Mra, J. Lincoln EUis 20ii state eewwwwwwevw I LISTEN TB Ton nrafer buildlnc lat UB ahow you some fine building lots on cloee In sub-djriBioa tracts, rrKeo aa tow as 9600. Bee Mm EMht with - CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 244 Stats Street ' . Phone 926L HERE'S A REAL buy. Better bring your deposit first come first served. 4 R, brand new. not quite finished, nice large lot with shade trees. Loca ted in n. Salem, terma aown. baL 99.99 per mo, don't phone, call to see aee the house. ALFRED DUMBECK, 147 N. Com. St A NICE HOME NOT AN old run down bouse, but a real aood home with basement np-to- dste built-in kitchen. ?J?' and 2 unfinished bedrooms upstair Fine location on paved street Only 32,100.00 and $200 down sires you pos- seslon. , . " . See Mr. Collins HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INCV GOOD ALFALFA land, could be Ir rigated. 1 -JL of the 4 'A A. In bearing orchard on edge of city, szs JS. tugn. HOME ft INCOME CLOSE IN 10 R. APT. HOUSE. 9-anta. Two rented ; owner lives In the other. Price 93590 down. jas. IX, sears 179 court street ' mvM vsa efw . I mmr rlrrm ".'. paving paid, priced right Owners TeL FOR SALE Lots owned by City . 9125. to 9800. : See any real estate -man , or call 9632 LV. A1.7 f-. h 8tre . . . 20 A 1 ML 8. OF Liberty. Cherries. I pears, prunes berries. 9 rm. nse. 1 lge. barn. Prlced to sell. : 4 U A. Garden Rd. at Swegte achooL 8 fm. ha, ft bath. Bm. barn. Very od j land. Price reduced to sues.. down payment . A A., brand new 4 rm. hse. ft bath. Close In. Electric water syatem. Prtc 91800, $300 -caah, balance 618 per no. 5 rma. A bath. Lee. lot Fruit Prloe 32150. Sm. down pmt, balance like rent . ...... Nice rm. ham en Fatrmount Hill. gaa, heat automatic hot water. Beau tiful groundai flower, ft shrubbery. Price reduced to 94599 lor immed. sale ... , -:i " N. J. UNDGREN 175 & High Phone 9990. 2L ACRES OF fme river bottom land with a rood 9 room bouse and burn. Price 92500. And 1st mortgage of 91050. Will exchange both for acre- aa-e near Salem. ze acres, about vk in crop, balance In fruit Has a new 4 room bouse, elec tric lights and water system, erood barn, chicken honse, and : garage.- .A real bur for 92290. ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH, INC 119 N. Commercial Street . NICE 7 RM. mod. borne. Terma or disc, for cash. Inq. 209 S. 23rd.'- GARAGE HOUSE ft lot. buUt-tns. city water, full price 22S, 199 down, lie montn. - - WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE Phone 5622 775 Edgewater 250 DOWN 915 PER mo, nearly completed suburban - bom. H acre, only 31140.- 950 down, 9l per mo, u or IH acre tracts In new district Both good buys. I - 3 82190, hear Englesrood school. 9 bed- room horn, with large lot ft plenty of I fruit J. E. REAT i Phone 9121 2 tieeon CIOS. BUILDING SITES. 9350. Approved C H. SANDERS 119 8. High 9131 33200 BUYS THIS nlr 6-room bom. furnace, beautiful lot 71X16. fMnmm in aphonia h $2750 2-bedroom mod. home, located i sis n. uapitoL 61600 3190 down. SIS mo. IS, ! 21609 3300 down. 315 mo. 6 R. ' : C H. SANDERS 119 8. Hlah 5191 SO A- DAIRY. STOCK ft equip. 94.- 60S. Famlhr suoDort 8660 net essh Inc. Km. for cow, hens, sard, si see caan. T rm. piast H. 92359. 3599 casn. 9209 annual. Inc. 81200 cash dn. Raw land toward coast 914 A, 4 rm. piast 97093149 cash. E. c. holuuai. Mil r erry CAFE COD SACRIFICE THIS ATTRACTIVE well-planned S-rm. new Cap Cod. located In exclu-1 sir re, aist is oaiy yrm. oto. j Hardwood firs, fireplace, all tram nice 1 I size, verr -nleasant kitchen with view I of Cascade DON'T Miss Till a ua; : ONLY 24260. CALL R. A. Johnson With ' W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. V - REALTORS - - - 124 SL liberty St" ' Phone 4494 WOULD LIKE . to sell , m 4-rm. nouse in aaigiewooa. atwc oexore ir turninr to Texsm Strlctlv modern. II yr old. Would take $2509. Will take I SS00 less for cash as I can use saonev In my bvwhMaa. Box ilh Statu OVsJstjrj-isip-M CHOICE BLDG. SITES ' 2 LOTS 69x150. on crest of Fair- mount HiU. $1900 each. ! A lot near school srita wen -Placed shad tree 4526. ' " V ' Attractlv east front lot tn Engle wood 44x135. ONLT 9500. " A BAR GAIN. - - v. , z'-i r. - " ' - -.'L CALL R. A. Johnson with V W H. GRABENHORST ft CO, " .. . . REALTORS " r - - 134 & Liberty Street - Thone 449E new HOtfSE BARGAIN -"? - THIS RECENTLY completed 9-rm. home with atrwy. te flrd, attlo ta loca ted on deep 1st m last growing cist sll surroundings new. Hardwood firs. throua-hoot attractive fireplace tile work In kitchen and bath, spacious i ftont rma, large bedrm Well planned and furnished. - 94699. TERMS YOU WILL LIKE IT I SEE IT TODAY I . CALL K. A. jonnson wiin . ' W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO,,?' ' REALTORS 124 8. Liberty Street Phone 949$. Lie. Ka 8121 Ph. till Convenient Ground Floor Location. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED ;- HONEY TO buy naw or used earn i Ptlvats money at new tow rates. Immediate action. No red tape, ! 2 TO 29 MONTHS TO PAY . . Roy H. Simmons 122 Sooth Commercial Street PtHm 913 . Lie. No tt-lli Borrow Vloney - PHONIS 3191 -. THEN CAIO. FOR TOUR MONEY 9 6.03 mo. repays 9 m is mos. 9 7.27 mo. repaya $104) In 12 moa. : $12.99 ma repaya 9190 la 19 moa. $12.12 mo. repaya $260 la IB moa. Our aerrlca la guaranteed by Uood H mm keeping Magaxlae aa adrartlaed therein. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Second Floor.-New Bllgh Bldg. sis state st, Baiem, tiregon State License Number 8-122 M-164 1 FHA LOANS 6. also private loan Abrama A Elll ! aiasc son to Bide AUTOtOANS Willamette Credit Co. 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE Na M-159 ' BENJ. FRANBXIN home loans Most popular loan la Oregon. A new feature to thla loan benefits svery borrower. Ask about rt rer. an iduui ib I See F. a DELANO. 29$ N. Church A MOHEY SERVICE YOU'll LIKE WE MAKE loans of 9200 or less en a personal basis. Liberal credit re quirements. Adjustable repayment Dlans, Prompt friendly attention to JlUr tlHIIWInU I USJ 1.9991 49 Wm 6I1U V" tlAS hi ll nvr. Tmr loan In proportion.- Inquire todsy- rltbout Ob- llgatlon. PEOPLE'S Finance ' Company sol First riafu Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon oa ruwM iiii 1 jaoetly caah. 91150. 4 rma- A, 9399 SUte License M-126rtn. 120M , m't a7260 dn. s-313 Loans Wanted - LOANS WANTED on farm and city properly. Before barrowlng Inquire at Hawkine ft RnbertA . : ;. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate Will -pay c Interest W. U. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 124 8. Liberty Street Phone 4468 Financial WE HAVE never Da Id less than this rate on saving ana investments, uuwrw rv to t5ooo. Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Asen - Phone 4944 ,148 H.' Liberty ot : For Sale ReaJ Estate i TTtAXSTFETlREn. WOULD like to sell my 6-rm. home on creek before leaving city last of May. Would take 12000 for- it Cost StiUV to ouuu a yra. aa-o. Box 431, Statesman. 9169 DOWN WILL BUY this six-room bom loea- mA th aaA ntTIa bldK. Mail'- -" navahla 2tS ner mo. BUT this and save on your rent. Price 91959. - $7 22eEU AW A juiiuwii ewes, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, 134 & Lroerty Street Phone 9488. ......... - . DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED ptaSt 2 Kdi-m tnndaat eottare with KeneroUS sue rma. Youu-uxe tmai xta jpncea . " . . . . .n . . . rUrht at 21050. 9254 down. ou,T I room nicely decorated. 9795, 9100 - m h'wIuTa l lir.J".:.0-" ,Tr. i; r7 I t,.t AanA fori interior lncomp. Another dandy for 9700. 976 win complete tn interior. KIKGWOOD RKALTX 1221 EdgewaUr 8t rnon seis 2126. NEW 4 ROOM house, unfin- lUtwui Tim lot eiivtriritv. Double garage, sidewalks and drive In. I $3000. 5 rooms and nook, heseniCTt i turnace and rirepiace. imowuso I roam. 8159 down and 929 per month I will handle: 1 I rm. modern house, hardwood fire.. furnace, and flrepUce. 93390. . Win take smaller hse. pert nayment . WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 477 Court Street 1 MaMaa)taaaMaawiaaMaaaMM BEAUTIFUL VIEW home Justeom nlatad. rooms strictly modern In ev- erv war with dranes and Venetian bltoda. V acre ground with bearing r berries, walnuts, and snao trees, a 1 909. Easy terma WINNIE- PETTYJOHN. Realtor. - t 477 Court Street i LOTS LOTS LOTS 9504.6e.rAND UP iwTJl boy one Of those fins - ba tiding lots - located - la Rosedals addition north of Market street and between Baker and 17h atreet.' Drive out and see that fast mtaB a-ttoti sf mar elryj many new homes under construction. Reas- I enable terma. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, - REALTORS ' 134 & Liberty Street mmmTm0mmmmmjmMmmmmm0mn0mtm FOR "SALE 1 ACRES :.. LOCATED north. ;9ost westof "cjutoaby atatlon. 8 room bSe, betuTtoilet. 11 garage wood house. Pes ring rruit ana wi nuts, a real buy at 91540.00. 95e down. Her la your chanc to bov thla Mac at a rte-nt price, see O. H GRABENHORST. JR, with . W. H. QR A BEN HO RST ft CO, i REALTORS " 234 S. Liberty Street kisw a n-u ft and hath. 2 unfinished I rms. upstairs, hardwood floors, auto - lmatle hot water. Venetian blind reas - Unable. Easy term. 296 Breymaxv vnTrD nisTninT . NEW 4 R. ft NOOK, garage, elec C land. Priced at 31809. - s TiOKTH FOURTH oTKET : S R. plsst house, sidewalk ft pav laa- nald. 2 lot Bsmt Lou of cherries ft fruit Price 42800. Call 4076 after 2 n. m. Friday, JARUIS.lJi Si. uins . PacUlo Highway Realtor IF YOU are look In- fop aood lota pncea ngnt. isk us. 8. A. fOKKNES-B. T. IJEBER 1S5S N. Capital EXCEPTIONAL BUT in 2 rm. plas tered bae, N. Salem. 9125. 926 down. Mod. i rm. has, 9U. 1 699 -down. R. A, FORKNER H. T. UEBER 1352 North Capitol ."" - - .i n n nnjij- . - -j-i-r r . -r "uuui ' HW. aiTRS! TO THIS NEAT. FULLY aood. 2 bednn. home cioae in on E St A real ralu. ISX69. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 12 Ladd m Bosh Bldg. Ph. 69S GET OUT of town. Just beina fin ished 1 real bouses, H A, 1 on Mor gan Are, 1 on Evergreen Are. Fot price ft terms . (easy), see H. C Shlelda. Also Kts tracts, 95.B9 an. m. is.eo per mo. Urninlsbed bouse. LI scree. Only X9s, easy terms. Close in. see Shields for Real Estate H. C Shields, Oreg. Bldg, Phone 9902 aeaaaaaBaasMSsssSSjSMSMSseaaae FOUNTAIN ft SANDWICH shop. doing excellent buatnesa. One of the beet In the cltyi A bargain at 96500. Modern a rms. Jc nook, a bedrma.. hwd. firs., full basev furnace, fire place, doable gar., does to school a bus. S. Salem. 92400. 9400 cash. New 4 rm. huncalow. 1 A- close to school, small dn. pmt, baL like rent 10 A.. 2 rm. hee elec 21400. 9100 dn, baL 115.00 per mo, will consider some traae. Chicken ranch. 17 A .else, water syatem, A. fruit big he 9 ml. from town, 93S00. Easy terma. Will take la. bse. lot RICH I REIMANN. 117 S. Hl(h Phone 9632 LOTS. LOTS. LOTS Lots of Lota In au parte or the city. MELVIN JOHNSON REALTOR 726 Court Street Phone 9722. HOME BARGAINS 96000 COLONIAL TYPE home, t Urge raa, hardwood floors,' basement. sea. fireplace, double gacsge. lot 66x169, lots of trees A shrubbery. EX CELLENT location. 93999 6-rm. English type boms. good location, modern throughout, non resident. Price reduced for ouicK sate S00 down. 91278 6-rm. bouse 4 blks. from high school, bath, garage, pavtng. Lots of tress. r MONET to LOAN st f MELVIN JOHNSON REALTOR 726 Court Street Phone. 3729. 4s9a9ha9bjajsAeS4eea9aWS4sS NEW MODERN 9 rooms, large at tic basement fireplace, new district I ism ana shrub. 4900. Tel. mm. -90x100. 4 ROOMS PLASTERED. garage, hot and cold water, electricity. Cash 9.169 down. 920 per mo. including interest at 6. Corner lot soxioo, fruit and berries. i "Ifc" -".1 you outia. s lots, s room nous, city water ana lights, fruit berries end. nuts. Garden all In. Chicken house, garage, fruit room, cow barn, race 61790, sze does. baL ale ner montn. Inquire 2475 BROADWAY STREET SACRIFICE LARGE house tn- 359 In business sons - NO. 2. Close In. 92790. Phone 9597. Mabel A. Needhain, COTTAGE REALTY CO, 292 N. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE HOME onhr 4 blks. from 8t Joseph's Catbolle church. Large living rm, dining rm, 4 bed rms. rm. Full cement basement new fnMuv it SSvl SK f mt tA alUr PrlM 33769 : 31909 down, balance terms. Mrs. - Needham. Cottage Realty Co, S 'V rvt.M tsss. a SU9 . a rrrrs sviit nnrtn. S. Liberty. Ph. 7112. Excfauigc-eal Estate' TRADE CITY property for farm hemes. Opportunities In exchangee. HAWKINS ROBERTS, INC. LARGE HOME, use for hoarding bouse. Take acreage nr. Salem, or small, bouse aa part 1190 Oak.. Ph. 7894. i-RH. PORTLAND hoes for farm nr. Salem. 3026 N. E. 46th Ave, Port land. I WILL EXCHANGE a desirable beach lot for an automobile Vivian E. Howard, phone 4935. P.-O. Box 666. saiem. KING WOOD HEIGHTS lota, $309, 810.000 Portland apt; for farm. Service st Nebraska, for acreage. Grocery, bldg, gas, $2000, for acre- aae. - -h - r- c. j. jackson 341 state street HAVE K ACRE with new 4-room house, not modern, garage, near Sa lem, want to trade for a smau acre age with buildings. - - ! writs Box 429, statesman A, 8 RMS. ft BATH. Want hse. V??rD2?onf ?"h Assume some. I VQr Sale Farms 1 cmJS bam. machine shed, milk houae I with mux -cooler, mincuig macmne. I wPt k..i haiak. I i a, a sa a l fnV A I . WW A. WWW. mww i m. u cow. a.j.yr. old heifer. 4 I calves, 1 boll, team of horees, full line of machinery.. John Deere tractor. St disk. X bottom Mows, also retail mux with truck, bottle equip, net "I .P-?VMOU, wnamm . niitnrtva a. wtni HAWKINS ft ROBERTS FOR SALE or trade for Salem nron- i erty : 29 acres an under cultivation modern bouse, good outbulldlaga, Lance I cherry orchard, some walnuts, f il- 1 berts, apples, pears, grapes, u mile east of Pen 4 Corners. Good for sub- division. TeL 9729 or 9994. STOCKED ft EQUIPPED 44 A FARM. ABOUT 11 ml from Salem, near email, town on 99W, new mod. home with elec. ft water system. svvw vmrm m nnir ouvuuii 1 4 cvwa, a horses ft other stock; Full line of farm machinery mcL tractor. Creek-through place. Win trade for Salem residence or business prop, see Mr. Collins, HAWKINS ft ROBERTS WORTHWHILE RANCHES 1-ACRE. DANDY- Mhme, new barn. garden, close In. Only $1904.49. terma 9-acres. (close In), fair bldge A saa for 21299. one-half down. 36 acres, (no bids.) 4 mile out. 1 A. R. A.-: cberriea. some filbert SnitxenbersT - ft Gravensteln apples. spring, littl timber, t A real buy for 9175A94. 9290 down.!! 48 suns sandy loam soil, aome of It an ha trrintmA ill A aerawlMi-rtaa. 1 26-A. cult, good bdildmga, good team, wagon ft torneaa, Onecow. aU tools ft machinery. This Is a No. 1-ptaee. ad for 9I2S9 down payment pnee 9zee. ask ror Mr. 4jnagner witn JAR. r 8R1R.4. BElt.TflB 474 Court Street -; - - Phone 1499 Miwwiaa-wiaw-A- . VERY DESIRABLE 109 L stocked! I ft equipped, 816.409. Let na ahow this property? Hl&K, H. P. GRANT 529 Court Street , i Ph. 9239-9244 HIGH GRADE" DAIRY" FARM - - FOR SALE - . ONE OF the -best in Willamette val ley near Salem on two paved high ways 184 acres, rich, productive mad. aa in emtivatioa sum in gram I and clover. Tear round creek tn nee 1 turn. Good well wth water system at 1 bldgs, . comfortable bouse, and tenant I house, modern, 199-eow capacity dalrv mi milk house and many -convenient Inuthldn. Mrwi ratmnahu with Kb - I era! term If you are looking for el 1 line set-up m -aau-ying. see - -. I CHILDS; ft MILLER. REALTORS I State BtTCel - .s fnono SZSL I mw I 40 ACRES A-l SOIL, aU culttva- 1 ted. buildings, 8 mt oat only 95304. If you are looking for a good farm let I us show too thla V C. H, SANDERS 11$ V High 913L WHEN FORD BUILDS YOU KNOW THEYfRE 1 938 Ford DeLuxe Sedan . 1938 Eord-M 1937 Ford j DeLuxe Sedari . 1938 Foid De Luxe Coupe . VALLEY MOTOR CO. T.e. 1tr..: T ,'1... a-6. ""J Acreage S A. IMPROVED. PHONE, cat. elec water ay stem, fruit, nuts, 1 mi. of city. Owner, Rt 2, Box 35. li ACRES CLOSE m. 9 rm. bouse. garage. $790, 9900 to be paid. In by November, balance 916 a month. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE Phone 6622 775 Edgewater St WE HAVE screage tracts from 1 to 10 acres with well and wtu rornlan up to 9259.0S of ouildlng materlala to construct a small home. Here la your chance to get started own lag that small acreage-tract at a right Trice and terms, price including- - wU and building materials ranee from 91590.99 to 9 2 009.99. See G. H. GRABENHORST, JR.. with W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 194 S. Liberty Street 10 ACRE BUT NEW HOUSE of 6 rooms uncomple ted, good drilled well, timber, pas ture, lights, good road, 9 miles from Salem, a real buy at 22209. 9400.00 down, balance 920.00 per montn. SeeO. H. GRABENHORST, JR. with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS Hi & Liberty Street ACREAGE BUYS 10 ACRES OF creek bottom soil, some fine timber, 'year round stream. good drilled well, will furnish to right party, 969.90 of building ma- tsrisis to construct a small house. price' tncludtng well and Jxiilding materials, ns&o.os, See G. H. GRABENHORST. JR., with W. 2L -UilABEN HOKST A CO. REALTORS . 134 S. Liberty Street WMMMMSMAMI m ACRE BUY NEW HOUSE, 29 by 24. tmcomple- ted. aood armed well, family Xnut ' lights, close to school, a real buy ; at 91450.00. 199.99 down, balance r 319.69 per month, tnt 8 -percent I See G. H. GRABENHORST. SlL. w I W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, wttn 1 REALTORS 1 . r 'ITl ri? 7am- J-.V --27 A. NR. SALEM. 21 A. cultlvs- outaldgs, equipment 94000, 92500 down, balance very easy term 2 -A, ze A. cultivated. 9 rm. ceiled hse. Electricity. 94,000, 44 cash. Will trade for smaller acreage nr. Salem or Woodbura. R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER 1869 N. Capitol sCEIZER DISTRICT V t A. IMPROVED. PAV. rd. QUICK SALE. 91599. easy terms. H. r. GRANT 929 Court Street Ph. 9329-9744. 1 A. X MX. NORTH. New 4 rm. houaa. : Ilsjhts. aaraee. electric water sys tem, lots of fruit, excellent soil 9ii. $ A. close to Kelser school, an cult. excellent soil S1Z75. 4 A. m ml. east 6-rm. house, liahts. bam, electric water system, fruit ft hemes 62769. 22 A. 17 mL from Salem, rich bottom land.. 6-rm. house. lighta. barn, ' .chicken house, 2 cows, crop ft all iarming toots 9 uos. 1 A. IVi ml. east. Nice bldg. site $330, MONEY to LOAN at 6 -MELVIN JOHNSON REALTOR I 726 Court Street , Phone 2722. EXCHANGE CLEAR HOUSE in Portland for Sa lem bouse or close-in acreage. - Ph, 7249. . I ." Suburban SUBURBAN HOME KSPEC1ALLY WELL-BUILT, and commanding the grandest view of the mountains valley. New district Deina bullt up with fine homes. Don't miss this. Price 83400. See Mrs. EUis with CHILDS MILJKH. KttAl.llins 344 State Street Phone 2241 Wanted Real Estate t dairy ft chickens : have new l-bedroom home, double plumbing, lot 99x259 in exchange.- .... a E. RAE. 1955 N. Cottage, Ph. 9791 aawwaajMaaMawealaaae I wanted I we NEED house to exebang Tor I countrr property. What have youT Call I vr. Kills with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9241 sMeaae99AeB LOOKING FOR a good 6 or 4-rm. hom Englewood for around 82600. will pay cash if necessary. Must locate tnla month. Box 499, Statesman. Business Opportimities aUiLL BHOP.' Easilr manaaed by one woman. Apt. available , Ph. 404 PROVEN. SUCCESSFUL tMnveom I petttlve office busuiesa, Atmorny Agen cy. suiUbie tor man or woman. monthly profits guaranteed. - Invest ment of 4764 weMsary. Ijrvesslgassr Wray, 465 Divlsieav i - t CABm . SPECIAL Offering nntn May 10th. cabht court, furnished; 99.- 259.99. oa'Viai, new aa year, nose- i wteiy ijnotama wrong. worrn ajocq more. Want to fT I mess while It la cheep. Millar' Auto i court, uaiem, ure, lie ren. nwy. 1 ; SERVICE STATION, GROCERIES; FDUNTAUi ANU BAaUWlUl JUUr. New fix tares and bide. Total rent 93. I Mast leave at once. Win sell at lavotr l?! tJ1"XZ.?h Moore at WM. E, MOSES, 311 U SUte St Ph. 4998 or 8I49 'Sunday. . - 0mrmmwmmmwmmmwmmmmMmmwmwMwwmwmmm0 1 GOOD PAYING restanranti ft beer parlor, priced right This Is' WHAT you've been looking for. See my agent. J JAB. 11. EEAKOj. JUSAl.lun - 474 Court Street Phone 4466. i i INVESTMENT OPPOKTUN1TT ; WE ARE world's Urgest manufac- turers of a certain das, ol- money- 1 makinr retail store equipment proven by merchsnu everywnere, py teaaing I aepartmeni ana aura stores, oy rnu I years', experience. ; wtewt- isrveewj I VllO e to il lueusauu uuttata. m f"'- I chase this equipment to do piaceo m I retail store. Our plsa gives you guar- I anteed return and complete protection, I Our men find locations, merchant does I all the work. A xenuine opportunity. BOX 426. StaUamaa. THESE; ARE ALL R ft O VALUES TO TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP Ce.e. Herb Mlsson uccia 9l9aa9S4afeABsaa9S9aa9 . RUSSELL BONESTEELE . MUST SELL SALE : Trade-Ins on Our "New Champion94 Studebaker Force Us to Clean House . i 34 Chev. Coupe Good PERFORMER IN EXCELLENT SHAPE te al-e thouaands of mllea carefree service ; Urea aood. finish perfect 3-tS-C0 34 Ply. DeLuxe Coupe. PLYMOUTH economy. Readr for STURDY, LONG. SERVICE. KNEE-ACTION. HYDRAULICS 9295.09 24 Oldamoblle Coupe A perfect car, Lxcellent motor. Have cut price below book value. Our used car In ventory la too hlah 4476.0A "35 Plymouth. It's hard to find s cleaner car or one that runs better. See " ' - this if you're looking for a Plymouth . i . .3290.40 '34 Ford Tudor Mechanic's car Needs some work but not too much. Book, 9286. Special price now 9845.09. 86 XJeSoto Custom Sedan. Inspect this car from top tc bottom. Lift the - hoed, look st tires, take a ride. Mechanically rlxht , 9445.99 $$ 8tud4baker 9 Sedan. Hard to find a 3ig ear eefntort email car cost. Hydraulic brakes, safety glass all steel body: heater, radio ; 9430.00 '37 -Studebaker 9 Sedan. Completely modern car? you can buy at lee -cost than a email csr. Gas-saving overdrive, Frara oil purifier, radio, heater. Real value for new car buyer . 9690.00 37 Buiok Sedan, Neat best buy to a New Buick. Has everything ; 6-ply . -safety tires. Book 9845. Special 9740.40 MANY OTHERS $35 TO 9895. BONESTEELES PHONE 4549 419 Business Ojniorriinities FOR SALE 3200 gallons wine and winery equipment Loyrich Winery, Corvallla, Ore. ' TESTED FOR PROFIT WE HAVE a new plan of retail mer chandising. The product is a staple in demand everywhere. Our plan covert the method of sale, the store layout the equipment We find the location and finance 66 of the arrangement. Our plan proven successful first by all the nation chain 5e and iec stores ann again proven by 200 profitable instal lations on the coast 81500 rash and good references required. Especially suitable for man and wife. Address BOX 412. Statesman. GROCERY ft MEAT market on Fair grounds Rd. Price SI 9 00. See Larsen or Collins HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. A MAIN STREET advantage In a live town of 4900. Thla storage service garage. 99x229 concrete bldg, room for 190 car, 2 gaa pumps overhead track, stock, equipment wrecker car cost 9809. Going at $1299. Don't de- i - KXNGWOOD REALTY CO. 1221 Edgewster Street Phone 2412 RESTAURANT DOING good busin ess in best location. Opportunity away frna Salem on laager proposition rea son for selling. . WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR . 477 Court Street GOOD STORE, N. Salem. Priced right A good proposition. ' - . R, A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER 1259 N. Capitol . RESTAURANT GOOD TURNOVER, .best ' location, 92809 caah. ' .' ; . - GENERAL STORE ' $20,000 annual turnover, on 99 E, growing district Tresenr owner oper ating same location -past 29 years. Cash consideration. $15,009. COTTAGE COURT r Showing .14 net revenue. Ideal lo cation, new condition. $22,009, cash. H. P. GRANT 929 Court Street Ph. $220-4741 Personal LONELY? -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for you. Bos 76 lee- Aagelea. WANTED ORIGINAL poems, songs, fna immadlata consideration. ' Senj poems to Columbian Music Publishers, Ltd, Dept. KZ8, Toronto, van. Business Card ta this dlrectorj rum em nsonthly basts only. iUtet St per Ume per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. $7$ South Commercial Bicrrles SICYCIJES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott, 14? a CsnVL P. 4llt .-I'Carihraiters DAT. OR , CONTRACT. Phone 4994 Chimney Sweep rEUCPHONC 4499. R Si Northneaa Chlroprartors Dei O.- L WCrrrt.'ttC Chlreinwctar 164 N. High. TsL Re. 9979. . r i ,ExMlnf; KXCA VATINO OF ' kind. Rasei ments dug. Dirt hauled or meved. Dili for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Ce Phone 9449. yi . . i CK Florists . Krettheupr. 44T Court' Phone 999t W..SAIJCM Flortsti 346S Edgewater; Laundries THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY ' THE WEIDER laAUNDRY .... 94$ SV High ' - , .sTeL 9199 'EM RIGHT! '.' $695 . 685 . 565 ' . 665- - Ben Drager - Art Hansol.' -i r '.t RAY BONESTEELE two new six-ply tires, finish A-l. cleaner one. A-l mechanically. COURT TEXACO' '37 DODGE SEDAN $595 27 H. P. Quiet smooth, motor; spot-- less interior, perfect I in in a, new tires, large luggage space. Fully guaranteed. SEE IT TODAY AT, CAPITAL PONTIAC ; Used: Car Lot Commercial at Center Phone 6644 i - " 40 More Oustanding ' Buys! ! ! ; aaaaaaaaaajNaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 27 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. Trunk Se dan. Radio, heater, new tires. Motor . paint la perfect cond. Bargain. Ph. 3286. 1929 MODEL A FORD, $129 caah. Ph. 9912. SAVE 3199.99 ON a new Buick use my 9229.00 credit lor 31 21.90. : C B. WALKER Apt 2. 219 Leslie .! 37 OMC -TON pickup, heavy duty tires. 4-speed transmission. Low mileage. 337 8. 19th. - 1938 DODGE COUPE. 1939 Model A Ford CoupeJ 80S S. 12th.. THE BEST Model A Ford Coach in town. Ph. 6375, Sun, 8744 Mon. For Sale Wood URAK.N 412 N 2 let 4 1-6JT9 MCD. BONE dry 2nd growth. Dry 16 In. old fir. 95 90. Ph. 6370. ltr OLD FIR, 25 and 85.59. 9459 DRY WOOD, call Dan Sheets, 592L BONE DRT oak. 2nd growth and eld fir, ash and maple Summer prices. Phone 4108.. 2 CDS. 14 TN. ld fir, 99; Tel. 6704. Transportation DRIVING TO Eald. Okm, May 19. Can take two. 924 8. Madison, Silver ton. Tel. Red. 2461, Guy Denham. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mat ti ess , factory. NEW MATTRESS -mad te order, old remade: carpet cieamna. stsing :, fluff rug weaving. S. 13th ft Wilbur. Tel. 9441. OTTO F. ZWCK KR. Est 19 It. . - r CAPITOL REDDING CO. Phone 4942, j Naturopathic PhTMcfon DR. W. a ROCKWEU, NatBropatsV lo Phyatrlan, 1794 Fstr grounds Rd Tel. 4293. rwfle Hoars 11 a. e tot :88 p m. FREE EXAM, ft CONSULT A - Palntina Paprrhjrppyx IjOW PRICES free eethawiee. TstX' DECORATINa wwrh done 7C32V Printing a per nrosram books or anv kind ef print ing, call The Statesman Prtnthm De partment. 218 a Oom me trial. . Trie nhnne 9141 ., . ARiw. KijirrriCRS. tlcnery. book mstrhea. my Mire. Wrka kw n e Center rt r Transferr FOR LOCAL or dlstsnt transfer, stor age, burner ' olt icall 2181. lArmer. ; Tranafer Co. Trucks Pertiand 4a 11 v.- INTERSTATE TRUCKING, Wash. . ft Ore: Ph. 2?F9. ' Well Drilling K. A, vtKri'l'.-Kt 4. Hoa 446. P. Iiorfc; 1 ' ' ... .... .... CHESTER PUGH, 2125 MyrUa. 9229. Directory And aflunOea.