The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1939, Page 14, Image 14

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    5Ls,0G0:J GTATESMAM; rUv 0re;i2, Eri:;rs ViJ T, lt:3
Carload Hops ?
Sold; 23 Cents
' California Growers Disrjose
of 110 Bales 1937s
at 4 Cents
Moderate activity has charac
terized Oregon hop market the
past v week,' reports the USDA
Weekly Hop Market ReTlew, with
sales of spot hops Including a car
load of 1SSS clusters which netted
producers 23 cents per pound. No
1137 hops were reported sold., ;
Trade advises - Indicated that
contracts covering several hand
red bales ot list crop recal&f
type dusters were wrlttA In Ore
ron during the past week at JOe
to lie per; pound net to produ
cers. As the period ended, further
bids for contracts of list hops
were reported being made by deal
ers la this sUte, at 30c to lie per
pound, net growers. Oregon pro
ducers were not pressing remain
ing supplies of IS 38 hops for sate.
This tended to Impart steadiness
to ' the : general market ' situation
and to of fset the slow current In
quiry. Weather conditions contin
ued Quito favorable for the new
crop, according to trade adviees.
Washington hop markets were
rather quiet bat remained steady
No sales of spot hops were report
- rtU ATMV rvyvU UlUiVklou faae.
atound 500 bales of 139 , crop
hops were 'contracted the past
- week In the Takima valley district
'. with prices - reported at 12c per
pouna, net growers, aunougn vuie
was not confirmed. . I.
Offers of 34 cents per pound
for "seedless' type of 1939 hops
were reported being made by
dealers In that area, and options
were being asked at 35c per
pound, but no business was . re-
' ported. Training of vines has be
gun In many Takima valley yards
and good stands are reported.
Weather conditions 'were report
ed as very favorable.
I California Report
- California hop markets were
quiet but maintained a steady to
firm tone. With all 1938 crop sup
plies owned by. growers pledged
ni(r rnTrnment loans. E rod 11-
cers were holding these lots .at
around 34c-35c per pound. A few
small scattered lots moved to
dealers at around these prices and
growers also sold 110 bales of
1937 crop" hops at 4 He per pound
No further contracts covering
1939 hops were reported by grow
ers. Most California producers
. have made "first" contracts eov
' erlng at least a portion of their
prospective crops. Dealers re
ported that small lots of regular
. . . a a I J ..111 I...
as crop ciuiicn cvuiu aiui iw
contracted at around 2 26-2 3c per
ftnnnil wTiIIa 9K-aS VII heins?
asked f for limited quantities of
seedless hops for future delivery.
- Ideas as to prices were around
21c for regular hopsand 23e-24c
for seedless. Weather was quite
favorable tor new crop develop
ment i with growers both in the
tacramenio vaney ana coasusi
counties reporting unusually good
conditions for the season of the
year. Recent dry weather has re
duced danger from downy mildew.
PORTLAND, Or... May . (AP)
("USDA) Produce price c-anres:
Apples Or. Re-towns, med to Is,
as Uy. 1.SO-1.M; ley. UUJi; Warn.
Pencieas, med to Tery lfe, e-efcy. 1.76
8.1QJ Uj, 1.75-1.15; Wiaesap, mU to
Ige, : ex ley, 1.00 1.7S; fey, 1.40-1.50;
eoma. ex fey ul fcy, loose. 3-84e lb.:
Ko ea, os fey, 1.65-1.7S; mom. tomb, as
icy aa fey, IH e lb.
Artichokes Calif, 1.50-1.73 bos.
Avocados Catit- 24-SVs, 1.40.
Asparsgas Ore, Wssa green. 13 IV
Ho. 1, &a-65e; No. 3. 40-40, ; 30 lb, 1.50
3.60; aaelass.. 1.33-1.43; Mo. 3, 7&C-1.0O,
, Butiu-Per auaek, 8Ve lb.
Bean Ha- 9.00-2.23 hamper.
Cabbage Calif, eratea, 2.25-2.50.
Carrota Local, topped, SO-Me per la,
lacks. Wssa- 3.3S--.50; Ore, 1.50-1.74;
rates. Calif., 60-60c
Cauliflower Calif, US Ke. 1. erate,
Celery Calif, VtaV X.35-2.33; white,
1 50-3.75.
Citras rVolt Grspefrnit, Teits sssrsh.
seedless, 3.OA-S.S0; Aria, pink, S.50-S.75;
iry 3.00-3.25; cboico, 1.64-1.75; lettnee
erates, 1.78-3.00. - ".
Uoaone Fancy, all sUea, 8.50-4.78 J
choice 30a leas. - - - ,
L'-ea Dos. cartoa. 10 S3c ' -
Oraacea California carets. 100 893.
1.73-8.25; Urge, 8.50-4.00; choice. 35
80c tees. ," --!
Cnenmbera-i-HothOuia, dot, ; 850-1.00.
choice 65-7 Sc.
Lettuce Oretoa dry ' pack, 4 dot,
1.60, poorer 1.00: Calif, fair, 8.00-2.50.
Vest 3.50-2.75. - rr
Washrooms Caltlested. 1 lb, SO 83a
Onions Ore. yellows, 501b. sacks, US
Ho. I larce. 1.10-1.25; 8-iach , and p,
1.80-1.40; No. 8 50-lb. sacks SO-SOc;
Texas white was. TJS No. 1, 50-lb. seeks,
8.00-3.35. .
Pea CaUf, d-4e; sacks, 1.751.85;
. Too Dallas, 7-8 lb.
) Pepjera Florida. 23H-S5e lb. ' -
Potatoes Ore. Desebnte Bassets, Mo.
'j.lOOlbe. 1.15-1.35; 35 lb. sk. 85-87 ft e;
Vg No. 3, 80 lb. aks, 40-60s; Klamath
Bassets. C8 No. 1, 100 lb. sks. 1.30-U5;
local Lag Wbltoa. Ko. 1, 100 lb. ska.
1.15-1.30: bow , crop, California White
Bese. SO lb. eks., US No. 1. 1.00-1.10; 100
- Ik. sks, S. 10 3.18. 1
Rhubarb Ore, both ease, apple box 10
40e. . -
Baaaah CaM, ZeeeUai.U5-l.80.
Btrawborrtoa Calif, 13a, 1.30-1.80 ;
fipUaek Ora, 40-BOe. "
Tomatoes if ex. repacked, 8.50 top.
Ore. ketboase, t0-35o lb.
Bancbod Vefetsblost Ore, per 4m.
' bs aches i Creea oaioas. 15-17Hei rad-
fibes. local. S3H-S5e: Modford 85e looks
z -( parsley saM-sae; Swiss eaara.
' m a a li. t II . m a. m . -
beets 30-SOo.doa.; Eadir 8.50 rate i
S lbs.; boots 4 dee. arts, 3.25-1.501 0
S0e Ma? 4 oa.: esrreta 40-50&.
Boot VeteULUsi Batabafas S1-L38
rocv 80-0ct keeta 1.3 5-LAO, tnga SO-4o;
taraipa 1.00-lJt aack, rata a-aoe; par
sips 80-40 tag; koraaradlU 13 Ik.
Stocks arid
-" Mar
arooK Ainiaii
Coaipllod by Tke Aasoetatod
15 IS
r "lada
Net Chg, a
Batarday , S4.4 '
Prer. day 4.8
Vontb age 88.8 '
Year SS.S
18S9 kisk , 77.0
1839 low 38.S
Bails Ctil
Vack. A .1
17.S.V SS.S
17 A S5.S
18.7 : SS.S
15.0 81.8
SS.S 40.0
1S.T S8.T.
a a
. 88.4
80, 10 - IS f
- . , BaUs tadaa Ctil
Nel Cfct. D a Unch. A .3
Fstnrday 65. : S8.S 84.3
Prer. 47 - 33.1 SS.S S4.S
ootk as m 54J8 88.0 82.1
Vr eta 33.1 S7.1 S0.S
!; kick 4.t IfO.l 85.7
1839 low S3.4 - S7j SLS
A .t
' 59.3
Nab Missouri Fugitives in. East V i
. . . :
- "'
- .
. ;.;..
Wmiam Montgomery
Eugene Booth
PORTLAND. Ore- May 6. (API-
Dairy prodnco prices: Batter: Extras 23;
standards 21: prima firsts 20 M: firsts
20: butterfst 22H-23.
Effs liga esuss 19: large stand
arda 18; medium extras IS; modi a at
standards 18.
Cheese Triplets He; loaf 13c
Portland Grain
PORTLAND, Ore., May - 5. (AP)
upen . tit ft Lor Close
.78 78V4 73 73
Ilhk -,71 71 71
Cask train: Oata. No. 2. 88-lb. whit
37.75; oats, Ko. 2, 38-lb. .. Barley, No.
3. 45-lb. BW 25.00. Cora, No. 3, EX
shipment 20.75. Plax, f.68.
caaa waeat bid: Sort woite 71;
western white 71; western red 70.
Hard red winter ordinary 70: 11 per
coat 70; 12 per cent 72; 13 per cent
74: 14 per cent 77. Hard white, flssrt
ordinary 72; 11 per cent ; 12 per coal
7; is par cent 70 ; 14 per cent 7a.
Today s car receipts: Wheat 109; floor
17; corn 1; oats 2; aillfeed 4.
Portland Produce
PORTLAND, Ore, May 6. (AP)
Country Mests 8ellinr price to retail
era: Country-killed kogs, best butchers,
aader 180 lbs, -9e lb; eealere, 12 e
lb; light nnd thin, 10-lle lb: heavy, 10c
lb: spring lambs, 18-lVc ib: yearling
lambs, 14-15e lb; ewes, 4-6o lb: cotter
cows, 8-10e lb; canner cows 8-9 lb; balls
lie lb.
Lire Poultry Buylac prices: Lezhora
broilers, 12-13e lb.; colored sprtags, 3
lbs. and orer, l7e lb.; Lefborn Mas, orar
8 lbs.. 13-14e; ander 8 lbs, 13e
lb.: colored bens So 5 lbs, 18a lb.: over
5 lbs., 18a lb.; No. 2 grade, 6e lb. leas.
Tvrkeya Selling prices: Dressed bens,
20a Ib; tome, 18e lb. Baying prices: Bens
!B lb; terns 1-17 lb.
Fotatoes Takima Uems f ) cental;
local. 1.00: Deschutes Gems, U5 eenUI;
Klamatb Palls No. 1 Gems. 1.20-1.55:
Calif, aweeta. 1.35-1.80 crate.
Kew Fotatoea Calif Whites. 1.25-1.85.
50 lb. aack;xTexaa, 1.70-1.75, 30 lb. aack.
Oslons Oreroa Na. 1. 2.35-2.50 eenlal:
Texas Bermedas, 2.10-2.25 per 50 lb.
eiwta; sets. 8e IK
Wool Willamette valley. 1939 otto.
nominal medium 23 lb; coarit and braids
23s lb; lambs and fall, 20a lb; eastsra
Oregon. 16-19e.
Uay Helling price to retailers: Alfalfa.
Ko. 1. 16.00 ton: eat vetch. 12.00 ton:
clover, 11.00 tea; timothy, eastera Ore
Eon, 18.00; do valley, 14.00 ton, PorV
Hops 1938 Cloatera. 20-25e lk: Far
glee, 2Se lb.
Mohair Aomlnal, 1939 clip, 25c Ib.
Cascara Bark Buying price. 193S peel.
4c lb.
Sagar Berry and fruit, 100s. 3.10;
bale 5.25; beet 5.05.
Uomntic llonr Selling price, eity do
livery, 1 to 25-bbl lots: Family patent,
49s, 5.70 0.35; bakers' bard wkeat net.
3.80-5.20; bakers' blnestem 4.40-4.75;
blended wheat floor 4.50-4.85; soft wheat
flour 4.10-4.15; graham 49s, 4.50; whole
waeat 4 us, 4.5 bbk ,
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND. Ore.. May 8. (AP)
(USDA) Hoes: Receipts, none: for week
salable 2 TOO, total 4585; compared week
ago market about steady. Price range:;.
Barrows and gllta. gd-ch
140-100 lbs. g
do 160-180 lb
do 180-200 lbs
do 800-220 lbs ,- -
do 200-250 lbs
do 850-290 lbs .
6.50 Q 7.00
0.75(3 T.1S
7.000 T.50
7.35 7.50
7.00 7.50
6.75(5 7.25
Death Valley Celebrates Its First Wedding
Deata Taney Scctty allowed he had a fine time at Death Valley's first wedding staged fa the castle home
: of the Callfon-a desert mystery Ulias. And 8cotty had to kiss the bride as the husband looked oa.
Left to tsti aoseplt Choate, the huband, ScottyTMrs. Choate, the former Dorothy Drew of Jtostaa
aad Los Angeles, and Albert Jf. Johnson. BcoUys partner. Choate is a Los Angeles attorney.
Dave Rogers
Police of Wheeling; W. Va, la a
, .
surprise raid, nab three fugitives
from a.inasourl Jaa and their
blond girl accomplice. The men
Wmiam Montgomery, TJavs Rog
era and Eugene Booth -were
drawn to Wheeling polios be
lieved, by xwmr that ft consolida
tion of two banks there would
canst ft transfer of 13,000,000 in
cash and securities. The trio
escaped from Neosho, Mo, jjaH
through ft ruse when they shaped,
a piece of tin to resemble a gun
and "beld up" their jailer. Th
men are wanted jn connection
with a dozen bank and postofflce
robberies in Texas and IflssourL
at Portland
do 290-350 lbs , 6.150 S.7S
medium. 140-160 lbs 0.250 T.00
Packing sows. gd. 275 850
lbs. .., , , 8.50a S.00
do good 850-425 l 5.25 6.00
do good 425-650 lbs . 6.250 8.75
do med 375-650 lbs 6.00 & 6.50
Pigs (fdr. stkr.J. good-
cboieo, 70-140 Ibs 6 JO T.80
Cattle: Receipts 100, so sales; for
week salable 3370, total 2825; calves
none; for week 370 salable, 890 totaT;
generally steady to strong; few of best
15-35 kigher. Price range:
8teera, good 900-1100 g
do medium, 1100-1300
do com (plain 750-1100.
Heifers, good, 750-900 ,
do mediam, 550-900 , , ..
do com (plaia) 650-900,
Cows, all wta -
do medium, nil wta
do com (plain) a0 wta..
do low cot-cat, all wts
Bulls (ylgs. oxcld.). good
iboof), all wta
o medium, all wta.
do cat-corn (pin), all wta
Vealors, choice, all wts
do good, all wta
do mediam
do coll-com (pla) all wta
Calves, med. 250-400 lbs
do com (pla) 250-400 lbs
do eommoa (plaia) med
Sheep: Receipts none; for week aalablo
1440. total 2275. Spring lambs 25-50c
kigher. Price range:
Spring lambs, gd-ch
do medium good
do common , , ,
Lambs (thorn) gd-ch , ,
do medium and good
do common (plaia) ,,.
Ewoa (akodn) gd to ch
Wool in Boston
BOSTON, May 5. (AP) (USDA)
Demand for wools te be shipped from the
9.00 9.86
7.75Q 9.00
S.7SQ 7.73
6.25a 9.15
7.50 S.60
6.35 7.50
.50Q 7.60
6.25(5 6.50
4.25S 3.80
3.25 4.50
S.35M 6.73
3.60 Q 6.60
4.603 3.50
8.00 8.50
7.50 S.OO
5.50 a 7.60
8.50 5.30
8.00 6.50
8.50 S.OO
1.60 2.50
9.2 5 a t.80
8.50(3 9.00
7.25 8.25
7.503 8.00
6.753 T.25
6.003 6.75
9.603 8.33
Closing Quotations
NEW YORK. May 6 .-(-Today's closing prices:
Allied Stores ... 7
Chrysler ......
Commer Solr ..
Comwlth ft Sou
Consol Edison .
Consol Oil ...
Curt Wright . . .
Doug Aircraft . .
American Can .88
Amer For Pow . 2V4
Amer Pow A Lt 4
Am Rad Std San 12 H
Amer. Roll Mills 14
Am Smelt dfc Ret 42
Amer Tel A Tel 158
Amer Tob ..... 83
Amer Wat Wks. 1
Anaconda li
Armour 111 ... . 4 H
Atchison 28
Barnsdall ..... 14
Bait & Ohio ... 614
Bendix Aviation 22
Beth Steel .... 55
Boeing Air .... 22
Borge Warner . 24
Mudd Mfg . . . . . 4
Calif Pack .....1S4
Callahan Z-L ..
Calumet Hec . . (
Canadian Pac . . 8 4
Cater Tractor 45
Celanese . . . . . . 18
Certain-Teed . . 8
Ches ft Ohio ..82
Du Pont de
Elec Pow ft
Erie RR
Gen Electrie ...
Gen Foods ....
Gen Motors ....
Goodyear Tire.
Great North
Hudson Motors.
Illinois Central .
Inter Nickel Can
Int Pap ft P Pf
Int Tel ft Tel
Libbey - O -
Lig ft Myers
Stocks Advance
At Slow Pace
Week's Composite Shows
Gain of 1.3 Points in.
Dozing Market
NEW YORK, May -WVIn tn
other one ot the most sluggish
sessions since last Jane, the stock
market today managed to - edge
oat ot the week with minor frac
tional adrances In the majority.
European developments pro
Tided little Inspiration either way,
and domestic news was more or
less a standoff. Although selling
was negligible throughout. . de
mand was equally light as traders
followed the customary proced
ure of recent months in keeping
commitments at a minimum orer
the weekend. - .
Transfers for the two hours to
uted 17S.750 shares against 172.
SSO last Saturday. The Associated
Press arerare of CO issues was up
.1 of a point at 4S.E. On th
week this composite posted a net
MTanee or i.s points.
Coal Tien? Feared
Apprehension orer the 1 soft
coal . tie-up, brokers! said, was
partly responsible - tor the day's
apathy. Hope tor a settlement
here, though, was rerired when
president XUMserelt Intervened
with a call on deadlocked opera
tors and miners to adjust their
differences quickly in order to
Breveat serious lnet tiat rial nlant
tle-vps. -
Stocks , tlnlshlnf . with their
heads moderately above water in
cluded Bethlehem Steel, Chrysler,
Goodyear, Montgomery Ward,
Sears Roebuck, United Aircraft,
Glenn Martin. N.T. Central, Great
Northern, Anaconda, North Amer
ican. Westlnghouse and Texas
Corp. . '
Weather Reports
Up Wheat Prices
CHICAGO.! Mar C-tft-Renarta
of unfavorable weather In the do
mestic wheat belt dominated the
market today and lifted niices
more than a cent a bushel at
times. Closing was - up.
No rain fell overnight in the
southwest. Continued crop eom
Dlalnts were received and thera
high winds In parts of Kansas and
were reports of dust storms and
Oklahoma. . Although showerv
conditions were exnected. na Im
portant rain was forecast for the
oen during tne coming week.
Traders, therefore, were In
clined to even np accounts for the
weekend and this, together with
profit-taking on the advances, In
duced nerrousness and somewhat
erratic market. May equalled the
high on the movement at 75.
while the new crop months were
within a fraction of the season's
highs at 74 for July and 74 H
for September.
Wheat closed - higher, July
7.K-74. September 7Si-.
eoantry in both fleeces and far westera
wool prodaeing areas was reported anfte
stroag today. Baying of spot wools
was ib xair Tonime, dbs not nearly as ac
tive as the baaincss on new woe la for
near future delivery. Prieea en epot
shorn wools in Boeton were showing lit
tle change except a firming tendency as
a result of the strong price trends in pro
daeing areas. i
8 Nat Dist ......
10 Nat Power ft Lt
1 Northern Pac . .
8 1 Packard Motors .
7 J C Penney ...
B Phillips Petrol .
824 Pressed, Btl Car
N . .142 Pb Service NJ.
Lt. 7 Pullman
1 Sears Roebuck .
24 Shell Union ...
9 Son Cal Edison .
44 Southern Pac ..
28 Stand Brands ..
20 Stand Oil ot Cal
5 Stand Oil of NJ
11 Studebaker ...
47 Sup Oil
31Tmken Roll Brg
6 Trans-America .
31 Union Carbide .
42 United Aircraft.
B .103 United Airlines.
Monty Ward ... 47 US Rubber ....
Nash Kerrinator 8 Us Steel
Nat Biscuit ... 28 Walworth
Nat Cash ..... 18 White Motors . .
Nat Dairy Produ 14 Woolworth ....
I IHIllWJlii.lijMi
i .' 1 1
Salem vMarket Quotations
Onqrtng Prloes)
(The prices below supplied by a local
trover and indicative ef tke daily aurket
rices at to growera ay saiesa aayors
are art fiuuMrf
The atatea-
Bananas, Ib. en stall-.
Basda M----,
Srapelrait, Texas piaka
Bat-alar . ,
Lemons, erate ,.
Oranges, crate
3.33 to 8.80
(naylag mose)
asparagna, doa., -
Boots, doa. , 1 1 1
Cabbage, lb.
Carrots. Cattt, ert- dox.3.50 to S.SO
Caaunower. vau, us; lorai, .vu
Celery, Utah, crate S.SS '
Calif- crate. , 1.33
Lettnee, Calif. 3.60 te S.S0
Onions, boiling, 10 lbs Ko. 1 - .IS
80 Iba. ; 1.33
Green onions, doa. , .55 -Badiskes,
doa. ,, ,, , , ' . - JO
Peppers, green, Calif. . , ,. , . JO .
Parsley , 0
Potatoes, leeaL ewt. No. 1 1.10
80 ib. baga .83
Raw pets toes, Cal it, ewt, , 8.50
Bbabarb, oatdoo ., : , - .7 be .80
Tnmipe, doa. , , , . 0
VUTt "
(Meo paid by Xadependeat racking plant
aa grower)
Walaata 3raaqnottea. fancy, 13e me
diam, lOe; small Se; erchard ran, 8 to
10& Waiaat aweta, 3 to 30s lb. -
rUborta Bareeloaas. large. 13Ve: fan
ey 11H; bakioa. lie; orebard ran 11
to lSa.
(Co-op I'rioea to ttrowor)
Walaate Price raage, depending npon
way sate ran in 14 different grades 11
ISe. Oacbilbr 1 cent kigher.
r (Baying Pxtoae)
Clasters, nominaX 1P8T, lb- T to .OS
Clnsters, 1838,-lb. , , 80 to 43
tngglee, top - - - 48
(Baying mess)
Wool mediam. Ik. 43
Coarse, lb. - 48
Umbo, lb. . 48
afoaafar, lb. , . .S3
. zooa n rooxTBT ,
: (Sayi-g mees of Asdreeea's) -Largo
extras . tl-- - r -r .It
Medina extras V 43
Laree ataadarda - - ' .13
Pallets - , ..1S .
Colored frye . .13
Colored mediam,. lb. t 48
White Loghoma. heavy .,, . j .1S
White Leahoras.; light ,. I ; .10
Spring Lamb Show
Set at Monmouth
Chamber Commerce Aids
in Planning Event
Set on May 20
MONMOUTH The second an
nual spring; lamb show spon
sored by Polk county breeders
and the local chamber of com
merce will be held here May 20.
J. B. Lorence, Monmouth, is
general chairman.
The chamber committee, C.
W. Price, P. P. Woodward and
Claude Wlnegar, met this week
with Lorence . and W. C. Iet,
county agent, to work out plans.
Program features will be aug
mented by use of the Cherry
City Bakery's loudspeaker.
There will be two classes of
long wool and medium wool
lambs: A pen of three, and best
Individual. There will be two
classes, also, for 4H clubbers
and FFA members, lour wnol
and medium lambs, with indi
vidual entries. Prizes will be
H. A. Llndgren, sheep spe
cialist of Oregon State college
will be present and probably
Others from the OSC'n dennrt.
ment of sheep husbandry. W.
Kj. in, county agent, will as
sist. Northwest Barley
Markets Stronger
PORTLAND, May 4 (if) A
strong tone In northwest barley
markets brought an advance of
zttc per 100 pounds here In the
past week, the TJS department of
agriculture said today. Supplies of
Hannchen barley In the Willam
ette valley and Klamath Falls
were virtually depleted. Trading
in malting barley was at a standstill.
Broadway Nights
Copyright. 1833, BUng Featurea Syndicate,! Ibc
(Continued from page 11)
trie dancers. A negress named
Estela does some amazing things
with her anatomy, and a per
sonable young gentleman named
Vicente Gomes plays the guitar
as if he were born with one In
his hands. Most of the singing
fell to Tito Coral and Aosita
Rios, not strangers to American
audiences, and there was some
excellent traditional Spanish
dancing by Marissa Flores and
Jose Fernandes. The general
effect of the revue was good.
A large audience liked it very
much, though some of the hu
morous incidents were not quite,
as we hare said, of the Broad
way type of . humor. MexlcanaM
is a good show to see, Itll be
at the 46 th street theatre for a
long time, so .when you come, to
town you'll get an opportunity
to look at it and hear it
After a year ot preparation.
the Federal theatre's "Sing for
Tour Supper" was unveiled at
the Adelphl theatre and ' gave
ISO actors aad the , necessary
ground crews a chance to show
what .they could do. for the WPA.
It's a good show, as good la Its
way as the . "Swing Mikado' la
la its owa field." That Is to
say , that neither music, dancing
aor book are top-notch musical
eomedy, stuff of the commercial
variety, but well worth ' the eot
of the tickets and well doa la
Its crbit. .''
Shovel Leaning Bong -
There's rery little la tht slay
which might be taken by torles
as propaganda. One lively little
song, "Leaning on a 'Shovel,- de
fends the WPA eonstruetlon .re
jects - which have brought high
blood pressure to thousands who
don't Ilka the administration or
its works. About an that the ac
tors have to sing Is that so long;
as the parks and buildings aad
dams and playgrounds which the
WPA has produced " were - bunt
bv leaning on one's shovel. It
must be a pretty good way to
get ' things done' ,s''f-'
s Pretty i TirglnU Bolea '? did a
deal of: singing aad fi dancing.
Carl Chapla played a eomid ad
miral and Grover Whalen In two
funny skits. He. Coby Buskin
aad Edward Fuller were a fine
Grade D raw 4 per cent
milk, Salem Co-op bask pool
price 91BOw ,
C.-op Grado A butterfat
price 21 He; B srade Sc less.
(Xilk based : est aemi-moathly
' battorfat average.)
Distribator price, $2JS2.
A rrde bntterfat Dellv
ered 21c; B grade 19c.
A grade print, S3c; B
grade 2f4c; qaarters2ec
Heavy heas, lb.
- - UVsSlOvK
(Baying price for Ko. 1 stock, based oa
ooadmoas sad sales reported ay to d
Lambs, 1888, tops J ' ' ' Z P.00
Lambs hi 1 , , i.i ... 4.50 to 7.50
-wee - 3.00 te 8.30 .
Hogs, tap
180-130 lbs. ...
7.00 to T.10
.4.60 to 4.75
4.15 to 8.50
8.33 to 840
5.50 to S.OO
3.50 'to 4.35
S.00 to 7.00
310-800 lba.
Beef cows
Bella ..
Top veal -Dairy
type ewwa
Piosssd veal. lb.
4.00 to 3.50
MAXIO CIXIKZXT niylag rrieo
Botterfat, A' grade " 41 H
Logbora heas. ever 8Vk lba. .11 .
Loshons hoaa, andef SMr lba JO
Roasters, 4 lba. and -- c
fryers, 1H lea. .. , ,. - .13
Logbora broilers ' - 41
Colored kens, ever S -'
014 roosters, n. - , - ' ,
Largo extras
Largo standards
Mediam extras
Medians ataadarda
Cadergradoa L '
JS .
.- -. BUII, BAT Bad SZZSf
Wheat, ba. Ko. 1 reeleaaed -.73
Oata. grey, " "
Whiter in - -ew
Feed barley, tea W- 83.00 W 34.00
Clover hal. tea .;. .... 13 to 18.00
Oat and Teteb bay, ton 13.00 to 18.00
AUalia, tan . 15.00 te 14.00
Eff saaab. Ko. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1JB0.
Dairy feed,: 80 Ib. a-- i an
Hen sersUb feed ' 1.T0 -
Cracked eora . 1.70
Wheat :, -, , ,. .. 1.50
Grant School Is
Grades (Ihampion
Garfield Loses 12 to 10
After Hotly Contested
League Finale
Grant Friday grabbed the city
grade school softball champion
ship, defeating Garfield, tradition
al cityrival. 12 to 10 in a hotly
contested finale to the annual
spring loop. i
TJUman, Garland, Roland and
Joe all hit homers for the Grant
"Generals." while Takayl poled
for the circuit for the Garfield
Garfield (10)
Tokum, 2
Stanbrook, p ,
Neston, m
Brandall, 1
Evans, e
0 0 2
2 S 0
10 3
10 0
2 2 0
1 2 1
0 0 0
2 0 0
10 8 8
2 10
2 0 0
13 1
0 0 0
10 0
12 2
2 2 0
0 0 0
12 10 5
Takayl, s .
Harrison, 1
Evans. S
Pardun, r ,
Grant (12)
rilman, e .
Brown, 2 .
Strong, c .
Garland, r
Payne, m
Neil, g
Roland, p
Kline. 1 .
Joe, 3
Camel. 1
OSC Divoters Triumph
Second Day Over Idaho
CORVALLIS. Ore.. Mar 9.-JPi
-The University of Idaho golf
team was the victim ot Oregon
State's second links uprising in
two days, losing 24 to 3 today,
Washington State was beaten 23
4 yesterday. Captain Chuck Staf
ford was medalist with a sub-par
68. I
trio of superannuated stagedoor
jonnnies in a skit called "We
Go to the Theatre to be Amus
ed." The music, by Lee Wainer
and Ned Lehac was lively if
patterned or. rather well-known
and reliable lines. The lyrics by
itobert sour are excellent and
to the point. ! Harold Hccht's
direction keens the nlav mar
lng and the lighting, by Feder,
is up to the best professional
standards. We think you'd like
"Sing for Your Sunner." if vnn
get the chance, drop in at the
59 Weds 16
Un. ArGtur Dean
rrtfessor Arthur Dean, aged 69,
former Instructor at Indiana uni
versity, and his 13-year-old bride,
jBcnuce atarie rarxs Dean, are
pictured - At their home near
-; . sVancanae, lad.
Bulldogs' Are
Track Titlists
7 WVI Records Toppled
as Woodburn Edges
West Iann ont
(Continued from page 7)
440-yard run H. Boydstonof
Dallas in :54.1; Saluakin, Che
ma wa, 2nd;- Saulsbury, Vest
Linn, 3rd; Blaine, Molalla, 4th.
80 Lodge of Chemawa . In
2:06.S. breaklnr the record of
2:08.8, set by Cox of West Linn
in 1938; Breese, Woodburn, 2n..;
Bauiu. West Linn, 3rd; Shepher,
west 4inn,-n.
Mile Lodge ot Chemawa in
4:38, breaking his own 1138
record of : 4:44; Balllu, West
Linn, 2nd; Seely, Woodburn,
3rd; Smith, Woodburn, 4th.
120-yard high hurdles Wade
oi Moiaiia in :17.2; Ryan. Wood
burn, 2nd; Abel, Dallas, 3rd,
Hill, Woodburn, 4ti.: v .
Shot Karbonski of West Una
with 45 -; Heino, Molaila, rad;
Woundedeye, Chemewa, . 3rd:
Kalberg, Molaila, 4th.
Pole vanlt 1 NsliA. nt
Woodburn with 12 feet, break
lag his own 1938 record of 11'
Blaine, 'Molaila, 2nd; Hart-
man, inaependence. Sndw. Kei.
son, Woodburn,. tie for; 3rd.
zov-yard low hurdles Uyan
of Woodburn In : 24:7, breaking
the record of : 2 4. 8," set by Blaa-
chard of DaUas In 1318; Wade.
Molaila. Jnd? :'Tmif-rf Trr
burn, ; 3rd; J Boydson, DaHas,
jlscua -KarhnnaVI . tir-..
Uan with" 140 4",. breaking the
record of 128' 1H". set by Stone
ofv West Linn in 1937; WIebe.
a-ii. - zna; Kalberg, MoUlla,
3rd; Howe, Woodburn, 4th.
High inmb Abel nt . n.n..
with 5' 7"; Rogers, indepen
dence, 2nd: Krnae wM. --
and A. Nelson, Woodburn, tie
for 3rd.
Javelin- Saulsbury of West
Linn with 149' 4"; Juhor, Mo
laila, 2nd; Hartman, Indepen
dence, 3rd; Karbonski, West
Linn, 4th.
Classified Ads
. Call 9101
Classified Advertising,
Single Insertion per line -JlOc
Three insertions per line .20e
Six insertions per line -.80e
One month per line , ... f i Off
Minimum charge rf
??VJJor m ecepted onta
'--the evening before publics
tton for classification. -. Copy- re-eal-ed
after this time will be ma
under the beadiag. Too Late to
The Su teaman assumes no finan
cial responsibility for errors which
may appear In advertisements pub
lished In Its columns, and to eases
where this paper Is at fault will re
print that part of an advertisement
In which the typographical mistake
The Statesman reserves the right
?? questionable advertising:
It further reaerves the right' te
place all advertising under the
proper classification.
' A -Bltnd, Ad an ad containing
a Statesman bos number for an ad
dress for the protection of the
advertiser and must therefore be
answered by letter. The Statesman
la not at liberty to divulge Informa
tion as to the Identity of aa adver
tiser uaing a "Blind" ad,
1 2 3 YAH Id t n YA I? llol"
2f SO 31 j 32
Hm HI Vt. j 60 ,
W. saT T" i vAtt
. . I 111 It M
- I SAtmiiHj
4V narrow atrip
el woven
fahrie r
g sstntations
12 the cuckoo
13 - men's name
14 excelling:
all others '
If Wtter
17 Spanish
measure of r
. length
19 -note of -'
the scale -tt
form inean- -
U grade
22 chum -X3
X4Vwsralldns --
tS-Greek , -
goddess w
of youth
: t3 apostle :
i Z7 domesticate
' 23 cry of a deer
13 rnarth
' cretinigni ' -"
gA-ertslning; -t
, - to speech - -
zsijn&ol for :
aelenium -.
Ji-'weapon -;--
1 7 card aaTinf
three spota
, tSf eminine
pronoua -
M American
Indian tribe
45 one of the ;
Great Lakes
41-torder '
42 eastern -rUU
43 croup of
three '
44 drusted '
45 learninf by
repetition -
48 highest ,
male Toiee
10 daughter
- of Cadmna
11 presently
(2 a ruminant '
IS consumed '
Herewith it the
terday's puzzle.
1333, 3t 3-as
Broad Jump Davis of West
Llna with 20 . breaking
therecord of : 19 11", set by I
Lodge of Chemawa in 1938; I
Lodge, Cher-awa, 2nd; Kendall,
Molp, 3rd; K Nelson, Wood-
Vrn, 4 th.
Relay Chemawa team of Ta
ill, Saluskln, Lodge and Back
bone In 1:35.5, breaking Che
mawa'a 1938 record of 1:36.0.
Machine Shoppers
T.aels T lO eC
Breaking out with an 8-run
rash in the sixth frame, the Pa
nermaker Machinists bounced
Pepco by a 12 to 6 score in an j
Industrial league softball tilt Fri
day. Machine 1? io 4
Pepco f 8.1
Ritchie and Keed; Scott and
Reed. V
DEAD AND worthless horses, cows,
picked up free. Ph. collect 1411 Saiem.
Hontgomery Rend. Wka
LABGB TAT real. t Center.
ej-ejseee aa sa - g- in LrruUl
VERT FINE mtlkv goat, fresh en
week giving about one gaUon a day.
ie asaz, lisu waller.
horses and. mulea CREDIT gladly giv
en. No carrjlng charge. Get competi
tive prices before you come here and
see bom much lower my prlree are. See
them work and pull on all kinds of
i ann . implements before you buy.
Guaranteed as represented. Free deliv
ery. H.- R. Koehne. Carlton, Ore S mL
E. of Carlton, 7. m W. of Newbers la
West Chehalem Valley.
Give ever 8 saL day. 140 Park Street.
Help Wanted
aia wtrirwT rs . . i
Cellar, shed. We r buy 30o lb. World
laraest romnanv frptr Rrmir. Un,k.
rooms, .uiy-zna. Beatue. wasn.
raising facts from world's largest corn-nan-.
Rook rBEE fTnltl llll.n T l-
coin Ave., Chicago.
Help Wanted- xMale
ejaasasi aaaaeaea -rPjnrLTUTiLn
orer 25. Pevlous selllnsr experience pre
ferred. Must have car and be neat ap
pearing. Write full particulars. P. a
box sis, saiem. ure.
MAM TO anm Tim lit
See Fenwlck, Hi Ferry Street.
ER wants few resident salesmen cell
on wholesale trade. Experience not es
sential. Write HUNTINGTON RUB
BER CO.. 8S N. Spring , Lea An
geles, Calif. "
Help Wanted Female
HSEKPR. P. 8173, 1343 N. Capitol
GIRL FOR sen. housework refer
ences required. Phone 559, SB N. Lib
erty. Situations Wanted
215. 1174 Marlon. Tour work solicited,
" -a-a-a-a,-.-. - -sll-riirijninjainjlJlfSl '
HOUR WK, 1378 Hovt. Ph. 3341.
mmm m ' - ---..-- - n -inj-innnj-ij-i-rLriniTi
PAINT- PAPER., kalso. Reaa 3733.
J-' i",",",nrwvu').rLrLn.rui
EXP. BEATJTT operator, wiahesj
work for few months, or can nanus
shop. Box 428, . Statesman.
EXP. GIRL. wiaha hauuvark.
1390 Hoyt Ave.
HOUR WORK, exp. TeL. 8583.
Word Puzzle
1 Shinto
. - j. temple "
; combination
S religions .
- ness ;
4 Label
frsymbol for
' aluminum
t stately
. dance of
T - glowing
If internatlon-i
- al langoage;
18 in law,
an action
21 batters I
22 skin of ; j
23 Scotch hat l
24 box
25 part of f bet
27 to weigh, as
a package i
28 otter in a
' harsh -
manner .1
80 eompetitrvei
trial ef
fc -aneed ... " a. i
8 eleereless
. Odin - -
10 institntlon
11 step orer
. a fence
tl Indian ef aa
. . Aigononiaa
tribe i
S2 bora f
34 black and I
yelloir bird
l$ material i
aolntion to yet
. supposed te
be Chinese ,
Jade -
27 group of
S$ reddish- :
40 symbol for
, erbium
41 call te
, extiU'
attentioa '
43 -umber r
44 Mack
Europeaa !
, . beetle -
45 female deer
47 towards . !
t49 eymbol for 1
i ,
f 8asjla, taa