Tfca G2ZG01I GTATE3JIAN, Zalzn, Oresoa, Sunday Homing, llij 7, 1SS3 PAGE THIRTEEN FormCT &tule-Sniile& A- - h &ttcktn T Valley. Social Realm By MAXINB BUR EN Ws ordinary citizens who en-Joy--evea look forward to rNa tlonal Music Week each year re alize little of tha detailed plan ning and effort that goes into Its management, and comprehex. I ; -even lest that a Urge proportion of the burden falls on the shoul ders of one small woman, Mrs. Walter A. Denton, who directs National Susie week for Oregon and for Salem. Ner do we know that again Oregon has reeerred national recognition, because in 3 out of 39 counties of the state, .school ' music, festivals were held last year. Sixty tour wild and woolly ! cities' in Oregon celebrated mu-: sic week. - while , In, our great ' neighboring state In the couth, thirty rsix cities toot - time oft to think about music during- the . special week. .. .. Mrs. Denton received national recognition tor her splendid work. Glancing through the printed national It 88 report i this writer finds no other per sonal congratulation to a ' state director but the national chair man writes "Great credit is due Mrs. Denton for her excellent i work In developing participation ? of music clubs in her state. She has devoted much time la the ' past years and has given distinct' stimulus to musical Interest In the state." He also credits her ideas with having been models ; for other states to follow. Mrs. Denton has taught piano since her graduation from . WH-! lamette and was for many years on the faculty of the old Conser-: eatery of Music there. She has ! 'vi own uierestea la new ' teaching methods and, like many other teachers of Salem. , has : taken freonnt mantpr Portland and San Francisco when ' Hospital Auxiliary to arailable. . r , So let's celebrate music week vrlYe lea on rriday gain thU year-witah greater in- v v i s . . terest and pride in our ability Plan have been completed for to follow the leader, Just as our?u,e te fop wftich members of the newtors did when they crossed S1 Genl hospital auxiliary mountains and rivers to flaht their way to Oregon. a Hi-Y Dance Scheduled For Friday Night The South Sea Islands will be Tnose wno baTe been asked ''t0 the decorative motif carried out preidff at the tea urns during the at the annual spring Hi-T dance afternoon are Mrs. T. A. Livesley, to be given at the high school Mr- B- - Schucking, Mrs. Wil gymnasium Friday night. Allen liam c Mrs- Arthur J. Rahn, Tom and his orchestra from Ore- Mr- Daniel J- Fry, jr., and Mrs. goni State college have been en- W' Carlton Smith, gaged to play for the spirt dance. Mlss Lilllan McDonald, super Ray Parmer is general chairman intendent of the hospital, will re-, of the dance and he is being as- ceive the guests in the foyer of sisted by George Alexander and the l"P"al and a staf f of nurses ' Bob Reinholdt, publicity; Bill wIH escort the visitors through Shinn, decorations; Kenneth De- the hospital. Mrs. Charles A. Long, tickets, Stuart Nelson, pre- sentation committee. Pattern By ANNEr ADAMS U i smart to turn your paca nowadays . . . when yon wear a summary dress with a jaunty baCk-closlng liko this! The fan- loving 'teena (and In fact every woman who wants clothes tnat are tor me program. Jra. ww mu bmmt uag. asoaic wm w iur- chapter house Monday afternoon read a paper on the music, foik comforUbie, yet young and perky) also appear la several numbers. nlshed by the Cherry City bakery at 2 o'clock. Hostesses are Mrs. lore aad literature of Rumania will i b delighted with pattern 4072. As Anne Adams points out on the large sketch, yon might choose a checked cotton. Or, as shown In the background, yon might have white fabric with the ,V. u.frr. aiul belt con- T Vli- -lJTiV. trasting. gaia you might use a trlped; matertoL with vertical pockets, yoke and bell where hori- coatal stripes -would give a very decorative. effect. ' Pattern 4072 is available misses' and women'a sixes 1214. 16. IS. 21. 80. 22, 84, 3ft, 28 and 40.58lse 1 takes 3 yards 35 , inch fabric . Sead riTTEES CEXT8 flSU eoias for tkis Aaaa Adasw ysttera. Writa plslaly 8IZt MAMS, A DKE8S aad sTLB WJMBnK. - - Je.t aat . . . taa AXNK ADAMS PATTERN BOOK pF SO M M X K ctti.mi cu.a tor ia TDD AT. aad Ire VkVt ts.kiaHsri. yoa c sutds . ap 'aay a;eiekJy aa.tka sseat ' color, a eeaaaJeta array ad aattday Iuaitca ar aaageia. oae, awwyv w travel, day,- parry aaa aaa-eaww aiadaa. Sesartaess far Baiartaess lev aaataMr ana . mm ,kaf rtrlt Ht eettaaat" Patea aad paaaa ad aS terss for aUsses, statroas ... d yonarsttrs Beports sis; ea , ieeioriea Order KlCJt OJ BOOK riVTEESt CFNT8. PRlCXOF GETHER, BOOK ASD FATTKajl TWINTI FIVE CEST8. Bead your ' order te Tns Oregon J SteUaaiaa. fattara DepU Seises, . m. ' m , . . . . . ... . i STATE DIRECTOR Of National Mnsle Week .".11 ra., Walter A. uentoa ot saiem, wno aiso neaos . .' : are arranging lor rnaay, May n, to be held at the hospital in con nection with national hospital day. All Interested persons are Invited to view the hospital and have tea between the hours of 2 and S o'clock. sprague. presiaeni oi me auxn iary, will receive informally in the tea room. Assisting in the serving will be Mrs. Gardner Knapp. Mrs. George Rhoten, Mrs. Oscar D. Olson, Mrs. B. M. Donaldson, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons and Mrs. Earl Cooley. Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Mrs. Paul Van Scoy and Mrs. Carl Emmons are ia charge of - arrangements. Miss Smith Feted at Bridal Shower Miss Gladys Ross and Miss Katherine Sharpnack were joint hostesses at the home of Miss Ross for a miscellaneous shower Friday -night in compliment to Miss Marjorie Smith, bride-elect, of Mr. Robert Sullivan,,. whose wedding will be . an event o June 4. Spring flowers attractively dec orated the 'rooms. The evening was spent in making bride books for the honored guest. At a later hour refreshments were ; served. Bidden to honor Miss Smith were: Misses Betty Ann Swan- a- a enl 9 fTH.M.. x'. "PPf xnif iToli LeV. Frinces Burger. Jeanne Seacat. Elolse SulUvan. Sana Miller. Dawn Bates, Janice -Rob- tason. Dorothy Barnam, trerai- uineiarneu. Miia omu, a- LHiZK-: r."' ..r,r" T;: on a, buii - nel Smith. Mrs. Sullivan. and the vlSXZ T-Vn.rv Miss Katherine Sharpnack a a a Dance Revue Given hy June Hope West June Hope West will nntaaaf t im herself, and a large group pile In a dance revue in Salem on June 7 and 8 at the Grand theatre. This will be her 13 th recital but . . . i v.-t.l- inw lira iscb Ktuuiu uhk, here last tall. I Mrs. West has planned several unique attractiona mciuamg a cap w ihi. bw oi ;ur stern ranging from 1 years to high school age are included m tho personnel and -a few special students will come from Astoria i " - m stir. ' The Beta Chi Mothers club will meet at the chapter house on State etreet Tuesday after- noon at 2:30 o'clock. Election m Mluu - -tit veatjl -ttvm tFadft V",w, comlneT year. Mrs. uaorga.o-a- .a1 revlew the book. -All a .nd HeaTen Too," by Ra- cQel Field Tea hostesses will Mrfc Hare- Parker, chair- man. t Mrs. EaM FUher, Mrs. cllfton Ross, Mrs. H. H. Vande- rt, Mrs. S. H. Boardman. Mrs. otten. Mrs. A. Oehler aa Mra C Frigaard. jUidsa M Dclphians will meet on Tuesday morning la the fire- :Mto.,H.?"S!fh rhariKinxer Mrs. Ha QraniCT sa nwn. The Misslomary society of ihe First Presbyterian chnreh wlVl meet weanesosy as w at 2 o'clock. The leader wiir be Mrs. a H. Kent and Mrs. Ralph SZbtt is in charge of the devo- ttona. Hostesses will be' Mrs. Howard Pickett, Mrs. Abner ' KHne, Mrs. W. It' Wood and Mrs. O. A. Macy. tae local committee. r . - (Photo by KenneU-EUia.) CLUB CALENDAR :'r Monday, May 8 Pro America, Marion hotel, 2:30 p.m. - - The Rebekah drill team prac tice, after lodge meeting. Board meeting,! American Legion auxiliary, with Mrs. Merle Travis, 148 .Shipping, 8 p.m. PEO with Mrs. Ray Smith, 1895 Center street, 7:45 p.m. DAV- election at armory, auxiliary at WCTU 8 p.m. Delta Phi Mothers club meet at chapter house, 1810 Court -2 p.m. Tuesday, May 9 Nebraska tallies club, ' with Mrs. Gertrude Van Houdenos, .228 McNary street. West Salem. Beta Chi Mothers club meet at chapter house; 1445 State,. 2:20 p.m. Englewood PTA meet at school, 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 10 Mayflower Guild, 1st Con gregational church with Mrs. C. K. Logan, 560 Judson street. Oak Grove community hobby show, afternoon and evening, Grange hall.' West Salem Women's dab, i- eityr r.aU-1'4K run - a . Missionary society of First Presbyterian church meet at church, 2 pjn. . American Lutheran guild, 2 p.m. Women's Foreign Mission ary society, 1st ME church, 2:15, Carrier room. FOE social club with Mrs. Opal Gettman, 1790 Lee street. Home Missionary society of Leslie Methodist church with Mrs. Dean Poindexter, 348 Myers street, 2 p.m. Woman's Foreign Mission ary society; of Jason Lee church 2 . p.m. : - ' Poppy Posters Will Be Hivpti Awards lven AWaras .- , The poppy poster contest of the American Legion auxiliary U being conducted in the : lem schools. Mrs. Elbert Bradford is cnaJrman of tne auxiliary com- . .,at,n;w rh r.H,- wn, h. : . i muw ui- Ti)iioilll. ttpper e,ementary, Jun- Wgh and high schools. The contest clc May 12 and the winner in Salem will compete for Oregon and national honors. Completed poppy posters depict- ing the spirit and purpose of t American Legion auxiliary m morial poppy program will be dispUyed in connecUou with PoPPy days May 2ft and 27. a - The Ensdewood PTA will hold .... . . . . . m iaai meeung oi iae year Tuesday night at the school at 8 o'clock. A business meetlnr held followed br a ore- iisb. n, iwy . wcwaour will speak on the "Week Day' caurcn Possibilities in the -hool Carrtculum." The Boy 3eouts will be presented with their oeraavia, us- tlJr: 'JS;, 01 PTA. will riva a reoort on the state convention held recently ja Klamath Falls. She will in- sUU the new officers. Refresh- A. a-1 a m . a. bwu.wiu w rnai gr ui IS- tbers. r ,-.- Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Parker entertained at dinner Friday la honor .?,. ol Mrs. Clarence DeAr- mond of Richmond, Indiana. She is a sister of Mr. Parker and Mrs. Joe Beniot and is leavlnc the latter part of the month for en route, . . The featured speaker wiU be Miss MarUl1 Wooden. dieUUan . at the : , . ...... i lin. Vre& AmMaMa aad lit. Bay veeon .are leaving Monday for a week's stay at the Anun- aca coture it CuUer City. - -, a ; -Miss Bath Moon aad Mrs. C C Gabriel were among those at- .tesdlnx f the - Jeanette MacDoaald concert in Portland last night Ian to Wed ay Of interest to a number of Sa-; 4 lent tfolk is the wedding of Miss j 4 Jane Martin, daughter of Mr. and f i Mrs. ;Jeese Ray ' Martin of ; Port- y - land, to Mt. Ralph Speneef : Stearns, formerly of Salem, son"; ; of Mrs; Kathrya Stearns md Mr. W. 8. Stearns, which will be sol-; - emnized today at the home of the bride' parenta at 4 o'clock. ' . . : ' Mrs.; Louis Berelson will play . . the wedding march and Mr. Ralph . ' Barber will sing' awveral num- fi lbert. "." .. .-. j'. - v ; r- j .. The - bride ..who will be riven ; -: ;away In marriage by' her lather will wear a white lace dress with - ;fnll tulle Tell caught by a band of - j Mrs Laurence Wheeler, Irlll be 1 . the honor attendant and will wear ! - -a lima green tulle dress. Richard -. Stearns will act as .best, man tor I : i brother. ? Y i h '- I ; A. large reception will follow - the wedding. "Assisting about the ' rooms wHl be Mima Lacy Fisher ; - of Salem. Miss Sally Chrishner, . If 1st Nancy" RIchsrds, Mrs. ; La .Grande Haughton, and Mrs. James . Whllely of Portland. Pouring will , : be. Mrs. H. W. Brock; Mrs. E. Ai Bnrkltt, Mrs. " Perkins and Mrs. ; - O." B. BJorge. Mrs. W. P. Stalna-. ;ker will cut the bride's cake. f ' The couple will be at home at- . ter May IS at 1117 SB Ankeny, " J w a. -. m ma M iroruua. jnr siutrai a srmau '.ate of Salem high school and at tend ad , Willamatia nniTraitv ' where he waa a member of Sigma 1 Tan traurnityr He is now with the ! Pacific ..Telephone and Tele - ' . " " Annual Fashion Show at :- High School May 17 v ' Wednesday, May ' IT has been set as the date for the 12th an nual fashion; show to be pre- on& UciuSil!in,MSe01 .chTot auditorium. The .how Wt the mothers Of girls Of the high school and a tea in their honor 2" f0?..,!?.!!" "2S hostess. Approximately 125 girls will model the clothe they have made, and all types of clothing from a girl's wardrobe Will be modeled fj thA fr7inri r.nw rtoainlr wUr. o1m- Z't ?f rTllr Fr! .111 B a5S" iS o? 2e HomrEnomk. "Jb for ,rir nr? a-iA ?hrrt fhrkaMonal H?m Fro noX. organfzitS SrtnTaS-SSS ifm. i. ri . of th. uomg nr gi waos. a.a. a a a name will be engraved on the tea tray in Hi-Home. Marjorie Greenwood is chair man of the fashion show com mittee and assisting her are Maxlne' Drorbaugh, Marjory Diebm, Adenna Winslow, Mar- garet Browning, Elolse Hawkins, Aniira nt.r!.tm.n. T,,.nit. Audrey Chrlstmann and Juanltn Odom. Miss Pickens Announces Wedding Plans Another spring bride-elect to reveal her wedding plans is Miss Marjorie Pickens. daughter of Mr' anrl Mra WllUam C. PV. ens, whose marriage to Mr. John Marvin Ritchie. , son of Mrs. J. W. Ritchie, will be an evet of Saturday, May 20. The ceremony will be per formed at the Calvary Baptist church with Rev. Arno'q. Weni- 6i w.vlu.s u iuc yicBcuwc of members of the family and fria. o'clock. Mr. Wesley Ritchie will sing preceding the service and Miss Doris Schunko will play the wedding marches and ac companiments. The bride, who will be given sisvmup a, iu .vMfav eat , o '' ttj Hmlln t0 hep mald of bonor. Brides- away in marriage by her father. maids will be Miss Peggy Min- kiewltx and Miss Mary Yeager. Mr. Frank Ritchie will serve ? .? V yne .Mr- KO,?".'1- ens ana Mr. Marion itiicme. A reception will follow In the f0"0, avwea: w" ome ln salem. v Mrfc i;? w" ,ceo hote88 on Wednesday forthe last oi tne rrmgie woman s club Mrs. Hage assisted. Members vnnent were Mesdames A. Bon- rj J JT17, 5? ?' Jl.f' 5 Dry, r. UBrguncfl, n. ueicneri, A. Carnegie. L. Lorentx. L Trone, J. Robertson. E. 8. Coates. Davis, .. ..... u. spunin, j. nasim, m. uiuer, William McCarroIl, F. Clark. Wfl- liam Schandd. J. Fabry. Jr.. 8. Ksvea. s. Emerr. B. H II filter. O. renie, t. wens, h. namey, u.; Adams, P. 0. Bowman, R. Kottek. - The Delu Phi Mothers club will meet at the Court ttreeti . Gordon Blaek, Mrs.. Walter smith and Mrs.w. R. Speck. " ; Th Va4VUk VifVVaa ir-Wf. mQ - ' (CAST CrSTJUlY $i 13, I'JKoh Do Yea Hcnt fcr nanorn nu MAuaim - CLAKKVCX K. MVLFOnn-. . Htpdmt CmtUy Tskm Cm JOKATXAM ITlICXn--ra Dead Dart P. & WODXnOTJSS raa Mas aa 5a snrcuux urwis b ct Hp Hr THOSHX SMTrB Tie BhUT$ J$m XTMMT CXlXnrS Tat a- KATSUrXM MOXBS raa Cert Ilea STUAKT CLOXTX Ta TanbttTb-h-. SUM SXKAIra-Qafca Way sa Satfer CeJV. ahis asLAjnroM Moyaon fataifcaVi 4S5 STATE 'MA v O LJm. 'a & 1 lflll - -."iAi.v I fl wouldnt let that domeetie traiiiUty fool a KTry maa'a a hero the company teavest" ' ,, : - ' " ' ' " .. v s . ' ' Ms latrai-11tnafn famlnlna rrannolllrw tkm a oharfranea ohtffnn with a gathered bodies, a; wide, scoop of sophistication, goes tor the white organdie with its pleated Mr. aad Mrs. R. d. csrtr. Mr. aad Mrs. bodice ending In a blck laca band over the diaphragm and sleeves f" fM iSffli JSj-1 formed of alternatiag bands of; the Uca and, organdie.. Sixteen. CTs. rtwtt, mTT iCTiA. il. li" count 'em, gores add up to a ten yard hemline, and that's a perfect frcd. Mr. ud Mn. R. a. Fia. Mr. aad sklrttul.CopyrighW r'ltli. Eeqnire Features, Inc. Sr?'.7LMrt.Mcilre.::drM - . . , : .: - . , , . Mn. A. R. Wtikert, Mr. and Mn. Amoi Mrs. Ostlind Elected : DAR Regent i Mrg- Herbert Ostlind was elect- d nam .' taWr. Daughters Of the American Revo- lutlon at the meeting held Sat- ttrday at the home of Mrs. L. McLeod on North Summer . . TXi? JZ .ZZZL treet. Other officers to serve coming year are Mrs. W. E. Hanson, vice-regent; Mrs. U. G. Mrs- Bella Hawley, recording seereUry; Mrs. : M- p- Adam- corresponding sec- ?rer: Mr- JR Newcomb. reg- 1"': Mr- 1!'QW,n ,,0,7' , LUIMU. aXl 1 D. off a-'e ' a VaTa T T TPfYttm wa II. brarian; Mrs. C. C. Geer, musi- clan; Mrs. I. M retiring regent, director. ssaa-TSir. Mrs. Henry R. Wahoske, reg ent of the Portland chapter, was fl!?! LLn'rfi 'Hi CUaVlg WI Sa J asa vaa aa p rM3' Afrtcan Revo- Daughters of the American Kevo- lution, with an ex-state regent's ribbon. Music Prosram Given A special'tauslcal program was given under the direction of Mrs. Carey Martin, program chairman. A violin and piano trio composed of Miss Emma Loud East, Mis. .Lois Barrick and group S aiary n?r: Jf itrf Walter J?e"nsvw.erewMrSix Wff .ldenbTurs' M" !r Alio. L. i. oaiiut auu wb enry Wshpske of Portland. The ted table waa covered 2 "l! " .SS with a bouquet of yellow day ,J0 V.I. ' '7 . w m u ' " low tapers. Mrs. W. B. H.-Jison - eaaau iui9i xj, C. Geer presided at the tea turns. Hostesses were Mrs. C C Best, Mrs. C. T. Brixey, Mrs. W. B. Johnston, Mrs. George Ro berts, Mrs. Frances Cornell, Mrs. Edwin Jory. Mrs. S. L. Minard "d Mra. K.rt stelwer. The West Side Women's dab wiU meet at the city hall on Wed at l:4K for a nrorram and .IWer tea. New officer, who will be installed are Mrs. Glenn Tuck nnn unrVah. SceT secretary, and Mrs. A. A. Dasheill. treasurer. e e The little Garden dab of Salem Heights will hold an iria tea at the home of Mrs. Lewis Judson on jUdon street Mrs. Charles A. sprague will bo honor guest. Neighboring garden clubs are ta- Tited to attend the tea. Irises will UBei to decorate the rooms. u a. tt..h .-j w. w m nvuivii ww uamar McWaln are ln charce a ; 1 tk a?Ma It mm r tBa American Legion auHiury wm meet at the home of Mrs. Clyde Kaiser at 1120 ChemekeU street on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Pray of Portland win and Mrs. Lelf Bergsvik will read a biography of King carol IJU ti ft ti $1X9) ' Cera. . . . TSaAlfBt eaf AJaaUeBal fees asthersl Oa ssiiSns. aawraeraatoa. f.U elae. I il la data. Bam ere eejf a fa r Urn -mm taaa s feaadred tUles -Ud BOOK PHONE ES02 aaaa r da .a-'- TN "1 j aWslels1ar I I law gathered girdle and a toamingly Miss Joyce Married to Mr. Liston Parrish The .' wedding of Miss Kay .SJil& -I SV Jnvnm ef Ra 1 Am In ir T.latnn pMTlh of M riarm Parrlah was solemnized Mar at the First Christian church at 8 o'clock with Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating. A. J14 . ,r , Miaa Grace Condit of Vernonia was maid of honor and brides- maids were Miss Opal Yates of gaiem. and Mis. Mary Louise Miller of Vernonia. Betty Lou Fra- ee was flower girL Miss Thelma Uperil. Mr. Jesse Johnwn was best man for Mr. ParrUh. ""Marioa county Pro. America, .. . national organisation for renub- , . II can women, will meet Monday at 2:30 in the Marion hotel. Mrs. T r . . ..1,1. Rr Baker and Mra M. M. Ma- 8lon wUl follow- Tne Pnbllc lf ,,rAll ; THEY LAU OH "ITS A CAME" SAID MRS.TCO.THE CAKE BAKING CHAMP AND OWNER OF A SEW M0TP0INT ELECTRIC RANGE, "LET'S ALL C00X SOMETHING." ; "5:? laS ; .b as THeirvv ""11" as moocsm THEY LAUGHED WHEN BOB GOT UP TO COOK BECAUSE EVERYBODY KNEW TNAT BOB COULD NT COOK AN EGG BUT THEY MONT LAUGH LONG. THEM THAT ANYBODY CB COOK ON Many "goodcook has surprised her elf and friends with tlM excellent results Satteredfn)maHcoim It makes cood cooks better,T li.tht opinion of owners. New features, acco ' meheatconm)I,theiMrw5-SpethlSdect-A-Heat Calrod and Directional Heat Oven with Doo Speed Brofc, brings a whole new ''baf of tricks to the cook end cots operaiicar costs. v ' ProretoyTjtxrseJfthatelec is ffflnornipsT lnresdsate the low elec trie rates for frtHrhtg. Ask for coat in the form of users' JoZ Yea wQ cscoverthat this nodcra method actually coats tnoch fesathan yoo " think. Each new, IKS Ilcdx ZSectrlc Range b an exceptions! va!ae! - i rw. yCa rrb ; .salcm : SILVERTON r ALBANY SiLVKRTON One of the pret- 2!? ISweiiT night. GuyAlbins- orchestra of Salem furnished - the music and decorations were patterned after the Mexican Idea. rnk, m7I j. j. Lwta. Mr. nd Mn. H. C. DsTia, Mr. sad Mn. Harry cm- res, Mr. ami Mm. Joha BU, Mn. Hel- smc Brkk, iMrrti Uubiwii, rwi. Mik Himai, Ciim Haaa. Tni tltuw Bolma, Kobn Wait. Ioa War ZmTnu'??mm einiomn. . wIPa Uraal coawar, CUabatfe Carey, reo muu. ttaargia Cooa. Ltaar vook, Bawaua. UtMt &o. Mr. and Mrs. '. Scarta. SJaiaa Clawar. Mr. aa4 Mra. Tw4. Bakar, Mr. aaa.Mn. That TaarklUaw, Misa uramt MeOaaald, Ka acaaaa, faaalar Jaraaa, H.- Dm taa. Mr. aa Mra. T. B. Bebart, Mr. aad Mra.rJve7 AQt linJ. C. Schlador. Miaa. LilHa Maeaaa. Mia Altkaa Mtrrr, Baarr BJorth, HaraU Laraea, Mhit ba sal Basis. Mus Praaca Eatrata, Btrrrf V Erlckaaa, Mr. aa4 lin. J. C. ka. Mr. P m an, juamr. variaaa. atr. aaa an. Saal 8. Jaa. Mr. aad Mra. ii. J. LclXm, avera Laia, Wilan Staataa, Kay Orrea, Miaa MiMrad Ktekanaa, Mr. and Mra. Harry fikcklcy, Mr. aad Mra. A. J. Titaa, Mr. aad Mra. Waalay DeBaar, Man ! Uta 8cinwr, aylard HHtba, Miaa Hava Bkipper. Htarj Steik, Mias BUUe Thsr samB, Bayea BiMa.. . I ' ' Mr. aad Mra. Bicaard Bate. Mr. aad Mra. W. It. BrraaB. Mr. aad Mra. Harold M- JMTla, Mm. aad an. Baraart T. Jaaaa. air. a Km oaa Mr. aad Mra. Wilaart Hobmbb, Mr. aad Mra. ltoafhu Haatar, Miaa Vtlma BUI. Joacpk 8 milk, Miaa Jcaa Bowaum. Ktekard W. PteKeil, Mr. aad Mra. L. Waadkaaaa, Mr. aad Mra. L. Boatrald. Mr. aad Mrs. R. X. Wattpkal, Mlas Dare toy Doaifaa, Harold lioaek, Mias "Lara Cornier. Unrr HoHaad. Mr. aad Mra. Ln Haaldaa. Mr. and Mra. Harry Kfekat, Mr. aad Mrs. E. B. Bkab doa, Mias Errtya Coraalins, Mr. aad Mra. Balpk O. Xarsoa, Mr. aad Mrs. El Vert DeUaira, Miss Jean parssaa. Bed Btraoafcc. Mr. aad Mrs. Aadavy Tokatad. Mr. aad Mra. Mila Oraea. Mr. aad Mn W. U MeOinaU. Mr. aad Mrs. kiek Baaaar, Mr. aad Mrs. WUUaai Waadard. r firiS .IV.'m Waadal C Wcddla, Miss Barries Pascka, Wilua fiianaad. Mia Mamn hn Jfi".1"?" Tfj l!SL?'St H"V?ri.SaT? S'Z&X. Maraaret H.thwy, Fraak Wray. Kay PirKeii OkUoa. Mr. and Mn. Krma u yi : i u- u Beatsoa. Doa McCsIL MUi BemrV Beat- 5.' 5nri 2er-AI ". Cket Weitk!rri Hsadiey. Mr. aad Mr.. Een Spaaiai. Mr. aad Un. J. Spooeta, Mr. aad Mrs. w. B..wiuua. Mr. aad Mn. Fred c. eader Mr Md Mn. skern MeCardy. jlu!u7 -2 &"5 oUun Mr aad Mn. M.rioa Grtn Bd BarVy ?aho' SUBLIMITY - St. Boniface church was a scene of a beautiful spring wedding Tuesday morning, when Miss Bernlce H amines be- . i ... . . . . came the bride of Lawrence Hau oerger oeiore a large gauermg oi relatives and friends. Rev. Josepr Sjikoplwln. VMll fK nnnll.l n. . n . . m . and the school children' choir the oria' f miu u.mmoi . i ,.),!). ID WHEN HI SOT ETHEL "TRUMPED" MRS. TED'S CAKE WITH BISCUITS THAT COULD FLOAT WITHOUT WINGS ACCORDING TO" 80 a-S VERSION. BOB SNOWED A HOTPOWT. tAUSBPKT Tbe arfa aad vafsw Jsaerffiasr-aa' gas. poimft gnai Jfae a saedem eJeefWe range. BmlJMo. thm-Ooor ... fmtt ponmUim caaaasi Dinoliamtt Haai r MtmuarL THE - arooBsyvaasritaaga Bottom heat . switch, TuBprovea bskmg aad inasilug raaaha. Oaapaad Broiler givas a great new IsslbBliy and beta flavor to TsroOsd saaaks, chops sod fewi satin gown trimmed with lace' and tms-r " TeU aeW ln Ice with onnSB blOMOm- She carried a and ulIeg 0f, the valley. ; ' She was attended by Miss Max- lne Albus. Rosella Heuberger act- wa best man. TecepUon was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josenh Henberrer ,,OBePn "enoerger. , t A dance was giTea at the, CP h.n TueadaT nirht for thilr ninv . . friends. .. . ; , ,0 ? .HI jh ssaalia ao will ysear Oanulna Oranaa ninsa. Tbair arrUrif ia af lOTslinaai far years as eama ... fltair aaana a uar ansaa af Bnaat ejuottlf asvd aahaa. 2 Ring Ensembld Priced $49.75 up. CONVENIENT CREDIT ORinwn j euie er - CORNER STATER AND LIBERTY) UP TO COOK TED LOOKED FUNNY IN HIS WIFE'S APRON. BUT HE LED HIS FAVORITE TRICK. ..A SALMON LOAF WITH TOMATO SAUCE. TED GOT A BIG HAND. 10W COn OP ELECTRICITY fOt COOKINO . r f Utisi liiillill DIRECTIONAL II EAT O V E f I controlled by i jcwParkiai for Our-Ccstoners 1 I ... . 9 . W" . I; 1 V" - 1": "!J- ,7 il!.