The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1939, Page 12, Image 12

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    t ' -
r Nati6nal-LMusicrWeek
: Celebration Plans
:;; ; Are Elaborate .
"'' . -' . - j. . . . -
..- .. National Music week, the days when music for the great
. American public is featured, officially opens today, and S
. lem will play second fiddle to no community in it celebration.
' , Today's schedule is full, with' two teas and two concerts
rlanned. Girl Scout troop number four under the captainship
- , cf Hiss Dorothy ': Rulif son ' will give a musical tea at the
- Caver Huston home at 2515 North. Front street from 3 to 5
this afternoon to all those interested. Daughters of the Revo
lution are sponsors bf the troop. Pouring will be Mrs. Chester
f C Oaxl31tey?$&Bji&-'Mt:Jal Cutler and Miss -i.T.ulifsonVThe
program is in charge of Miss Jean Newman
V txd Miss " Jand Hostony Others on the- etmimittee aire the
'" 1 Usses Jean Driggs; Doris J eari Cutler, .Sharon Burnett, Pat
. spcsart; HelenBrowri; Charlotte Cohen, Ann Huston,Shiflef
Anri Bailey; OPorirfBerwiciy Lorraine Murdock, Jean' Fowler
and; Doria Cfcapler
Cofl teat hir of Uacabees wffl meet
Thursday lev Fraternal tmpl for th reg-
alar guest night with Willamette, tent hlve
especially invited. The committee includes ,!
Miss Bremmer, Mrs..RuthVersteeg ,
and Mr. Iran Martin. Plana wCl bo made
for the trip to Portland too following day ;
When members will attend the district
meeting. Mrs. Jessie FoIUs, local record -keeper,-
-will act la that capacity at the '
onrentlon. , ' 4 '
' h o e v: - -o;
- - IfJae Ben Iksm Brown wCI be pre '
seated In . her senior , piano recital Wed- -aesday
.night . at Waller. haU at till
o'clock by the Willamette , nnlversitT col.
lege of music. Miss Brows. H i pupn of
nut ciara fines. . y
!, ! : v Miss Melton's Tea
At 4 o'clock this' afternoon Miss Frances Virginie Melton
. will entertain "with a musical tea at her studio, 824 North
Capitol street, with all interested invited to attend; The Salem
Altruist club will assists Miss Oil ve Dahl will introduce to
s. the ' line that includes Mrs. Walter r Denton," Miss Dorothy
Pearce, Mrs. Mabel Powers; Mrs. June Hope West and. Miss
z Blanche. Cohen of Monmouth. At the tea hour Miss Grace
Elisabeth Smith and Mrs. Chester C Clark will pour.;
,j r . During, the program hour, Dr P. O. ReSy will talk on
; inUiic and Mrs, Cohen, soprano, will sing a group of American
f.-: songs. The reception is to honor Mrs. Denton, state chairman
jK ofTnusIcvweekv-::;:':-;;:-"' .
" 1 I-'''V--rI';;''PAtIfcamonc Sings : ; " l A t ' ' ; : -
v The Willamette Philharmonic choir, excellent singing
fgroup of selected voices from the music department under
r. the direction of Cameron Marshall, will sing at 8 o'clock too
tonight in the First Methodist church. Miss Mary Virginia
; Nohlgreh is- pianist-f or the choir, Miss Belle Brown will ac-
.,wmpany me mo. ine concert is open to tne pubuc.
Prayer, from Haensel end QreteU
M Brenins Tide..
Carrol Read. Irene Bliss. Helen Dean
AUelejah. Amen, from Judas Maccabaeus
;0 Praise Te, the Lord.
, Let Their Celestial Concerts Unite.
-v', ': . V"-:"-- v . - .j? Choir
Across tne Hills to Ynn
Prelado from Cycle ot Life.
Watson Dutton. Err in Potter. Mark Waltz. Ra Drakeler
'Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming Praetorias
Boats of Mine Miller
Swine; Low Sweet Chariot.
' . Choir
.Organ of feretory. The Last Spring..
When Day Is Done
Prof. T. S. Roberts
The First Consrrefirational church has arranced tn Iiava
The Singers," a woman's choral group from Corvallis, as
v guests xor a program in the church tonight. The public is
also invited to this program.
Mondays Program
$ Each day of next week music librarian, Mrs. George
Bremner, has arranged a recorded program to be given from
t 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 in the music room. Today's concert will be
an all-Beethoven recording and includes: .
; Moonlight SonaU, Adagio sostennto, Allegretto, Presto agitate
JHarold Baner, pianist
BetrotHalv Breakfast ; arid
pDitiriet Climax
The Beta
Chi garden breakfast this 'morning and
Delta" Phi' banquet last night will climax the social functions
on the vyuiameue campus aeia in conuecuon witn me
nual May weekend festivities. ..
dividual card tables will be set in the gardens of
Beta Chi house for 75 guests. The Russian ballet will
the theme for the" decbrattre motif " . , -
w 1 1 h, pastel organdy sklrU and . V OllTI ft , iVI atTOTI
aoldlng paper;-. baUobns bearing . J. U Ullg .; lTJLail Mil
ui names ok uie saesu, nuuag ,
places for -each gnest. Each;. table ' .v
irin be eentered with a larger bal-i - 1
v";?;theTtt"ble:i Willi be ! v
..k.j n. ' till.n .fltiiM villi - -! "
streamers extending to each place. : i V. .':-.,,:.-;.:",
- Seated.'at this table will be Queen Godfrey's will be the setting for
' Suxanne"; Cnrtla, r Princess : June.' a smartly, arranged luncheon
N'Aaahelm;' Mrs." Charles -McCargar Monday afternoon when Mrs. T.
" and Miss Irma'Oehler,' last year's Harold Tomllnson . entertains a
Vqaeen. group of matrons. A pink, yellow
I MJse Aaaheim Btrotlied and white decoratire scheme Will
. At .the' student body dance on be ssed . in the flower arrange-
" rriday night la honor of the queen ments and table appointments, j
and her princesses," Princess "June " Sereral hours of contract will
"Aaahelm 'announced her engage- follow at the Tomllnson home ion
ment to' Mr. Arthur' GaUon. Miss Breyman street. Bouquets jot
Aasheim l 'the daughter of Mr. spring flowers in the seme colors
and Mrs. M. J. Aashelm of Mon- will be arranged about the rooms.
,a&outh' and is a member of Beta . ' Corers will be placed for Mrs.
phi sorority, Mr. GaUon is of Port- Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. Robert Sears,
- land and has been popular in cam- Mrs. Edward A. Lebold, Mrs. L.
; pus actlritles and a member of V. Benson, Mrs. Frank Prime,
the Tarslty footbaU team. . Mrs. Harris Lletr, Mrs. Laban
v At tt bmkfast coTeia will be Eteeres, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs.
' placed tor the Misses Bemlce El- Charles D. Wood, Mrs. Ralph H.
: ajn. Beryl Seaeat, Mildred Meaney, Campbell, Mrs. A. D. Woodman-
: Clare Marshall, Mary Ellen Mills, aee, Mrs. Frederick Hill Thomp-
' Carmen Vehrs, Beth Siewert, son, Mrs. James L. Sears, Mrs.
J Phyllis nsher,1 GenaTlere Doud, JDarld Bennett Hill, Mrs. E. C.
Marietta DePres, Betty Anunsen, Goodwin, Mrs. T. A. Windlshar,
.Vera Beechler and Patricia Hutch- Mrs. Verden E. Hockett, Mrs. R.
lnson of Salem; Maxlne Stanley, D. Woodrow, Mrs. A. L. AdoJph-
?resham; Eloise Winn and Jean son, Mrs. William J. Braun and
anker, Monroe; Phyllis Carey, Mrs. Harold Tomllnson.
leneden. Beach: Irene ChrisUe, - Last night Mr. and Mrs. Tom-
t. Helens; Itances Tatro, Oregon linson were hosts for a buffet
ty; Constance ATerlll, Marjorle sapper at their home for a rroun
uhndorf, Janet Longeor, Har of friends followed by several
yiett Crawford, Portland. hours ot cards.
' Hostesses wiU be Julia Fogle- . The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Bong, Doris Darnielle, Irma Cal- William J. Braunk, Dr. and Mrs.
jert, Phyllis Pythian, Helen Ben- Edward A. Lebold, Dr. and Mrs.
Jett, Doris Brown, Betty Dotson, a. D. Woodmansee and Mr. and
argaret Macy, Mary Sadler, Dor- Mrs. Robert Sears,
e thy Cutler, Bonnie Dahl, Delia
Willard. Margaret Moulton, BUlie f
rnnett. Dee Dugan, Helen New- Deaconess Nurses Are
oods, JeweU Minier, Dorothy Hostesses at Tea
nt, Margaret Hinaie, Mary . ;
ensley, Elisabeth Williams, Dar- Members of the Deaconess bos-
ene Robertson, Joy CooleyJ Jessie pltal nursing staff were hostesses
ay Kunnaori, uons eouinwica, ior a oeiigniiui miormai tea Sat-
SALEM DELEGATES to the conference of
the National Federation of women's ttabe
to be held in San Francisco, who were
snapped as they boarded the train tor tie
south. Left to right are Mrs. Clifton Mudd
from the Salem Woman's elub. Miss Helen
Soardman and Miss Jessie Cooper, both from
te Junior Woman's club.
(Photos by Jesten Miller.)
Engagement la
Mary Staats, Lola Herman, Mary urday afternoon in the new din'
Minuet in G, No. 2.
.Mischa Elman, violinist
Seen and Heard
' Symphony No. S in E minor, opus 7, Allegro eon brio, Andante
- eon moto, Auegro (Scherzo), Allegro, rtn ;
; .:...r. ,, i -." London Philharmonle orchestra
, By JERYMB UPSTON guests, Helen Boardman and Jes-
A PRETTY PICTURE was the sie Cooper, who left Friday for
coronation of Queen Suzanne Car- San Francisco to be the official
tls at the annual May day fee- delegates for the elub at the na-
I - v U- ; Federated Clubs Meet
The Junior Federated Music Clubs of Salem have ar. tlTlties on the Willamette campus tlonal convention ... Helen wear-
ranged a program for Monday night in the YMCA at 8 o'clock, i1". at tt 'onaUon court ing a navy three-piece wool suit
tv n r t -'t . . " . . with its tall irillara in the bark- with w nn vi. 1 .
wiw ut. r. j. xnuy speaong on stepnen roster. A group nd. . . ' Susanna a 7 V" il . r.K.r. fairs of the spring season la slat- m Los Angeles.
1nmnf mil Tm..... x..' m 1 -, - - - - . ' . . m-m wmuuik uuw . . . . ,- ... . . ... i
"''" iwiiue iwiwb wws. ine musical program lovely brunette, wore an exquisite piece outfit of beige with choco- wr wuuesaay ariernoon The ceremony is planned tor same coiora were usea m vie iapie
feannette Clark, Patricia lng room of the hospital in com-
Sehramm, Mary Dale Cladek, Dor- pliment to Sister Anna Deurksoa
Atfir Italilwin. VTarrollA finttnn. on th rwnmvlnn rtf ha. liMVii..
A nnnnnnwl Hargaret 8 leg mund, Dorothy Over 90 guests including Uhe
X.1111U UJJVwCVi 21 L Moore and Jane Howe. j graduate nurses and their friends
H Delta Phis Fete Princess called between the hours ofj X
6nfni1mr The Delta Phi sorority maids and 4 o'clock. Bouquets of spring
X Cct OUlUXClcty were hostesses for a formal dinner flowers and spyrea were arranged
Saturday night at the Argo hotel . on the table and about the room.
a, i vi.v at t o'clock in honor of Princess Miss Mary Anna Liebe. dauth-
Mxs. Allan A. Brhon was host- ,une Joanson. Covers were placed ter of the honor guest, greeted the
ess Saturday afternoon at her or out-of-town guests, Salem; guests at the door. Pouring were
w "57 sfr ana tin. . r.
WeddeL-. Assisting in the dining
room were Miss Elizabeth Kyle
. m v ... i
Frank.! i6 ana responses were given oy ana jarm. j. uassuius. i
Day of Los Angeles, to Dr. KenMiss Margaret Upjohn, Miss a .
neth W. Morris of Portland and! Bne Lllburn, Miss Betty KeUer, Mrs. Jessie Follia la emtertaia-
Salem, son of or. and Mrs. Hen- Miss Jane Charboneaa, Miss Betty ing at her home over the week-
ry A. Morrta of Salem was an-j Starr and Miss Juanita Cross. end Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roadman,
nouneed. The wedding will be The head table was centered Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gayer, Mr.
an event of Fridar. Jane 10 at with a miniature princess with a and Mrs. Clarence MUler. Mr. and
One of the largest social af- the WUehlre Presbyterian chapel turquoise and silver color scheme Mrs. Robert Shiska of Eugene and
need xor tne decorative moui. The ir sawin u. maze or rasadena.
Is Event of
Tl m: f000 boma kt Duathorpe, the U"UT tM
JtSeiieiltwtrothal and forthcoming mar. Elliabeth James, president
A7 rUga of Miss Oraee Helen Dayi the house acted as toastmis-
' daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Now Is the Time of Maying.
Thy Beaming Eyes.
Blind School Girls' chorus
V Rhythm orchestra, ... . ";; : LUburn musical kindergarten
Lovely Maiden : - - - Haydn
... uiui uriar mm.. ... -
1 Beh n hert
-' Hope Jaqulth, Shirley Adamson, Donna Jane Maeklln
" My Pussy ' ' ' ;,..; Blake
!?' ay4...:.-..;" " ' ' r, .. . - -.,... Blake
aiyBrotner and. L - - - .- vf1fTl
I The Swan.
Iyen and Martha Steusloff
A' Curious Story j:.
Janet Miller
Camel Train.
Myra Ferae Walker
1 Butterfly
Evan Boise
' Butterfly -JL.
Tumbleweed .
Robert Deacon
gown of white net with extremely late brown ton eoat. chirtnM wae" members of the Junior the afternoon and Miss Day naa PP"nnt' Miss Jessie Wood,
full skirt slightly entrain ... a felt and brown patent leather uU 01 FMl Episcopal asked Mrs. Charles E. Coral, house mother, was a special guest,
shirred bodice with sweetheart purse and shoes. ... From Dallas ftertain with their an- Miss Ana and Miss Carta Sua Other guesU at the dinner were
neckline and waist extending te ... Mrs. Almos LeFors wearing a n?L ,plnf, brtdfe benem tea Meilstmp aUof Loa Angeles, to tae Misses Joan Bouvy. LaGrande:;
aV in front . . .' short puffed delphinium blue-dress with navr V iht l0Telr eaniitry home of be her. attendant. Mr. George Basel Bunnell, BilUe Jean GlUi
sleeves and mitts with white rib- straw with flowers for color . . 2?m . !mef .Goal,et' ,r Waring N. Jensen of , San Francisco wiU lant, June Jermes, Shirley Kelly,
bon trim. ... Her two attractive Mrs. Wayne Page, a former Salem SL. "i! fad. r,egt" be best man tor Dr. Morris. Betty Lucke. Maxine Stelgerwald.
princesses ... June Aashelm and glrL looking very chic in a blue '."V.: b,ng their own The couple wiU make their Helen Louise Lundberg, .Ruth Mat
June Johnson, In gowns ot pale and white print with navy straw Tea will h. . .t a .irtv nom at Lake Oswego following thews, Faye Brasted, Barbara,
ptek net designed with fuU hoop with chartreuse ribbon trim . . . and tneit who TS ? t weddln trip. Mi, Day n Kester. Jortland; Mary Essen-
, skirts, Ughtfittlng bodices ...a Dorothy Page black with match- pUv card! 1?. ffviSi ut? 1,66,1 Ttoitm to Ported and Tillamook; Lois Gladden.
. gathered yoke around the neckUne inr hat and d hAnii S?-y..r5s..r. Tt?d to wUl" return to her home thia White Salmon, Wash.; Betty
.M. h. Brown S tLt TslXTA SL'A kSL "-or" -
. . . aem me wuu wmie pique trim and During the tea hour mnaie vren BUlw college T. T ' iT
Maple and Jerry Keene were dar- white lacey straw hat with tiny week will be observeS and K raduate of the Pacific , ,Be"T Anunse n. Frances
Ung nower girla in pastel bine black crown. ... Another groan eat program wUl bV rlren. M r School of Optometry. He la a Alice Kells, Florence Upjohn, Mar
frocks. . . t. r of ardent bridge players . . . Mrs. Thomas Drynan will itar and member of ZeU chapter of Mega ret Sehon. Lila Murray, Clare
A TEA on Wednesday at the Russell Pratt In a stunning navy Mrs. Kenneth Dalton will h th Delu- H conducting the Marshall, Doris Harold and Mar
Beta Chi sorority house was given taUleur with matching straw with accompanist. Others annearina United Optical company In Port- ret: Ewing, alt of Salem.
Mary Wetter
Merkel J nonor of Queen Suzanne and quill and pink veil ... Mrs. Ed- will be Miss Patricia Russell. land
. i Springtime (original).
i Serenadft-LT. . ... :
Jeannette Barker
"Women Golfers Play
Jack Wilbur. Bobby Bartres -Miriam BecVi. niinut
Ferlnand (original)!. JWvatt
, Little Fardlnand, The Bee, Ferdinandand thViee
1C ; ".,1 !' ' i Marilyn .Wyatt
Romance , .
- i !
To a' Water Lily:
Patricia De Sart
. Nevin
llarjorie Watkins
. Sibelius
Concerto No. 4..L.
Geraldine Schmbker-.Feux-Folleta
II Doris Chapler
-Ruth Bedford, accompanist
Alt Wlen.
Fernel Gilstrap
Song of .Ton:
' Evelyn Johnson ,
Sophomore girls double trio Margaret WOnderUck, accompanist.
March of the Dwarf slr.l:r;. : r nw..
The Hootchle Kootchie nanr : - -- - -
her princesses. . . . Mothers of the ward Roth in a nr, harnfet nri r-arw t,.a' . ' Salem Folk Attend
honor guests all wearing; dark sport dress with light colored Piano, and Miss Mary Helen DuN Ter 6 Salem matrons
afternoon frocks rece red vith tn . ...j 1- t ' " bidden to thn tea tmm 9
their daughters. ... A lovely hunter's areen ue)n nnr benefit win tw. ni .- o clock. The honor nests were On ndav, a large group of callers Marcelle DeMytt, the president- tuild's social service work. Miss Day, Mrs. Frank Day and i
and music lent a festive air to the elect of the club, was wearlna- a Mrs T o narit! i. Mr"- Mack all of Los Mrs. Fred Bernard! was high in
occasion .. A striking arrange- new turquoise coat with black chairman of h bridge tS and elC"' A1 "ceiTln with the Class A at the regular; women's
ment of cala lUies noted on the straw. assistlne L in uS' hostess and t honor guests was day play at the Salem Golf club'
coffee table by the fireplace . . ,: THRILLING OCCASION for the Brennan. Mra. Hurt RaVliT mJL Mrs. Lawrence, Hofer, a sister Friday morning. Miss Dorothy
;t. .?ieJ.m Donald C. Roberts, Mrs. J. n! . w prMinl A. ,.M. Hfmmond was high in class B and
were Mrs. Special prizes for low gross were
Henry Mor- award tn Mm Tt T. XlftrT.niiirh-
ris of Salem, Mrs. Harry Hunt, iin. Miss Betty Simmons and Mrs.
??r ,HerJ,ert Thatcher, Mrs. C. Fred Bernard!, class A; Miss
c. Patrick, Mrs. E. C. Bronaugh, Dorothv Hammond and Mrs. John
other group . . . Mrs. Charles A. dreaaoa nnnrin. 1 1 - - . 3r- Mrs. Hanover Deady, Mrs. Bane, rlasa n liin. v.AwrA vnrt.
roueh straw with her danrttw .m 7 "Mi" "er uaraen noaa Assisting in the dining room
M'ta-Iea m'JSiJ tbe Gold- were Mr-.Wle, Lan. MgiM
San Francisco to reside, the latter ; m7. . . T ,. u. r". lM r,nl Em" te"e Byaon. Miss Carlos and
was wearing navy withl I BnrSSdr fln1LVColh In the eUl boh and ; their bus- Miss Jean Wells, Miss Constance
ha?7?: Mr. wimim were festive Bohosky and Mis. Mary Lou
guests and wearing a chic azure tea for which Jeanne Buslek wl. Chamber. M7v. Presiding at the s
blue crepe frock. ... Of the call- hostess a weekago at the Chambers and Mrs John Brophy. xing the afternoon
un witu icguura uai c- mends bidden as suesta. j.iuic as
eompanied by Mrs Franklin punch and tea both were served Honored bv BarmrW
Thompson. . . . Chatting-in an- with the young, girls In long orea' IJarniCKS
Those playing were Mrs. Rex
Adolph, Mrs. i Robert Evans. Mrs.
Harry Gostafson, Mrs. Harold
rHn ire. ; Tafyaum XT tn r Uh'
.tZ?.11 B. M. Donaldson, Mrs. Edward V.
Mary VlrginU Kohlgren
CAotr Program
Bey WUnymsie-new 1. ?' -rs Ming thgue Sa!
Alpha house president. ; . . Mrs. f.r. "ieiJ,nmiie!: . . . . .. . ".11"n8 oom were Mrs. A1 u' k'- ',77
P..n . Leona Johnson who arranaed the .. fTr"-4 w w- "ecnan led the de- fucnara-ward. Mrs.- Raymond Tn" 'V'' r'v". i. x7
tea table wore., mart navy and . het.., " " ' ' Dl 1??- M l falter. r.m-rnl: TsffSTSsftw
White silk Dolka dot .nit." . . .T-Tt Z . KuiVmit taTorQ mo group Wltn na atrs. iiowara. MOIMJ.
PIavlna-nianV. nnmbr.dnHn; "1.,.??? " a?n, Betty 'Jeaji Korb gave a; . .- ' "
'aftarn w.. neif. eatwiw blue Iris Clarinet eolo.
Baptist church-choir under the direction WM rown,ln yeUortuTiPratea?h ill and
After an evening of ramea and Rirtrirlflv Pnrtv TTnmnra
r.1" ' ' v K" . Bt nospitai on Monday, tests. . . . The long tea table was T . !
Singers will be Mrs. Dale Taylor, Mrs. E. H. Bingenheimer, "ctive with bowls of pastel University Faculty to
mvwhu vai-uf f t . ajcimutti, JUTB. n. xi. xi arms. - - xinnni Iwtvprnn
and Miss JnsPnhin- Rvn f f narms, arransed to tt, center . . . Xionor lyOVernor
Gllllngham, Miss Dorothy Ham
mond, Miss Helen Wledmer, Mrs.
Harry Wledmer, Mrs. Clarence
Hamilton, Miss; Doris Drager. Mis.
Lois Walton, Mrs. H. A. Simmons.
Mrs. John Bone, Miss Dorothy SI
Branson, Mrs. i Frank Patterson,
P.Irg, Robertson to Give
tciiclieon for Guest -
-f Mrs. Charles O. Roberispn, Jr.
Mrs. R.
she attended
sLsa in riFni nasi . met wsuxrifisr a winmr 1 1 i r aneamhia , si Pinnae sjniMi.- -.i.ii ...
from Portland where fuchsia haL . , A group ot Marion hotel In the Mirror room Seharf! Mr. n.d u?w v and with 1 streamers
the . state board rT r-u"' "":,""-.iW,"w " oeioca. covers wm be placed Mr. and Mra.'Jav rv and aca place. ,
i-. . . .. Bcnaize in a print XroCK With navy for over So mt. at (VU Aw..f j . . Oneafm bMden mmrm Ann
rfv-Aiuencu. nauon-
were served by the hostess assist- Jane OOCretll
d b Mra. A. SarnloV mnA Ifn V . -
Bowersox. ' - Joan Hoereth was eompUment- a1' Mion paraer, Mrs. Joseph
Those present were: Reverend cd on her ninth birthday Sau fPb. Mrs. R. L MacLaughlln,
and Mrs. J. E. Campbell. Mr. and !ttrdr ben her mother, Mia-Mr DI Young, Mrs. H. K.
w r xr fc . ;F. Y HnorAth Anfttrtalnoil VnU StockweU. Mm. B. F. Ponnd.
Seen having tea . . . Mrs. George vThaj-willamett--' isBiyerktyVfae.'; Li L. Thdrnton. MrV and MrsiA lowing an afternoon - of games. Mrs. Laban Steeves, Mrs. JUlph
Moorhead, a busy young matron, ulty wm.enter a Uble HamUton, Mrs. U. 8. Page. Mrs.
. 1 : - i . . . . ..-.- . . n w I v Tr" . ' ...
ay cage - wub jara. tkMW ceil, nin
marking Margaret Bell, - Mrs. Robert Tay
lor, Mrs. u. a. ounger, Mrs. Gro-
Mari ver C Bellinrer. Mtaa Battv Rim.
i.v . - - 7 .wua uuwv. jar. uiu an.' a. narnica, r tt ' r . --
l iimw.wiu vnill inm. . . MrS. : airalr.. - ; n Tti.IUnr:"' Rtt-r IfarlA nWn mnm. Mn J. H. nirnlnhif Um
bentertamlng with a dtUghtful ;
miormaj- luncneoa Tuesday ai- meeting of Pro 3 America will It Li Zil. ' n- nor ana Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Siewert and Beverly Jean. Mr. and on .-wsu Haaoye, uerrei ona Mrs. creignton Jones, Mrs. can
. .-. . . viji 7,. , w". colored ribbon trim . .. Dr. Helen n-. th t t... i!JT - V. .jy' nnnWii rnMii nmtt.. . riniiin xm ua mainiM ..4
wnuBB i aer .west, ieieua " rviuaoa .ans. ana ;.. kAll.. -- wr, ymtaem i mfs. jrercy uiunan, nr. and Mrs. r. - -
street home In eomnliment to A a-lo for connty chairmen lfZ X Jn,t rSt?S5?.d fL? tB univeraity. win preside, and M. W. Hammer. MivW Mn."o Banm. Carolyn Mrs. Sephus Starr.
siroei nome in compliment to n inoraineand .trlp to the "t and WbIt Sal- Governor Sprague win talk in- Bowersox. Mra!y ? a yitOML " Stewart, Germond Lamkln, n- !
Mrs. Sford Gehr of lx Ange- ' -f" ' -
InieV nTi?n, A dinmeWttlw Sr Portlaad dowa torlenJ.wm,
with her mother. . ' r held for all .tauTrlt ii-iV ttw -occasion and 'talking to her Watkins of the Salem ntll -1 -. 5--!: Jl' Marian Carson, Donna Whitley, have as their house guest Mrs.
: The guesu wai laclude Kappa Donald and Beverly. . Adolph". sister, Ml Nel Green
Eappa , Gamma sorority sisters USSS and wearing a chartreuse taf. and Society The Wnfflurtol a' tWei. TMaiut Violet iBllskl. Shirley Webber -of Olympla. Today Miss Green,
of lire. Gehr who were In school ,J"x?aj:l feu b o u f tan t style frock . . . lin and piano quintet wUl Sve AmricetES. Sh?wd 'J-a Schmitt. - ' V ; , , , M- AaolB .? d daughter Shir-
t the same tine. About six are;.,-'jaeaaor Trtodle, a.popnlar younff grouper inumb- - ' ffi im .V-,EJ - - V i , lley Ann, wni leaye tor a week's
fanning V motor 'down - tm ."Arblgh school teacher; to a blacr"0mmUar thetr; parents, Mand
Portland and the Salem guests !' The Joanna Smith camp. Son tailored pin stripe suit with wine dlnW taein Sf E. A. Green at their home
Wharton,- of Union Veterans of the CiTU'haL r :'r:,-j0nes.i chairman hl RnhlrT u A. . iJT or aoreraer and .Mrs. cnarlee la Cresweu. Miss Green wUl ue
Kenneth war and anxilly. wUl eet on SEEN 11G BRI1K3E at &
-at milgrim-
hst clspring
will be
iejucUy.xif home al
playcr any informed
! -
Is us name and Us
a spun rayon. Sizes
' U to 17.
v Others 1.95 to 10.05.
r.' 400 - 415 Coart .
i Salem-Owned .
win be Mrs. Wallace
Mrs. Asel Eoff, Mrs.
T-. H m.m n . ww