The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 07, 1939, Page 11, Image 11

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    4 y-
The OREGON STATESMAN, Safea, . Orerca, Sundaj Morning, Ma 7, 1939
Dark Victory'
In "Thanks for Everythine?
Great Dramatic Actress in Love Role
All Star Cast in Romantic Comedy
Story ot Courage, Love,
' Provides Ileal 1 Jtole ,
; - f or Bctte Davis :
li lit
r - ' 1
--uara .victory.- tne tarner
Bros. ' picture which opens today
at the Elsinore theatre; presents
Bette D a t 1 as the ill-starred
heroine of one of the tenderest.
one of the most poignantly bean
tlful romances erer unfolded up
on the screen. . . :
It Is a story of great lore and
dauntless . courage, beth pitted:
against anjlmpiaca ble ! f ate, thd
it offers the brilliant Hiss Davis
what she herself conjidert the
greatest role of her very Impres
sive' career.
While the character portrayed
by Miss Davis might still dom
lnate the narrative ven if flay
ed by a lesser actress than the
matchless . Bette so . compelling
U the . role--the production Vis
. ' byr no means, a one-wofflaa' tour
de force. It has a suPDortlne-
cast that; lar fully worthy of its
gifted star, and the brilliance
of her . performance ' serves (o
inspire " them . all ". to - a auperia-
o vuca mi excellence. .-.",
. - Is , Moving Romance
riaying opposite the . star la
George .Brent,-: and - in: nnltlna-
with her- to- bring this, moving
romance to the .screen, he has
the most sympathetic, fele of Wa
notable . career. -Another lover
of Bette's. V aibelt a frustrated
one,- is played by -Humphrey Do-
gart, and - his - portrayal of an
uncouth but honest and -genuine
Irish horse trainer, . different
from anything - 'he has . done
previously.-:. on ;the a c reev, la
fraught . w J t h Interest,, for It
proves that he Is "not: only Ian
ic uu . mau. uut, jk supern. actor,
Bette .is; presented as the. lay
and carefree young leader ot a
rich "horsy? set ot society folk.
There is nothing of the spoiled
and petulant, youn'f heiress
about her. ; She's a. very 'modern
young thing but a. thoroughly
likeable: one ;withaL . Then lore
and destiny enter i her life . and
bring about -a- complete meta-
morpnosis in her character,. The
unusual drama Unessentially;;. r.
story of her thoroughbred cour
age In facing a lore that 1 i
6'' mis ; me itseic
Call Board:
1 1
. , ,x
- S . .
Featured in the cast of 20th Century-Fox's 'Thanks for rverytbing
: Is this group of high and low comedy experts. Arleen TChalen. Jack
: Haley. In the back Jack. Oakie, Biaato Banes aad Adolpbe ftieajoa
P laying toaay at me state tneatce. On the same bin la "Fools for
-' scaaoai.'V
i Photographic Impressions of Bette Davis. America number on acUtssT as she appears la "Dark Ylo
tory,".ew playing at um KUimore tbeatre. George Brent ana Humphrey Bogart are featarea wita ber
And Ensuing Events Blake
Riotous Comedy at
- Capitol Theatre
; - EL8INORB . ;.
Today Double bill, Bette l)a-
i via fiv "TlaV VtAn"
George' Brent and Humph-
rey Bogart and "Per Love
Or Money" with Robert
Kentand June Lang.
Wednesday-UJeahette - Mac-.
, Donild 'and" Lew Ayres fif 4;
"Brdadwa Serenade, and
March of Time, Japan; Mas- -ter
of the Orient r
Today Double bUI, Charlie
. Buggies In "Sudden Money"
- and Gene Autry in "Blue
Montana Skies." : . .
Tuesday ''Moonlight Sonata
- with-Ignace Paderwskl and
selected short subjects.
Friday Ddubleblll, "Bulldog
' - Drum mond's Secret Police"
with John Howard and Hea-
ther Angel and Charles
Starrett in "Spoilers of the
; - Range." ;
Today Double bill, Constance
Bennett in "Serrice De-
Luxe" with yincent Price
; and Gene Autry in "Rhythm
of the Saddle." with Smiley
Buruette.. - -
Wednesday Double bill, fam-
: Uy night,- "The Lady Ob-
; Jects" with Lanny Ross and
Gloria Stuart and Ken Mur-
s ray and Ernest Truax in
"Swing, Sister, Swing." V
Friday D o a D 1 e bill, Tom
Kelly, Ann Gillis, Edgar
Kennedy and Spanky Mac-
Farland in "Peck's Bad Boy
; with the Circus" and Jack
Oakie In "Annabel Takes a
' Tour." ' " .
Charlie . Rngglet thinks that
everybody should .. be a sweep
stakes winner just once, at
least! .-
It isn't because Charlie la by
nature a generous fellow, . al
though this weakness ' of his is
well - known, throughout Holly-
Mischa Aner. Joy Hodges and Charles Baggies la "Serrtco De Laxe, I wood. On the contrary, the
which opens today at the Hollywood theatre. On the same program I famed screen comedian recom-
Js Geae Aatrj- la. "Rhythm of Uie.SadIleLwithSmilejJlurneUe mends it because he feels that
such a "windfall" would make
people realize that the only kind
of money that gives a person
real happiness is the kind earned
the hard way!
And - Ruggles ' should know
what he's talking about! In his
newest picture, "Sudden Money,1
which opens today at the Capi
tol theatre, he plays the win
ner ; of v a sweepstakes -fortune.
whose sudden turn of luck' dis
locates his entire life, sends him
chasing after impossible wills o'
the wisp and nearly breaks op
nis- family. -
"Sudden Money," which Rug
gles Insists is a story typical of
most sweeps winners, traces the
experiences of members of a
family, each of whom sets out
to gratify his or her lifelong
ambition. ' R u g gl e s himself
throws over his job to get
swing orchestra and make
frantic bid for popularity, until
he realizes his day has been over
long ago. His wife, played by
Marjorie Rambeau, becomes an
art student until her teachers
fleece her of a large part of her
fortune. . His brother-in-1 a i
Broderlck Crawford, loses thous
ands of dollars on' a betting
system that . was "foolproof
when he played It on paper.
ft -
NEW YORK The RepubUe of
Moxtco invaded Broadway the
other evening with a musical
revue called, appropriately
enough, "Mexlcana." It's not the
kind of a revue Broadway is
used to seeing, but it's a, wel
come change from the general
There's a lot of folk dancing.
some . Spanish dancing. , much
singing and most ot it very
good. Indeed and a lot of com
edy which may not be right op
the rlalto alley, but is sUll fun.
Your correspondent discovered
something ' yon probably knew
all along that Mexican dancing
isn't Spanish dancing at all, that
it stems more from the Indian
than from the Castillian. Some
of the . steps look curiously like
the traditional ' Dutch dances.
A tearful moment from "Streets of New York, at the Grand tbeatre
when "Glmpy," a boy ot the streets, played by Martin Spellman, Is
found to be a victim of gang ballets by bis pal, Jack cooper.
-' 1 STATE... -V.v'. -'
Today D o n bl bilL Jack
; Oakie, Adolpbe Menon,
' Jack Haley, Binnle Barnes
and Tony Martlnin
"Thanks For Everything,",
! and Carole Lombard and
Fernand Gravet In "Fools
; For Scandal. V
Thursday Double bill. Pat
O'Brien, Margaret ' Lindsay
and Jimmle Fldler In "Gar-
'- den ot the Moon" and Pria-
; cilia Lane and Wayne Mor-
' rls In "Brother Rat." " .
, v GRAND .
Todays Jackie Cooper In
! "Streets of New York."
Wednesday Double bill. Bet-
ty Fomess and James Craig
; in : ''North of Shanghai. '
and Bruce Cabot and Rita
Hayworth in "H omieidt
: Bureau." -: - -
Saturday Double bill, Ches-
I ter Morris, Ralph Bellamy
' and 'Ann Dvorak in 'Blind
Alley and Jessie Mathews '
in "Climbing High."
7oday, Moaday
; ana xnrsaay
Continuous Performance Today
i r-: a to li p. bl ' ;
itoiyqf Streets: -
At Grand Theatre
Timely is the word for Mono
gram's "Streets ot New . York,"
which opened yesterday at the
Grand theatre with Jackie Coo
per, in the starring role. Timely
because the film deals with the
American Way, 'demonstrating
that from rags to riches is still
possible in one country, that
right does not depend npon
might, and that, even in the face
of .tremendous odds, we can still
find Inspiration from the lives
pf . great men. . . '.'"."
"Streets ot Hew xora" is. xne
story of Jimmy Keenan, who be
lieved in honesty, jimmy sup
ports himself and a little crip
pled boy by 'running a news
stand, goes to-night school to
study law, and is known as
"the Abe Lincoln of 10th -Avenue."
- ,
Brother Is Racketeer '
But Jimmy's big brother is
Public Enemy No. 1 a New
York' racketeer that the police
can't catch red-handed. Although
Tap" Keenan wants , to help
his brother, the boy won't take
a cent of "blood money."
The clash between these two
eodes of conduct, and Jimmy's
efforts to. inspire his -little 7 pal
Glmpy" with - a belief .in right
tnd good behaviour 'form .the
major themes ; ot "Streets of
New York."
! In a thrilling climax, as "Tap"
Keenan goes . into , hiding for
killing a man, and Jimmy aldsJ
the law, both these problems are
solved. - .
Jackie Cooper Is excellent as
Jimmy Keenan. the Idealistic
young American who pretended
to be plenty tough.:
Active Initiates Two
. SILVERTON Two new mem
bers, George Wlesner and Shir
win McCurdy, were. Uken into
the " Silverton Active club this
week. John Bowman was initi
ation " master. ' - 1 -
And Second Feature
a .c
k M V - BF
Hollywood Offers
Constance Bennett
Split Keizer Games
- HAZEu GREEN The score
for the ball games played with
Keizer was e to 4 in favor of
Constance Bennett -Jj starred I Keixer boys; 20 . to 19, Haze!
In Universal "Service De
Luxe," which comes to the Hol
lywood theatre today and which
introduce to American motion
picture audiences a screen new
comer, Vincent Price.
Price is no stranger to Broad
way, however. . He gamed - a
high reputation as. an actor of
exceeding merit, through his two
year, performance of the role of
Albert opposite Helen Hayes in
"Victoria Reglna." .
"Service De Luxe", was de
signed to launch the new lead
ing man under, the best possible
auspices. The .picture casts him
as. a naive, up-state, boy who
comes to New York: trying to
peddle a tractor invention and
falling easily and : quickly - Into
the hands of designing women.
Miss Bennett ' Will be seen . as
Dorothy Madison, head, of the
Dorothy Madison Service, a firm
which performs all kinds ot per
sonai service for its 'clients.
In supporting -roles -.will he
seen Charles : Ruggles as an ee-
centric millionaire engineer
whose, hobby Is cooking; Mischa
Auer - as a- Russian chef who
calls upon a, ghostly line of an
cestors for gutdante in his culi
nary endeavors; Helen Broder
lck as , Miss Bennett's hard-1 oiled
friend and- confidante, and Joy
Hodgea as a giddy, man-crazy
flapper who tries to marry every
male who comes within reach of
her arms. . 1 , , -
Green for the girls' team.
The eighth grade visited
verton high school Friday.
Continuous 2 to 11
7 I
Copyright, 19SS, King Fearores 8rndieata, lac
There's I a 1 great deal r of shout
ing and whistling and stamping.
and none of the dances look., like
ballroom efforts. They appear
to' have the simplicity and de
mocracy of folk dancing.
: A Bit Repetitions
The Z7 ;s c e n e s of the revue
become i slightly repetitious after
the first hour and a half, but
they're never uninteresting. The
scenery, as one might -expect
from south . of the Rio Grande,
la riotoua with ' color. The - mu-
f sic Is sprightly, rhythmic, infec
tious In melody, and the com
ments of Graslella Parraga, who
speaks- beautiful English with
out appearing to try, are amus
ing and sometimes gently sly.
The Trio Lina are tine eccen-
t (Turn to page 14) '
Charllo Baggies Jeans a .thing or two about art from his wife, -Mar -
'Jorto Rambeaa, fa their new. comedy together, "Sudden Money,w 'A.r-7
-bow playing at the Capitol theatre. On the same bill la "Bloe lloa -U;
.iaaa BTaeav
Eun Experts Take
Screen at State
4Thank8. for Everything'
Has Metijou, Oakie,
; J ; " Haley as Stars " I
With a cast ot high and low
comedy experts, and what sounds
like -a hilariously funny idea for
its main theme, "Thanks for
Everything." - 20th Century-Fox's
latest prescription tor what alls
you,-moves Into the State the
atre today. ; !
Having made so many notable-
contributions to the enter
tainment of the average man,
Darryl F. Zanuck, in charge of
production for- 20th. Century-Fox
has now focused his camera batteries-
on Mister Average Man
himself, -who isr of all things,
the central character in "Thanks
for Everything."
This Mister Average Man, ac
cording to the studio, is selected
in a nation-wide contest, brought
. expenses' v V? I 1
to New York with all
paid and with the expectation j
ot 125,000 and U. then' prompt
ly set upon by a couple of smart
promoters, who . ee in his ln- Ci 1
nocent countenance ' the shiaiaf?M
tight of - a -million ' doUar idea. X : Tf 1
Jack Haley has the role, of,
Mint or ' Annira Uin AHnlrvl. ' $f -,
Menjou and Jack' Oakie are; the j
promoters, while "Arleen ; Whe-- ulti
Barnes offer spirited support.'-til
William A. Setter directed . J 1
lack sun . itiMBnia 4tJ
li Tl li t I
2nd Big Hit!
fCarele. WMBAIUlijl!l
r.t-;- --l
if oU
."it .
1 w .! - r-k-y
I rat dinner in fee
then Tm throngh cntil time
Plus 2nd Feature
la His Latest
1 Mon."- Tues.
Today 2-11
1939a Greatest Film!
CtisUiM FaxtenU Benti4 Rafts f frTivs 'CwifilwaiDai '
: --.afriix lycpitpiro cooibwd V y HmnM tywuiKxa aaoa, ' '
"FOR LOVE OR MONEY" f - Artie Shaw aad
With Jane Lans: Rob't. Kent nis Baad aad News
Maka your own daylight
saving tima with an '.'
Elactric Ran ja!
Less 'time in'jhe kitchen, more time
with your guests I .Youll fertainly ap
preciate the freedom from your kitchen
which an electric range will bring you,
. especially on days when company's
comine to dinnerYou can serve de-
- . . axe at
lidous dinners that! allow .;6U . room;
from one to three hours out of, the
oven . .;.
serve it"
"Dinner is perfectly cooked
right on the dot"
Here is a typical company dinner that will
cook itself In your electric range while you
are at. your, dressing:. table, or in the living
Ovea Dinner for Oompaay -
Fruit , cup. with crushed. ..candy mints
Stuffed pork chops.. . Spanish corn
Sweet potatoes Endive salad
aous, unhurried hospitality. You can Time; i hours. . TT
even te cone ail afternoon ana come w Vi
. . . .. . . . frozen cream in tha afternoon and keep in
kitchen before dinner-time,' to rest; -
dress and greet" your friends with gra-
home to find dinner all cooked and
ready to serve, .in your electric oven.
I f H r-C iS.
I- I
" -J
electric refrigerator untU serving time. Put
prepared chops, vegetables and gingerbread
in oven." Set the time and temperature con
trols, snap on the current and come back la
1 hours. Dinner will be ready ! -
See the Electric Cooking Show
Not tied to
kitchen when guests arrive
Once you discover the utter luxury of
walking put on your tlinner and com
ing back later to a op kitchen; where
that dinner is waitinghot appetiz
ing, ready to serye-weTI, youH cer-,
tainly want to bave an electric range ,
from then on, to give you kitchen free
dom every day ! See your dealer and
learn how easy it Is to own one of the
time-releasing new electric ranges.
It's fascinating! Demonstrates how to save
tune, money and work!
Full of. new cooking ideas:
Hew to cook vegetables the new. vitamin-.
and-mineralHutving - way and retain their-
fresh color and flavor.
How to have Juicier roasts without searing
or basting. -
How to sMroid baking fail urea,
How to make plain,! inexpensive foods taste
like a million. 1
-See the showit's free make your reserva-
, tioas at any store displaying electric ranges.
nam set at
-"rltSf aw."
witk the iiw
Oiea a as as
enuuie ' ttskt
MA Oaat mom
work, Easy
i- - -
Ooavlete MtS'"
ea to caekta .
at approaiawte
eaat ml eoe dish.
Cooker wiU ep-
tmt la. . ,
t. 'i,
- 'Jr..
t -J'.
I--. .
. r-
m il VJ
zzr - Trzzri--zziiy