r PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN," Salem, Oregon, Sunday Mornings May 7, 1939 Cornittees f or Qiib Year Nained dride Urges Oregoniaxu toUee Home Products -in Hubbard Talk HUBBARD The Hubbard Woman's clnb' met with Mrs. Edward Schoor Wednesday after noon wtjh Mrs. "If. H. Beal and Mrs. George Grlmpa cehostesses. , , Mrs. John i Friend. president elect, announced these standing committees: Program, If rs. Her man Bontrager, Mrf. ' George Pardy and Mrs. A. O. Soder- toim; . -v i s ' r ClTic, Mrs. L. M. Scholl and Mrs. J. S. Van Winkle.. . Child welfare, Mrs. George Crimps, Mrs. A Fobert . and Mrs. L. A. Miller. -. Flowers. Mrs. Willis Berkey and Mrs. Lester Win." -- Publicity, and membership, Mrs. J, E. Taylor. . -' .The program featured, a piano solo by Mrs. Willis Berkey, tap dancing, Joan Berkholtx and Robin Berkey- and numbers by Mrs. Orlle Boje and Mrs. Arthur Cramer."-r?x? : - K. - C. Eldrldge ef Portland spoke on the Industrie of - the Columbia Empire. He stressed the need of Otegonians using Oregon products. The next meeting will be held -with Mrs. L. A. Miller Wednesday, April 17. -" ...'- GllUi 8COTJTS ADVANCED -LIBERT Y The Girl Scout Ltroop held inrestlture ceremonies at which Bererly Karsten, Nixie Barnes 'and Wilms Sargent were recelred . as tenderfoot scouts. Edna Judd was awarded her sec ond class acout badge.' Benefit Dance Set ' Falls employes "fare 8ILVERTON . SUTer Timber' eompany arranging for a benefit j dance for May IS at the armory. 1 On the committee are O. W. ! Olson, Chet Johnson i and Orrille Loe. Proceeds will go to the two base ball " teams. - Festival Is Held ;By Riiral Schools TUBiR-Tttrset school held a music festiral Thursday after moon with West Stayton, Wltael. Illihee and ' Clorerdale .. schools taking ' part The ; auditorium was flUed' to capacity.' Principal Virgil - Scott . gave the welcome; "All Through the . Night" was gtren by Turner girls; songs by primary - division, drum solo, dance by Virginia Lacy of West SUyton, songs by - intermediate diTlsion, piano solo, Patricia Powers of Wittel .district; Eileen Hatfield, history "Old Ken tucky Home" and "Santa Lucia" which were sung by upper grade girls; v songs ; by npper grade boys, harmonica . solo, - Gloria Shaw of Illihee; songs by Tur ner high school, , flag drill. Tur ner primary pupils, t directed by Miss Lucille Hughes and : Mrs. Edith Sundlle; "Star , Spangled Banner ' by the audience. . I Betty Peets was piano accom panist. ' Mildred Rlckman, Lu cille Hughes and Orro : Nickula. song leaders. Mrs. Blanche ' Wil liams and . Principal . Scott di rected seating. V- - Collsrd to Irrigate MISSION B 0T T OM , W. P. Collard has purchased a 21 outlet irrigating outfit to . Irri gate alfalfa. It "is a portable type and win be used at Lake Lablsh in his onion acreage also. Mrs. V. O. Kelley will enter talu the Waconda club . Wednes- I day. Mrs. Gerard Honored ! At Valsetz Party I VALSETZ Mrs. Gerald j Ger ard was guest of honor at a show, er giren at the Leedy home. She recelred many lorely gifts. I Mr. Milton ' King and baby daughter Sandra Kay are home from the Salem hospital where the baby was born. Mrs.' BerV" Thomas was hostess to the bridge club. Mrs. Harry Starr -won first and Mrs. Madge Frailer second. aJ; JL VV7 o p o i-F 1 1 1 II I vl v I -a tcy o o o-i 1 111 KJ JJ.U1J.L 11 o New Black Elasticized Pmnnpiip's Medium heel adaptable to any costume. Ton will hare , to hurry If you get a pair of these beautifully styled shoes, regularly 9.75, on sale at r HDIEESS SLHCIDI32S New Cranberry shade pumps, and ties. Open heels and 7 toes. Values to $8.95. Most all sizes, your choice . So ffl(D)IS One group for quick selling, tin Brown . . . Black' .V. Blue . . Green, Sold regu larly up to $8.95 while they last, only ; 4o8)5 Children's lPropr - Kilt Protest your child's feet with these wonderful sci .. entif ically constructed shoes. Specially priced during this sale. Direct From ! New York DDIIBIKSSIES i This group is selected from our new things coming in each day and are di rect from the best New York houses! Not sale dresses but put in at a very low price to guarantee the success of . this sale. Plain colors and prints. Regu larly 1 16.95 to $22.50. np.miE'ss-iEs: light Weight Wools A few dozen dresses grouped together to promote this sale . . . every dress is a style creation selected carefully for our Exclusive trade. Regularly marked to $22.50 . . . you get them for only (JMD(D) 5 SIPffiOAIL ON FINE (ID'S !500i Pairs two, three, and four-thread for street and dress wear. Selected from our bet ter lines. Regularly sold 1.00 and $1.15 3 pairs 2.00 Slightly Irregular IpaDiPti; oUsaelkeits Complete close-out prices too varied to quote : but all at large reductions. Imported fabrics ' . and fine tailoring at prices quoted on inferior garments. - . Clooing (Uat 3-IPiece Salts -4tt large reductions ! Tweeds and plain ' colors, at varied prices. We" will place on sale about twenty-fire coats, regularly sold at $22.50 to $35.00. This Is not "Profit-Sharing' as there Is no prof It we are Just anxious to giro you the adrantage of our Volume Buying so we hare marked them at only TWEEDS . . . NAVY ... BLACK AND OTHER PLAIN COLORS These coats are the cream of our stock and we hare a nice selection. Marked originally at $29.50 to $35.00 and worth every cent of it. but we are including them in the 'Sale at a big- Baring to you at only Q5irOQiiip Dflsaimall IHsags All colors and sizes and styles. Leathers find Fabrics. Regularly sold up to $5.95, to close out . n 8)5. ' r Uand mm, SPECIAL OFFERING Hundreds of New " All the latest straws. We have put them -. - 'in two groups for 'quick selling . . . , " ' . Regularly: Sold Up to $1(U)0 SPECIAL PRICES ON EXCLUSIVE (D CD Sit Special purchase. All 'new spring jewelry regularly sold up to $2.95. If you come early you get In on this big promotion at only - "-- . MEW IFILdDWEIICS For quick selling, you can buy-aU the finest flowers. $1.00 values. One bunch to a customer. . no(ID(ID d(ID(3S i i B" . . i 1 ii 21- son (id e : : c cd m-ipjj ILniP9 (KODWMS IP A JI A M A S '5 We are showing a wide range of beautiful prints and plain colors In all the known sizes. We are including our famous Bemberg fabric which contains spun glass. You can buy any of these garments good ralues at $2.05 for, only 8 Garments for SSJSO DQeady Mlade (Corsets Girdles, $15 values...;: . !....; 98c ' Brassieres, 75c values .... :...w.....i59c : Corselcttes, $3.95 ; values...- ...... J..-.1..S2. 95 ' Corselettes, $5.95 values....... 1.L$4.95- Surgical Garments, , ; specially fitted....... 1..$30 to, $7.95 r -4 CUSTOM MADE GARMENTS 4 Finest workmanship and fitting, $10.95 r ; to $30.00. . . MODELS AND DESIGNS 4 AREH ART & . ALDRICH