The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1939, Page 18, Image 18

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J -
.The OREGON . STATESMAN, Satan, Oregon, Friday Morals?, May 6, .192V
Salem Market Quotations
; ; ' nun . f
GSayiag Nat) !. ...- '
(The prices bU eapplied ay aloes!
frowrr and indicative ef lb saily- avtat
prices paid to grower by 8alem bayers
bat ere sot guaranteed by Tbe States
aiaa.) - f- - -
Bananas. . oa lUIV .,, r, ' i " ' , .0
Heads ,,, : 2
Calavoe , .n... - 1-46
Grepefrait, Tesae piass 4.0
Begeler i ,. 80S
Lemons, crate ' s.50
Oranges, crate .- S.M te 8.56
(Buying rriceo)
: Asparagus, doa. ..
Beets, doa. , ' , ,
Cabpafe, lb.
Carrots. Calif., art, aos.-.W te 8.50
Cauliflower, Calif- Ui; local , .90
Celery, Utah, erate . 1.85
CaUi., erate, , ; .,, ,- l.SS
Lettaee, CaHL tiO te S.56
Onion, boiling. 1 Ke. 1 .1
60 lba. ' : j
Oreea onions, ilea. , '
Radishes, dos. . - JO
Peppers, grees, Calif. , .. ' , - ,80
Parsley - , .,: ,, ... ... ,, ..i. , .. .4 '
etatea. lecai. eurt- Na. 1 1.1 .
- 60 lb. base . ,, .85
Kew potato, Calif-, ewl, 2.S0
Rhubarb, outdoor .70 to .90
Isrnips, doa. , -. .46
- ;- nil '" V t
Pee paid by Jjependeaf racking pjeat
r - -. te grower) '&
i Walnate Fraaqaettea, faaey, 12 a
diss, 10c; email te; orchard ran, te
JOe. Walaat Beats, 2$ te SOe lb.
. filbert Barcelona a. Urge, I-; 1mm.
cy HHe; bebiea, lie; orchard na 11
to IN. i ". -
; (Ce-ea priest to Orowtr) -.
I Walnuts Price range, depeadiDf poa
way seta ran la 10 different grsdea 11 Ml
lie. Duc-illy 1 ceat higher.
i , .(Bnylng Fricoi) - it..-"
ClBitare, aemiaal. i 1837, lb T to .01
ClaaUra, 1818, lb. ,, .,, ,,80 to .15
. Pagglee. ep ...; M
i - . wwi JU10 motukim
CBajlBl Pricee)
Wool nMdlUt, lb.
Ceereav lb. '
iMba. lb.
Mohair, lb.
(IitIoi Fxlets of AadroMS'i)
liarto extra
Mediaai extraa
Large ataadarda
: Pallet ,
Colored fry
Colored BMdlaat, lb.
White Leghorn, heavy
White Legheraa, light
Heary beat, lb. .,
Old reeiters
f Barlac a rice tec Me. l at
oeUMoM ead aalea laperted ae d
Laaiba, ItSO, tops
Lamb . , ,
Ewes i
Bogs, top i i
: 130-150 lbs.
310-100 lbs.
Bova ,,,
j t.00
0.60 te 7.50
a.oo to
.o.0 te e.7S
0.25 te 6.50
5.15 te 6.50
Stocks and
May 4
; Copiled by The Associated Pre
JO 15 . IS ! Of
ladee Bails Dtil ateeks
Ket Thg. TJaeh. A . - Caea. A .1
Taarsday 64. IS O 18.1 45.7
PrsT. day 64 6 17.S ti. 4S.6
Month ago . 61.4 17.0 ' 64.4 4S.4
Tear age 68.1 14.1 20.6 S9.1
1S8 high. 77.0 21.8 . 40.0 51.4
1936 low S6.S
16.7 13.7 41.0
10 10
Ha ile
A .1 :
. 6S.7
. 64.0
A .6
Otil For'ga
- A .4 I A .2
Ket Chg. .
Prey, day
Month ago
Tear age
1030 high
1030 law .
Goiag to the telephono, Oscar put
fa a long-diatance call for the Police
Department in New York City . . ,
and reversed the charges 4
The police official in New York at
the other end of the wire, listened,
and yelped. . . -
; rrrT,s that yon say 7 Say it
gain!" j
f "What Is It, Chief 7" asked his
colleague from the Detective Ba-
: '
, The Bonkheer diamond , . V
Be turned Impatiently back to the
Ehone. "Yes yes go on! . . . He
ad a little mustache yon say? And
the woman called him Evergreenl"
"Great Scott!" exclaimed the
other. "We might have known It
was the Evergreens l"
f "Yea know 'em?" asked the chief.
"Know 'emf Theyra the clever
est jewel thieves in the world V
. "Okay well pick them op," the
-other told Oscar Smith on the wire.
Yes if it's really the diamond,
youU get your reward I" He hung
up. "So you think this is a real
lead?" ,
- "If if a Mortimer Evergreen and
hla wife, the stone's the McCoy,"
said the other positively. "Only
Evergreen could have nabbed it in
broad daylight like that." - ;
y "Zat sot" i The chief was poshing
x buttons. --;t r .
"Why, he's the guy who stole the
British - Crown jewels from - the
. Towar of London," explained the de
tect! vo. He shook his eaU He's
.nuts about beautiful thin. If it
. wasnt for his wife being so senti
mental about the Coronation he'd
never have put them hackr, -
"WeH send out a gneYal alarm
, Itetween here - and Washington,"
a i . A a t a.. eie
: said u is en ie-a letepnone) on nis
' desk rang.; He picked it unj'"Yes?
Who? Bonny Rockaby? Tell him
to call me back later I'm busy
; now." Hi hung tip, just as a police
orderry tered. "Georgs- we've
got a line on the Bonkheer Diamond.
Wow, get this oat on the wire, . .
. . e e . . , -..-1 :'
Ginger eat . klone now. behind
Tony watching . the back of his
head.- Che was annoyed with him,
bat she t&i to cott fess. to herself
that she did ke his ears. Too, it
waj fun to -scrap with hint; he
treated her like another man when
he argued with, her, instead of nat
tering or flirting with her, as ether
men did; and he sincerely distrusted
women. Take Consy, for Instance:
he always Cattered ter, however
. patronizingly he did . so. U alike
Tony, women and the adulation ef
- women were necessary. to his life.
LasL bat not least, she did not care
for Lis ears. Comparing the two
men, however ? onecnaeicnsly, - she
remernbered : the blow ' Tony , had
gives te crooner that momlTig. She
smiled, dex?;U herself.' -
It was going ba bo an tnttaesttng
trip, she thought. The unbeliev
able bos 'that looked as if it had
wandered tit Fifth Avenne and lost
its way. Gertrude,- the husband
ester. - CasanovaV the feline Loth-
ano. Ard ter feJIow-e-areexpens
era, t-sr-dres. ren as tey cams
to her mind, she became aware ef
the?r voices. -; ;
- f Grade B raw 4 per ccat
tllk, Salem Co-op baalepool
price flJSO."
t C-op Gride A, bntterf-t
price SI Hl Brde 2c leas.
(Milk based ea , aeal-aieathly
hotUrtat ararage) -v
: . Distributor price, $,
-& grade butterfat Deliy
ered 21 Mr; B grade lfc
is A grade prtat, 25y,c; B
grade 24 He; quarter 28 He.
Beef eowa :
6.50 to 6.00
8.50 te 6.2S
6.00 to 7.00
Top real , , ,, ...
tairy type eowa
Ureaaed yeal. lb.
4.00 te 6.50
Butterfat. A grade
Leghorn beas, ever 8H lb--Legaera
heaa. eader Iba.
Beaatera, 4 lba. and eer
dryers. H lbs.
. .16 f.
lghera broilers
Coipred heaa, over 9
Uld roosters, lo.
ite. 6 heaa 8e less: Ke. 2 apriaga. So leas.
Largo extras
Large standards
Medina extra
Medina standard
Uadergradea .
t 0-4XV, HAT and SXZDS
Wheat ba. Mo. 1 rec leaned .78
Oat, grey tea , 98.00
White " 25.00
Peed barley, tea .3.00 to 34.00
Clover hat, toa 12 to 11.00
Oat sod Vetch hay, tea 13.00 te 18.00
Alfalfa, tea . 15.00 te 16.00
Egg asaah. No. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1.00
Dairy feed, 80 IK bag 1.80
Hea scratch food , ; - 1.70
Cracked cora . , , , 1.70
Wheat . 1.60
POHTLA31D, Ore- May 4. (AP)
(U8DA) 'Prodnco price changes:
Apples Ore. Kowtowas, sod to Igo,
ex fey. L60-1.60; fey, 1.25-1.85; Wash.
Delicious, ned te very Ige, eaefcy. 1.7 5
2.10; fey, 1.75-1.65; Wineaap. aaed to
Ige, ex fey, 1.60 L75; fey, 1.40-1.50;
comb, ex fey aad fey, loose. 8 U -8 c lb.;
Kobmm, ex fey, 1.85-1.75; loose, eoaib. ex
fey and fey. Se lb.
Artichokes, CaliL, 1.50-1.75 for host
Avocados, Calif., 24-35' s, 1.40.
Asparages Ore- Wash- greea, 13 1b
Ke. 1, 60-5e; No. 2, 35-45e; 80 lb- 1.50
1.70; ancUss. L2S-1.35; No. 2, 75e-L00.
Baaaaas Per tmnrb, 5 He lb.
Besas Fla., 2.00-2.25 hamper.
"Cabbage Calif., crates, 3.25-2.50. .
Carrota Local, tapped, 6O-60e per lag.
Canlif lower Calif, US No, 1, crate,
Celery CaliL, Uuh, 1 85 3.25; white,
2JO-2.75; hearts, 1.50-1.75.
Oitras (Voit Grapefrait, Texts sssrsh,
eeedlees. 8.00 3.S5; pink, 3.50 3.75; Ari
aeaa, fey- 2.00-2.40: choice, 1.60-1.75;
Lenons Fancy, all sixes, 8.60-4.76;
choice 60e lees.
L-ee Ooa. eartea. 20 25a.
Orangee California navel. 200 893a.
3.50-8.25; large, 8.25 3.50; choice, 25
SOe lets.
. Eggplant Calif- som InaL
Cacnmbera Hothosse, dos., 85C-1.00,
choice 65-75e.
Lettaee Weetley, iced, 5s, 2.00;
Sallass iced, 5s, 2.25-3.50; Sacramento
dry. 1.85-1.75.
Garlic Oregon, 8-10e; few 13c
Muahroom t'cltivalod. I lb.. SO SSe
Oaioaa Ore. yellows, 60-lb. sack. D8
No. 1 Urge. 1.10-1.25; Ke. 2, 50-lb. sack.
50 60e; Texas white wsx, US Ko. 1, 50
lb. sacks. 3.00-2.35; boilers, 1.65-1.75.
Pears Nominal.
Peae Calif.. 4-6e: sacks L75-2.00.
Pepyers Florida, 22H-25e lb.
H on-tamer seemed to have much in
common. AO afternoon they had ex
changed reminiscences the actress
about the stage, Daniel Smock about
his adventures training wild beasts
during a long circus career. Like
most professionals, neither had a
kind word to say for the celebrities
of their calling. To Desdernona, the
stage had practically curled up and '
died since the advent of the talkies;
all the beautiful women and brave
men, artistically speaking, were
dead. The lion-tamer, on his part
had only scorn for the newcomers
to the wild animal world; an old
timer, he, loved the big "cats" for
their own sake, to hear him tell it
Speaking of liens," Smock was
saying, "I used to hunt them in
Africa myself, before I Joined np
with the circus. I remember once I
was on safari on the Serengetti
Plains or was it Western Tang
anyika? when I saw a man-eater,
with my own eyes, mind you bite
off the head of a little black boy in
a Nandl Village"
Desdernona gave a little shriek.
"The horrible beast How could
yon be fond ef such ferocious ani
mals, Mr. Smock?" She shuddered
delicately. "Not that I dont think
yoare awfol brave, bat"
"That lion was ' no worse than
your tropical fish," the lion-tamer
pointed oat, slightly indignant. "Sk
ate her own husband I"
"That's different" said i Miss
Love. "Speaking of animals and
their psychology, I once played with
Maude -Adams: in .her sensational
barnyard drama, Ckanttelrr only
a child's part, of ' " She
simper e fi remember, at rehears
als I played the part of .a dock-linov-
A lovely duckling-, rm sure."
said Mr. Smock gallantly. -
"Oh, Mr. Smeekl- said Miss Lore.
"Yea jangle men are such natter-
em- ,:v :;r; , .--
Just then the bos slowed down
perceptibly. Ginger, who had been
half dosing, sat op straight, and
looked op. -
A man was standing beside the
road, just ahead, jerking his thumb
forward in the approved hitch-hiker
fashion. It was late in the after
noon, bat light enough for her to
see, with some surprise, that he was
dressed in a complete vachtinar coa-
tame peaked white cap, bine coat,
ana wmte funnels. In one hand: he
carried a brown Jog. He must have
aroused Tonys curiosity aa much
as hers, for he came to a atop, and
opened the door, v :-: .- .
- "Want a lift, .ellat Tony asked.
Ah the Adrairal'a barrel" aaid
the marooned mariner. He swayed
as he got aboard, bat Ginger saw in
stantly that it was not from an cn
familiarity with d4egs, but for
purely akohoUe reasons. Almost
the first thing he did. as he sank
limply into a front seat across the
aisle from Ginger, was to proffer
hla jug. -Have UbetionT" . -
"No 'thanks," said Ginger, and
Tory, too, shook his head. The ladies
in the rear sniffed disapprovingly.
jar. smocK iookm wiatrui, ,
"TJow far are yea going?" asked
"Unta I can catch up with my
yacht," said the gentleman bitch
hiker, smiling blandly, as he took a
swiz fro tls j-a stowed it away
Labor Trouble
Stops Stocks
War Qonds Also Cause
Brakes - to Torn ' on
Leading Issues -
- NEW YORK, ' May 4-(ff)-New
clouda Un - te European scene,
combined with a threatened shut
down of most of the nation'! soft
coal -, mines, put brakes on the
stock market today and leading
issues de-eloped highly irregular
tendencies at-the close, .. i
The speeulatire skies were not
entirely beclouded, however, and
some baying came into the list at
faint hopes persisted that ' conl
areas would get busy on business
tax revision. In addition, signs of
a flattening out in the downward
trend of industrial activity were
to be seen here and there. Last
week's freight loadings also were
up more than seasonally. i
Labor Trouble at Chrysler 1
Labor troubles cropped up at a
Chrysler plant in Detroit, but this
stock managed to hold its decline
to of a point at (7. General
Motors was Indifferent the greater
part of the day and finished off
at 44. -
Prospects ot a fuel shortage hit
ting mill operations Inspired a
little selling in the steels. Bethle
hem dropped 1 at 15 H and TJS
Steel was oft 4 at 47.
The Associated Press average of
SO Issues was up .1 of a point at
4 5.7. Transfers amounted to 663,
S80 shsres against 744,500 the
day before. .
Gooseberry Spray
Should Co on now
- Gooseberry flies have . been
emerging for a couple of weeks,
and eggs, hare been or will be laid
in the very near future," according
to a statement being issued from
the county agent's office by Ro
bert E. Rieder.
A poison bait spray, sprayed on
the . bushes and the berries will
kill the fly before the eggs are
Potatoes Oregon local Long Whites,
Ko. 1, 1.10-1. IS; Ke. 3. T5-90e; Deschutes
No. 1 Bassets, 1.18-1.80; 25 lb. saeka,
85-87 He; US No. 2, 80 lb. sacks, 40-S0e;
new crop Cslif. White Boss, 50 lb. sack,
US Ko. 1, 1.30-1.85; 100 lb. sacks, 2.25
2 .60.-
Khobarb -Ore. hothouse, apple hex 80
40e; -lKc lb.
Squash Calif., Zucchini, 1.55-1.60. .
Strawberries Cslif.. 12s,' 1.30-1.80.
Spinach Ore.,' 40-60c
Tomatoes Max. repacked, 9.50 top.
Ore. hothouse, 20-25e lb.
Bunched Vegetables: Ore., per dos.
bunches: Oreea onions, - 15-17He; rad
ishes. local, 33 ft 35e; Medford 35c; leeks
25-8 Oe; parsley 22 -2 5c; Swiss chard.
15 30c. Calif, broccoli, crates 2.00-9.25:
beets 60 60e dos.; Endive 3.50 erate of
6 lbs.; beets 4 dos. erts., 2.25-2.60 ; 50
60s per dos.; carrots 40-S0c
Boot Vegetables: Rutabagas 31-1.35
Inge. 50-80e; beeU 1.25-1.50, logs 80-40e:
turnips 1.00-1415 sack, lags 25-80e: par
snips 80 40e lug; horseradish 16e lb.
under his seat, and carefully wiped
his lips.
Your yacht?" exclaimed Ginger.
"I'm Stanley Briaxs. of New
York." said yachtsman Briaxs. held
out his hand, and as no one took it,
shook hands ? with himself. "My
boat's the LittU Caahto. I was go
ing doirn to Miami in it, and ordered
my captain to get up steam and sail "
at dawn, this morning. I overslept,
and they sailed without me." He
grinned, owllshly. "Stanley
Brigg's word b law aboard the
LittU Carina." He gulped, smiled
apologetically. "Now I've got to
catch op with It before it reaches
Biseayne Bay." I
'And you're hitchhiking all the
way down to Florida?" Ginger was
incredulous. .
Sore. Cant tell when the crew
will run out of liquor and put into
port for supplies," said Mr. Briggs.
I s lost all . my money In a poker
game last night so -I'm hitchhik
ing. It's a nice way to see the coun
try, anyway."
-A likely story, sniffed Miss
Love, who had been listening. "The
man's plainly a" s
Ah, pardon me. Madame." said
Mr. Briggs, and rose unsteadily, as
he sought his jug. "May I offer yon
libation 7"
"Certainly notl" aaid Desdemona.
Mr. Smock, who had brirhtened.
The bru lurched then, and Mr.
BriggsTell back into his seat.
Looks like, a stormy crossing.
doesnt it?" he murmured, and
shortly fell asleep. -
Ginger and Tony looked at each
other and laughed. Then he beck
oned to her. . -. '
Come on and sit as here with me
it's lonesome." - .-,
She hesitated, then joined him
atgain t
Here I am then, bat I refuse to
fight with you any more."
"Flag of trues." He grinned and
jerked his head toward the nautical
drank. "If that chap's really going
as far as Florida, maybe hell join
as, and cat down all oar expenses.1
"You're always wanting to share
something, arent yen?" ahe mnr-
murea. ss-.-i-'i ivuz-' ..v.-..
"Why not?" he wanted to know.
"What's the fan of .. jtnything a
drink dollar a sunset aniens
yon can share it with someone?"
She made no answer to that, di
gesting it- and thought that bis
smile, like his ears, weren't half bad.
Behind them, Desdernona Love
began again. s '.
"I shall never forget my season
with Maude Adams. Ah, Ur. Smock
there was aa elfish, diaphanous,1
elusive creatarel There was a true
Thespian genius!" ,---i-.-is--, .
"That reminds me," put in the
lion-tamer, "I bad a cob lioness once
when I was with Bantam and Bailey
chocdate-colered yearling with
yellow eyes and whiskers" .
The two were off. i '
Casanova, the eat, sat on his mas
ter's lap and gazed rablirdringly
across the aisle at Gertrnde. atill
circling the strange foreign object
in ner twvn with puzzled, suspicious
eyes and indignantly Tibrating- gill-
lutaa f'.'- -...i.'
. fTo be continued) : r
" Cesftls byNaa Bfesi ,
POBTLAKD.-Ore, May -(AP)
Dairy . predaeo prices: Batter: Extras
22Vbt etaadarda 81 j prime firsts SO;
first 19 betterfat SS.22H.
hii-ii eawna x: targe eisna
srda 18; BMdlaat oxtraa IS; atedlsst
sUadsrds 18. , "
Cbeese TripleU 12et loaf ISo.
Portland Grain
PORTLAXD, Ore., May ; 4. (AP) -Wheats
Open Hick Lew Close
May ,73 H ' 78 H 78 H 78 H
Jaly 7lfc 71 1 ; 71
caea grain: Ueta, No. 3, 88-lb. white
37.76. Barley, Ke. 3, 45-lb. BW 36.10.
Com, Ko. 3. EY shipment, 36.80.. Flax,
No. 1. 1.67. . ... . , 5
Cash wheat hid; Soft' white 78 ;
western white 78; western red 73. Bard
red winter ordinary 71; U par seat 71;
12 per cent 7b; IS pee eeat 754; 14
per eeat 78. Hard white Baart ordinary
73; 12 per cent 74; IS per cent 77;
14 per eeat 79.
Today's csr receipts: Wheat 56; bar
ley 0; flour 13; corn S; oats 0; hay 0;
aaillf sed 8. ;
Portland Produce
PORTLAKD. Ore- May 4. (AP)
Country Meats Selling price te retail
ers: Country-killed hogs, beat hatchers,
under 160 lbs, 9-9e lb; vealers, 12s
lb; light and thin, 10-ile lb: heavy, 10c
lb: spring lambs, 1819c lb; yearling
lamb, 14-15e lb; ewee. 4-Se lb; cutter
cewat S-lOe lb: eaaaer eowa S-0e lb; balls
lie lb. .
Live Poultry Bu Tine arlees: Leehera
broilers, 12-18e Da; eolorod springs,
loa. ana over. 17c lo.; Legbera heaa, ever
8 lbs- 13-14e; nnder S lba, 13e
lb. ; colored bene So 8 lba- lSe lb.; ever
ft. lbs., 18e lb.; No. S grade, Se lb. loss.
Tsrkoyi Sejllag prices: Dreited -ess,
20e lb; toms, 18e lb. Baying prices: Hons
lSe lb; torn 16-17e lb. -
PetatoeeTaklma Gease cental;
local, 1.00; Deeehatee Gema, 1.2 S cental;
Klamath JaUs No. 1 Osats, 1.25-L6S;
Calif, sweets, 1.S5-1.80 erate.
New Petateee Calif. Whites,' 1.88-1.88.
60 lb. Back; Texas, l.TO-l.TS. 60 lb. eak
Omlon Oregon Ke. 1, S.SS-S.SO cental;
Texas Borandas, 3.10-3-5 per 50 ib.
crsts; sets, 146 lb. . ,.',-.
Wool Willamette valley- 1689 slip,
aemiaal asediam SSe lh: eoarse aad hraida
SSe lb; lamb and falL SOo lb; eaatern
Oregoa, ie-19Ho., ; ,
Bay Selliag priee to retailers! Alfalfa.
Ko. 1, 18.00 toa; eat Vetch, 12.00 tea;
clevuv 11.00 toa; timothy, eaaterm Ore
gon, 19.00; do valley, 14.00 tea. Port-
Hons 19SS Clusters. SO 35a lh: Pne-
glee, 2 So lh.
. Mohair Nominal, 1S89 clip, 280 lb. '
laid and thus . prevent wormy
fruit. The spray formula Is now-
dered lead . arsenate- 2 oanees:
cheap molasses 1 quart; water S
gallons. .
...This spray should be applied as
soon as the files appear in order
to prevent egg laying in the fruit
This spray should be repeated
again in about two weeks. Thor
ough spraying is essential , as the
mes are apt to aught almost any
rPOMl -KrLD I fOfl Kinrr
LOOKlKJ. lF?iTin
a- a
" 1 -l
LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ' All If embers of the Same Party By BRANDON WALSH
' -
S f : g- rzT K
1 : 1 1
I rASPSTR. 'v ':, ia.juw': t V I I AAArl l A I I' I - A ir r.'etTr 'A: I lUEAvTNf... I 1 ICaVB rTTO I I MCcaTtro r "V AKin vtai- I
jssJ lw prssssst &rm$& . '
-rJJ! ' rHrpq sasfcp iim
i n
at Portltand
" Caaears Bark Buy lag pries, 1989 pool,
4e lb. .-!
Sugar Berry aad trait, 100s, S.10;
hole 0.8S: meeO 8:06.
Uomestie Flour Selling Price,, vity de
livery, 1 to 25-bbI lots: family patent,
49s, -70-6.85: bakers' hard- wheat net,
8.80-8.20; bakers' bluestem 4.40-4.75;
Meaded wheat tjoar 4.50-4.85; sOft wheat
flonr 4-10-4.15; graham 49a, 4.60; whole
wheat 49s. 4.9S hU., . ". - - !
Portland Livestock
. PORTLAND. Ore- May 4.-i-AP
(TJSDA) Hogs: Beceipta, ! salable 600,
total 700. Priee range: - f .
Barrows and gilts., gd-ea
140-180 lba.
do 160-180 lbs
do 180-200 lb
do 300-320 lbs
do 200-250 Ibe -do
250-290 Ibe
de 290-85O Ibe
median. 140-160
Packing sows, gd, 375 850
do good 850-428
de coed 426-660
de med 375-550 lba
Pigs (fdr. stkr.K
choice, 70-140 Ibi
60 Q
Cattle: Beceipta ISO, oalves salable 50,
total 75.- Priee tub cat
Steers, good 900 1100 f 6.00
. do medium. 1100-1800 T.75
do com (plala 750-1100.
Heifers, good, 750-000
4m medium. S6O-0OO
de com (plain) 65O-t0O
COWS, Oil WtS -hi. mi.
do medio m. alt wts -
do eeat (plain) aO wts .
do low cat-eat, all wta-
BalU- tylgs. eacld.). good
(beef), all arts
, do Brdiam, all wts. .
do cut com (pis), alt wts
Vealers, choice, all, wts
de goad, all wts
: So mecaum
" do call-corn (pin)- all wts.
Cahros, mod. 150-400 lba .
do eons (pla) 150-400 lbs
ecoa (pia taj
Sheep: XeeeipU salable 850; total 600
pries isssei-':,-:.- -vr
Spring M"s, gd-ch.i ,, , t t.95
do medium good , 8.50
-' : de commoa ' ,t : 7,25
Lambs (shorn) gd-ch ,,. 140
da medlnm and good. '. : S.7S
de eoarmoa (plava) . 6.00
awe laaeoai ga tres
Wool In Boston
Beetoa wool hoasee were receiving a-dalr
demand today tor new wools te be shipped
direct from" the. country, aad seme Vssl
boss oa spot wools. Prises were eulte
fins at 65 cents, sceered basis, delivered
ea fine territory wools for good! Trench
eomhlag lengths aad oa 12-meaths Tsxas
wools to he shipped direct to asers. Bright
fleece : wools Is aiitt lota oi three
eighths and onarter . bleed gradae were
meetly firm at 28 cents, la the gareo'ss,
delivered east with' asking prices tending
to strengthen spot graded half blood terri
tory wools la lots with staple and Preaeh
combing lengths together moved at 65
te 66 cents, secured basis... .
Popeyt h
6.75 Q 7.15
7.00 a 7.50
7.35rf 7.50
7.00 & 7.50
6.75 7.25
6.60 7.00
6.15 S 6.76
6.25 7.00
ft 80(3
8.25 a
& 9.66
Q 9.00
6.75 7.75
8.25vi t.15
7.50 S.60
6.25 e 7.50
6.606s 7.50
ft.25 S.50
4.350 5.50
1.15Q 4.50
6.25 a 6.7S
ft.505 6.50
4.&0O S.50
8.003 S.50
7.50 8.0V
6.60 fry 7.50
8.50 8 5.50
5.000 S.S0
8.50 a 5.00
10S S.SO
j -
l&Arpf lRcATMCroTSl
7heat Prices
Day's Raise Is 1 CenU
at Peak; Qoseg -14
x -. .Cents np
1 CHICAGO,-' May
mistle crop reports from dry dis
tricts of -the - winter-wheat : belt
and an enlarged British demand
for wheat resulted In highest prices
today. ' I "
With short covering accelerat
ing the upturn after receipt of un
favorable comment from crop ob
servers in various sections of the
belt, prices shot np as much as
ltt - cents at one stage. July
wheat, which equalled its previous
seasonal high of 74, was in the
lead. Other contracts came within
tractions of the 10-months highs
established Monday. -
Scattered rains were reported
In both the winter and spring
wheat belts but no general mois
ture relief materialised in sections
where most needed. Some districts
have had no material rains the
past two weeks or more and var
ious reports . Indicated growing
concern over crop conditions, with
tanners plowing wheat fields in
some localities.
Wheat closed H-ltt cents
higher than yesterday, July 73 -.
September 7S 1 U.
i n i ii, nu
By . Recent Frost
AUMSVILLE The recent frosts
here nipped early, potato vines,
tomato " plants, pepper plants
which were 'unprotected. Fortun
ately most of the gardens were
not-far enough' advanced to cause
extensive damage.
.SCIO Gardens in this area
were' damaged to some extent
by a-freak frost on the morning
of May 1.' Potatoes -were particu
larly; affected. ,
RICKRALTy A hard frost
Sunday morning froze ice in the
blrd-Uth .at the A. - V. Oliver
home. and. nipped the grape vines
and flowers.
Fkpjacks Are In Season
An Apple a lay Keeps the Doctor Away
m iw A fei fel
Here's Mud ia TocrEjet
4.U H1
nr -f nv!iS?kKv- ur?ErK V5i
mw o
Z iiiIZ, o JlwN
Closing Quotations 1
-NEW YORK, May 4.-(rT3rToday's closing prices:
A1 rrtem A DVO ICS
Comwlth A Son , 1
Consor Edison . SIM
Allied Stores . . . T va
American Can 17 H
Amer For Power ? .IVs
Ame? Pow-A Lt
Am Rad Std San 12 hk
Amer Roll Mills 144
Am Smelt A Ref 414
Am Tel A Tel . .159 .
Amer Tob . ... 82
Amer - Wat Wks 4
Consol Oil . 74
Corn Products . 574
Curt Wright . .
Douglas Aircraft S2
Du Pont de N , .142
Elee Power & Lt 7 4
Erie RR ...... . 1
Gen Electric . . . 3 4 4
1 Gen Foods .... 424
Gen Motors . . . 44
Goodyear Tiro . 24
Great Northern . 20
Hudson Motors . 5tt
HUnois Central .114
Insp Copper ... 10 74
Inter Harvest .. 58
Inter Nickel Can 4S4
Int Paper A P Pf 31
Int Tel ft Tel
Johns Manville . 73
Kennecott . .... 32
Libbey-O-Ford . 424
Lig A Myers B 104
Loew's ....... 43
Monty Ward ... 46
Nash Kelvinator 64
Nat Biscuit .... 25T4
Anaconda .....24
Armanr 111 4
AtchUon ...... 2S
BarnsdaU ..... 14 H
Bait A Ohio ... SH
Bendlx Avia ... 22
Beth Steel .... S5
Boeing Air .... 23
Borge Warner . 24 H
Mudd Mfg .... 4
Calif Pack .... 1SH
CalUhan Z-L ..
Calumet Hec .. . 4
Canadian Pac . . 3?4
J I Case . . 75
Caterpillar Trac 444
Celanese I ..... . 18 H
Certain-Teed .. 8
Chea A Ohio .. S2
Chrvaler ! . . . . . . S74
Nat Cash
Nat Dairy
Commer Solv . . 10 H Nat Dist
Well Under Way
SCIO Woollies in this vicinity
are being rapidly'relieved of their
winter coats. Wool Is about 21
cents per pound. Shearers are receiving-
10 eenta per head. Ap
proximately 50 per cent of farm
ers in this vicinity are sheep breed
ers, with flocks averaging about
35. . ;; .
Wool is reported ot good qual
ity this season' because of the mild
winter, and light feeding require
ments. )'..
L' s
' O v-'
' H n5?B
Nat Power A Lt
Northern Pac .
Packard Motors.
J C Penney . . .
Phillips Petrol
Pressed Stl Car
Pub Service NJ .
Pullman ......
Safeway Stores .
Sears Roebuck ,
Shell Union . . .
Sou Cal Edison.
Southern Pac ..
Stand Brands . .
Stand Oil ot Cal 26
Stand Oil NJ .. 46
Studebaker! ... 6
Sup Oil .1.... 2
Tmken Roll Brg 38
Trans-America . 54
Union Carbide . 76
United Aircraft. 37
United Airlines. 10
US Rubber .
us sieei ......
Walworth .....
Western Union .
White Motors. . .
Woolworth . ...
...... 18
New, York Curb
Cities Service . .
Elec Bond ft Sh
Prod a 16
... 25
A shipment -of lambs from the
Scio area this week brought 88.25
per hundred.! Ths 'woollies aver
aged 68 pounds.
Tomatoes, Potatoes
Damaged by Frost
deners in the district who had to
mato plants transplanted into the
fields uncapped received, severe
losses - Saturday ' night1 from - the
heavy frost, - Early potatoes were
also damaged. -
In A EIuEEy"
A Home-Owned Institution
V (Childs ft MUler's Office)
; r '- v 844 State SU, Salem, Ore.
J-om saoi r Uc No. s-sioif-:
Pe Lots and t3Srsd
by SS n tailBiai Sysala- Be.