The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1939, Page 17, Image 17

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    100' Meats
Sports News
National coverage by A
sociated Press dally ta
Tbo 8tateernaa sports
Vikings Regain
Willamette to
Engage Pacific
Parade at 12t45 Precedes
Double-Header Set
Salem's Salute
Baseball, the 'lOOth-year ver
sion, will unfold .on .Sweetland at
1:30' this afternoon,' following a
parade that wnr begin at 12:45
from the. Salem armory. Willam
ette and' Pacific universities, arch
Northwest conference rivals, play
a double bill as the crux of Salem's
salute In the nation-wide centen
nial celebration.
: The parade will
'leadership of i civic
stage a 15 or 2.0-mloute sashay
through the downtown area, and
wind up at Sweetland shortly after
1 o'clock. Following traditional
ceremonies, with I Mayor WvVW.
Chadwlck- hurling, the opening
pitch; David Eccles, executive sec
retary to the governor, attempting
to hit it. and Dr. Bruce Baxter
catching., the double bill will get
under way: ' -
1 White, Anton on Mound ;
'Riv TtnhtVhftA. whizi ball right
hander, will open on the hill for j singling and Panther poling
Today we celebrate the birthday
bt America's national pastime in
Salem; The 100th birthday. All
over the country the baseball cen
tennial la being observed, and Jim
Farley is even going to bring out
a special stamp in commemoration
Of baseball's birth. My I
.; Frank O. Meake, in hla "En
cyclopedia of Sports' gives the"
lie to the popular supposition "
that a fellow named Abner
Doubleday created, the game at
Cooperstown. : X. Y., in 1839. !
Menke says that's a lot of swill,
and the proves facts are these: '
1. "Baseball was evolved from
the English game of cricket and.
In a crude way. was played in
eastern United States many years
before Doubleday was born.
2. The game was played in a
doten -perhaps a; score of clues
long before It i ever waa known in
Cooperstown and t h e r e Is no
conclusive evidence that It was
played at all f in Cooperstown so
early aa 1839.
S. "Alexander Cartwrlght, - of
New York City, not Doubleday,
drew up the 'baseball square
which now la the diamond, late in
1845 or early in 1 8 4 4, and thar
square' providing for nine-man
teams, was used tor the ' first time
In Hoboken. N. J.rJune19. 1848.
. . 4. "Cartwrlght and his assocV
savwav - ' - aajiiv irvv .aa , asaww
ball club, of New York, drafted
the first definite rules for baseball
. during the w i n t r of 1845-46.
They were need for the first game,
June, 18 6, between the Knicker
bockers and the I New York nineJ
Mcnke says the acceptance by
present-day baseball leaders of
the version of a gent named ,
: A. G. Mills In 190? has led to
the existing conf uston ; relative
to the origin and development
of '' baseball. This has come
about," i says Menkc, "because
they (present baseball. leaders)
have taken as accuracy itself a
report made in 1007 by, A. CL.
Mills, a. ; doddering old y man, -which
report ; contradicts ? itself .
and falls apart when tested by
f any acid of fact or logic. ,.
Four-Bits a Family. - -;
So, according to iucuke and
be , offers fairly conclusive evi
dence, we're celebrating somewhat
of a mythical birthday. For. like
everything else, baseball has
. evolved from something else. Cart
wrlght and Doubleday no doubt
helped the game along, toward its
present-day calibre, but' whether
their ideas were original or picked
up from kids playing in sandlots,
'tis bard to say. The latter, prob
ably. - : j ' I "
For - aU - practical purpose,
however, this year will go down
as the lOOt b birthday of base
ball. And that is as It should
be, for the best of, all games
should have a date of -birth. The
year 1839 is as good as any.
And, it' is entirely fitting that
the capital city of Oregon should
enthuslactleally join in the . een- p-lte-in- Leasue Leader
. tennial .Uhratlnn. Throtiffh tha IM,w,ua ":oOuc '
cooperation of Willamette univer
sity and city service clubs, we are
today going to have the opportun
ity. A gala parade, that begins at
the armory at 12:45, has been Or
ganised by service clubsT It will
wind up at Sweetland field shortly
after 1 o'clock. Ceremonies, tra
ditional ceremonies, will occur! at
1:27, and Willamette-and Pacific
begin a double bill duel at 1; 10.
To make it within reach of the
whole f a m i y , Willamette has
backed admission prices almost in
half. Pop, Mom and Junior can all
witness the. dotkbleheader for a
half dollar, for today's prices have
- been established as 40 cents for
gents, ladies free, and 10 cents
tor youngsters.
A. Homer , v
Is the Statesman sports
page homo sports news
comes first n all ways.
Ruiiner QmiSo
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, May 5, 1939
Sunny Jim and Johnstown
Win Columns
Corvallis Defeated 10 to 2
as SalemV Lacey Fans
11 Batsmen -
Salem's Baseball Vikings, be-
form - under I hind the 11-strikeout hurling of I
club :beada.l Bill Lacey, ' bounced back into i
the win column, witna 10 to X
drubbing - of the Corvallis Spar-1
tana on the . . Olinger diamond
here; yesterday. It was a : seven-
inning game.
. The Haukmen '. picked up six '
counters ' in the opening frame.
with First Baseman- Asplnwall I
topping three errors, two bases i
on balls an- a single by Lacey
with a lusty triple. They grabbed
a trio of tallies in the third with
Salstrom,': Asplnwall .and .Buchan-
Willamette In the first game, with
bigger Bill Anton scheduled to
unleash his almost as fast star
board offerings in the second. It
is expected that Relss. a heady
southpaw, and Len Gilman. of
a three-ply swat; and finished
up witn a run ' in the. sixth, on 1
three errors. V" ;
- One in the first on Cornelius'
double and Dehniugs f single,
and another in the second with
home Meyer, was the extent of
the - Spartan scoring.
Salem 10 8, 0
Corvallis .... .. 2 7 8
Lacey and Panther; Meyers,
cote and Brian
football fame, will oppose White I Cornelius second double driving j-
and Anton on the mound.
Rex Pierce, three-year vet, will
work at the initial bale for the
Bearcats, with Captain Lee Shlnn
at second. Freshman Dick Gentz-
kow at short, and Johnny Kolb.
who turned in five creditable in
nings on the mound against Port
land U Wednesday, at third. Both
Hal Moe. veteran, and Jimmy Ro
bertson, freshman, are expected to
see service behind the bat,-while
the outfield will be nicked from
rtnrh Knnthfirri Joe "Beer Dis-
penzlere. "Horse" Lonergan and Giants
Dwight Catherwood.
Coach Spec Keene's club has
won its last six starts, including
two' from the Monmouth Wolves,
a pair from Portland's Pilots and
a brace from Llnfield, conference
Dodgers Set Gibs
Back Third Time
Give ' ' First Loss
to Warneke; Pirates
Take Philadelphia
ereland Pitcher Wild;
Champs Are Onthit for
Second Day
CLEVELAND, May 4-(V-Bob-by
Feller's old fault, wlldness,
eaught up with him again to
day and gave ; the New York
Yankees 10 to f ten-inning vic
tory over the Cleveland Indians
although the so-called slugging
champions were outhit .11-14 for
the second straight day.
Feller did his best to help his
own cause at the plate, with a
double, a single and two walks
giving him a perfect day. He
scored tha Tribe's first run in
the fifth on his double, . Roy
Weatherly's double and Hal
Trosky's sacrifice fly.
. (10 Innings)
New York ........ 10 11 6
Cleveland ......... 6 14 2
Hadley, Donald. Murphy and
Dickey; Feller. Humphries. Drake
and Pytlak. -
' ' Bosoz Win Ltt;ii .? .
DETROIT May 4-a3)-Th e
Boston Red Sox came from be
hind to defeat the Detroit Tigers
7 to 8 today with the aid of two
homers by Ted Williams, rookie
outneiaer, which drove in fire
runs. i;
Boston ? 8 1
Detroit 8 11 2
Bagby, Gatehouse, Heving and
Peacock; Lawson, Harris, Trout
and York.
Senator Streak Snapped
CHICAGO, May 4--Wasb,
Close Track Meet Goes to
Willamette' as Davies
I llls IMusele
Wyiamette ? won a traek meet
yesterday, a 88 to 83 victory over
the Oregon College of Education
Wolves here, i but It wasn't until.
Davies, third man on the Wolves'
relay quartet, was . forced out of
the all-depending final event with
a . pulled muscle - that the meet
wound up in the.; Bearcat bag.
The running score , read 3-i
as the relay foursomes made
ready.' Wolves number one .and
number two established nearly a
20-yard r lead over j Willamette's
Larry" McKeel and Lancer Robert
son, but Ken Lilly had all . but
closed up the gap and was coming
strong when Davies pulled up. Da
vies had run in three events pre
viously, winning the 220-yard
dash and placing second in the
220-yard low sticks and in the
century for an 11-point Individual
With Lilly and Hogenson, who
placed one-two in the 440, run
ning the third and last laps of the
relay, however in all probabili
ties Willamette would have ' won
tbe event and meet'-even, though
D&vles could have ran out his lap
Willamette scored heavily in
the Javelin end broad Jump, be
sides tha. 440.1 McClyn Weakley
and McKeel swept all nine points
In both the Javelin and broad
Jump McGlyn taking firsts in
each. The. football flash also
picked up a third in the' discus to
score 11 points.
Bryant, OCE's middle-distance
and distance runner; grabbing
firsts In the mile and' two-mile
and second In the half mile, scored
13 points for high point honors
Feature race of the afternoon was
bis two-mile tussle with Wlliam
ette's Olseth, who dogged his
tracks until the far stretch of the
The final night of play at - the
Perfection alleys for the Mercan
tile league Wednesday night1 re
sulted in a tie between Willamette
Valley Transfer team and the Par-
rich Barbers. The, transfer team
won the playoff game.) , ParVish
Barbers fintsned second, - valley
Motor Co.,' third; Central ' Garage
and Portland Gas ft Coke, Uedfor
fourth place. - J 4 ' ?
Handicap 4 28 ' I . tS- 88
Arc a art , zug , l4l--a
Gribbla SOO 11 iVO
VMttenharger ..,:ia 158 -198-43
Ball 13J .17-r-i35
PowtU 178 1ST 115424
t - , 881 849 ' VO 344
wixxaxttts taxlet TKAjrarsn
AnderMD - 207. 15S 106611
Goole ,' 14T lS i L57 47S
Gma, Jr. . 144 174 17 488
Perry ; 1 48 ISO 18 -4S
T-T'"' 1 185 l&O t34
eirmi aAnAon - a: ?
final lan. Olseth breasted Errant
Bunny Jim Fitaainunons wouian r. say, in Mvanco oc tno JLentncaty I luloa nve game winning streak on the far straightaway, dropped
aeroy, inat no oeuevea donasiawa asvev w, uoukt nan i w uta on uura puce in i n behind on the last turn, and
trwar. Bat no ma aeciaro mat rfonnsiown was -a. nice con," naa i iu Ajwnwn league ootn gave then fought it out shoulder-to-done
'everything asked of him, and might turn out to be a great 1 way today before the Chicago shoulder with him In a final 80-
Padres Annex 3rd
Over Los Angeles
Drooped 3 to 2
Thomas Jinx Fails
SAN DIEGO. Calif.. May;
(JPy-S&n Diego's Padres scored
their third straight coaat league
victory" over ' Los Angeles the
Angels dropping - their sixtn
straight game 3 to X here to
night, getting the verdict oveT
big Fay .Thomas. right-hander
who usually tames the local cog
gers. ;
Los Angeles 2 2
San' Diego S 6 0
Thomas and Collins; Hebert,
Tobln and Detore.
BROOKLYN, May 4-(rP)-Bomb-
lng uig mil Lee oil tbe mound
in the third Inning, the Brooklyn
Dodgers handed the Chicago Cubs
their third straight setback, f to
2, today. .y - , :- - : ;
Tony Laxier! hit his second
homer of the season for Brook
lyn's final run in the fifth.
Rroftkiyn"' y , ,, a i Track Looks Heavy; new
MsSSi: Joekey for Teclmiclaii
Potfenberger, Mungo (1), and Porter's Mite OUt
one. Here Sunny Jim leads Johnstown oat for a Workout at his
Aqueduct home quarter, from which tbe colt was shipped to Ken
Kentucky Derby
Mudders Favored
White Sax. who took over the
third run by defeating the- Sen
ators. 4 to i.
Washington 2 t 0
Chicago .. 4 t 0
Chase, Appleton and Ferrell;
Rigney, Brown and Silvestri.
.187 ' 188
m - IIS
158 4t
11 40
1T 439
123 3M
Filler ..
Milla, jr.
Mill. r.
'S.'.- 711 770 t7 SS51
(Forfeited Uaatea)
ill 85
160 536
171 51S
188 43
202 5SS
925 870 850 2643
R. Ebner 208 125 157485
Buaeb : it 150 " 159483
Cochran, . 143 148 135426
R. O. tbner 170 188 154462
H. Scheila 164 168
168 161 S27
838 727 68 2351
Salem Court Men
Continue to Win
9th Straight Victory Is
Hong up by 6 to 0
Over Milwaukie
(Before Night Games)
I Los Angelea
Qei eo Pm i I
uuvinyiuLju. xlj may -VH I Hollywood
KPW TAPV maw imPI.
New York ' GianU battled from -Herbert Woolf, owner of Tacnnl-1 Sacramento
behind today to give Rookie Man- cian, dissatisfied with ths ridel san Diego
ny Salvo his first nitchlnc victor v 4 hla Tr-nfnpW Brhv HH. I Portland
of the season . and lean , Lonnie
Warneke of the .St. Louis Cardi
nals his first defeat, to C
St. Louis 7 2
New Tork ., , , ; ,8 ,S 0
Warneke, McGee (8, Cooper
18), and -Owen; Salvo and Dan-
! nlng.
ble in the derby trial stake Tues
day by Jockey Ira Hanford, today
signed Johnny Adams to ride
.11' rig
.14 17
.14 17
.11. lt
" W. L. ' Pet.
Technician in tho derby Snturday. New York 1 - - .727
4.m. Artanalr waa ,lti BWW ,.T W ,199
Maaerra Ctrcuita Twice
8T. LOUIS, Hay 4-(A)-Jack
Kramer, recruit hurler, won his
second game for the St. Louis
Browns i today. defeaUnr tha
Prt Philadelphia, Athletics, 1 9 to J.
i-u i aunn ana atyru
Hoag furnishing tho slugging.
Maxxara cracked out two homo
runs and a single to drive four
runs across, while Hoag contrib
uted a triple with two on tho
paths and two singles to bat In
thro runs.
Philadelphia 2 t 0
St. Louia ....,... 14 2
Ross, Reninger. Beckman.
yard sprint. Bryant took the tape
away from htm by a scant six in
ches. .
The Wolves took 26 points in
tho discus, shot and S80. Mason
Emlgh and Miller swept tho shot,
Mason and Emlght placed one-two
in the discus, and Jensen and Bry
ant ran first and second in the
120-yard low hurdles Won by
Hogenson. W; Johnson, OCE, sec
ond; McKeel, W, third. Time
:17.1. ! ,
100-yard' dash Won by Rob
ertson, W; Davies,. OCE, second;
Putnam, W, third. Time :10.5.
Mile Won by Bryant. OCE;
Olseth, W, second; Ewing, W.
third. Timo 4:60. f
440 Won by Lilly. W; Hogen
son, W, second; Coleman; OCE,
third. Time :52.8
220-yard low hurdl
Won by
Joyce and Hayes: Kramer. 8taonn I nr. r.i.. nnv
"n uicua. 1 ond ; Jahn&on. OCE. third. Tim
ridden Porter's Mite, which was J -SagtoT
witnarawn irom tno ueroy ueia i Detroit
PHILADELPHIA, May 4-flV today.
Two home runs by Jim Tobln and I Woolf previously offered
St. Louis
Ceremoaial Tites will find
-Wild Willy Chadwlck, 1 His
honor the Mayor, serving up tho
initial pitch, which wiU prob
ably be the characteristic skle
arm shove that inevitably drib
bles' the pill along tho; turf.
Brace ''Backstop'' Baxter, presi
dent of Willamette university,
will receive Chdwicks pitch
s unless David Eccles, - executive
secretary to the governor, who
has been named to take a cut
Beavers Blasted :.
OAKLAND, CallL. May 4-JP)
-Blasting three Portland pitch
ers for 12 hits. Oakland won its
first series victory tonight from
the Beavers, 10-5.
The attack was climaxed in
the fifth inning when five hits
drove Bill Radonits off the
mound, and resulted in five runs.
The blows were delivered by
Al Browne, Smead Joltey, Mike
Christoff. Marvin Gudat and
Bill Ralmondi.
Portland 6 11 4
Oakland 4...1Q 13 2
ltSt ihV"ectlT onH mount to Eddie Arcaro. who rode PaUdelw
nwua uaifiiu iv iivun ua u
gave the Pittsburgh Pirates a 8
to 4 win over the Phillies today
for their third straight triumph.
Pittsburgh 6 12 1
Philadelphia j. 4 12 1
Tobln, Bauers (5), and Berres,
R. Muller (7); Butcher, Smith
(S), Henry (5), Burkart (8), and
Davis, Millies (6).
Merrill Hagen Is
derby last year but Arcaro is un
der contract to tho Green Tree
stables and has another assign
ment Saturday at Jamaica.
Mud Track Prospect
It looks like mud for derby day.
and those snickers at Churchill
Downs today came from the sta
bles where the "dark horses"
were- munching their oats.
i W. L.
Boston - ,, , , - 4
St. Louis 8 8
Cincinnati 8 8
Brooklyn 8 8
Chicago ". ,7
PhUadelphia 8 7
New York 8 T
Pittsburgh 4 8
Oregon City Auto
Races Set Tonight
Leading Midget Pilot! of
Northwest Entered in
Season's Opening
ond; Johnson, OCE, third.
21 seconds flat.
220-yard dash Woa by Davies,
OCE; Putnam, W, second; Chap
man, W, third. Timo :22.1.
880 Won by Jensen, OCE;
Bryant, OCE, second; Grannis,
W, third. Timo 2:07.4.
Pole vault Won by Hogan.
OCE; Putnam. W, second; Chap
man, W, third. Height ll'S
High jump Won by . Hogan.
OCE; Hogenson, W, second;
Johnson, OCE, third. Height
Broafd lump Won h-f McGlyn,
W; Weakley, W, second; McKeel,
A 6 to 0 blanking of Milwau
kie high yesterday ran the Viking
tennis team'a victory string to,
nine straight in high school com
petition, made the second suc
cessive match In which it : has
blanked opponents, gave it more
wins than any other prep team
in the state, ran its aggregate
scoring to 51 wins as against but
10 losses, and further emphasized
the fact that it is the leading con
tender for the state high school
Only once this season has
Coach Wes Boeder's team been
beaten, a 7-0 shellacking handed
it by the Oregon Stat Rooks. The
Vikings play a return match with
Vancouver, the 1828 Washington,
state mnsts wnom tney aeieat
ed her 4-2, at Vancouver next
Tuesday.1' -
Yesterday's Result
Singles Bill Carroll, S, beat
Jack Flakner, M, 64. 18-16; Dick
unamoers, o, esi avej unuvu,
MJ 6-1. 6-4; Bud Moynlhan. S.
beat David DeWelt, M. 8-6, 6-2;
Bob Lafky. S, beat Robert Lents,
MJ 6-2, 8-4; Ralph Martin, 8,
beat Bruce Oatfield, M, 6-7, 6-0,
7-5. I--, v ! :
Doubles Carroll and Lafky, 8,
beat Griffith and Lenta, M, 6-1,
Meet Jinx Opponent. ", ; ;
It is their most ap-ano-coming
Jinx that the Bearcats, who have
won their last six starts, meet to
day in the highlight: feature of the
centennial : celebration.' Pacific U,
the conference club that has part
ed Willamette's hair several times
when the Methodists were moving
towards a straight pompadour. Is
the centennial adversary.
f Last fan it was the Badger,
gridders who rose up to admin
ister a O-O defeat that dropped
tbe Bearcats from a cinch cham
pioaship to a mere co-title; two
years ago it was the Badger
iMtskelbaUl . team that losocked
Mappy Howard Maple's caaab
crew i owt of the championship
and ! into a co-championship ;
and this last winter it was tho "
Badger cage team thai was tho
only conference rival to post a.
win l over the Methodist hoop
: teaaa. - ' " " ... "'..'
' However, should tbe Bearcats
keep up their current 12 hits per
gam! batting average, and White
and Anton com up. with the pitch
ing performances of which ' both
are capable, th jinx should mean
little today. . p-
,R erne m hex "FlrsUand-Last"
Yantis, th slender McLoughlla
high, of Mllton-Proewater young
ster who tossed th overtime bas
ket that gavo tk Vikings their
rirst "sudden deata" dfat in tH
1238 f sUto tourney t . . Tantls
last Saturday, lathe annual quad
rangular track meet in Pendleton,
stepped the 120-yard hirh sUeks
In 16 seconds flat to set a new
eastern Oregon record. That mark
also bsts anything we've seen, in
this neck-ot the woods thU spring
most of the high hurdl times
around th valley, bavlng been 217
flit or over. In fact, th No-Nam
record. Ued by Salem's Daryl Ma
son last Prlday, U but Jl7 r
Bobby Rowe opens th nsiSset
' auto raciagj seasom tonight at
Kelly field, Oregon City,, witb
time trUU scheduled at 7:0
and races at S:S$. t . Date of
the sixth annual all-star foot
ball cbV between the cham
pions of th National pro league
and the college aU-Amcricjra. Is
Aasust CO . . The plaeoi
Soldiers Celd, CSJcago.1
Spokane S, Belllngham 2.
Yakima 5, Wenatchee 4.
Vancouver 4, Tacoma 2.
Barrett and Campbell;
Ing; Bittner and Dapper.
San Francisco . .... 2 10 1
Sacramento . ....... 0 7 0
Shores and Sprens ;SherrIll
and Ogrodowski.
If a horse can lanrh un hla
I lalloQ Hi I Viol-a (sleeve, these few shiny-oated gal
artUAMO JLM.M. VJVTUVU w.f. th., nn Ihln,
Th - wathr hnraa nredietioa
DALLAS, May 4-WV-MeiTiIl I for 1Kb first rainv derbv sines Om-
ana iormer captain or tne uui- like Technician, Challedon andXlv. I Aornc M ntAi
rerslty of Oregon football teamJ Xalapa Clown, as - well as the I OlA. X CcUilS lulil-Ci
was appointed today athieuc di-i rightly regarded outsiders such as
rector at Dallas high schooL He I Challenre. El Chico and Heather
succeeds Dwight 'Adams, who re-1 Broom, new hope to cope with th
signed to . coach at Albany high biasing speed of William Wood
school, ward's highly-favored Johnstown.
1 1 I ); , -GoxA At 1Hz rWat ,
t ) OP MS 53 nxWDS .
.Hl - raajf Z?A-XSS I I
, ,..-5 , -'. 1...J,- - '
;af --HOcj''aai " - 4--4--aW wjsat- ''SPCJsBfBAaS -3ne nja W vis
Leading auto racers In th west
will compete in the opening mld-
aet raCAS of tha nnrthb.,
so. at Kelly field:!. Oregon City I ei,ce,MJ3i
noay nignt, sobby Rowe, top
racing promoter in th northwest,
declared Monday on his visit to
Salem. Rowe said he had lined: up
th fastest field, that has .ever
taken part In midget racing in
Oregon. Time, trials will start at
7:20 pjn., with the first race of
a 1 0-event program starting at
8:20 pjn. . -
T"1717 m 1 II )f . I wot only will new drivers make
W VI 1 rack Meet lr"c i1"
v w , nv w Biaiau a uy aia u a
cars haa been lifted. Bobbr aald.l..ii Tim. it
CiXpCCl inree ttecorus Will I ltBt iapwuw racers are
sir ssLfiST worW w111 at. Vincent s and
, ' Bert Bloomgren ' of Los :f- An
geles, winner of the midget raxing'
title in 1822, was th first out
state driver to check in. He arriv
ed in Portland Monday morning
with a brand new car which he
recently bunt. The ear is' a pow
erful streamlined model
Shotput Won by Mason, OCE;
Emlgh, OCE. second: Miller, OCE,
third. Distance 38"
Discus Won by Mason, OCE;
Emlgh, OCE, second; McGlyn, W.
third. Distance 1187
Javelin Won by McGlyn, W;
Weakley, W, second: McKeel, W,
third. Distance 163'6
Two mile Won by Bryant,
OCE; Olseth, OCE, second: Dud-
son, OCE. third. Time 11:12.2
- Relay W o n by Willamette's
team of McKeel. Robertson, Lilly
Be Broken : Saturday
at 7oodburn
WOODBURN Teams definite
ly entered in - th Willamette
Vally intanckolastie leagu
track meet to b held on tho new
high' school track her Satur
day starting it 10 s.m. ar: Mo-
lalla, Woodburn. Chemawa,.West
Hawaiian (Ihainp
, Swinimers Visit
The six-man. champion swim- j
ming team of the Hawaiian Is-.
lands stopped In Salem j over
Thursday night, on its way to tho
national swimming meet at San
Francisco.'- ' ""V P- ' ;
The young nativ Hawaiian
swimmers, accompanied by Wil
fred N. Oka, Honolulu YMCA
boys secretary, stayed at th Sa
lem YMCA. Their ocean trip had
ended at Victoria and they were
on their way south by bus. Mr.
Oka was ' a classmate of Gus
Moore, boys secretary of the Sa
lem Y. at Springfield YMCA col
lege, p :'V. .
uiia, .woodburn, ChemawaWest I -i , r 1J ri ? " -J
Linn, . Dallas and Independence. J vaTlieldo;r vlTMt
PrkmtH ITIrlnvi Pnna onwlll 'tManaM I . 7
wawaa, . Maara .. VVaW .. a. Mismwaj j
the jaeet.4, -iM
Play for Crown YSinSgl
Advance' dope indicates that
low hurdles, polo vault and Javs-
ua recorus win no smasnao. sacn t nnann nmnnr. v.vanrrs
school:" win bo llmltd to two l ,77
men in each avent. Th off idan .... aomtrm ntvUinm .
are: Starter. Howard Manle: I n.i.t ,a 1 aaa
dork, -Spee- Keen; head fln- i ZV"" ; I J'lli
lab judge, Pat Beal; eorr, Ron it-irtiiia.- t 1 1 .tit
22BmlUd,??t L0 RiclimondTTTrrrZo. 8 .800
ra sfort; Judg of jumps. Northern Divtaira -
Dwight . Adams; timers and Jndg- Grant ' ':- 0 1.800
Ir ttr"1' :yrfV9 --"w Enjiewood ..V..r.a I' 1-.667
Cloakmen Victors
St, Vincent's defeated tho For
sters 12 to 1 and Kennedy TJ1 sail
ers edged out" St. Joseph's 6 to 61
In Commercial : leagua softbali
games at Olinger field Thursday
night 1
St, Vincent'a ;-'v.V '12 g 8
Foresters u 1 8 " 6
Welsner and Meier r ; Marraies
St. Joseph's
Highland ,
ic For th second straight year It
will b Grant sad Garfield schools
in the final- of th city rade
school softball loop. It was - de
cided In yesterday's game. Gi
I and Fallen.
'Prallminariea will b ran
th morning sad finals st l .p.m. i
that, a administratrix of ' t h o defeated Highland 22 to 6, while
state of MJSRTL W. smith, de-1 OarOald boat -Richmond 11 tat-1
asd,-1 bar filed ta th t .un: I yesterday. Garfield ' woa the title
v a aaartua ., via i a year mgo wun a i 10 a victory.
gon. my nnaj account in saw Th UU gam Friday will be
sststs, sad that 27 May 1222, played st Bush school. . -
st ten . o'clock, sja., sad thai , Otkar 4 result yosterday saw
courtroom of said court -ist I Enxlewood beat Washlnrton r to
sppotstsd by said ourt ?U sad Bush down McKinley 14
in searing or orjicuons to sia i to 4.
taai seeonat.' aad th settle- Garfield ,-' : 4.
8traw, Long and Wright; Darby
and Thomas, n... .nki
-GERVAISGervals school boys
will play ML Angel thero May 5;
the alumna her May 8 and 12:
Scotts Mills there May 16. Th
Gervsis boys dropped a tight gam
to Hubbard, last week. . ; ; -
meat thereof.
. AdministrstTtx " "
ALLAN y. JONES sad i 4
Ealtun, Orroa -"' ' ' ,-y A
Attorney lor Administratrix
i I Richmond
1 t
Evans. Bag
: 8ts1nbrook and
well; Huntr,. Wmiams and Kim
Grsat JXl . 11 - 1.
i xugniana .- ' i
'I RAlttiia ' ABA nmnaa BtronrT I
. . ... . . . -
"A 1 r Uy ; 6-12-1J-2 ti Byrpa snd Lee, Hendris;
Ckiaaas lanwataa.
GESS far 8000 raars, ia
K aaaMr ants what sluaaat J9
-atev ATrUCTEIX diaarsara, a
-aaattis, baart, las. Uvr, hiimVi
tataca, saa. eaaatlpattoa, aWta.
aliaWtia, raaaiaaatlaaa, gaU aad
laAStr. fafaf-. skias, tamaat aaaa-
ita ( .... :-: -
Charlie Chra
Cbiaese Herb Co.
A. S. fan, yaars ;
raetia ' ia ' Caiaa.
OffUw aaara 0 ta
'..,. except Saa-.
iaf , aa4 Wadaaa
4t. ta 1ft a.m. -
188 W. Oaaal . ': ---Sahwa. Ota-
frt-V . ' ' ' '. : ' ' " . '
,-X-Ll. '
1 . T&::J-
- . - . s
a., a - "T
t. t ... : w . . . 9 alaaaQBV7aa
-Tgone to a . .
A tAfi tAC3 to tvr '
S5S Center ph. tig
; . f .i.'iy.-tiiv2sa' :
, G o o r g TbaaVt - Al
1 TX!aD. bis I
a Sale at C--. Used
Caw st Doca McKay
Otevrolett ' , A-.sr7. .1 '
ISZ3 Cbev.Dmal Long Track:
Raa oaly 1324 tmav
new TJOOtSO tire. This 1
tbs best bay nn
ia town .... .,, V
Tarn to Page It