The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 03, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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, Two to Bnlld Permits for new
dwellings! were Issued by the eity
tondtof ;nBpector't office jester
day to Hasel J, Courier, for si
story dwelling and garage at 1776
North toth. $4500. and to Ray
Tschauner, for a one-ttory dwell
lagand garage at 2180 UniTerslty,
11200. .Other, permits were to
Adolph Greenbaom, to " repair a
dwelling at 2141 State, $100, and
to ..B. B. Boylan, , to reroof a
dwelling at 1425 North 17th, $9S.
Deb. Boy! pnt Mathis, 17$ sTCotn:
Win ContestIn the oratorical
conteat sponsored' recently at the
Japanese;' community church -by
the Japanese , aenlof league, first
prize was awarded to Maye -Oye,
whose theme was "Why the Gen
eration of Today is Losing Hold
ft the Church." Ed Ko Yada wai
second. on "What. la War?" and
Betty Takayama third on ."Alco
hol in the Community."- Judges
were MrJ and Mrs. Paul Ellis and
Martha tfane Hottel. ;
For lowest rates on farm fire in
surance, see Win. Bliven, $27-328
Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7906.
Lobby Program Set '- Friday
night's TMCA lobby pr6gram will
feature an address by Dr. W. W
Baum, ; who wil lspeak of his ex
periences In India while r on
world tour. Dr. Baum will show
colored: slide pictures, and Dr. La
bel A.&teeres will show pictures
he took while in Guatemala, this
spring.; ,
.. ., jf ). . , : .).
Ornamental nursery stock
Infers Nursery. S. 12th Stcutoff.
To Attend Meeting The Salem
Toastmasters' club of 30 members
will attend the Oregon Pacific
Highway association's meeting
and banquet here Friday night at
the Marion hotel, it was 'decided
at last night's, session of the club
wire to this effect was sent to
the association at Eugene.
0LS0H, Florist
i Court & High . Ph. 7166
Do jYou Hear but Do
Not ' Understand I
1 Conversation?
,i If So See or" Call :
H 250 High - Phone 6900
The modern trend Is mora
and ' more ' to indoor vault
burial or cremation,- "the
9 two" better ways.'. " .',."
VI ! y tnrjuwnci
II 7 r- Jf
Se (,)
Rack 200 Kienzo
- 2 rV 21r5
tsm MUt7, mm. tMCb, SmWw..
tiwUwt i iimii craaat. Vm
to ftaca M "haafcici," ' i -' - .
Req. 504 size Gardenia
Face Creams
Ma cnaaM at anaa pricaa. ONtt
CliMilm Criil. GaM Cilia, n
TiwM Oraas. .
Ml 31 Solution
50t iii size Kirttest
- i - . , a
Bay Rum
1 HrArrjv--.
Rubbing Alcohol
m ni"'a
faatfal tea f a rak aWa
Ml aajt aaaSty Afcalnl,' B
VaMaMjaear. Hn a
C3i pack ZO Ptnttttt
i!u:uT uva oa
tfl A Tklt
!. ; "it A -t: -2
, - V-. f1 X TUt SIMM
flMh Bs)MIMH flf flflft WH mp 4Msa4s4 sa4 Vy 4VMMW
Tm m m m f I I mr
t - -
5? 'Coming Ereata
? May 4 Kansas dab of Balena
dance, Cherry City Baking com
pany's hall, 8:80 p.
May 7 Champoeg 96th annl
Ternary obeenrance at park.
May 7 to 14-Natloiud JJn
sic Week 1 celebratloa.
May 10' BtatoKaighta ofOo- '
lninbae conTentlon, Bit. AngeL '
May 18-20 State conference
of social service worker at the
chamber of commerce,' '
May 19-20 S a Lean "district
Epwortji letiae1 contentioa,
Leslie Methodist' cherch. .
-'.' May 25-27 Cbemawa IndlaB
Vcwrly Goes EUMW-Hana ;'Cur
r": Hot stetter. . nroorietor o Car.
It's dairy, left yesterday for the
midwest to obtain s new automo
bile and a truck for company use.
Mrs Hof stetter, who has been Yis-
Itlng relatires in the east for the
past three weeks, will, pilot the
new automobile home and he will
drire the truck. They expect to re
turn Tla San Francisco, arriving in
Salem in a month. -
Will pay Sc for copies of Sunday,
April 23, Oregon Statesman.
Oyster Trade Under Ode The
business of smoking or otherwise
preserving and selling oysters is
subject to the licensing provisions
of the : commercial, fisheries code
regardless of the manner In which
such oysters are acquired. Attor
ney General Van .Winkle held
Tuesday. The opinion was request
ed hy M. T. Hoy, master fish war
den, j -
. Arnold i !
Mr. Barbara Arnold, at the res
idence. 1230 North 21st street.
Monday. May 1, at the age of $
years. SurriTed hy widower, Jesse
H. Arnold; two daughters. Misses
Ruth and estner c Arnold; son,
Llovd Arnold of Salem and Dora
Arnold : of San Diego; brother,
Wesley McFarland ot coin z.
Wash fonr sisters. .Mrs.' Lulu
MeCormlck of San Diego. Mrs.
Lucy Greer of Melrose, Idaho, and
Mr. . Lottie Skeen of Los Ange
les, Calif.; also three grandchild
ren. Services rrom uiougn-isarnca
chapel Thursday, May 4, at 3:30
p. m.., Ref. H. C. Stoyer. Inter
ment Belcrest Memorial park.
Coppock -
Edward G. Coppock pissed away
at Hawthorne, Calif., Thursday,
April 27, at the age of 0 years.
Survived by wife. AldoraXoppok,
of ' Hawthorne ; : daughters, Mrs,
Mabel Fuller of Hawthorne 'and
Mrs. Madge . Thompson of Hepp-
ner," Ore., and one granddaugh
ter, Shirley Anno Fuller of Haw
thorne. V Calif., and sister, . Mrs.
Frank Warton of Santa Ana, Calif.
-MneUhanpt To Mr. and Mrs.
Donald J. Muellhaupt. 183 Fer
ry, 8 a son, " Donald Wiley,' born
April 21 at . the Salem . General
hospital. ' ' - "
,W.rfe g,W
n - - .i. - 1
tow can sur this ruu-soio rACToeT-nusH MuacHANom roa v an mat
504 size Kienzo CocoanutOil
St,ipin with Ibis mmil l
4 km toft. iMchr luir Ikal i
aantioa. It to kto4 1 th bur. dwM
WMsv ssS"aSjsNsr aW oois) sms)sB) aA MS.
Eaaa mm rtftakla kal atar Wtk haaay
Ha af Snt aaaKty raWar Oal
aMaf karaaaata. TM-Si
Taba aavaataaa at ttia tat, arka.
- NoawiaiAN
Cod Liver Oil
J IV t r
M mmm af a Titaariaa A m
mnimm C UT Oa. -
25psck 25 ,
-- fhistajd -
. - . - . a
ImM mm ai SMM tnlafW
aT ain. ia yaar car. aa4
m i f i ap Thaj'n
tj ta a
aajM mm tjmuu
SSc 4p sss9ftsM
OtaaaalfeeHb t
MmUmi JkTUk V
- ' - "
mmJ mmmm - g
nam.-;. 001
B ni2s&t tu&ts te&IU.; ter
mii sieeti
mm eat
v; r. t
JaremOa VoftrU ' Friday T h
children's play Tom Thamb
Wedding" and a number of Juren
ile vaudeville acts will ha sreeent-
d at the F alem Labor temple
Friday night at S o'clock under
the ausplcea of . the ;Unlon Label
leagues it was announced early
this week. The program-Is open to
the publle and admission charges
will be nominal. . The entertain
ment Which' will lnyolye more
than 80 children from agea 8 to 8,
la being directed by Mrs. Ramona
B. French, who. has been working
with the group for teTeral weeks,
Final rehearsals are being held In
the Labor temple. , ;. . ;
Ph. $478 Willamette VaL Roof Co.
Who Haa Goards? A Vancou
ver, Wash., woman has written the
chamber of commerce here asking
for the name of a Marlon county
woman who raises a choice variety
of gourds. The chamber is stumped
and passes the query on in the
hope some local resident will know
the answer. The chamber phone
number Is $738. -
Pleated Alpaca skirts $$.15, Al
paca blouses $2.88. - Fashlonette.
ette. u .
Recnperating in Salem. Ro
bert Dickie who was injured, two
weeks ago while working at the
Buck Logging camp at - Monroe,
was taken to his home In Salem
Sunday where he will convalesce.
He broke - several " bones In his
back and is now in a cast. For ten
days he was at Dr. Anderson's hos
pital . in Corvallis. . v "
Clnb 4 Tonight A' Dutch auc
tion will be the highlight for the
meeting of Townsend club No. 4
tonight at $ o'clock in the High
land school building. The public
is welcome.
Funeral services will be held from
the Clough-Barrick chapel Thurs
day, May 4, at 1:30 p. m. Rev,
David Hardy will officiate. Inter
ment; City 'View -cemetery. ;f
. . Miuer '
Oren James Miller, late resident
of route six, passed away May 2
at the age of Kl years 8 months
and 20 days. SurriTed by three
brothers, Sherman and Marlon
Miller of Salem and Richard Mill
er of Portland; sisters, Mrs. Edna
Ladonta of Grand Ronde and Mrs.
Ida Blunk of Nampa, Idaho. Fu
neral announcements later by
Walker & Howell funeral home,
Mrs. Lillian M. Pettit, at the
family residence, 804 North 14th
street, May 2, at the age, of ! 68,
years. : Survived , by husband, - W,
H. Pettit; three, daughters, Mrs
Ruth Elllff, Miss Georgia Pettit
and Miss ; Leah Pettit; two sons,
Ellsworth E. and Earl W. Pettit,
all of Salem., A son, Arthur, is de
ceased. Announcements later by
the Walker . St Howell Funeral
home. ' . ': - . -
- : Turner .
Richard LeRoy -Turner, May 2
at the age of 21 years. SurriTed
by father, Orville Lewis Turner in
Eugene, t Announcements later by
the 'Walker. & Howell Funeral
home." -
v&a&& Site
Iw Uttrt tt Vm m iria
S Mi fruM f rick MlM tnm
tU acBfoftf caMi.Marucn,
elf tthf 4 . .
e "
- ira
) iff.
' a wa-
yTTT Mal'vr -?? r jpaa
t -a. 1
Spec. 200 to $7.12 Better
hats M price. The Fasalonette.
Beeeipta : Fader Receipts tor
the Salem postof flee la April to
taled $28.28.$S, which la under
April a year ago. ' However a year
ago election material was coming
through In rest quantities, and
this past month no such extra pos
tal business was at hand, the post
master, H. R. Crawford, says.
Sell late model a ted Hoover. 8787
Haaltag Permit W. B. Barton
has been granted a permit to haul
logs - across the ; Korth Santiam
highway at the . Idanha Lumber
company mill and also at the load
ing spur near Boulder Creek, re
cording to ' order " entered by ; the
county court, ? -' L
Luu Florist. -1 21 8 N. lib. 8 $9 L
KarsetsI Meet The X Nurses
council of the Deaconess hospital
held" its regular monthly meeting
Monday night In the lecture room
of the hospital with 24 present
Miss Frances Wei ton, vice-president;
presided and Mrs. ' Frances
Mapes read a paper on "Angina
Graduation dresses $$.98 to
$18.15. The Fashionette. -
Incorporate Articles of incor
poration tor the Oregon Motorist
Publishing, company were filed
with the county clerk yesterday
by E. Woods, V. Reed and E. Lee,
with the business office In Salem
and capital stock $2800 or 2$
shares at $100 each.
New colored taffeta slips ft Gay
Nineties slips $1.98. Fashionette.
Traffic Violation W. A. Mc-
Crelght, Portland, was booked by
city police here yesterday on a
charge of operating a motor ve
hicle with four in the driver's
Reroof -repaint Mathis 178 S. CmL
Hood River PUD
Election June 19
A special election on' the ques
tion of creating the proposed
Hood River peoples utility district
has been called for June 19. the
state hydroelectric . commission
announced Tuesday.
The district would comprise
virtually all of the settled portion
of the Hood River valley, or ap
proximately 104 square miles. The
assessed raluatlon of the proposed
district Is $8,899,6D0 with a pop
ulation Of 9800.
Hearing on the Scappoose peo
ples utility district was held April
28, and the final report of. the hy
droelectric commission Is now be
ing prepared. '
Charles Goodwin
Quits ;State Post
Charles A. Goodwin, for' 11
years an employe of the stats cor
poration department here,' Tues
day submitted his resignation to
Commissioner James Haxlett His
resignation will become operative
Jane 1. ', -
Goodwin has served as auditor
for the department during the
greater part of the 11 years.
SO Quality Cascade)
o i
I A milmri itk Sm raal aaaBty mm anal mm tm
Ir, i f yaanaiiiajiaiiail. Wabaali-SSaatilaautattlc
.-iivwbi es v.- m. 'vmr.
mt l a pt
mm t m mm a--j
Tulip Larceny
: F
Is Lonfessed
Cases ' Continued Pending
Restitutions ' Custer -:
Sent to Jail
- . . . i - r. 1 -
Lewellyn Emmons and Robert
Hines, arrested last week for lar
ceny of tulips add tulip blooms
from E. P. PicKell, pleaded, guilty
before, Judge L.1 H. McMahan tn
circuit court' department one yes-'
terdayi and thef court continued
the case for rettltutlon." " " -
Three other men recently v ar
rested admitted "guilt and Judge
McMahan disposed of their ' cases
as follows: v :'A-:-K:'i:-- r.-y?n.:
Robert Coonred, charged with
larceny of a car from Vance Cook,
case continued r lor three' months
on condition defendant' make res
titution; with defendant to report
to the court September 17 j : "
Ray. Custer, morals charge in
volving a V minor, sentenced : to
county jail for 30 days and given
credit for time serred, which is. a
few days short of the sentence.0
Harry Canning, uttering a
forged check for $3.50. case dis
missed. : ; .-
In Judge Lewelling's depart
ment, in addition to the usual mo
tion day, grist of business, three
divorce ; complaints were granted,
with all decrees to plaintiffs: Car
ol Creemen vs. Melvln Cremen; N.
W. Chenowith rs. Elsie Chenowith
and . Barbara Boedighelmer vs.
Henry Boedigheimer. ;. In the lat
ter case, plaintiff's name of Bar
bara Gehlen Is restored.
In the Creemen case, answer
and : cross eompaint were with
drawn and the case .went uncon
tested after stipulation was agreed
to that no money judgment would
be entered against defendant
Another grist of foreclosure de
crees in suits brought by the city
of Salem; in connection with as
sessment liens was handed down
by Judge Le welling. Defendants,
the amounts of liens iae and In
terest accrued, are: . ,i
Natalie Klabunde, three Hens of
$118.93, each tarrying $393.38 In
terest; J. W. Slocum and wife, two
liens totaling $131.88 and inter
est, $205.99; Laura B. and T. H.
Clark, fire liens totaling $613.91
and $1005.18 interest; P. A. Eiker
at al, $117.84 and 8173.11 inter
estr Nathaniel Murphy and Dora
Colwell, three Hens pt $170.20,
each carrying $26$.$1 Interest;
George B. Simpson and wife, four
r a
teif i
.- -:
ft.. m
ttil N" ". T ' . -1
liens, $174.93. and $591.32 Inter
est Hattle and DeWitt C. Corey,
two liens, $142.88 irtth $312.94
Interest; R. A. Bterens and wife,
$211.09 with $404.90 Interest
CSreoit Cotxrt -Pearl
'Skoglund .1 and . William
Skoglund ra. Ert Over; complaint
for partition of real property - by.
sale. h-'wH'riv' 'j :
City of Salem ra." J a e o b B.
Herbst et ux and Marlon county;
order, to sheriff to execute deed
conveying property to Lottie M.
and Fred 0. Hale.,: :
Federal Farm " Mortgage Corp.
vs. B, O. Boedigheimer et al; de
cree for plaintiff for foreclosure of
mortgage, with $2238.78 due. I -
Federal Farm Mortgage Corp.
re Albert T. Savage, Jr., as, execu
tor A. T, Savage estate, et si; fore
closure decree with $5781.84 due
on' mortgage. . ' ;.: .
State ex rel Nellie Mayo vs. Al
fred E. Mayo; counter affidavit of
Mayo and reply of Nellie Mayo In
connection - with . her more to . ob
tain alimony as of decree of No
vember, 1937. She asserts he gets
$78 a month at the Salem Art Cen
ter and that she has had no money
from him; he claims he' is unable
to make payments from his salary.
J. C. Emmons rs. Archie L.
Bones and Mrs. Wealth ia Bones;
order overruling demurrer. , . K
H. A. Roeske and Bertha Roeske
rs. Heltsel Estate, Inc., An tone
Hoel and others; cause dismussed
as to Heltsel estate.
Mabel Triplett rs. Paut Trip-
pett; order of default of defendant-
J. Paul Plnaon rs. Ray W. Mc-
Intire; order for sale of "Dinty
Moore's" business house here,
with appointment of Warren Rich
ardson receiver pending sale.
probate Court
Ida M. Keene estate eighth an
nual accounting of Arthur A.
Keene, executor, showing $1487.21
cash received, $805.55 expended.
Boyd Eldon Brown and Wallace
Millard Brown guardianship; fin
al account of Blanche M. Brown as
guardian of Boyd Brown, now 21;
first annual aeooantlng for ward
Wallace Brown, showing $80.88
on hand. ...
John J. Prints estate; . hearing
on final account extended to June
1 with executrix, Pearl D. Skog
lung of Portland, to make supple
mental final account.
Anna Butte, Incompetent; order
setting June 17, 10 a.m., as time
fori showing en petition of guar
dian, Christopher Butte, to -sell
real" property.
: Bent Tingelstad estate; proba
ble ralue $1500 Including $4500
.personal property. Petition ask-
mm mm m i
C3tt8 RkkfieM kas Invested ituSom
f dollars for actional fcnprevements In Its '
Ofctrtflf satd refinery W now one efftke
CMilfaseSM planfi fa the world; end c x;
,3ma tea new yeeoloe formuUt were
it Hi tlos)9 with A popular1"
eowpeHtive Wands ever a period of (5 daysT '
YP el rfWi t2 f !
oiiM m
CTewi ;l1alliaes;-:
were made by recegntzed
afomof lyo esglneers who of aon '
lme knew, the mate or origta of c
tt br ndj of g isollnt tt thoiy
trere pecaed Identic sBy "end ldentL;j vv
' fit4 by aamber only; end V-
iwora"ad afV "A
that feci gasoaao
tWnerKed .
T 7V1 r -5 7T r. i H 1 T" T
'"l- ? . t , , ' ''v'-.--'.
Talks Tonight
Commissioner Edward J. Parker,
national secretary of the Salva
tion Army, who speaks tonight
at 7:45 o'clock at the army cita
del here, 241, State street.
ing appointment of Martin T. Tin
gelstad of Salem as administrator
as executor named in the will lives
out of Oregon. ' :
Alice M. Lewis, insane; ap
pointment " of Patricia! Johnson,
Joseph B. Felton and O. E. Ray as
appraisers. T
William Petxel estate; decree
approving final account and dis
tribution of $101.81 to each of
four heirs and $88.81 to another.
Justice Court
George Holland, non-support;
case continued for 90 days on de
fendant's motion following hear
ing. Released on own recogni
sance. - .
John C. Rhoades, Charles A.
Collins and Harley W. Collins,
trial of Collinses on larceny of gas
charges; found guilty and all three
sentenced to 30 days in jail.
Municipal Court '
Lester R. Jones, violation of the
basic speed rule; fined $2.50.
Mt. Lassen Fumes, Report
REDDING, Calif., May lHft
Residents Monday reported seeing
clouds of steam and smoke aria.
Ing from the main cone of Mount'
Lassen, mainland unitea states
only active rolcano, yesterday.
MHfMfNIMHWnmwHHiMMtmmnHwiHi .M u .....
No. eiceftetj In every qeefify ever el ether
15 terr rynes. ' -
Peltfinobn tiNe:tTeidtefce t
: one of the ten new fonnuU i to be hence- v
' fertk the formula for a new Richfield HAkV
f" lOef0"
l. Tfcer. KchfieWi "Aa-Time fcOetMt" k
the finest won-prewAim easeCne'ever sold in ; -
2. Thet b en lirose faseane! ejMntj ,
th bttt perforinane fa vtry car end frwck
.-w .jWerXll M, hway ad city
Oa That ft wS otifferform any ether
brand of rton-premum eesetne. :
Cterefere if now HAllTuno HU
Octene Is net ta your opinion tW.
finest (noBpremIum) gstotine you
vor ate J, Richfield wltl give you
doable year money
Famous Lector
Describes Indies
T4? A
National i Salvation rArmy
Speaker an, r
. .Commissioner. Edward J. . Par '
ker, national secretary of the Sal-'
ration Army will delirer his fa-;
moul lecture, M Jamaica Journeys" '
tonight at 7:45 o'clock at the lo- :
cat army citadel, 241 State street". '
The . ' commissioner ; is stopping '
here on his lecture Itinerary
which covers Spokane, Seattle,
Portland, and other major cities
of the western territory.
: This outstanding Salvationist
represented General Evangeline
Booth at the golden Jubilee con-
gress in the West Indies territory.
a little orer a year s$o and while .
there personally took motion and '
still pictures of this paradise of
the Caribbean 'sea. - ,
- Lecture, Pictures, Tell Story
His lecture of two hours, with
lantern - slides - and motion pic
tures all la colors. Is" noted for Its
beauty, polgnance, humor and
novelty, which coupled with good
photography, gires not only a gra
phic high picture of beautiful Ja- '
malca, but a stirring insight into
the Salvation Army's activities in
the West Indies.
While there, the commissioner
addressed a multitude in the
grandstand at the Jamaica race
eourse; spoke to the prisoners at
the general penitentiary; address
ed a packed throng at the Ward
theatre and with Governor Den
ham, planted a tree at the blind
institute, where the blind students -sang
merrily, and afterwards pa- -tbeUcaily
touched the trees.
Sidney School Is
Envy of County,
Vacation Begins
Sidney, . school,! near Jefferson, ;
led the procession of Marion coun-1
ty schools to hold eighth grade
graduation exercises and start the
summer, vacation. That school,1 ia -session
8 months of the year, is
now out The two eighth graders -are
Shirley Lea Gilmour and Ray '
HoppervThe teacher is Mary Ellen
South. i- :
1 4. Joint exerdses for Sunnyside .
and Illlbee schools are slated for -.this
Friday at Sunnyside school,
the county superintendent's office
has - been , advised.
Traffic . ;
i .
': i