PAGE NINE - For Swift. Dep&Ssilble "liUlt oTfta" CtosMfied P ,'wJI - The OIIZGON STATE5ZIAN, Sakcf, Orezca, Tuesday Horning, Hay 2, 1933 Ml j i. Statesman . Classified Ads . - Call 9101 . CUunUflrd AdvrrtHng, Single Insertion per line . 10c Three Insertions per line i0r Six Insertions per line ...... 30e One month per line $1 0t Minimum charge 8e ' Copy for thla m(r arretted nnt't 6:30 the evening before publica tion for rtaaatflratlnn Copv re ceived after thin Mm will be run under the heading. "Too Late to Classify - y;r. , j ' : 1 ' j The Statesman saanme no flnan rial responslhllNv for error which mar appear In ndvertlsetnente nh 1 1 shed In Ita column, an l rase where thla paper la At f1r will re print that part of an atveHmenf la which the typographical mlstase crura, v-" ; .The Statesman reaerrea the right te relect questionable- ndvertteltig It - further ; reserve the right to nlM , mil' aVvrtfaf n itnAr th proper elasaiflcation. -A "Blind" Ad an art rontalnlna Statesman box number for an ad dress la for the prrtertlon "f the advertiser and must thefore he anawered by letter. The State-roar. la not at. Hhertv to olvtilee Informs tlon aa to the Identltr of an adver tlaer using a "Blind" ad Livestock DBAD AND wnrthleaa horaea row picked p free. Ph. rolled S4I1 Salem MontaxMnerr Rend. Wka. i . . MUST SACRIFICE two freah youns hirh-teat Jersey row. Good mtlkara Very aentle. First hnuee weat of 9 on county road. H mile So. of tlllhee. 1 miles So. Salem. U P. SSehenthaler. I MILK GOATS. One fresh, other due May f. Ph. S42S. Anrt'nns ' - : AUCTION f -? ' --t-. I Selllna my houaehold ftirnlahlnirs Pf three-story home.' Tuea.. May 1. at Its I N. lth St, comer of Court 8t. at ' 1 p. m. Salem. 7-foot refrhrerator. foot Frlaldalre. 3 breakfast seta, stu dio coach like new, radio like new. f ' bedroom suites, Intersprlns; mat. tresses, beds, coll sprlnKs, 3 daren ports, car. radio. Singer sewing ma i ; chine, rug's, lam pa, rorkera. heautlfnl bookcase; chairs, electric washer, elee. trie sweeper, linoleum, beautiful lad bronse statue, antique, 3 rook stoves , dreaaers, fruit Jara, radio, kitchen utensils, lawn mower, garden tools - manKjnlscenaneous article. Antiques ; Sals rain or shine, aa thla home will . J ' accommodate a lot of neonle. ! eW( THEO M. BARR, Owner a! - WILL N. , TEETER. , Auctioneer 34S Marlon Street 8ajera CAPONS ! EXPERT work. A. R. Johnson. TeL (504. 159 Court. ATJCTTOW - AUOTTOV - AUCTION THURSDAT NIGHT. 7:30. at the F. . N. Woodry Anrflon and Furniture Mart : Piano, radio, rugs, llnoteum bedroom suites, dav. It chairs, eler. 7 fr," refrigerator, table, chairs, c'orks pictures and miscellaneous artMes. Terms eash. F. N. Glenn Woodrv. auctioneers. Ph. 8-1-1-0. Tea. we pay cash or trade for used furniture. AUCTION BALK f lovely l'mnprte-1 wall tanestiies, A sneada. table rov ers. T:S8 sharp Thursday night, at the F. 5 N, Woodry Auction , A Furniture Help Wanted I 3t WEEKLY.". Grow f mnahrooms Cellar, shed. We buv SOe lb World target companv. FREE BOOK Mnah . rooms, 30 1 S-3nd.' Seattle. Wash. v o P.l Welot Mle WANTED, MIDDLE aged single man as Janitor. Room, board, a no small wage. Give an nartlcalars In first letter. Box 423. Statesman. , He!n WantetV Female HSEKPR. 1343 N. CapItoL Tel. 0173. HSEWK.. GOOD wages. Personal recommendations required. Ph. CI4S. WANT EXP. girl for housework. COS Shipping. Salf'ntnra. Wanted. MAN WANTED. Position to be . filled, will bs permanent : earnings whlla training around 12 a wee -. neat appearance : car 'necessary. See i Mr. Hodgson, Senator hotel, Wednes- , da-f .Md Thnrsday. -; .5-UJ Situations Wanted WANT CARE of children by bout day or, month.. ISO Broadway. - DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Adstlt Tel !. 117 Marlon, Tour work sollcltsd. HOUR WK.U70 Hoyt Fb. 334L .WANT TO help a carpenter. 3 to per hour. 023 8. High. Ph. 3310. WANTED. MANAGEMENT of apt bid. Aivia Finn. 337 MyrUe Are. PAINT, PAPER, kalso. Raas. 8733. For. Sale-TtT't-ieenaneoni . REBUILT AND guaranteed wssh- ers. All make from $10 up. Spse. May tag. 838 Hogg Bros. annnni uachtnes. tmewrtters caah regtatera, era lea, sales, rentals, re pairs. Roes Typewriter six. mr Bikes A Rep. Ramsden. 143 & lib. RIVER . SILT. topdlrV Ph T831. RIVER SILT and top dirt. Ph. f 6. BCDDINO PLANTS, a sic selec tion now ready for nUnttng. Jay Mor ris, florist, phone mi. i 3sMSJS3fedSlSjiS-SJSTS HOUSE TRAmTRS. efkb er termn, gee King; II N. Front j v TJu"Lnji..T-n-n.n.-.r.-Lr.r.-r DRUM SET A xylophone. Ph.. 7400 , ADVERTISINQ ' Westers Advertlslas Represeatatlres : ' .M.hRiTI fn Ltd. , tan Francisco, - Los Angels Seattle r Bcasteia Aattnums , v, RepisentstlvM .7 Brrant Grifftth A Branson, Ina .; Chlcato. Now Torsv Detroit. ; - - ' it. earrm 'mt iiTw tHMi riau Matter. ps- ZllS'er .maratas scesN Mends. Bssmsse tmm MM Vm " urn- bttrsCRIpTION RATES: Man Subecrl pt lonRt 1 ATJ? nnnui t -Dally and - 8 : day ;;:wvy m. n : no, tno r rear - Elarwhere 10 cents pw i. r aa . i vaar . in advance r r:i csmer: - ... ... $7.20 a yssr to and Adjacent eounUsa. ks Marion For Sale -Miscellaneous $42.66 PELCTRUM GIBSON guitar and case for lea bow. 111 Franklin St.. W. Salem. :.. '38 RCA-Vktor radio, short ware. Hardly used. $46 buy for $20. 636 N. High, r , . CEILING, DOORS, 2x48, bricks. soU pipe. 3333 &. High. COM. SET carpenter tools. Ptu S8S2. NEW L. A H. ELECTRIC range, $49.60. - Good .Housekeeping Joe, 463 Court Street . - . . - -cvvwv-n-vui jxtxaajuxj" " PIANO. VERT rood condition. 350 Mrs. Jos. Schaecher, ML Ansel. Ore. APRONS FOR Mother's day at the At-HUM BHor, f,J K. HiCh. , LARGE TOMATO plant a. dos. for jeoc. raw alike, kl o. Box 249. 8PE. BED. pUnU thla wk, 10c do. White's Greenhouse, 166 N. Summer KELVTN ATOR R E F RIO ERATO R. slightly used run and looks like new. Good Housekeeping, 4S3 Court. Wanted Furniture WANTKD. USED furn: Ph. 7445. Wanted Misrel laneous WANTED COLORED fryers an-l market poultry. Ph. I33P2. Lee's Hat chery. CHILD'S GEN. saddle pony. 30F4. Miscellanrous BRING TOUR frienda and dine at the VVaron Wheel cafe. Now open for your entertaining: dar and hit. miles south River- road. Make reservations. Call 7SFS. DANCE SPONSORED BY the Kansas club ot Salem, at the Cherry City Baking Co., Market A Broadway, Thura. night. May 4, at S:3 o'clock. Music by Curt Ferguson and. hia orchestrs. Everybody Invited. For Rent Room SI.KKH KM close in Ph 44v RMS FOR ladles, N. Cottage Ph. S7t. , FINE SLEEP, no. 3I N. Church. CLEAN. FURN. hskpg. R. S3.B0 wk. up. Else, washer. 710 N. Commer cial SLEEP. RM. Prtv. ent Ph. 5977 HOUSEKEEPING RM& 260 Center. CLEAN. AIRY rms. 734 N. CotUge. LGE. RM. overlook, creek. Ph. 9539. SLEEPING RMS. 635 Chemeketa. Room and Board NICK RMS with nd. $26 me 481 Winter Phone 5567 HOME COOKING. 191 a Church. BD.. RM, $25 mo. 1095 Garnet' APPRECIATE GOOD - meals? - Nlse hornet ' See Ma Bowsn. OAS N. LISertt SHOWER. NEW mod. home, hot A cold water In room. Exc. food. Board optional. 050 Marlon. ' BD. RM, GAR.. $25.00 mo. 1040 N. 7th. RM. A BD, $6 week. 1149 Union. RM. A BD, $20. Ph.. 8S40. BEST RM, bd.. $20 A $35. Close stats bouse. 1227 Court Ph. 6494. BOARD, ROOM. 1434 Ferry. 5815. For Rent AoartmenU 8 R. FURN. apt. close m. TeL 7748. slsBWsntsAshsasew S RM. FURN. apt, 1209 Court " '; Gose In ' 1 '"'r PINS' MOD. apartment TeL 1490 FURN. 3 RM. apt, 3361'Hasal Ave Ph. 7664. PATTON APT8L 323 State. Furn Imbed. Adults only. Phone 0344. 1 RM NRWLT furn Fleat water refrlg, -9t adults 891 N Cottage St 3 NICK RMS-,' 813.60. tS36 Center. 1 AND 8-RM furn apt, 648 Ferry I TO 4 RM. apta. furn er unforn, 8 and up. I no. tsie South 1 1th. NsrwtT . nnoOR ATED 3 rm. over- stuffed furn. Murphy, bed. 706 N. Hign EM. FURN. apt, 360 & Cottage. El fisher ants. Modernised. newly decorated and roomy. Tnu'U he delighted, oak mod 8. commemai. t-2-3 R 030 N. LIBERTY - Ph. S78S FURN. APT. 440 N. 18th. Tme unsT homelike "In Salem- Hawthorne Court 1000 N. CapttoL rfimw rrrsM: Riet. water, tights. priv. bath. Easy wsan. oar. t RM. MOa furn, 776 N. Com. Adta V0S093109 4, RMS, The Dereranx, 1488 State esieasejeAe"aneii 3 R. FURN. APT, clean, eomfort- able, gar, $15 nto. 674 N. cmrrca. FURN. APT. $6. 833 Water St LGE. FUHN. trailer has. 360 8. Co. n rii'i n i i -i.n-irniiii- rrni-ir,- - -i- - NICE S-KM. furn. apt, recondV Hnwed bet A cold water, gar- wash. mach, garden, $10; 3690 Lee. FRN. 3 RM.apt,tAw. lOODIvialon. MODERN FURNISHED 3-roora.cot- tags, Edgswater Court) ele&, ret gav rage, $3. pnene ssis. - - FURN.IAPTS, 356 Divtaion. JTNB FURNISHED S rm, apt. ttlee. refrt lanndnr. garage, b. W. haat lovalv -gssdsae. 830. Pbooe 8413. t RM basement : ant Nicely fori. private DStn. ins usg m. TORN. APTS. Adulta. Maytag. $6.60 mo. and vp, Garage, S3 w. tapnoi. FURN. t'BEDRM. apt Downstair. Varr does to. -Water. 659 IC Front NICE S-RM. apt 1680 Center. NEW. 4 RM. furn. apt, yard. Very In. Iaq. es N. Jlign. DOWNTOWN FURN. apt TeL 0367 CHEERFUL 1 ROOlf furn. apt, lights. water. Maytag, abower.. Jl. 1620 Ferry. - :.. 1 I ' t S RM. FURN. apta, flS-flT-f $0. Close in. MS aianoa.-,. - . - S R. APTS, ADULTS. 3188 Stat. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED one- room and kitchenette ntAf stats Jiouse $18.00. Can evenings er Sundays. Win nl Pettyjohn. . , i t RM. FURN. ant, Ughts. water, ft wkv 1390 Oak, .Ptw M7. FURN. APT, 881 N. Church. UTjnriririri-r r n rri ri " - 8 ROOM FURNISHED apL.Refria' ration, private batn, 630 center a. ; Money to Loan We Lend You (VIoney ' ' '- -V--7;:-,"",-. . - - J . - -. WfTH REPATMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO ITT TOUR INCOME " No Endonera No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND' LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADX . - -. . . i.. , ' : 5. ' 1 - ,,: General Finance Corp." 126 So Commercial St First Door South ot Ladd A Bush Bank For Rent Houses FURN. BUNGALOW."- Oak Villa Court Adulta. No dogs. Inq. 998 Mtl 8-ROOM STRICTLY modern home Capitol St. Inquire 1390 Fir. : i COVENTRT COURT bungalow, va cancy. Ph. 3283 or call 1303 S. Com'l MOD. 5 RM. turn, or partly furn. nicely decorated. 050 Union. 8 RMS. FURN. Ph. 7448. . COMPLETELY FURN. l-bedroom house. Ready. May L Call 8392. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. H. P. GRANT, 630 Court St Ph. 8744. 6 RM. $15. Ph. 3227.- l-RM. MOD... garage, lovely yard. 1838 a Commercial. TeL 8310. ska-aaeTMsnjesatiMaje-a 4 ROOM HOUSE at 455 N. 18th. $13.50.. TeL 9479. - .. FURN. HSES. and apta. 735 N. Com. CLOSX-IN 7 ROOM house In fine location. $25, 879 N. CotUge. Inq. 576 U" Strwet : LOVELY VIEW home located 160 West Leffelle. will give term lease $o responsible party. j . 175 a High TeL 8800 6 RM. HSE, 1140 N. 18th. Ph. 6406. NEW, MODERN 6 room house for rent $14.00 month. Water free. Phone 69F1S. 6 R. HOUSE, newly decorated. $30. On Capitol St Inq, 1290 Fir. 6 ROOM MODERN furnished home. $35. . - F. H. BELI TtL S1Z1 6 RM. MODERN hse.. sleep, porch. newJjrenovated, close to cspltol. $35. Moaern i rm. noue, .noi waier dcbt, fireplace, $33.50. RICH I KfilltAnfl, 1ST S. Hlgn Bl. Phone 8633 3 TL HOUSE. CLOSE In. Basement furnace, built-ins, nook. Gas stove. 645 Court. Ph. 5792. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 381 Stats Street Inquire room 200. Tel. 3713. - S-RM. FURN. sot Priv. bath, lights $13. Sleeping rm, $8. 345 Marion. FOR RENT House, barn. 10 A. pasture, near 8tayton. See Mrs, Free tag, 483 N. 18th St, Salem. Wanted to Rent WANTKn BACHELOR ants. Walking distance. 12th A State, Good refer. Box 421, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate MODERN HOUSE. Par Ilka $29.04 per month will pay princlpe Interest, tsxes snd firs Insurance. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, inc. fa. ,! RITIt.llIVn LOTS noon lots on naved street excel lent location. Price $500. $!$ down. $! per month. . - VV. ri. GRABENHUKSI KM. REALTORS 184 & Liberty St Phone 8408 "VTjnjn j-jnjnjui juui an.n rir! ruiT'i i WE HAVE THE PROSPECT TV von want to sell ' exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen with Haw kins A- Roberta, - Tjjnjnrinnniijijniininii rsi i " " sisi FOR SALE or trade Close in prop erty. .Widow s beautiful pars noma across from Beicrest para, m . w less, all improved. Sickness, oia age, force me to sell. Write or see owner. Mrs. Oakman, rt 3. box 545, Salem. LOT BARGAIN Distant owner offers fine building lot. for onlr $550. Let us snow you. See Mra. Elite with- . ' PHILDS A MILLKK. KeaitOTS S44 SUU St Phone 9161 MEW t-RM. houaa. utkataira, S . close ' in. bus. water system, sasy terms. By owner, rnone sis. , FOR QUICK SALE a fine S-room nlaarered house OS) corner lot near grade school and bus line. A reel buy tor JSo. Lnscounr for cash. See Mrs. Ellis wttn CHTLDS A MILLER. ReaUOTS 844 State St i Phone 9361 APARTMENT HOUSE, good valley town. 14 units, low overhead, pars over 16 set on Investment Price 610.000.00. hall cash, terms en. Bal ance.. Box 420. Statesman. : MTCB T room home, fine location price reduced to $3000. $300 cash. balance lute rent ft. J. IJNDOkEN ' 178 R Hurh , - Tel 8890 NICK 7 ROOM modem bouse, good terms or discount for cash. Owner htqulre 300 & 33rd. . a rms. A -BATH. new. Keiser diet Em. down payment bsX easy, teiiaa. Pic Highway Realtor Phone 4678 BEAUTIFUL. LOT. 03x80. fruit A nut trees. Pries fsoo. ra. int. S n von KL t vm 33300. I K. base, fomc, gar, P. pd. 8296A 10 A, take in bee as part traoe. a, iae good house tor equrty. See F. Grie- pentrog. 3156 Mm St Prone 4664. V MTTST US SOLD .8 ROOM MUUJSATi SUOUTDSB Boms. Make an offer. wnrr sileh kkil estatb 171 Kdaawater Street Phone 6633 SALES OR trade. S fine lots. bldga, inq, xts xnvunon. - , - e A BRAND NEW hse, mod. la err war. Just reAOT to more mw. SmaU down payment baL like rent Houaa A small tract of land Just out side city limrta, - water systam. Plenty ef buUt-tns, good town shmbherv. 8160-dwxu baL llks NBt P. H. WEIR, $13 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 941t . BOMB - BARGAIN, English r style home, hardwood floors, In Urias; rm. t dining rm, nice kitchen, -1 . bedrma, basement furnace, fireplace, good lo cation, f 3860. - - - i $1376. 6 rm. hones en N. 15th St, bath, garags, east front payed st, lot tsxiia. - ; w Money to loan at "0 percent -MRL.VIN JOHNSON.' REALTOR 728 -Court Street - Phone 8733, MAwMMweAsnnWMiaMManwwiMa FURNITURE A LEASE, apt has. close In, good Income, $750, terrmv .- -4 R. new hee. On A 4 mi. east Tou finish. 850 dwn- 816 mo. , - 0 R. mod, Hollywood, A nios home, $700 dwn. $4090. - 6 A, good hse. -Other hldgs. Close to. N , jZtBo. terms. --7 " E, B STAMBAUGH Phone 9611 S13 Oregon Bids. Money to Loan Ue No. S13S ' Ph. 8118 Convenient Ground Floor Location. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS - REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used car a Private money at new low rates. Immediate set Ion. No red tape. 6 TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H.. Simmims - - 136 South Commercial Street Phone 0108 Lie. No M-158 Ap9jpPel61geeBjsnhdSiaA Borrow PHONE 3191 THEN CALL FOR YOUR MONEY $ COS mo. repays $ 60 in 12 mos. $ 7.37 mo. repays $100 In 1 0 "moa. $13.09 mo. repays $180 in 18 moa, 018.18 mo. repays $260 la IS moa, Our service Is guaranteed by Good Housekeeping Magaslne ss advertised loerein. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Second Floor, New Bllgb Bldg. 618 State St. Salem. Oregon 8tate License. Numbers S-123 M-166 FHA LOANS k also orlvata loan a Drama Ellis lee, Maaonle Bids AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO 'M-169 BEN J. FRANKLIN noma loans aioai popular loan in Oregon. A new feature to thla loan benefits every oorrower. ask about it See P. Q. DELANO. 390 N. Church A MONEY SERVICE YOU'll LIKE WE MAKE loans of $300 or less on personal basis. Liberal credit re quirements. Adjustable repayment plans. Prompt friendly attention to your financial need $6.72 per mo. re pays $100 in 30 mo. Larger loans in proportion. Inquire today without ob ligation. PEOPLE'S Finance j Company 301 First Nat'L Rank M '- Salem, Oregon, ; Phone 4440 S-213 State License M-320 --... p -in ai1AnjuJ $1500 TO LOAN On moA first mnrt. gage. Phone 3414. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm an tt Mwporty Before borrowing tnoulre at Hawkins A- Roberta. """ "" " - - - - - rri-iiiy)nniiariu WANTED PRIVATE Movsrr TO LOAN on good Salem real as. w ui pay s interest, t vr. M. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 a Liberty street Phone 1461 Financial WS HAVE never paid less than this rate on savtos w. ana investments, insured to 85000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan A as a Itun Jlli 14 a v a. For Sale Real Estate $2300. MODERN SUBURBAN 3 bed room home, practically new In a good district only $200 down A $18 per ma $6750. rooming house, 1$ rooms, all well furnished, close in. will make arood income, win trade (or modern home op to $4000 or sell on terms. J. E, REAY. Phone 8121 429 Oregon Bldg. FOUNTAIN A SANDWICH shoo. doing excellent business. One of the best la the city. A bargain tt 16506. Modern i rms. A nook, 8 bed rms, hwd. flra full baae- furnace, flra- place, double gar close to school A bus. 8. Salem. 83406. 8400 cash. -New 4- rm, bungalow, 1 A, close to school, assail da. pmt, baL like rent 10 A, 3 rm. hse, alec, $1400, $100 dn, baL $18.00 per mo, will consider some trade. ... Chicken ranch. 17 A, alec, water system, e A. fruit big has, 9 mL from town. $3600. Easy terms. Win take fat use. at lot. - - . RICH L RETMANN. 167 & High Phone 8633 . AN UNTTN. hse lust off the Pan. hwy, nortK Full price, $860, $10 dwn. v per mo. . F. H. WEIR, SIS Oreg. Bldg; Ph. 9411 Exchange Real Estate TRADE CITY propel tj for farm snee, Oppui I unities hi exchangee, HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC awewenwennawnWMwwwy TO TRAD 8300 beach tot at Man. ammta ror lot er as down payment on uui bouss m Balem. Mra. Pearl Fortner. 4079. , 6-RM, PORTLAND home for term nr. Salsm. 3925 N, K. 4th Are, Port- tano. - - For Sale Farms -' 'it.' ACRES - -.- NORTH OF Salem near -highway, Mod. 6 rm. bouse, electricity, water rrstsm, poultry hoooe tor 106 bens. ban! A other orjtbldxx, 3 A. cherries; some walnuts. Priced at $4600. and win sen on easy tarma or vm accept rentable property as pert See Collins, HAWKINS A ROBERTS, . MaMHiawiaMaaiMMaiiMaaiiaaw SO ACRB VARM. atte mfla frees lean, over faatf river bottom land, rm. nlastered houss with -be th. U tnent, flrtplace, city water, siirroiia&V sd br grove, on caved highway. About half ran be irrigated. - Owner being transferred to Portland and win take medium priced borne there as , pert payment Price 16000. v 129 acres on A lees river, good buDd- Inga, stocked end eqalpr-ad, can ba Ir rigated. $7000.. Will take Abb STY. ' AO&YlVawrYllL ' , WINNIX PETTTJOTTN, BSALT03 v . 477 Conrt Street I FARM - FOR SALE or trade tot Salem prop erty: 20 acres all under cultivation Bsodem bouse, good outbuildings. - 4 acres cherrlaa. some walnuts, fil berts, appisa. pears, grapes, H mus east of Pea 4 Corners. TeL 9736 6964. . For Sale Used Cars RUSSELL BONESTEELE Bonesteele's Certified Used Cars HIGHEST QUALITY - LOWEST PRICES f 619 COURT 37 Bulck Touring Sedan. Has everything! A car 700 will be proud to now your zrienos. s-piy reoerai saietr ride Urea, radio with, ahort wave conversion, neater, deluxe equipt, perfect mechanical condition. New seat covers. Snaclal ' S7TK ss $6 Studebsker Diet Deluxe Touring Matures, nanar suspension, overdrive, Frarn oli filter, hydraulic brakes. Nearly new tires, Radio and heater. You can't beat thla for a real bur 3598 00 SS Plymouth Sedan Hera's a, dandy tne way you would want it New finish and nearly new. Urea. "Certi fied car." Safetv. comfort and tnaiom SMC. OS a iw-iraaeo oy original owner, , avwciiui, eycouy, nyurauuc orsaea, hind the Wheel of this ear todav. 33 Dodge Sedan large trunk reconditioned A refiniahed. Good tires. ., Everybody own" car, but few are this good J $296.00 a rora laoor insiae trunx romp, good mg goou. Jaoior neeas wore, as la Bonesteele's Acreage "HERB IT is folke 13 acres all un der cult 1 acre of 7 year old filberts and some walnuts, 4-room house and a big 1-room chicken house. Has city sewers and water and lights,' Just out side of city limits of Monmouth. Only Z.ZDO. some terms, see La r sen HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC.. ansa esse, anas, ii'w-VtrtrtfVrKrSVtKt 6 LOVELY ACRES close to citv limits, very beat of ground. Price $1100 for quick sale. N. J. LINDGREN 171 S. High TeL $890 EQUTTT IX HOTTSRS IMTRVTSH. ED, well rented, near sr. blah school : will take acreage for filberts. Lhrtlnri wanted. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor j 477 Court Street Phone 0524 Suburban A HOME IN THE COUNTRY of 10 acres. 3 miles down town Salem 3 acres;' apples, 3 acres young R. A. cherries, 1 acre loganber ries, vt acre - strawberries, poultry house, 500-blrd capacity, brooder houss. 5-room dwelling, electric wster system. Priced at $5250 and will take some trade. 8ee Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 9361 Business Opportunities HIGHWAY TAVERN ! Route 99. Just north of Salem. Large building, living quarters, beautifully rurnisbed and decorated, completely equipped for barbecue, lunches, meals, beer. WIU sell equipment and give 3 year lease on building or sell entire property. For price and particulars see Mr. Bartlett with i CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors ' 344 State St Phone 9261 4tr"essaaa SERVICE STATION and MulDiMxt ror saios. sua s. iztn. asjsnsesJaeesss SMALL SHOP, easily managed by 1 woman. Cash or terms, TeL 3408. CABIN SPECIAL Offering until May 10th. cabin court furnished. 85. 250.00, on 09E. new last year, abso lutely nothing wrong." Worth much more. Want Ss -go east. Grab this bus iness while it Is cheap. Miller Auto Court Salem, Ore, 110 Tort hwy. ON THE coast Restaurant at Ocean Lake, $660. Grocery store, $600, Res taurant beer, wine, m. or saiem, $900, a. c JENSKN 228 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8414 GA8 A SERVICE station. I rm. has. large lot, en 89E. near fairgrounds, price has been right for quick sate. Carleton K. Lane, Pacific Highway ueaiior, rn. ?. For Sale Wood GRAEN.41IN Slst 4 wood 88T6 DRT A T-a wood. 860 N. Church ft CDi BONK dry Snd growth. Dr rm IS la. old fir. 86 00. Ph. 6870. "ssseseeigssk A-l DRY WOOD. $8.80. Ph. 8384 XV OLD FIR. $6 and $8.86. 9466 0'o0l6jeaanA DRY WOOD, eair Daa Sheets, ISSL BONE DRY oak. Snd growth and old nr. aan and maple. Bummer prices. rnone iss, S CDS. II IN. old fir. 9. TeL 6761 Lost aud i Found LOST END of day bed. Return to Statesman omca. Plan Dinner Tonight '. TURNER -The Sunshine dab met recently with. Mrs. Earl Stand. ley and made quilt blocks. Plans were completed for 6l:S0 o'clock dinner Tuesday, May 1, for mem bers And their families at the home ot Mrs. H, B, Hataed. Cards ta this directory a a monthly basis oaly. Ratet f 1 per Uae per naoatb. Auto Brakes Mike Pases. 378 South Commercial Bteyelea BICTCLEa NEW and ncondltloned Harry wTieett. t4T. a, OornT. P. 4814 (rrentrs V DAY OR . CONTRACT. Phone 4869 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONB 4460. ft bV Nortbnessv ChlionraHtra DR. O. U aTCOTT, PRC C1ilrefratoe. ttt K, High, TeL Rse. UT1 ; Exra T-tiri EXCAVATING OF all kinds, Baal meats dust Dtrt hauled er moved. Din for sale. 8alea Aand and Graves Oa Phna 9408. ;-: Florista Bretthaspra 44T Court Ptiooe 1966 W. SALEM Florists. 1 4 00 BUgewater Lacndrisa 4 THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY - THE WZ1DES LAUNDRY 368 a Hixh TeL 6126 For Sale Used Cars RAY BONESTEELE Sedan. Low mileage. Many 1939 that must ba seen. Reconditioned new black paint, floating power. anee action, susei ooay. uei ue- Priced ta aU : t4xS.0S tires, body (inista A upholster- - afM a good buy . ; , $765 ft 6 1 9 Court : 1934 CHRYSLER convertible coune. sias mounts. zso N. ronrth street Personal 1 LONELY 7 -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for rOu. Box 78 lot Anxelea. i s - -- I-, -I,- i-iririi-.-i.rLrwruru- X-RAY FREE! Why Be Sick? WHEN AN x-ray of thel spine will show you the cause of your trouble and Chiropractic will rimove tlte cause. You can not get rid of the effect Without first getting rid of if the cause. ana to locate tne cause correctly you must have an x-ray. Bring This Ad to My Office On or Before May 0, 1939, and It Will En title - You to an Appointment for a . Free Spinal X-Rajr. DR. ROY S. SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRACTOR 406 U. S. Nat'L Bank Bldg. Ph. 6047 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL ACOOUXTINGi I Probate No. 99JI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned ! adminis trator of the estate . of Georrt- ana Rand, deceased, baa filed in the otflce of the County Clerk of Marlon County, Oregon, hla final accounting as such admin istrator, and that Saturday, the 20tb day ot May, 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock sun. of said day, at the County Cou t Room In Salem, Marion County, Oregon, baa been fixed aa the time and place for hearing ob jections, if any, to said final accounting and the settling of the game. C. T. TERRILL Administrator of the Es tate ot Georgians Rand, , Deceased. Date ot first publication April 18. 1933. Date of - last publication May 16. 1939. A18-25-MyJ-9-16 Goes Traveling READY TO TRAVEL after Us stsmeiiiBC reir aaest as Teeanty TBtm, tft. of I4s48oa 11 rears a raCrMder. Blattresset FLUFF RUO and Mattress factory. NEW. MATTRESS atade te order, etd roans as t carpet eteantaa. stsinc i fluff rag weaving, a IStbA WIIBOT. Tet SJOTTO F. SW1CK Ea Eat 191L A I ' - ft ' CAPITOL BCDDINO CO. Pbeae 4069 hiropathie phrs!lan DR. W. B. ROCKWELL. Narereaath to Phystetsn. 1790 FSIrgrmmda Rd TeL 4308. Office Hoars 11 a, m. telo m. FRE8 6UCAM. A CONSULTA TION, i Painting - ParrrVfaandnq; liOW PRICKS - free eskwantee. 7668. DECORATINO work done reasw f 683. PHntlnf? FOR STATION CRT. earda, saunphlets or an ktei d of or Ina. eaB The ntatearaan PrfMlna paronent 818- a Cnmmireist Tate Phone I1IL . . r ;, -t, ; , t -, -r, CARDS. BUOTTER3V ssrssnal eta omary. book matcbes. Oat my .prices. Write or ran 1840 Center. Apt, 8. : Transfer. FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, star, ago, borner ofl. can Silt Lanner Trsnsfer Co. Trucks te Portland .dally Well Drilling ; R. A. WEST. Rt C 'Bos 448 P. 1I0F6 CHESTER PUGH, 8138 Myrtle, 936, Directory Torchy Blane Returns Torchy Blane, blonde mad-cap of mystery playa, is oa the loose) again. uienaa jrarreu aa Torchy liiane and Barton MacLane are co-staurea in The Adrenturons Blonde. sow playing at the State theatre oa the same bill with Mickey Rooaey and the Hardy family la Ou6 West With- th Hardya. This doublenctioa double bOI plays through Wednesday, Pqpular Pair ?:.')ga9BnasTaas -m-ss - . 5i - irt e o, Kelsoa Eddy aad lrglnJa Brace ta a aceao from "Let Freedom King, . to opea Wedaeeday at the Elslmore theatre. Urge Adoption of Townsend Plan j :-ATJMSVTLLE The Townaend club met at tha homo of Mrs. Xadeaa Thursday night with a largo attendance. Congressman and members of . the congrrs slonal ways' and means commlt teo will also receive letters urg Ingr the passage of tbo bouse bill no. S from each member tore. The white elephant circus haa been postponed from May S to a data two weeka later. Cross Word Puzzle 2 13 YA 13 I 17 is YA V I" II!lIlJXII 23 24 2&j 2 27 32 33 31 Kgj3S yf ttWAi ZS T" wife . 1103JZ0NTAL Sr-definite .-VrrTrjjh period OX ffiffiTnaridet' , I hsaTy faa timt -' ' of raia obtaioed $V-4Uasrela from tho slot tS-orfl of U-OTjnwlth thickenlnf ' -thodoar S7-tura to tha rirht aaderrsllg- W Uxf fsxm sous rows aj aneep , l&2& ; jai. H-&2J ef tbs ,iM-a - n malt kCa Eexwwith is tho t3-Hsmcarri2j tcrdiy'a ptmla. heaTtxU7 . w-w body . tS-lgfct before a holiday SStercperata tS moortaln la . ThiiiiTy 4 plural gofSz - 41-inalo deer -' 12-csrec:ts -' 44 catalogue ' 4)'-msgpie 7-explor ,T j for gold - ; C--ereQ of tho 3980,891 Plot I In tRIIMn TrsfeV -. n-y. . -. ' '-' ' - "S:'''U::-,Ji'"1,' ' ' , ..:.z-t v'&x ". . - - v; y- - - C i: j" i:-'- -,- '-' iej- ... .. . . :' "y v. 1 " 1 1 Play Here : Parts of Cook's Car Recovered INDEPENDENChV Stale" po lice officer, L. L. Spaulding, whllt hero Sunday stated that . an .the parte for the ear atolea from Vance Cook, Salem, and strip ped had been recovered nearj Dallas and that Robert Tal madgo Cooarod la la the Marloa county 1ail, charged aa ens of the two parties who stole the car April . ' .' ' " ' v aarowell (Ft.) eUuiaUt 4pstnuk labor.) Tt svtlrsnW -- O aerfof 1 ancicut , Sparta - Zi-olssils tha f-4rnjX6Bt T aWrmrlirig to UktTsss , eV-clr-this atafaethfaio; sHnktxa t7 4ockYlxaix to attempt 10 e onjuactioa meQi 4Wiwaxsaea ' ' or-ssisas- -ST shield or- - - proteetioa " D. iwictaop ' 42 acolptared ' teelsb 4S innakal ' !: 45 box aden- - i tineally 47 rooden -:r ' support to - hold things '48 fish ergs 49 regard . studiouslj tl-Hroarrel ' SS-chargefor - - service -5 cno of ths . -'UnitodT!-v--"SUtea- y (abbr.) 154iiakasa - cixtito aelutioa to m