PAG2 EIGHT tha CnZGON Ciba, Orcc Tttsiij llcn KC3 :Jam LlarketL Quotations (Sarins Moss) (Tha vrlces eelow seopUed or toeal . frpwu aad ladleetive el the dally market prices peM to fnwvi br Selaa birm bat are ao puuMtt Or Ita i 11.) . .: - .. .i . v? i t-si ; Bananas, Ib. en stalk. ' ,oe : .06 K 1.4 4.00 8.0ft ; 4.S0 . SJO 1 .. Haade Grapefrait, Tiim piak , Lcaoaa, era to . Orxff ea, crate ... to VSOBtABLBS (Bajrtaf Frlcas) - Asperat, oa Bets, os. .1. , ,0T. .40 Cabbare, lb, .0 Carreta, Calif., erb, dam.8.50 to S.SO Cauliflower, Calif., L85; lofal ... J0 Celery.- Utah, crata , '-, , , ,. 1.25 CaliL. crato. '. . 1.25 Eettaee. Calif. S.50 to 8.50 Onion, boiling, 10 lba Mo. 1 60 lba. 1.25 .24 .80 ,0 .40 1.10 Jti 3.50 ' i0 -.40 Greeny anioaa, eox. Kadiabos, Peppers, greeny Calif. famcr Potatoes, locaL evrt. 60 IB. MXI Kew petsjoes, CsJit, evrt.,. Kaabarb, oatdoor . u, .Tampa, So. KTJTS (Price paid by Independent Packing plant -.. j.--to grewer) K.v'l Walanta rraaquattea; - fancy, 12t m a diaxs,10e; assail Be: orchard raa, 8 to lOe. Walaut aieata, 29 to 80o lb. . filbert Barcelona, large; 12 Ke; fen :7 lttte; babies, lie; orchard ru 11 to 18c ' ..N .. - - . ... r, v (Co-op Prices to Orevrer) -.Walnut Friee range, aepeading apes rar ants ran in 14 different trades 11 He. Duehillr 1 cent higher. , . - v - v - : hops - ; --r V. . -v. (Baying Prlcai) .-- Clatters, aominal, 1937, lb T to .0 - Clusters, 1S88, lb. i18Va to .21ft Faggles, tea ;.......... . .28 ? . - WOO- ABTD MOHAU, ' (Buying Prices) Wool medinaa, lb. 'Coarse, lb.: ;,.'..' ,, . ' , Lambs, lh ;., ,,.,-: .23 J8 .-1-J8 , 15 Mobair, Jb, ZOOS JJTD POULTBT (Baying Prices ef Aadreaen's) La ire axtrav liedMut extras Larre itaadardi M ' .15 .12 .15 a. .12 10 .10 .05 Pallets Colored fryi , r, Colored aaedina lb. .,, .. .rWhlto, Lerhor-e, heary , ,, White Jachoraa, light 4- i - Hrary heas, lb. . , , , Old roosters . LTVX STOCK (Baying price fee Me. 1 stack. coaditioBS and sales reported ay to 4 Lambs, 1939, tops Lambs . .,,,., Kwes ., - , Bora, top $.75 .S0 to 7.50 ;3.00 to 3.50 7.00 130-150 lbs. .0.50 to 6.75 210-800 lbs. Sows Beef cows - ... 6.25 t 6.50 5.25 to 5.60 6.60 to 6.00 5.60 to 6.23 Balls Stocks and May 1 STOCK ATBBAOBS CeapUed by Tho Aaaoriated Presa J0 . 15 15 06 ' Indna JUila He Chg D .3 - D .3 Haadar . 62.3 17.0 . PreTiotta ' day 42,5 17.2 . roath ago L 64.5 18.4 r ear ago 54.S -13.4 ' 1936 high . 77.0. ' , 33.S U30 low 58.8 .15.7 Dtil A .1 85.3 -35.3 30.1 28.8 40.0 33.7 8toek J .2 ,44.0 45.7 37J 53.4 41.8 BOBS AYP -OBS ,: 20 1 10 to . ' Rails I ados ' Ctil Wet. Chg.-. 't D TJaeh vi .1 htoadar SdJ . M.2 , , 98.1 Freiooe day 54:7 98.2 93.0 at oath ago 67.7 : 99.5 93.5 tear ago . 52.7: 96.1 87.8 1939 high 64.9 ' 10O.7 . 95.7 1939 lew . 53.4 97.0 19.9 10 Por'g- - Uneh 59.0 59.0 60.4 62.9 64.0 68.2 "CUPID RIDES A BUS" By POLAN BANKS SYNOPSIS, " Ron ny Rokaby, crooner "Crown Prince of the Air," has "Ginger" Drake, talented perform ar, black listed in tha big city becanse she will not marry him. Her booking gent offers her a spot at the Club Caribbean in IQami, on condition that ahe get there Monday. - Ginger jumps at the opportunity, bat her f ands are too 1 low for routine travel. She reads an item in a news paper personal column that one Tony. Taylor will take passengers to Florida on a share-expenses ba sis amounting to 114. . She tele phones . her reservation. . Anthony Taylor, transit magnate's heir, re- ' ceived the call at a Park Avenue rendezvous.'" Despite - Ids father's wealth, Tony is at that stage where Be thinks the masses should share snore of the country's wealth. He had been expelled from colleco. He also thinks women are parasites. Tony plans to leave the next day on bis advertised southern trip. His companions will be an ex-lion tamer, an actreas, another couple, and Ginger. The big day arrives. At seven A It- Tony drives up to Ginger's home in an old, double decker bus.' .She cannot believe her , eyes. It is an obsolete vehicle, won in a crap game. Inst as they are about to leave, "Eonny, intoxicated. drives np in his limousine, and tries to detain Ginger by force. Tony punches him in the jaw and then goes off with Ginger. She feels that ahe has not earn the last of Ronny. .. ' . CHAPTER V : , ; They were rounding, the corner into ijcntrai rare in the lumbering eld green bus,: headed east for the Avenue.' -1- . Tony said, "I don't mean to be . .' a curious out your ooy-xriena seems wfulty. famiIiarlooking.H "He's Ronny Rockaby," said Gin ger snoroy. ."The Crooner?", Tony was pleas antly shocked. "I fAottpM X reeog nixed hia eraI" .HA w-rirrnad. "Pes always wanted to sock a croonet, . aa . -. ana now i-ve none it y myi- Ginger . said nothing. 1 They stopped for a trade light. "If if s none of my business, dont teu me," Tony went on, "but what was that about blacklisang . you mentioned? It sounds mtriguinc." Ginger told him ; after all, he -might as wen know why she had to be in Uiaml before Monday noon. ? "It'a mw fanlt. I ainim a larffn Ronny see so moch of me. But I was t little bit la lor with him, per haps, at firstit was the glamour of hia aneceaa. I amesa. Wlum I nallml how conceited and unreal he was. Bowever, I well. I changed. - It was teen taat he got alter me to marry him, He still cant TOderrtand why I wont-'.. -. "Just' aav the word." Tatv f f ered. "and tni an harV mnA awlr some more of that clamour out of -smi-i v'Jt ,-.:c: t.'s -" "I'd rather von -rot ma to Miami on time, she smiled briefly. "That aronrj annoy Sonney much more.1' -uont worry well get you there. I riva won mw word nti fftat" ."Thanks loads," said Ginger. The lht went green. "By the way, who Grade B paw 4 per cent 1 aallk, 8lem Ooep be-k pool v pHc S2.01. C-op Grmdcf. A btterft price 21 Hti B gntde 2e less. (Milk baaed mi-mtUr " : bntterfst" average.) , DUtribator price, $232. . : :A grade bnttrf at DellT ered SlHcj B grade 8c jp-ade-JKe; qaArtersSSc. Heifers :T .L. , 6.00. to 7.00 Top -eel .,, : ... . . : 8.00 Dairy typo cows 4.00 to 5.50 Pressed veal, lb, .11 lCABIOjr CBBAMBBT Baying Price Battarfat, A grade .. : . , 1H Leghora hens, over 3H lba. .12 Leghora hens, aader hk lbs .10 Roasters, 4 lbs. and oter...... ... jl5 Fryers. 2 lbs. ., ... .1 Ueghora broilera .1 . Colored heas, over ft lbs. ,,,, .....-. .13 Old roosters, lb. ,. ...,.' .05 No. 2 bens Se less; Ma. 2 springs. 5c lees. Larra extras Large standards . Medium extras ' . M ediaa standards Undergrade M .12 .IS .10 PaUeU OBAUr, HAT and 8EKD8 Wheat, ha. No. 1 ree leaned .75 OaU. grey ton . ,., , ..... n,, 28.00 . WWto ,. ., 35.00 Peed barley, ton 22.00 to 34.00 Clover hal, tea .,,..42 to 18.00 Oat and Veteh bay. tm 12.00 to 13.00 Alfalfa, toa . 15.00 to 16.00 Egg math. No. 1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.60 Dairy feed, SO lb bg. 1.30 Hen scratch ieed - ; 1'0 Cracked com , , , 1.70. Wheat . 1-50 Mart - PORTLAND. 0oV May lv (AP iU8 Uept Agrlcaltaro) AddIss Orecoa Rewtowaa. to Ig. mm mm , L15; fey loose, LOO; Wash. Debcioas. ed to Ige. ea fey. 1.73 3 10; fey. L.73 1.85; Wiaessp, med to lgo, aa fey,' 1,60 1.76. fane. 1.40 1.60: eo-boa-fry aad fancy, loose. 11a 3 e lb.; Komes, on fey. 1.65-1.75: ley.;. Be ia. , Artichokes. Calif.. 1.25-1.50 for beat. 1 Avocados. Calif. 24-53's, L20-1.3O.. Asparagus Ore- Wih green, 13-Ib. No. 1, 5-75c. So. 2, 40-50e; 30 lb. 1.75 1.90. Strings, low as 1 00; unclatt, 1.40 1.50; Ko. 2. 1.25-1.35, Bananas Per bnnch.l 6He -Tb. j Beana Fla.. 2 50 2.60 hamper. r Cabbage Calif. eraUS, 8.25-2.50; red. - Carrots Local topped, 40-50 per tag; beet, 65-73e; aaeked. Wash., 2.25-2.50. Cauliflower Calif. Ko. 1, 1.50-1.75; few best 1.00. . - -- - Celery Calif, CUh, 2.00-2.25; white, 2.5-2.75; hearts, 1.50-1.75."' Citros Prnit Grapef rait. Texts aiarsb, aoedlesa. 3,00-3.25; pink. 8.50-3.75; Ari loaa, fey J 2.00-2.40: choice, 1.60-1.75; . Leasons Fancy; all siiea, 3.50-4.75; choice 50c lesa. L'nea boa. carton. 30 85c Oraagos California aavala. 800 892s 2.25-8Jt5; large, -jLS-S.SO; . choice, 25- aue less. . . Eggplant Ci aHf. 1.75-2.00. lgo. Cacnmber Hotaense, dos. 85C-1.00. top.- i LeUace Wextler Iced. 5. 2.00-2.25; Salinas ieed. 6s, 8.25-8.50; Sacramento dry. 1.65-1.75; . - i Garlic Oregoa, 8-10el few 12c' Mash rooms Cultivated, t lb. SO 35e Onions Ore. yellows, 60-Ib. aaeks, CS So.'l large. 1.10-1.15; Xe. 2. 50-Ib. sacks, 60-60e; Texas white wax, CS Ko. 1, 50 lb. sack. 2.15-2.25. , Pears Anjons. s fey, 1.75-1.85; Hod ford fey. 2.50. Peas Calif., 4-5e; aacks L75 2.00. , Pepper Florida, 20-25e. "Four ethers," he told her. "An actress, named Desdemona Love, for one.-; The old girl says she played with Edwin Booth I believe her." He rrinned "She's taking: a trop ical fish along , with her. Believe it or not its name is .Gertrude, and she's taJdng it to Florida to find it a mate. It ate up it last one." Ginger giggled, despite herself. "She sounds sweet. Who else?" "Mr. Daniel Smock. He's a! re tired lion-tamer, if you please. Go ing to Florida to' take a job on a lion-farm. He's got a cat with him, I think he said." "Sounds like a menagerie.1 j "There's plenty of room for one, on this bus." he chuckled. "At least, if you all dont get along together, you can always go and sit upstairs on the upper deck." "Who are the others 7" "A Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Ever green. - Tourists, so they aay. lie's mum as a clam, and she talks a blue streak. Thank heaven, they aren't carrying any animals along, j "And that leaves you. . . V - T "Tony Taylor, at your service,' he bowed, "Just thrown out of col lege for the third and last time, and off to see the world." "With a bus you won in a crap gamer j "Only as far as Florida. From there, I hope to take a ship for some where else. Anywhere." By this time they had come down upper Fifth Avenue, and were ap proaching the zoo. Tony came to a stop, and New nis Horn. - - - "We're racking np Mr. Smock, here," Tony explained. "He's been to say some farewells over in the animal house. L think, . Ginger saw a stout, rubicund man approach, carrying an old-fashioned valise , and a mustard-colored cat, Tony waved to him. and opened the door to help him in. He introduced Ginger. : , , -St ; ---- -:: ; , : - lit. Smock took off his hat with a flourish, disclosing a head almost bald. He smiled, showing several gold teeth, and bowed gallantly. "Very happy to meet you. Miss Drake. I am sure we win all have a most felicitous journey." He dis played his pet. "This is Casanova, my comrade these many years. He's a sad dog, I'm afraid, but a gentle "Oh. a Thomas cat.'' said Ginrer. "How nice." - . . Bv tha wav. Mr. Smtsek." Tamw broke In, "one ef our fellow-pas- aengeTa, jctao Love, la bringing; aiong a goionah. X hope your ca minds Lis irianners." ; "Never fear, niatah txahawa-1 promiaed the lion tamer. -Anyway. isanova isnt very partial to ae fOOd." . ; : v . Thev drove em diram tlwimmt. through. the Ught esrly-morning trafSc, smiling at each ether when tne ous passed bewildered would-be nassenrera. . . "-. "It's the eiffri anlafMut Taw "1 should have changed it to Grant's Tomb, or the Bronx, or something." -wny ooni your" asked Ginger. "Because we're going through Washington Sauare. anvwav." "A eharminsj eld aqnajre," said sir. - smock., -j. tmmbtr, many years ago, I kept company f or a time with a lad snake duurner fa my Uheat Elakcs J ISew low Ware of Short Cohering Is Factor in Unusual ! ' - Boost in Week ! CHICAGO,.MAy lv-iTV-notBer swift rlae of wheat price today carried the market to ! its . best lerel since early last summer, ei tAbllshint; new high Talnes : for 19 3 f wheat '.contracts. ;i Gains of as much as 14 to IM eents, with May . wheat Quoted as high as 7 5 and Joly and Sep tember aa high as 74,' or I to 7 eents higher than week ago. wereichalked ep i ware short coTerint and stop loss pur chaslna;. Heary profit taking pared the gains Just before the close, bowerer. v Absence of moisture relief in dry sections of the winter wheat belt orer the weekend and a fore- east giving little promise of rain in the near future were important factors. With no indications of early deliveries of wheat on May contracts, dealers who hare sold short covered their positions, which accounted; partly, for the outstanding strength of 'the de livery. Contracts remaining to be settled this month either by de livery of wheat or trading In the pit involve 12,000,000 bushels, having been reduced 8,000,000 the past. week. Wheat closed cents higher than Saturday,! Hay 75- 74, July 75-71. - Liverpool wheat closed higher, with export business esti mated In- excess of 500,000 bush els, including some domestic hard grain. .' , '; !' Loganberry Board Meet Now Slated for May 4 Directors of the Oregon logan berry control . board will meet here Thursday, Instead of Wed nesday, to consider establishment of grades and prices for the 1939 season. Secretary, W. I Linf oot announced the change in dates. Cooperative processor members have been Invited to attend the meeting. ; - j Potatoes Ore. local hsaeta and Long Whites, No. 1, 1.10-1.15; No. 2. 75-90c; Deackottea, No. 1, Bassets, 1.10-1.25; 25 lb. sacks, 32-35e; US No. 8, 50 Ib. aacka, 40-45e; now crop Calif. White Bote, 60 lb. sacks, US No. 1, 1.30-1.40; 100 lb sacks, 3.25-2.35. Bhabarb Ore. hotboase, apple box, 85 40e; le lb. - Sanash Calif. Zneehini, 1.65-1.75. i Strawberries Calif. 12s, 1.20-L30. Spinach Ore., 30-40e; new crop, 60 60c - - ; Tomatoea Hex. repacked, 8.75 top. Ore. hotboase, 20-254 lb. Bunched Vegetablee: Ore., par do, bnncbee: Green onions. 15-17 e; rad iahes, local, 22-25e; Medford 25e;leka 25-80c; parsley 22 -25e; 8wisa chard. 25 80c Calif, broccoli, crates 3.00 2.25; beets 50-60e dox. ; Endive 2.50 crato of 5 lba.; beeta 4 dox. erta., 3.25-2.50 ; 50 60e per dox.; carrot 40-50c Boot Vegetable: Bntabagas 81-1.25 logs, 50-e0e; beet 1.25-1.50, lags 80-40 ; i turnip 1.00-1.25 sack, lugs 35-30e; par snip 30-40 lng; hcreradih 15c lb. circus. We used to ride on top of a bus like this, on moonlit nights, and hold hands 'Did she leave her snakes aft home?" asked Tony, . ' Ox course X was a drinking man in those days. Ida was a very con siderate woman.'. He sighed. "Show , me a woman who likes animal life,' Miss Drake, and ru show you a true . ornament to her sex, I revere such . women." : "Would ' you classify crooners under animal 7 life, ' Mr. Smock?" -asked Tony, very seriously. A crooner 1"; The ' lion-tamer was puxxled. Skip it." said Tony, with a quick - glance at Ginger, who stared straight ahead, "Ah there are the Evergreens." i - ; ::. Mr. and Mrs. Evergreen stood awaiting them on the lowest flight of steps of the Public library at Forty-second Street. Why they should have chosen this spot to board the bus, Ginger eould not im agine, unless it was because from force of ' habit - they always took buaaes there.. Each had a anit-case as their sole luggage. They clam bered aboard, and as they found. seats, Tony as host, introduced his share-expense guests to each other. Mortimer Evergreen was thin and dyspeptic-looking, and wore smoked glasses and a tiny Chaplin mustacne. tie never smiled, and spoke, when he spoke at all, only in discouraged monosyllables. His wife, on the other hand, a not un attractive brunette, talked inces santly. She was a very cheerful per son, a bit on die scatter-brained side, and loved to accent words in the most unexpected places. - Such a tUltghtful way of going to Florida," she told Ginger, almost at once, "And in a Fifth Avenue bust lent it too utterly uetJ'w "Itll get us there,, I hope." said Ginger dryly. e Do you really tkixk soT" Queried Mrs. Evergreen. "I do hope you're right. It would be just see awful if anything nappened before Mortimer and I" 'Jessica," put in Mr. Evergreen. evenly, "your nose is shiny." "OUI- she caught herself, almost as it his words had been a signal that she was talking too much. She took out a compact, and powdered her nose., "Thank you, Mortimer "la . business, Mr. Evergreen?". inquired Mr. Smock, "or just travel ing for pleasure?" '-Oh, tow-re travelns- began Mrs. Evergreen. "Jessicas toot nose" "Tkank you, dearest," Jessica subsided. And smiled weaklv at Ginger. "My husband cant siiui me with a shiny nose.". : 2 Ginger smiled bravely back. She was wondering if ahe were traveling with a troupe of lunatics. If it were not for her having to be la Uiami by Monday.. - "We're traveling1 for my health," said Mr. Evergreen, "We always travel for our health," Mrs. Evergreen could not resist. "There's nothing tike , travel," said Mr. - Smock. . "I remember, when I was with Buffalo Bill' 1 (To be continued) mj rataa potest '' ' - ' V at 8 e rstextet SjtaMsta, Baa POXTUKDl Or, ntav 1-fAP)-. Dairy pradaeo prices: - Batter: Kxtras ia; suaaaraa it: prime firata 80: first. 19; katterfat 33-33. 8i l.aiae aatrao 10: am ataxtd- arda 16j meiian oatraa 16 rv aa a d 1 a as etaadarda la. - , c.,.-. . Ckooao Trlplota 13 loaf It. . Portland Grain POBTLASD. Or. May; J UJ Low doea Wheat: Oaea Hick Low may Jaly -T3 " T " 72 70 71,. eox,' 71 Cash Grata: Onto. -Mo. 8-SS lb. white. 87-5; Ko. 8-88 lb, gray aeeunel.. Barley. Ka. 8-45 lb, BW. 24.50. Cora. No, 8, T shipasont. 26.25. Mo. 1 flax. L73., '.: Caah Wheat Bid Soft white 74; west era white 74; western red 78H. Bard rod viator ordinary 72; 11 par cast 73; 12 per coat 78; IS per-cent 75; 14 per ooat 77. Hard whito Baart ordinary 74; 12 per cent T5; 13 per cent 77; 14 per cent 79. Todar'a ear recoiDU: Wheat 240: bar- 0lay 1; Conr 37; oora 1; oata 1; xaill- Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., May 1. (AP Country Meat 8elling price to retail ers: Country-killed hogt, beat batchers, under 160 lba. S-Stte lb: vaalara. 12Ua lb; light aad thia, 10-lle lb: heavy, 10a id: spring iambs, la-iae lb: yearling lambs, 14-15o lb; owes, 4-6e Ib; tatter cows, 9-10e lb; ea&aer eowa 8-9e lb; ball Live Poultry Bayiag price Leghora broilers, lze id; colored springs, 8 lb aad over. 17o lb: Lerhora kens, aver 8 lbs. He lb; ander SH lbs. lie lb; colored nana to s ids, na in; over uta, 17e ID; No. 3 grade, 5e lb leaa. - Tarkeys Selling prices: Dressed keaa, S0 lb; toms, 18 lb. Baying prices: Boas 18c lb; toms 16-17e lb. PoUtoea Yakima earns ( ) cental; local, 1.00: Deschutes Gems. 1.35 cental; Klamath Fall No. 1 6ems, . L35-1.55; Calif, swoots, 1.35-L80 crate. . - Kew PoUtoea Calif. White. L15-L40, 50 lb. sack; Texas. 1.70-1.75, 60 lb. sack. Onions Orsgoa Ao. 1, 3.30-8.50 ooatal; Tozaa xtermaaaa, S.10-XS5 per 50 lb. crate; sets, 3 lb. ' . wool Willamette valley, 1139 cup, nominal medium 88e lb; coarse aad braids SSe lb; Umbo aad tall. 30a Ik; eastern Oregon, 30-32e lb. - r Hsy Selling price to reUiler: Alfalfa, Ko. 1, 18.00 toa; oat vetch, 18.00 toa; clover, 11.00 ton;, timothy, eaatera Ore- gm 19.00; do valley, 14.00 tea, Port Hop 938 Ctestors, 80-35o lb; Tar giee, aee 10. Mohair Nominal 1989 oils. 95c lb. Caseara Bark Baying price, 1939 peel, do lb. Sugar Berry aad fruit, 100a, 8.10; bale 6.35; meet 6:05. Domeatio Flonr Selling price, vity de livery, 1 to 35-bbl lots: Family patent, 49s, 5.70-6.35 ; bakers' bard wheat net, 3.80-5.80; bakers' blaeatem 4.40-4.76; blended wheat flour A.50-4. 85; aoft-rwheat flour 4.10-4.15; graham 49s, 4.60; whole waeat es, .vo pou Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore- Mav 1. (AP)- (TJ8DA) Hors: Beceints. saUbla 1800. total 2500. Price range. Barrows aad gilts, gd-ck POLLY AND HER PALS PUTTTM' OKI ALL. TW PRIMP PEP. fiUPPEn.PCXl.V3 -a a m LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY -4-' mmmm ! - i IDEE o ) there's coMnajsry- I J '. I 1 ! X MICKEY MOUSE In the Bag! ' ( . By WALT DISNEY aAVWSHl LOOKUT ) "NEVER MINP THE. A I YVCUL, 1 CKNT HEU) EKM--A I i I YfHKT'RS. yE. HXVIN' S I P Jf KUL THUH rrhll VvSI1 tffL THINKIN' O' J I BEANS!!, PRR UPPEH YNSHtJ (NO ) V ( fcUCKS' ' wgwcKs J y "r - . . ? - . ' .... 1 HONEST ZERO I fiET THE WIM-VAMS CVTiBy TIME. I LOOK AT AR. CAlrSt RX' CAlie;r WE W1 ALT) AM' OOOD LAW 6E21 HC CANT ADOPT MCTO rR natmnTfc I w L 1 1 IS mmnmrymn hiV Vs 1 si e m r 1 aamiaaa 1 1 1 11 x - a in a- w 1 tt 11 1 a ,ri 1 1 ii'uj. -itt .1 '.j3.m 11 t-r-ar.iay- aw . - s SB r.'. ii 'i I' I I I. l i.i RLan ai l rvra oV mr TOOTS AND CASPER 7OO-TS,M0O BElrliED f . - I , uavft "V 0W-rv,OSPt?R VOtTRK 1 I l( VOU LOOK AWPUL-OM-H.U T VJAn YOUR I MB TO DO IT. SO : ) f VoU DID J ; 1 wJv 1A SlaUT WOW VOU LOOK ' jljWOMT BS SEaTN WITH OSA, AND COMS. NWmC CASPER J g. illll, V ' Ot- OH-OM-H-H QcAr?r? I Srvff F,ES TUIMBUS TUEATOE Starrtag Popeyt HAVE VDOAMV VDGA OP KrJHAT HAPPE V4SANHEV4 WE LANtllWDEARTrT-! at ' 140-160 the. . J .7f a T.13 . 7.00 Q V.60 do 160-180 lba 1 ii de 190-300 lba ' . da 900-820 lba a , , . do 800-350 lba , , ' A SSO-SM lba ' 1 do 890-856 lba-. anlla.. 140-160 Iba a Paeklag oowa.1 gd, 975 350 dm mmmd 850-435 lba. ! do good 435-550 Ib - do med 875-550 lba Fl-(far. m stsr j eaoteo, TO-iav 2300. Caivaa 150, Active stress; to steady. SteeraTgood 800 1100J 9.000 9.65 . da madinm. 110O-18O0 i T.75Q 8.0O a mam bU1b T5O-1100- 6.75W Heifera, good, 750-BOO S.35 o meoiam. sav-vuv do com ( plain X 550-900. Cows, all wta. . 7.50 S.35 6.50 a MA : do madiam. all wta do com (Slain) all 4.50 0 5.60 da low cut-cat, all Balla .(rig excld ). wts S.23tf . 6.35 8". 73 8.50 vy 6.50 4.50(5 5 50 6.50 a 7.50 8.00 6 S.50 (boafjt, an wt do aedlam. all wta.'. ' do eat com (pla); all U Cow, all wts m, YeaUira, choice, all wts do good, all wta do medians do eall-eom (pla) all wts Carves, mod. 350-400 lbs . do com (pla) 350-400 lbs 7.50 fit 8.0U 8-50 550 a an a i en 6.00(0 6.50 S.50 til 6.00 J Sheep: Seeeipta 750 . Bpriag lambs, strong to 85 higher. Others steady. Price range: Spring lambs, gd-cfc do medium good . S.ooQ 8.25 (a 7.00 70 S.75 6.000 3.50 & 1.60 S.3S 8.75 8.00 do commOB Lambs shora) gd-eh . da medium and 8.00 7.25 da (plain) 6.75 Ewaa (ahada ad to cl 8.25 3.50 docommoa (plaia) med Wool in Boston B08T0H, May 1 (AP) (U8DA) A few users were la tho market for fine territory wools today. Balee were closed oa good Preach combing lengths, fine ter ritory wools in orlxinal baxs at 66-68 eoata, aeoured basis, for spot offerings la Bostoa. Ottering ot tnree-eigntas aaa oaoaarter blood bright fleeces in mixed grade lota for shipment direct from the eoantry werr quoted taoatry o.aite firm aronad 97 eoata la tha grease, delivered to users, aad soma houses were asking 28 coats delivered. Miasioiiary Society Meeting Well Attended MILL CITY The Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Charles . Porter , Wednesday after noon,- with 23 members present. Mrs. O. H. Newman had cl rge ot the - devotional services with Mrs. Porter -- presiding at the business meeting. Mrs. Sherwood gave an Interesting talk on Korea and the American Indiaans. For IT SCEMSTVUCLAW id JUST MR. BARNES UKE&ME TUr I U THE SWELLEST PERSON) BSb WORLD- BESIDES, HE . r-.v T.S54S T.T5 T.OOd V.50 S.75d T.35 esoj T.00 e.l5x) 6.T 8.35 7.00 S.SO0 6.00 SS&S S.76 6.83 S 8.50 8.00 S-60 esoo 160 noM total 7.75 w v.ia & 8.50 6. 7.50 7.3 S a &a T I DOWNSTAIRS DEL. 71 I I f i SHUX . T S I f ua lai uarnMB I " ' a 1 - - s I I I I AlNTT WEAJaTi 1 ubtiupo I II rcrr V3M V I I . J 1 V NOBUDDV saV 'rWiEI- ) I -T r 1.1 mW F Mr BaSBl -a - al W A tllt a aa a T .aaaaaaanw -av m r a M-m B "kv - " W anr A rr a I I (f axaaaw SS , ,88 Si E M at ... "va SO TVMKTMAKtO IT uUST LIKE. WC vwavs 60AE KIMOA RaUAnVKS 2 Face - fVirv PEAR W SHALL 7V ( Stcclis Move At low Point Volume Shortest in 5 Years With Retnilt Leading "-. Issues Decline NEW-YORK.- May l.-0F-Wlth trading tat todar'a atock market at , the lowest ebb. in nearly, five years, leading issues backed away fractions to more than a point, : I .Wall street found nothing par ticularly encouraging In European news or domestic, business devel opments. 'fS f 1 1 Transfers for the . five hours amounted to 279,140 Shares, the second smallest turnover tor a full' session since August, 1934. The total compared with 728,430 last Friday. The Associated Press average of . 50 stocks was off .2 ot a point at 44, still 2.4 points 1 above the year's low. Steels SUp Steels slipped aa this week's mill production estimate indicated a drop of .8 of a point at 47.8 per cent of capacity. It was the fifth consecutive week's' recession in this barometer. U. S. Steel and Bethlehem led the 'slide in this group. Motor shares did comparatively well, , both General Motors and Chrysler holding their declines to of a point each. Stocks on the retreat included Westinghouse, John s-M&nville, Eastman Kodak, Phillip Morris, Sante Fe, Southern' Pacific, Ana conda, American Smelting, Montr gomery Ward, Goodyear and Boe ing. -. ' . Emerging a shade ahead were Sears Roebuck, Glenn- Martin; Sperry, Great Northern, Consoli dated Edison and International Harvester. Stayton Streets Get new Surface STAYTON- West Water, West Ida and East Florence streets in Stayton are being surfaces with gravel this week. Three hundred yards of gravel for the purpose will be supplied by ' the county's crusher In operation at the river's side near the bridge. The block on Third street in front of the public schol building will also be graveled. Company Manners the Young and for the Old KtMOAAAEAM CMfit AM BARNES USED TO BE A STAR ACTOR ON I AN I THINK HE'S THE STAGE AW bM THE WHOLE U0T5A RXKTDO BUT M0WW9AA0NEV AlNTGOTMOFOU 15 ALL GOME. ANT ANT HE OUST A POOR ORfMAM UKat Mt- Iiftinff Is Popeye's Specialty! Closirig Quotations - NEW YORK. May lfjpy-Todaya closing At Chem ft Dya m- Comwlth ft Sou' 1 Consol Edison ; 20 Consolidated OO T Corn Products " 67 Curtlsa-Wright 8 Douglas Aircraft 69 Du Pont de N 1S9U El Pow ft Lt ! 7 Erie R R'v-r,;lH General Electric 83 'General Foods -42 l General Motors 41 Goodyear Tire ' 24 Gt Nor Ry Pf , 19 Hudson Motors t 4 Illinois Central 11 Insp Copper '10 Int Harvester 85 Int Nick Can 45 Int Paper dt P Pf 29 'Int Tel & Tel 6 Johns Manville 69 Kennecott 31 Libbey-O-Ford LIgg ft My B 101 Loew's '9 Mont Ward 44 Nash Kelvinator 6 National Biscuit 25 National Cash 174 Nat Dairy Prod 14 National Dist 24 Allied Stores i American Can - 'IT s Am -For Pow . v . Am PpW ft 1 78 Am Rad Std San 11 Am Roll Mills, y 1 Am Smelt ft Bet ; Am -Tel ft Ted 157 a Am Tob B r Am WatSVka i- i Anaconda 17 24 ; Armmtr- m ! v4 H; Atchison n , ; - r. BarnsdaU Bait & Ohio J Bendix Aviation Bethl Steel : Boeing Air Borge Warner Budd Mfg . California Pack Callahan Z-L , Calumet Hec Canadian Pac" J I naaa 1 . -SH 20 63H 21 224 4 14 .- X Caterpillar Trac, 43 H Celanese Certain-Teed; ; Ches ft Ohio Chrysler Coml Solvent ie 7 81 84 10 Aurora Auxiliary Will Get Charter AURORA More than 200 are expected to be present at the presentation . of . the charter to the newly orgasiged auxiliary of the American Legion post no. 110 Thursday r night, May .4, at the K of P hall in Aurora. :. ' . , ' Degree, teams from -Newberg and, Woodborn will be present to take part in the ceremonies. Mrs. VOU HAD LOT5A MONKY AHf HIS FOLKS IS ALL DEAD n. 1 ahaa. 3aj THLPSHOtXPfcc, AWaAPOS prices: Nat Pow ft Lt 1. 7: Northern Pac 8 ' Packard Motors 3 3 C Penney 78 PhiUlps Pet 34 Pressed SUCa 7; Pub Svc Nj 34 Pullman4 25 Safeway Stores 33'. Sears Roebuck 8a Shell Union 11 Sou Cat Edison '254 Southern Pac 12 Standard Brands 8 Stand Oil Calif 2 Stand Oil NJ 44 Studebaker 74 Sup Oil - 2 Tim Roll Bear .38 Trans-America B 3-5 Union Carbide , 724 United Aircraft 15 United Airlines 9 US Rubber 35 US Steel 45 Walworth ' 5 Western Union 1 8 White Motors 8 Wool worth 434 . New York Curb Cities Service El Bond ft Share' Hazel Snyder,- state president and Mrs. Mae Whltcom, state secre tary, both of Portland, will be present, also Mrs. Nina Mori' , district president; of Sherwood. Officers are: Mrs. Pphaen of Aurora, president; Mrs. Joseph Marcroft, Wilsonville, vice presi dent; Mrs. Ella Meeks of Canby, second vice president; Mrs. Les ter X Brown, Canby, secretary; Mrs Erma Linlquist, treasurer, of Aurora; Mrs. E, F. Hall, his torian, . of '. Canby; Mrs. Erven Miller of -Aurora, sergeant-at-arms; and Mrs. Joseph Safuk of In k 1 nkBy" STATE FHIAIICE Ca A Home-Owned Institution ' - (Childs ft MUler's ! Office) v ; 844 State &U Salem, Ore. Phone 0201 Lie. No. S-218 M-223 By CLIFF STERRETT By BRANDON WALSH KMOVJ RCH TOLKS KIM ADOPT OUiaiCroSVAOAINTGOrrrMEOR OTEM-. I WI6HT THEY COULD ADOPT . CX.D RCXKS WHO AIMT GOT MO HOMBT. OROaulREHioTAKE CARE OPTIM- IHtNAUUSOKntAHi WOULD FEEL. GLAD ALL OVER AMAtISOSQEST . THAT WE. Otve FOR lW ASSISTANT ?wrrwrtrr HjM AM HELPLESS )J i. . -"'V