v. f y f ' n.3?;.nP3.nnq. GCaIUELL Hand, ma my play suit, mother, X can't "work, on days like these ... Humtlddyf The Bearcats are spanking- the Spauldlhg at a .131 rata In the northwest conference flag race. The team hit safely no leu thaa two -desen timea last Sat urday In trouncing Linfleld twice . . . And, mates, that Methodist hit parade Included no' leas than nine doubles, three triples and one of those things often termed circuit clouts, hat which boiled down to bedrock . nt a n tour eucceaaive bases and a Bickering smile from . Mr. Spec Keene, -estimable bess of the Bearcats, . . Itwaa Horse Lon organ who poled the plutocratic bit. that of the four successive bags, while Bona-ether than An ton, the powerhouse Greek . pitch er, got one .-of the triples. Bob White, the other pitching bitter, . (or la if hitting pitcher? ) , also addled the agate for three, aa did .. Jimmy-Robertson. . , w , - f So, nty hearvJea, it looks from this corner like a little homage should be paid the Bearcats aa well aa Abater Doubleday next Friday when fandom commem orates the 100th birth of the ball orchard bnsiness. . . Wlfc lamette'a berserk j batting' was all the more noteworthy in that ' half of it was accomplished against Nelson ' Sangras, the Linfleld fllnger who- baa. been their particular nemesis for the last two seasons. L . V : Description of Tony Gaiento, alleged heaTyweight prise tighter, as was written by B1U Henry of Los Angeles: "Tony is about e feet 10 inches tall and; roughly. - the same width. His tremendous chest development is only exceed' "ed by that of his abdomen. His portly . 235-pound frame resem bles that of a gorilla or orang-out- ' ang In that it is covered with a ; luxurious. mossy mane which ' helps to give him the appearance - of a parlor rug when In a recum bent position. . . Tony assumes this position only ' under protest He is given to smoking evil-smell-lng cigars and referring casually but whole-heartedly to all oppon ents as them bums." Bonurds "bad!' Habits Good. While "The Great Gaiento." from the pen of Joseph Donovan, reputedly tells the life of the Jer sey keg,, does, it mention that Neil Clsby. sparring partner ox rnmo Camera, knocked him stiff in Boston on Dec. 20, 19297 . . . The claim that Gaiento haa never. been busted loose from his ample moor ings is but a myth. . . Answering the query of Elmer E. Wetzel, of Allegany. Oregon: Max Schmellng beat Louis in the 12th round of their first fight ... Heard over the weekend, a new way to keep your tootsies warm at football games next fallr Bring hack the muff fad for women. Only this time have double muffs, one for each hand. When muff wearers reach ye olde ball . game,' take muffs off hands, reverse 'em and put feet: in . . . Or maybe Mrs. Spec already - haa j patented her gunny sack idea.'. J". . Also heard, bnt maybe 'tlsn't new: Champagne' being refer ' red to as king's-soup . Erie Tipton. Duke halfback who played plenty of football in the Rose Bowl, drove in 10 feUow Dukes in two games won by bis team 83 to 1 over Springfield and 25 to 8 over Colby. Tipton is slated fori Connie Mack's A's as soon as he graduate. . . Zeke Bonura. the bounteously- built first baseman of the Giants, . doesn't smoke, drink or swear. l' Ills only I bad habits are allowing occasional ground balls to bounce on by Or through him. and max ine .oDDOBing pitchers cuss when be parks! the pellet in the stands .... Phil Salstrom is a Bend Lava ' Bear for the summer . . . . George Wilkinson was awarded his block H": for 1 basketball play at Hill Military academy recently, and did someone say something about eligibility rules? . . . Don't look mw, but i that isn't rain you don't see coming neither in. the front or hack oi you. ; , Haukmen Journey To Dallas Tonight A trio of diamond, tussles;' are schedule for Harold Hauk'a Vi kings this week, beginning wiin a night contest at Dallas tonight. Ta Salem nseCDers eked out a t-g win from Smokey" Adams Dracons here, and will be out for a second win tonight Friday the Vikings are host to Corvallis and Saturday! move to Chemawa for the sixth came of the season against Gastlneau's Braves. DiMaggio Hurt; X ray Examination Ordered if - i Jol Ct 'a, staTcexterficIJ of tbe Sew, York Yankees; aUpped mnOt cfl I an tie wet pass cf tboYaxv ' v drJmijt after a trlrle by Cob Estallello of the Washington Senators. ESJa-sla Is Lelttj2 TZlJfSJit d.bhoe J before beta aemt to n hospital foe f I ii -it ! .m i A WBwld McShain Y5Wt Put up Title 7agner Seeks Glory of Winning Anyway at ' Armory Tonight COMPLETE CARD1 Danny HcShain vs. Bobby Wagner (Main event) Otla Cllngman vs. Mont LaDue (Seml-Final) Jack Klaer.Ts. Jackie Nichols (Preliminary) . ; Durable Danny McShain, king of the world's llghtheavyweight gntpplina Strata, will retain' that title tonight even if Bobby Wag ner should wangle a win from him. Should Wagner toss the tal ented Irisher, however, it will be the first time he's bit resin since copping the crown some 18 months -'' McShain comes back to the Sa lem armory arena after an absence of three years, in which time he has met the best of his weight In all parts of the country. While his initial performance here will not carry the title with it, it is expec ted that he will be asked by the Salem commission to put up his belt soon. I"' May Get Chance Later Should Wagner make a credit able showing against McShain it is believed he will get an opportun ity at the belt if the local commis sidn is successful In its efforts to force McShain to place it en the line. ?' Oklahoma Otis Clinemah. star villain-tamer, meets F r e n c h y" LaDue in tonight's semi-final, with Jack Kiser and Jackie Nichols scheduled for 30-mlnutes of fast, clean action in the opener. Harry Elliott will referee, with the matches beginning at 8:30. Salem Golfers Do Fine tut Lose out Emrene Wins 44-37 There - uespite Best snowing . infjr. a ' ears by Locals With Bob Taylor setting the pace in 74 strokes, two over par, the Salem Golf club 2 6 -man team made its best snowing in years on the Eugene Country club course Sunday but lost out, 44 to 37. Points were divided in more than half of the matches, indi cating extreme .closeness. The Salem players reported that they were royally,, entettajaed and that the Eugene course was in 'excellent condition. A - return match will be played here within a few weeks. Salem (87) Taylor 3 Eugene (44) Immel 0 Prescott l Utter Hendrie 1 Vs Walker 1H ' Huffaker Lengren 2 Nash 0 Flanery 3 Bonesteele 8 Skelley 1 Day 0 Mapes. 8 Patterson 1 Cover 1 Ritner 2 Crews 0 Fisher lVi HIgglns Busick 2 Pekar 3 Curtis HamUton 1 Gallagher 2 PotU Vt i Waterman 2K McAfee 1 Princehouse 0 Woodry Anet 3 Johansen 0 ; Vincent 9 Pettygrove 1 Cornell 3 Stanley 0 : Miller 1H Parks 2 Burnett 1 Oliver 8 Cooley 1 Thompson 2 V Fields 1 Godfrey 0 Calkins 2H Faulkner 2 Fields Vt Moiley 2H Dillon Garver Washburne Bankers Outscore aJmZ rMnAMi.a Slugging, ljrrOCer8 US Bank downed Red it White 8 to 7 and Building Supply won by default In Commercial softball CS Bank -8 '- Red A White 7 It s ' Bertelson and Basse; . Ferguson and L. Ferguson. , " t : "it 3 4a. li SporU New$ s national coverage by As aodated Press, daily In The Statesman sport Radiomen Grab Fifth in Row Blank Papermen Despite Fine Cutler Hurling; Bakers Win Fourth SPRING SOFTBALL LEAGUE W L Pet. Square Deal........ 0 1.000 Schoeaa 4 1 .800 Pheasants ......... 1 . 1 .881 Walts ..... . . . . . . . 1 S .150 Paper Mill ......... 1 4 20-80 ............ 0 8 .000 The Radiomen j broadcast their fifth straight win of the Spring loop last night, a 5-0 whitewash ing of the Papermakers that was accomplished despits some good early inning chucking by Don Cut ler, up from Parrlsh Junior high school ranks. Square- Deal picked off a tally In the first on an error and Wets- ner's hit, a pair Id the fourth on Hank Singer's hit, a pair ot boots, a base on balls and Dick Gents- kow's double, and then found Cut ler for five runs in the seventh. The seventh-inning spree saw the Singer brothers, . D'Arcy, Bernle Gentzkow and Causey all reach Cutler for safeties, Scboens Play Faultlessly Schoens Bakers hung up their fourth victory, playing errorlessly as Kenny Larson pitched them to an to 3 win over Waitea. The Ba kers bombed Roth for three runs in the first, on hits by Plllette, Meyer, B. Larson, Weller and Fowor, added three in the third with Plllette, Meyer and Weller against clubbing hits, and a brace of tallies in the fifth with WeUer getting his third straight hit. Waits tallied once in each of the fourth, fifth and sixth frames. Squee Kitchen's homer accounted for the fourth-frame tally, a walk I anil ".vVAvtnA'a bUw? tl fho i cuiu uai usti auv a viva dvvi w iu vuv fifth, and hits by McCaffery and Scales registered in the sixth. Square Deal 8 11 Paper Mill 0, 8 Cutler and Panther; H. Singer and L. Singer. Schoens . . . . . . .77V. 7 8 18 Waltes 3 '7 K. Larson and B. Larson; Roth and McCaffery. Hurler Hank Singer became the first local softhall chucker to hit the hall of fame this season as in final games of last week he turned in a no-hit mound performance and slugged in two of the tallies that gave his Square Deal mates a 3 to 0 win from 20-30. Singer drove home .Bernle Gents- kow and Jack Causey, both of whom had hit safely, in the sec ond inning, while Brother Lou's sixth-frame sock, and an error on Causey's outfield crash, accounted for the third run. ' - Schoens saddled the Pheasants with a 2 to 1 defeat in the other of last week's final games. Square Deal -8 ' t 20-80 0 0 TT Sinrcrr and Rinrer? TJrv- nan and Harp. . - 1. . Schoens ............. 2 E Pheasants 1 S K. Larson and B. Larson; Jones and Pangle. Wolves to Meet Albany 9 Today MONMOUTH The Wolves of OCE play Albany! college of Port land here Tuesday afternoon. Coach Don Faber, former Willam ette university athlete, has a for midable nine, with six members Batting well over- the 300 mark. I Heading them is Bob Derr with a .546 record. Coach Faber will start either Dean Davenport or Leslie Pete each a star hurler against the Wolves. Coach Al Cox will pit either Jake Miller or Toung Farthing his most reliable hurlers on the mound against the slugging Pi rates. -NV- - ' -' - ,-.-. - - , . I an" -1 ! a" IP CD m IT S . m. Aka MMaaaeee s mm ma. "eananw EON GEHHELL Editor Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, May 2, 1939 Mauler Meets World's Champ v. i ' : y Bobby Wagner, the anKHrth-worklng Austrian, who Wght meet. Danny McShain, world's light heavyweight rasslln' champion, ln tbe main event of tbe weekly show at the armory. ! P Woodburn Awaits Viking Gndermen Salem No-Name Champions to Test new Track in North Today It's out to Woodburn today and a dual meet with the fleet Bull dogs on their new track, tor Coach Vera Gllmore and his Vikings, who last Saturday retained their championship of the No-Name league, meet In its second-annual running. Gllmore Indicated last night that practically the name squad which scored 55 points In tne No-Name meet. Just a hslf point less than the 1938 team tallied, would work against the Bulldogs. Which would mean a squad compona ui Bailey Waller, Nlomiya and Leon ard Williams In the sprints; Shinn and Selberg, half mile; Chapman, Macy and Lei and Williams, 440; Wilson, Watts and Smith, mile; Murphy, Mason and Miles, hur dles; Baker and Lucas, pole vault; Nelson, Tom Williams, Thompson and Bressler, weights; Nelson, shinn and Waller, Javelin; Rich ards, - Burton and Hayes, high Jump; Bailey, England and McCor- mlck, broad Jump; and a relay quartet ; made - up from Waller, Ninomiya, Bailey, Chapman and Leland Williams. ' Coach Johnson has one of the best .track squads In years at Woodburn. Idaho Hits Timed To Defeat Huskies SEATTLE, May l-fJ-Buncli- lng its hits. University of Idaho's baseball team defeated WS-Bhlng ton, 5 to 4, in a northern division Pacific Coast conference game to day. The Vandals Jumped on Pitch er Chet Johnson, scoring three in the third and two in the fourth. The Huskies came within one point of tleing the score by ninth Inning rally and had bases loaded when- George Zlegenfuss filed out to retire the side. League Baseball COAST LEAGUE W L Pet. Los Angeles ....... ...22 Seattle' : -18 Hollywood IS t .710 .581 .500 .484 .484 .414 .414 .313 San Francisco. 15 Sacramento 15 Portland , ,;, ,;,, ,,,11 San Diego . ,.. 11 Oakland 11 . Sunday's Result At Portland 4-4, Hollywood S-2. At SeatUe 12-2. Oakland 2-1. At Los Angeles 2-3, Sacramento 12-7. t . . At San rranclsco 1-5, San Diego 4-i. . 'r-iva NATIONAL LEAGUE Pet 1.727 .431 .100 .551 .214 400 .200 Boston .. ,. -.1 - t : ClndnnaU t 4 Chicago . ...... ......i , . 4 St. Louia , ,,,S 4 Brooklyn 8 ' 4 Philadelphia ;. ,4 7 New York 1 T PltUburgb X : t A3IER1CAN LEAGUB ' New York . : .425 Boston ' . I .425 Chicago ' ' 4 4 .404 Washingtoa , ' ; , S ' 4 .554 Detroit ; 4 , S .545 St, Louis 4 i .411 Cleveland 4 4 . .400 Philadelphia ., r -";'',' 2 T .222 Sunday's Results .-: : - At Philadelphia 1, Boston S. ; . At New xork a, Washington J.- . At Detroit 14. Cleveland 1. At St. Louia S, Chicago 4. . er.- - . A .: - - Oliver to Speak. Banquet Tonight Annual Y SporU Diners to Hear Title Coach. View Game Film ot gridantics at the University of ?andy4B7. Willamette Valley. Dodgers out-lasted the Phillies to Oregon, win address the annual J??6 conte,t- I day. 13-12, by pushing over two YMPA nrinr aiwtrta A I n n m r whuiniui tnr t-u tnni.ht k tonight - - - YMCA. Oliver, who is ' gaining a repu- tation as' an excellent speaker throughout the state, will side his address with a presentation of the Oregon-CCNT basketball game pictures. Tne game was played last December In Madison Square Garden, New York.' with the Oregon team suffering a one- point defeat. Second' speaker will be H. W. Adams, superintendent of Silver - ton scnoois. his suoject wiu oe "Physical Education and its Con- trlbutlou to ciuzenanip." Presentation of awards for the year will be a main feature of the program, which will also include music and special features. Vikings Sweep to 6th Net Victory Salem hiph'a tn n la turn grabbed its sixth straight victory in high school competition Tester- day, downing McMinnville 5 matches to 2. Carroll and Moynl- ban recorded their seventh straight doubles victory, and are undefeated for the season. Results: Singles Chambers, S, defeat Tut a.Ja A. 'ii o . a ,?.' U"-: w juuyuiaan. o. aeiwiea noDMM. M. 6-4. 6-1; Dow, M. defeated Lafky, S. 8-6. f-4; MarUn, S, de feated Stephenson, M, -3, 7-5. ban, 8. defeated Manning a n d Doubles - Carroll and . Moynl ,:v?r&r,i and Hendricks, M. -0, -7. Stolen 11 Bases GRANTS PASS, May 1 - (fl1) - Grantt Past high school stole er- erythlng but the umpire's mask in beating Myrtle Creek's baseball team I to S Saturday. The victory hinged on 11 stolen bases, lal by Grants Pass. , Runs? Plenty o f 'Em Here After losjsa; tires In a row, the Chicago Whits Sox bans out 19 hits lor 17; runs to wallop the Browne in Chicago. ICke Kreevleh, Sox -outfielder, crosses home plate here on a tuxne ran. -. V A I am M en; nw - aa sn A Homer Is the Btatesmsa sports paget home sports news ' cornea first hi all ways. PAGE SEVEN Sherwood Drops Silverton Game Helser for Winners Turns I in 18 J Strikeouts; Score 3 to 1 s 1 L VHRTON SUverton took over the lead of the Willamette Valley league Sunday before ' a large crowd at McGinnis field. deteating Sherwood 3 to 1. Silverton made three runs in the first inning off one hit, a I errors and one walk. Sherwood scored In the sth ikn Rhr I walked, Pete singled into left wen win oi tne annual field,; and on attempted double three-game . series. Bearcat base to put out Pete and Steel, Re- i1 rtock soomed with the double oer came some. 1 Helser struck out his first four I men up and totaled 18 whiffs at I the end of the game. Podbielan I went out in the first inning with I . Friday's double bill will be pre one away and Toss took over ceded by a parade and ceremonies and . retired the side by strikinc I out the first two men. He man-1 aged four- strike-outs and al lowed six hits. Silverton 3 7 1 Sherwood 1 3 -4 ueiser ana jonnson: Fodblel- an, Voss and Laurens. . Umpire Kendall. W O O D B URN The Firemen stoked their baseball boilers with 1 LTSV! lJJS!T .- , "r,. "I ,"V XI K,,1-! hits and four walks off Becker l for six runs. Eldon Cone clubbed iur iwo oases io ciean me bags. Putman led the St Paul hit- ters, with three for five, while! Cone duplicated for Woodburn. I WOOdburn 9 11 7 I St. Paul 6 10 & ovurouunau ana voxel : . uecx- er. Mills and Klrsch. I , CANBY Collecting 22 hits off four, pitchers, the Canby club romped over Beavercreek 22 to 4 I V"aoJ v u ' "i x I evercreek 4 B 4 1 n . . . . vvroy ana iurx; nicnter, fiv- ana. uunton, c. Hagerdorn and x. uageraorn. WiUameUe 5, Lone Elder 1. Stratton Pitches Filial Ball Came 1 CHICAGO,. May l.-a-Monty airauon won upwards 01 xzs.OOO and Dizzy Dean lost' the ball game today. I The Chicago White Sox, for whom Stratton pitched last year. knocked Dean out of the box and won an exhibition intra-clty game.l to All receipts from 25,514 spec - tutors went to Stratton, whose I Sublimity ........ 0 gameness and courage after belScIo 0 lost his leg la a hunting accident m last November inspired the bene- Km0- i Before" the game, the six-foot I Ionr iexan, now a wnite sox coacn witn wooden leK posed for tne newi reel ameramen and liuuiugrayaers wtio tun .manager Gabby Hartnett and then received a motor car from a former team mate. Tony Plet. Then came the dramatic and pathetic touch. He took the mound, from which he tossed 15 victories for the Sox last season. In a halting style, he tossed sev eral balls over the nlate. Then ha i ,lv ... . .77-; .. aaavavajn eiuw aaaa w uv vusjvuf m n-a a ly forlorn figure. BurreU Defeat Aldrich cuy uauh Bob Burren defeated Frank Aldrich after they had deadlocked at IS holes and played three extra ones, Sunday in the only cham- the Active elab'a elrv tonnummt. BurreU will meet Dr. .Harold I Ollnger in the semi-finals. Bert Victor and Bob Utter have yet to I play their second round ' match. I The winner will meet Ralph . Mapea. , . North Today jNorUtwest League Leader After -Second Win From : Portland Pilots -To Portland tor crack No. 1 at the Pilots Is today's schedule of the Bearcat .baseballera. who- Sat- oroy de their list Northwest conierenea aeons oy aouoie aunx lag Llnfleld. Coach Spec Keene will probably toss Larry Nunnenkamp against the Pilots, - with Freshman Hal McAbee held in reserve.- and- Big I Guns-Bob White and Bill Anton tbe Pacific double- header 'here Friday. ;', First Game 7-6 The Xeenemen copped a 7-6 M"tt . rrom xne uniiaweuers nere. ana victory today win give the wu irom xaniieia, maxing seven victories in 11 times out .for the IOCl collegians tnis year, a .911 percentage. commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of base- ball. Local service clubs are back' ing the centennial celebration, and Friday .was yesterday formally set I aside as Salem day by proclama- tion ot Mayor W. w. Cnadwick. . Bees Win Fifth To Lead National t-nA nui '2iit hi. fim Btart of the season after two reiief lobs, turned In a four-hit whin th. v Tnrir mania i in nd hot th Roxton rm Into h KaHn.l Itini. load th I atranrtti nt thafr ft atralrht I TtnrT BROOKLT. - May l.-(jF)-In a wUd, see-saw' ball game that in- volved seven nitchers and took 1 thPflsan ftntirnl ntflll tV4 mfflllfsaa t rlsn runs in tne last or tne nintn arter I Philadelphia had taken a one-run lead with seven UUles in the first 1- - . r half. PITTSBTJRGH, May l.-P)- I johnny RIzxo s bat and spectacu lar pitching by Truett (Ripper) Sewell snapped Pittsburgh's eight game losing streak today aa the Pirates beat the league leading Cincinnati Reds 2 to 1. AuiaaSville. Turner And Stayton Win CASCADE LEAGUE W L AumsTille '1 I Turner 1 1 Stayton 1 I Sweet Home 0 rAumBvilIe. Turner and Stay- 1 ton Sundar won onenine cames I in the Cascade baseball loop. j Aumsvllle whipping Scio 17 to J 8, Stayton downing Sublimity is to z and Turner trouncing j Sweet Home 12 to 5. Stayton ............ 11 3 Sublimity 2 3. 2 Oatchell and McRae; H. Lu lay land W. Lulay. s Turner .i 12 11 1 Sweet Home .5 11 5 Russell and D'Arcy; Foster I .- v.AmrArA Inmsrflla 17 12 8 3 I ' Scio Cliiefs Will Face Alilwatikie Today CHEMAWA The Chemawa high school Braves play the first of three, games . scheduled this week when they entertain Mllwan I kie high's strong team here Tues day afternoon at z:ae.-i - v- The, contest will be the- 1 Sth game ot the season for Gastlneau's Braves, who -will be after their ninth .victory, having won -eight of 12 gamebv The lineuu will sot be changed for the game air the: boys have been . produeingplenty of base blta..The probable starting pitch er wBl be John Slkkpoo tor the Redskins. s ""- "i- - . ' The Indians; will play Molalla, at Molalla, Friday and Salem here Saturday. s J y) " '-' Pet. 0 1.000 1.000 a 1.000 1 .000 1 .000 1 .000 JACK IUSER vs. JACKIE NICHOLS SO Minutes 2!Wl:M.cS G:3Q Lower Floor SOe, Itelcoay 40e. Rrarrved Meals 7Se (No Tax) ' - . . - . ' - Students 2.V, Indies E.V - r Tickets: Cliff Parker's aad I.jile's Aaxpiees American U&ou , fjerb OweaMattnasaker Turf Limelight 1-4 1 K , iUsHHhaa re Gas Dye (above), 19yeared ap prentice jockey from Boise, Ida ho. BtMinMl iatA f Iwt haraa wmgtm Ing limelight In a national way-.'-'- ' V. by riding five successive win- nera at Tanforan track, near ., v Saa Francisco. Dye is the lead-- r ing rider at the, present meeting at tbe tracks AP Telemat. . w WSC Double Wins Over U0 in 10th 5' to 3 Victory 1 Rides on Eastmans Lusty Blow With Score Tied EUGENE, Ore.. May l.-flPW Sam Eastman, Washington State college catcher, clouted a double Into left field and won a . ball game, 6 to Si from the University of Oregon today. j Eastman's sock came in the 10th inning, with the score tied and Brannford and Hooper on base. Bob Kinnsman, Washington State, and Bob Creighton, Oregon, each allowed eight hits. Kinnaman one earned run and Creighton three. ' '' Washington State ..Ug g 2 Oregon l.S "84 Kinnaman and Eastman; Creighton and Walden. Over Eric Seelig Apostoli Has Nod y CLEVELAND, May l-(-Pred . Apostoli, of San Francisco, recog- , nixed as world's middleweight box ing champion in New York and j California, won a close 10-roand decision over Eric Seelig, of New York," here tonight in a non-title- ' boat. Apostoli weighed 159 and Seelig 16S. Seelig, former llghtheavyweight champion of Europe, took an early lead, but slipped badly In thedos- ing I rounds. His. last bid r tor vic tory came in the eighth round when he drove the champion to ' the ropes with a flurry of rights. Apostoli had Seelig hanging on in the ninth round and easily took; 1 the tenth. He opened a cut over the New Yorker's eye in the third round. u - costs icss to . 90 of Friskics isioJklbodJAn saslysis of 23 brands of dog food oi other types shows Frtskles cuts feeding costs in ludj At grocers. - f Danny McSIiaia Worlda Light Heavyweight - CSiarap, vs.' - ,i - - ; Bobby Wagner : (Non-TiUe" Bout) j OTIS CLINGBL4N BIONTE LA DUE l 45 Mbiates - i ' ; " ; a : T 1 J ! I s f i-njir-Ar Idenut. - . - ...