CLGOir JJTATTCIJrCc-a, Owcy Ucrr, piy 2, ICC? PAGE FIYE Local News Briefs County Native Returns -Alter 64 years absence, E. B. Syphart, native of Marion county who left jjere as a lad of 18 years, has , 1 'returned to Salem to tarry awhile. -'Yesterday, in reminiscent mood, ' V he recalled how ho, resided more ' than a half century ago on the iamuy pioneer Jarm. nTien a r rough plot of 10 0 acres, now a part of the present state cottar e farm four miles south of Salem. He left this country and his fam -. ily tor reasons of , health. : going to reside with an aunt In Wooster, . O. Just a year ago he returned to Salem, then, reading about Cat ' . ifornia's climate and sunshine, de cided on i trip to the Golden state -i but alter four months there he decided that, after all, there was j- mnrn HBnaninii nu htiiiilt 111 nm native state of Oregon. Mr, Sypb art. who is staying at the Bligh hotel, says that he did not find many to remember him here oh his return. He has a sister in Portland and a relative by mar riage SilTertou. : . ; Free dance,' Jordan Valley, & miles south of Lyons, May 6. ' 'Enlarge Committee - The "in dustrial committee of the cham ber of 'commerce, . which Is swing ing into an active program to ad- Coming Events Prosecutor m Case Continued I Grand Jury Will Take up Alleged Shortage ' in - Treasury . Tomorrow - -Due to Illness ef Traacls Marsh of ; McMlnaville, special prosecu tor handling Investigation into the v alleged shortage- of about $ 2 3,0 0 0 from the .county , treas urer's office here, the grand Jnry which had been summoned tor to day will not continue the matter until Wednesday . morning: , at It o'clock, it was announced yester day at the office of County Clerk U. G. Boyer. y ,,. . .v. The. divorce trial, of Zuber ts. Zuber, scheduled ,for yesterday, has been continued , until next Monday. v , county department of health. Ex-1 Jdge L, U. Leweiling of d- i .... . , . I partment number two will be here suuniuuua a u u luimuumilUDS I j m . that department. : . H - Circuit Court Ralph SI Rose, charged with nsf check; transcript filed from Woodburn Justice court where he was bound over to the grand Jury. Bail of $250 given. - ' ' j State ex rel Garnet M. Snider New York Fair Set to Open May 8 Annual TMCA spring sports dinner, 0:15 at YMCA, Tex Oliver speaking. May 4 Kansas dab of Salem dance Cherry City Baking coax '. pany's hall, 8:30 p. ni. .-f-' -'"i" r":.:j ' May 7 Champoeg Cth annl - Ternary oltimi e at park. . May 7 to . 14 Xatiewal Ma- ate Week celebration. ; & i Jlay 10 Mate Knights of Co lam bus convention, Mt, Angel. -Blay 18-20 State conference of social service workers at the chamber of commerce. 4 i May 19-20 Salesa district . Epworth 1 e a g a e convention, Leslie Methodist church. : lieahh Schedule Several ex amination Z clinics are scheduled for.' this week-, by the Marlon were held at the Highland nursery school Monday morning with a milk handlers clinic held at the I health . department In the ' after noon Today school and pre school exams will' be held at Sil- U , 4 4 verton - and Wednesday school vance Industries in, the capital exams will be conducted' at- the T? in.dnstrtal fccldent commls- ctty, met yesterday under Chair- he4lth S 'otflc The rea-nlar lnw M0D ; ne"ag 1 "y . ' mn RT a Vocotn and ordered heaun ornce. .ine regular im- a. m. on alternative writ of man man Kay A. locom ana oraered ntonitions, vaccinations and tu- dmmn- to comnel commission to enlargement of the group to -IP hor.niin ,tl wtiriui riven - nn cmm , . p commwi w members The complete commit- oerculin .tests will be given on show medical records upon which Eee inembershlo' al SXo? Satnrda' mornln at the health tB. commission -based . order of SprMStaS ?1-:; March in which it rto ' nest JMlHer. Georre-Riches: Ray i.,er Knre s fth Mtt i-ntoff for permanent dlsabmty, Yoeom. L. C. McLeod. E. B. Ga- - " . , briel tee XS-- Everlv. Cardner 1 j Coart at Pendleton Five mem- Knapp, 3. Howard, W. M. Hamilton, George SwfeMii ' & v ' ' , ' Ruth Z. Harbaagh vs. Glenn L. liar baurh. amended affidavit sup- JJ. Chambers, Clem I b" OI me state supreme poure vs u, , "''.t ..,11. v.k J "- r . . . . . .. I . . - .. mr V a. l, M , 1 in iotn kw. k hnidinr 1 conniuons unoer wnica muauu nuiuu- Hcsaowi, tsace m ntw avn, vuvui nvmo, iwmm . the soring term of -the court for I P cm ar o sauaiaciory, s i u this as large crews i ,wwra;cr acwrwu won o p me iiniwnmg eastern Oreroh. There are elkht I rrinx D. Bowman ani wire vs. i r touches to the New Tore woria s lair, a 9100,000,000 international Bogus; Harry W1 Scott, Fred Pau- 1 us and David W. Eyre. 1? 1 screen; attest to Salem's taste tor . - Skating Party Tonight Mem- ie'rs ! and friends of - the Salem Skating club are Invited to' a party at the MellowMoon rink than .Thursday. ..... ' tha 4fiW.-aV. THA MHIPt I wir " - I";..,: ., , . -Ik'"", i.Ti: closure rranUnr nlalntlXf 9t fivivi ,ut vim i mvav M.w I .... .amaw, , I and S2S.30 court costs. Jean WeUer and Bessie . V. I Hayes vs. Guy O. Smith; motion of defendant for plaintiff to set forth conditions and purpose lor extraTagaaaa. Ia extreme foregroaad Is federal hall where Preel-deas- Rooserett was apeak. Ia narkgroead are the Tryloa aad Perisphere. '.. t ! Health Days Set Several Sa lem schools are observing health tonight.' The club has the floor I days during the next two weeks. from! lOfSO till 12 o'clock. All I It was announced hv Snnerinten. thmo wtahfnr tn ' tti v 'mi make I riont Sllaa Hal nor vexterdav. and I which money allegedly .paid to de- it known at the door when enter- parents may ascertain dates of fendant was paid andjwhetha ' it ingi Plans hare been made for programs by asking their children WM PId one or V1 games and other entertainment or calling the respectire schools. W. p. Storer and W. B. Storer, and the bi-monthly club paper wUl doing business as Storer Brothers, be issued to everyone presents The Salem Federal dividend rate Corvallls. ts. Ray-Maling eora- -ii - has always been 4 per cent. . pany. Inc.; defendant's answer on Reroof-repalnt Mathis 17 8, Cmi - , two complaints i lnrolrlng con- i ;;- Building Permits Issued yes- tracts for beans. Answer eon- WCTU Speaker Today Guest terday by the city building inspec- tends 1S.87S tons of No. 1 and speaker- at central unit of the tor's office were permits to Maria 18.1005 tons of site two Kentucky grams wiU be giTen twice weekly ;WCTU today, will be Mrs. Roy Robertson, to more a garage wonder beans were paid at $1,- over radio atation KSLM in ob Puller, missionary from Vene- at 1518 Court, $15. and to R. A. 086.18 or $70 and $50 per ton, as .ervance of "Child Health Days" uela. Mrs. Lydia Lehman will tell I For kner, to repair a dwelling at I contracted: and 41.73 S 6 tons No. I heEinnlnx May 1 and extending ! in or in vapitoi, , Plan Radio Hours For Health Month "Health of. the Child Is Power of the Nation," Ia May's Slogan During the month of. May pro- tor Summer" at the Lablsh Center community club Friday night Two flms, "Road to Health and Hap piness" and "How It is Done in Marion County, will be shown by Mrs. Moorhead. During April 14 meetings and programs were arranged by the health department In cooperation with the Marion county, medical society with an audience of XC4S. of the work in California and re-. . port of the regional conference at Corvallls will be, given. The meeting .is' at the hail at -1 p nu Vlsitbrs are welcome. : . New Realty Board Still Incompleted Will; pay. Be for copies of Sunday, April .23. Oregon Statesman. ; Coldt Malady Hits The preva lent serere cold or flu epidemic had a strong hold on the court house force yesterday, with Coun- , ty Clerk ; TJ. O. Boyer, Deputy County Clerk Connell Ward, Depu ty Sheriff Randall and Glenn Sav age of the tax department among . ihe absentee due to this Illness. Ub t55X- Och. Boy pnt. Mathis. 178 8. Com Optotoetrlsta to Meet The reg ular meeting of the west central district of the Oregon Optometric by Legislature Blay Be Named This Month Organisation of Oregon's new state real estate department, cre- 1 and 48.0585 No. 2s at total of until June 1. May has been deslg- $5204.11 or $70 and $47.50 per ,tea M -child Health Month" aU ton, and denies plaintiff, allege- OTer the United States and Mrs. tion that full crop not taken.- Le.11 Bergsvlk has been named Ronald J. Frixxell as adminla chairman tor Marlon county. trator of Alice B. Frixxell esute fiinr.n fo. the month is "The I n.tii..i.. nr - - - - - am I . .. .... ... - , . -1 , .v. 1 11. nauiuiwu tt. xxui,-muv vaiirMiti, rtT tit I'niin la LB. rnw.r cr bulldlnr iTsalem oniaht P0"0" aenn ofhe NaUon." May 1. not a on- at 7:$0 o'clock with Dr. Charles lnK oine. 4 .. r day obserrance or drire or cam- PAm.m. Af taia -ttv nmMinr rrooate tOUTt naizn but a means of promoting a I John Dick estate, order appoint- I sustained, comprehensive plan for ing Henry Dick, a son, adminis-1 cniid health and tor the closely re- Sunday booked Ted Wade. 448 I trator. and Chris Llechty, u. J-1 uted nroblems of maternal health. Hood street, on a charge of op-1 Vearrler and Jim Dick appraisers. Each community is planning an crating a motor vehicle , without Estate estimated worth $3000. I extensive child health program, an operator's license, and Paul! John Pemberton estate; final Froarams order closing estate. r 1 Th radio nrorrams. arranred Lloyd Albert, Moriey. incompe- by the medical auxiliary and Mrs. tent: first annual accounting of It .at mrin t rtnn Mat. Asaieas. 8 kind. COe to $ J. Rock I Everett-J. Morleyj, a a a r d 1 a as I wnaH .ni iPrtda in Mir at I Members of the 1oard mast be daphne 75c. Open Sunday, 10: SO showing $1982.50 cash received I ... 0 v I experienced in real esute opera- till i. Knight Pearc j, Nursery. S. and 1 21 1.8 S expended. I Prorrams are as follows May Jtiont. The real estate commission m a a a I -.'B I1 .aw V A niin a a en a. 1 1 s - JUSlKe UOnn I Child Health Plana, Mrs. Lelt n a a - r.lia. e -S ail I a a . e a? tl.-.a aa . n a I HDrl .JrV TfBQ. lAJUUIU. Mm ilUw WWT WW Tl W C nM.iriHB.Il Z HIT D. HUiUO at a. .vil. . V t a 1 IJOtaQtaSPK KMnfTaU rtfl C g.a M.l - I " ' co"?" -lnnv . Raiam -T cosU lor -JriTing .with tour in and Farm AccldenU; BIU Thomas, - necuon wun proposea roao reio-1 .7 : . .. .V T.. Xr .7. I front seaL- nrMiiitin Red Cross? Mar 10. Robert Talmadge Coonrod. lar- Health Precautions for the Sum ceny belonging to Vance' Cook. mer Dr juipa purvine; May 12, pleaded guilty and bound to grand Health Resources In Marion coun- juryMn county Jail in lieu of svv ty, Mrs. George Moorhead; May ball. . I IT. Child Guidance, Dr. V. A. a. irwnrl.- Ttfav It Tlia Tmnnrtance Burson of 117$ Union on a charge of violating tha basic speed rale. Xul Florist. 12)8 N Road Board'2otng East Mem bers; Of the state highway com- missioa will spend If ay 17 in Bend I Liberty, 1 blocks south armory.0 and :PiinevIUe where . they will cations,; Obitnariea. f Mrs.' Barbara Arnold, at he rea died April 27 at Hawthorne, Calif., friends here have been informed: Services will be held here at the Clough-Barrlck company next1 Thursday at 1:20 p, m. Next CC Speaker Walter B. John,- C. 'Rhoades, Charles -vie. ioence -iw -merui sireei. i nii iftMtiTa nn. tna vn-tianif i wmf)i xiibt . wui r a nasi vot in lvntntinn. nr. 'C'gjjtfotoi MttMii$jlgM II poUce force, wUlbe the speaker Jwefly ot gasoline from i truck . be- Gn,8le Nlleg. May Ut immunisa- , - (.-t w'vw ai ine cnamoer - oi comnrerc i -"" . v r, ' ; non oi rre-jcaooi v-unureu, H.-Atnoii twp aaagKera, Misses inncheoh , here next Monday. Hlslv VJr JaJ.- Laban Steeres; May 2$, Prenata: ,'RuthJid tether, Arftold; son. .nhiect .in be "SubvemiT acmtJM hTe trial at 2 p. m. today. r. n, JnnTI !v ; . ijoya Arnota, aiaaiem ana jjoru ities." t ' moao auuuuau .us " " . . .-.-Arnold of ?Sah ' Diego: -brother. , . , tence continued until today. All ia ir L Wesley McFar land of C-o If ax. White shoes cleaned 20c. Marlon, jail In lien $50 ball., ; ; Wash,; i four sisters,,-; Mrs. Lulu Hotel Shine shop. m Marriage licenses - - Mccormick ot Saaplego, Mrs. v,wi. - C Charles J. Rybloom. $0, me VLuey Greer of Melrose. Idaho, and clb TT. Sid chanic, route 6, box 121. aad Oen- - . Mrs; . Lottie Skeen of Lps Ange- fiddlers contest will highlight the eTiaye Louise Glover. 21, domes- ; ' lesttllf.: also three 'grandchild- n-"ng oi me Agea neuremni tjCf Sublimity. . - -renFUBerai announcements later i io ainyiumeui no. Health Program Extensive, Week by Ciough-Barrick company, 12 to be held tonight at o'clock at Wesley halL ;:.: 7:30 Vaadcrhoff ' funeral services are to be con ducted at 10:20 a. m. Tuesday from 4he Terwllliger chapel for Mrs; Annie Vanderhoffr 87. who died- yesterday; at fiet- home, 559 North 21st street. She was a rest; dent of Salem tor approximately f Of years ' and ', member of the aangaucai Vnar . aere. r oa. - Q tg baerre national hos- surriTea - oytwo sons ait w -W- it Portland- an Everett: f Bend; J? ' f our i . brothers;, Preiton Wood Llbertaub to Meet Wednes 'Sheldpn, Earl and Clnty all of daFaf 'S p.m. there will be a .Saiem e ster Mifjame maaUQC f Ue Liberty Townsend -ataxier os vmoa. mm ""7-1 up at the Liberty schoolhonaa. airs, ceaiie v j&awaroav erere Judson, , Mra, iWanita, Creas- Granted PermitThe, county ".'. '.-.-'' " court yesterday approvedapermit for Alfred L. Deggelerof . Silver ton tb haul logs orer the North Santlam: : Richard D. Anderson. 22, state I Marion Deoartment Uses Commercial, and Viola Lucille speakers and riims apartments. Municipal Court Chester T. Smith, drunk; fined $10. committed to jail to serve. John Simons, drunk; a 20-day I Hospital Day .Noted Governor Jail sentence suspended. Charles A. Sprag)iaMonday issued 1.11 I . . . l.t M I a Kl W Urlllj MM , ClUiCBI M a. a ' a tathoiic scouting Leaders to Gme to Carry Word An extensive health education program is being sponsored by the Marion county department of health this week, Monday morn ing, the talking slides, "For All Our Sakes," was shown at the Woodburn high school to 400 stu dents and in the afternoon the same film was shown to the home hygiene class pf the Red Cross. Monday night Mrs. George Moorhead, director of public l health education, and Mrs. Nova Word , has j been received by vnnnr nnralna- snnerrlaar. went imi n.k To-i-HaTha I James E. Monroe, scoit executive o Albanv to aire a demonstration ey and Mrs. Barnlece ZelleralJ of Iremlar meeting ot the Hollywood lot. the Cascade area council, that program on syphillls. Wednesday Salem. Ret. Oay: L. Drill wUlbffi- wlll u hid tonight at J1 Talelen, archdlocesan nims wiUbe shown atjhe pro- nam 11 ini KriKci. ; wmiaw a.tiaair . n, arm .., j rm ; m, uuu iuvquuk vi, un will be In the Cityvlew cemetery..! v . J O'Brien of Portland wUl be In jBnlor Woman's: club . home hy - f!nte fatangea Tne Aurora i aaiem itioet to . maaa laeir an-1 giene class. (ppok . . ; school clinic nrerlously announced I nuaUrisit to the Catholic scout - lions to Hear Speaker fEd ward G. Coppok passed away I f or , May . S has been changed to I troop, No. f . The meeting will bei Mrs. Moorhead will be the guest aeia. at bi. josepn s parun ana l speaker at the noon meeting oi Father T. J. Bernards win direct the Lion's dub Thursday and her the troop's weekly meeting, assist-1 topic . will he "Child Health Re ed by Bert Ford and other troop I sources o! Mario n County.' 1 The Portland men wUl be ae-1'The Road to Health and Happi- eontpaaled by Father Loute Bar-1 Bess and "How It Is Done la af Hawthorne, Calif-. Thursday, i Thursday, May 11. April 27; at the age oi ,u years. SarrlTed by wife. Aldora Coppok. of Hawthorne;- daughters, Mrs. Mabel Fuller of Hawthorne and Mrs. Madge Thompson ot Hepp m. nr' and one tranddaagh- ter.l Funeral services will be held Stolen Car Recovered from the CloughBarrlek chapel Thursday. May 4, at lt$t ., BTLYKRTON An automobfls atalaa tm PnHIuA. BraMftfaf T. Hohbe of that city, -was loana i ssanoB voaacy, ww ne hows ai nday on the streets here where J Catholics a A meeting of the I the Rock Point aehooL been abandoned. Binht - . Ujs. . 2a v-aa, m. amawa for ailments of stOTiaci; Urr, fddncy. akta, Mood. Ui, riWCJ um f men A woxaen, 11 jrtars In service. Kataropathte Phyalp clans. Ask your Neighbors about CHAN LAM, , . !; a3Za G- ffiU EiITJ cmNESZ. taa3)XCClB CQ. SSSi. Court Et.;Cornir LTber rifioa Anen Tuesday at sav nrday only. 10 Ai M. to 1 P. TjL. r 4 w tt ConsulUUott, blood pressure ft viae test axa free Earir To -Mr, and Mrs. Allen Early. 1 1 S East Miner, a daugh ter, Florence Lorene,.bora April it. . J- - i-erite---To Mr. and urs. Foster Wlateraate, 1141 North 1 12th, a daughter, Joaa Ear. oora April 22 at tne sataa uetMraa aaacfear-TO ur. aaa aua. troop eommltteeman wia be held I Dr. Ralph Purytne will speak following the troop meet. Mem- on "Health Preventive Measures hern of the committee are Dr. Ed ward Lebold. Father T. . J. Ber- ; aarda, Paul Koenlg and Fred Gor- scout master. J. Stcinbergcr Is Held, Grcn-J Jury nn f;rr7::. BILVERTON John . Eteiaberger IMaay l thaw saaeiaa, itss, kaak-nkl aenaH kLaw aa eaka er Sttaiat Elerbart Geschtr. Ctaytom, a tea, waa, vow. rw w 'IT - " S5a-isti!"- ir-J iSSS-S! rfYasns Tr MTr- Alrta charge at attempting to commit a SSk i f.m s saaaa ear m Hansen, Turner, "a son, Xdward feloar, "ii, TV fTiTT i V t ijSew, bora April It at the Dea- - Mrs. SUlnberger tMUftedthat aafl&'--SJ-SS T11 i! her husband bad attempted to ,. y-w kiajw .i-HiIt. . - - Eowe To Mr. and Mrs. Clar- oot her and said he had ought ZSSTJS, enca Howe, HTf rairfrouhdJ ta ladnee: her to alga orer to him m th-u-atTiat- raayj Man aasc road, a daughter, bora April I her rlghU la the Jamllyroperty. b-fc-a attSa Deafness hosplUL , Steinberger denied any threat or SS?&IlZLaaaa xLtnieuTo Mr. and Mrs. Na- attempt to shoot hia wife,, -v U-'T tZEZ& thaEAli.ato 1 Brooka, , L. EaMsas i waa a Jto wit- feJ-T adaur-ter,bora May 1 at the iteas.. called by Joa reltoa, deputy ITEss VM Told How -To Avoid War Strong Def enae, no Ties, Killing of War Profit. Is Van Antwerp Idea Provide a strong national de fense, take the profits out of war. avoid European entanglements. strengthen democracy by making it work at home these were the I knalnta amnhaatzed bv Eusrena .L I I Van Antwern, national comman Lrder-in-chlef of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, who addressed a Salem group of Teterans, repre sentatives of patriotic organiza tions and others here Sunday. . ' We believe in national defense to avoid war," said the prominent veteran. "And we believe that an other way to avoid war Is to take the profits out ot It. Revelations in congress in the last 10 years have shown that 23,000 new mil lionaires were created by the great war, and we know about shipyard workers who were paid from $25 to $50 a day and. wore silk shirts; We want no more such profiteers. We would tag industry, commerce and labor to the point that war profits would be held to normal profits. This would not only cut down the profiteering but would provide the government with the necessary revenue to wage war.? Ron-Alliance Strongly Favored The commander-in-chief said he had obtained in his travels a cross - section of opinion in the United States and that it was over whelmlngly against alliances or InrolTements in European affairs. Relative to the neutrality prob lem. Van Antwerp advocated no restraint on sale ot war munitions for cash but proposed that "our ships go Into war zones at the' risk ot the profiteer, and op posed the designation of aggres sors. 1 ' Governor Charles A. Sprague spoke briefly, stating his belief that the people of Oregon are not in favor of involvement in a Eu ropean war. New Army Head t - Local WU Seniors Get School Posts Four Salem Students Are Among Quintet Placed in State Positions Five seniors. Including four Sa- 1am atndanta. who will araduate State Commission Created I from Willamette university in June hare signed contracts to teach la Oregon schools for the coming year according to Pearl Swaason, placement secretary. The following seniors hare signed contracts: Doris Damlelle, state real siuia ircyariuivui, uo- . - , . , ,...v ated under an act ot the last legls- ."EJ .7 lative session, probably will not t"""T"v TL o-ia-T vii7 . Ka M..uai ..hi I. in u.v I June JohnsoB, Salem, biology ma Governor Charles A. Sprague has Indicated. . . . . i . The department will include a real estate board composed ot fire members, state real estate eom-l missldher and clerical assistants. Estabrook Brief . Filed in Court ' The reply brief of Jack Esta- -- brook, under 1$ months prison -' sentence for using a bomb with Intent to Injure the property of another, was filed In the state supreme court here Monday. Estabrook was convicted ' in .Washington county at his third triaU He also was fined $500.: Attorneys for Estabrook appealed. Officials said Estabrook was among those arrested in the labor- ' goon campaign. " ... . aiat.aaaa Brig. Cen. George. C Marshall UhaMli nft. waa selected or Presldetat Roosevelt as chief of staff, the army's highest post, ce ; succeed General Malln Craig, who U slated to retire. 1 Gen. Marshall will be among the youngest to bold the office. The mOSION Wrick fif stylo faf m rscaiaa. wallets watcM. mm tae rsrfocf Cat. See ew wJacKea jor, biology, general science and physical education at Pilot Rock; Margaret Hacy, Salem. English j maior. English and history at Ashland; Lee Rudln, Salem, sci ence major, chemistry, general science aad biology at Canby; and Kathrrn Thompson, Salem, social science major, social science, bi ology and physical education at I Bonanza. Former graduates with teach ing experience who hare secured new positions are: Dwlght Adams, physical education director at Dallas, goes to Albany as director of physical education and athlet ics; Jesse Deets, physical eauca- tioa director and coach at csta-i cada, has accepted a similar post-1 tion at Col ton; Theauora uusiai- son. English teacher at Richland, has accepted a position to teacn English at Coquille; Helen Kat- ourr Soence. Portland, will teach commerce at Brownsville: and Muriel White of Salem, who has been physical education Instructor at Woodburn the past several rears, has been elected at Rose- burg in full time physical eduea- Ition. . 4 aw 6KUEMS. The ATaAOt. Ty saw 6RUEH. Yet '24" IS'- life The tOKS. la-ely sew 6KUEN wyle. fiaelcate. cnOTI YSe aaU ISiab . I. P 7 Parent-Teacher County Gouneil to Meet lUy IS SILVER TON Mrs J. Roubal, president of the Marioa countr council ot the Parent- Teacher association, announces that its annual meeting will be heldat Silvertoa May IS. . Tka JASO01. Tnav secsrsle I7ieei GftUEM. YefcW eeld fiMed cat witk nfTl , . Va Ilartnan Dios. Jeweler ' Corner Statt at Libertx - er will receive $4000 annually. Two candidates for the office ot real estate commissioner are William Graham, democrat, and Herbert Gordon, Portland, repub-l lican. Graham Is now serving as I deputy state real estate commie-1 sioner under Hugh Earle. in 1 charge ot the state Insurance com mission. Gordon previously served as a member of the legislature and has been engaged in the real estate I business in Portland for many years. The law creating the new real estate department becomes oper- stive June 14. Governor Sprague 'said he had received a large number of appli cations for real estate commis sioner but declined to divulge their names. New Parole Board To Name Director Applicant for $3600 Post WiU Be Jnterriewed at Meeting Soon Oregon's newly created : state parole bard, to become operative I June 14. win meet la Salem with in the next few days to consider employment of a parole director at a salary of ISI00 yearly, as sistant parole director aad four parole officers. The ' new board, appointed by Governor Charles A. Sprague, ts I composed of Paul R. Kelty, ax- editor of the Oregonian: Gerald l Mason aad Roy S. -Spec" Keene. lt waa Indicated here that Keene would be elected chalrmaa of the board. ' Governor Sprague declared re cently that selection of the parole staff would be left largely to tha board and that polities would be taboo.- A large number of the appli cants tor parole director will 1 Interviewed by tha hoard at Its first meeting here. . ' i 12 flenSSi F6iWFd its m How much a month would be ready? 'mm How many months would ii continue? IBIGTIlEl AtlD STMt:GHlHl YQUH PROlEOldri Examjkt: 1 a ssrt pcucy TOTgip rtowpg $150. monthl lor 34 months 100 monthly (or 53 months 50 monthly for 114 months a HM POUCT TBSSin PTCOVOl $200 monthly for 53 months 150 monthly for 72 months 100 monthly for 114 months Anssl E Ftr XWX JZsCZs& VZmU Ufa J Poflcy I CaaranW I Fast S Team I 4th Tear Net Age NttaW Lsta st IjrastaaSeals 23 $15.40 ' $13.03 $12.41 25 17.74 . 15.03 . 1432 SO 20.63 170 16.74 25 24.58 0i 20.C2 a 9.79 252 24.47 45 33.73 31JC2 t0) CO 453 29.01 '' 23.18 ' I I I -4th Tear Net- shows Avidend at aad f thaw yeaatavpieseM Future dirtdeads, ef i eaaaotUfaretold. rVi Tm swaadsf taosr istta eoataia Pi iBilisi Waiver Diash&ty liewoa. iisua laalanas PeScj, X5,tS$ . Lmmm -mJk S ' irHr jtrrrs xmjia Oi.M t Aaaulaf jrJ-, CESJ fee 00 ytste N CZUAv- Ke awT "-Hta wast aUawat yes iv" ax. flTUCTE3 cS ; 7r aaritjaj aaart. aae., a-fV aJ4ar. f. iJjt7 bts4tr( frvsr, sUa, ferasle eaar -' 4ilaeMnerbCo. J V C' praetie. Caiaa. 1 OtUet bem 4 ( ' . . exaapt Baa- v) V; I 4my aad Wsaa- J .-1 1 I 1M V Call, at, - ailafa, Ota. " dtr5;:ii2:c:co: cirarM o? vermis ty a p:y c5 crlila czzzzl ti CtitiaSSso rtfcj w. ' . rs. - : it - : ' , ; .; " , Conrult Agent, phoas loeel clct, cr KriU to tie Company iyesxama doapamj of JVcsrita of charge. Deaconess hospltaL