The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 02, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    age tchz:
Honor Roll listed
At Iffill Gty High
Play Will Be Offered on
- May 10, Grade School
. Pageant May 11
Three Killed When Train and Truck Collide
MILL CITY The honor roll
for the high school the last term
- - Sophomores, Darrell Schroeder.
Virginia Johnson, Dorothy Dean
Mason, Dorothy Ayers, Verna Car
away, Mary Maurer. Nellie Hatha
wf, Cleta Crabtree. , '
Freshmen. Fran ces Caraway.
France Burke. Clarabel Geertsen,
Joyce Orden, N a d t n e MCarly.
Glenda Lyons. Charles Hallln.
. Juniors. Namol Chance, Wanda
White, i Fern Raphael, Dorothy
Seniors, Lois Caraway, Maxlne
Downing, Virginia Mason, .Ward- I mm sl -r -? i
tne Forrest, Zola Sorry. Bob I If llnTcPSllTlrlS ! I jftflSft
OCE Student
Praises Churchill I
Resolution Telia Thanks
-President Is Not' to
Leave for Good
Mr& Earl Miller:
i Heads Gardeners
STAYTON Mrs.1 Earl Miller
wu altetad President of the
local schoolhouse Friday ' lt 0, - Carde. clnb at' the
tor a 7 . edoe sapper ana pro- zi., - -AZ I t.
gram arranged by Mrs. Karl ItZTTZ J "ntZZ
College Grange will meet at the
HarrilL lecturer.
, The Mill City high school anna.
al play, "Second Fiddle," will be
presented Wednesday. May 10. in
the high school auditorium. The
Pageant of Nations" will be glv
enin the gymnasium May 11, by
the grade school. - I -..
Mill City high school was repre
sented at Forest Grove Saturday
Mrs. P. C. Crofoot hare leased
their store and gas station to P.
J Ellslth of Fergus Falls, Minn.
I The new proprietor , has had 0
for the music contest, by the girls' re', experience in the grocery
chorus, consisting ofCharleen
Gentry, Dorothy H 1 g d o n. Den
Champ, Glenda Lyons, Ruth Hig
don, Verna Hathaway, Alia Jack
son. Velma Syverson, Bennie Car
ter, Virginia Johnson, Helen HI
business. He expects to enlarge i
the store and add fresh fruits
and- vegetables to the present
store of supplies.
Mrs. Crofoot accompanied by
Misses Laura and Ollle Crabb
atl. Marlorie Schroeder. Virginia I of Salem, expect to spend the
Harris, Jane Henderson, Belle) weekend at Ft. Dick, Calif., vis-1
F a n 1 1, .Joyce Ogden. Frances King Percy ana Jonn, : sons or
Leach. Frances Burke. Cleta Crab- I Mrs. Crofoot and the Misses
- tree: a trio. Marlorie Schroeder, I Crabb brothers, Walter and Roy.
Joyce Oa-den and Virginia John-1 . Next week the Crofoots will
son; a boy's chorus, Victor ; Her-, leave for Minneapolis, to 'visit
' ron. Glen Rogers, Harry Pendle- Mr. ' Crof oot's mother who. is ' se
' ton, Albert Beeson and Millard riously ill. Later .they will re-
- . Bass. : 1
Miss Virginia Mason acted as
accompanist." Mrs. Donald Sbythe
Is director. '
Salem to make' their
turn to
The Hayesville Woman's club
held a hard times meeting at
the home of Mrs. W. EicholU.
Mrs. Frank Martin assisted. '
Mrs. J. W. Pentney and Mrs.
M. S. Fisher, dressed as bride
and groom, won prizes.
Committee;: were appointed to
at the spring luncheon
s. P. C. C !oot.
Mrs. E. L. Moore, Mrs. H. Eck-
ADMSVILLE Th e Aumsville I hout and 'Mrs. W. R. Powers.
! firemen presented their annual Table decoration, Mrs. W. Elch
. program in; the gym here Fri- oltx, Mrs. J. W. Pentney, Mrs,
i day nlrht to a packed house. A. T. Lewis and Mrs. W. Rus-
.K Aumsville grade school won the tin. Serving, Mrs. Robin Day,
j ball and West Stayton the .bat Mrs. W, Strozute and Mrs. J.
for ticket selling, these pupils
' ; being tied at end of the sal i
i student body 'meeting of Ore-1 i TJNION HILL 'Mrs. v W. T.
son. College of : Education, Prest-1 Krens and ' : Mrs. Geneva Hub-
dent J. A. Churchill was tend-1 pard wiU -entertain the Union
i ered a- resolution of eulogy and I Hill ' Grange Home Economics
appreciation for fen fine service club at the home of tie latter
to this school over a period ;of 1 Wednesday - afternoon, n May J.
i nearly 7 years. , His retirement The meeting is scheduled for a
aa president of this Institution I week earlier than ' the I usual
recalls afresh the fact that he I meeting; date ;4a :to. the tom-
i nrougnz to uus school tne nar-1 munuy garden tour May T.
t vest of his many years as a lead
ing educator, - He told the atu- UNION HTLLThe TGA of
dents: .; '" ! J union Hill Grange are sponsor
'x n am Tery glad to know thatl ln marquerad dance Satur
I am to be president-emeritus y. May A 'SUverton orchw
with a few duties to look for- tra will play. Funds will go to
ward too. I knov of no rfle In I pay a 4H scholorshlp 16ta 4H
school .work la the state thai I 'opmer school at Corvallls ear-
would rather - hare suceeed me 1 t one. .. .
home, of .Mrs. Roy Maring. Other
officers elected were: . Mrs. Roy
Karlng. vice president; Mrs. H.
A. Beanchamp, secreUry-treaa-
urer.. .'The following delegates
were chosen ,tQ .attend the -state
garden club convention at For
est GroTe May 15, lfi and -17:
Mrs. Fred Berger, Mrs.?; Earl
Miller: alternates. -Mrs. Mattie
-Eruee ; and Mrs. H. J. Rowe;
The - club passed motion to
request " the city "council not to
install .water meters In reel-
dences UUevlng that would il
tlmately mean neglect In vstar- y
lag of lawns and shrubs and - so
detract from the appearance of
SUyton. - . ' '
The date of the spring flower
show has been set tor May 12
L at -the community clubhouse.'
Qinic Slated 3rd-
HUBBARD" A pre-schooK
clinic will be-held atthe ub
bard school Wednesday morning, -
May 3, at 9 o'clock under the . .
direction of the Marion county - ,
health department. Children from. - . ,
3 to 6 years of age, will be given
examination and Immunizations;!
also , babies from 6 months to J v
years of age, will be immunized.
Parents are urged to bring,
their children. ?
than' President Howard "
Philip . M. - Schweizer. rural
mail carrier on route one, Mon
mouth, Is. home from the vet
erans'. hospital, Portland, where
he has been recuperating follow
tag a stroke early In March. His
Millard -. Sbelton; dub presi
dent, is in general charge. Prises
are onerea tor . tne best - cos
tumes r worn by. dancetsv .
memoration' ot the. . XKOth . anni-
condltlon is much Improved, and 7nerLf'ft rg!MVns.tonJs
ho hopes to be able to resume i?"!01"0" Pdent of the
work on his route In Mar. but otaiea av painouc
will return1 to the hospital next
week for another ' checkup
Schweizer is secretary of the
State Rural Carriers' association.
ARYE Club S3 Electa
nw wuicers 01 tna. local ciuo
No. Xt, of Aged - Retirement and
gram was presented j at . the
Grange hall here Friday night.
The address was by W. H.
Stevens on "The Farmer: and
the Constitution" who ably com
pared the relative . importance
or the. farmers' position - then
i : 11s Ci 1 "'--
Prizes Awarded ;
In Amateur Phase
- - f j
Of FirematfShow IScheV.
Happy Hour and
Three links Meet
STAYTON Mrs. h. H. Wright
entertained the Three TJnks
BTAYTO" Delegates from
the Stayton Woman's commun-
structor of manual arts at the
high school.
v . .v t,k. fc tnAmm'm ltT clb nd 9 president, Mrs.
club of the Rebekah lodge at her . A. .cnnn,ni ".ttnAeA th
and also in a sell-oft contest.
Prizes in the amateur contest
s were: grand prize, Misses-vioiet
! Perkins, piano, Winifred Per
i kins, electric " guitar; Marjorie
1 Perkins,, ukelele.. First prize for
i groups went to Miss
Lane and Raymond Lane who
sang with guitar accompani
ment;; second prize, Schafer sis
ters. For solo parts, first. Lei
. Phillips, with vocal solo and yo
jdelllng; second, Grace Ashfor.
i The second ' part of the pro
I gram was a ' play, "Hill Billy
Stettler, Mrs. C. Doolittle and
Mrs. B. Willis.
. Special guests were Mrs. A.
Odem and Juanlta Odemr Mrs. A.
Branson, A. J. Baltzer, Mrs.
Fred Ratzberg.
Idanha Mill Is
At Shutdown End
DETROIT The Idanha Lum
ber company .mill began xpera
Weddln'," with main characters "..''" t"" Wood, Mrs. William Ramage, meet
v by H. JJastings, Lester Sny
der, Lemer Ellis, Ray Lane, E
eretV Warren, Harvey -Snyde
Ed Calahan,' Ross Clark, Gale
Keith, Richard Warren, Rcy
Wilcox, Tony Perkins and Ray
f Tulllns.
and Harris ' are at present put
ting logs Into the mill.
Detroit public schools will
close May 19 with a joint gradu
ation exercise of high .school
and grade and probably Mary's
duced the entertainment with
an I account of the fire depart
ment and its work.
On Coast Outing
two graduates at the exercises.
Dr. Vern D. Bain from the
state department will be the
speaker. Bertha Webb and Rob
ert Young will receive high
school diplomas while Elberta
Libby, Marguerite Jackson, Ber
lyn Matchett and Robert Smith
rill graduate from the eighth
grade. Music will be furnished
by the grade school.
Tooth ; Kmninmnt Tn and now,- stating that when i the '
leeW aa follows j w n. 1 constitution . was adobted. ft 1
ham, president; Mrs. Joe Rogers. "r CBl population was
sr. Tke president: E. M. Ebbert, f5ed ta while now
uAMtin- . r.. v. 1 only. 25 per cent is -on the farm.
t5 f : I tTP..nV vTm .-I He said that fresh from nolltl-
- . ... vv.i w.a . . ...
auuned r delegate . and B. M. De. m intolerance or
Lann. alternate, to a atat. eon. ta ol countries, the . newty
Scenes after a Union Padflc train oa the SeatUe-Portland run coDJd-1 venUon In Corvallls, Saturday, j f sUtes. endeavpred to
ea wltli a logging truca: near isncoaa, wasn. Aoove, ue ovenurnca i May, f. I , m wwi mw-i
locomotive, steam still shootlna front Its boilers: below the shat-l Br resolution, the local club al. nd protection for all as
teml (mk Th muHiuw mmA rtrrman of 1K trala and the trvck 1 want m r m n a rw.. I evidenced in the Preamble.
driver were killed and several traia paaseBgen were lajured. AP I dispUy of colored motion Pie-1 Oregon scenic moving; pictures
photos. I tnrea of Industrial and scerL: wefe snown by the Cherryry
content at the San Francisco company 01 asaiem. A
t i a a.ii ,
world's fair to advertise Oregon. iooweq. j
asr. ana Mrs. U A. Moore have I ' f
uvuiui buui ou jacason sireei i srs : w sr i & "
of Mrs. F. E. Murdoch. The I'll co itlilnCPTI tf
Voores have occupied thU house LfAiaa- UaClI iU
ior tne past year. Moore is in-1 c i r I
opeak at atayton
STAYTON Llllie Madsen, au
thor of the "How? Does your Gar
den Grow?" column of The States
man, will speak fat the meeting
Of the Stayton I Woman's club I
dys John, Mrs. SteUa Say, Mrs. TURNER The Mauri Loa Thursday afternoon. May 4, at
Margaret Anuersen auernaies. guitar club of the Prlgcma Mel. the clubhouse. Miss Madsen Is
iUl. O UO A UCl. 1111 B. . jnuuicu I aln d-oh mn Ar- m. a ...M.KHa..l . - ... - .
i it-' t t I WUU WB yiwcui- i also biiTerton librarian and corre-l
S EZEZi -Pendent Her topic will be "Ore-
j w " . . .
house at the high school audi- B " " "
torium. The entertainment was this program will be presented:
sponsored by .the PTA ' and 4H Playlet, "The Pumpkin Hill Gram-
clubs with Mrs. Ethel Sundlle 1 mar School Graduation," directed
lf- A 1351T Helen Peetz, Elizabeth (Ball, Ro- j by Miss Louanne Hassing, and
ivlCCl Arc lltKcU bert Schaefer and Blanche WU- with this cast ot seventh graders:
liams, local committee chairmen. I Troy Ingram, Shirley Nightengale,
The program presented 19 Delores Chitwood, Norman Peters,
numbers. The Junior accordian Betty Shieman; song by Peggy
group of 20 members, and the Missler, Alice Spraker, Phyllis
senior club of 10 members, all I Bell and Stella Thompson ; project
tn bright satin uniforms, were display by Miss Thompson.
enjoyable. Specials were: Tap Election of officers for the
dance, Beverly McMillan, accor- coming club year will be held,
dian numbers by small girls, Pa- The hostesses will be Mrs. L. H.
tricia Scott and Florence Pol- Wright, Mrs. Harry Rowe, Mrs.
ster: cowboy band, steel cut- P. Deldricfc and Mrs. Lena Teo-
tars by a group of young boys; man.
i mkM..4.. M V e-
Hennlnr. nish washlnr Mrs BUIUB x"r
Frank Marshall, Mrs. Albert checkers and cards were en-1 cluhs In Salem Friday.
Joyed following the business The following are delegates
Tr.PPtino. which was conducted Mrs. Irene Gettman, Mrs. Gia
by the president, Mrs. L. H
The next meeting will be at
the lodge hall with Mrs. Eva
Hilton and Mrs. Clara Lau as
Those present were: Two.
guests, Mrs. Clara Lau and Mrs
Charlotte Slay ton; Mrs. urant
Murphy, Mrs. Etta Brewer, Mrs.
Edna Sloper. Mrs. B. H. Cham
berlain, Mrs. Joe Harris, M t,
A. C. VanXuys, Mrs. R C.
and the president, Mrs. I Hjf Tl 1
Heard at Turner
George I and Mrs. Louise Berger.
Liberty Entrants
In County Track
LIBERTY Elimination track
events were held here
Mrs. Clarence Baldwin, Mrs: during the past few days; win
W. A. Weddle, Mrs. Bee John- ners to represent the school at
son, Mrs. Elmer Boyer Mrs the county meet, May 6, in Sa-
Ezra Hilton, Mrs. Byron ShuicM, lem. Local winners were:
Mrs. D. George Cole and. the Bo, fr,de, 0 to 8 60 ,d dMh
hostess, Mrs. L. 7 Wright. I Lawrence PUnk, Bob 8teey; 100 yard
The HaooT Hour club met atl?,n Norton, jiene Km; mgn
a ls-stnrvTS ana,
wir. Phl.f S O Wels Intro- ereek CCC camP wh,ch will have th hn ".T nV Mr Jo PieTer 0nlP. aiekard-Csiteel: brcdjump. Eick
Fire Cnlef S O. Weis Ino- graduates at the exercises. hAm lM'
TITBNER Tnrner hirh ' school
r?SlSv2ft Culbertson New
with teachers,xOrva Nickula and
Miss Gertrude Roenicke as.chap-
Thursday. Chinese Checkers and race, Allen Dsch, Lmverna Sarfent; pack
cards were played. The golden . btacey, Bobby nurn; potato
wedding anniversary of Mrs. Da- Jffl
Vid Silvers was recognized With Bob SUety; medley race. Merle Raina,
a gift from the Club. Mrs. Oil- lwrenc flank, Richard 8tark, Bob
yer Forette was a guest. The 8t7, , . ,.
next meeting will be at the J2.8'60'lf 5?lJ5
home Of Mrs. Albert Boedig-1 Rl, Tiw, Hurd;' thrl.ed rmc.
heimer. May 4. ' iNorbert Norton. Rocer Daaeh; aaek race.
r.awim xiara, uieir Jtyeri; oroaajamp,
Oier Meyer. Bobby Sargeat; potato
H Q I . AA I 1 D .
r oreev Home IS sr I-h, Edwin Hard, Bobby Sarsent,
Opened tO Club I Ob-li. frad to S, 15 yard. Oertrade
Mia.MWWC, - WMi UHWH IV Rill. A
siira Anderson, Lets Hndton broadjomp.
Stayton Marshal
CTAVTOV Tnhn A nlWt.
Class members are Marie Wllks, g0B of Lebanon began his du- Thursday at the home of Mrs. fSi,""' !0,
Dorothjr T-Bower...Mtbel ,ut thla weelt stayton's new William Forgey. Mrs. Fred Pot- wr7 a!Trtrs4?ysnnX.
A U M SVILLE The Women's 1ia17 "p
club spent a delightful afternoon lef red race, Carolya Caraoa; Bernice
.aroB ;
night marshal, succeeding Albert ter renewed her membership ar- Anderson.
Stanley, who is now employed I ter navlng been a visitor at tne oiria. l to s, as yard. Darieno Evana.
and Mrs. Culbertson and three Attending the federation meet- MoYiVDsrieas i'la
children have moved Into the lng In Salem Friday were Mrs. throw, Loona Murhammer; potato race,
Charles Hnntlev house. Foraey. Mrs. George Claxton. Cojriweii. Betty Cof.wei: 100 yard
i1l.i I r -K r Coki. ni Klrm nanaorm Mn Krncf Tnwl. i- ' .
" "6" vi u'vm " I ' r " - , i HcTarlT Kantun. Iinimj. Hurhinnn.
a r. a in,,,,, mr rnn mMnnv wir-a. niann nnvari miK. i j n
eluding Jean Ball, Rosalie White, Q. the stayton Townsend. club Lamb, Miss Minnie Peterson and
, n7vi. " I Tuesday night in the city nail. Mrs. unaries Aiariin.
tandley Sales, Pearl Hogsed and
George Brown, all winners of one
or more first places in the recent
county 4-H fair.
Evelyn Jensen, Haiel Herchburg.
Louise Pemberton. Ray Godwin.
Robert Parrent; George Wagger.
Howard Conklin, Herschel Peterr
son. . i :-
Turner 4-H clubs expect to send j
a rrouo of club members to 4-H
summer school at Corvallls in-
Building Razed by Small Quake
District LDA Has
Session, Woodburn
- WOODBURN The district cir- I
cult workers meeting or tne Lu
theran Daughters ot the Reforma
tion was held Sunday afternoon at
the home oLf Mrs. Tom Hanson,
Vonsc 'street. The cities which
compose" w
RiRrtnnCanbyL fortiana, ruget
Island and Wood b tt r nrThe
achievements of the LDR for the
past year were discuss ea ana rs.
wif Roddinr of Portland, presi-
A.t f th Pacific district,' spoke
en the Pacific coast district LDR
convention- to be held in Los An
geles In June.
'i " ' f I
.;-:-.---'v; ,
- ' '-
, v '-
' . V i . '
-if - -
in i m r i ifi I'ta il n i ihth i iffn T- imnir i m n n-n i--- -
Idaaha Mill Has
Another Layoff
DETROIT Friday proved to be
a jinx day for the Idanha Lumber
company mill for It had run only
1H hours, after a four months'
shutdown, when some machinery
j broke down and the part had to
be taken to Portland for repairs.
Work' was slated to start again
Monday..,....-.: ' ,;;
Twenty of the 11 Detroit high
school pupils enjoyed a party at
I the school Friday night. The stu
dents' ienjoyed a scavenger hunt
and the losing' group forced to
wash dishes. - N. Walter Shelb
land Miss Mildred Whalley, teach
ers, were present, also Mrs. Shelby
and son David. : '
-Work; has started . puttingrthe
fish racks in the river below De-
trolt dger Ledgerwood is la
charge. ":
Unibri Nexvi
; TALBOT Sidney Talbot Far
mers' Union met la tho Talbot
school house Friday jnlght. Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Parkerfon and
,Mr. andMrs. Myray Baker were
Toted nsw members. Mrs. Nellie
Wlederkehr read the obligation.
' J. W. Gilmour was appointed a
delegate to the warehouse board
at the state Farmers' JJalon, eon?
ventlon at Monmoutlr In May
u Reports were br Nelson Gfl
rnouron the dairy JK?
.Delmsr : Datidson and Mrs. Joha
Zehner, livestock; and Mrs. Ne
tie Wiedenkehr, who- suggested
that someone be appointed - aa
chairman . of delegates attending
county nWwli;3if
J0!T. KleperKnd sronp Toppled by a recent earth teemor, which was felt aUghtly fhronja
' I Mt.atMana frdm Salem gave
musical selections following the
business meeting. w
erred. t (t , ... j. . ,
I Junior High Sets
, Viidfiofe Da 5tli
BILVERTON Annual - vUltors'
! day at the Junior ,. bight school held May 5 and everyone
I lau being .Invited to coma tot th -,f-&- rV - - :t
.Plans call for an assembly i
the morning and a baseball rame
I in the afternoon ; between Sll-
verton and Independence. During
the ' noon - hoar there -will be
puppet show In the gym put on
by the ninth grade students, in
Gnests , are being asked to
brine the lunches for Tlsitors
day and. Sllverton . busses wl 1
I call for - the visitors 'from the
various : county , schools, - if ar
rangements .ar made ahead of
time. '.
fW You'll fet brand-new thrills
vSSf "from Pontiac's silken-smooth
performance, lullaby ride, arid roomy
luxury ; but the biggest thrill of all will
coma when you learn how easily you
can buy this big, luxurious beauty 1
Fee the Greatest Demomstratieai Tern Ever llad-PECXE C2
- i Maple Park Garage, 2ftS Pacific Highway, Woodbmrm
Women of Dallas
Will Hear Music
DALLAS The program for the
Dallas Woman's club for Tuesday
aiternoon, May 2, will be in ob
servance of Music week with Mrs,
Florence W. Hutchinson of. the
music department of the Oregon
college of education at Monmouth
as the speaker.
Musical numbers have been ar
ranged by Mrs. Ivan E. Warner
and will include a violin solo by
Robert Edlger accompanied by
Mrs. Don Robinson and a vocal
solo by Mary Margaret Llvesay ac
companied by Mrs. Robert Kutch
Mrs. Harvey Carpenter, presi
dent, will preside at the business
meeting with election of officers
the feature.
Hostesses will include Mrs. Ral
eigh Middleton, Mrs. Don Robin
son, Mrs. Ivan E. Warner, Mrs.
Robert Kutch, Mrs. Bruce Spaul-
ding. Mrs. Arthur Woods and Mrs.
Harold Rich.
Monmouth Alumni
Review Its Four
Other Monikers
MONMOUTH Speakers at the
alumni .banquet, held here Friday
night included Edgar M, Smith,
member of the state board of re
gents; Irvin Vining, Ashland:
Kenneth Lunday student body
president 193V-J8: Dr. J. F. San-
tee of the school's teaching staff.
Names of the school since its in
ception were reviewed: Monmouth
University; Christian college; Ore
gon state Normal school; Oregon
Normal school: and now, Oregon
college of education. Many tine
tributes were paid President J. A.
Churchill by the speakers. Bruce
Eekman, Dallas, had charge of the
Officers elected' were: Wilbur
Rowe. Milwaukle. president: Wen
dell Van Loan, Eugene, vice-pres
ident; GeneTieve Coad, Dallas, sec
rotary; Ira C. Powell, Monmouth,
treasurer V
f ? - ' - "
section of Southern California, this San Pedro building was the KEIZER The Kelxef sewing
only serloas result of the earthquake. Shifting sands which had I elub will meet all day Thursday
weakened the foaaaauom wesw Diamea iy omriais I or ue paruau wiua aara. 'ngwini ouii w j u
Ollaps-nx photo. . . J " Westsalenu - -
Be Stayton High
i Rlay Fete Queen
STATTONVTho student body
of Stayton blgh school hag chos
en, Dorothy Tata for May dueen.
She has also been named valedl
torlan. Marlon FoUls will be hon
or attendant and other girls of
the class will be princesses.
The - May day program will be
held on the afternoon of May 13
la eonjunctioo with the annua
homecoming. The program wil
be followed, by the alumni ,ban-
o,uet and dance.
esBss psnnfnnnnBsaaaaaBBaaBaaaBaesBB -
...way hava a cor that runs Cks tats
Te) uWeMttf CsSffSt WM tfc "fcsrf sf IbeMsV WrwMfcMrfsSf
'takaa kawefcs r ia." Bwi Mm fa Is swl to. lb
t wtas la SMct cat by m thai tsrai sxtsaafvs
af fcatd carbsa. ' '
-wtaa yea can nave eat that nan Cka Ihfat
lls Be aaay aaw ta have car that "potts" lastaad el
'UaM.nsiMiy taaaaa TritM-rka 100W PURI
beta eg raat faws ae BrHe m eaibwi It
99 fcWTeV 0WWf
awwsTlw sSsw
Eioy ftt bmf.ts cf thb 1C3 Purt ecrcCIakf cH thst
dBts PIKS la TVZ2 by dtcainj oat csrbea as yea drivtl
You can get rid of annoying and dsmigihg carbon ping casilj
and inexpcnsivelf with Tritoo Motor .Oik Because it is Propane-
oivent refined, it fonni so Etde new carbon, that it ictiull sfftwt
ymr tutor burn swaj csrbn dtpesittd by tbtr 9th I The motor
generally loses its carbon ping within 2 to 5 thousand miles!
You save on repairs and operating costs. Switch to Triton next
time von refill, i , a - , , ,
Tear suresf ssoter aretectlon b to drafa rtfalarly and an Triton
-We lAe Triton to
' fbff die Ust three T1'
The Ualoa .t
-tpld esTrlto. wod
lately 'fnjT
-1 have uKd Triton
lace WM-lthasgHea
enlvfalf to writ .and.
able todar-
. " anawkpa ai