Tba OHEGON STATC1AN, Cik Orejca, Wednesday lornlas April 19, 1933 PAGE ELEVEN Me-iKesMte I fy a (Lilagsiiiedt fs3 Id - ! Statesman Classified Ads ' I Call 9101 Claaslfied Adrertb-tng Single Insertion per-lint .lOr Three insertions per ttne .20e Six insertions per line .....,..30c One month -per line .$1.04) Minimum charge ,,,., .... Copy for thin page accepted wi'ta :S0 the ermine before publira tlon for claiwitVatlon. Copt re eelrea after this Mm wtll be run under the heading. "Too Late to Ctaaalfy." ' The Statesman assumes no flnan cia! responsibility for errors erhtrb may appear la advertisements pub lished In tta column, and li rases where this paper la at fault wtll re print Uat part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. ...4. .vf; Tba Stateaman reserves the right to reject questionable edvertlslns: It further reserree the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind- Ad an ad eontalnlna a Statesman boa number for an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor . be answered by letter.. The Statesman Is not at liberty to dlvulae Informa tion as to the Mentitv of an adver tiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock HORSES MARES MULES LARGE' ASSORTMENT well brok en horses and mules. New shipment arriving weekly. CREDIT gladly giv en anyone. No carrying charge. Get competitive prices before you come here and see how much lower mj prices are. Guaranteed as represented. Free delivery. Elory Nash barn on highway just north of Salem. DEAD AND worthless horses, cows, picked op free. Ph. collect 411 Salem Montgomery Rend. Wka. Auctions AUCTION - AUCTION , AUCTION THURSDAY NIGHT. 7:30. at F. N : Woodry 's Auction ft Furniture Mart, lots of furniture, rugs, linoleum, etc . We will sell anything for you on . commission or will buy for cash. Phone 5-1-1-0, F. N. ft Glenn . Woodry. auc tioneers. ... AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION -CLOSING CUT all stock ft equip ment of the Coucher Furniture Co.. 460 Ferry St.. on Monday. April 24th Sale starts 10 a. m. sharp and will continue until every item is sold. A partial list as follows: 3 new Fair banks Morse elec. washers, 2 wood ft oi". circulators, 2 new Monarch ranges on has oil burner: oil tank. 3 National cash registers, S show cases, 1 largf safe, roll top desk, .adding machine al! kinds of furniture, mas. linoleums beds, springs, mattresses and lots of miscellaneous articles-. Terms, casn F. ' N. A Glenn Woodry. auctioneers. We sell anything at auction anywhere Ph. 5-1-1-0. - 1 Help Wanted $30 WEEKLY. Grow mushrooms. Cellar, shed. Wo buy 8c lb. World's largest company. FREE BOOK; Mush rooms. 2019-2nd, Seattle,, Wash. y Help Wanted Malf WANT MIDDLE-AGED experienced farmer. Box 395, Statesman. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED MID.-AGED house keeper. -Call 1-1 p. m. 14S Mission. Situations Wanted v WANT CARE of children by boar day or month. 1505 Broadway. - DRESSMAKING. Mrs. AdsltL Tel $265. 117 Marlon. Tour work solicited. WOTTI.T LIKE! management of SDt or rooming house. Smalt wages ana living quarters. Boa 389. Statee- . man. EXP. WOMAN, tar? work, 212 Che meketa. EXP. MARRIED roan. 40. needs work. Farm, dairy or any. kind. Ref. Phone 613. 'rnnnn i WANT HR. wk. 680 N. Liberty. 1834. LET ME do your garden plowing nd strawberry - cultivating with R tiller tractor. Phone 8460., WILL DO typing." posting. ;book srork at home.' 230 N. 18th. Apt 2. YOUNG WOMAN with $ yr. son wishes housework, good ret. Box 408. Stateaman. . " , For Sale Migcellaneont BIKES ft REPAIRS Ramadea " tt I. IJb. " - i . Banrftr.T asm nrantaA era. All makes from 81 up 8 pee Mae tag 83B Hogg Brae, . ADDING MACHINES tvnewi Hers saah leaistera am lea. satea rental re nal rs Rnew Tmewrtter Kw 48 Cmrrl VMwwwwwwawwwaaaMaMaMftM VISIT APRON shop 87 W , H1H 5 wrrm nov I U a a hM. W Kill - 1 iv.ni W r mm . mtwm ' RITER SILT. IU8 Tard, elan rtm erete materia la. Washed Sand ft O ra re! Co 21 Court . Tel 14t. ... T WEEKS pedlare Peklnaese ptn pies, dark colors, roon mi, BLACK WATJTOT meet', U rerry. - - . 1 nrnf n.ri FERTILIZER. Phone 8I0. 1 FURNmTRE SALE: Retnodeltwa Nash Fern. Co. Lew prtcea. Pta. WM ewMvratMitatt4WWtAtW ' r - OAS " . irea-9 tasr minim " , while thT last. 40Tf. dlacmwit.New Langwood ranges. Alan naea ww, w - and - eleetrw ranges ar nniyn"! w , mi . .hb m. Of fill! 285 K. Liberty j. Nert to Power Co ADVERTIS1N0 v Weatern Adrertisins . Represent stives ; , '; - San rranclaco, Los - Angeles. 'Seattle ' ;i -X: y Representative h Bryant, OrOTtn Brunson. Inc. ' f Chicago. New York. Detroit. : .r. . Bestow. Atlanta . .- r. , V y asaBaaaiaaBBasBBiieaBm.-...;. -4 Fasfaeaa eflea t swU Caawercisi ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall evroscTi prion iv- - - -" - , Within Oregon f Daily aS f day ; ,Vcurrru. iBsa i&m'; For Sale MisceUanporos RIVER SILT, top dirt To. T882. USED BICYCLE, good eon. P. 8332. TJtTaaaetJatassaaJeae LATE MODEL Electrolua with all attachments at sacrifice. TeL S483. CHRYSLER SEDAN, good condl Uon. good rubber. 46. 18F3. FERTILIZER WITH, paat moss. Ph. 133F3. Lee's. Hatchery. - . .,.. - USED f FT. Serve! refrigerator, fine condition. Coat $175,80. now $87.60. Salem Auction House. 280 N. High. -. GARDEN -TRACTOR, slightly used, cheap. Geo. Woods, Independence Iron Works. . ' ; WOOD range. 'Box 898, Statesman 'USED WHITE sew. machine. A-l. Coat 9110.00. now full price $4.75. Salem Auction House, 280 N. High. Miscellaneous PARKIN SI KT om 3a H Church SEPTIC TANKS cesspools cleaned reaaonaMe. Vanheea, Phone 87 4 5. Sa lem. DELPHINIUMS. - PA NSIES and bed ding plants. Phone 8637. Jay Morris florist. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED LOGGING lob for Delsel '25 tractor. Cecil Sargent, it. 3, Sa lem. Phone B1F3. CASH FOR any kind need furniture, also dishes. Salem Auction House, 261) N. High. WANTED COLORED fryers and market poultry. Ph. 13IF2, Lee's Hat chery. CASH FOR green trading stamps, and any kind of coupons. Salem Auc tlon House. 260 N. High. Wanted Furniture WANTED USED furniture. V. 7445. For Rent Rooms SI.EKP RM. close In. Ph 4498 RMS. FOR ladies. 9S N. Cottage Ph. 6878. SLEEPING ROOM. 732 Chemekela SLEEPING : RM. 535 Phemeketa. RMS. NR. state hse. 360 N. Capitol Room and Board APPRECIATE GOOD meals? Nice nnmeT See Ma Rowen. '05 N I. Inert V NICK RMS. with bd.. 328 mo 481 N Winter. Phone S587. HOME. COO KING. HI S. Church.. RM.. BD.. garage. 1130 Marlon. ROOM ft BOARD. 555 Center. ROOM. BOARD. $20. Tel. 4333. BAR., quiet home. 54 N. Cottage BD- ft RM. near state hse Ph. 5482 BT.. RM.. 35 mo. 15 ?nmet. For Rent Anartmcnts S ,tt. ftlRN. apt. close In! TeL 7748 I RM. TORN. apt.. 1209 Court. LOVELY NEW 1-rm. furn. Pull, k.t fji'dles. S-rm. furn. Newly dec., bath Adults.. (88 S. Summer. CLOSE IN. 1-r. furn. ISO & Cottage eaJJ8aajatsasa Close In FINE MOD. ' apartment. TeL 8490 ONE RM. bachelor apt, 2182 State 2 LARGE APTS 822 Ferry. SM. GROUND Cr, furn. 1411 State 2 AND 2 RM. furs, apts. TeL 8340 VAanuba, a apis., zbi n Front. 88 and up. - - 1TAND 2 RM. apts. 1010 Oak. FURN. t RM. apt.. J281 Haxel Ave Ph. 7864. eaaetaaaavtBeaa4gaaiTasTeseM FURN. APT. Maytag. Adults 8.5a mo. and up. Garage. 024 N. capitn' S-RM. APT., close in. Ino. (95 N Liberty. Ph. 855. 2-ROOM DUPLEX, .private bath 317. USA N. Liberty. PATTON APTS. M2 State. Furn ished. Adults only. Phono S244. WAMMMWMaMaWMMWMWIAMMafcW 4-RM MOD. furn. ant. Smr. rate 2280 Fairground Road. TeL 7582. 2-RM. FTJRX.:Ltg, water. Maytaa. 314. 1120 Ferry. FURN. OR tmfurn. apts. Ambassador P1PTIT rrmK Arwwrt flat, n rage. yard, furnace. LhTL .1840 Ferrr s.uxr tttttv neat, llatit. - water garage. 258 N. CapitoL SMI. TORN. hath. Adta. 8S0 Union tftaeetaWWsTTWaMkrl4k7BssV tftPDV I AVrflr ftavam sin -flreafed Tttm apt. Ijmndrr. amr. 313 5. Phone a418 LGE, FURN. rratler hse. 2I S. Co : tu urai w NmI - aratee m - a . ...... ... .i.iM refrla.. gar., adnlta SOI N. Cortaa W 1 NICE RMHU 812 8ft 1S88 Canter. ivn 1 annlf ant a nnfnrnlahe and furnished, sis to sa. rnne TORN. APTS. WI IMvtirfne). 1 AND 2-RM. turn apt- S48 Ferry t- avt a wis mmum em n e imnwu.. 24 and up. Inn. 1 si tSMitn larn. ancwT.T rirfnR ATeTTl rm. ee- atuffed for. Vnrphy bed. Tea N. Higa a r-rT 1 rri vxr "HKNISHICD one- room and khenenetta near state house 115.00. ': ' . I "l' Vat vvw b ff.w S. I RM. TORN, a pta., 140 Marten. a mu mm tlm.tm - watee Mm m 1 m ..... mm - SZ.ZS WMS. Ill IBUU I-a. vrnvTsmm rr.F.AN. alrr- home like 2 rm. ant- adults. -815.88. Single rms 810.00. i muv bua service xroni door. 2030 No. ComX WANT TADT te share furn. spt 291 N.'tlst.' - 1 j ' H 8 RM. HEATED apt 444 tK Hlgte EM. FURN. apt. . St S. Cottage. t ROOM FURNISHED apt- elegit 318.00 ma. S74 N. tunnrcn m. APT, 355 BETiVUK ST. A TtT STTRVr Int.-M. Cloee-tn. Sd- ults enly. ea if. Mtga. yMwwMwwaaejAwaaaaat m xuo. . . . . . . v. . . . . , . . . groune rioor. . -- crw snarncit -anta Mdamlxed. newly oecorated an roomjri. ToaB he delighted.' Oak and B. Commwnii. 1-2-2 R, S2S N. LIBERTY. Ph. 7 2 . RMS $1 to I8v Ph. Ill t For Rent Houses C BUNG, -MOD. kitchen, equipped, FT, lies er eeoi i sw veaii Money to Loan We Lend You Money , WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsers -No Comakero -Your Signature Only REPAY ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR MEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION . . e , , - 1 r General Finance Corp. 138 Sa Commercial St. First Door South, of Ladd ft Bush Bank For Rent Houses MODERN 8 R. HOUSE neap can. ltaL-835 ma. Abrams, 1547 Chemeketa rnone sf or eisa. 7-RM. HOUSE. Inc. 1478 N. Libert. B. W. Elgin. TeL 4850. . ...... ---""--riiriririan.rxfVT.rijLrLrLr ROOMING ft boarding house lease and furniture for sale. Close in. Rea sonable. Ph. 8602. MOD. 8-RM., bath, basement and garage. Call 2430 HaaeL - ' CLOSE IN. Modern 5-rm. duplex steep, porch, well furnished, yard, floweia. Adults. 261 Leslie. 'T''TTatetsaasj,e,as 4 BEDROOM house, vacant Mar 1 Gas and electric service. C0 N. 14th. TeL 6838. rr7.v urw . .... n... r-m. lonial Lodge cottages, off 12th . St. cuiori on racinc nignway soutu. FURN. HSE S. 23d. Inq. 534 N. 15 th aa aaa aa. .-f-v-v-mtgmmmmmtJmmtgjmtj.ujmte MOD. HSE Good location. TeL 4581 "' ---- -- -r-.rrU-)-t0j-tnjJJ-U MODERN 5 ROOM house at 824 Breys Ave.. 225 per month. a a,,yyy-MYVVVuvuTyui FURNISHED AND unfurn. houaea. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court St- Ph. 6744 4 RM. HOUSE and garage. 215.00 inquire ZZ5Z Simpson St. 7 RM. MOD. hse., 960 N. 16th. ----' ------ i--,r.-il-ii.-yprrrwMnje NEW. MOD. 4-rm Tnnnae. m-lth wall bed. auto, gas heat, large garden, ga rage, liua Kurai. Tel. 4687. 5 RM. HSE. ft bath, garage, garden space. Reaa. 1157 Hall St 5 RM. FURN. house, 1348 Waller. 4 R., 1660 a 12th. INa John Ko- varick, RL 7. Box 456, Holywood Drive. For Rent 4 A 6 RM. hse.. apta. 725 N. ComL Ia,aTsTaaTaaaa OFFICE ROOMS. 281 State Street. Inquire room 200. Tel. 3713. For Sale Real Estate WELL BUILT modern S-room home 3 bedrooms, lot .60x160, double garage. too N Winter. 1 OUR HOME 6-rma. and nook, new automatic furnace, 1. lot, sunken gar den, outdoor fireplace, plenty flowers MZau. priced for quick sale. See-owner lla N. isth or phone 539. .. taa,asaaaaaaasiajsaasaaah FOR SALE by owner. Fine lot In new dstrict. on N. 18th. $375 fu1 price. iPavlna: . and everrthtea paid Ynis is a bargain. Phone 4311 or 4F2 4-R. HOME ft bath. 2 rma. upstair imfln. Reaa. Gd. terroa. 22S5 Brevman Mrtla'sMa,ekaaaAasjaaaAa4 NEW 4-RM. Plastered hse. and hath. $1500. Down pymt., 215 mo. 791 Rose mont. West Salem. WE HAVE a six-room reconditioned house on North Fourth St Double ga rage, for 33180, a down payment of 8800 will handle. Terms on- balance, it will pay you to Investigate this offer J. F.- U'-RICH CO- Realtors 262 State Street Phone 867 - - -u'u'uirmTmririrrtrirurinsr MODERN HOUSE. Pav like rent 829.04 per month will pay prlncipa . interest, taxes and fire Insurance. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, Inc. Ph. 4109 Ase,aataaStABaBaBeWJe BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS on paved street; excel lent location. Price $500, $25 down. $10 per month. W. H. URABENHORST CO. REALTORS , 124 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468 SEE BEAUTIFUL Cascade Ter races. large view tracts overlooklna city, valley, mountains. C A. Robert son. owner. Fh. 1413. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen With Haw kins A Roberts. FOR SALE Lota owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate' man or call 8632 167 8. High Street ) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GOOD HOUSE at 865 & 24th fine lot with fruit and shade trees Priced $2100. Make us an offer. . C all Mrs, Ellis wtth - CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 244 State Street . Phone $261 A HOME AND AN INCOME IS OFFERED to you In thla N. Sa lem property. S rooms for the owner and 8 room apartment for reataL Price $4000. Terms to suit. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 244 SUte Street Phone 8281 SEE THIS f ROOM HOUSE oaved st. base ment sad garage only 170 with 850 down 820 per month, can Mrs. cms with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 244 8tate Street - Phone 9261 NICE LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME CHOICE ONE acre tract, cosy 8 R house, .double garage ft ben house electricity, good well, some fruit as berries: full price $1440. part caan haL terms.: Consider trade for. a farm near Falls. City: what bavs you? Bee LOUIS BECHTEL 241 STATE' SACRIFICE j a a 1 art tnv -v s.Uai en verton Rd. ; Price only $1250. See ray agent, j - - - 51. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER ,1153 North Capitol wtaMaawwaMAaMAaaaaaaAaaaAMae 4 R. MODERN . HOUSE, fireplace, basesnent. furnace, aaraae. price 81.- 250. $150 down, balance like rent. Nice lawn. t ' 1 R- 'hoose. hardwood floors. ' fire place, laundry trays, nice lawn, price I not, easy terms. 1 acre east of Salens, alee hooae barn, chicken coop, nice lawn ft yard. .7 R. house, close In, basement fur eaca, Urge lot. fruit ft shade, paving dm id, gooo, location, a Bargain at iz. 000. v. j . - . - r . - - . - Cosy mountain cottages for beach coturee.--- ' :. : 1 1 acre north en 99 highway at la tersectkm' of cross road, eervice sta tloa. S. pumps, living quarters, aew bulldlnaa. orice S4t0. ' We have a good lot on Edge water 81 at a bargain, s V OS BURG H -GRANT, Masonic Bid. S ROOM MODERN home, fireplace, hardwood' floors.- basement, furnace Idy. trays, garage. Must be sold and will sacrifice at $1250.00, $os flows i " P. H. .BELL, REALTOR ' 429 Oregon Building- , , Phone 8121 ry "SEE THESE SNAPS Z . FINE CREEK, swimming A fishing 20 A. rich, black soil. 8 m mod. home. Owner learlng. A boy, 47i, terms. -2 ant. has. Close In. $1600. terms. New t bdrm. See thla $1500. terms. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 12 Ladd Bush Bids, Phone (965 Money to Loan BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AFTER AS WELL AS ! BEFORE A Lie. No. SI 3 8 Ph. 8188 Convenient Ground Floor Location, . LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED1 MONEY TO buy new or used cars Private- money at sew low rates. . Immediate action. No red taps, 1 TO 2t MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No M-151 or row Money PHONE 2191 THEN CALL FOR YOUR MONEY 3 6.03 mo. repays $ 60 in 12 mos. 7.27 mo. repays $t00 In 18 mos. $13.09 mo, repays $180 In 18 mos. $11.1$ mo. repays $2&8 la 18 mos. Our service Is guaranteed .by Unod HouaekeeDlnar Maaasme aa advertised therein. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Second Floor, New Bllgh Bids. 51$ State St.. Salem. Oreaon State License Numbers 8-122 M-166 FHA LOANS 8. also private mans A hrimi A IGllla Inn Ifaaonle EtMs aaawawwwwwwwwww Need Extra Cash UP TO SEVERAL HUNDRED DOI.IARST DO THIS: 1. Add up your needs : 2. Phone or write for a loan. 8. Come In for the Cash. FURNITURE LIVESTOCK PER SONAL AND AUTO LOANS. WITH OUT ENDORSERS. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. 201. First National Bank Blinding naiem. Oregon Phone 4446 S-212 State License Mi-220 auto loans; - ; Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDINO LICENSE NO M-159 F. H. A; Rlortae LoaiK Fiinda avatlahla n1 it on the new building plan. Full par ticulars ai mis oiuce. REXSANFORD Ladd ft Bush Bank 1 Bids, Salem mm m m ' - - - - nvmvMYwwnwi BEN J. FRANKLIN home loana Most popular loan In Oregon. A new feature to this loan benefits every borrower. Ask about Kv See F. G. DELANO, 290 N. Church Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city oroperty . Before borrowing Inquire et Hawkins ft Rnoerta - WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on -good Salem real es tate. Will pay Interest. W. JH. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 124 a Liberty Street Phone 6468 Financial WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on savings , and Investments. Insured 'v to 85000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass'n Phone 4944 143 S. Liberty sr. For Sale Real Estate 4 RMS. ft NOOK. 2 bedrma. strictly modern. South Salem. Want to trade for 4-rm. house ft pay some dinerence. Modern f rma ft nook, t bed rma hwd. floors, full basement, furnace. fireplace, double garage, close to school ft bua South Salem. 13400: 8400 cash. New 4-rm. bungalow, one acre, -close to achooL small en. pmt. baL like rent 10 A.. 3-rm. house, alee.. $1600, $100 down, balance $1$ per month. Will consider some trade. Chicken -ranch. IT A, alee, watet svstem. A. in fruit, big bouse. 9 ml. from town.' $3500. Easy terms. Will take in house ft lot. " RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High 8treet , t Phone. $622 "eJSeaieTsajsttaTStJSislsseTt $1800. 8 RM. HOUSE In K: Salem, basement, rl replace, garage. SSaa doarn. $ 500. Down, 6 - rm. I EnglUh style home, north, hardwood floors, basement furnace. - fireplace, good location. A bargain, -$2900. MONEY TO LOAN AT PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR ' 72S Court Street - Phone 2721 - THIS 18 AN INVESTMENT THE BEST BUT IN WILLAMETTF " VALLEY 46 ACRES. ALL under cultivation and irrigation. All water raxnta paia. House, barn and two-story chicken noose. $1500.00. Will accept trade. WILLIAM E. MOSES. 131 State St -" w ; rKw u w Exrhange Real Estate GOOD PORTLAND R. house fo 8a hrai property or farm. TeL 109P1 TRADE CTTY property" for- farm homes. Opportunities In exchangee. , HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC . . leMaMMaMawwMMiaMiMwwaalKV TRADE FOR rltv ui uuei I r. IS acres. 5 rm. bouse, barn, chicken house, elec lights. Clear- W0t sssatoe some. See . Larsen. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS 80 A. FARM. 80 A, cult, balance timber ft pasture, rood bldga. Oa paved Utmmmm, WTI1I mmmAm 4tmm m 111! OvA' Lor Calif See Laraee, HAWKINS ft lWDalavl.'',1T"1'rM,''',' .WILL SELL OB. EXCHANGE MT 58 ACRE farm near Monmoofh -4a tr set buDdlnga. a acres logana, good family fa-chard, some equtpmeu' about 18 acres cultivated. Value $1. 800 See Mr. .Bartlett with CHILDS A At ILLER, . REALTOR"! 244 SUte Street - r Phone 9261 81 ACRES: 8 ACRES la cultiva tion, river ottom, water right for 1$ acres. S room bouse.' electricity, mar ket road. Price $4500.. wni exchange for smaller place near Salem or Sil verton. - . . , ' - r . 2 4 ACRES. room hoeae, about 4 miles east of Salem. Pries 81500. Ea chanre for larger place m Polk county. ROSTEIN ADOLPH, INC. 110 North Commercial Street Exchange Ileal Estate NICE. MOD. home in West Salem for Portland property. - n. A. X)KKJS t:K H. T. UEBER s 185$ North Capitol - For Sale Farms SB A. WIT I A iM"l"l u" Bit r u. n. all under cuIUvaUoo. Bldga, 1$ -eat N oaiam. iiwner. -ize n. uapitot -,-ii-i-.-,rrirt,M,MLrulJUXn) 40 A.-OOOD BLDGS.. ZS acres i-ult bsJaace timber ft pasture. IS - A. In crop, family orchard, elec. Ughta, Good weu at springs, on rock rd. This plaea stocked equipped ft house full of furniture. Was $2250. cut to 33000. See Larsen HAWKINS ft ROBERTS 25 A. FARM, 30 A. IN crop, haL uinoer at pasture, nne bldga., on paved road.. mL. from Salem. Stocked ft equipped. WU1 trada for income prop- .j 111 ouem or mruana. Bee Larsen HAWKINS ft ROBERTS '.' Acreage . , 10 A. 4H MI. OUT, $ bdroom. house, barn, bldga. Place highly Improved to fruit. Revenue $1200 yearly. Account Sickness we offer thla nln UAAa equipped. $1200 down, $20 per mo. Bal- C H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131 BARUAIN DAY FOR 10 DAYS we offer new 5 room strictly mod. "home (ex. basement!, unf. attic, garage, barn and one acre with oak rrMi c 1 1 A A tonn An-m -- . - , . v, uun u. Place appraised $4000. C - H. 8ANDERS 118 S. High 5131 MARKET STREET JUST OUT of city limits. Owner has been sick ft cannot take care of place. 5 A. all In cult. 7 R. hse.. In very good condition. Garage, chicken hse. Lots of fruit Priced at only 86000, H cash. Bal. easy terms. CARLETON E. LANE, Phone 4075 Pacific . Highway Realtor 1 A. CLOSE IN east, new house. 18x24, lights, good well, electric pump, Irrigation system, $950, $250 down. 10 A. 1 mi. out on Silverton road, good soil. $175 per A. IVi A. 1 mL from Salem on paved road ft bus line, 7 rm. house In good condition, bath, lights, good well, all in fruit ft nuts, 32500. 2 A. close in new 5 rm. house, batn. liRhts, good sou, close to school. 82. 800, $300 down, baL $20 per mo. Int. included. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 3722 Wanted Real Estate WNTD 8M. home, priced right 615$ '-'' isjv,vyyv'tnrxrL SM. ACREAGE. Box 337. Statesman. Business Opportunities FULLY EQUIPPED restaurant In Salem doing good business. Selling be cause of other business. Cash ft terms, or take some trade. See Larsen HAWKINS A ROBERTS "" -- iiioianiJrrvxnjTjnjqjTjiri LEASE GOOD BUILDING, nicely decorated on north highway. Just outside city. Beer license, large dining room, bar becue complete set modern fixtures to be sold. Will give 3 year lease for particulars see Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 244 State Street Phone 9261 For Sale Wood "7 . m. MILL BLR. $4.80 Fir ft Oak. 6821 GRAEN. 412 J. 21st wood 5270 DRY ft green wood. 360 N. Church. DRY 16" WOOD. 64.50 up. Ph 4218 aktleaseaaesSaaeatsaseaTsjSsS NO. 1 16" OLD FIR. 36. Ph. 6120. sTaT7ea,jetaasasaJaas LGE 16-IN. 2nd growth, cut year. $5 deL Chaa Server. Marion. Ore. 154 CD. BONE dry 2nd growth. Dry 16 In. old fir. $5.00. Ph. 6270. aaTstasjt4aetaaseaSjg DRY WOOF. aJl kinds. Ph. 9560. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 6663. DRY OLD fir. $5.50. Phone 7507. A-l DRY WOOD, $5.50. Ph. $254. Lost and Found Lost, new '35 Cher, track axle. 6120. Personal LONELY T MARK NEW FRIENDS. WRITE BOX 152. PORT ORCHARD. WASH. Why Be Sick? Bring this sd to my office on er before April 22. 1939. and it will en title you to an appointment for a free aplnal x-ray. DR. ROY S. SCOFIELD 404 U. R Bank Bldg. Ph. 6047 . LONELY? "WORTHWHILE sweet heart, husband, wife for. yon. Box 71. Loo Angeles. , ERECTING HOUSE ; NORTH HOWELL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beer, are erecting; a small house near their home. where her mother, Mrs. Johnson, will live. Business Cards la thla clirectorj ran oa . noathJy basis only. Batet ft per Male per seositn. Anto Brake Mike Pases, 271 Sooth Conunerclal Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW end reconditioned Barry W. Scott. 141 S. ComT. P. 4616 Carpenters DAY OR CONTRACTS Phone . 6868 " ' ' " ' ' daaaaBBBBTaeBBBaaBW ' , Chimney Sweep TXLEPBONK 448$. R. at Northoeaa Chiroprarlors DR. OuL, SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor 15$ N. High. .TeL Res, MTV.. . ; ExcaTatlng EXCaVaTTNO OF an ktodaRaee- mmtm AUtm Ttm4 Kanlail mmr BnaieaA DM for sale. Salem Sand-.and Gravel Ce PTaOne S4SS. . - i Florists Brenhauprs? 44f Court: " Phone $ akaBBBBHraTaSBSSBSSBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBsBTaTaTas W. SAIJCU tnorista. 140t. Edgewater Lanndri : THE NEW SALEM " LAUNDRY THE WE1DER LAUNDRY - 263 S. High ' TeL 912$ For Sale Used Cars -t: Ate You Fussy ? FINE! : WE HAVE THE FINEST SELECTION t YJVa TTftn tVt'rmBi far - .-I; OUR SPECIAL- . TOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ONLY 1935 Stndebaker Dictator Toiiring Sedan - Beanttful original tOack 'tlaish.-interior, like new... Tro ' koks sad runs like new. . ' -.. -.- - . . Book Price $415 Our Price $379 '31 Plymouth Sedan, very immaculate..:. $185.00 '30 Plymouth Sedan, a beauty . 175.00 '32 Plymouth Sed. See it and you'll buy it.... 225.00 '32 Chev. Sed original finish, new tiresl...... 225.00 '30 Ford Town Sed. None better................ 145.00 30 Chev. CoachRuns extra good.:......: 690 '31 Chrysler Sport Sedan 225.00 '36 Plymouth DeL. Coupe, a bargain 395.00 A FEW OLD CARS AT PRACTICALLY TOUR OWN PRICE SEE THESE AMAZING BUYS NOW AT Salem Auto Co's USED CAR SUPER MARKET 435 North Commercial Street 1937 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, grey fin ish with red trim, radio, heat er, dual equipment, excellent tires. A smart car for a smart buyer, perky as a spring lamb. Now only 5 qq Dodge DeLuxe Four Door Touring Sedan with built-in trunk, beautiful golden beige color, thoroughly recondition ed In our own shop for thou sands of miles of dependable operation, now only 1936 $510.00 1937 1933 Dodge Pick-up, low mileage. Well-eared for by our own service department. $495.00 International lH-ton truck, an economical job to operate at $225.00 HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. ComT. or 266 N. Church, Across From State Theatre Phones 3169 and 5325 1924 CHRYSLER convertible coupe $270. Six wheels. 2305 N. Fourth St. '29 ESSEX sedan.' fair rubber, runs fair. $35. 1370 Nebraska. V sasssaaTiasSistasseTaetsjSaMaaaea 38 DODGE COUPE. 36 Ford Tudor Touring Sedan. 805 8. 12th. STRAW BROS, service station, cor. Liberty and Chemeketa, have your 1939 fishing car, a 1930 Chevrolet road ster for $25 cash. TO CLOSE an estate '37 Bulck 4 door sedan. A-l condition. Dr. Floyd B. Dayton, administrator, rn. '34 GRAHAM sedan. 20 Abrams Are. '35 FORD 4-DOOR. good condition, $250. Will, trade. 815 S. 22nd. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the Conn ty Court of the SUte of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as the ad ministratrix of the estate of R. If. Cammack, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 25th day of April, list, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said day. a the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marlon. County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 22nd day of March. 1939. MART CAMMACK. Administratrix of the Estate of R. M. Cammack, Deceased. WALTER S. LAM KIN. Attorney for Administratrix. Salem. Oregon. M22-29-A6-12-19. Show Bug Combat SILVERTON HILLS A spittle hug .control demonstration was held Thursday at the Willard Benson home ; here with Robert E. Relder from the Marion county agricultural office la charce. He said that the Uma Is -her to -apply control oeas ures for strawberries as the In sects have been hatching since March' 2$. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RCQ end $Iattreee factory. NEW MATTRESS made tc order, old remade : earpet cleaning, sising; fluff rug weaving. 8. 12th A Wilbur. TeL $441. OTTO F. EWICK ER. Eat. 19IL i CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40$$ Natnropathic Physieian DR. W. R. ROCKWELL, Natoropath ie Physieian. .1700 Falrgrnonds Rd TeL 4208. Offtee Hoars 11 a. em te 6 :3 a U. FREE EXAM. CONSULTA TION. . -; 1 - Pgdntiixg Papwbaiiging DECORATTNO work done reaa Till LOW PRICES, tree estimates. T6. FOR STATIONERY, cards, eemnhleta programsv books or any kind of print, leg. call. The Statesman Print mg De partment. $$ 8. Commerelal, Tele phone S10L - CARDS, BLOTTERSV eereonal eta tlcnery, book atatchee. Get y ptlcea Write or can 124$ Crater. Apt S. ' Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, eter see, burner oil. - call lilt UrrM Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland dally A. WEST. RL C Boa 448. P. ll$rt. For Sale Used Cars OF BETTER USED CARS IN SA- asns-v " aw Open Evenings First Pictures of Top: tomb relics. Bottom: - 1 "-If "is f 1 Jr K : I I i - t J ,', i I mmr' ' ? Ik, S X VJ' V It WmmmmmWr: .-.A 3 ' - " 4 --x. n - , " ' , . ' f , l - . v 1 - v These pictures, speeded here from San 13-Hagar, Igypt, show ' interior of Pharaoh Shiahak's tomb with an archeologist examin-, ing the mummy case of the king, and a long row of canopie Jan in which the murnmy's viscera was placed. The row of small , figurines below the jars are uababti tiny "serranti of the dead,", intended to serve the dead monarch as his household menials did m Ufa. Cross Word 12 13 16 If 21 22 23 2U 2 SO 3V 3a 30 5f V3 3 By KUGENB H0R120NTAX. 1 proof B reatnooa . substance warmth firmatiosi . U one of KiBf - David's - ' i rulers ' 14 land of ths ; shamrock ;4BBphlY ' 15-4rown bit 15 reiterate --10 eoctioB. ; Zl i vessel fori. domestic a$ . ; 22 otbetee) aide Ti mstirioos IJ-stsple fodd 49 metal or earthen . vessel for . rooking; 41-Pertaininx - to mail service 44 condiment 47 iTiferential 49 fscts.f .60 enrfeit - 61 be iU S2-kjndof jacket Herewith is ..sTrozTS piwM. M7 v " " crop ', . $sratmt!oa -;ofmn Jl wheeled -' vehicle -W-treenaii ; ti eugsge tnn i tS4mittJzli mm L Sit UiE i l'l" - uiali A. Cto esjeraX irta. Sf CS8 Promoter Slam AV. .a Oarde. 'rSt Slaying- of Charles Hhycen, tsl well-known Chicax promoter ; continues to puzzle police. Hay-A den was a partner In a walkathon j concession, . Robbery was not tht motive, according to police. -; Hi: Pharoah Tomb tirsmmmf 147 II 1W 21 17 20 WL 27 J?f 32 33 37 alO 21 H4 WO f "55 SHEKFEH iS-atf. shrubby fc 54 flatfiah 55 peruse vERTiaa." 1 journey T-eetef bells; S inejiorste ' 10 euoside 11- jolBttoJ Jej H-eiAgUunii; wtlldnf ' 4 menace . agaia $3 ooekandred- M ' stitch $smart! ZA-edilleic: 2S well know ; timers the solutioa to Sat Tfl iiiinniil to' ? -"f 4v - memory 19 an ovum I S2 back of the, si4andej 57 heat S9 make edgw, :- ring , 41 4rwine 42 bulging potj 43 gastropod , ' - related tort . snalla .., 44 trust . m -i 45 porf4M -f -45 cart of th t ova H.-lSBBda-BBH 'm!w tea 43 ky wty ef 8 F plO 7 A'M A aj t a. t "w"