Tfc. OREGON STATCSMA11, Eafca, Oresca, Wednesday !srn!s2rv April 19, 1833 Salem Market Quotations piotts , -. (Baying Prices) (The frleos below supplies by a local grower are iaafesUva t the Sally .star-at prices ai4 to growers by Salens buyers bat arc aot guarantee by The States aa.).. ,. - - -. ,.-.-. - Bansass, lb. Stalk HindO Calsvoe .-...-. Grapefruit, . Texas pink tce.iusr.-M-r Limii, oralo Ocaacaa'arat: : f;-:- (aovtng Prices) Asparagus. IV , ',, Beets den. - ' ,, .40 Csbbsge. lb. .OS Carrots, Calif., art, .os2.60 ta 8.50 Cauliflower. Cslit. .1.25: local .00 Calory, Cub. crate , ,. - . S.25 1 Lettuce, Colrt -S0 to 0.60 Onions.- boilieg. 10 lbs. Na. 1 18 . 0 ft. - l Greea mwm do. . 't .25 . Radishes, oa.. ... ; .80 Peppers, greea, CaUL , JO Parsley : .... . ' ' .40 Potato.' local. ewt. No. 1 1.10 . - 60-lb. baga ,.;,, , ' . .. 6 Rbabarb, outdoor .70 to .00 Tara.lpa.4aa. , -40 - - WITT (fTh pal. by Ia-ependea Packing plant , , to grower) W slants Prsaqoettes. fsaey, 12c; Haas. 10; arntll ; orchard run, t to 10c - Walaat stoats 25 to 80e lb. IMlberte Bsreelonss. large. 1214c; fan ay lUfccf aabiee. 11c; orchard, rna 11 to 18fc - - - .-;..-. ' - --?. - (Ce-ep Fiteti to Orewer) Wslaste Price range, drpoadiag Boon way aota run la 14 different gradaa 11 12c Puchilly 1 rant higher. . ,'.' ;- HOP! ".---; ' (Baying Prices) " Classes, aooiinai 1937. lb 1 to .05 WANTED! Chittam Dailc and all kinds of METAL Green Chittam 2e Lb. Capital Junk Co. 145 Center St. Salem na .1.40?. " 4.00 - . - S.OO ,- , 4.i0 i. .5.2S to S.60 'The Forgotten Fleet SYNOPSIS At the request of Geneva Benet, daughter of Captain Benet in charge of a fleet of obsolete vessels lying at anchor la the Chesapeake, Donald Colby, an ex-soldier, takes the job as watchman, despite the fact that three predecessors have mysteriously disappeared. Aa Col- by, Geneva,! and Button, another watchman, approsch the "Monti cello,'' on which the girl lives with bar father, thrceahots and a scream rent the air. The captain is not aboard. Colby and If ears, watch- man of the "If oont Vernon," find him in a cabin of that ship, dying from a bullet wound. Asked who shot him, the captain's eyes turn to . the figure of a dead man sprawled on the staircase nearby. Suddenly, . a sound issues from the passage way. If ears douses his flashlight. A figure appears and Colby tackles - it, A Jet of flame spews forth and in its light Colby is stunned to see the features of Geneva. Why was she on the lfount Vcmonsnd why had she fired the automatic? The girl claims she thought he was "the others.", Colby snaps "Don't lie! 'Ton knew we were going to search the 'Mount Vernon. Upon seeing Captain Benet, Geneva calls him "Connolly and faints, uon nolly dies. Colby, suspicions of everyone, relieves Hears of bis gun and orders him to take Geneva to her cabin. Colby then proceeds to search the dead. The stranger was well dressed and evidently a uni versity man. In the smoking room Colby, finds a jimmy and a chisel. He wonders how much Mears knows. Colby goes to see if a key numbered 313, found on the strang er, fits cabin Cabin 313. As he ap proaches Cabin 291, someone fires , at him. Shortly alter, Mears ap pears with the news that the other watchmen have deserted, taking the only rowboat. Back on the "Monti cello," Geneva reveals to Colby that, several years ago, a bogus Baron von Khrenbreit and bis ac complice Kraus robbed her mother of 2250,000 worth of jewels. Since then her father died. Her mother is . now a cripple and the family im poverished. The thieves escaped to Europe on the "Mount Vernon." Connolly, a private detective, be lieved Ehrenbreit and Kraus bid the gems on board when captured by the German police and that they are still there. The prisoners were eligible for release a few months ago and Connolly was sure they would return for the loot That ac cdunted for his and Geneva's pres ence on board. A letter found on the dead stranger reveals that he is Otto Vogel and that Ehrenbreit sailed last week. Colby also finds s scran of paper on which is written: "The secret lies with the third girl. not white, not yellow, nor red. What significance haa that? Hear ing a tapping noise, Colby and Ge- neva investigate ana come to stateroom from which ensues - uonnan voice ana cnat at ireramson. the watchman Connolly had dis- . charged and whom Colby bad beat en on the wharf, for Insulting Ge ' nevaiiiearing footsteps. Colby and Geneva hide In a closet of the sd- joining, cabin. Shortly., after, the men come , in and the' sound of springs creaking and iron scraping reach Colby s ears. - CHAPTER Xn While the air in the closet grew more Doisonous and sweat stood out all over his face, Colby wondered at the iron selx-control of his compan ion. A rare girl indeed. But now Geneva Benet twisted a little spas modically and ' her whole - body trembled, . No wonder, every breath was agony. Why wouldn't those men ret out! - Geneva Benet began slipping - gradually do awards. Was she fainting? A button oaher jacket made little scraping noise and Colby stiffened, finger tensed over the eold ouy strip ox steei wnjen wa thetris-rer. Had they taken alarm lie tried to listen but crazy red and Eten comets were racing around ide his eyeballs as he wedged the arirl's body with his own. It sounded as if Tug and Ferguson were going . out at last. He fervently hoped so. He might be able to stand that fetid . atmosphere perhaps twenty seconds longer , u ten, come wnat mig ne must get out. -A boominsT noise as of surf oa reef beat in his eardrums, and only dimly he realized that the girt had , become an inert leaden weight. His knees bezan to buckle under him so. criee & meetst&e, he put out sweat - Is? fcnd3 and shored at the ward . res doer. It cars a heart stUIizz - ' ertt'c eri few violently eoen. A rermr? rush of fresh air swept ' -'a '- t astnroa- jtnA Cmova Grade b raw 4 per cent Bilk, Salens Co-op bade pool price $2.01. I . Co-op Grade A ; tmtterf at (Milk baaeu oa cecal monthly . ba turf at average.) Distrtbator price, -.SX A grade butterfat- Deliv ered 22c; II grade 20 He A grade priat, 26c; B grade 25c; quarters, 27c Clusters, 1888. lb 1014 to .21 rugglea. top OOX. AJQ MOHAXK (Bsytag Prices) Wool asealaan, la. ,r ,. Coarse, lb. Uabi, lb. , .It M Uobair, lb. BOOS AMD POUXTBT (Baying pzfcaa of Aadroaaa'a) lrga aitra Madia a, ostraa Larga ataadarda JO .14 .1 J .10 ai .11 JO .05 railcta Colorad frya Colorvd atcdlaat. ; lb. Wbita Lagborac, baavy White Lcgboma, light ... Heavy hena. lb. Uld rooatar LIVESTOCK (Baying trie for o. 1 atock, baaed oa ct adMoat and aalet rapertad ap to 4 Laaiba. 1030. tope . 0.50 7.50 8.50 7.00 0.75 6.50 5.85 6.50 6.00 7.00 9 00 5.50 18 Ianb .0.50 to .2.00 to Ewea Uoca. top 130-150 lba. 210-800 lba. Sowa ..6.50 to -0.25 to 5.10 to .5.50 to 5 00 to 0.00 to Beef cows Balls .- Heifers Top veal Dairy type eowt 4.00 to UniKt veah lb. MAXIOH CBAMEBT Baylag Price .22 .18 .11 .15 .15 .13 .16 Batterfat. A grade Leghorn aens. over I hi lbs... l.(born hens, ander 8H lbs Roasters. 4 lbs. and OTer fryers. 24 lb.. Lechora Broilers Colored bens, ever a lbs. Old roosters, lb 05 No. 3 hens Se lss: No 2 springs. 5a less .18 .16 .16 .12 Larsa extras I arge standards . Medina extras Hedinm standards by VAN WYCK MASON Ito lie with low lees awkwardly asprawl at the feet of a big blond man who stood ? staring open mouthed at this sudden dramatic eruption from the closet. Let this startled, blunt-zeatured individual in the dingy seaman's cap utter but a single cry and at least one quest for the Benet jewelry would be .definitely at an end. In stinctively aware of that fact Colby hurled himself across the cabin with the desperate speed of a leopard seeking to evade a trap. The other umped back and instead of using his fists iooushly tried to pull out a revolver and so was borne heavily over backwards when Colby's one hundred and seventy pounds struck him. The shock jolted Colby's Colt from his hand and it struck a wall with a crash, but the ex-soldier never heard it, so intent was he in obtaining a firmer grip on h enemy's throat. He, though not especially big. was nevertheless poweri ui as tnougn nuut of steel springs and rawhide, and he fought like a maniac1' v in the dimly ut cabin began a struggle which was not less fero cious for being silent. Uniy tne Sulck thump of feet and legs nailing lie gritty floor, Colby's whistling gasps for breath and the thud of bodies rolling over and over broke the stillness. When his enemy's fists crashed again and again into his sides and thudded off of his shoulders, Colby's fingers only sank the deeper into the pulsing, muscu lar flesh about the other's throat. Next his enemy again tried lor a knife or pistol, but yielding to panic as suffocation commenced to set in, unwisely, abandoned his effort and reached upwards, clawing wildly at Colby's eyes. The ex-soldier dodged desperately and reared his head back as far as possible, then, on discovering he could not by this strategy thwart his long-armed antagonist, suddenly rolled over with intent to pin one ox those clawine arms aeainst the edge of the bunk. The unknown, however, seized the opportunity to drive his knee sharply into the pit of Colby's stomach. Colbv sragned. saw blinding flashes of flame before his eyes and felt his fingers slacken. Only sheer will power and a glimpse of the girl now crouching dazedly before the cab inet steeled him into maintaining his RIB. Gradually his enemy's motions grew feebler and when presently his straining body relaxed into a convincing limpness, Colby prompt ly loosed his grip; no use Killing tne fellow. Sweat blinded and weak from the searmsf barbs 01 pain snooung through his abdomen he lay gasp ing for what seemed an imcrmin able neriod. He was aroused by i anhtla aonnd and beheld Geneva Benet nassme an uncertain band before her eyes-at last she called In a low voice. "Are you all right!" YMura von V - "I I'm afraid I fainted tad air alwava rets me ion were nne come on, wrve got to go." : Colby then lashed his weary body back into obedience and after reprieving -his pistol heaved the unconscious man over his shoulder silently as he might. It was on the bare springs of a settee in a cabin well aft oa u oees: mat Colby deposited his burden and then heaved a dees sisrh of relief. "Shall x switch on tne ; iignt again?" "Yes. but muffle It" When Geneva Benet obeyed, Col bv east her a oukk glance and saw that she seemed folly recovered; her BQuare little mouth was arm once more and her body. In its contour revealing gray jersey, no longer quivered as it had there in the closet. "Is be dead!" she demanded. "He hasnt even stirred." "No. But he's out cold as a witch's tooth" replied the gaunt victor as he played the Cash over the other's pallid face and purple red throat, Leoks Eke maybe hell be present but not voting for quite awhile." ' "Oh dear! Tour face it-he's scratched you terribly, and your chin is swelling " "Had to take some." ha said, "as well as dish it out I'm all right. though.lSow let tne think a nun- H . J "." As a result of their adventures sines reboardiaa this mouldering liner Colby found himself consider ably it a loss. . Despite Geneva Benet's strange remark about Ehrenbreit's labors in cabin SIS, he was beginning to doubt that Herr Vesef s enigmatic slip of paper had Stocks Sink - Still, Lower Steels and Specialties in : Lead a Most Issues Join Retreat; . NEW TORJC' April J ll-Vfy-Stock market - prices slipped low er today as buyer, attempting to assess the European picture and the state of domestic busi ness,: deserted the trading posts. Losses among pivotal shares ranged from tractions to 2 points more. SelUsg pressure was not evident, however, and the day's volume was the smallest tor fnll session since Feb. 14. Transfers totaled only 441, 770 shares compared with 624, 040 yesterday. : The Associated Press aversge of 60 stocks wa down .7 of a point at 43.5.. While first quarter earnings statements of many comapnies reported today showed moderate to - sharp Increases, traders pre ferred to await the session of the German reichstag April 28 before makiag commitments. The tone of the European markets was much the same. Steels and some of the higher priced specialities led In the quiet, which was marked by a midday selling flurry that Dadergradea .12 J2 Pullets Q BAIN. HAT sad SEEDS Wheat, bo. Nok L racloaned- .70 Oats. grey, toa , .28.00 White 25.00 reed barley, toa 22.00 to 24.00 Clover bay, ton 12.00 to 18.00 Oat and Vetch bay, ton. 12.00 to 18.00 Alfalfa, ton 15.00 to 16.00 Alsike Clover, lb. .00 to .11 Red Clover, lb. J2 Egg mash. No. 1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.60 Dairy feed, 80 lb. bag 1.80 Hea aerate- feed -- 1.65 Cracked corn 1.05 ' Wheat . 1.85 to 1.40 Mystery 35 case. Ehrenbreit gave every indi cation of being very sure of what he was doing and of where the loot was hidden. "Had enousrh of this business?" he demanded suddenly, turning his flash into her hot. but stui lovely features. "No. Have you?" "Hold the flashlight then." "What are we going to do?" the girl breathed, her gray eyes troubled and wide. Hold the flash, Sister, and if you must talk speak quieter.'' Very pre cise and business-like, Colby with his jackknife cut the canvas straps from a pair of life preservers tucked in a rack overhead, and with these secured the still unconscious Hans hand and foot. As though perfectly decided on his course of action and only occu pied with details, Colby applied an efficient gag contrived of his red bandanna handkerchief then, pant ing slightly and with blue eyes agleam, straightened from his ex ertions. Now listen. Sister." he directed in clipped accents that seemed to issue without movement from those narrow brown lips, "I'm going be low to keep an eye on Ehrenbreit. Go up on deck and find Mears no matter where he is." "Mean don't you think V "Do what I say; If he gets ray I can handle him?' An incredulous smile flitted over Geneva Benet's features. "Mears and the German's crowd as well?" Yes. I've handled tougher hom- bres than that" He wiped his face on his sleeve and running fingers through his rumpled red hair went on. "Tell him to meet me in front of cabin 322. He'd know where that is?" "Yes. But but it's too risky." Geneva Benet looked quite con cerned. "They might see you and there are at least four of them." "Three now," Colby corrected with a reckless smile and pointed to the German lying bound and appar ently still unconscious on the settee. The girl looked a little wonder- ingly at this wiry brown figure tow ering over her. "Suppose I can't findMears?" Stay up on deck. I want you to in any case." "Whatl You aren't going to tackle those three men alone?" "A quarter of a million's worth it and and " he grinned and looked ten years younger, "and so are you. Now get moving." bhe did. But as she brushed past him she quite suddenly paused and tne warm softness of her lips brushed his sun . darkened cheek lightly as the touch of a falling bubble. ! After all. you are rather splen did," she murmured and stepped by. The light was '. out so she saw nothing of the curious expression which swept over the ex-soldier's scarred features. - : ' When Geneva Benet's last faint footfalls had faded away, he thrust the Colt into his trousers belt, un buttoned his coat and made his way down to D deck and there tiptoed forward until he became aware of a curious: hissing noise which grew steadily louder until it sounded in -the Mount Vernon' m hull like the warning of some colossal serpent. An icy rivulet of apprehension chilled his spine when to his nose came the faint reek of burning . paint When he turned a corner and en tered the passage off which Number 313 opened he paused abruptly. A narrow section of the passage panels were reflecting an unearthly blue light! It apparently was beat ing out of the door of cabin 313. In stantly there flashed into Colby's mind a vision of Etta Pike's smoky lunchroom, of the pimply boy speak ing of 'ha'nts, and of Hhem queer blue lights' seen by the Widow Oa burne. Ex-Colonel Colby was stOl a good hundred feet away when he defi nitely recognized the origin of the noise. Clearly Ehrenbreit's hench men were hard at work with aa oxy acetytene torch, j ..... , "Them Navv eim arr . I. . julkhead what was a bulkhead," complained Tug's thin nasal tones. : "Quit squawkin' and git a move on," urged Ferguson. "It's too cussed quiet around here to be nacheral, and I dont like Hans not . showin' up neither." "ilea, Hans can take care of him selfhe vill come in a minute now." Colby drew nearer and watched the play of the electric blue glare now and then eclipsed by some man's Shadow. They had at least a -couple of lanterns In there. " (To Be Continued) Quotations POBTIJTD, Ore- April Predate sefcaasat Uw4-aP Batter Extras 28: ataadarda priau, firsts. Sift; flute, SO. 12; attenat aa ta -sae. - Eggs Lai go extras ISi largo stand ards IS;, asediaa extras II; steels standards IS. ' , - - ' Cheese Triplets 12e; loaf IS. - Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore- April 18. (API Wheat: ;- Open High Low Close May ,,r 60 - ' 60 6 ' 69 Jahr 07 07H- S7I4 67 Cask Graia: Oata, Ho. 2 88 lb. white, 27.25; No. 2-88 lb. gray nominal Barley, No. 2-45 lb. BW, 24.00. Corn, So. 3 IT shipnwnt, 25.75. So. 1 PUx, 1.78. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 70; west era white 70; weatcra red 70. Bard rod winter ordinary 68 H; 11 per cent S9; 12 per cent 70 It per cent 71 Hi U per coat 74 H. Bard white-Bear. erdia ary 70: 12 per cent 70; IS per cos 73; ldjper cent 75. !. . Today's car receipts: 'Wheat 143: floar IS; auUfeed 5. . . t : Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., April 18. (AP) (U8DA) Hogs: Receipts 800. Price range: Barrows and gilts, cd eh. 140-160 lba S 6.60 7.10 6.85 7.85 7.10(g) 7.85 6.85$ 7.35 6.60 7.10 do gd-ch, 160-180 lbs do gd-ch, 180-200 lbs do gd-eh, 200-220 lba do gd-ch, 220-250 Iba- changed many fractional losses into t declines of more than a point or so. Prominent among the! losers were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Gen eral Motors, Chrysler, Sears. In ternational Harvester, Anaconda, Westlnghouse, Du Pont, i Allied Chemical, Philip Morris, East man Kodak and Texas Corp. Bonds April 18 avoeic avhiom Compiled by The Associated Press 80 15 15 08 Indus D1.1 61.0 62.1 70.8 57.9 77.0 58.8 Raila D .4 16.S 17.0 20.6 13.0 23.8 15.7 Dtil D .1 84.5 87.4 28.7 40.0 88.7 Stocks D .7 43.1 43.8 49.7 89.4 53.4 41.S Nat Oh. Tuesday Previons day Ifanth ,n Tear ago 1039 high 1939 low B0KD AVEBAOES 20 10 10 10 Por'gn D .2 68.4 . 68.6 61.4 2.1 64.0 68.2 r Bails Net Chx D .1 Indne D .1 7.7 7.8 100.4 5.7 100.7 4.0 Dtil D A 2.4 2.5 94.8 8.8 5.7 1.0 Tnrtday 54.9 Previous dsy 55.1 Month ago 61.5 Tear ago 51.6 1980 high . 64.9 1939 low . 58.4 Low yield 110.7. POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE SOSM, tO UKB TO TA.KE YOU ALL oki that campus trip, but UXUOPYS NOT Bid ENOUGH: H WE ONCV HAD A -TRMUEF LITTLE ANNIE RODNEY TOOTS AND CASPER HA! mere's Another MAS NOTE POR TOOTS rROMTHAT VUT ru. READ IT AND SEE. Ta WHAT HE SAYS- jOapr INeeMns;ht.ll I V MV OWYES? TELLS ME AW AGE AKO LACK ZZ1 1W5 I AAAOC A TOCSOFMV9clLr. I I THE CHILD HAS FAlTM 04 f STtAOY.' FOR THE. I I GUDOVOOKV, ZECO. AIMTT IT SWELL f I OP F1MAKOAL6TABUJTV VJTDMAK J ME -.HOW CAM I EXnjUM I PRE6EMT Srr MRS. WLOWCPS ANT MAO AT AAE. MO J lrVPOSS1E.EIWAATOGETTHeaXJBT rjOPTHAT 1 I WStSOIMOTO . T TO HEQ THAT I AM JUST i NOTH1MG TO SAOCC -.Mfi.BARMCS IS COMMA us-w pcfmiestoHTOArxumc i xrmgi but at 1 adopt hcr its' a helpless cxd fool? j. Aim adostms. Am1 them ru. HAVE. AMMtsT. vOOu--JETTry. j I 3 LEAST MXI "fx" czyS. A tMUPtTA WMTMJC5 T;,,,, FOLKS eTVST UKK cTTNCft v 4J lta ) j&j$L - M jlii THIMBLE THEATREtarrtns Popeyt i.r'uv'vrwk uuuamp miiaji.ij i . j i iikb ni in .,, v.,. w a , .. . , . m ami l2r-"-QC I l PRETEND I VAM I I HAVE,N DEAtV I 1 I V ! I KwATTEKin iLTrV'l WAlTlr4G TO DlNSts Lv (AWAiTEQ -OrH TIWGGKT-WSI Uf 'UC J at Portland do gd-eh.. 250-290 Dm ,. 8.35 da gd-ob, S90-850 lba. 6.00 - do ased 140-160 Ibe. S.S54J Packing -sows, gd. 275 850 - lba. ' , - i 8.50Q S.S5 S.60 S.S5 do good 850-435 lba. . S.ZS do good 425-660, lbs. , 6.26 Se aed. 276-550 lba 1.00 Pigs (fdr. A star.); good- - akoiea, 70-140 tba . . S.50 ... i . v - . Cattle: KecelpU 100; salves 95. tiro and stoady.-. - " -atoore. good wOO-1100 S S.00 do aaadiaaw- lKlO-l8e- aooia do eoav (a lain) 75O1100 7.0O4 Beifers, good, 760-900 ; ta25l . do. BMdium. 650 900 7.75 do eon (plain) 650 900 S 25 Cows, all wu . ; do Aodivai, aU wts do oees (plain) ail wts do low cot-cat. all wta Balls (ylga. o-eld.), good (beef), an wts , , ... . do asediara, all wu. do eat'Com (pla). all wts Tealers, choice, alt wts. . do good, all arts. . do cnll-coBi (pin) all wta Calves, mediant 250 400 lbs do coat (pla) 250-400 lbs Sheep: Receipts 100. Price range: Laaiba, good sad choiea--9 8.00 8.S5 do mediant good . 7.25 7.75 do common (pUn) S.50 7.25 Swos, good-choice . 2.50 S.25 do common (pla) ssod 1.50 Q 2.50 Wool in Boston BOSTOX. April 18 (AP) t7SDA) Trading was very alow oa apot woola ia the Boa toa market today bat a little bus iness was being transacted la wools to be shipped, whea available, direct to east era asers front producing areas of the territory aad fleece wool states. Prices reported oa fine territory wool balk, good Trench combing lengths, ranged from 69-62 cents, seonred basia, delivered east to osers. Spot wools of similar doseripUoa were selling occasion ally la small amonnta ia Boston at 64-66 cents, scoured basis, for immediate de livery. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. April 18. (AP) Country Meats Selling price to retail ors: Country-killed hogs, best butchers ander 160 lbs.. 9 Vie lb; -osiers 18 -14c lb; light sad thin, 10-12 lb.; heavy 10-11; Spring lambs 18e lb.; yearling lambs 14c lb. ; cutter cows 10c lb ; eanner cows 9c lb. Bulls lie lb. Live Poultry Buying prices: Leghorn broilers lSe lb.; colored broilers, 2 lbs. and over. 18 19c lb.; over 8ft lbs., 17 18e lb.; Leghorn hens, over 3V4 lbs., 14-15e lb.; under 8 lbs. 14-15e; colored hens to 5 lbs.. 18e lb.;. ever 6 tbs 16e lb.; ho. grade 6c lb. lass. Turkeys Selling prices: Dressed, new crop hens, 22-24o lb; torn a, 20-2.0 lb. Buying prices: Kew bens 19-20o lb.;toms 18e lb. v Potatoes Takima Gems, ( ) cental; locals, 1.00; Desehntos Gems, 1.25-1.85 cental; Klamath Falls No. 1 Gems. 1.25 1.65; Calif, yams. 1.75; southern yams, 2.10; Calif. Whites, 1.60-1.85 50 Ds. Onions Oregon No. 1 2.25-3.80 cental ; sots, 84e lb. Texas Bermuda 8.50-4. Wool Willametu valley, 1930 dip, aemiaal medium. 2oe lb. ; - eoarsa and braids. 23e lb.: lambs and talk 20a lb.: eaitarn Oregon, 20-22o lb. Hay Selling prico to retailers: Alfsi- mv A S.00 0.70 6.76 6.50 1.00 ' AC- se vse soo oo a s. is S 7.78 .TOO T.OU 6.750 6.76 4.75 6.76 8.50,4.75 S.2S9. 0.75 6.50 6.80 4.603 6.50 9.00 9.50 8.00 Q .00 4.60 vj 0.50 6.50 g 7.60 4. 50 ,5.50 ; )eiC w,s mi ti i.i.wiw i aaSV 4-l v 1 " ' : : ' ' . ro rVW YVHATS THE)AUrtlCKEN3 COUU.D 8 ' ;!A USE THSl lJI . .U.eV-eioJCt. Ate AJAti T SP.Tn rbarrnoAA&). uiaMt'to - VAA.JDM UMf lllMWh HE'S V Gardehero' PORTLAND, Ore. April 18. (AP) (OS Uops. Agriculture), i -. Apples Orogoa Bowtowas. aod to Igo. as fey, 1.50-1.60. 1.25-1.85; e fey, loooe, US;, fey loosa. XOOf Wash. Delidoaa. asod to' igo. as fey. X76 2.10; fay, LT6 A.S5;. Wineaan asod to lgo, oa fey. USO ' 1.75. fancy. 1.40 l.60r eaoabi ai-icy and fancy,-loose, yiSfie IkJ Bosses, ox fey, 1.65-1.76: few: l.S-L.4v So . - L Artiohokaa Calif,,,. 16-1010;.. poorar. Avoeadoe. Calif, foorte, 4-SS's. 1.20 L40. - " " :( -! ' Aspsragas Or WSsk. green, 12-tbi era toe. No. 1. 75-85e ; . Ne. 2, 65-65e ; 80 lb. CTates, 2.00-2.85; bunched, 2.35 2.15; Calif, crates, asod to largo, 1.50-1.90. Bananaa Poo auaoh. Vee Ibwi aanall iota, as quoted. - . Brwaaolr Orosea, fcaaebas, dO dSe. . Brussels Sarowta- Unsotod. -. Cabbsco Orogoa Ballhaad. aew era tea. TSo-ilO; Oswego. 2 14c; Cslit emtea. S.00-2.26: rod. SH 4c; Aha., 1.75 2.00. Carrota Local, topped,: 40-50e per lug; sacks, . 1.00-1.50 ; bunch ed, Calif- 40-45 ; crates, 2.00-2.50; few high as 2.75. Cauliflower Crates, local, 85-90c: No. 2, 40c; tooao. No. 1, 90e-1.00 do.; Callf No. 1, 1.C0-L35. Celery Call. TJtob. 2.00 2.15; whit. S 25-2.65; hearts, 1.50-1.75 dos. Citrus Fruit Grapefruit, Tests marsh, seedless, 8.00-8.25; pink, 3.50-4.00; Art. sobs. fey. 2.00-2.25; choice, 1.60-1.75; Florida, 48-64a, 3.25-8.50. Lemons Fancy, all sites, S.25 4.75. choice 60e less. Lemonettes, sp. bz.. Ill L'rees Dos, carton, 20 25c, Oranges Catifernia navels. SOO 893a. 2.25 2.75; large. 8.00 4 25. Eggplant Calif. 1.75-2.00, Ige. Cucumbers Hothouse, 8 dos 1.25 8.50. Lettuce WsUonville. ieed, 5 dos. 20.0 2.50; Delano iced, 5 dot.. 3.15-2.35. Garlic Oregon. 8 10e: poor low as 6c Mushrooms -Cultivated. I lb., 60 SSo, Onions Oregon yellows, 60 lb. sack a. 08 No. 1, 1.00-1.10; mod.. 5c-1.10; 10 lbs.. 28 25c: No, 2. 60 lbs. sacks. 50 80e; boilers, 13 lie per 10 lb. sack; 50 lb aack. 60 60c; sets, brown, 4-4 Vie; white. 5Vk-6e; Tezaa wax. 8.25. Pears Anjous, ax fey, 1.75-1.85; tied ford fey, 2.75. Peas Calif., 5-6e; sseks, 2.00-2.25. Peppers Florida, 25-35e lb. Potatoea Oregon, local Russets and Long Whites. No. 1. 1.10-1.15; 50-lb. sacks, 40-42 H ; Deschutes, No. 1, Russets 1.10-1.25; 25 lb. sacks. 83 35c; CS No 2. 50 lb sects. 40 45c; Klamsth, No. 1 Russets, 1.15-1.25; fancy, 1.40-1.50; No 2. 50 lbs.. 45 47 Vic; bakers. No. 1, 1.65 1.75; Texas, 2.25-2.04; Calif., 1.85-2.00; sixes A. Rbabarb Ore. botbonse, outdoor, 15 lbs., 85-40e; spple box, 14 -2c fs. No. 1, 16.00 ton; ost vetch, 12.00 tun- clover; 11.00 toa; timothy, est tern Oregon, 19.00; do valley. 14.00, Port land Hops 1938 Clusters,, 20-25c lb.; Fug gles. 23c lb. Mohsir Nominal, 1939 eUp, 25c lb. Cascara Bark Buying price: 1938 peel. 5c lb. Sugar Berry and fruit, 100s, 6.10; bale 6.25; beet 5 05. Domestic floor Selling price, city de livery, 1 to 25 bbl lots: Family patent, 49s. 5.70 6:35; bakers' herd wheat, net. 8.70-5.15; bakers' bluestem 4.25-4.60: blended wheat flour 4.40-4.70; soft wheat flour. 4.10-4.15: graham 49s. 4.50: whole wheal 49s. 4.05 bbL Feathering Their Nest Cloud in Thai Silver Lining A "Light" Trap Gab! W By CLIFF STERRETT Hers SEEM MS AND TOOTS TOGETHER . AND THINKS I'M HER FATHER, EH r THAT Vuy HAS A LOT TO oava4viA.waaJL JUkL-rrx-too. . AJTCWSR TO MS A Harpj'g Diet! GLbsing NEW YORK, April 18 - ffy At Chem A Dye 1S6 Comwlth Allied Stores American . Can AmTOr Pow Am Pow and Lt' Am Bad Std San T Consol t C ..Consolidated Oil 1 ' Corn Products 4H Curtiss Wright IS . Douglas Air Am Roll Mills 13 Du -Pont Am Rmelt A Ref SS - ET Pow Am Tel A Tel ? tlBS 4Erle'.R R Am Tob B 80 -.General Electric '-1 ..; General Poods 22 General Motors 4.: Goodyear Tire , 2CH Gt Nor By Pf 1SH Hudson Motors 5 Illinois Central 15 H Insp Copper Slft lnt Harvester AmWaUr Wka Anaconda 7 Armour 111 -Atchison Barnsdall -Bait A Ohio . Bendix Aviation : Bethl Steel Boeing Air Borge Warner Budd Mfg -California Pack Callahan Z-L Calumet Hec Canadian Pac I Case Caterpillar Tract Celanese ' Certain-Teed Ches A O Chrysler Com! Solv 20 In t Nick 20 Int Paper 4 Int Tel 15 Johns Manvllle 1 Kennecott. 5 Ubbey-O-Ford 3 Ligg A My B 49 Loew's Mont Ward 15 Nash Kelrinator 7 National Biscuit 30 National Cash 58 Nat Dairy Prod 10 National Dist Squash CaUf. Zucchini, 1.50-1.60. 3.50; Calif. 12s, 1.60-1.75. Strawberries Louisiana, 24a, 8.26 S 50. Spinach Ore., 40-60; few higher. Tomatoes FIs. 2.50-8.00; ex., S.S0. Boots Oregon, sacks 15 160: tugs. 30c; bunches, doscu, 2025c; Califor aia, bunches, doxen, 60 80c; eratoa. 2.00 2.15. Broccoli Oregon, bonebee. 85c; California, eratoa, 2.00 2.25. Brussels sprouts Oregon, arminaL Cabbage Oregon, Ballhead. bow crates. 0e-1.00. Endive, 25c Carrots, 40 50c Hoi seradish Oregon, pound, 15e. Leeks Oregon, bunches, doien, 25c Mustard Greens Oregon, local, backs, doien. 15 20c Kale 25c Onions, green Oregon, bunches, dos. 1520c; The Dallas. 2025c; California. 25 30c W C!SSS 2 its Lucky toots IS OUT 1 WON'T SHOW HER THIS LETTER WAIT! rv AM ' in i v ssew SMKY VOU MAV AFTER i OkPER .OYSTER r i - ifl S 1 Quotations - ClosIng prices: A Sou 1 Nat Pow A Lt Edison . zt- Northern Pac 7 Packard Motors ' S6 ; j c Penney 5 Phillips Pet Pressed Stl Car 135 Putt Svc NJ 7 Pullman 1 M Safeway Btores. S3 sears. Roebuck J 40 SheU Union i Sou Cal Edison 234 Southern Pac 18 Stand Brands Stt Stand Oil Calif 11 sund OU NJ 10 H Studebaker 52 Sup Oil 4S Tim Roll Bear de N A Lt 24 45 4 2 Can A P Pf 28 Trans-America 5 A Tel 4 Union Carbide 72 49 United Aircraft 35 30 United Airlines 9 40 US Rubber 34 100 US Steel 45 87 Walworth 5 44 Western Union 18 4 White Motors 8 24 Woolworth 42 17 New York Curb 13 Cities Service 24 El Bond A Share Partley Calif., bunches, dosca 26c. Parsaipa Luge 40c t-oid storage Unions Estimated at 25 Cart Oregon onion shipments last week totaled 25 cars, which cleaned up most of the common storage holdu-gs besides remov ing several cars from cold stor age. Few stocks remain in the hands of Independent growers. 'Unofficially, it is estimated about 125 cars remain in western Ore gon cold storages. "MCDMLEW In iV Hairy" STATE FIIIAIICE CO. A Home-Owned institution (Chllds A Miller's Office) 844 State St. Salem, Ore. Phone 0201 lie. No. 8-210 M-222 By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH By JIMMY SIURPHY purr a liht by THE FRONT WINDOW! fLU TRAP HIM I WHEN HE DROPS IN TOMORROW HE WONT SEE TOOTS-- HEU. FIND n& WAIT IN FOR HIM AND HOW I ROUMf THAT A OP FR1 SHELL4 J i i isCLc L ' C - J "-III 1 l IK 7 .3 80 33 74 33 24 4S 11 25 12 . 4 . . .&cl i.firi..sJ outv MTiit-ccnjcieuaj any aerioaa eoanectioa wkh the IMS. Vsa Wyah Maeav