U i t I 4VUI 4-. 4 vj 44 A A4.jo..w44jit4iuiiri-v0iCiwU, icraias, April 13, li TpncnTFU :-LL 1 1 VlJy I I Aj J ASS OC I"ii"'T'SDP'R E S S 'Hit ' 1 K3 '.4 M ; , I X ! ' , . i 1 1 1 V .-.Vv ' j : V 1 Mr- r i . - ! ? . v.. : i( ft " i - i -. .'7 I . i SPRING TRAINING' I VnlTenlty of PltUbarrta finds1 Charlie Bowser (above) Uklnr over mm head football coach.: Bowser succeeded Jock Suther land who resigned, he said, "be-; caase athletic conditions at Pitt had become Intolerable." ; - ! - CALLOF THE SAWDUST TRAIL .nee esTillel where 15t npaid amateors snnusJly take to the road with their community circus. Above, ponies rehearse. WJ T2 A NET, few ciH aerialisU with the Gaines Ule, Tcjl, community circus "swtnx W 30 feet above the ground. The entire circus troupe of 15f halls from Gainesville, works without pay durinr, a tour of the southwest. IN SPOTLIGHT OF NEWS LESSONS WITH A POINT to them does Col Anthony Drexel Biddle, C4. five this TJ. S. marine stationed at Pearl Bar j bor, Hawaii. The colonel, a reserve officer and the father of America's ambassador to Poland, spends part of each year in i various parts of the United States teaching marines the art of ; hand-to-hand knife fUntinr, Jiu-jitsu, and bayonet work V . : .(;;(7J .:::s.f.4.S v. I ! - V 4' '' 1 -' V-? t V iRWW. .ww.u' '.wwit 'JMmunmunmunnBnmmnBBnBnnnBKsn? -a M I .. ' I I SHE ASKS NO QUARTER, this Barbtnt Rand, IS, who- competed with men to win No. 1 position on the University of California men's polo team. She has a coal woman's rating-. irr rrr.ii iaaj - THE DOLL'S HOUSE mad. of packinr eases at East Kew in Melbonrne, Australia, includes telephones and a doorbell.: i ..I.. j. 7 -rr i r - - n n - - imii L. m. - ,1 T T 0 0 K P U L L, to get Nancy Forbush, 14, Into the Whit noase, but the pun is a part of her profession: she's a puppet show, ' i prd?er froat Cleveland and was invited by Mrs. Eleanor Koose- . ;Tett U perform at the' Easter- Monday party. This would be her performance at the White House. A gift of puppets four years are awakened her Interest m marionettes. i. - . . : l '" ., ' . : - 4 s ' t . r C v . - v ) S 4 1 ' v 4 I. TOVO(0 THE MUSE. Walt Disney makes hhnsdf W rtaWeoa a sofa In Philadelphia where he went to discuss a new fflm, tastaTwiCoadaeter lopoU ifmwwfonjifiipsjoiep 'V' - ! Si' ' 4,. TOT H E P R ES I D E NT he'd rtve (reater discreUonary 2Jwer, ?J?wJh,im,wp Iait U. 8. in any foreign war, . Benry f. Stimson (above) told the senate foreign relations com- "ff ftoo Is hearing opinions with a view to revision f the neutrality, set. Mr. Stimsoa. whs was secretary of state junder Hoover, also decried United SUtes isolation as "shopworn.' CARRYIN C SO M E WEI C H IT in ho.se discussion, al J?Mtof5 D-CEesvPat Cannon left) oi M2ff SuZZUS the heaviest of nation's lawmakers. He weighs !$ nomrnVsTfaia years eld. and rr tall. HCd make aW fiaree she el Eep. Joe Dendricks. (right) el pLand. na7 r 4 it'' 3 is ST. te; i It .- cc.vr 4. -t r , .,':': -.v:-.r-.. '.. -.r ?: ' - , t v i . s V : v -. . X i: t r TRADITION was broken (!$ r A N I S H ikron. for Prince when Franco re-elected Albert Jnaa el Asturias Is hinted as a , brun (above), , for a second ! veeslblUty if a monarchy is re-7-year term as president. stored in Spain. 1 4 - X "fc. i;siwnj ij'Mff h V 1 '' 1 1 9y 1 'Mm ' v 0 1 "'WiiW. 'WnustjgojT A BOSTON M0T5TEAM PARTY of rebecs taWerTwas statU wl f J ' i Mrun rafacfwdL wUh aoifi n la 4ntiJ that kUmui kjJi v. k. a . a rrrr;vvrr t."-virix .,.5.,... . .: .,;, ..;.? ,.. ABKriean Olymple assselaUoa,.; ? i 940; speBs rinlaad -oiym'l ill4 .L K $. president of Canadian 'miliar t ivr . "' w. W.H r 8 I -f