The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 13, 1939, Page 7, Image 7

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    Oregon Women
in National
i Three Oregon women hare won
distinction in the art ot homem&k
ing and have been recognised tor
outstanding work in county home f
demonstration work according toi
word received from Mrs. Azalea '
Eager ot Oregon State college,
i Mrs. Ethel Lathrop ot Central
Point, state chairman ot the home
economics . extension council and
actlre in home demonstration
work since 1918, will represent
Oregon farm homemakert at the
London, England, conference ot
the Associated Country Women of
the World in Jane. Jackson coun
ty home economics extension units
and study groups, whose work Is
under the direction of Mrs. Mabel
Mack, -home demonstration agent,
are sending Mrs. Lathrop as a
; As one of four farm women in
rited to speak on a program for
farm women of the United States
at the World's Fair In New York.
Mrs. Lathrop will discuss " the
foods and nutrition work of the
extension program at It affects the
farm. She wUl sail May 23 with
a group delegation from America
on the Queen Mary.
Mrs, Wanda Flnck, extension
R-orker in Clackamaa county, left
last Friday for Washingtdn, DC.
where she will attend a confer
tnce of urban and rural women.
The 25 farm women-and J 5 city
women attending-this conference
will discuss agricultural policies
seeded to contribute toward rais
ing the standard ot living and use
t abundant resources to improve
luality ot living.
The third woman receiving rec
ognition, Mrs. C. J. Humphreys,
member of the Clackamas county
home economics committee and
Exclusive Laura Wheeler Picture
Ot Capitol Done in one Color
- 'A
To rislt Washington in spring:
Whether yon realise that ambition
or not here is a "needle etching"
ot the capitol to be done in easy
stitches, it will greatly enhance
your home. Pattern 2028 contains
a transfer pattern ot a picture 11
xl4 inches; materials required; 11
lustrations of stitches.
Send ten cents in coin for this
pattern to The Oregon Statesman,
Needlecratt Dept. Write plainly
J II 1 lil fl
If M l 2
actlre in the Concord study group,
will participate in a national
hook-up oTer radio station KEX.
She is scheduled to speak at 9:30
on tfie morning ot May 2 on "Ru
ral Homemaking and the Child."
Fresh Asparagus Topped
With Cheese
Asparagus has to go a long way
these days, so if your budget says
you can afford a spear or two
apiece, try one of these recipes:
Boil sUlks. lay in baking dish,
sprinkle with cheese and dot with
butter, brown in oven.
FRENCH STYLE Cut all ten
der parts in 1-inch lengths, cook
with 1 cup boiling water, 1 onion
and a very small head ! lettuce.
: When water has been h;orbed
add 2 cups stock, seasonings and
1 cup breadcrumbs. Let simmer
until tender and serve with poach
ed eggs. -
Melt 4 tablespoons butUr and add
H cup crumbs, season well and
brown; pour over asparagus on
Spring Dessert Uses
Fruit Combination
" A can of orange and grapefruit
segments, found at some grocers,
combines with raspberries to
make a spring shortcake for des
sert. - -
- 'Lightly cr ualr 1 ; eupY canned
or frozen raspberries drain one
can orange and grapefruit sections
-from Juice and toss lightly with
raspberries. Sweeten to taste and
senre on top of hot, individual
shortcakes and garnish with whip
ped cream.
Snacker Finds
To Piece
(Continued from page C.)
borrow a little from each jar ot
truit and put It into a certain pit
cher, known to the snacker. Soon
there'll be a mellow collection ot
assorted Juices in the pitcher that
will go well with late appetizers.
Hash Takes Style With
Tomato Sauce
Corned beef hash, or that made
from left-over beef roast takes on
real elegance when topped with
poached eggs and this sauce made
from canned soup.
1 can condensed tomato soup
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons tarragon Tinegar
4 teaspoon cinnamon, ground
4 teaspoon cloves
Heat and serve over corned'
beef hash with poached eggs. -
In the Valley
Social Realm -
Bridal Shower Is
Given Mrs. Tallon
DALLAS Mrs. Thomas A. Tal
Ion, recent bride, was the inspira
tion ot a delightful affair at the
home of Mrs. Laird V. Woods
Monday night when a group ot
friends entertained in her honor.
Hostesses were Mrs. Robert Grit
fin,. Miss Gertrude Kliever, Miss
Lois' Ralston and Mrs. Woods.
Daring, the evening a bridal
Caroline Edlunds
Last Rites Said
: GATES Funeral services were
held Monday afternoon at the
Weddle funeral home tor Caro
line Ethel Edlunds, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Collins. Mrs.
Edlunds was born at Gates No
vember 21. IStO. She idled Sat
urday in a Portland hospital. In
19 OS she was married to R. D.
Wiggins at Wardner and moved
to Portland where she resid- d
for a number of years. Inj-127
she was married to H. A. Ed
lunds. -. ' - ." 'y
She was baptized Into the St.
Mark's Episcopal church In 1927.
Last July she came to reside at
her home at Gates, f -
Surviving are her mother and
father, Mr. and - Mrs, E. L. . Col
lins of Gates; three sisters, Mrs.
H. B. Rne of Silverton, Mrs. D.
B. Dinsmoore of The Dalles and
Mrs. Claud Sella rd of Salem; a
brother, Edgar Collins - of. Mill
City. Burial was in tao Fair
View cemetery at Gates. 1
Men and Women .
Vie in Program
VALLEY VIEW An interest
ing contest program between men
and women featured the Valley
View PTA meeting Friday night.
The women's program consisted of
a "Sewing Circle play by Miss
Sadie Roth, Mrs. Verne Loxler,
Mrs. Ralph Mulkey, Miss Alice
CharpiUoz. Mrs. Bertha1 Moon,
Mrs. Daphne Hunt and Mrs. Dolpn
The men presented a varied pro
gram of "Harlem Hot-Shots" by
Bynum Taylor, June Taylor, Amos
Funrue, Wiley Moon, Ralph Mul
key, Harold Moon, Harvey Stege,
Charles Hibbs. Noah Hunt and
Norris Langser. A -pie : auction
netted of er 19.
Bridge and "500"
Enjoyed, Mt. Angel
MT. ANGEL The first card
party sponsored by the St. Ann's
Altar society after Easter was
held at the auditorium Tuesday
night with nine tables in ' 500
and seven in bridge in jplay,
Prises for "5 00" went to Mrs,
John Windschiegel and Joe Faul
haber, in bridge to : Mrs. C. J
Ebner and Mrs. J. A. Kaiser,
and other prizes to M. Wagner
and Mrs. G. A. Ebner.
Mrs. Henry Weiland headed
the committee in charge..
shower was given Mrs. Tallon.
Tfc rail liit iaeladea: Mrs. N. P.
Iarsoa. Mrs. Artaar Bennett, Mrs. Ebner
Bennett, Mrs. Glen Bennett, Mra. Cecil
Bennett, Miss Dorothy Larson and Miss
Margaret MeQaaty, all McMinnrilL;
lira. A. B. Hsrtman, Mrs. Henry Has,
Mrs. Harry Robinson. Mrs. Rota Hyde.
Misa Eralya Van Bask irk, Mrs. Forrest
Ysxler, Mrs. V. O. Long, Hill Koto
Gtmmea. Mi si Ella Lanre. Kits Ocrtrade
Klierer. Miss Talma Schroeder, Mist
Ketta Mse Kersey, miss Loeiie Baker,
Miss Eldoa Vaacka, Mrs. U. M. Sanaera,
Lvra Sanders. Mist Roberta Hall. Mrs
Joha Friesea. Mrs. Fred Elliott, Mia
Wismi Elliott. Mrs. E. A. Wagner.
The Misses Marie aad Sarah Hayes,
Miss Lena Klierer. Mrs. Ellsworth Wil
soa, Mrs. Earle Richardson, Mrs. Sidney
E. Wtutworth. Mrs. Bor James. Mrs
Lloyd Rice, Miss Zora Bice. Mrs. James
" Brown. Mrs. Mark Jones. Mrs. Anrust
Kdiger, airs. Georco KUerer, eorfis
MeClanathaa. Mrs. Ii. L. : McCsHy. Mrs
Elrs Kersey, Mrs. Oscar Nenteld, Mrs.
Veldoa Morris, Mrs. Coy Morris, Mrs.
Wayne Path. Mrs. Boy Alderson. Mrs.
R. C. Wilson, Miss Lneille Kliever, Miss
Edaa McMillan. Misa Faaaie Demnsey,
Mrs. Bel Edieer. Mrs. Bernsrd Petre,
Miss Jasnits Jonei and Mrs, Harold
She Harried His Brother
::: :
, 1 i
. 5 v ' j
Choir to Repeat
Cantata of Easter
PRATUM The choir ot the
Mennonite ehurch presented the
cantata "Rise : Glorious Conqaer
or" to a fall house Sunday night.
The same group will repeat their
musical treat at Albany Friday
night and at Dallas next Sunday
Bight. )
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph devries
and son Lee arrived home Tuesday
from California where they at
tended the fair.
The long desired rain began to
tall this afternoon. Farmers are
wishing that it may keep up for
a while. Cherries are in full bloom
and the rain otherwise so welcome
may not be so good for the cherry
Ubbf flolman, widow of & nrjxteriottI-t!a!n Smita Rernoldt, la
pictured with Phillip Holmes, producer. Surprizing friends wto felt she.
would wed Holmes, with whoa, ahe had been seen for two years, the torch
elagw eloped to Washington with his brother, Ralph, 23. The ewtple
returned to bar Gjefawleh hotna.
Birthday Parties
Held at liberty
LIBERTY J. R. Rains was
pleasantly surprised on his birth
day anniversary Saturday when a
group of relatives arrived for a
party. Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Rains, Merle Rains, Mr. aad
Mrs. Lester Rains and family, the
Desmond Rains family, Mr. and
Mrs. Basil Weathers and Mr. aad
Mrs. Oscar Dencer.
Miss Margaret Browning was
hostess for a slumber party at her
home Saturday night, the occasion
being her 18th birthday. The
group attended the Easter sunrise
service at Belcrest and enjoyed an
easter breakfast at the Browning
home. Guests were the Misses
Irene Wolff, Virginia Burger, Ja
net Bower. Mary Moses, Harriet
Grivey, Sarah Hallowell, Jean Pet
Prepare Rock Pile
For Road Oiling
GATES The aite aaa been
cleared and crushed rock haul
ing has started tor a stock pile
at Gates preparatory to oiling
of the section ot the highway
from Mill City to Gates. .
A. B. Horner is stocking his
new store at Gates with r. fall
stock ot general merchandise.
This replaces the store and stock
destroyed by fire la January.
Dean Davidson'
Birthday Honored
TALBOT Mrs. Delmer David
son entertained a group ot little
folks Saturday afternoon at her
home honoring her son. Dean, on
his sixth birthday. The mala di
version was an Easter egg hunt
Others present were Billy Gene
and Louis Mackle, Ernestine Lam
bert, Gale Gllmour. Jackline. Bob
by and Marlya Johnston. Jeanette
Gilmour and Wayne Johnston:
also Mrs. C. F. Johnston, Mrs. Ed
Lambert aad Mrs. R. L. Johnston,
Keizer Girls' Team
Defeats Liberty r
KEIZER The girls' kltball
team played Liberty there 'April 7
and won 18 to li. Keizer lineup
was: Jannette StrattOn, captain
and catcher. Betty Pierce, pitcher;
Verle Saucy. 1st. Arleen Frogley,
2nd; - Delphla Gottenburg. 3rd;
Beatrice Self, short; La Vern
Hampton, rt; Virion Tucker, ct;
Aradee Thomas, If; Corabelle
Weeks, Betty Gottenburg Opal
Seid, subs.' i
A team made up of fith grade
boys won 20 to 0 from Chemawa
here the same day.
Elect new Scribe
members and one guest, Mrs.' Will
Dennis, attended the Aloha N
die club meeting held Thursday
afternoon at the home of t Mr. aad
Mrs. Horace Edwards. Mrs. Bert
McFarlane was elected secretary
to fill vacancy caused by resigna
tion of Mrs. Howard Loekwood.
Seniors to Give ?
Drama on Friday
ACMSVILLE The senior class
of the local high school will giro
the. senior play, "Drums in My
Heart," Friday night In the gym
nasium with Miss Mildred Reich
era directing. The play is a com
edy mystery. In the cast are
Charles Andrews. Vera Haltman,
Leonard McCoy. Fern Lewis, Vir
ginia Darley, Harry Ashferd, Les
ter DeLong. Eleanor Davidson and
Leo Palmer.
Folks at 'Green
Entertain Guests
HAZEL GREEN Peter Zielin-
ski and daughter Miss Vera were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Pie
trok (Elizabeth Zlelinski) at Stay
ton on their wedding anniversary.
Marion Wampler of Klamath
Falls is a guest ot his son, Louis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hubbard
and son ot Grand Island were vis
itors at home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Wolf.
Mr. W. H. Williamson was
called to Jordan Valley where her
mother. Mrs. Pepperllng's home
was burned.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyd ot Mil-
waukie were guests,of her mother.
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis. George
Dunnigan of Mllwaukle, visited
his grandmother, Mrs. Minnie
Dunnigan over Easter.
Gervais Seniors
To Give Play 14th ,
GERVAIS The senior class
play "Hobgoblin House" will be
given April 14 at the Gervais high
school auditorium.
This is one ot the best plays
ever given In Gervais. The high
school orchestra will furnish addi
tional entertainment.
Play Equipment
Delights Kiddies
children returned to school Mon
day they were much delighted
to find see-saws, rings and
swings, presented by the school
board and community club, ready
to be used.
L. B. George Is building a
house east of the gas station,
to be rented or sold.
Mrs. E. L. Moor has as her
guest her borther. Henry Wyse
of Nevada City, Calif.
The ambition of every style
minded schoolgirl Is to own a bo
lero ensemble like pattern 4012.
just created by Anne Adams! The
day length version with collarless
neck looks afternoon-y. With the
neat collar, it's more suited to the
classroom. Sweet In a novelty
check, isn't it with the skirt pan
el and, bodice front cut bias. Plan
to receive your diploma wearing
the long dress, it has such deb
onair charm! It you choose the
square neck style with ruffling
you'll look like a damsel of the
Victorian era, which is definitely
fashionable nowadays. Like the
rest ot the ensemble, the sleeve
less bolero is really easy to stitch
up! - '
Pattern 4013 is available In
girls' and junior ales I, 8, 10, 12,
14 and 1C. Size 10. dress, takes
2H yards 3S. inch fabric and 1
yards raffling; bolero, V .yard
Sead niTEEM CEXTS (15) la
rotas for this Aaaa Adams natters.
Writ plaiary 81ZE. NAME, AD
Order, aad aajoj, tha finest ANXE
srer itsosdl All ttaaa ataaalag
clothes ya want t omtks la a Jiffy
ars "pafdt" golsct from frocks
for classroom, effic aad taa bob I
Also "speeiat Cfsiion' vovas.
sportswear, so its, liaroris, and as
sembled outfits! Patterns far mrj
on from ono to saTontr ara tnctod- '
od. aad oaea briar important kin
on t)OW to saw easily, thriftily, rt;
It! Writ today. PRICE OF BOOK
FIFTEEN CKfT8. fltli; ur rai
Send year order t The Oregoa
Statesman. Pattern Department.
I i i1 ' ' i it
I t: - I
0 II I It B If IV
(XJ by their patronage
stab&shedThe Drake as an
address of disHndion. Here)
refined luxvry, thoughtful
service, and choice locotion ;
delight ths discriminating.
So Ufldjfc.f alrtflMfcf WrciWf
. . . Free Sampling
It's profitable in more ways than one to
attend our Cooking School classes! There
are heaps of valuable samples waiting for
yon! Join in the excitement and fun of
. . . New Recipes
Share in the new tasty recipes prepared
and collected by our home economist and
other experts! New economical taste
thrills! Old cooking standbys dressed up
in appetizing forms! Plenty of treats in
store!-' . " "
' " t - J ' .
... New Methods
New ways to sare on fuel! Better and
quicker ways of baking and roasting! Lit
' tie tips to save yon time and labor in the
" kitchen! YouTl already know some, but
you're sure to learn many more!
...Food Hints
How to get extra goodness and flaror oat
of regetables! . . . Secrets on roast bay
ing! And jast a wealth of pointera to
, add tastiness and economy .to your meal
Thursday and Friday
In Wards Stove Dept.
Classes Start 2 p. m.
.Housewives! There's loads of fun and information
waiting for yon at our Free Cooking School! Bring
your pet problems to our economist. She'll be glad to
help! Many demonstrations, too! Come Early!
Mew ity De Eflecitiriic ,
Trr-' - 1 lasSaSnBnmnnmmmmmmmmmmmis 1
See If Demonstrated!
Demt fall U see this -tj
whem yew attead the
; CSeoUag Scheelt Has excla
! atve doable-qaick tassdated
ovem witb special elesaesBt
for slow fcekiag. Aertosaatie
heat reralator. New 8-beat
top sraits. Fally
U. It. Aaproftd.
i .
I II . II t II I Oirt-malox
I Ml ' If I aerrrlilf 1
Ami as 2
This Is
have been
Promotion You
waiting for!
We are offering two
hundred dozen of our
famous Bimbeig Satin
that we introduced
to Salem's Better
Dress ed Wo men L
nnatl ' -
3 of Each Garment or Assorted' $5.50
SDqcid (DaDDonnDsnQy
155 n. libertv
PHONE 3194 .