t f - ' For Swiff BetoeiMaMe "Resells lla v (G ffied Ad! Sf(tfe5man Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per Una 20c Six insertions per line .. ..0c One month per line .$ 1.00 Minimum chare . '., , Copy for this page accepted tmt'J 4 :2a the evening before pnbllea tlon for classification. Cop re ceived after this time will be run under the heading; "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility for error which mar appear In adrertlaetnenta pub lished in ita coiumna, and In raaea where thia paper I at fault wilt re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake ot-rwrs. - The Statesman reserveathe right to reject questionable advertising: It further reserves the rhrht to place - all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress la for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesmnu-I Is not at liberty to dlvulce mrorma tion as to the identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock Lin: AD AND wvrtnwaa buraaa rows Bk-ked up free. Ph. cut wet till Balem lontKomery Rend.'Wka HORSES AtARtCa - MULES , URUK ASSOKTM KNT welt brok- ea horses and mules New shipment arriving weekly CREDIT gladly giv ea anyone, No carrying charge tie competitive prices before you come here and see bow much lower my prlcea are Guaranteed as represented Free delivery Elroy Nsrti bam on highway fust north of Salem. ' Auctions AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION TONIGHT, 7 :30, at the F. N Woodry Auction 4 Furniture Mart. 110 N. Summer St, in Hollywood. Furniture from one home in Inde pendence and furniture from the home ot w. A. walker, Salem, and otnet consigned furniture. F. N. m Glenn H. Woodry. Auctioneers vte buy for rash or sell on ommls slon. Phone 5-1-1-0. Help Wanted 139 WEEKLY. Grow mushrooms Cellar, shed. We buy 30c lb. World' largest company. FREE BOOK Muah rooms 2l-2ni Seattle. Wash. Help Wanted Male BARBER TO work Saturdays, 303 & Winter St. WANTED YOUNG man to learn good business in Sales dept. Salary to start. Single man preferred. Must have good recommendations and must live in Salem. See Cooley at Hogg Bros. . Help Wanted Female WANT RESPECTABLE lady to do hewk. for rm. A. bd. Small wages. 2040 f erry st. "REFINED LADY with car. sales ex. perlenee preferred. Permanent. Bon. Apply Marion Hotel. See Miss Dune- gan, Friday, 8 to . i Salesmen Wanted WANTED SALESMAN with some experience la auto repairing. Good proposition te the right man. State ex perience and references, hox ass, Statesman. . Situations Wanted WANT CARS of children by hoar. day or month. ISO Broadway. D R ESSM A KING. Mrs. Adsit t. Tel :5, 1170 Marlon. Your pats, solicited. 1 SPADING, LAWNS, mowing. Terms reasonable. Graham, phone -9088. SPECIAL PRICES on papering and I painting this month. Ph. csoo. ELDERLY WOMAN wants work in Christian home. Address Rt. 4, Box S61. PRACTICAL NURSINO or care of elderly people. Ref. Mrs. Miller, Phone 1-413. EXP. OFFICE girl wishes work Box 418, care Statesman. For Sale Miscellaneous I BIKES & lib. A KEPAIK& Ramadan. 148 REBUILT AND guaranteed wash- era All makes from fit up. Spee. kiar ADDING MACHINES, tyvewrttere cash registers, scales, sales, rentsla. ra pe Ira Roen Typewriter K- 4ss court VISIT APRON shop. 679 N . Hurh, A-1 ICE CREAM cans. Chp. P. $81 1 HARDY BlU 13 prnnrosee, panstee other plants. : Jay . Morris Florist Phone 6687. - . - . ' - FERTIUZERr WELL rotted. 9S60. RIVER SILT. $1.3$ yard, alto con erete materials. Washed Sand A Gra vel Co- 319 Court SL TeL 9148. ' MwwwwMwwwwMMwaawwaMaa S ELEC INCUBATORS. 169 Union TEXAS. CRYSTAL, wax. Bermuda onion plants. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. . la wv uoss Shredded mess i dy to sow. prW 38.59 per squaiw-rard and win sow e sq. yna. oi lawn, r or fuU instruction en how To sow. sea TICK BROS.. SOS N. High St. . Salem i,-.J: RIVER SIL1. top 41H. PK tSSS. WATKTN8 PRODUCTS. $80 N. II Fh. 780$. 19 discount oa ph. order rt. rTtsn rSV yyTrl""T1 e . i-" - -aw m "r vliAH1,VrMH IVWH ADVERTISING Western Adveruslng Representatires San Francisco. Loe Angeles, ' Seattle Eastein AdTerttoin -. Repreaentatlye . -: Bryant, Griffith St Brunson, Inc. Chicago, New York, Detroit, Boston, Atinnta ' Tutrrmd mi (A Poatetfic at Salem. Orreoa. ' Mmaond Cias Afetter. Pb- fiaAeif event aoraiao except Afey. Saalaees eice gXS B9tk Crmitrcial Htrttt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! MaU Subscription Rates In Advance: Vuki. omm neilv -and 8- dayt Mo. SO cents i 8 Mo. 81.S9 : Mo. $3J0 1 1 year IS.ee. Elsewhere $ cents per Mo. or $$M '"tor I year te sdrance. t.. a mill Kewsatande S cent r. ntw (Carrier: 60 cents a month; 87.20 a. veer ta adraswe SB Siarioe i For Sale IHiaceUaneout TRAILER HOUSES for every oc casion, : f SS up. King's Trailer Ex change. Ill N. Front. CLOSTNa OUT all new 4k used fur niture. New Fairbanks-Morse washers, $99.50 for $49.59, $79.50 for $54.58, $59.50 for f 14.60. One I ft. Falrbanks Morse refrigerator demonstrator, flSC.se ral. for 830.00. Mohair daven port ehalr. ; 825.00 : console radio. $ZS.ee; wood oil circulators Mon arch ranges. Mew Reliance oil burners at wholesale. Beds, mattrisssa, dreea era, eheets. chairs, tables, ruga, window shades, show cases, counters, many other Items must be void. Courber'a 4(9 Ferry St. ; USED WALNUT t-pe. dining room set. Woodry's, 474 S. Com'I St H ED DON BAMBOO fishing rod with extra tie and level winding reel to trade for golf bag. IMS & Church St BIO BEAUTIFUL console Airline radio. 4 -band all-wave. Original price 8189. Will sell very reae. m. 134. NEW SIMMONS davroos, Com'I St. 124.81 WooLdry'a, 474 & LEGHORN COCKRELS today. Tel. 1J8F2. Lees Hatchery. Miscellaneous PARKIN. $1 BT mo 86 N Ctinrch EASTER LILIES and other floral gift for Easter. Phone I63T. Jay Mor- ria. florist SLIP COVERS made to fit. Ten yrs. experience. References. Phone 4090 VEN. BLINDS cleaned. Phone 4090 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED COIXRED fryers and market poultry Ph. 133r"8 lire's Hat hery. WANTED CLEAN cotton rags 5c per lb. Mike Panek s Brake and Motor Service. 275 S. Com 1. St. PLOWING AND all team work W. E. Skipper. 2785 Brooks Ave. RELIABLE LADY wants child to I board between age 4-12. References. Box 383, care Statesman. WANTED 200 used fire brick. Box 386, Statesman. For Rent Rooms SLEEP. RM. close In. Ph 419$. STATE HOTEL. 479 State. 6792. SI. RM. Meali optional. 833 Center RMS. FOR ladles. 998 N. Cottage Pttr 5C7S. SLEEP. RMS., close In. Ph. 6516 SLEEPING ROOM. 635 Chemeketa. HOUS EKEEP. ROOM. 260 Center Room and Board APPRECIATE tlOOO meals? Nice homer See Ma Bowen. 05 N. IJlrtv NICE RMS. with bd.. $25 mo. 481 N Winter. .Phone 5597. LGE. DBU A single rm. Board. 832 N Church. Ph. 4S75. . ROOM BOARD, double or twin beds fteaBonabl Tte. TL HOME COOKING. 191 S, Church. For Rent -Apartments APT, 10. 866 S. Commercial. eeasesSsMWSssSs'sWsa"ssW FURN. I RM. spU 1M Division. VERT LOVELY S-rm. all mod. fnrn japL Laundry, gar.. $32.60. Phone 418 4-RM. FURN. flat. Lhrhta water garage, $20. 1098 Garnet. EK FISH BR aota Mndamlaaa l-newlv OVeorated and roomy Too'H be deftchtea , mi end B commercial 1-2-3 R Ct N. Uherty Ph S789 SM. FURN. apt- 860 8. Cnttage. S RM. ; NEWLY furn. HeaL wafer refrlB. gar. adultt ttl N. Cottage St 8 NICE RMS. $12-50. 193S Center. 2 AND S ROOM apta. unfurnished and furnished. $25 to $40. Phone 395 FURN.i APTS 255 Division. 1 AND 2-RM. furn apt, CIS Ferry. 1 TO 4 RM. apts. furn. or unfurn.. $6 and up. Inq. 1310 South 13th. 3 R. furn.. adults. 1009 Saginaw 2-RM. APT. 445 8. Whiter. vACA.vciEa mod. 210 n 14th CLOSE IN 3-rm furn. apt. IJghts water, garaga. 1047 & Com J. NEWLY DECORATED 8 rm. over- Stuffed furn. Murphy bed, 70S N. High 3 AND 4 RM. apts. Private hath, wa ter. 41s.ee and Sis.ee. lis saarjon. S R. APT StT.00. 1364 N. Liberty. t R. MOD. Furn. Adulta 776 N. Com. 4 "RM. FURN, apt cloee in. PH bath, attic. TeU 4254. 296 R. Slst. 1 R-. $5. S R, $7. S93 8. Cottage. S R. FURN. apt- close m. TeL T748. X AND 4 RM. furn. apt. Reas. Light and water furn. 77$ & Com'L i. 8x49xhpa9l$ff9jp9Sax4pS 1 R. KTTCHEN-r. hid. 813 Water t R. FURN. APT., fireplace, prlr bath, nook, garage, ground fir. Adults Pb. if7. 8 KM. FURN. apt, 1209 Court. FTTHN. APTS.. 817 to 825. Duplex. S rma.. $32.50. Unfurn. houses, $83 te 940. For rental see Becntei, an oiaie Room 4.1 LOVELY NEW 1-rm. furn. PnlL .L Ladies. 3-rm. ftrm. Newly dec., bam. I Adults, 666 S. Summer. CLOSE JN. l-r furn. 149 & Cottage. For Rent Houses i rutiiiiana.ii wis u urn. 1 amaee e.oea t-w e99 a (km - let t. quant. court sl Ph. tnoe I m 8 RM. FRN. bouse, $18. 1348 Waller. BUNO, MOD. kitchen, eqntttpeS Fn. aiai or eau uu a. wow i a tot. BSRL. uert fura: law haau. aereaga, does far. Can after v- sa, 143 Tf t RM. MOa fura. Ph. 6616.- I ROOMS WITH shower, fwrtlr fur Intshed. Inq. 1H9 Ntbrsska. Tel. S$$ S.ROOM . HOUSE, bath and garaga. SIS. 316S N. Fifth. MOD. I-RM. creek house, $I. Mar L ?3$3 SUte. Fh. 4891. For Rent OFFICK ROOMS ni State etreet see . :T an a. c tJinnu & DWEU.INU. tsndacapet yard. Fatrmount Hill Ab i-ryom fur- aistied enertmem. is.ee. trmm Mania. Office phone 441 . Lri r 4 A I BM. haa, apts. T89 N. Com'I. Money to Loan Consolidate All Your Bills REDUCE TOUR MONTHLY PA TMENTS WITH A LOAN FROM SA LEM'S OLDEST INDEPENDENT FINANCE COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS WILL RECEIVE PERSONAL CONSIDERATION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE THE LOAN IS MADE. PAYMENT PLAN IS ARRANGED TO FIT YOUR INCOME. NO CO-MAKERS. ONLY YOU TO attON. REPAY ANY DAY TO REDUCE COSTS. NO FEES. General Finance Corp. at SO. COMMERCIAL ST. FIRST FLOOR SOUTH OF CONVENIENT GROUND For Sale Real Estate BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS oa oared street, excel lent location Price 8600 826 down. 319 per montn, W. a ORARKNHORST CO. REALTORS 134 & Ubertr SL Phone 8468. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell, exchange, .ease, rent, see Mr. Laraea with Haw Kins A Roberta, SEE BEAUTIFUL Cascade Ter race a, large view tracts overlooking city, vnlley. mountains. C A- Robert son, owner. Ph. 14 IS MODERN HOUSE. Pay like rent $29.04 per month win pay principal interest, taxes and fire Insurance. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Inc. Ph. 4108 LOTS. 1275 00 UP. Also house under construction. New sub-division E .at Center St. D. B. Klelhege. 8149 Cen ter Street. 8 R. 20 LOTS IN Salem. S1500. 4 R. mcxL. $2500. $200 csh.. $25 mo. S R., gar.. $2150, some cash. bal. I loan. 8 R., base., furc., $2950, terms. Seel W. Griepentrog, Z165 Mill su fa. 494 FOR SALE OR RENT GOOD 4 BDRM. home, double ga rage, beautiful lawn, close in. N. Cot tage. Price $2500, rent $25. Also for rent, modern 5 rm. home on N. Fifth. Price 130. Fh. 5580. 4 RM. PLASTERED house. 2 lots. 100 by 115. Lots of fruit. On N. Fifth SL $1450, $250 dwn. Ph. 5580. I A WALNUTS. FILBERTS, cher ries, w. H. Lynn. Box 30, Liberty Road. READ THIS ROOM PLASTERED house, wood shed and garage. Street paved and paid. Price $1600 with $100 down- balance $20 per month. . Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 $300 DOWN PRICE $2650 Mod. 5-rm. house, fireplace and util-1 Ity rm. Very well located. A buy at this price. Look It over. 935 Gaines. WANT TO sell property before re turning to Texas. Will take $2400 or thereabouts for 5-rm. home In Engie- wood, 5 yrs. old. Box 416, Statesman. 5-ROOM HOUSE with 8 bedrooms, garage, city water, sewer, some mi it. About $300 down, bal. small monthly pymta or will take good car as down pymt. Price 91000. WEST SALEM REAL. ESTATE 775 Edgewater TeL 5622 LOOKING FOR A SNAP? If so I have it Modern home except basement. roofais, 3 bedrooms, fire place, garagv lawn, shrubs. Price cut to $3150 from gtooo. to see it I Bechtel, 341 State. Immediate pos session. CLOSE ESTATE. Expect to get $8800 for 4-rm. home near Leslie Jr. hhrh. AU heb-a oat of state except my self. Would take some - time to close deal. Box 417, Statesman. QUICK SALE 81000 buys this 5-rm. plastered home located on east front lot with paved sL and sidewalk. Garage, plumbing. etc ONLY $100 dn., $1S a mo. THIS WONT LAST. Call K. A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Uberty SL Ph. 6463 CLOSE IN LOT This- large east facing lot only blks. from city center is offered below market value. 75x100 ft. sidewalk paving paid. $750. CAN'T BE BEAT Call K. A. Johnson witn W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 184 S. Liberty St. Ph. 6468 FAIRMOUNT HILL BARGAIN f 2950 buys this t-rm. plastered home on large east front lot In exclusive residential district. Lot 60x150. garage, etc. TRULY A BARGAIN. TERMS. Call R, A. Johnson with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Uberty SL Ph. 6463 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Nice 2- bedroom home, aarajre, woodshed and lots only 82800 on terms. 81800 old fashioned S-bedroom home. aood district, bia lot, only 1200 down and SZO per month. 3. E. REAY . Ph. 8121 421 Oregon Bldg. 8-R. MOD. hse. on Broadway. Nice hade and walnut trees. Lots ot shrubs. Will trade for modern l-r. hse. in north part or town or . sell for 92150. Also 6-r. mod. hse. to rent on. N. Church. CARLETON E. LANE Fh. 4078 . PacificrHiway Realtor PRICE CUT 830OI1S9 DOWN BaL like low rent. New 8-bedrm. home. Eire, oitmn, 1A. exc soU. North or cityr sisoe. ROBERT E. BTTDROW. Heal Estate 12 Ladd Bosh Bids. - Ph. 5981 Exchange Heal Estate TRADB CITY property for farm HAWKINS e RTmRRTS INC 4 R. AND BATH. Gar. Fnrlt. IX 100x1X5. .Near arhnoL charrhea. atorea bus. ALL CLEAR. S190e.ee. Want me m or near Salem. C E. Wotrer- ton. & E. 8034 87U Ave, Portland. 8-R. HSX. In Eugene to trade" for farm. 4-r. la Salem ' trade farm. JL, 118 A Mdsu trade for : boose. 99 cult, pew- house, spring; trade tor noose or email xarm. - - A. C JENSEN III Oregon BMavr ' Ph. 2414 For Sale armt ft A. IOTTXA8tlCTTfff STt.T loam. all tmdar ewtlraoo, Rldam 19 mL N. I o Salem. Owner. 1530 R. CapttoL SPECIAL TARM BAROAIN 127 ACRES: ABOUT 41 acres ml eultlration. almost all creek bottc tend, about 80 acres ta tree mm ecb and wheat. 6 room house, aood oeiry nara and alia, good cows, neizars. team, tractor, and ail chlnery. All goes for 12890. a ackks with a nice ill tie hoase. Haa electric Hants, water srs- tep bmra ami chicken boose, lots of nice shrubbery, smsa creek, I miles! oat on pavement Price 12509. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. 119 K. Commercial Street SS t mL from Salem, l-r. house. chicken, hse.. and barn, team and farm equip is a. ta berrlea. A. tUberts. $46ee, with terms. ROT J. RICE, tit Ores. Bids. P. 911 Acreage CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 9 te II acrea. buildinea. fruit, timber, sorinea.- 128 to 20ft per acre, 174 Ji. Church. Money to Loan LIC. S-13S PHONE lilt LADD BUSH BANK FLOOR LOCATION LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used care. private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons ISC South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. If -111 lorrow Money PHONE 3191 THEN CALL FOR TOUR MONEY $ $.03 mo. repays I 60 in 13 moa. 9 7.27 me. repays $100 In 18 moa $13.09 mo. repays $190 In 18 moa. $18.18 mo. repays $250 in IS moa. Our service is guaranteed by Ooo3 Housekeeping Magasine as advertised trie rein. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Second Floor, New Bligh Bldg. SI 8 State SL. Salem. Oreaon State License Numbers S-123 M-l$$ BENJ. FRANKLIN home loans. Most popular loan In Oregon. A new feature to thia loan benefits every borrower. Ask about It. See F. a DEI.ANO. 399 N. Church il"T,rai'VwJ'V'U'VstJ "HA LOANS. 6. also Drivate loan A Drama a Kills Inc. Masonic Bldg Need Extra Cash UP TO SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLI.ARS? DO THIS: L Add up your needa 3. Phone or write for a loan. S. Come In for the cash. FURNITURE LIVESTOCK PER SONAL AND AUTO LOANS. WITH OUT ENDORSERS. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. 301. First National Bank Rutldtna Salem, Oregon f Phone 4446 S-213 State License M-220 AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR ' GUARDIAN BUILDINO LICENSE NO. M-1S9 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATB MONEY TO LOAN on aood Batem ml ea. tara win pay e Interest. W. U. OKA BENHORST m CO. REALTORS 184 & Liberty St. Phone 6468 m 9 - - - -vtririnnfxrLAjxruxji LOANS" WANTED on farm and eltv property. Before borrowing Inquire et nawBina m sionerta. Financial ,4S WE HAYB never said less una rata oa aavmae ntveatmenta insure 88009) Mutual Federal Sayings ft Loan Asen Phone 4944 143 8. Ubertr ex Acreage TTWTMPROVED ACREAGE 10 ACRES 2 MILES northeast of Marlon mostly In fir timber. See it and make your own offer. ALSO 494 acres near Turner, under irri gation priced at 11500. See Mr. Bart lett with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 144 SUte Street Phone 9211 2 ACRES. I RM. plastered house elec. water system. 8 A. filberts, ap ples, cherries, walnuta Bargain. 7 V, acres on paved roaa east ox ea lem. Li ring rrn., dining rm.. kitchen. 8 bedrooms. Elec. wster system, frnlt and nuts. An exceptional buy at 14759 Terms. ; ' - a -j - . . " 12 acres 8 rm. t plastered house bam, elec. water system. Exceptional soil. 82750, terms. R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBEK 1853 N. Capitol Street 1 h99hs9VkAsiv9iMssMaM ONE Ami! on Olenn Creek road. very close in. Lorely ew. t-rm. house with nook, hath, basement and garage some fruit .and berries, good view. Price 33150. Terms. WEST SALEM SEAL ESTATE 778 Edgewater Tel. 8882 8101 DWK. 1A large hse- rood well, close in. 829 mo. 91509. 9100 own- 10 A.. 4rm. noose ana ether bldgs. Near W. Woodburn. $16 . 81850. E. H. STAMBATJQH .. Phone 9411 212 Oregon Bid Sobtrrban BE A UT1 FU L COUNTRY BOMS DISTANT OWNER aaya eU at tee" his 8 room modern bwmmwwr- located only S miles from .city. laara beautifully landscaped, out-aoor nre nlare.- Bool ana aorinkllnar -awalssa moat be sees to be appreciated prtt 98 see. will accept some trade. can Mrs. aaus witn CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS III . SUte 8treet , Phooar till Wanted Real Estate - WlfTD SM boma, priced right. 9111 WANT I OR I R. MOD. north. Phone 8211. WE HAVE a buyer for a suburban tract of from 9 to 89 acres. Win. & Moses, 881 SUte St Business Oprtirnities 9 ACRES, mine- eratlow and B-rm. house, barn, efatcbaw a ad haa. City water.-elee. Small tasaa. 14SS Old Salem Rd; Sllrertoo. Oregeav CONT. a LUNCH with rood torn I taia and Ice cream trade. Li ring quar tsra. .szr ' Boota wmtar sr. . . HKKR LUNCH Li ring Quarters.- Excellent locatloa. Busy season jost starting, owner leay tag city. Box - 884, care StateamaB GROCERY.' BEER parlor, trade tor farm. Baetauraat. beer, wtne, 1989. Grocery store oa coast 9859. Serrios station oa highway. 1756. c JSKSEN 921 Oregon Bids; Ph. 9418 For Sale Used Cars FOR A BETTER BUY SEE USED CAR LOT 1938 Ford DeLuxe Sedan, 1937 Ford "85" Coupe, 1931 Chrysler "6" 4-Door 1931 Chevrolet Coach ............... ..... 129 1930 Ford Coach 125 1929 Ford Tudor..... Excellent Buys in Ford, Dodge and Chevrolet Trucks 1 " r VALLEY MOTOR CO. "20 YEARS OF Herb Misson - Ben Lot: Marion & We Need '37 Plymouths, Chevrolets, Etc., as Trade-Ins on New Plymouths and Chrysler Cars. See Us at Once. NOW FOR TWO DAYS ONLY 1930 DeSoto 4-Door Sedan, leather upholstery, extra good tires, mechanically fine. Only......$65 1930 CHRYSLER SEDAN, very dean 1931 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, like new 1930 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, extra good 1930 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN, a honey 1930 FORD TOWN SEDAN, runs like a watch 193S PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN, a beauty 1935 DE SOTO SPORT COUPE, rumble seat 1932 PLYMOUTH SPORT ROADSTER 1937 FORD CLUB COUPE. 85 series .. 1933 BODGE DeLUXE SEDAN Many Superb Buys at Our Used Car Super Market See Them at Once SALEM AUTO CO. CHRYSLER 480 No. Commercial Street For Sale Wood DRY WOOIX Pit 68X1. Dan Sheets. DRT WOOD ah kinda, TeL 8700. DRT OLD nr. 8& 80. Phone 7897. a-1 DRT WtKtU. $ a Ph. 834. OLD FIR, 88; 2nd rlh.. 84; .lab. $1.60: ash. 88: knots. $4.60. TeL 94S $4 CD. DRY 2nd crowth. IS cd. dry ola fir. 8 cd. lots. Ph. 8879. MILL BL1C, 849. Fir A Oak. 8888 GRAEN. 413 N. 3 1st 4 wood 8370 DRY rreen wood. 880 N. Church. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9880. DRY II" WOOD. 14.51 up. Ph. U NO. 1 IS" OLD FIR. S. Ph. 9180. PH. 8747 FOR II" old fir. $5. LGE. ll-IN. 2nd growth, cut year, $5 deL Chaa Sarver, Marion, Ore. Personal LON EL 1 1 ' "WORTH W Hi I .C awi leart. husband, wife for you Bos ne Angeiea. LONEI.TT MAKE NEW FRIENDS WRITE BOX 188. PORT ORCHARD WASH. FRANK HIPP, brother of Max Hipp, worked for United States Gyp sum company, oypsum, (mm. uom municate with ueo. u. nras, votuoer. Colorado. Administrator valuable es tate for you. Business Cards tsi this ttoectorj iw 4Mb a snoBtbiy oasis osuy. Rate! ft per Une per i th. Agricultural Lime tmrt ACID aoOa. Tests 98 c c Mfa. by Oregon Portland Cement Co. Orders ree'd. for del. at Room II, Ladd Bush Bank' Bids., Salem, Auto Drake Commercial. ICIke Panek, 878 Bouth Bicycle BtCTCLES, NEW and recondltloneo. Harry W. Scott. 14T a Coml, P. 4511. Chimney Sweep TELXPHONB 4451. R. Northneam TAC FURN. Chlm. eUaa. Ph. 1911. Chiropractora DR." a -X 8COTT, T8C Chlrootactoc. 368 N. High. Tel Ras. S4IS. Exesrratiiis EXCA V ATI NO "OF all kinds. Base ments due Dtrt hauled or mered. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Oravat Oa 8418. ' FlorisU Breithaupra, 44T Court 884)4 tr. MlUSt florlattv 3411 Xdgtvatar. Lsomdriea THE NEW ALE LAUNDRT -- THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 283 & High TaL 1121 Massage TREATMENTS AT home. Logaa. lilt, For Sale Used Cars THE radio and neater $695 ... 425 Sedan....... 95 50 FRIENDSHIP" Drager - Art Hanson Liberty Streets '38 Automobiles $165.00 . 175.00 . 175.00 . 95.00 . 145.00 . 485.00 . 445.00 . 165.00 . 445.00 . 285.00 PLYMOUTH QUALITY REMAINS LONG AFTER PRICE IS FORGOTTEN 19J7 Bulck Special Sedan $695.00 1937 Willys 4-Door Sedan 425.09 1931 Buick 60 Series 120.00 GOOD TRANSPORTATION PRICED LOW 1929 Whippet Sedan 65.00 1927 Whippet Coach 50.00 1927 Chevrolet Coach 30.00 L. B. HARRIS MOTORS 523 Marion Street WILLYS-OVERLAND MOTOR CARS '38 DODGE COUPE, '36 Ford Tudor Touring. 806 s. iztn. 1937 HTJDSON-TE.RRAPLA.NE Vic toria Coupe j has electric hand auto matic clutch and hill-hold. Finish and upholstery like new. Actual mile age 17,400, perfect condition. Cost new $1038.00; must sell. 8535.00 will buy it Sea owner, 535 N. Church, Sa lem. - - - - -ri--i-i-iiriirwiiniirnnornrinie I 1134 OLDS 4-DOOR Sedan. A-l. De- Luxe equipment Heater: etc Onlr 8293. Glen Woodry, 1610 N. Summer I '17 FORD DeLUXE Tourtna Sedan. $475. A-l. Will trade. 545 N. Church. '35 FORD 4-DOOR. aood condition. I zsu. sis s. zzna. -- - -- i- - - -i-i-i-i-ijMwvirinnrirrLruuvtJl 28 CHEVROLET COACH. good shape, $35. 2288 N. Liberty. 193 A FORD ROADSTER. A-l con dition. Outstanding bargain at $80. lMZ Kim St. w. Salem. Directory Blattresges SALEM FLUFF-RUO "and Matt re factory, hbw MATTRESS made te oroer, old remade; carpet deantaa. sKtnc: tlun rug wearing. S. 13th A wiiDur. xei. sl. otto y. ZWICK- KK. KSL J911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 411s. Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL, Naturopath-1 it PllTSk-iSn. lTSS rainratinila M TeL 4398. Office Hours 11 a. m. te 6 :SI P B. I JOCS KXajL 4k COSULTA. PainUng - Papedum0xig DECORATINO work dona flit. Printing FOR 8TATIONERT. cards, pamphlets. programs, books- or any kmd of print Inc. call The Statesman Piintlna Da- partmeat III 8. oammerciai. Tale 9101. CARD&' BLOTTERS. Baraonal ata. t1c4Mry. hook matchea, Oat-my pticea, I vrn ar cau iit oeatar. Apt a. lies Qeaning RUGS CLEANED by Hamilton Beach I method 4a your home. Prices reason- hte. Call Coleman 1138. EXFxmtOUJX CLEANINO It a a I aaa - vpnoiaterea rumuure. cleaned. I ahamponed and demetbed to the bom. raese 78Z7. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor es, burner oil. call 2131. . Lamer I Transfer Co. Trocka to Portland dally. Well Drillici R. A. WEST; Rt t. Box 441. P. X19FI. Lost and Found LOST GOLD rimmed la Mack case. Phone S060. ' .j. r-T-T l ,-Lfvxruvxnx LOST PACK aacJc cktthJna. etc between Detroit and Mill City. Apr. 3. ttewara. u. M. Adams. 1306 E. Water. Albany, Ore. v LEGAL NOTICE IN THE MATTER OP THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR HE CXUNTY OF MARION N6. M56 In the Matter of the Estate of H. E. JORGENSEN. Deceased. Notice . Is hereby , firen ' that Ira W, JoTsensen, administrator of the estate ot -H. E. Jorgen seu, deceased haa filed his final acconst ttie Coast? Court of the SUte of T regon f or the Coun ty of " Marlon and that the 1 5 th day of May, 193 a at the hour of 40:00 o'clock A.M. thereof. i at the Court Room of said Coa-t naa been fixed by said court as the time and place tor the hear ing . of objections to said final account, at which time any per sons interested in 3ald estate may appear and file objections to said account in writing and contest .the same. IRA W. JQRGENSEN Administrator of the Estate of H. E.' Jorgensen, deceased. KEYES & PAGE Attorneys for Administrator u. S. National Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon. A 13-20-2T My 4-11. IX THE 4TlRfJUlT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION MUTUAL SAVINGS It LOAN ) ASSOCIATION, a Corporation,) Plaintiff, i) -vs- 1 P. A. EIKER and CAROLYN) HURST EIKER. his wife, and) OLIVE P. HYATT, FORMERLY) OLIVE P. EIKER. LOLA HAR-) MAX. D. M. CHRISTENSEN.) GEORGE C WILL and MAR-) GUERETE WILL, Defendants.) S U M M O N S TQ LOLA HARMAN, defend ant above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the abore-eutitled Court and cause on or before the 28th day of April, 1939 and if you fail to so appear and answer on or before, said date for want thereof, plaintiff will appiy 10 tne court lor the re lief prayed for In Its Complaint, to-wit: For a Judgment against the defendant P. A. Eiker for the sum ot Three Thousard Sixteen and 83100ths (13016.83) Dol lars, together with Interest there on at the rate of ten per cent (10) per annum, from the 10th day of February, 1939 until paid. For the sum of Two Hun dred Fifty ($250.09), Dollars at torney's fees and for Us costs and disbursements incurred here in and for the foreclosure of plaintiff's mortgage iren to se cure said sum upon the follow ing described real premises, to- wit: The North eight (8) feet of Lot six (I) and the South thirty seren (37) feet of Lot Seven (7) in block two (2) in Blandford addition to the City of Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, as the... plat thereof appears of record In the office of the Recorder of Convey ances for said County and Cross Word Puzzle I jT"" ? T" sT" 7" S 7" to "T T" 2 4 '3 - yy 1 50 HO H I I I VMMkA 1 M By EUGENIC 8UKKFCR aOXXXOXTAI. ' s-Tke seisin she mamrtit at taaea f LSeI I "jff ieo.909 tap i-Waa j the Peru? 4.Qiselaf spetlsl 19-f tasral 88 What stag Seek I ilrnef 14 Ireland IT-Keama aatrfat l-4ae waW et what skxa at taw sadhs - tsraaaeed MBf' ft- FaadMaie tretaw 88 iia4 tat Hlii Ism ' 8AtfwkeeaeteikjSBm 69 AaaaMS 9ht IISiwsAal far asassflsBS S6vaat9i tWBSBBBB ' aetseat atiesm was eseaj 'tea 4saa fr Tmnyn ! 4eMSi?6WSl 44sa af liitssn . . k : 4T Flea m s - Cay 9a Kstada - " w" '-- .. es Vissai t SI Dshississb tbeeaah Ike rm 86 Feiisailaa s the sea - ll4asWsa4 " --"taWlCAli 1, .. t .. ' I Willi if l 1 1 8 ttsa6 or eaearew .. I BaSU iadiesUaa a hrtaiS I ' Cam a vtetsry - - " .4 rhaal aaSta , ..':-,; . LEGAL NOTICE SUte save and except there from aa undivided one-half ( ) interest in the Southerly Three and one-half (3) feet of the Northerly eight (8) feet of lota six (6) Block Two (2) Blandford Addition to Sa lem, Marion County. Oregon which has been deeded to Clifton M. Irwin and Marjorie C Irwin, his wife. Also, as undivided one-half (ft) In terest in tha Northerly threw and one-half (34 ) feet ot the Soatherly forty two (42) feet Lot six (I) Block two ill Blandford Addition to SaleroJ Marion County. Oregon. Further decreeing that plain tifrs mortgage is a first lien gainst said real property and that any right, title. Interest, lien or estate claimed by the above named defendants, or anv of them, be deceed to be Inferior and subordinate to the lien of plaintiff's mortgage, and further directed the Sheriff of Marion, County, Oregon to sell aald prem-r isee in accordance, with law and" the proceeds derived therc. be applied t th satisfaction of said Judgment and for such oth er, different relief as the Cw ;rt may seem Just and equitable. You are further notified that this Summons Is beine served- upon you by publication thereof in , the Oregon Statesman, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in oA- lem, Marion County, Oregon pur suant to p.n Order of the Hon orable L. H. McMahan and en tered on the 29 th day of March, You are further notified that the first publication of this Summons is March 30th. 1929 and the date of the last p Pli cation will be April 27th. 1939. KEYES & PAGE Attorneys for plaintiff. P. O. Address 306 U. F. National Bank Bide. Salem, Oregon M 30. A 5-13-20-27. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Cyrus Clouser, de ceased, and that he has duly qualified as such Executor; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the rime, dily verified, to me, at the of fice of Walter S. Lamkln. hjy attorney, 205 Oregon Building. Salem, Marion - County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 6th day of April. 1939. B. J. TEEL, Executor of the last will and testament and estate et Cyrus' Clouser, deceased. WALTER S. LAM KIN, Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. A 6-1 3-20-2 T My 4. ANDRESENS HOSTS ' - HAYES VILLE At an Easter dinner at the Charles Andreses home, present were Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lucas and Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sanders, Mrs. P. N. Andresen, Albert Kellag, Wllber Walkup of York. Neb., Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Andresen, Paul and Gerald. 19 Hieiliieasal - as a: narrwia Is fist abtkm taTdsra puxxla. nrHi'iai 9i Ski t u ft j,!, 4 vAai II r'lThaT ' taasswas eke trtlasaaaf f jlba - K 48) eesai eaasSk -441 -mtt e-f fcsHeiSVa ssala 4t-m! artea y , I I isnsl-e. )WV "I " 6MBHBtHs-aa(p. . W-aaaS Sad adjacent eouatias