The OREGON STATESMAN Saba, Oreca, Saturday Morning, March 25, 1939 PAGE NINE For Swift, Deperfalble Rfesmfeo '. . oTwy k Clksiffieil Ad! .- r : Statesman Classified Ads . Call 9101 Classified Ad'ert Isles Single Insertion per line ItV Three Insertions per line 20 Six Insertions per line . 2e On month per line 0 ' Hnfmen chars ..... . IS . Copy for this arft4 nntn 4 :30 the ersnlns bfer punHce tlon for rUioHftnitlon Cmpe re reived after- this time will he ran endr tho hsadlne. "Too Let t Classify.1 ' The Sl,tnn raimo im flniin rtal raRponsthUItT for error whir nv inpMr Is svrllmnt wth. llshcd In Its column, and In rae where thfn rP-T la at funtf will r nrlnt that nert of an nrtvrrtts-mawt In srhtrh tho typographical mlftik occurs. - Tho Statesman reserve' th rlrtit to retort qurtknhl i1r-TtItn It further ! reaervrn tho rletit to plaeo , all 1vrrM1n un1r :. tho proper ctaMriftattlAn. ; A "Blind Ad a a ail cents Inlne a Statesman htn ntimhw for an irt dress la for tho pmtM-ttnn of tho adesrHncr and mnt thoroforo ho tnswroA ho letter Tho Ratoman to not ot llb-rtr to Alvnlee tnfnrmo tlon aa to tho Mntitv nf an aavrr ilaer using; a "Blind" ad.' Livestock IlKAD AND owinmo horoso rows Blrkfd up fro Ph Mltrt 4 1 1 Salotn InnlimwirT Rm4 Wkt flORSKS MAmrs LAW1I ASSORTX4RVT woll h "ik on horsoo and mnla Nrm h(pmof arriving werklr CRFPIT tTlv air B anyone No earrvlna rharso Oo compel It Ivs price hoforo yon com here and 00 how much . m prices aro Onarantood roprooonfM Fr-e dollTorr Klw Nh horn o hfehimv ti north of ffalom - fufcruTjuxrjxrrirrnrinnnri i OS BLOOn TEfmsn K H. Red hens, laying 70. 840 S. 25th. Anrtions COMMUNITY AUPTTON Sat.. March 25. l:St p. m. at ths F. N. Wondrv Auction A Furnlhiro Mnrt, 1810 N Summer St. In Hollvwond. All kind of furniture, no. linoleum, rnnce heater, tool. K. uten11. dl an lots of mlcellaneoi article. We win sell anvthln for TOTT on romnlRlnn F. N. and Glenn Woodrr. Anctloreera Ph. St 10. Ch paid for ned fnrnlrare HpId Wanted 820 ' WEKKI.T. Grow mushroom Cellar, shed. Ws huv SOr Ih World- lunrett romnanv. FRRK ROOK. Mnh room a 201 i-2nd Seattle. Waah. Sif nations Wanted YOUNG MAN wnnt hr. work, spad ing or garden work. Ph. 885. SPADING. LAWN mowing. Und scaping, pruning lawns laid out and designed rea amiable rates Blrraon Tel. 8884. i CHRONIC OR convalescent patient cared for In mv home. Mrs. Gilbert. 488 North 18th Street. , DAY WORK. Pb. 9330. , PLOWING W. ,W. Wlneaar. for merly 888 Highland.' moved to 478 Locust (end of Broadway. Tel. 48T Fop Sale Misrellaneons CSKO NEW Home sew. machine, .drop head. In good ahane with all ex tra. Full price 88.00. Salem Auction House. 260 N. High. " BIKES-A KIT. PA IKS Rnmaden. II' S Lib " ; : REBUILT AND anarsnleed wah era All ma fee from 818 op Spec Mar tag 838. Hogg Bros. innmin uirniMrjl tntewrttera cash mrtatern. sralea Bale, rental, re pairs Roen Tvpewrller E.. 458 Court. PTIVn totS ftft B4S R. 17th. VSEX WrtODROW wash machine in new condition. SoeclaU Slt.Ta. Salem Auction Houae. 280 N. High. ! i,yrjvsjivuurk8v " 1 ONE NEW ts-plv Goodrich tire tube and wheel for V-8 truck. Albert Hilhe 1171 Second SL ' srfaiM88SS8aSlaSaesaaas WELL-ROTTED fertiliser . 0ssska8asa8sBes8sasassa TRAH.ER HOUSR aoedals this week. 875 up. See Kin. 519 N. Front. sssjalsMMsseVts1sas8sw phtvt TTwm.raiM first oualttr 8!c per yard. Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court street. ROCKHILL KVERBEARI VG straw berry, plmta RL 2, box 1S3. saiera. mono 85r lz. - fTSED KTMBAIX. olano. cot 8850 In fine condition. Best buy In America Full price 847.50. Salem Auction House. ISO N. High. 4 ST. BERNARD male puoplea f 10 each. .See parents here on ths place These are beauties. 1, E. Holden, care W. H.- McDanleL IH miles west Rickrean on Dallas road. 3 YOUNG riding horses. Tel. 8747 OREGON OR Marshall strawberry plsnts. Phone 61F1S. TUCATTTIFTTL. PIANO, used VerT little, cheap for cash. 1890 S. Cottage. REPOSSESSED FURNITURE- white hardwood - bedroom snlte. 832.50 311.60; quantity used furniture, low prlcea Upstairs -urnituro inore, . Court street. ul njutnri -i -i T,T-f itTfWnitl U.nli 9 j 1 -IS p. m. st the F. N. Woodrr Auction Mart. F. N. and Glenn Woodry, s no tion eera Ph. 5110. FOR SALE No, 1 clover hay. north ! rrora Ml tenon romers w 'r,l'"". east nrsi nouse. rt. sniwr, -Box 127. - wweeeeeeeeeeeeeee mm m SALE. LAWN mowir, good condi tion. 1138 a 14th. Dnnemnm wrrow ltwt elee ref jit.k miiS vac. el. il chair, ate. 70S Brers JUs. Ph. 6211. MOVTAO WOOD rana. good colls. 1258 Third, St, West Saiom. ADVERTISING Western Alvertlslnr KepnssentttlTM Saa rraiwisro. jtm A wee lea. Seattle Eastern Ad Ttrtlsinf RepresenuUres : Bryant. Orlfflth A Brnnson. lad, Chteago. New Tors. Detroit Boston. Atlanta - Ores. as eoe4f Class Mattm, . tdmm.- --- -- i tlnmAtnt. KNtniM 9ttto0 ta Seats Cosimvretol rrsss.. - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates tn Advance Wlthia Oregon: uauy ana m ss Un si 80; Ma 33 80 1 roar $ 5.00 Elsewhere SO cents per . M,tf advance Per copy t centa Newsstsnds conte. Br City Carrier: 80 cenU s month. 17.20 a year tn sdvsnce lo Mario and adlaeeat oountUs. Money to Loan J Consolidate RKOUCf TOUR MONTH t.T PA YM BUTTS WITH A LOAN FROM SA ubmh ouiorr independent fimancb company whkrb tour NKKUS WUX RBCKIVB IKRSONAL CONSIDERATION A ITER At WELL A BKKORB THR LOAN IB stADS. FATMENT PLAN IS ARRANGED TO rtT rnuR income, no on makers, onlt too to sign, bjepay ant DAT TO REDUCE COSTAL NO PEES. General Finance Corp. Ill SO. COMMERCIAL ST. CONVKMItCNT OROI7 LOANS Our mala requirement ta small monthly poyments. If ft Is not convenient to call at our office, writ, gtvlns; directions to place, amount of loon and In romo per ssontn. PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. 8-211 M-I30 Salem, Fop Sale- Miscellaneous USED SINGER eew. machine, drop head, round shuttle with all extra. Sew like new. Cost 1S, now $12 75 Salem Auction House, 260 N. High. SHEEP FCTTIIJZER reaa. P. 8810. FOR SALE by owner household turn. lncl. davenport A chair, fireplace chair, heavy type dining net. brkfst. ta ble, white porcelain electric range, 2 bedroom sets witn con aprinBa, w"1 pong Uble. lamps, rugs, etc. Call at 24SS S. High, j WRECKING HOUSE. Everything for sale on premise. 1240 Court. Trade Miscellaneous ; TPTT.T TRADE furniture for med slse trailer. Goodrich, Rt I, Box 25 Salem. ' Miscellaneous HOUSE PAINTING KALSOMINING EXPERIENCED. CALL us for fig ure. Ph. 7553. : PARKING SI BT mo. MO N. Church. Wanted Miscellanous siMTKii iVimneD frvers and market poultry. Ph I33F2. le"s Hst .-hery. Tf i vrim first clan hnsoital bed, Also nearly new mattress. State price. Address bos 324, car Statesman. For Rent Rooms Rmi tot Mdtt 8 N Col rase fh 58 J i-i 1 SLEEP. RM.r close In. Pb, .4t9S. HSKP.. SLEEP, rt. ISt S. 14th. O a. a, sa . vj HSKPU. KM. i. Zw venwr. NICE SLEEPING rma, 858 Center Street SLP. R , bus. men. 835 Cbemeketa Room and Board unnan-g AMD ami 120. un. Perev Ultman. 850 Marlon. Phone 8518. ururu'L-.1 1. -Li-i ' - RMa. BKKKST. ot Sll me la 6788 lyirini'n-iririri-i ' - ----- APPRECIATE UO(iU meaisr nice home? See Ms Bowen. 805 N. Liberty. -8jSXQjJijViJT8fVVVVVV"iJr"s"8 a,- s a s ah sa saiish BOARD A ROOM. 441 N. High. ROOM A BOARD. Ph. 8557. For Rent Apartments i dvk msHKR - ant, siodernlsed. newly decorated sod roomy Tou'U be delighted Oak and 8 Commercial ... . . hi rlltillUI, . r-i bam POnU ffirnfahe . ecMirt apt with prlvste bath, laundry and gsraga bus service. i. s-rvat. n i u. apu i - - .u.v. ywWWWWWWaMeMaMav r-rvrTaiiB-s DAT. week or month Shoen's Cottages, & 12th Pse. hwr I.J.J R. C39 N. Uberty. Ph.788. OLYMPIC. S-RM. uafura. apt va cant Aor. 1. Ph. 7748. SsjessspW3thwja-asjaisni a bbIAT ULWI sttk HMtj WSltfAl refrtg.. gar- edulta. 991 N. Cottage St xn-n,rrrij-irs---i- aiw.v.v FURW Arr4 neaiiv w. niTrLriLiiiuriiiisJ'i' 1 RM. BACHELOR apt, xiss aiaie. uumwwvn'ivri' - - - - if on. 8 R. fum.. ad, 1009 Saginaw gXfxruTiratiror "i"i!'' w so A Wit VD tllshVTJ. 447 A. A rs liii w ' n nniirsrii'-'i'if" MOO. rnn. s rn-w aaiu is A SIS tk. rnSM mm-A A CLOSE IN fine modern apartment Phone 8490. heat. HOT water, srlv. bath. Itghta gar, 322. 24SS State. RM. APT, 898 & 12th. SM. FURN. apt, 250 & CotUge, NICE 8 R. turn, apt, 870 Union. S RM. ATTRACTIVE first floor heated apartment ziv w. hid. i riv .i r Pntlnua Mtrhc Bt Nicely fum. Girls or women only. 111S Oak. se.yaesessasea9s SR. PARTLY FURN, 38, Hollywood dist Adults. 1005 N. 22nd. .i ii ii inirii-. .- - CLOSE IN, fura, 3 IS A I27.S0. S97 N comt S R. HEATED. 444 8. HIGH, , a i A PTIfrNTfl. SIS JT5HRT St ' 3 ma aafum. close la. 320. Ph. Tilt. . mL jij-i.-i. in nrirniii " - - - - - nu- wrrwNr an Heat lichta wa ter. Frig. Prir. bath. Adults. 690 N. Summer, fa- . Tin runr-! -I'll- ------ aaa S RM. FURNISHED apt, 1 prt bath, 633 N. High. 1 R. S8.A R. SS. SI N. 18th. S R. PARTLY FURN. apt PrtT. hath. 31S.00. 1384 N. Liberty. 1 "LTLn Ji-rxrwim -------"-"-- - T wp ATTTO. TsMt. first floor. prir. bath. Ideal for wotfana wniple. SSS m. mgn. rn. -, - For Rrat Honset ru RN. UN TORN. b for jreat IS6S N. Capitol Phene S0S1 . MOD. t-RR Com cottage an k a. trt .iala irlaal at sVtk water voorb -a--, r- 836. Phoae 3413. Uj.-.-- .... a. aa 7-RM. MOD. Call 1618 "V 8tret aweaaae car. 1946 N. Commercial. Inquire 2Ji Laurei. svenlnga Money to Loan All Your Bill G uct-nt PHONE SMS For Any in to ISO Purpo e Low Cost 20 months to pay No Delay No Indiscreet Inquiries. Phono 4440 rtrst National Bank Buildm. ML Oregon i ........... . -11-,-,-ini-inj-Lnjxruuui LOW RATES AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used cars Prlvste money st new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 10 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons lit Smith rwnmaMlat C Phano till 1 1. ti. w - - - I, U. MJff, BEN J. FRANKLIN home MM Moat popular loan la Oregon. A new feature to this loan benefit vrv borrower. Ask about tt. See F. O. DRIJINO. 290 N. Church FHA LOANS 8. slso prlvste loan -A brains A Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg PERSONAL Finance Co. ONE-STOP LOANS Phone 3191 THEN CALL FOR TOUR MONET 3 6.03 mo. repay 8 60 tn 12 moa f .HI mo- fPrs 1100 in IS moa $13 09 mo. repays S180 In IS moa $18.18 mo. repays 3250 tn 18 moa owwio Pioor. sew Biian Bldg. fil &a, ct a State License Numbers S-122 M-166 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO IIAN an awrf O.l I lata Will pay 6 Interest w. a. UHABENHORSl a CO. REALTORS 134 & Libert St. . Phn. a. a LOANH W A KTlfn a. r. .- sropertv Before borrowins inoulre at ruiwsms t .Itahsrt,..;,,,. TtJIPic1 ariuTo. ieu. .... security, l( Breyman Bid. 180 N. Com. Financial 4 WE HAVE never paid less than thla rat on savings tg ana invsstmenia - insurea V to $5000 Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass's Phone 4944 143 a Liberty Bt For Rent Houses 6 R. HOUSE. 1176 Marlon. SMALL HOUSE. 326 Gainea 7 RM. HSE. on Fall-mount Hill. beautifully landscaped yard. IVAN G. MARTIN PH. 441S STRICTLY MODERN, new 7 room house. Double plumbing.. 970 Shipping Street J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8672 362 Stat St Realtor aee FURNISHED AND unfurn. houses. H. P. GRANT, 829 Court St Ph. 6744 lsaeeAaaetjsaay--kesa FURN. HOUSE. Inoulre 150 N. 21st Ph. 4859. THREE S RM. unf. homes, flS to $87.60. Phone 6761. 3 BEDROOM HOME, redecorated. tjiose in. B3&, Mce little 3 room house, bath, ga rage. zz. C H. SANDERS 118 R High 5111 SarSSSSaaAayaa-aa-a-aa-ej-SS MOD. 4 RM. house, partly turn. walking distance, largo, garage. Ph. CABINS. NEAR bop yards. 3 miles out jjanas roaa. aaaaaaaaaajvaaaaaiaiMafc NICE 6 R. FURN.. $28. 1020 N. Cot tage, inq. 174S Broadway. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. Phone 6792. OrriCIC KtMIMS 881 8tate Inquire room 200 Tot 8718. 7-ROOM DWEUJNG. landscaped yard. Falrmnont Hill. Also 8-room fur nished apartment St 6.50. Ivan O Mania. Office phone 4419. For Sale Real Estate U1LDINU LOTS GOOD LOTS ea Deved street excel lent iocatloa Pries $800 $28 dowa $1$ per month! - -' " - W. H-IGRABENHORST A CO , ' REALTORS 184 A Liberty 8t Phoae 646$ aaaaaaaja)aaaaaajaaa WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOO want to sell, ezebsnga naeo. rem. see Bar. Larsea with Haw mine A Roberta 8ES BEAUTIFUL Casosde Ttr- large view tracts evsriookma city, vaitey. moumama c, a, Kooert saw. eenei. Ph. 6418 SIX ROIUI nav one 8 rm. Sbown by appototmont sr. Kaay tsrma tsl sssf - GENERAL REAL estate ws can sail year property If priced right 1st us appraise it ABRAH3 A BLUS. INC. Masenle Buildtag 6I5S MODERN HOUSE. Pay llko rent $29.04 B-r month trill oav principal Interest taxes and fire Insurance. HAWKINS ROBERTS. Inc. Ph. 4109. NOTICE STATE EMPLOYEES walk to work from one 1939 model home, east front lot picket fence Mack soil. 3 large neorooms. large tight living room. beautiful Kitcnea and ginette. pec Goors, 6 feature modern bath, ante nna tie heat Built to last a lift time. You'll be surprised at the value end prood of it aa owner, icapoetaiiy oieaa ant tonne to you. none ssss. .. 4 RMS. A NIC, M A $240$, $150 dn. vara. IX dee. lis a. JDerty. ru. 7111. APARTMENT HOUSE CONSISTING OF f fum. apta for only $760 cash. Total Incoaie. $105. plus living quart era Expense. $4 A can nave a lease at ii. per mo. C H. SANDERS. US 8. ZSsL Ph. S1S1 For Sale Heal Estate 8160 DOWN BUT8 this nice T room house, good res. dist street Imp. paid, S3000. Lot 78160. v- C H. SANDERS US 8. High S1S1 A HOICK AMONG THE FIR8 NEW COLONIAL 8-na. home, altra modern ; 3 firepteess, double plumolnc Dearoomn, this must os seen to Do appreciated. $.0 wiU buy this beau tiful homo. WEST SALEM RKAX. ESTATE T7S Edsewater Phono Mil. NEW 2-ROOM house with otntty room. Many butlt-ms, fireplace, hard wood floors, bath, a rare, ales trees. Ctoae to new high school. Private party. Easy payments. Low price Phone f 027 or (40 Garnet. . GOOD VALUES . 6 RM. HOME, $1600, S lots, cast $506 down will handle. 6 rm. English, Englewood. $2950 jo down, 32 mo. to right party. Av inuw, mooera. H. P. GRANT 529 Court St Baal Eat Br. 6744. 4paa,eBaasa NEW 3-R. HOUSE with utilltr room. Many built-in, fireplace, hdw. firs. natn, gar, nice treea Close to new blah school. Privat party, easy paymenta u price, rn. tui or .S4S uarnet r'rVVkOrTsPlJ'lJ LOVELY VIEW home. 6 room, fur- ntaned. abL garaga Ph. $1750. in eludes est lot lao, Nelscott Tar era, Nelscott Or. --------- - iw.v.innrv.iAiAi r SMALL FARM, stocked and eau lo ped- Bargain. Owner sick. Small farm, loam soil, close in. Fine for develop ment Cheap. Owner can not work. income prooertiea Each 84000. In come 15. - Old house, big lot. cheap. E. C. HOLLADAY, 1538 Ferry 37S IPRP BTfnXr tMst-ta MMaA awA e -e wtvWM tOWkl) UWU IMI cross fenced. 80 acres bottom land under plow, eight room bouse, barn and: outbuilding, running wster the year round, two miles from small town and i 27 miles from Salem on county road. Price $4000? Easy terma rour acres witn Ilv room nouae st wood burn. Urge orchard, chicken house, barn and nuthiitMinir viuwl soil. Price $2100. agreeable terms or murai exensnae lor citr nronertv. i J. F. ULRICH CO. 3S2 Stata Rtraaf Phone 8672 ' . , Realtors - ' - - ------- -i-ii-ii-n-ii-.-inrinn.i-i.njxji.rui $1150 $250 DOWN. 312 MO. burs nice 3 room house, good district Lot 66x150. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131 S ROOM CLOSE-IN home. tlSAS Very low payment down. u. is. kae, 1655 North Cottage Phone 6761: SPFPT AT. WELT-RTTTT.T K.,na1nw with basement, furnace, fireplace, 2 bedrooms and bath. Corner lot wtth room - for 2nd house near store. Schools and hit Una A mm! tin fn. $25003500 will handle. trail Mrs. ehis with CHILDS A MFT.T.F'R RinAT-TrtRS 344 State Street Phone 2! ssasssasssaaaaaa saaa.a --- i--V-ninjTjnjqruXrn nnnu r K...e. 1 aw. VUWa UUlf, (IUVI S den. basement A garage. Near schools $3a00, terma Ph. 7240. aaaaaaaaaaWMWWWi " MOD. DTTTrH rnlnnlol tin.,aa A bath, fireplace, hdwd. floor, ex. lo cation, lot &6xl60. TeL owner, 7367. .mmi. ieMeaMaa S ROOM MOD hnma tinrA mt . . ..vwx-v avi.. living, dining, has hardwood. Only 33500 term. Located 485 Marion. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 6131 - VRIPEn PFIIW VAT fr 34500. NEW. STRTCTT.T mn a.KaJI. room bouse. Walnut Park. Living, dln- intT. nook, hedrnnm ilnwn all wood. Double plumbing, auto, furnace. C H. SANDERS 118 S, High 5121. ACREAGE. 7 ROOM houao. eloaa In easy terma Phone 6162. ; aa mm . . a ......... iinruxiytrg uyiunj :z $S5.JCHOICE ?LOT,i $tAm4l South Commercial. , -77' i See LOUIS-BECHTEL, $41 State St tsxso. s nmioitow x- Salem. large living rm., dining rm.! nice kitchen, nook, 2 large bedrms., hardwood floor thrmiirlinnt KaoAmon UUTT Mil k, ftirnace. firenlaea eArnaa Ln M ----. aut, l' ' II J ft ac wain in. aown. j $6300. A fine home on f Falrmount Hill. 7 mi trlxtl nuara lltM ' - . " - . ...w.'l . . w . cash, long time on balance. Mtl-VIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 i Court Street r Phone 3723. 31125. 2 BEDROOM HOME, newlv ralnted, with garage, on paved street 150 down A $15 per month. Let me insure your furniture? J. E. REAT Phone 8121 429 Oregon Bid;. NORTH "PACIFIC" HICTTWAT ahrubbery A some fruit, fish pool and 2-car garage. ALSO 4 A. Part on highway. AND 1 A. tracts on highway. Reas. prlcea c a PT.pmv TP I ivc Phone 4075 Pacific- Highway Realtor a " a tAayawWwjaaayi HOME BUILDERS ATTENTION f WE HAVE buildina lots 66x150 ft.. street paved, and good district only $550. a H. SANDERS 118 S. High 511L Exchange Real Estate TRADE C1TT property for farm homea Opportunities In exchangea HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC iiri'ViJrorvr'uXrJ 5-ROOM MODERN house for sale or trade for lots or acreage close in. 1515 Bellerue. . FOR SALE or trade tor small acre age near Salem, 60-acre farm. Modern improvement a S miles smith of Rick reall. E. L. Rlney, Independence. Rt 1. EXCHANGE HAVE 4 BUILDING lots corner with streets paved and paid. Trade for equity in good home. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. For Sale Farms Attention Farmers! I WILL BE st the office of P. H. Bell, 412 Oregon Building, Salem. Ore gon. Monday. March 27. 1939, from 9:00 a. m. to 13:00 and at the Independence-Enterprise office. Indepen dence, from 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. for the purpose of discussing farm salea Easy terma very reasonable In terest, liberal contract Roy W. Nelson. Field Representative, Union Central Life Insurance Co. DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT FARM PRICES are not high when yoa can buy a 330 acre ranch with fairly good buildings, 4 ; horsea- and some machinery, 160 acres cultivated SO acres crop, 60 acres timber, clear of debt for $18,60$. This la only $45 per acre see It today. . Call Mr. Bartlett with : CHILDS A MTI.IaKR, REALTORS S44 State Street : Phone 926L MaaaaaAjaaajaajl . . 8PBCIAL. FARM BUY 22$ ACRES: OVER 100 acres tsl crop, good set of buildings, 4 horses. 1 cow, and sll machinery goes for $S0.00 per acre, located 11 miles from Saiera on a pavd road. WIU consider tn trade Salem or Portland property. 7$ ACRES, about Vk la cultivation. T room house, spring water and creek, IS acres of timber, only S miles out on a highway. Will take part trade. , ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC 110H N. Commercial Street i BE WISE BUY NOW -' SS-ACRES. 4 R, HOUSE, electricity, barn A 3 lrg, poultry houaea About 26 A. timber A pasture, spring. $160$ win buy it. ' -- - , 20 A. beans, C Irrigation), fine sofl. good location ; sold 43 tons last year. Almost new S-R. house, tern. A real buy for 33000.00. $100$ down. ' 40-acrea. (Howall Prairie), 7-R. modern home. Barn, ' P. machlM shed, poultry A hog houses. Soil good. All In cult S miles out, a real farm tor $8260 $200$ down. X 9-ACRES, fruft watnuta cherries, 6 R. house with bath, small barn, poul try house 18x50, 4 miles out Price for quick sale at $2000 down. For farm, small acreage, er city property, see before yon bay. JAi D. SEARS. REALTOR 476 Court Street . . Phone SS. For Sale Used Can LOOK AT THESE BUYS AT Used Car Lot '33 FORD COUPE in good condition..... $225 31 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, driven only 18,000 miles, practically new '36 CHEVROLET MASTER TOWN SEDAN, in A-l condition 36 TERRAPLANE COUPE, new paint and good rubber, runs like new... VALLEY MOTOR CO. "20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP Herb Misson - Ben Drager - Art Hanson Lot: Marion & Liberty Streets eS'SStjaaia-aaa 26 FORD COUPE. 1110 Crosa Acreage BELIEVE IT OR NOT 40 ACRES OAK TIMBER for $400 CASH. INSURED TITLE. 23 MILES FROM SALEM. E-Z HAUL PHONE 6580 EXTRA CHOICE A., four miles city limits of Salem, good house. 6 R, elec. lights, bath, water system, live creek, all year, owner must sell on sect of age, Ul health. Price cut one third for a few daya to $3100. See my agent LOUIC BECHTEL. 341 State shown by appointment only. - -- -- - -ri-i-ymnrn-ianhnarLAnf SMALL TR ACT H-EASY TERMS SIX 2-ACRE tracts near the Swe gle school close to Salem, exception ally good soiL Price 3650 each, terms $100 down, alance 310 per month. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC 110 N. Commercial Street - - mxmmfsri'rYrusryjrjs 20 A. E. OF SALEM. 31700. 24 A. S. of Salem, trade for house. 132 A. bottom land, 100 A. cult. In crop, $53 per A. 66 A. on hwy., bldga. $1600. 110 A., in cult, in crop. New house. $60 per A. Some trade. A. C. JENSEN O. A. MADS EN 22$ Oregon Bldg. Phone 3411. Wanted Real Estate WNTD SM. home, priced rlghL 61(5 Business Opportunities 3 ACRES, FILLING station snd grocery 5 rm. house. Barn, chicken and brooder hae. City water, elec Small tases. 1430 Old Salem Rd., Silverton. Oregon. . tAtsvasaahBSss CONF. A GROC. priced to sell. Liv ing room. 227 S. Winter. eaaaaeeawaaaeMaaajajaaaj, MAN DO handle route of legal rend ing machines on spare time. Will pay you $80 eer. week. $375 cash required. 100 secured. Write Box 828, States man. e0MMaaa GROCERY STORE buildina rented $50 mo., can sell for $3600. Recommend this a good Investment C H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131 APT. FURNITURE, consistina of 7 furnished apartments or 18 room a Only 3750 cash. Income $105 plus liv ing quarters. Expense $45. Can have a bouse, $32.60 mo. C H. SANDERS 118 a High 6131 WANTED, PARTNER for restau rant beer A cards. Best business In Salem. $1000 will handle. Restaurant beer A wine, N. of Sa lem, $00. Grocery store In Salem, $1700. Grocery store. Ocean Lake, $650. Grocery A beer store, trade for farm. A. C JENSEN O. A. MADSEN 223 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3414 TWO SAWMILLS for sale. 10 M. cap. Also tract of 2nd growth timber. Geo. Blatchford, Molalla, Ore. ' For SaleWood DRY Snd UKtlWTH wood for sale. 4 ft er sawed, delivered in Salem or at the .farm. Phone 73F12. aaaaaaaajaajajaaaafcaaaajww DRY WOOD. Pu. 5821. Dan Sheets. DRY WOOD all ktnda Tel. 6700. DRT OLD fir. $5 50 Phone 7607. GRAEN. 412 H. 2124 wood 887$. $ cords 4 ft, $12.00. Business Carda ta this directory rtta on monthly basis only. Rate; 81 per line per month. Agricultural Lime FOR ACID sotla Tests 98 e. c. Mfg. by Oregon Portland Cement Co. Orders ree'd. for del. st Room 10. Ladd Bush Bank Bldg, saiem. Antb Brakes Mike Pa nek. $78 South Commercial Batteries NEW BAT, guar. 1 jrr, $3.76 each. Nits A day ser. Oils Collard. 6109. v Bicycles SICTCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott 147 A. ComX Ph. 461$ Body and Fender Repairs FOR BODY A FENDER repalra ante trtm seat covera. gmss replacemsnt auto painting SEE the Herrsll Owens Co. S3S a OomX St Phone $16$. - Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44S6. R. E. Norihnesa CHIM FURN. racurns cleaned Got ten, downspouts cleaned. Phone SOsA Qtiropraetors DR. a t SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 356 N. High. TeL Bee. $573. Elxcavatin EXCATAT1NO OF AS kinda Base ments dug. Dirt hsuled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Ca Phone 640A .,- Florists Bretthaaprs. 44t Court " Phone 6904. W. SALEM norlgu. 140$ tUlgs water. For Sale Used Gars THE tires. .... 150 495 .. 410 CARTER MOTOR CO. NASH A LAFAYETTE "WHERE CUSTOMERS BRING THEIR FRIENDS" . '37 Chrysler Coupe, radio, and heater. overdrive. 15,900 miles a clean car S695 '36 Lafayette Tour. Sedan, over .8685 -$295 $22S .$225 -$145 $ 8S t drive 33 Chevrolet Coach '32 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan 32 Ford Coach 31 Ford Spt Coupe , 29 Ford Coach , MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM' 365 N. COML. PHONE 3734. Open Sundays and Evenings J LOT 240 CENTER "j-"""'"' - - iriBr6"vvvtnj'vvxiXm t Weekend Specials 1936-Dodge Trg. Sedan $519.09 1335-Dodge Trg. Sedan . 395.09 935-Dodge Sedan, 6-wbeels 415.00 1930-Graham Cpe. ; 148.00 l332-Dodge Sedan . 327.60 Trucks 1933-Int'I. 3 -ton -$230.00 364.00 . $79.00 . 76.0$ - 49.00 1935- Dodge X pre as ; 1936- Cbevroiet Xpress 192S-Dodge Xpress J. 1928-Ford Xpress HERRALL - OWENS CO. V HERRALL-OWENS CC 236 South Commercial or Church St Acroas From State Theatre ! Phones 3169 and 6335 elaaji I A FINE BUT '33 V-8 Ford. $186 Bant tpt, 1710 N. Capitol. Ph. 6168. eeaala SAVE MONET. Bur mr new 1939 Chevrolet at a liberal discount Box 835. care Statesman. S'38 DODGE COUPE, '86 Ford Tudor Touring. 805 S. 12th. 35 120-PACKARD. 8375.00. soma terma 2160 H. Fifth, after 6. For Sale Wood .FUEL ON eas paymenta No dowa payment 6 months or longer to pay First payment 30 daya Any amount say kind. Full measure Chsa E. Smith. Tot 6331. 1150 N Church, 14 qv cukd, 16-ln. bono dry 2nd arowth. 16-ln. drr oM fir. $3.50. 6370. DRT SBC gwth. Fenwlck. Ph. 4S3T ------ -1 -1 -1 -, I,-, i-i,-ri rrin n j-lo DRT ASH. ISIi Mk U.75 P. 70J Osaimswst saa-aaa ,-, a.a--1a--,r-njnjnj A-l DRT WOOlJt S .0 Ph. IU1 snaiisisi-nisisias --. . -,--ru-u-u-nj-u-u- DRT WOOD market S60 N. Church. shjsnisa si m , a a - - -.arrrBaJw-ririJ-LrLnj- STIR RRST At-v sK-eA IAA8MC - ,r b--whv a w a- a ea " - , n i i hi iLTirunrijjninrnjinji ' OLD FIR, $5: 2nd gwth, $4; ilah, $3.50: ash. $5: knot $4.60. TeL $45$. "" " -arsr rranrnjnjjqjxruLn MILL BLEU $4.60. Fir Ac Oak. 6832. Personal LONKI.TT nreet. teart husband, wife for von Bes TS Lne Angrlea --"- - 'i-i-i'oiwirinnftnnrinnnnn LONELY? MAKE NEW FRIENDS. WRITE BOX 153. PORT ORCHARD. WASH. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT ! THE WEIDER IJtUNDRT 283 a High TeL 1186 Massage TREATMENTS AT home. Logaa. 483$. Rlattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG snd Ms I tress factory. NEW MATTRESS .made t order, old remade; carpet eieaalne sh teg: nuff rug weaving. 8. IStb A Wil bur. TeL S44L OTTO F. E WICKER Est I8IL a CAPITOL BEDDING 4869 NstriTopaLhie Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL Nsturepeth te PhysldsB, . 1788 Fslrgreonds Rd. TaL 4303 Offtce Hoar It a. m, to l:SI p. irn. FREE EXAM, A CONSULTA TION. FUR bTTATION ert. cwrmi fsiniphleta pregrsma books er any kind of print ing, eail The Statesman Printing De partment 818 . SL CommereUU. Tele phnno 8lOL ..... Rr aeanlcs RUGS CLEANED by rUmtrte Beech meinaa a roor noma it able. CaU CoUmsa 6333. BTLECTROLUX CLEANING Reg and upholstered furniture. " eUaaed. cnampooed ana aemothea tn the Pbons 7127. Transfer FOR LOCAL er Aistaat transfer, ator age. burner oIL call 3181. larmer Transfer Cev Trucks to PertlaaA AaOr. WenDriUing a A. WEST. Bt S. Boa 44ft. P. lllFa. Directory For Sale--Uaed Cars A " $30,0003101 of Used Cars DODGES. CHRYSLERS. PLYMOUTH S. De80TOS. FORDS. CHEVROLETS. BUICKS, OLDSMOBILES- All Years and Body Styles x From $12.50 to $750.00 YOU'LL STTRFT.Y iTTTVT. YATTft P AP TJlTTfl?! A a. A. V4iUl VII I j UAKT?v IiwIJIP-r04rCAJR5J, THK CTTT. TN ALL COLORS, CAR OR SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BANK RATES ON BALANCE. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY x 1935 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door Touring Sedan. ! , ( A Like new interior. Runs like watch. Good , ' robber and paint; Book price $335.00 Our Price ....$298.00." SE THEM NOW AT SALEM AUTO CO.'s Used Car Super Market 435 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 4915-4673. ' " i. ........... - .' $9.00 Sale Today AT USED CAR LOT ; 32 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan .....$169 29 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan, clean . ..... 89 28 Ford Model A Sedan, runs good . 79 29 Ford Coach, good rubber, clean.............. 69 28 Chevrolet Sedan '.. . 49 : i 29 Ford Model A Roadster 39 i 29Durant Coupe . . 19 VALLEY MOTOR COJ 20 YEARS-OF FRIENDSHIP :E Herb Misson - Ben Drager - Art Hanson Lot: Marion & Iibertv Streets- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, bj an or der of tha County Conrt of toe State of Oregon for the County of Marion duly made and entered on the 10th day of March, 1939. were appointed Co-Executricea of the Estate of. Stephanie Ancey, de ceased, and hare duly qualified as aueh. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly Yeritled a required by law, and with the proper Touchers, to the Cross Word Puzzle 7 7" T" i fja 'o 2T 30 31 I I 32 1 S3 wo Y to zt I yj 2 H I I Wrv I I iH 1. EUGKN15 HOIUZONTAL 1 euitAble rnetallie . dross Sa-firt1. babm U-pereelrs It aharpe- ; 41 cutting tool 42 found'Atknr 4-amall bed prooou9 4J-thaw 4S decree Sjont beast fiSV-HdlAworm ' 17 Aalstit Ungdors IS fciilical 14 cabJeached . l& POiT10US 20 neg elite ' 21 Gad ; :Z2 Utcbe-i v . stcnsfl f3 cantafaier ' 24 aimkea - hZ ' ' 85 young' hom 25 eymbol for -' sflrer r 27 fsMier -ft mountais - ." MSS 1 v 23 aiternatinf tn moreineat U beart of - burdea ? 25 notABT. ; , SS peacock butterfly ' H etroDf fiber t artire gency 43 peruse - Oere-jrltaistlMsntim dayAptrsxle. - '? ' BEEFi HIA DP 1 p 188AISlB6 For Sale-sed Cart THE underalszted Executrices" at 207 TJ. S. National Bank BuUdlnf, Sa lem, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date . of the first publication ot this notice, said first publication being made . the 11th day of March, 1939. GABRIELLE FABRY" . l. ALICE WELTT Co-Execu trices of the Last , Will and Testament .end Estate of Stephanie Ancey.., Deceased. . . . Donald A. Young. Attorney for Estate, . . Salem, Oregon. First Publication: March 11, 1939 , Last Publication: April t, 1939. M11-18-25-A1-8, 1939. SHLKKEK VERTICAL 1 tree zVMexican ' ' labor system Sprojecuon for isortit 4 timid i beheldt 10 regal 11 concerning IS Latin eon- JnitMtioa IS oearby XO Gei-Buua mining Aietrict- puqrea is data -t Itaadty rotAtiQS . back tl tminjame 24 - human - Jeints 2S iigeoa loft : 17 speak tnv perfectly . 2S-tUt . , lO-iTlTed 21 fruit of pinS 81 roisterers in that " place 27 fU amenta 28- laud 28 ornamented slab 43 Japanese' 1 peninsula - 42 exist 43 symbol for . - - - ciirotxuRin . . 45 encountered . -4S Babylonian deity 1 47 Jnclina 49 thus ' - . II correlstire r . sf either piece .i OR lEl&tofNl rs fcvVivy I a V I