The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, March 25, 1939
Kropp Elected
Judge L. G. Lewelling It
Chosen Trustee ; Vets
Sleeting Slated
ALBANY Walter Kiopp was
elected exalted ruler of toe AI
bany Elks lodge; Howard C.
Keeves. esteemed leading, knight;
W. Wi I Stuart, Jr.. esteemed
loyal knight; Melvlu Uoode, es
teemed lecturing knight; A. c,
Jensen, secretary; P. A. Young;
treasurer; Fi ed Koss, tyler, and
Juuge L. j. Lewcling. trustee,
Kropp r will atten I the Elks
national convertion In St. Louis
July 10 to 13. The new offt
cers will be induced into office
April 6.
. Veterans to Meet
ALBANY Department Com
mander Dr. W. U. Hoffman, Mc
Minnville, of the Spanish Ameri
can, war Veterans, will make an
otflolal risit to Camp 1'hUips of
Albany Sunda . afternoon. On
the same day Mrs. Margaret F,
Rodger3, koseourg, department
president of the auxiliary , will
pay an official risit to the auxll
iary of Camp Philips Both will
te accompanied by other depart
ment officers.
A 1 -o'clock dinner in their
honor will be served at the Vet
eians' Memorial hall.
Elect PTA Heads
ALBANY Mrs. Carl Connet
will head the Madison PTA
group as president the coming
rear and other office's are Mrs.
Ralph Hyde and 'Mrj. . George
Cogl, first and second, rice presi
dents; Mrs. Joe Neeley. secretary.
and Miss Edna . Peterson, . treas
urer. A silver tea will be held
Tuesday afternoon. March 28, tn
the library of the school. Mrs.
Peter Mudie. KOIN announcer.
will be guest speaker and will
talk on canning and home cook
Ing. Proceeds will go toward the
milk fund.
Mass Funeral Held tot Stratoliner Victims
.'t'4.:rf ,
it. 1 . -
1 A
. 4 -A ' a .M
Amid thousands of floral remembrances, mass funeral services were held at Seattle for eight of the tea
victims of the $500,000 Boeing Aircraft company's Stratoliner crash near Alder, Wash. Included in the
funeral services, were those for two Dutch air officials, who were aboard the ill-fated craft oa a test
flight. This is a scene daring the faaeral ceremony.
Nominate WHS
Student Officers
Call Board Daniel Roth, 81
Dies at Albany
WOOD BU RN- Jeanne Lee,
Floyd Mattson and Raymond
Gilles hare been . nominated for
president of the student body of
Woodburn high school.
Vive-president nominations in
clude: Donna Gene Ernest. Doris
Today Double bill. Jackie
Cooper in "News- ojt'
Chamber Honors
25 New Gtizens
Dr. Bruce Baxter Outlines
Privileges Here; Urges'.
Further Education
DALLAS ThV 45 new dtl-
xens, ... who received - their - final
papers Here Wednesday. were
honored guests at a dinner
meeting of the Dallas chamber
of .commerce . Wednesday night.
About 100 were present for the
The new cltixens were Intro
duced by Judfee Arlie Walker
and were welcomed into cltUen-
ship by Thomas Verdenius of
Portland. Archie McFetridge re
sponded on behalf of the new
citizens.' i
Dr, Bruce Baxter of WiBam
ette university gave an excellent
talk on the privilege of citizen
ship in the United States and
urged the new citizen to con
tinue their education to make
themselves better fitted for the
duties of citizenship in the Unit
ed States.
Mrs. Gettmaa Soloist
Mrs. Chauncey Gettman sang,
accompanied by Mrs. Don Rob
Tk SS aw eitiMas art: Baa W. Boe
der f DaUu, rau 1; lo SL. Frolrieh
of .SsUim. root 4: Minai Supbesioa of
lBdepcadsact, rout I: Edward V. Floyd
WUtontna, root l; Jacob fencer, Dl
! William D. Bhrnmri. IndtrDendanca :
KUsaboth Oooll, Dallaa; EUio Diewert.
Dallas; Ueorf U. ilarmi, Dallas; Henry
Klaiiea. Inde'pendeneo: Arehia McFet-
ridft, Dallaa; Gerhard KUeTar, Dallas
aad Jacob Toawa, DaUaa.
Katherioo Toawa, Dallas; Tobias
Beanldt, DaUas; Lydia HUdebraad, Son
aioata ; . Fraaa E. Carson. Orand Bond:
Clara May Fiika, BsU; Pearl V. He-
y ey, west aaien ; ueiea vaapmaa, Dai'
las; uenaara LUft, Dallas, . root 1
ALBANY Daniel ' Roth, 81, I Erato W. BcamldV Dallas; Marie Friesea,
Pnrna" wtth Rilmnnrl Ijtn a rMildAnt of Oreron since 1900. ,,m.i ":
" . . " . i . -- - - tuiaa swsrt, dbius.
anu IDS ti 1 1 1 luutB - l ruu lur uimuj J wi o a viuuiukui
Guy" and Charles Starrett i farmer of route l, Albany, died
In "South of Arizona." I at the family home Thursday
I night folowing a stroke of paraly-
STATE I sis, suffered last Sunday,
Jones and Corinne GM. Secre- I Today "Valley of the Gl- I Funeral services under the di-
Uiy: Alleen Bentley, Ada Clair j I e ant8 witn Wayne Morris, rrection of the Fisher Funeral
Building S5000 Home
ALBANY Construction ot a
new $5000 residence has been
started by Fred Ronei in the
recently platted townsite area
li. Hacxleman Grove la East Al
bany. Thhj in the first of a
number of new residences expect
ed to be erected in this new
addition. ' The property- owned
by Mrs, Pearl Haekleutan Is part
of the original ackleman dona
tion land c'aim.
Airlie Girl Weds .
John Harter "
AIRLtE Alyce Plaub, .18,
and John Harter, . 21, were mar
ried March 18 in Vanoourer. She
la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J rob Ploub. He recently mored
here from " another state. They
are living. In Pedee where . he is
employed in one of the mills.
. Sandra . C aats- 5. .daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe . Staats, wa
taken i to . a Salem, hospital. the.
first, ot the. week, for care . of
rneumonia. - C- D. Turner, who
works' on the Staat farm is con
fined to' the Dallas hospital by a
siege of pneumonia.
" The . uie, social glren by the
school ' students . netted nearly
S30 for various school needs.
Honored on Birthday
' UNION. HILL Miss Marjorie
Tate honoied her mother, .Mrs
W. M. Tate with a surprise
birthday., din n e f Wednesday
night. - larited - guests - were Mr
and Mrs. Tate. Mr. and Mrs.
" Verio' King, JMr- nnd Mrs. W. F.
Krenx, Mr. and Mrs.Verny..Scott,
Marjorle Tcte and Gay Scott.
Renn and Elcie Yoder. Financial
chairman : Catherine Fronsdahl
and Ambrose Asper. Helen Toder,
Jeane Royse and. Maxine Rich
mond were nominated for nomi
nating chairmen.
Christensen Is
Polk I00F Head
Death Warrant ot a Nation
;.: :-W"K.k.
xzi t ; :s iTiSzzzf4lX iX dis Cad rwarer a
fcaUi UtGzi lest. ter';ntr kat iiase tttttra
' UltU tsV-si sri lia t' 'setJwr tismttt eat
80s fotselt'csUst vtaWs Ubans rxllati
M a v.-j.athS'.-.-.,.vtr.-
This document, dated March 15, 1939, ended the Independent republic
of Czechoslovakia and gave Nazi Germany control of three of the
four provinces of the short-lived war-born country. The document,
in German, declares: The Fuehrer (Hitler) has accepted this dec
laration (to assure calm order and peace in this part of Central
Europe) and has expressed his decision to take the. Czech people
under the protection of the German Reich, and assure them the de
velopment of indegenous life in accordance with their own character."
The document is signed, at left, by Joachim von Ribbentrop, Ger
man foreign minister, and at right, by EmU Hacha, last president
of Czechoslovakia, and Dr. Frantisek Chvalkovxky, last Czech for
eign minister. .
Union News
New Words Theme
Of Club Roll Call
Legion Observes ; ;
State Commander to Attend
Joint Meeting Slated
for April 4
MT. ANGEL The - Legion's
birthday was celebrated at the
ML Angel post and unit after
the regular business meetings
Tuesday night. A decorated
birthday caae witn lighted can
dles formed the centerpiece for
th long table. Commander.
Webb acted as toastua aster. . ,
Frank Walker, who lust re-x
turned from the' Veterans' hos
pital in Portland, was a special
guest ind gave in interesting
and detailed account of bis stay ,
at the hospital Other speakers
included past post commanders,
Fred Proper, Earl Blrtchet and:
Fred Lucht, Mrs. Cecyl Lucht
and Mrs. Rose tiutsch.
The next Legion dance was
set for April 12. On April 4
there will be a Joint meeting of
the Lesion and auxiliary pre
ceded by a buffet supper at
which the state commander,
and state president of the two
organizations will be speakers.
Mrs. Rose Butsch was ap
pointed to take orer the poppy,
poster work and confer with the
teachers of St. Marys grade
school and Mt. Angel academy.
It was agreed to offer cash
prizes in each of the three di
visions. All Legionnaires and auxili
ary members hare been inrited
to attend a crawfih pany at the
Silrerton armory April 1.
MONMOUTH The Polk coun-
. Claire Treror and Frank I home will be held Sunday at
McHugh and Gary Cooper. I 1:10 p. m. from the Fairvlew
Dee 1 "Souls at Sea." vice will be held at the family J'jiJV.,!.
- home at 12:45. Burial will be in 0tt m ,Wedfesdy- nlgh,VKwlUi
GRAND the Knox Butte eemetery. Normal lodge here. Roy Glbbs of
The nomlnatinr committee for Tnrtar Honrr VnnAa Man- w. t41. i a- v.l uresnman, past grand master,
this year was: Ada Claire Renn,
Doris Jones, Jack Moon. Maxine
Richmond, Archie Nelson with
Charles Carlson and Mrs. Gulss
as faculty .risers.
The following staii has been
chosen by Nelda Trulllnger, edi
tor of the Wohlscan, high school
annual: AssisUnt editor. Fran
cis Ryan; business manager, Carl
Kister, senior historian, Arcnie
Nelson, Junior hlstorlrn, Helen
M o e ding; sophmore historian,
Doris Jones; freshmen historian,
Jean Royse.
Art editor, Clarence Enos;
snapshot editor, Bill Phillips;
F.F.A., Robert Bellamy; band,
Kenneth Arney; 3.A.A., Leona
Ballweber; torch honor. Elsie
BUren; home economics, Elsie
Yoder; Booster club, Alice Prlns-
Mrs. Roth survives, aj do three 1 .aa.a '.v. A
reen O'SuUivan and Ralph daughters and four sons. Charles
Bellamy In "Let Ds Live." Ben" and Dan B.. all of Albany, I " V.ZS
Joe of Sheddr Mrs. Kate Opel 8lrV cnorug tang. Ro, Marlf
Lebanon: Mrs. Anne Whit-I .v.-v t j a " .
. xaaer oi uorrauis ana mrm. otus . ... aT.. nie . K,i-k
Today Double bill.
Can't C-eat An H o n e s t Schrock of Albany. Also a broth- .kit was DreVented br Ora Lentx
Man" with. W. C. Fields. Ed- er. John Roth of Wayland. Iowa, wuC il l R?ckr1aU
aar Barren and Charlie Me. ak A.nA .-..i I WUlttm ROVill, RlCkreail,
V.T I I na Lee Peyton, Monmouth.
gar Bergen and Charlie Mc
Carthy and "The Mystery ot I grandchild,
the White R o o m." with
Bruce Cabot and Helen
: Bradley Is Killed
Working at Dam
MILL CITY Ray Bradley.
New officers elected sre: Mot
ris Christensen, McCCoy, presi
dent; E. A. Bancroft, Falls City,
vice-president; W. L Smith,
Monmouth, re-elected secretary.
county picnic in the Dallas city
park August 13. Committees are;
Entertainment: Clcude Larkln,
Reckreall; Fred Holman, Dallas:
A. Schaffer. Ballston: Morral
Today "Four Girls in
WhitA" with Flarenm Rica
and Alan Marshall. "Con-
vict Code ' with Robert
. a Jk I wiULi wa A 1 xvsaj jls
v. t " - t, TaT. . formerly of Niagara and Mill Christensen. McCoy; James Rob-
ww a f MTV WA 'lllort initftnr I V W AH I Ma TnHononrlanAA CnAfts llaw-
Aflsj AtiintftV I rf " " ; I wt M.a'UMwaaa wrviM JMs
inC 4in Cnapter. I nMJflv vhlta wnt-Vlrser nn the I ' 1mmma T.11.r. PVa-l.
couiee nam. Mr. uraaiey was Bowman, Monmouth; Clarence
born in Oberlin, Kans . in 1910 Lee. Falls City; L. V. Seeley.
and lost his parents when small Independence; A. Burlebach, Dal
sg was brought to Niagara to I las; Leon Turner. McCoy. Walter
make his home with bis grand- Bird, Dallas, general chairman.
parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Bradley.
Surviving are three brothers
- ST.- LOUIS At the -Fairfield
Farmers', union meeting Ernest
Andres reported tor the .livestock-commission
and A. L. Gl
rod on the soil conservation pro
gram. Mrs. Jessie WJliams. ' state
junior leader, explained the work
of the junior department. Fair
field local voted to organize a
juvenile and - junior reserve de
partment at the next regular
meeting, April 21.
An excellent program present
ed by Mrs. Ben Hall, Mrs. M, B.
Lucas and Mrs. Ward Lundy,
was given by children ot the
Farmers' union: Jo La Bansky,":
Jean Marks, Bruce Short, Mary
Jo Hall, Shirley Girod, Buddy,
Lucille and Roseann Rush, Dor
othy Andres, Marie Jungwlrth,
Evelyn Hartwig, Theresa Man
ning, Marjorle and Warren Lun-
dy, Virgil Lucas, Virginia La
key, Dorothy Rush, Shirley
Ronge, George Rostykus, Ivan
Ronge, Roy Marks, Marie Short.
After the program luncheon
was served.
The Fairfield cooperative com
munity club will sponsor a card
party at the ', Fairfield commun
ity hall Friday night, March si
Mrs. Ward Lundy will be in
low: Commercial . club
Seeley; Lettermens ciwb. Floyd Shower Is Given
Mattson; athletics, Daniel An-
derson: Chess club, Alan Moen; For Mrs. H. Loe
dramatics, Barbara Cummlngs;
Ping Pong club, Vivian Haas; EVENS VALLEY Mrs. How
v a jm , A(tUw I ..a v. m a. t
calendar. - Edna Stevens; class cellaneous shower at the EmU Jlnl&ien.jJ Teacher Rehired
will, Elnora Asper; t.Tists. Fre- Loe home vhen Mrs. EmU Loe """"""" "1ni1' Vrh WACONDA-At a recent meet
da Hanson and Mary Vlfqualn; and Mrs. Orral Loe entertained 1 . v?. 2,r. ing of school board members
adriser, Miss Durfe; mimeo- in her aonor,
graphers, Fern Dyer wiima pre8ent were Mrs. H. Halror
Bend; his grandmother, Mrs.
Bradley of North Bend; an un-
SL? . 9 Halror-.on.r. fistic of M1U cVy"0
Mrs. Cone, Mrs. Gralapp and Miss Roy Ken ;MrB Gertrude Moen.
ureenoaum as iacuuy aiw.s. Mrs 0rval McMannus, Mrs. Del
bert Bowen, Mrs. 1'.. B. Wlnslow, nates
si vsi i - iiniinm - 1.1 re annraiaT
- v 1 w a o ey auiAHaUf Aa o rt
Mate All Day-Aieet Aarhus. Aliss ArdU Aarhus, Mrs.
Mrs. Clara Girod was rehired
to teach a second term at Wa-
conda school.
Funeral .services will be held
Sunday with burial services in
Conrad Johnson. Mrs. Oscar Loe. I T ,1 VI IT .Jt
wirnKin Thft . next rerular I ui ni t. . r Artiinr I J .
mMtlnff of. the Waeonda com- Tnhnann Mrs. Ben Olf ford. Mrs. LAKE LABlSHi Mr. and Mrs.
munity club will be held Wed- Jim Mulkey, Mrs. Arthur Skir- Orville Klampe entertained re-1 MARION Mrs. Hal Russell
n eari av Marph 29. at thohome vin Mr. win KUnL Mrs . JnhnnT I cently with a birthday party I arranred a successful and highly
of Mrs. M. B. Lucas at Falr-lNicoi Miss Marian Nicol, Mrs. honoring their brother, Lyle 1 educations! entertainment, at the
field. This will be an all day otto Dahl, ;'Mrs. Marie Hope, I -iampe. frizes at unmebe cnecK- I c o m m u n lty meeting ' Tuesday
aw w aaa
. ' ' RfOINOI I
; & CTr in Ills most
: . : 'Sv',Tv ' ' 'two-mttd;
S 1 1 U VV ; R 0 S E U A R r L A !l E IrW
WAS- I I .A . , D0MALDCRI5P rjr f t
ln' mmmmtttmmJa (UnptMitM "ff sWf sssssssssssi U
' W. aICSllUTmi.eiuiis tints V 1
.IX jaaSmrsuMS . susi ma . susit amt I
I ' uj
Hon, xira. Howard - lom. Mm. ers .were given xo faomi Horn- i night. Glenn Gregg of the Cberry
Emil Loe, Mrs- Orval Loe and achuch and Mrs. Willlard Horn- city Baking Co. showed slides of
Mrs. Herman Lafky and Miss a11"011' ' . Oregon scenic places, followed
Evelyn Loe of Salem. . Tnose present were i,yie Dy a comedy.
I TTl a ar TVI1I1-J .
mampe mr. ana jars, wuimra i Robert Hutcneon OI saiem
Hornschuch, Mr. Mrs. . Ed I ganr several Scotch songs, with
uou, urace, vaimer ana Lesne Mrs. Lvonel Colgsu accompanist
L.ouise Tonti, uiyae i tnd Charles Parrot ot Salem
No Meeting Today
HAZEL GREEN Mrs. Ben Klampe,
Clemens and daughter Mrs. Theo-1 Boehm, Naomi and Irma Horn- I .nr
aore Kostwoia, win oe i ostesses scnucn, nay tsiopy, Mane w in
to the Su8hlne Sewing ; club I height, Marjorle Wamess, Mr.
April . 5 instead.- of Mrs. Allen and- Mrs. Elmer McClourghy,
Looney March 2 5 as announced I Eleanor Jefferson and the hosts.
at the . last meeting. - - ! Mr. and Mrs. Orville Klampe,
MILL CITY The Mill City
Woman's club: met ' Wednesday
night at the home "of Mrs. Ar
thur Hoenlg with Mrs. Charles
Porter and Mts. Hoenlg as host
esses. ' Roll call was answered
with "New Words for Our Vo
cabulary." Papers were giren by
Mrs. Leroy Dike and Mrs. Harry
Mr. . and Mrs. R. L. Roberts
and 'family drove to Montesano,
Wash, to attend the 6th wed
ding anniversary ' of his grandparents.
The Missionary society of the
Presbyterian church met at the
Lome of Mrs. Mundt Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Clyde Ro
gers assisting as hostess. , The
devotional and prayer .were led
by Mrs. John Swan and Mrs. J.
P. Smith was leader. Lunch was
served to 25 members and guests.
The ladies of the Aid society
will serve the dinner Saturday
for the teachers' Institute in the
grade school.
Harris to Start
Logging Operations
DETROIT Bud Harris Was in
town Wednesday and reports he
will start logging operations
next week above Idanha - on the
Linn county ! side of the river.
Harris will log cedar for the
Idanha Shingle company.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson .ac
companied by Miss Etna' Wilson
and Mrs. Webb, left Wednesday
for a short visit with relatives
and friends. The Wilsons will
go as far as Starr, Ida., where
they -will visit at their parental
home. Mrs. Webb will stop at
Ontario, Ore.
Achievement Day
Set for April 11
DETROIT The Detroit grade
school will have Achievement
day, April' 11, in the school-
nouse. - ,
The Detroit pupils have fotrr
4H clubs, a woodworking club
sewing division one and two, and
a forestry club.
Victor Purchases
Estate Property
GERVAIS Dr. A. L. Victor
has bought the property ot the
late Gertrude Weiss and he and
Mrs. Victor are moving there.
Ray Carmlcal has sold his
property to Martin Sypher and
he and his family left Thursday
for Fresno, Calif., where they
will be temporarily. Carmlcal is
with the - Associated - Seed com
A. DsJardin is rebuilding
large garage on his property into
apartments. The building which
stood on the corner of the alley
at E street is being moved 10
feet to the north and a short
distance to the east where it
will f aca. Third ' street. There
will be two apartment of five
rooms, eacti, all modem except
Plan Logging at Peak
SCIO Rights of way. through
several farms in the Snow Peak
district- southeast of Sclo hare
been . purchased and a logging
road is contemplated to the rail
head at Brewster station, ' The
Snow Peak Timber company
plans extension logging opera
tions in that vicinity during the
coming summer, the logs to be
shipped to a mill at Dallas.
Amateur Night Is
Slated April 27
For Polk People
DALLAS April 27 has been
set as the date for tie second
annual amateur night, sponsored
by the Dallas Lions club.
All local amateur performers'
are invited to participate. In the
adult division rash prises of $10,
$5 and S3 will be gtve.-i while ia
the Juvenile dirts! on the cash
prizes will be 15, ?3 and Si,
Anyone wishing to put on an
act song, dance, musical spe
cialty, tumbling or other num
ber, is asked to get in touch rlth
Wayne Hawke at the office , ot
the Mountain States Power com
The contest Is open to any en
trant from Polk county.
LEBANON Jesse Peterson of
the Tennessee section will set
Youngberries and Boysenberrles
this spring to produce slips for
a large planting. He is also a
grower of Ettersberg strawberries.
West Salem
WEST SALEM Fred Kuhn Is .
at McMinnrllle building a house
for' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Laurence.
The Laarel Social Hour club
met Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
A. H. Brown. The rooms were
decorated with dafodU and sham
rock. Mrs. A. E. Utley, past presi
dent of the Polk County Health
association, gave a talk on the;
work of the county health nurse.
- Present were 14 members and
one guest. Mrs. Brown was as
sisted by Mrs. Nettle Jackson
and Mrs:' E.r C. Weatherby. The
next meeting will be Apiil 4 with
Vth. tCnrtraA Krieha
The - Polk County Federation.4
T) ti ,B 1 VUshmana .InVl will m aftl ; sf
Wednesday, April 19 at 10 a.m.
at the West Salem hall. The fol-. '
Tral.a .Ink. rfl1 k. kuluua-
for the day: ' 1 '
"Book and Thimble.-West. Salem '
Women's club, Lincoln Good
.wui, sweet unar, urusn uouege
Helpers, Zena Missionary society.
Laurel Social Hour and Orchard
Love Secrets From
Three Years in a
Nurse's Life!
In drama as revealing as
"The Gtader
Bold, Daring
Romantic Story
y. G Fields - Edgar Bergen - Charley McCarthy In'
1 ' Plos lilysteiry of the White Room" jff
The vicious parole "racket
... exposed at last in .
"ConVict' Code'5
' - with.'
Robert Taylor
Anne Nagel
nnnv iioiVAnD
Metre Cefsfsry-jstayw fvaeso
I a rflesaftsl CmU-Msnr"!
f&tA I ... 7. I
V -
.. 78i I
I ou trill know
vhen you ses
this picture thct
"but for the
graco of God"
YOU might
have ploy id
its centre! rch!
- . ; . iij
i (57 n 4
r. t