.C SZkCZZQQH tTOMAN, JCsfca, Ore-a, Friiay ricrabj, lKiU, 153 ,, , 4 N Van ha Buys Alsea Ranch Lebanon High Musicians to " Appear Over KOAC: : . on Saturday. - LEBANON---J. E. Estep. real tor, reports the tale of 80 acres line miles east ot Alsea by. F. D Mills to Ray Varghn of Leb anon; also the sale of three lots n Second street 1 Ray Vaughn to F. D. Mills. " ' ' . The Lebanon high school mu mt, Hmrtmnt vrill ro on ; the air Saturday orer KOAC, begin ning at 10:30; the program wm consist of . the Yaritps quartets, sextets, solosists, boys' choir and a'capella choir consn; of Zt voices from the serenta, eighth and ninth grades. Approximately 100 roices will take part. . Dorothy Bohle will accompany all groups an?, soloists; Marie Hunt will l assistant accompan ist. Irene Moore is ia charge of the program and 'will direct all groups. Gnlld Electa tf fleers The Presbyterian , Fellovshij guild., meeting "With Mrs. Claire Ford, elected these oriicers: Mrs. Jrha Summers, Jr , president; rice ' president. Mrs. Ross O'Bri en: secretary, Mrs. Warren Walk er; treasurer. Mrs. Glen Rich ards. A style show will be held. A rote cast by 11 members present at the adnlt study class Monday night was unanimous .against the daylight sarlnr plan. . Sweet Home has a new dry goods, clothing rnd shoe store opened by Harold Gray of Coos Bay. . ; - Gardeners Hare Project: The Sweet Home Garden cluh an active rronn recently orcan- lzed. has nlanned as a nroiect to assist - in raising funds for the building or a community .house - m -DOODfcSO' 4 Try Fril-lrti! ChUdren love . them and they are so easy to prepare! Made with fresh eggs and from A-l Durum Semolina. Dclkioos and economicil jrouH like FriMetsI SEII 13 Porttr't UbcUan4 ractiv - a (taia-rUtio( aluniBuai aodt rial awM. Pottpaid. riiua-surimu GRAPE FRUIT Big sweet. Arizona 80V Doz. ' CORN Whole Kernel No. 2 cans 3 can,::..M....L. 29c SOAP PAG.-T 10 bars. 29c L11KJ ISE ' Brookf ield, full cream. .. 2 , 29c Florida Grapefruit Juice J 4-Oa... - fm Can SARDINES Ovals 25c ZJ cans TUNA FLAKES - Set ice SALMON Tall cans pink. h each I. 9c Northern Fine Tissue 5 iis.;.:...:.;:..;l25c corn starch ' Gloss Starch 3..::z:i 25c SODA ; .;' A A H 3 forSSC MILK Armour's 5c PEANTJT BITTTER A fresh new 4-toa barreL v 3ib.-27c ; ; Farmer Joe a"; good hard wheat bread flour gaining many new friends dally. lba. II Mil I III B)SUftS Ml fcj? Mm Igbg Famed Skoda v Hitler, Inset The Skoda munitions works, one of the world's greatest and most Important arms manufactories, situated In PUsen, Bohemia, comes under control of Germany with Chancellor Adolf Hitler taking that former Czechoslovakian province, along with in the city, park now under construction. The American Le gion also plans to assist in this enterprise. . Allocation of $0000 by WPA for labor In the Improvement and conveniences of tha - park . has been made.-. , The girls of th- senior class roted for dresses to be worn at commencement instead of uni form gowns. The dressej won by three votes at a class - meeting. DeWitt Returns From Trip Eeast KEIZER J. W. DeWitt was called to Falrview, Okla., recently on account of the serious Illness of his mother who died while he was enroute. He attended the funeral and returned Tuesday night. He took with him two Salem people, and Mrs. M. C. Cole, whose son. Howard is attending Phillips uni versity at Enid, Okla., studying for his master's degree. They tra veled 4200 miles through six states In 12 days. They experienced a high wind storm, but missed a dust storm by one day In Oklahoma. G. W. McDonald, ot Fairvlew, Okla.. who accompanied the par ty to Oregon says he was much impressed with Idaho, but most of all with Oregon. Cyclist Dodge Car SILVERTON A cut ia his one leg and a slightly damaged mo torcycle was the result of an ac cident early i h : j wek when Rnssell Aycock tcok to the ditch instead of hlrtlng the rear of a,- car on the Detroit -Mill City highway. CASH STORE Cor. N: ComT. & Chemeketa Sts. Phone 73.15 WHKRR THKRE IS AMPLE PARKING SPACE WELL BE OPEN -EVENINGS In response to many re quests from farmers and oat-of-town bayers we will be open evenings till 9 P. M. from now on through the summer months. So re member you can get your foods .any evening. Just drop fit and we will be at your service. c COFFEE Chase A Sanborn, (CTose-out) 1-lb. cans.. J& Pearson's, red bag, lb. 23c, J lbs Pearson's. green bag. lb... MTQULif wm urn neuti Alders r5l23c RIacaroni' v- Spaghetti Re'Bearis"" White Beans 5 IPC Com 3 an Peas". -Tomatoes . Green Beans cans 25c SOUP Campbell's 3 eans- Except Chicken Mushroom Ale 15c mm ' -1 1 I . Jt its. - - - GRAHAM Made from hard wheat. Fine , tor bread or cereals. . . S-lh. bag Picket Pancake Flour -lb. bsf . Arms Works novs in tf! Skoda numltions plant ' j ; Moravia and Slovakia, under Nazi "protection. Until the dissolution of Czechoslovakia most of Skoda products were absorbed by Cfeechcatova Han srid allied military establishments. Germany, most likely, wm now become chief customer. Community Clubs BRUSH ' CREEK Chinese checkers will be the amusement of the Brush " 1 Creok I Boosters Friday night A short business meeting will preceed the checker Play. ;- - " The Booster club Is also prac ticing its annual Spring play, to be given soon under the direc tion of John Gopierud, sr. WALDO HILLS The Waldo Hills club has voted 'o purchase more tile to tile tied fill in the ditch between the grounds and the highway in front of the hall. The WPA crews have filled the ditch and the ground about has keen leveled out. Considerable improvement has also been - done in the interior of the Waldo Hills community hall. The next' event scheduled for the hall ia the April 1 frolic. SILVERTON dILLS The Sil verton Hills community club will meet Saturday night at the club house with Anton 'Sicber u president. A business session Yi 111 precede the entertainment. SWEGLE A play. "Simple Si mon Simple," will be given by the Hayesville community club. at the Swegle school, Friday night, at 8:10 p.m. The proceeds will be divided between the two clubs. Women are asked to bring sandwiches and cookies. ICE CREAM 25c Qts Frozen Fruits 1 lb. Crtn. JELL-0 All flavors. 5c Pkg.... HOT SAUCE 3 ICC cans . EGGS Extras large, dox . 20c Kremel Dessert 3 Pkg. 10c Jenket Ice m ' Kg Cream Mlx 3 pkgs. pkgs. Dos; Food, 5c 5c per can Pork 4k Beans, per can . Kraut, 3 25c ZU'i cans cans Salad Dressing; or 20c Sandwich Spread, qts. Candy Bars - Afi and Gum - for W 3 for soap . :; large bars 3 for 25c Mediant Ban Se - CLEANSER .Lighthouse' 4 ci ICc cans.. Albert' Corn Flakes " pWlli 24c; -l POTATOES An excellent lot ot No. 2's. may run 50 No. 1 l 9rfM. so lbs. ... 11. ONIONS lb. bags 35c see 3W No. 2's.. 0t lbs. boilers Highland Chief Hard wheat for those that demand aa extra fine bread flour. . 49 lbs. -' f Ofl-07 Hitler Grasp 4 s -A -;-. Window Breaking Is Late Pastime SILVERTON Breaking ot glass windows has seemingly be come a new amusement at SUrer ton. Some time ago the glass la the aide door ot the Arlie Anderson department store waa broken. This week the windows in the Al senroeaer print shoo were smashed. Noothef damage was done or was there aa evident attempt at entering the store. Stork Shower Is Given Mrs. Jordan SUVER Mrs. George Becker and Mrs. Ralph Kestef . enter tained with a stork shower hon oring Mrs. Harold Jordan at her home Tuesday afternoon. Many gifts were presented to Mrs. Jor dan in a lovely bassinett made by Mrs. Earl Callatin and Mrs. Recker. Sixteen women attended. The Suver basketry class is to meet with the Airlle class for au all-day meeting Friday with cov ered dish dinner at noon; Win Dyer who has been, nurs ing a sore arm for two weeks went to the doctor Monday and found that his arm was broken near the .-wrist His trother Ken neth Dyer has Lis f dot In a cast. EJ 162 N. COMt. 4? -r--. v. , Yakima Winesaps. Extra Fancy JUXCE Florida! Grapefruit Natural or Mm -mm Str. Beans, Corn, Hominy. LARD;: t Frys Best Purs lbs.'. PUREX ;i KC3Gather;for Appleby Fiirieral Crowd so Large Rites Are Moved to Auditorium of Su MarjV V : MT. ANGEL About 1009 peo ple assembled here Wednesday Afternoon for the funeral serv ices' oft Pr. R O.' "Appleby, den tist here for 20 yean, who died suddenly from a heart attack Monday afternoon, iraklng it necessary to hold the last rites In St. Mary's auditorium instead Of Cnger . Funeral parlors i first arranged. . ; Father Alcuin. pastor ot ML Angel -.gave the funeral oration. The woman's trio. Mrs. Clara Ke- fcer-Schroeder, lls Eurtelle Bau- man, and Miss Pauline Saalfield, sang accompanied by Miss Ro- xella Blem. Active pallbearers were: Frank Aman, Arthur Holmes, Fred J. Schwab. Louis Schwab, Nick Michel. J. A. Kaiser. Honorary pallbearers: Dr. A. F.- B. ?chler baum, Alois Keber, Charles Per- syn, Ted Fauiua. uttft uswaid. D. Ebner, Mt. oigel. and James J; Richardson and Edwin Koehler, Portland. A large repersentatlon. of Sa lem Elks. -It. Angel ; Flaxarlans and members of the ML Angel Business Men's clnb attended In a body. Dr. Appleby waa affili ated with all three organisations. The Flaxarlans walked . in the funeral procession all the . way from the auditorium out to ML Calvary cemetery where the body was Interred in the family vaulL Dr. Appleby was Identified with all business, sport and social life ot the community. Allen Home Opened . For Study dub AMITY The Amity Study club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Emma Allen, with Mrs. Clara Broad well aa hostess. Mrs. Floyd Banks of Carlton, gave an inter esting talk on music and artists. A les3-n on art was clso given by Mrs. E. WaddelL Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Snodgrass hare sold their restaurant to Bart Hambarger and have moved to their home on Getchell street. The Homer Morgan family who occu pied the Snodgrass house hare moved to the Hazel Loop cottage. Mrs. J. M. TJmphlette has re turned from a month's visit with relatives in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Riverside. While In California she visited the Golden Gate Exposition several days. Increase Berry Acreage SILVERTON HILLS Straw berry farmers are busy pulling small plants and preparing their acreage for the summer crop. Strawberry acreage here Is one ot the largest in the state and a number of rrowera are addine additional fields this spring. S E EJ IT PHONE 5151 dozen Joj(cJ Sankist Fancy Imported 3 IbiQ) No. 5 Tin Sweetened " Albera, raZm. T Crystal lh,C White pkaT. .Del Monte No. 2 Carta .2 cans Igc HQ mm crntttti neuu U2TpJiC7 23c King George Welcomes LeBrun j " '"a King George VI (ten), greeted (tifiHt), as the Utter arrived in solidarity that England was trying to promote. Ia the beekgroand are Queen Elisabeth (left), and Mnse. LeBrnn (right). This pic ture was raaioea rrom London Young Cooks Fete Their Mothers PIONEER The 4H c o o k 1 a g club members, meeting at the Joe Garner home, entertained their mothers.. Donald Kinion and Syl via Wells demonstrated Take mak ing. The guests were Mrs. Forrest Martin, local 4H advisor. Mrs. Mack Blodgett. Mrs. 'Joy Bobbins and son Truman ot, Monmouth, !t one! !i:M.Siiicttiu1iig Savings 35c lb. Sospital Cotton 17c 15c 12 oz. Polar Uoth Huggets 7c L Clinical Theimomefer 33c 15c in. 5 yd. Adhesive Taps 9c 50c Frys 7 o'cloclt Shaving Cream 17c 50 Acme Facial Pats Soft Absorbent 7c 100 Polity Dx. Hinlde Pills 9c COc AUta Seltzer 49c 8 0 e 8 LD3lVittsExtiactoiCodLiverOiluithifon49c 50 lbs. Heads Pablnm 43c 2C0 Cornet dai; Tissues 12's Certified j Pare :5-graui 35c Brono Qninine Cold Tablets 21c 12's An-IIaps Sanitary Uaplrins 13c 2 for 25c 35c Daus Com and Callous Remedy 33c 15c pltg. Z4 Cloiio Linen Finish Envelopes 7c Valua to $1 Single tt Double loese Pondci Conpacts 33c SOs Lccicta Vc2dcibilt 'Fcs3 Ponder, Clesiance 29c ? SI Baby "Brownie . Cameras o We , Carry Cemplete Lis ot Films at" ' - - Reduced Prleee i Free Trial Size : ' Lipstick "and Rouge Wlta Purchase , Coty Air Spun .... 'Face Powder 0-a.CD. PRICE3 F03 FRIDAY TIIROUGn MONDAY -WE RESERVE THE RIGHT ' -i TO LUIIT QUANTITIES ' 'L (j iv t i , lb President Albert LeBran of France London to discuss -stop Hitler" to new York AF Telemat. Ted Aydalott of Eugene, and the mothers ot the members. Mrs. Harry Wells Is the leader ot the Pioneer group. There were 28 people served. 8 y it la wells entertained a group of her school friends after school to help her celebrate her 14 th birthday. Present were Janice and Joan Garner. Jlmmle Coy. Vera Mae and RabyPelky and Donald and Sarly Kinion. l?niia,2C0 Comet Cbaniiing Tissnes 7illi Purehase Frys :50c Cough Syrup ,: at only V,UC .3 3 M Rare Heirlooms At Coloiiial Tea Rickreall Ladies' Aid Holds f Successful Event With j Many Exhibits RICKREALL The colonial tea Wednesday afternoan sponsored by the Rickreall Ladies' Aid was a decided success with many rare heirlooms shown by prom inent families of the community. The oldest -articles snown were a Bible 145 years old that bc lminii u Mrs. Kate Nelson Lu cas; brass kettle belonging to Mrs. J. F. Vaughac, jsu years old; brass canwle holder, China Wishes from Fcotlaad and egg cup.-all 130 years. Many articles over 100 years old, wun ar ticles displayed. Mrs. Stenaon disDlaved ' a cud from Sweden over 100 years, from which King uscar, naa drunk. Mrs. C. Brunnier showed a table of antioues brought from Holland. A coal carrier and foot warmer were most interesting. This was used to keep feet warm In church. Programs iken varied nroeram was present ed by the high school girls' glee cub, songs oy Mrs. riremnier in Flemish, Italian, French and English, a resume of the church by Mrs. Stenson. In the evening the program included songs ly the girls' glee club in costumes, songs by Mr. -and Mrs. Harry Beler; solos, Mrs. Brmnler; hob by talk by Misa Maxine Buren of the Oregon Statesman; songs by Delbert Price rnd Jack Wall. The committees were all dress ed in old time costumes. Building Nearly Ready SILVERTON HILLS Visitors at Silver Creek Falls park are eagerly watching the progress on the new concession, building. The bright weather ot the past few days has greatly helped in the progress of construction. It lsezpected that the building will be ready by July 4. 9c . Aspirin 5c IN hi Qnart H9Cplnt ACS w-, m 95c