if The OREGON STATESMAN, SaOea, Oregon, Friday Morning March 24, 1939 PAGE SEVENTEEN Watit a Loan? This Page Tells It to Where Obtain C7 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Clawined Advrrtlans; Sing! Insertion per line 1 Oe Three Insertions per line 20e Six Insertions per line SO One month per line .fl 04 ilnlmum charge , i lie Copy foe thle page accepted until 4:30 tb evening before- ptibllra tloa- for classification Copv re ceived after this ihne will be run under the heading. Toe Late to Classify. J The Statesman tname no Onan etal responelbtlttv for errors rhMi may appear ta advertisements rmh. lisned Hi Its columns, and In eases where thH paper- la at fantt wm re erlnt that part ef an ndei tlsement In which the typographical mistake occurs, j The Statesman timet s the rtirtit te. releet questionable advertising -It further , reserves the right . te place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind Ad an ad rontatntne a 8tatefOTa bo numher far an ad dress, la for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore he newer d bv letter. The Statesman la not at Hfcertv ta dhrnlee Iwftw ma tte) mm ta the Went ttv a adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock bKAD AND wortM picked ep free Pit. eoiieet S4 1 1 Baton Montgomery i Rend Wan unucrg J a runi.lta LARGE ASSORTMENT well brok en horaea and mnlea New shipment arriving weekly CREDIT atadly glv aa anyone. No earrvtna charge. Oe roSnpetttlve prWs before iron come here and eee how much Iowa- mv prlce are Guaranteed a represented Free delivery Elror Nssh nam en highway fust north of Salem. Auctions COMMUNITY AUCTION Sat.. March 25. 1 :30 P. m. at the F. N. Woodry Auction Furniture Mart, 1810 N Summer St In Hollywood. All kinds of furniture. vugs, linoleum, ranges, heatera. tool. K. utensil, dishe and lota of miscellaneous articles. We will sfll anything for TOtT on commission. F. N. and Glenn Woodry. Auctioneers. Ph. 1110. Cash paid for used furniture Help Wanted tA Rtrril firnm mushroom Cellar, shed. We bur SOe lh. World' lnrcrst componT. FTtEE rirwin. urnn rooms. 2QI-2nd. Seattle.. Wmh. iivt v WANTiro Exnerlenced mar ried farmer. Inquire 1520 N. Capitol Street. . : Situations Wanted TOCNQ MAN want nr. work, spad ing or garden work.-Ph. 385$. EXP. WOMAN wanta hr. wtc 8884 SPADING. LAWN mowing, land Mfilnir nmntnv loni I lit nut and designed reasonable rates. Blrerson- Tel. se. . CHRONIC OR convalescent patients eared for In mr home. Mr. Gilbert. 46 North 1th Street. DAY WORK. Ph. 9SS0. PLOWING W. W. Wlnerar. for-tn-rly 95 HlKhland. moved to 47J Locust (end of Broadway). Tel; 4387 For Sale Miarellaneona BIKES m RKHAIKS Rameden. 1 1 8 ' Ub. UlTIITTII.n IMn maranlMt waoh era All makes from S10 op Spec. Mar taa ISB. Hnaa Broa. AODINO "MACHINES. tTPewrltera cash realrtera. aralea. aalee. rentals, re pairs Roen Typewriter F... 45 Court ROTTED FERTILIZER". MI1JC GOAT, rabbits. lt Hoyt. sVviAAi'u'AOfVVrirBrt TRUCKTjOAD REDIANDS tree ripe sweet hilcy novel oranaea dliect from arower to ua. All elxa at price you can afford to pay. Hood River and local Newt owns Rome Beantv Ortly and Wlnesap apples. Open Run dara. Pure apple 1ulce. fresh dnlly. PURITAN CTTKR WORKS , 1 , ; WEST SALEM PIANO. $65.00. 545 S. 17th. ONE NEW 10-ply Goodrich tlfe ttibe snd wheel for V-8 truck. Anert Hllke 1179 Second St. as ftJir" r- a A a-s ivi 'TRATI.m HnTTRR imeolftlS this $7 un. Klnir. R1S N. Front, I eaaaaaaMjaWaaMaMaaaairfaaaaaeaaaaa PRINT LINOLEUM, first ouallty, lie per yard. Upstairs Furniture Store. 439 Court street. . ROCKHIIX KVERBEARIXG straw berry plants. RL 2, boa 152, Salem. Phone MF11. 4 ST. BERNARD male ptrooles. $19 e.tch. See parents here on the place. Theee are beauties. L. K. Holden, care W. H. ' McDanleL 1H mllee west Rlckreall on Dallas road. 2 TOTJNO ridlna- horses. Tel. $747. AjLri.n.ruuinnriririi ...... OREGON OR Marshall strawberry plants. Phone B1F15. BKAITTIFTrr. PIANO, tiaed rerv little, cheap for cash. 1190 S. CotUae. REPOSSESSED FURNITURE white hardwood bedroom suit. $2.R0 aouare oak dlnlna; table, 4 ehalra. tll.KS; ouantlty used furniture, low prlcea. Upstairs Furniture Store, 4J9 Court street BIG ACCrriON Sat.. March 25. 1 !SS P m. at the F. N. Woodry Auction Mrt.F.N. and Glena Woodry. ane tloneers. Ph. $110. FOR SAL1? No. 1 clover hay. north from Mttehell'e 4 comers to first road east first house. C, N. Snider, RL a. Boa I2T. t - SALE. LAWK mower, good condl- tloa: 119$ 8. 14th. ADYCRTISINO Wtstera AlTertiaiBf RepreseaUtlTei FnitpRaB Oa. U. : Saa FraocTo. m Awaeiea. Seattle , CasterB AdrtrtlalBf ; - ReprtteoUtlfes Bryant. Griffith A Brunsoe, f ne Cbicaara New Tors, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta gstsrsg at Ike rosfofice t felsei Orepon. as geeoad Ctatm Metier. Psk Itaked every eternise eeee Afeadae. Baataase . efiee ta goaf Cearere4sl . Street, .-' SUBSCRIPTION RAf E3: ' Mall BubsertpUoB Ratea tn AAraece Within Oregon: Dally sad Sunday -Mo. eents a t Mo. fl At : Mo. S3.ti 1 year $ . Elsewhere It cents per Mo. or $1.09 for 1 rear tn advance. Per copy 1 rents. Newsstands esnta By City carrier j cenie i Jz it zs a vear in lanon um eoA gdjaoaat .1. Consolidate Money to Loan REUULTI TOUB MONTH I.T PATMCNTS WITH A LOAN FROM SA- UCMH OUUCST INUrCPJCNDCNT F1NANCB COM PANT WHERB TOOR NEKUB WHX RECEIVB PERSONAL CONSIDERATION AFTER AS WELL AS BRFOHE THB LOAN IB MADE. PATMENT PLAN IS ARRANGED TO riT TOUR INCOME. NO CO MAKERS. ONLY TOO TO SIGN. REPAY ANT DAY TO RJCIXJCE OOBTB, NO FEES. General Finance Corp. Ill Sa COMMERCIAL ST. FIRST DOOR SOUTH Of TLAJiD k BUSH BANK CONVENIENT GROUND FLOOR ijOCATtON LOANS Oar nurtn eeqalrain t ta email monthly paymeota. Low Coat If It ta not convenient -to call at our office, write, nJh to pay airing dlrectlooa to -place, amount of loan and b Indiscreet came par month. toquirlea. PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. S-Jlt Phone 4 M-2 XIL Ftrat Natlenal Bank Buildtns Salem, Oregoo Trade Miscellaneous WILL TRADE furniture for med. aisa trailer. Goodrich. RU 2, Box 23. Salem. Miscellaneous HOUSE PAINTING KALSOMINING EXPERIENCED. CALL us for fig ure. Ph. Taz. PARKING $1 BY mo. S60 N. Church. Wanted Miscellanous WANTED COUiHED fryer and market poultry. Ph. U3V1. Lee's Hat chery. nt i L'lD il-t nm hrtimital bed. Also nearly new mattress.. State price. Address box J24, care Statesman. For Rent Rooms Rms fot lades N Collaae IT M ,,nfi(VMViVi'i""'' SLEEP. BM.1 close In. Ph. 449$. n . c. . .a ufM-MtA with tin1f urlvate tamily, garage, o. HSKP- SLEEP, mu, 161 S. 14th. rji--Lr.i-L- i-1 1 i - -.- WMWW SLEEPING ROOM. 11S5 MilL ij-i.--r.-j-n- 1 " HSKPtl. RM.. $7. 260 Center. NICE SLEEPING rms, 658 Center Street- Room and Board HOUSES AND apis.. 2Q. up. Percy UUman. tSO Marlon. Phone 351$. . DUV UMKK'ST lit all mt-sla 8761 iDDDii'i'iiTie ijimiu ; meals? Nice home 7 See Ma Bowen. f-05 N. Uberiy. BOARD A ROOM. 441 N. Hlh ROOM A BOARD. Ph. 6557. For Rent Apartments SEB FISHER apt a Modernised newly decorated and roomy Tou U be delighted- Oak and S Commercial. VACANCY HAWTHORNE Court ClAN 2 ROOM furnished court apt. with' private bath, taundrr and xarase. Bus service. I-RM. HTU spt.. 1580 Center. nniriiiirG riAV Mk or month Shoen s Cottagea. a. izin rmc -i Tumr t.RM nnfurn. -apt. va cant Apr. l.Ph. 7748. u-j-.-i.-iar .-i w t ii' t vf kixhMi 486 N. Liberty. bl I. -- DM Kl-WI V fnrn Hit. watel retrlg.. ar adults. 91 N. Cottage St. FURN. APT., heated. 460 N. 13th. HJU1nin.ri-M-M"i"ii- m m mmm 1 RM. BACHELOR apt.. 3188 State. i--ri-ij-.nn iiiii ii - - ..... . a -.AAA 0 a 4nM M MOD. 3 K. turn- aa.. ivi diii. unn rwv rm 1lt 771 N. Com. A Ct-OSE IN fine modern apartment Phone 8490. xfifxrvi.ri-i aw.-.-! wit at HOT water. Drlv. bath, lighta ear.. $22. 2455 8tate. iu-u-i-n.ri.rirww-iri-i.- ------ wi ou in tia a isth. r.njnj m - SM. FURN. apt, 250 S. Cottage. 3 RM. FURN. apt. Heat. Nahta. wa ter. Frig. Prlv. bath. Adults. 90 N Summer. Ph. 4494. x'icb s n fnm nt 570 Union. CLEAN. 4 RM. furn. Refrlg.. heat washer, gar, adulta. 275 N. 20th. i t?u attractive first floor heated apartment 210 is. I4tn. lJsaj(saaj1aaiMeaass LGE. 1-RM. Pullman kitchen apt Nicely furn. Girls or women only. 1118 Oak. 2 R. PARTLY FURN.. $6, Hollywood diet Adults. 1005 N. 22nd. aiaanjsjjasasijiesaaja CLOSE IN. furn, lit A $27.50. 897 N. Com'L 3 R. HEATED) 444 S. HIGH. APARTMENTS, 4JI FERRY St For RentHouses FURN. UN FURN. nsea. for rent R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER -1851 N. Capitol Phone 8081 MOD. LRU. furn. eottsgs. Edge water Court Electric refrigarator. ga raca. 825, Phone 1418. unrTRIC 1 1 T Ujb rf nrt. FOR RENT or will trade equity for ear. 1940 N. Commercial. Isqulre $391 LAurel. evenlngai MODERN 3-BKDROOM horns,' re- Jl mjk tAnmM tM aSS. C. H. SANDERS. Ill S. High. Ph. lilt BltAUi MOUSE. 82 Gainea. T RM. HSE. on Falnnotmt Hill. beautifully tandacaoed rro . IVAN G. MARTIN PH. 4419 BTaii 'i't urrtrtSTRV new T mom house. Double plumbing. $70 Shipping Pbone 1171 i: $42 State St Realtora FURNISHED AND nnfurn. house a, H. P. GRANT. 12$ Court SL Ph. 674 For Rent OFFICE BOOMS. Ill State Street laoutre room I OS. Tel. (Tia. t-ROOM DWELIJNG. Undacaped yard. Fnlrmount Hill. Alee $-room fur- nlsbee paruneni. sis.se. vaa -lsartia. UOce ptooae 441$. Money to Loan All Your Bills UC 8-IU PBONB lilt For Any Purpose tit to 1301 LOW RATES AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used earn Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. I TO 2$ MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 136 South COmmaretal Rlraot Phone 916$ Ua. No. M-ltt mm m - - i-ii-,-i-ririnn.n.n.n nsxr BENJ. SRAMITI.rM' knu In... Most popular loan In Oregon. A new feature to this loan benefits every borrower. Ask about It 8ee W. G. DRIJ.NO. 890 N. Churen r ha loans l. also privau loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonlo Blda PERSONAL Finance Co. ONE-STOP LOANS Phone 3191 THEN CALL FOR TOUR MONET $ 6.03 mo. re pays $ 60 la 12 moa. t 7-27 mo. repays $100 In 18 moa. $13 09 mo. repays $180 tn IS moa $18.18 mo. repays $250 In It moa. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. 511 State St. Salem. Oregon State License , Numbers S-122 M-166 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real ee ate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H GRABENHORSl A CO. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St " Phone 146$ LOANS WA MTKI. n r. i. Hawkins m Rorta. . CLIENT WANTS IllOt, real esute security. 14 Breyman Bid. ItO N. Com. Financial At WE HAVE never paid less than this rate oa savtnaa lr ana investments., insured to $6000. Mutual Federal Savlnga A Loan Assa Phone 4944 , 143 8. Liberty St For Rent ACREAGE FOR rent I R. house, barn, chicken houses, pasture with tunning water. 605 Piedmont W. Sa lem. FOR. RENT . FEW ACRES 10 miles out on high way some fruit fair net buildings. $10 per month. See Mr. Chllds with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 844 State Street Pbone 926L OFFICE ROOMS. Phone 1792. For Rent Farms RENT, 1$ A.. 1 MI. N. Brooks. Barn, hog shed. 2 wells. 13 A. clover, t A. fallow land. Owner 1208 "G" St, The Dalles. Ore. AAWAAAAWAAAAAAAMMWWWWMtf 9S A. FARM for rent $5 nnder plow, 50 A. good bottom land, lot of ma chinery, old bldgs, large creek, good fence. $300 cash rent, can buy on same terms. 210 Masonic Bldg. WesolowskL Wanted to Rent CONCRETE MIXER A 3 wheel bar rows, Box 330, Statesman. - For Sale Real Estate BU1IJJINU LOTS GOOD LOTS on paved street escel lent location Price $600 121 down. Ill per month. - t W. H. Q R A REN HORST A CO REALTORS -184 a Ubettv St Phone 6468 WE HAVE THB PROSPECT ' IF TOU want to eelL exchange, tease, rent see Mr. Larson with Haw kins A Roberts. SEB BEAUTIFUL Cascade Ter races, large view tracts overlooking city, valley, mountatna C A. Robert son, owner. Ph. 1413 AIWMWWWVWWWMWAIWWWWW S SIX ROOM new mod. bouses and one I rm. Shown by appointment own er. Easy terms. Tel $606 - GENERAL REAL estate we caa sell your property If priced right let ua appraise it ABRAMS A ELLIS. INC. Masonic . Building 6151 MODERN HOUSE. Par Ilka rent 119.00 per month will pay principal Interest. - taxes and fire Insurance. HAWKINS ROBERTS, lac Ph. 4109. - - i 1 i - nr r n It ACRES. NEAR Baleen, pared road, new five room hones, ample barn, family orchard, desirable location,, all good soil. Immediate pn suasion. Price $3500, - substantial, cash payment Phone $353 or call at 1596 8. High St Salem. n ' NOTICE STATE EMPLOYEES walk to work from our 29J9 model home, seat front lot picket 'ence, black son, 3 large bedrooms, - targe light - living room, beautiful kitchen and dinette, pecan floors, feature modern bath, ante matie beat Bunt to last a Ufa tan. You'll be surprised at the value and prone or. it aa owner. Kapeciauy ant terms to yon. Phone list. 18 ACRES ADJOINING paved road one mile east of penitentiary four cor ns rt AH good land, no buildings, desir able tor a home or subdividing. Should have $4500. but will take less. What offer? Pbone 336$ or call at 159 A High St,- Salem. MOD. IDEAL home in country on S river road, mi. S. W. of Salem golf course. With or without email acreage tract Ph. 9623. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE WE OFFER a good t room bouse large east front lot street paved -near schools and store. A real bur tor $2100. Small down payment balance like rent Call Mra. Ellta with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS $44 State Street Phone 926L For Sale Real i Estate A HOME AMONG THB FIRS NEW COLONIAL 8-rm. home, ultra modern; 2 fireplaces, double plumbing. Deo rooms, this must be seen to be appreciated. $6,001 will buy this beau tiful home. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE T75 Edgewater Pbone 5622. NEW 4-RM. has. with aarare. bath. t bedrooms. Some shrubs. 51300 with $200 down. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE T7S Edgswater Phone 663L . . . -i-i-i-nnmmn.qj'Lii IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEAT 4 ROOM plastered house well located In N. Salem. Price reduced from $1600 to $1200 for quick sale. ALSO 6 rooms S bedrooms, large lot rage, good cement basement for only $1300 with $100 down balance $18.00 per month. Call Mra. Cilia with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 844 State Street Pbone 26L 12.000 WILL BUY a 4-rm. modern home, except basement Also garage ana cnicaen nse. sseo wm handle. "MI SALrfSJ BA1 KSTATS 775 Edgawatar Phone 5633. i-nwn nuuaa (no oaaemenit. good residential district We can sell am nouse ior siovs with zo or me oown pnymeni. C. H. SANDERS, 11$ & High. Ph. I1IL NEW 3-ROOM house with utility room. Many bullt-Ina. fireplace, hard- iwn, nui, garage, nice trees, Cloae to new nigh school. Privau party. Easy payments. Low price. Phone 1037 or 940 Garnet GOOD VALUES 8 RM. HOME, $1500. 1 lota, east $600 down will handle. 6 rm. English, Englewood. $2960 $309 down, 125 mo. to right party, ACT NOW, modern. H. P. GRANT 529 Court St Real Est Br. 6744 - - - "ii-ii-arsTeraTaf-afereOrkirMe 4 RMS. A NOOK, 3 bedrma, strict ly modern. South Salem. Want to trade for 7 rm. hse. A pay some difference. Modern 6 rms. A nook, $ bedrma, hwd. floors, full basement, furnace, fireplace, double garage, close to school A bus, South Salem, $3400, $400 cash. RICH I RE I MANN l$7 S. High St Phone $633 i $4750. AN OUTSTANDING home on Fir St Modern in every re- spect, oil burner, 3 bedrooms. Shown by appointment only. P. H. BELL, REALTOR A 439 Oregon Bldg. - Phone 8121 i- $150 DOWN, $20 A MO. will buy a good 5 R. bouse, no basement 310 Masonic Bldg. - - - - - -i-.-.vifinn.nu NEW 3-R. HOUSE wlthJitllltT rnntn Many built-lns, fireplace, hdw. flra, bath, gar, nice trees. Close to new high school. Private party, easy payments. Low price. Ph. 6037 or 940 Garnet LOVELY VIEW home. 6 rooms, fur- nisneo, ODI. garage. Ph. 81750. in cludes ext. lot Inq, Nelscott Tav ern, Nelscott Or. KMAT.T. rin.LJ . l pcu. tsarKain. uwner sick. Small farm, loam soil, close in. Fine i for develop ment Cheap. Owner can not work. Income properties. Each $4000, In come 15. Old house, big lot. cheap. E. C. HOLLADAT. 1533 Ferry iin....... ... 1 - -Lnj-L-L-Lru-U1 iPinTMPMT anrrcv ... ..... ... . . . . . y j . CONSISTING OF 7 furn. apts. for whit ,:u rasn. oiai income. $105. plus living quartern. Expense. 946. Can have a lease at $32.50 per mo. C. H. SANDERS. 118 S. High, Ph. 51JI m 1 . . r rL.uxrLr A GOOD BUT 5 rm. hse, modern, except basement. Immediate posses sion, $1800. small down payment bal ance like rent Mi A. at the edge of city limits, small down payment balance semi-annually. This is a good buy. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 AsWaaarfSrfsrfSaaaaarffc 375 ACRE STOCK ranch, fenced and cross fenced. 80 acres bottom land under plow, eight room house, barn and outbuildings, running water the year round, two miles from email town and 27 miles from Salem on county road. Price $4000. Easy terms. Four acres with five room house at Woodburn, large orcfiard. chicken house, barn and outbuildings, good soil. Price $2100. agreesble terms or might exchange for cltv property. J. F. ULRICH CO. 362 State Street Phone 8672 Realtors MOD. 4 RMS. A nk. H A, north $2400. $150 dn. 8 rms, pew, partly fin. A. $1050, A $250 dn. 172 S. Liberty. Ph.. 7113. Exchange Real Estate TRADE CITT property for farm homea Opportunities In exchangee. nAvvrvirxa a kobkkts. inc. Qjea m m m m . yjjjj ALL OR part of close-In block. $ large lots, oak trees, paved streets, for nearby improved acreage; Phone 8854 Also 50x110 lot on N. 24th St. Paved street and walk. Only $350. or trade for lots or acreage close In. 1515 Bellevue. FOR SALE or trade for small acre age near Salem, 60-acre farm. Modern Improvements. 3 miles south of Rlck reall. E. L. Riney, Independence. Rt I. For Sale Farms 22 A. 1 MI. N. Broeka. Barn, hog sheds, 2 wella 4 A, boysen A logan berries. 12 A. clover, t A. fallow. Own er. 1208 "G" St, The Danes. Ore. ! Attention Farmers! I WILL BE at the office of P. H. Bell. 412 Oregon Building, Salem, Ore gon. Monday, March 27, 1939. from 9:00 a. m. to 13:00 and at the Independence-Enterprise office. Indepen dence, from 1 :30 p. -m. to 4 :30 p. m. for the purpose of discussing farm sales. Easy terms, very reasonable In terest, liberal contract Roy W. Nelson, Field Representative, Union Central Life Insurance Co. ss"eeArfawAeMWeksaMVMOMkesA 280 A, K CULT. Pasture, timber, t creeks, 3 bouses, (1 new). New barn. Dk. aoiL Easy terms. See me for par ticulars. E. H. STAMBAUGH Phone $411 212 Oreg. Bldg. Acreage; CHICKEN RANCH. "17 . A, elee, water aystem, 6 A. in fniit. big house, 9 mi. from town, $3500. Easy terms Will take in bouse A lot -New 4 rm. bungalow, one acre, close to school, small dn. pymt, balance like teat - . ... 10 A, t rm. bouse, elee, $1600, $110 down, balance $15.00 per month. $ rm. house, elee, water, with 1 A. $900. $6t.ae down, $100 per month including interest . RICH L. REIMANN, 117 & High t Phone $63$ 80 A. 60 A. OAK TIMBER. It Bl from Salem, 1 mi. from pared road, fenced, no waste, land, :a good hoy, II A t mt north oaf paved road, small bouse, good bars, ail cult, fen ced, 8 small chicken bsosaa.; Water Ptped to bldga. 12651. i MONEY TO LOAN AT t PERCKNT MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 726 Court Street h Pbone $72$. V 4 -1 - ACRKAGB ' ' S A. LOCATED JUST outside city limita, meatly ta cherries A walnuts, small bouse under const A snap at $1600. $360 down, tit per mo. t A. located 1 blk. from city limits south, all under cult. Price $1100. reas onable terms. t - . 1 A, small bouse en 12th Ft high way. Price $1500, $350 down, baL $16 per me, , Jt . 12 A. near Shaw, a under euK, aback, small stream. PH. $1100. $200 down. baL $12.60 per nvt - SEE G. W. JOHNSON, JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street j Phone 146$. For Sale Used Cars McKays WEEK END SPECIALS 1938 1938 1937 Chevrolet DcLuxe Sport Se8aU...... Stndebaker Commander 6" Sedan. Ford "85" DeLuxe Touring Sedan Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan, Plymouth 2-Door Sedan . Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan . DeSoto Airflow Sedan. Durant Sedan ... Dodge Sedan . 1938 1936 1934 1934 1931 1929 TRUCKS 1936 Ford V-8 Panel Delivery. .................. $350 1957 Chevrolet -Ton Pickup..... .. 4754 1937 Chevrolet l-Ton Truck, factory - built stake body . 1 ..... 625 McKay Chevrolet Co. SEE? WALT HOLMAN - JIMMD2 DAVIS - LAWRENCE FLATHERS 338 CENTER STREET PHONE $188 430 NORTH COMMERCIAL OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS wAAwAAftAAMAaAiviAjvwww LOOK AT THESE BUYS AT Used Car Lot '33 FORD COUPE in good condition ... $225 '31 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, driven only 18,000 miles, practically new tires 150 36 CHEVROLET MASTER TOWN SEDAN, in A-l condition 495 '36 TERRAPLANE COUPE, new paint and good rubber runs like new 410 VALLEY MOTOR CO. ' "20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" Herb Misson - Ben Drager - Art Hanson Lot: Marion & Liberty Streets Acreage , BELIEVE IT OR NOT 40 ACRES OAK TIMBER for $400 CASH. INSURED TITLE. 2$ MILES FROM SALEM. E-Z HAUL PHONE 5580 Business Opportunities 3 ACRES. FILLING station and grocery 5 rm. house. Barn, chicken and brooder hse. City water, elee. Small taxes. 1430 Old Salem Rd, SUverton. Oregon. WANTED PARTNER for restau rant beer parlor A cards. A. C. JENSEN, O. A, MADSEN 228 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 3414. CONF. A GROC. priced to sell. Liv ing rooms. 327 & Winter. MAN TO handle route of legal vend ing machines on spare time. Will pay you $30 per week. $675 cash required. 100 secured. Write Box 32$, States man. i "i iMass-Ve,VVVVwVe'VVUi'V'i GROCERY. GOOD location, clean stock. Low rent Geo. Blatchford. Mo lalla. Ore. Business Card ta this directory rna oa a monthly basis only. Ratet 9)1 per line per month. Agricultural Lime FOR ACID soils. Testa 91 e. c M4g. by Oregon Portland Cement Co. Orders ree'd. for del. at Room 10, Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg, Salem. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 87$ South Commercial. Batteries NEW BAT, guar. 1 yr $$.7$ each. Nlte A day ser. Oils Collard. 610$. Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and recondltlensd Harry W. Soott 147 S. Cornt Ph. 4I1A Body and Fender Repairs FOR BODY FENDER repairs, ante trim, eeat eeeera gtaae twpseeeosottt. ante painting SEB the Herrsil m Co. 831 a Oosnl. St Phone $16$. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONB 4410. K & Northneae, CHIM, PTJRN. vaceam cleaned. Out tera. downspouta cleaned. Phone Ittt Qiiropractors DR. O. L SCOTT. PSC" Chiropractor, tit N. High. TeL Rea 1571. - : Excavating EXCAYATINO OF aB kinds. Bass, meats dug. Dtrt hauled or moved. Dirt tor sale. Salem Sand and Gravel, Ce. Pbone 940A .. r ... . Florists Brelthaupra. 447 Court Pbone llti. W. SALEM Florist 1400 Edgswalac For Sale Used Cars $695 . 795 . 545 . 675 . 375 . 345 . 450 . 125 . 75 '"----- --r,-r -ini-i-.-w,rvwxojxmt THB Wanted Real Estate WNTD. SM. home, priced light 6156 For Sale Wood DRT tod GROWTH wood for sale. 4 ft or sawed, delivered In Salem or at the farm. Phone 78F12. wwmiiwwiwiiMiiwiiwwwwwwwi DRY WOOD. Pn. 6821. Dan Sheets. JY"sJ"s'"sJs','aTartU'lf DRY WOOD all kinds. TeL 6700. DRT OLD fir. $5.50. Phone TI07. GRABN. 412 N. SI wood 1170. 2 cords 4 ft, $12.00. DRY SEC cwth. Fenwlck. Ph. 4517 UKI ASH. l&0. oak a.7i. P. 7t3. A-l DRT WOOD. $8.50. Ph. $354. DRY WOOD market $60 N. Church. FOR BEST dry. phone 100 Fl 5. riiiiiifVVVaVVeVVVViAnir OLD FIR. $5; 2nd gwth, $4; :lah, $3.50; ash, $5: knots. 94.50. Tel. 9456. MILL BLK, $4.50. Fir A Oak. 6832. Directory Laundries THB NEW 8AIJEM LAUNDRY THB W EIDER LAUNDRY 263 8. High TsL till Massage TREATMENTS AT home. Logan. 4131 Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS tnsde to order, eld remade: carpet cleaning, sts Ing; fluff rug weaving. & 11th A Wil bur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. Z WICK ICR Est 191L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4011 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL, Natererata le Physician. iT9t Falrgrouoda Rd. TeL 4103. Office Hours 11 a, m. to I :tt p. at FREE EXAM. A CONSULTA TION. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards pamphlets, program books or Any kind ef print inc. call The Statesman Printing; De partment, att a. Tete- panne tlOL Rng Cleaning RUGS CLEANED by Hamilton Beaeh meuxM a roar noma, pneei able. Call Celsman . ill A . EUCCTROLUX CLEANTNa - R 0 g and .upholstered - furniture, elesasd. champooed and dametbed tn the home. Phone MH.t', 4-; t?2ti- - Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer. ego, burner eft caii 1181. Larmer Traaarer Ce. Tmexa te Portland daily. Well Drilling B. A. WEST, Rt t. Bos 441. P. UIFS. For Sale Used Cars OTTO J. WILSON'S ; Unequaled Used Car Values Our Used Cars Are Properly Reconditioned -Correctly Priced and Ready to Go! 1938 Buick Touring Sedan Completely equipped ; $935 1937 Buick Sedan, No. 817, radio, heater, deluxe equipment .....$695 1936 Buick Special Touring Sedan. A snap....$595 1935 Buick Standard Coupe Clean $395 1937 Ford Model 85, Tudor Sedan. Trunk, good tires $435 1936 Terraplane 2-Dr. Sedan. " Very specially priced 1935 Plymouth Town Sed. Large trunk, clean 1934 Graham 4-Dr. Sedan. New paint, nearly new tires 1937 Pontiac Tour. Sed. Radio, heater, extras 1937 Dodge Cpe. Excellent condition. Good 'tires $595 1935 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan. Swell tires, new paint . $3 9 5 1933 Dodge 4-Dr. Sed. New paint, 80 rubber..$295 And Here's Some Inexpensive Transportation 1929 BUICK t-Dr. Sedan 1929 FORD Coupe 192$ ESSEX 2 -Dr. Sedan .$ 49.60 ..$ 45.00 .$ 49.50 1931 GRAHAM Sedan $135.00 Drop In and Take a Look - - - We Demonstrate! OTTO J. WILSON USED CAR DEPT. 388 N. Commercial - - Phone 5451 "W - BUTE NO WE, ZAVE Ford Pickup, new tires, runs fine. . 1930 Ford Coaches (two), choice at 1931 Chev. Coach, new paint, good rubber 1934 Chevrolet Coach, a fine car. only 1934 Terraplane Coach, built-in trunk . , 295.00 1929 Ford Coupes (3); your choice, only . ., 75.00 1932 Plymouth P. B. Sedan, overhauled 215.00 MANY OTHERS PRICED FROM $15.00 AND UP MOTORCYCLES-TRUCKS TRAILERS CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED CARS $ 655 CHEMEKETA STREET 26 FORD COUPE. 1110 Cross. A FINE BUY '23 V-3 Ford. $185 Bsmt apt, 1710 N. CapttoL Ph. 6168 saasaasesaaaaasesejsnaaSsaassaaaSaa SAVE MONET. Buy my new 1939 Chevrolet at a liberal discount Box 125. care Statesman. 38 DODGE COUPE, '36 Ford Tudor Touring. 805 S. 12th. '35 120-PACKARD, $375.00, some terms. 2160 N. Fifth after 6. For Sale Wood FUEL ON easy pay men ta No down payment I months or longer te pay First payment 30 days. Any amount any kind. Full measure. Chan E Smith. Tel. 6321. 1150 N. Church 4 Qf CORD, 16-ln. bone dry 2nd "v growth, ll-ln. dry old fir, $5.50. $370. Lost and Found LOST 2 KEYS in small gray purse. Phone 9876. Personal LONKI.TT -WORTH WHILE sweet neart husband, wife for you. Bos Tt !oe Angeles. LONELY? MAKE NEW FRIENDS. WRITE BOX 153, PORT ORCHARD. WASH. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP EXECXTRICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, Olive Dorothea Kearns and Ruth Eleanor. Bilyeu have been appointed as and for Joint exerntrices of the Last Will and Testament and estate of Wal ter F. Bnckner, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same to said executrices at the office of Bbo ten Rhoten, attorneys at law, Sll U.S. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Salem. Oregon, within alx months from the date of this notice. Dated this Mareh 24, 1931 OLIVE DOROTHEA KEARNS, RUTH ELEANOR BILYEU, Executrices of the Last Will 1 . and Testament and Estate' of Walter P. Buekntr, Deceased. RHOTEN dc RHOTEN. Sll U.S. Natl Bank Bldg,: Salem, Oregon. - ' ' ' Attorneys for Estate. M24-J1-A7-14-21. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i Notice is hereby glrer that the uderslgned baa bees, appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for ilArioa- County aa executor of the last will sad tes tament of Mattle E. Bean. De- , All ' parsons UATint; cUlmt against the said estate are hereby required - to present the , same, duly Ttrlfled snd , with, proper rouchera attached, to the under signed at 715 N. Capitol atreeL 8alem, Oregon, within tlx moatbt from date of this notice, tame being dated sad - published the nrtt time MAreh S, lilt. , i HENRY J. BEAN, AfC! '-' Executor ef the Last WUl -v and Testament of Mattle E. - Bean, Deceased. rM-.A 7SB N. Capitol 8treet. Salam. Oregoa. - t - - MS-10-17-14-S1. For Sale Used Cars $395 .$375 $335 .$695 1929 DURANT Coupe 1927 NASH Sedan 1931 BUICK Coupe .$ 65.01 t 65.0( tl6S.0t ...$1$5.0C 1931 BUICK Sedan O - W" MONEYE, ANDE HOWE! ..$ $5.00 . 135.00 133.00 2S5.00 ave at hrock's PHONE 79JI. LEGAL NOTICE NOICE TO CREDITOIiS , IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate -f Stella Morley, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that he undersigned, by an Order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mar lon, duly made and entered on the 11th day of February, 1939, was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Stella Morley. de ceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons baring clalma against said Estate are terey notified to present the tame duly rerified as required by law. and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned administrator at the office of Dwight Lear, hit attor ney, 202 Oregon Building. Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publica tion of this notice. Dated and first published this 3rd day of March, 1939. LAURENCE MORLEY, Administrator of the Estate of Stella Morley. deceased. DW1GHT LEAR. Attorney for Administrator, 202 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. Mar. 3-10-17-24-31. NOTICE TO CREDITOItS IN THE COUNTY cDURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY ' 'In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Smith, Deceased. Notice is hereby given Chat the undersigned, by an Order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mar ton, duly made and entered on tbe 2nd day of March, 1939, was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Frank Smith, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having, claims against said Estate 're hereby notified to present the tame dull, rerified as required by law, and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned administrator at the office of Dwight Lear, his uttor ney, 202 Oregon Building. Salem,1 Oregoa, within six months from' the date of first publication of this notice. - . Dated and first published this1 3rd day of Mareh. 1939. - CASPER SCHMIDT, ' " I , Administrator of the Estate I of Prank Smith, deceased, DWIGHT LEAR. Attorney for Administrator, -202 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. Mar. -MMM44L Aumsrille Churches : - Plan Easter Rites V ! :?i AUMSVILLE . Ea$ter services are being planned here by the dif ferent churches. The program' at ' the Christian church is la charge of Mra C."W. Bowman, who it working on rehearsals. The sewing club met at the schoolhouse Tuesday for an all-; day quilting on the Mohawk trail pattern quilt to be sold to assist . " with. 4H club- work. Another all day meeting will be h e 1 d next : Tuesday, with sll women of the community urged to assist -